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Group-A ( Marks:2 )

1) what is combat Analysis?

theoretical analysis conducted to determine the probable effectiveness of an
existing or projected weapons system under combat conditions.
2)State any two advantages of dramatization in English classroom.
Simulation of Real-life Conversations: Performing drama is like getting in a
simulator, say, to see how it feels to be on a roller-coaster. Drama simulates real-
life conversations and situations. This can help reduce ESL students' fears of using
language in real settings. Increase in Confidence: Let's be realistic. Your ESL
students are likely to feel awkward and embarrassed when faced with the
responsibility of playing a character. You can help your ESL students overcome fear
by doing a few seconds of drama representation for them. You could also ask an
outspoken student to demonstrate with you. This way, your ESL students who are
shy are not the first ones to go, plus they're not the only ones performing drama.
Once they see they can do it, confidence will increase and, as we know, confidence
is key in language development.
3)What is Simulated teaching?
Simulated teaching is a design to replicate real situation as closely as desired,
where students assume the roles of teacher. As the simulation proceeds, students
respond to changes within the situation by studying the consequences of their
decisions and subsequent actions.
4) What is integrated teaching?
A class is a group of students of the same level. When this group of students
gather in a specific room for learning orientation, it is called a classroom. That is,
if the group of students of the same educational age, mental age and general age
are organized according to a specific curriculum, it is called class education. Every
student and teacher in a school has to teach a single lesson. A comprehensive
subunit teaching is carried out by expanding the overall effect relative to this
single group. Hence the teaching is called integrated teaching or classroom
5)state two advantage of micro teaching.
The advantages of Micro-Teaching are as follows:
• It is an effective feedback device for the modification of teacher's behaviour.
• It is highly individualized type to teacher training.
• It is useful for developing teaching efficiency in pre-service and in-service
teacher training programme.
6)mention any two objectives of reviewing a textbook.
•It provides critical assessment of the content.
•Textbook should use right vocabulary as students vocabulary as limited the
vocabulary of the textbook should be controlled.
7)mention any two principles of developing or Producing a TLM.
(i) Provide variety: Children's minds are usually prone to variety TLMs help a
teacher add variety to his/her teaching to a great extent.
(ii) Helpful in attracting attention: TLMs are quite helpful in attracting attention of
the students as they stimulate various organs of the learners.
8)what are the components of a language laboratory?
The main components of language laboratory are LAN (Local area
network),microphones, computer, furniture, Technology (networking system,
software etc).
9) Mention two uses of ICT in an ESL classroom.
Two uses of ICT in an ESL classroom are –
i) Usage of ICT would make today's learners look for more sources of
information, thus tapping the potential of new technologies, as per their
needs and requirements.
ii) It enriches learning environment and the learners to achieve marketable
language skills, termed as soft skills in today's technical context. 10)
mention two uses of thesaurus. Using a thesaurus will help a learner stop
repeating words. Using thesaurus improves vocabulary like synonyms
and antonyms.
11)what are the four dimensions of knowledge mentioned in the Revised
bloom's taxonomy?
The four dimensions of knowledge are----- Factual knowledge Conceptual
knowledge Procedural knowledge Metacognitive knowledge
12)Mention any four criteria for evaluating a text book.
CRITERIA FOR TEXTBOOK EVALUATION According to Cunningworth (1995)
there are 4 criteria for evaluating textbooks
A.They should correspond to learner’ needs. They should match the aims and
objecves of the language programs.
B.They should reect the uses (present or future) that learners will make of the
language. Textbooksshould be chosen that will help equip students to use
language eecvely for their own purposes.
C.They should take account of student’s needs as learners and should facilitate
their learning processeswithout dogmacally imposing a rigid method.
D.They should have a clear role as a support for learning.
1)discuss how textbook review and analysis help the teacher in the teaching learning
Textbook analysis is the systematic analysis of the text materials including the structure,
the focus, and special learning assists. Teachers may assume the text is "sacred" and
follow it without thought or write it off as useless. Either approach is a disservice to
students.. A textbook provides insight to teachers in planning leason in selection of the
problems to be worked out the methods of teaching to be adopted and the teaching
aids to be used. A good text book provides variety of examples on each topics.This helps
teachers in getting acquanted with different types of problems and the methods to
Solve them. Text book is used are a guide by the teacher since it is designed according
to the course. It helps a teacher deeper her content knowledge and develop new
2) What is pedagogical analysis? state the steps of pedagogical analysis.
Pedagogical analysis is now linked to teaching practice. Dividing lesson units and sub-
units based on ability of the subject to be taught by theteacher in the classroom,
determining the number of periods, summarizing the content, assessing prior
knowledge or experience, determining the behavioral objectives of reading and
selecting teaching strategies, formulating probing questions, presenting appropriate
examples to identify content concepts., the Pedagogical analysis done by way of
drafting the prospectus and writing objective questions etc. is called Pedagogical
Steps of pedagogical analysis:
I) Breaking of unit into subunits with number of periods: The content/topic is to be
decided into apposite subunits arranged systematically with requisite number of
II) Previous knowledge: The previous knowledge of the learners is to be presented
relying on the selected sub-unit.
III) Instructional objectives in behaviour able terms: Appropriate instructional
objectives need to be selected by the aid of selected sub-unit.
IV) sub unit wise concepts: Brief essence of the selected sub-unit is to be presented
V) Teaching learning strategies: Suitable teaching learning strategies are to be
selected according to the concept of the sub-units, broad method adopted,
learning outcomes (expected)etc. ( vi )use of teaching aids: Here, the appropriate
teaching aids are to be mentioned for selected sub- units.
3)What is simulated teaching? explain how it helps in real classroom Situations.
The term "Simulation" came from the word "Simulate" which means 'simulate'.
Simulation means role-playing or rehearsal in which the process of teaching is carried
out artificially. It is based on socio-drama. The main aspect of simulation in a school. In
this system the trainee-teachers are made to attain the teaching is the introduction of
a student-teacher to teaching in non-stressful conditions. Simulated teaching means
that the teacher-trainees acquire teaching experience in an artificial environment
instead of teaching the school. students directly. It substitutes or supplements the
Demonstration of Lesson in the actual teaching-learning situation in desired teaching-
skills in a make- belief situation built up of his/her peers and the concerned counsellor
The teacher-trainees assemble in a classroom of their training institute and each of
them plays three different roles-the teacher, the pupil and the observer.
There are various teaching skills achieved by simulated teaching and it helps a teacher
in real classroom situation in many ways like-
(i) It develops the teaching skills of the trainee-teachers in a controlled
representation of reality.
(ii) It simplifies the normal class situation in which the distortion is restricted to a
minimum a school.
(iii) It gives the teacher-trainees some scopes to face variety of problems that arise
which they may not face in the demonstration of lesson in the practice
teaching schools.
(iv) The feedback received after each training session helps a lot in the
modification of certain teaching skill.
(v) Practice in minute details of the components of a teaching skill gives the
trainees a good practice in touching all the important aspects of the
Demonstration of a Lesson Plan.
4)Sahityaa sabha
The study of language, especially ESL, is strengthened as a result of satisfactory
cultural orientation on the part of the students. Such an orientation becomes easier
through getting the learners involved in Literary Meets. The language in which the
interaction in the meet is carried out reflects and reinforces the cultural patterns
and value system who speak the language.
The objectives of Sahitya Sabha are –
(1) Developing Confidence: The primary objective of organising literary meet is to
enable students to develop confidence in using English and make them enjoy the
learning process.
(2) Fondness for Language: Such Meet is to let the learners inculcate a fondness for
language and enhance their literary skills.
(3) Absorbing Extensive Vocabulary: Involvement in literary activities will increase
all language skills because a discussion of literature will extend linguistic knowledge
by giving evidence of extensive and subtle vocabulary usage and complex and exact
(4) Cultural Awareness: Literature is a link towards that culture which sustains the
expression of any language. Hence, a discussion of or involvement in varieties of
literary genres ensure enrichment of linguistic skills.
5)Discuss the importance of teaching learning materials in a language classroom.
(i) Provide variety: Children's minds are usually prone to variety TLMs help a
teacher add variety to his/her teaching to a great extent.
(ii) Helpful in attracting attention: TLMs are quite helpful in attracting attention of
the students as they stimulate various organs of the learners.
(iii) Save time and energy : TLMs save time and energy of the teacher as they
supplement his/her instructional methodology. Instead of trying to clarify
verbally the meaning of the word 'aeroplane' the teacher can instantly give
the meaning of the word through the model of an aeroplane.
(iv) Encourage healthy classroom interaction: Modern methodology of teaching a
language puts emphasis on interaction among learners that can be initiated in
an interesting way through proper TLMs. The methodology helps in the
development of both speaking and listening skills.
(vi) Help teacher create situations for teaching the beginners: The teaching of the
beginners must be through inductive method. from known to unknown. TLMs
acquaint the learners with their known world and make learning an enjoyable
(vii) Discouragement of Cramming: A real experience of the contents to be learnt
discourages the learners from cramming of the contents which is quite
desirable in modern pedagogy.
6)discuss how textbook review and analysis help the teacher in the teaching
learning process.
Textbook analysis is the systematic analysis of the text materials including the
structure, the focus, and special learning assists. Teachers may assume the text is
“sacred" and follow it without thought or write it off as useless. Either approach is a
disservice to students.. A textbook provides insight to teachers in planning leason in
selection of the problems to be worked out the methods of teaching to be adopted
and the teaching aids to be used. A good text book provides variety of examples on
each topics. This helps teachers in getting acquanted with different types of
problems and the methods to Solve them.Text book is used are a guide by the
teacher since it is designed according to the course. It helps a teacher deeper her
content knowledge and develop new strategies.
7. What is integrated teaching? briefly discuss the difference between integrated
teaching and simulated teaching.
Integrated Teaching:
A class is a group of students of the same level. When this group of students gather
in a specific room for learning orientation, it is called a classroom. That is, if the
group of students of the same educational age, mental age and general age are
organized according to a specific curriculum, it is called class education. Every
student and teacher in a school has to teach a single lesson. A comprehensive
subunit teaching is carried out by expanding the overall effect relative to this single
group. Hence the teaching is called integrated teaching or classroom teaching.
Difference between integrated teaching and simulated teaching:
Simulated teaching and integrated teaching are two different teaching
methodologies used in education. The main differences between the two are as
Simulated Teaching: It is a teaching method in which real-life situations are
simulated in a controlled environment to help learners develop skills and
knowledge. Simulated teaching is often used in professional training programs to
help leamers practice and refine their skills before they enter real-world situations.
In simulated teaching, the teacher creates a mock situation and provides feedback
to leamers based on their performance.
Integrated Teaching: It is a teaching method that integrates different subjects or
areas of study into a cohesive and comprehensive curriculum. In integrated
teaching, subjects are not taught in isolation but are interwoven to provide a deeper
and more meaningful understanding of the content. Integrated teaching is often
used in elementary and middle schools to help students see how different subjects
relate to each other.
The main difference between simulated teaching and integrated teaching is that
simulated teaching focuses on skill development in a controlled environment, while
integrated teaching focuses on the integration of different subjects to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the content
8. Discuss the importance of teaching learning materials in a language classroom.
(i) Provide variety: Children's minds are usually prone to variety TLMs help a teacher
add variety to his/her teaching to a great extent.
(ii) Helpful in attracting attention: TLMs are quite helpful in attracting attention of
the students as they stimulate various organs of the learners.
(iii) Save time and energy: TLMs save time and energy of the teacher as they
supplement his/her instructional methodology. Instead of trying to clarify verbally
the meaning of the word 'aeroplane' the teacher can instantly give the meaning of
the word through the model of an aeroplane.
(iv) Encourage healthy classroom interaction: Modern methodology of teaching a
language puts emphasis on interaction among learners that can be initiated in an
interesting way through proper TLMs. The methodology helps in the development
of both speaking and listening skills.
(v) Help teacher create situations for teaching the beginners: The teaching of the
beginners must be through inductive method. from known to unknown. TLMs
acquaint the learners with their known world and make learning an enjoyable
(vi) Discouragement of Cramming: A real experience of the contents to be leamt
discourages the learners from cramming of the contents which is quite desirable in
modern pedagogy.
(viii) Helpful in meeting individual differences: Modern child- centric teaching-
learning system is chiefly based on the principle of individual difference. Use
of TLMs can respond to this principle.
9. Discuss the use of language laboratory in the development of any two language
Laboratory work is an effort in process of teaching using laboratory equipment.
Laboratory work give study experiment directly, so that higher meaningful rising.
There are chances that students able to do observation, collecting of data, make
hypothesis or making prediction based on collecting of data till making conclusion.
By applying laboratory work method students have skill using practise method in
face all of problems, so they aren't easy to believe something that is not true yet
Using laboratory work in process of English learning attention interest in materials
that taught. Experiment teaching has purpose. to help teaching process in order
easily remembered by the students, so that will be able to give longer impression
teaching. Teaching method with experiment method will be able to help students
thingking concepts of knowledge and real situation in laboratory, by doing practice
and experiment. Thus, teaching impression will give better effectiveness to improve
students' ability in studying of English in college. One of subject matter be
researcher attention is listening and laboratory work. Teaching of listening and
laboratory work is quite difficult, if used conventionally only by conventional
method. For that case it is important to think teaching method which able to
improve students' ability in learning English, so it will be interest and easy for
students to understand.
10. What is micro teaching? Discuss the phases of micro teaching?
Keeping the above in view, educationists have tried to define the concept of micro-
teaching in the following manners:
Allen, D.W (1966): Micro-teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size
and class time.
Allen, D.W. and Eve. A.W. (1968): Micro-teaching is defined as a system of controlled
practice that makes it possible to concentrate of specified teaching behaviour and
to practices teaching under controlled conditions.
Phases of Micro-teaching:
According to JC Clift and others, micro-teaching procedure has three phases:
(i) Knowledge acquisition phase: In this phase, the student-teacher attempts to
acquire knowledge about the skill, its rationale, its role in class room and its
component behaviour. For this s/he reads relevant literature. S/he also observes
demonstration of the lesson plan, mode of presentation of the skill. The student-
teacher gets theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the concerned skill.
Skill acquisition phase On the basis of the model presented to the student-teacher,
he prepares a micro-lesson and practices the skill and carries out the micro-teaching
cycle. There are two components of this phase:
(a) Feedback Feedback is one of the most important aspects of micro-teaching as
verification of skill acquisition is based on feedback. Observers should be well
trained in providing feedback. A checklist may be prepared and provided to them so
that they could observe on those items. Audio-video recording is helpful in self-
assessment or discussion on feedback provided by observers.
(b) Micro-teaching settings: Micro-teaching settings include conditions like the size
of the micro-class, duration of the micro-lesson, supervisor, types of students etc.
(c) Transfer phase. Here the student-teacher integrates the different skills. In place
of artificial situation, he teaches in the real classroom and tries to integrate all the
skills with the help of a lesson plan that is applicable in an usual teaching-learning
11. Discuss the Criteria of Evaluating an ESL Textbook.
A language textbook, to be considered a good one, should maintain the following
(1) Realisation of broader objectives: Assuming special responsibility towards the
promotion of national goals like secularism and national integration, a textbook
should enable children to appreciate India's rich cultural heritage and to recognize
and get rid of undesirable and antiquated elements. Through its content, style of
presentation, exercises and illustrations, the textbook should provide the
understandings necessary for the promotion of national goals. (2) Child-centricity:
As per the modern educational psychology a textbook must be child-centred,
catering to the demand of the age, ability and interests of pupils. As the world of the
child expands in concentric circles as s/he grows, his/her textbook must reflect the
stage s/he has reached. Its language should be accurate and appropriate to help in
enriching children's language.
(3) Clear and self-explanatory arrangement: A textbook should aut have a detailed
table of contents. Its material should be arranged under headings, sub-headings and
to be easily comprehended by the pupils.
(4) Opening up various avenues of thought and study: The textbook should create
interest and help to develop it by suggestions as to how the matter given in the book
may be followed up and developed. Suited to the age of the pupil it should give
references to other books on the same subject. It should thus help to widen their
outlook, develop their interests and open new vistas of knowledge and discovery.
(5) Well-illustrated: Abstract concepts presented in the textbook should be
illustrated through visual aids such as photographs, maps, time-lines, pictures,
picture-diagrams, etc. Illustrations should be well chosen and connected with the
main theme. Coloured illustrations exert tremendous influence upon the young
learners. Illustrations should be meaningful for the children. They should either
explain the text, or supplement and complement the text. Constant reference to the
illustrations in the text is very essential.
Write in brief on any two of the following:
I. Use of ICT in teaching English
II. Content analysis
III. Any two games on grammar
I.use of ICT in teaching english:
In the post-industrial society command of communicative language has
become a major prerequisite for employment. It has become quite im-
perative for the language teachers to take resort to several means for making
his/her presentation quite attractive to the learners. Keeping pace with the
emerging needs and opportunities, it is needed to incorporate the
technological developments in the teaching and learning of language,
especially ESL in India. The objectives that can be realised with the
implementation of ICT in language learning may be summed up as follows:
(i) Learning of a language becomes also an out-of-the-classroom affair and
that is the concept that has been enjoying the greatest attention of the
educationist in the present century.
(ii) From both the sociological and the economic points of view, use of ICT has
made an impact on teaching and learning. A number of institutions in the
developed countries are offering courses through computer technologies
such as Interactive Multimedia, Computer Conferencing and the Internet.
Now, the use of ICT in the language classroom is for coping with the
technological revolution that in turn will help the learners update themselves
with the new techniques of learning.
(iii) Usage of ICT would make today's learners look for more sources of
information, thus tapping the potential of new technologies, as per their
needs and requirements.
(iv) It enriches learning environment and the learners to achieve marketable
language skills, termed as soft skills in today's technical context.
III.two games on grammar:
The language teacher can abate the dullness of learning grammar by using
games to deconstruct the English language or any language. The following
games can take the edge off of the nervous or excited students and can help
them to channel their creativity too:
(i) Learning Parts of Speech: Words are classified as belonging to any of eight
parts of speech: verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
conjunctions and interjections. Each part of speech tells not what the word
is, but how the word is used in a particular sentence or context. In fact, the
same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or adjective in the next.
The word "well" is a perfect example: I don't feel well today (adverb) / Well!
isn't that something? (interjection) / The well is dry (noun) / His next well visit
is with Dr. Smith (adjective). Thus exercise in parts of speech can be a real fun
for the students. To add spice to the menu, similar types of exercises can be
conducted on homophones or homonyms.
(ii) Coffeepot Game: This game is good for practising and reviewing action
verbs and adverbs. Procedure:
One student has to think of a verb, but not tell others.
• The other students then try to guess the verb by asking questions. The
missing verb can be substituted with coffeepot
Write in brief on any two of the following
I. Use of ICT in teaching English
II. Fair and exhibition for language development
III. Blackboard as a teaching aid.
I.use of ICT in teaching english:
In the post-industrial society command of communicative language has
become a major prerequisite for employment. It has become quite im-
perative for the language teachers to take resort to several
means for making his/her presentation quite attractive to the learners.
Keeping pace with the emerging needs and opportunities, it is needed to
incorporate the technological developments in the teaching and learning of
language, especially ESL in India. The objectives that can be realised with the
implementation of ICT in language learning may be summed up as follows:
(i) Learning of a language becomes also an out-of-the-classroom affair and
that is the concept that has been enjoying the greatest attention of the
educationist in the present century.
(ii) From both the sociological and the economic points of view, use of ICT has
made an impact on teaching and learning. A number of institutions in the
developed countries are offering courses through computer technologies
such as Interactive Multimedia, Computer Conferencing and the Internet.
Now, the use of ICT in the language classroom is for coping with the
technological revolution that in turn will help the leamers update themselves
with the new techniques of learning.
(iii) Usage of ICT would make today's leamers look for more sources of
information, thus tapping the potential of new technologies, as per their
needs and requirements.
(iv) It enriches learning environment and the learners to achieve marketable
language skills, termed as soft skills in today's technical context.
ii. Fair and Exhibition:
Teaching in English is not confined to class room work, tests, examinations,
textbooks, supplementary readers or library reading. It includes some other
co-curricular activities in English, like debates, declamations, essay writing
competitions, staging short plays, recitations, organising exhibitions or fairs,
publishing school magazines, etc. In fact, every type of inhibition associated
with the implementation of the strategies that are quite near to the heart of
the young language learners. Organisation of fair and exhibitions, with the
active participation of the learners themselves may be such a considerable
(a) Fair: Different types of educational fair can be organised with the help of
the learners. It may be book fair, cultural fair in relation to the local or national
cultural characteristics. It may also relate to the different food. habits of the
people of different states. The language activities will start with the
notification for holding meeting in this regard. A committee, comprising of
student-members and teacher-members, will be formed. For the involvement
of the maximum learners different groups of students will be formed. In each
group again 2-3 students will look after the intimation, regarding the minute
details about the organisation of the fair-date, time, place, participants, etc.-
to the other members of each group. For further involvement of the learners
different cultural performances can be held by the learners. These cultural
programmes can be held in different languages, according to the skill of
different learners. The concerned language teachers have to identify which
student is fit for carrying out which language-based programme. For further
exposure to the target language (TL) different banners or festoons will be
prepared by the learners. A competition among the learners may also be held
for selecting the best such banners or festoon. Every learner may be asked to
write a report on the fair and certainly about the details of their participation
in the activities in relation to the fair. Thus, through the holding of a fair the
language teachers can maximise the exposure to the concerned language/s
and help the learners acquire the language skills associated with the
concerned target language/s. For even still further exposure to the concerned
linguistic activities the following programmes may be organised inside the
(b) Exhibition: In education, the term exhibition refers to projects.
presentations, or products through which students "exhibit" what they have
learned, usually as a way of demonstrating whether and to what degree they
have achieved expected learning standards or learning objectives. An
exhibition is typically both a learning experience in itself and a means of
evaluating academic progress and achievement. Many schools are, now-a-
days, conducting different types of exhibitions related to subject and non-
subjects. Most schools have the habit of organizing such exhibitions with the
learners presenting various models, charts, posters, festoons, audio-visual
items-compact discs, cassettes etc. Here the learners are made to present
them explain the significance of the items to the viewers. Astronomy,
geography, history, math or language exhibits according to the things that they
have learnt in their classes, are held by mainly the learners. It is important for
the faculties to support the learners in presenting something that they have
learned in the most beautiful manner.

iii. Blackboard as a teaching aid.

Teaching aids refer to the aids which are used by teachers to facilitate
meaningful learning. Videos, maps, blackboards, charts, textbooks, etc. are
examples of common teaching aids. eak
It helps in teaching-learning programs. It helps the teacher to present the
lesson effectively and students to learn and retain the concepts better and
for a longer duration.
• Blackboard is a teaching aid with a reusable writing surface. The teacher
uses the blackboard to facilitate learning, improve reading skills and present
new lessons.
The blackboard is probably the simplest, cheapest, most convenient, and
widely used non-projected visual aid in extension
teaching. It is suitable for use in lectures, training programs, group meetings,
• As one of the oldest aids to teaching known for the past four hundred years,
the blackboard is known for its ubiquitous presence in classrooms. It is a
vehicle for a variety of visual materials.
Hence, it is clear that 'Blackboard' is the cheapest aid for teaching.
. Discuss the importance of textbook review for an English Teacher. what
are the criteria of reviewing a textbook?
Textbook evaluation helps to improve the quality of educational materials, by
ensuring accuracy, currency, and relevance of the content. Textbook
evaluation is an important part of the educational process as it helps to
ensure that the material presented in textbooks. It also ensures that
textbooks align with the curriculum goals and meet the needs and abilities of
the students. Through evaluation, gaps in content can be identified and
addressed, leading to more comprehensive and effective learning materials.
Overall, textbook evaluation plays a crucial role in fostering student success
and preparing them for the future.
criteria of reviewing a textbook:
A language textbook, to be considered a good one, should maintain the
following criteria:
(1) Realisation of broader objectives: Assuming special responsibility
towards the promotion of national goals like secularism and national
integration, a textbook should enable children to appreciate India's rich
cultural heritage and to recognize and get rid of undesirable and antiquated
elements. Through its content, style of presentation, exercises and
illustrations, the textbook should provide the understandings necessary for
the promotion of national goals.
(2) Child-centricity: As per the modern educational psychology a textbook
must be child-centred, catering to the demand of the age, ability and interests
of pupils. As the world of the child expands in concentric circles as she grows,
his/her textbook must reflect the stage s/he has reached. Its language should
be accurate and appropriate to help in enriching children's language.
(3) Fluency in Narration: Instead of presenting a bare outline of a series of
cut and dried facts a textbook should contain chatty, descriptive and brightly
coloured details and a lot of explanation of why things happen. Along with
'What' of people and events they should also point out 'How', 'Why', "Where",
and "When' of them. The contents should be presented in such a way as the
pupils may be interested in reading them. The young reader must go to a book
to find something. Abstraction should not be the authors but the readers task.
(4) Clear and self-explanatory arrangement: A textbook should have a
detailed table of contents. Its material should be arranged under headings,
sub-headings and to be easily comprehended by The pupils.
. Discuss the importance of textbook review for an English Teacher. what
are the criteria of reviewing a textbook?
Textbook evaluation helps to improve the quality of educational materials, by
ensuring accuracy, currency, and relevance of the content. Textbook
evaluation is an important part of the educational process as it helps to
ensure that the material presented in textbooks. It also ensures that
textbooks align with the curriculum goals and meet the needs and abilities of
the students. Through evaluation, gaps in content can be identified and
addressed, leading to more comprehensive and effective learning materials.
Overall, textbook evaluation plays a crucial role in fostering student success
and preparing them for the future.
criteria of reviewing a textbook:
A language textbook, to be considered a good one, should maintain the
following criteria:
(1) Realisation of broader objectives: Assuming special responsibility
towards the promotion of national goals like secularism and national
integration, a textbook should enable children to appreciate India's rich
cultural heritage and to recognize and get rid of undesirable and antiquated
elements. Through its content, style of presentation, exercises and
illustrations, the textbook should provide the understandings necessary for
the promotion of national goals.
(2) Child-centricity: As per the modern educational psychology a textbook
must be child-centred, catering to the demand of the age, ability and interests
of pupils. As the world of the child expands in concentric circles as she grows,
his/her textbook must reflect the stage s/he has reached. Its language should
be accurate and appropriate to help in enriching children's language.
(3) Fluency in Narration: Instead of presenting a bare outline of a series of
cut and dried facts a textbook should contain chatty, descriptive and brightly
coloured details and a lot of explanation of why things happen. Along with
'What' of people and events they should also point out 'How', 'Why', "Where",
and "When' of them. The contents should be presented in such a way as the
pupils may be interested in reading them. The young reader must go to a book
to find something. Abstraction should not be the authors but the readers task.
(4) Clear and self-explanatory arrangement: A textbook should have a
detailed table of contents. Its material should be arranged under headings,
sub-headings and to be easily comprehended by The pupils.

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