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Computer Network

Section (1)

basic network command and Network
configuration commands.
network devices
(1) Switches: connects more than two end devices together.
(2) Routers: A router provides connectivity between two logical

Types of cables:
1- Copper straight-through: This is a standard Ethernet cable that is used
to connect two devices that operate in different layers of the OSI model
2- crossover cable: It is most often used to connect two devices of the
same type
3- Console cables: ( Cisco cables, rollover cables and management cables)
are designed for a specific purpose. They connect Cisco networking
devices to terminals or PCs for configuration. T
Subnet mask
The subnet mask splits the IP address into the host and network
addresses, thereby defining which part of the IP address belongs
to the device and which part belongs to the network
basic network command and Network configuration commands.

(1) Ping
Ping is a troubleshooting
tool used by system
administrators to
manually test for
connectivity between
network devices, and
also to test for network
delay and packet loss
(2) Traceroute
show you the path a
packet of information
takes from your
computer to one you
specify. It will list all the
routers it passes
through until it reaches
its destination, or fails
to and is discarded. In
addition to this, it will
tell you how long each
'hop' from router to
router takes.
(3) nslookup

nslookup is a command-line
tool to discover the IP address
or DNS record of a specific
domain name
(4) Getting Help

In any command
mode, you can get
a list of available
commands by
entering a
question mark (?).
(5) Saving running configuration in router

All settings that we

have made will erase
once the router
reboot. To preserve
this configuration after
reboot we must have
to save this. Following
command will save
running configuration

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