Design Thinking Individual Assign

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Background of Sinar Jernih Sdn Bhd, with a broad 26 years of industry experience, Sinar
Jernih Sdn Bhd was formed on November 20, 1995, and is currently one of Malaysia's top
providers of cleaning and facilities management services. For its customers, Sinar Jernih
offers creative solutions. Airports, government and private hospitals, high-tech commercial
and industrial structures, government buildings, shopping centres, retail stores, highway
maintenance, train stations and coaches, hotels, and more are all part of its portfolio.
Data and information: This report is unique in that its observations and ideas are derived
directly from my own experiences as a cleaner in an organization named Sinar Jernih sdn
bhd. The main sources of knowledge will be the difficulties encountered, the subtleties of
day-to-day interactions, and the effects of communication failures.
Using design thinking, I have established that the primary problem inside the organisation is
the lack of communication between the boss and employees, such as cleaners. I've noticed
that the cleaners at the specific company known as Sinar Jernih Sdn Bhd are not completing
the tasks assigned to them by their superior on time. When I began to investigate why this
was occurring on a regular basis, I discovered that there was a breakdown in communication
between the employer and staff. This breakdown in communication can lead to a variety of
problems in that organization, such as misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, and works are not
getting done on time. The crucial problem that this assignment focuses on is the seeming lack
of communication between employers and employees. The report will also include a
description of user requirements, along with prototypes and alternatives that are specifically
designed to meet the demands of this particular organisational environment.


The first stage is Empathize, when cleaners have a poor communication or interaction with
their superior or don’t understand the language or instruction given, the issue of "Lack of
Communication for Cleaners" is brought up. This problem is a result of the employer's poor
communication, which leaves cleaners feeling disengaged and ignorant about important
choices, timelines, tasks and safety regulations. This issue presents a number of difficulties,
such as restricted channels of communication, language barriers, and an apparent hierarchy
inside the company. Limited Channels of Communication. There may be major information
gaps if cleaners do not have access to the same communication channels as other superior
staff members. One possible explanation for this could be a poor infrastructure for
communication or a lack of cleaners from relevant communication channels. Language
Inequalities, it is possible for cleaners to speak different languages or to speak different levels
of the primary language spoken in the company. The inability to communicate effectively due
to a language barrier can make it challenging for cleaners to absorb crucial information and to
done the tasks. Envisioned Hierarchy, it’s possible that there is a perceived hierarchy at work
that discourages cleaners from speaking out or asking questions. Because of this hierarchy,
cleaners could feel that their opinions are not appreciated or that speaking up could have
negative effects on them. The user needs focus on developing a multilingual, inclusive, and
accessible communication system in order to address these issues. Accessible Information.
Schedules, safety procedures, and any changes that are made to the workplace must all be
easily available to cleaners. This could involve implementing a user-friendly communication
platform or ensuring that cleaners are included in existing communication channels for
example, creating groups in WhatsApp for cleaners and leader’s interaction. Multilingual
Communication, solutions should consider the language diversity among cleaners, providing
information in multiple languages or through visual means to overcome language barriers.
Inclusive Communication, the user requirements highlight the need for a platform or process
that encourages cleaners to share feedback, concerns, and suggestions without fear of
reprisal. This might involve creating a more open and supportive communication culture
within the organization, where all staff members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts.

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