小作文 付子豪 20190919

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事实 1:lakes 的波动很大,1997 年三者最低(数据),到 2002 年时候达到顶峰,是三者之

间最高的(数据),到了 2007 年显著下降,介于两者之间,不过总体而言还是上升。

事实 2:coast 和 mountain 的趋势很像,mountain 一直比 coast 低,1997 年开始的时候,两
者差距不多(数据),到了 2007 年时,差距很大,coast 在 1992 年后就开始稳定增长,但
是 mountain 在 95 年左右的时候还到过与 87 年同样的水平。
事实 3:coast 稳步增长,mountain 有下降趋势,lakes 一直在 20-40 之间。

第二段:事实 1
第三段:事实 2
第四段:overall+事实 3

This diagram gives the information about the changes about the sum of oversea travelers to the
coast, the mountains and the lakes of a European country during the period of 1987 to 2007.
Obviously, the number of visitors to the lakes experienced a marked fluctuation, reaching up to
over 70 million at its peak. Its data was the smallest among three areas at the beginning, after its
peak, it ended up at 50 million in 2007. But its still showed an overall uptrend among these years.
Both the sums of visitors to the coast and the mountain showed a similar growth, while the figure
of the coast was always larger than that of the mountain. The difference of those sums was minor
in 1987(10 thousand) but notable at the end of this period (nearly 40 thousand). After 1992, the
sum of travelers to the coast climbed steadily, by contrast, that in 1995 of the mountains fell back
to the same level as that in 1987.
In general, the popularity of the coasts rose in these years, both the other places should catch up in
different degrees.

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