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September 27, 2023
MI Sevilla’s Farm and Resort
Brgy. Domoit, Lucena City

Education Program Supervisor
Registration Number: Schools Division of Quezon Province

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Session Objectives Registration Number:

1. Recall the descriptions of basic research and action research

based on DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2016;
2. Explain the difference between a basic research and an action
research in terms of purpose, focus, methodology, timeframe,
outcomes, and dissemination;
3. Compare the “Introduction and Rationale” with the “Context and
Rationale” of a research project;
4. Write an “Introduction and Rationale” or “Context and Rationale”
of a research project as an output of the first session.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

Direction: Write…
o N if the first statement is true and the second
statement is false;
o I if the first statement is false and the second statement
is true;
o C if both statements are true; and
o E if both statements are false.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

PRETEST Registration Number:

1. Annex 2 of DO No. 16, s. 2016 presents nine (9) parts of basic

research. Action research based on Annex 2 of DO No. 16, s. 2016
has eight (8) parts.
2. An action research cycle is composed of planning, action, analysis,
and conclusion. Action research provides the theory that produces
implications for solving educational problems.
3. Action research is concerned with the generalization of a theory in
a branch of knowledge. The purpose of basic research is usually to
generate data that confirm or refute the initial thesis of the study.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

PRETEST Registration Number:

4. Action research often explores abstract concepts and theories to

advance scientific knowledge. Basic research typically addresses
issues or challenges in specific contexts such as educational,
institutions, organizations or communities.
5. Action research is more flexible and often involves collaboration
between researchers and practitioners. Basic research employs
rigorous scientific methods to gather data, conduct experiments,
and analyze results.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

2. N

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


Department of Education-Division of Quezon

What makes a basic research different
from an action research? Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


Department of Education-Division of Quezon


You may answer this set of questions in a team of

three or four participants.
1. With reference to Annex 2 of DepEd Order
No. 16, s. 2016, what makes the action
research different from basic research?
2. Is “Introduction and Rationale” different from
“Context and Rationale”? Why? Why not?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:
Action research is a process of systematic, QAC/R63/0216

reflective inquiry to improve educational

practices or resolve problems in any operating
unit (i.e. school, classroom, office). It is a
research method that aims to simultaneously
investigate and solve an issue. In other words, as
its name suggests, action research conducts
research and takes action at the same time. It
prioritizes reflection and bridges the gap
between theory and practice. Due to the nature
of the research, it is also sometimes called
a cycle of action or a cycle of inquiry.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
BASIC RESEARCH Registration Number:

Basic research is
Basic research
concerned with the
provides the generalization of a
theory that theory in a branch of
produces knowledge; its
implications for purpose is usually to
solving generate data that
educational confirm or refute the
initial thesis of the
Zulfiqar Ali and Jahanzeb Jahan (2010). What is basic research?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action
Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action
Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action
Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action
Research Registration Number:

Basic research is focused on expanding

theoretical knowledge, often without
immediate practical applications, while
action research is centered on solving
real-world problems and bringing about
positive change within specific contexts.
The choice between these approaches
depends on the research goals and the
nature of the problem being addressed.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Introduction and Rationale
vs. Context and Rationale Registration Number:

❑ The "Introduction and Rationale"

for basic research and the "Context
and Rationale" for action research
serve similar purposes in the
research process, but they have
some distinct differences based on
the nature and goals of each type
of research.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Basic Research vs. Action Research Registration Number:

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Introduction and Rationale
vs. Context and Rationale Registration Number:

❑ Both basic research and action research include

sections that explain why the research is being
conducted. They differ in their focus and
emphasis. Basic research aims to advance
theoretical knowledge, while action research is
geared toward addressing practical problems
or issues within a specific context. The "Context
and Rationale" section in action research
provides a detailed understanding of the real-
world setting in which the research occurs,
which is essential for driving meaningful
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Basic Research Title Registration Number:

Addressing Historical Revisionism in the Philippines:

Exploring Methods to Counter Misinterpretation and
Manipulation of Historical Events

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Introduction Registration Number:

History is a tapestry woven from the threads of human experience,

documenting the triumphs and tribulations of societies across the
ages. In the Philippines, a nation rich in culture and heritage, the
narrative of its past is a source of pride and identity. However, like
any nation, the Philippines is not immune to the devious forces of
historical revisionism, which seek to distort, misinterpret, or
manipulate historical events for various agendas. This research
project embarks on a crucial journey to examine the phenomenon
of historical revisionism in the Philippines, aiming to shed light on
the methods employed to counteract the misrepresentation of
historical truths.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Introduction
The echoes of history resound every facet of society, shaping political
Registration Number:
ideologies, cultural norms, and national consciousness. Understanding
the past is not merely an academic exercise; it is the cornerstone upon
which a nation's values and identity are built. Historical revisionism,
when left unchallenged, has the potential to undermine the very
foundations of a society, sowing seeds of confusion, discord, and
In recent years, the Philippines has grappled with instances of historical
revisionism that have sought to rewrite pivotal moments in its history,
obscuring the true stories of heroism, resistance, and resilience. This
phenomenon is not unique to the Philippines, as it has been witnessed
in various parts of the world. However, the Philippines' distinctive
historical narrative and its implications for nation-building make this
issue particularly pertinent.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Introduction Registration Number:

This research project takes a comprehensive approach to

address historical revisionism. It will delve into the root
causes and motivations behind the revisionist
movements, analyze their impact on contemporary
society, and, most importantly, explore effective methods
to counteract the spread of distorted historical narratives.
Through rigorous analysis, critical examination, and
engagement with historical scholarship, this project
endeavors to provide a roadmap for safeguarding the
integrity of the Philippines' historical record.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Introduction
Registration Number:
As the researcher embarks on this intellectual journey, he recognizes
that the pursuit of historical truth is not only an academic endeavor
but a civic duty. By countering historical revisionism, people not only
preserve the authenticity of the past but also contribute to the
resilience and unity of the nation. Through the pages that follow, the
researcher and the readers will navigate the complex terrain of
historical revisionism in the Philippines, seeking not only to understand
it but also to find ways to ensure that the lessons of history remain
unadulterated for future generations.
In this research, the readers will have a chance to explore the historical
truths, as truth loving Filipinos strive to preserve the Philippines' rich
tapestry of history, untainted by the forces of revisionism.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Rationale Registration Number:

Historical revisionism is a pervasive issue that undermines the

integrity of a nation's collective memory and identity. In the
Philippines, a country rich in history and culture, historical
revisionism has become a concerning trend, threatening the
accurate portrayal of significant events and personalities in its
past. The distortion and manipulation of historical events have
far-reaching consequences, affecting education, policymaking,
and public perceptions. This research project aims to address
the pressing issue of historical revisionism in the Philippines by
exploring methods to counter misinterpretation and
manipulation of historical events.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Rationale
Importance of the Research: Registration Number:
1. Preserving National Identity: Historical events and figures play a crucial role in
shaping a nation's identity. Accurate historical narratives help citizens understand
their heritage, values, and the struggles that have shaped their society. Addressing
historical revisionism is essential for preserving the true essence of Filipino
2. Ensuring an Accurate Historical Record: Misinterpretation and manipulation of
historical events distort the historical record, making it difficult to discern fact from
fiction. This research seeks to uphold the integrity of historical documentation by
investigating methods to counteract such revisionist narratives.
3. Impact on Education: Historical revisionism can leak into educational curricula,
leading to the propagation of false information among younger generations. By
developing strategies to counteract this trend, truth loving educators can help
ensure that Filipino students receive a well-rounded and accurate education.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Rationale
Importance of the Research: Registration Number:
4. Fostering Critical Thinking: Research into countering historical
revisionism can empower individuals to think critically about
the narratives they encounter. Promoting critical thinking is
essential for a democratic society, as it enables citizens to
make informed decisions based on accurate information.
5. Strengthening Democracy: A well-informed citizenry is crucial
for the functioning of a democratic society. Misinterpretation
and manipulation of historical events can have significant
implications for policymaking and public discourse. This
research aims to contribute to the strengthening of
democracy in the Philippines by countering historical
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Rationale
Research Objectives: Registration Number:

1. To identify the key drivers and motives behind historical revisionism

in the Philippines.
2. To examine the role of revisionist groups and individuals to counter
historical revisionism.
3. To measure the impact of historical revisionism on education, public
opinion, and policymaking.
4. To suggest effective strategies and tools for countering historical
5. To identify the potential contributions of digital media and
technology in disseminating accurate historical information and
countering revisionist narratives.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Rationale
Registration Number:

This research will employ a multidisciplinary approach,
combining historical analysis, content analysis of media
and educational materials, surveys, and interviews. It will
involve collaboration with educators, historians, and
digital media experts. Data will be collected from primary
and secondary sources, as well as through interviews and
surveys with relevant stakeholders.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Rationale
Registration Number:

Expected Outcomes:
This research project seeks to provide practical
recommendations and resources for countering historical
revisionism in the Philippines. The findings will be valuable
to educators, policymakers, media professionals, and civil
society organizations working to promote accurate
historical narratives. Ultimately, this research aims to
contribute to the preservation of the Filipino national
identity, the promotion of informed citizenship, and the
strengthening of democracy in the country.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Purpose Registration Number:

The primary purpose of this research project is to critically

examine the phenomenon of historical revisionism in the
Philippines and to develop effective methods for
countering the misinterpretation and manipulation of
historical events. By conducting an in-depth analysis of
the factors contributing to historical revisionism and
exploring strategies to mitigate its impact, this study aims
to contribute to the preservation of accurate historical
narratives, foster a more informed public discourse, and
ultimately, strengthen the foundation of historical
understanding and national identity in the Philippines.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Hypotheses
Registration Number:
1. Hypothesis 1: Historical revisionism in the Philippines is on
the rise, leading to widespread misinterpretation and
manipulation of historical events.
2. Hypothesis 2: The misinterpretation and manipulation of
historical events contribute to the perpetuation of false
narratives and the distortion of the collective memory in
the Philippines.
3. Hypothesis 3: Effective countermeasures can be developed
to combat historical revisionism and promote a more
accurate understanding of Philippine history.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Research Questions
Research Questions: Registration Number:
1. Research Question 1: What are the key drivers and factors
contributing to the increase in historical revisionism in the
2. Research Question 2: How have historical events and narratives
been misinterpreted and manipulated in the context of Philippine
history, and what are the consequences of such actions?
3. Research Question 3: What methods and strategies have been
employed by individuals, organizations, or the government to
counter historical revisionism in the Philippines?
4. Research Question 4: To what extent have these countermeasures
been successful in rectifying historical inaccuracies and fostering a
more accurate understanding of Philippine history?
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Research Questions
Registration Number:
Research Questions: QAC/R63/0216

5. Research Question 5: What role does education, media, and

digital platforms play in either perpetuating or countering
historical revisionism in the Philippines?
6. Research Question 6: How do public perceptions and
attitudes towards historical events and figures change as a
result of exposure to accurate historical narratives versus
manipulated versions?
7. Research Question 7: What are the ethical and legal
implications of addressing historical revisionism, and what
policies or regulations can be implemented to combat its
negative effects?
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Research Questions
Registration Number:

8. Research Question 8: Are there international case studies or

best practices that can be adapted to the Philippine context
to effectively combat historical revisionism?
9. Research Question 9: How can various stakeholders,
including educators, historians, policymakers, and civil
society, collaborate to promote a more accurate and
nuanced understanding of Philippine history?
10. Research Question 10: What are the potential long-term
societal and cultural impacts of countering historical
revisionism in the Philippines?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:

Historical revisionism, the reinterpretation or distortion of

historical events for ideological or political purposes, has
been a contentious issue in the Philippines, as it is in
many other parts of the world. This literature review aims
to explore the methods and strategies employed to
counteract historical revisionism in the Philippines. It will
also discuss the historical context, key concepts, and
major debates surrounding the topic.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:

Historical Revisionism in the Philippines: Context and Significance


The Philippines has a complex history, marked by colonialism,

revolution, dictatorship, and the struggle for independence. As a
result, the interpretation and manipulation of historical events have
played a significant role in shaping the national identity and political
discourse. Historical revisionism in the Philippines often revolves
around the following key issues:
World War II and Japanese Occupation: The controversy surrounding
the Japanese occupation during World War II and the treatment of
Filipino comfort women is a prime example of historical revisionism.
Scholars like Maria Rosa Henson have documented their experiences,
while revisionist narratives attempt to downplay or deny these
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:
Martial Law and the Marcos Regime: The era of Ferdinand Marcos and
martial law remains a contentious subject. Research has explored the
revisionist efforts to whitewash the Marcos regime's human rights abuses
and economic plunder, notably through official narratives and propaganda.
Counteracting Historical Revisionism: Methods and Strategies
To address historical revisionism in the Philippines, various methods and
strategies have been proposed and implemented. The literature identifies
several key approaches:
Education and Curriculum Development: Scholars such as Renato
Constantino and Teodoro Agoncillo have emphasized the importance of
revising educational materials and textbooks to present a more accurate
historical narrative. This approach aims to counteract revisionist content
that may be disseminated in schools.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:

Museum Exhibits and Memorials: Museums and memorials

have played a crucial role in preserving and presenting
historical truth. Initiatives like the Martial Law Museum in
Manila have focused on educating the public about the
Marcos era's atrocities.
Media and Digital Platforms: In the age of the internet,
countering revisionist narratives often involves leveraging
digital platforms. Research by scholars like Clarissa David
explores the role of social media, fact-checking websites, and
digital campaigns in combating historical revisionism.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:

Academic Research and Scholarship: Scholars in various fields,

including history, sociology, and political science, have contributed to
countering revisionism by producing rigorous academic research and
publications that challenge revisionist claims and present well-
documented evidence.
Challenges and Debates
The literature also highlights challenges and debates related to
countering historical revisionism in the Philippines. These include
questions about freedom of speech, the role of the government in
promoting a particular historical narrative, and the effectiveness of
various strategies in changing public perception.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample Review or Related Literature
Registration Number:

Conclusion QAC/R63/0216

In conclusion, addressing historical revisionism in the

Philippines is a multifaceted challenge with deep historical
roots. Various methods and strategies, including educational
reforms, museum exhibits, digital platforms, and academic
research, have been proposed and implemented to counteract
the manipulation of historical events. However, the
effectiveness of these methods and the ongoing debates
surrounding them underscore the complex nature of this issue.
Further research and collaboration among scholars, educators,
and policymakers are essential to preserving the integrity of
Philippine history and countering revisionist narratives.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample Action Research Title Registration Number:

Towards Recovery: Strategies for Curriculum

Adaptation and Enhancement to Address
Learning Loss in Grade 6 Learners of DepEd

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Context
Registration Number:
Education is a fundamental pillar of societal progress, and ensuring the

continuous and equitable development of young learners is a primary goal

of educational institutions worldwide. However, the educational landscape
has been significantly impacted by various disruptions in recent years,
particularly the global COVID-19 pandemic. The closure of schools, the shift
to remote and hybrid learning modalities, and the associated challenges
have led to concerns about the potential learning loss experienced by
In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) is responsible for
providing quality education to learners across the nation. The Grade 6 level
serves as a critical juncture in a student's educational journey, as it marks
the transition from elementary to secondary education. Ensuring that
Grade 6 learners receive a strong educational foundation is essential for
their future academic success.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Context
Registration Number:

The province of Quezon, situated in the CALABARZON

region, is home to a diverse population of learners with
unique educational needs and challenges. In the wake of
the pandemic, the DepEd Quezon has faced the daunting
task of addressing the potential learning loss among Grade
6 learners. To mitigate these adverse effects and support
the recovery of educational outcomes, it is imperative to
develop strategies that adapt and enhance the curriculum
to cater to the specific needs of these learners.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Context Registration Number:
This research project, titled "Towards Recovery: Strategies for
Curriculum Adaptation and Enhancement to Address Learning Loss in
Grade 6 Learners of DepEd Quezon," aims to address the following key
1. What is the extent of learning loss among Grade 6 learners in DepEd
Quezon, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. What are the challenges and barriers faced by Grade 6 educators in
DepEd Quezon when it comes to addressing learning loss?
3. What innovative curriculum adaptation and enhancement strategies
can be developed and implemented to support Grade 6 learners in
their recovery journey?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Context Registration Number:

By addressing these questions, this research project seeks to provide

valuable insights and recommendations to educational policymakers,
administrators, and educators in DepEd Quezon. It aims to contribute to
the ongoing efforts to adapt and enhance the curriculum, ensuring that
Grade 6 learners receive the support they need to overcome learning loss
and continue their educational journey successfully.
The findings of this study will not only benefit educators and policymakers
in DepEd Quezon but also serve as a valuable resource for educational
institutions facing similar challenges globally. In a world where educational
resilience and adaptability are paramount, this research project strives to
pave the way for a brighter and more equitable future for Grade 6 learners
in DepEd Quezon and beyond.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Rationale Registration Number:

Education is the cornerstone of individual and societal

development, providing a pathway for personal growth,
economic mobility, and the overall well-being of a
community. The Department of Education (DepEd) in
Quezon, like educational institutions worldwide, has faced
unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic. The abrupt shift to remote and blended learning
models has disrupted traditional teaching practices,
resulting in substantial learning loss among Grade 6
learners. As such, there is an urgent need to address this
issue comprehensively and strategically.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Rationale
1. The Prevalence of Learning Loss: Registration Number:

• The pandemic has disrupted the education system, leading to significant

gaps in students' learning trajectories. A substantial number of Grade 6
learners in DepEd Quezon have experienced learning loss in core
• Learning loss not only affects students' academic progress but also their
overall development, potentially perpetuating educational inequities.
2. The Importance of Grade 6 Curriculum:
• Grade 6 is a crucial stage in a student's educational journey as it serves
as a bridge to higher levels of learning.
• The Grade 6 curriculum lays the foundation for future academic success,
making it imperative to address learning loss in this grade.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Rationale
3. The Need for Curriculum Adaptation and Enhancement: Registration Number:

• Traditional teaching methods may not be sufficient to bridge the

learning gap, necessitating innovative strategies.
• Curriculum adaptation and enhancement can offer tailored
approaches to meet the diverse needs of Grade 6 learners in
DepEd Quezon.
4. Implications for Long-term Educational Outcomes:
• Failure to address learning loss in Grade 6 can have long-lasting
consequences on learners' educational attainment and future
• Educational disparities may widen, leading to a potential crisis in
the region's human capital development.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Rationale Registration Number:
5. Supporting the Mission of DepEd Quezon: QAC/R63/0216

• DepEd Quezon is committed to providing quality education to its

students. Addressing learning loss aligns with the department's
mission and core values.
6. Contributing to the Field of Education:
• This research project seeks to contribute to the growing body of
knowledge on effective strategies for mitigating learning loss
during and post-pandemic periods.
7. Stakeholder Collaboration:
• Collaboration among educators, policymakers, parents, and
students is essential to developing and implementing effective
curriculum adaptation and enhancement strategies.
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Rationale Registration Number:

In light of the above considerations, this research project,

"Towards Recovery: Strategies for Curriculum Adaptation
and Enhancement to Address Learning Loss in Grade 6
Learners of DepEd Quezon," aims to investigate, develop,
and recommend evidence-based approaches to mitigate
learning loss among Grade 6 learners. By doing so, this
study aspires to empower educators and educational
policymakers in DepEd Quezon with actionable insights that
can foster a robust and equitable education system,
ensuring that no child is left behind.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Purpose Registration Number:

The primary purpose of this research project is to investigate,

develop, and propose effective strategies for curriculum adaptation
and enhancement, specifically tailored to Grade 6 learners within
the DepEd Quezon education system. The overarching goal is to
address and mitigate the challenges posed by learning loss in these
learners, resulting from various factors such as the COVID-19
pandemic and other educational disruptions. By conducting this
research, the researcher aims to provide evidence-based
recommendations and actionable insights to educational
policymakers, administrators, and educators, enabling them to
implement targeted interventions that facilitate the recovery of
academic progress among Grade 6 students in DepEd Quezon.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Research Questions
or Problem Statement Registration Number:

The Grade 6 learners in DepEd Quezon have

experienced significant learning loss, which poses a
challenge to their academic development and
future prospects. The COVID-19 pandemic has
exacerbated this issue, leading to gaps in their
curriculum. To address this, it is imperative to
develop strategies for curriculum adaptation and
enhancement that can effectively mitigate learning
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Research Questions
or Problem Statement Registration Number:

1. What is the extent and nature of learning loss among Grade 6

learners in DepEd Quezon, particularly in key subject areas such as
mathematics, science, and language arts?
2. What are the primary factors contributing to learning loss in Grade
6 learners in DepEd Quezon, including both pre-pandemic and
pandemic-related factors?
3. How have other educational institutions, both nationally and
internationally, adapted and enhanced their curricula to address
learning loss in similar age groups and contexts?
4. What are the specific curriculum adaptations and enhancements
that could be implemented in DepEd Quezon to mitigate learning
loss among Grade 6 learners effectively?
Department of Education-Division of Quezon
Sample of Research Questions
or Problem Statement Registration Number:

5. What are the potential challenges and barriers to implementing

these curriculum adaptations and enhancements, and how can
they be overcome?
6. What are the expected short-term and long-term outcomes of
implementing the proposed curriculum adaptations and
enhancements in terms of academic performance, learner
engagement, and overall well-being of Grade 6 learners in DepEd
7. How can teachers and educators be adequately trained and
supported to implement these curriculum adaptations and
enhancements effectively?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Sample of Research Questions or
Problem Statement Registration Number:

8. How can the DepEd Quezon administration collaborate with

relevant stakeholders, including parents, community members,
and educational experts, to ensure the successful
implementation of these strategies?
9. What are the potential budgetary and resource requirements for
implementing the recommended curriculum adaptations and
enhancements, and how can these be secured?
10. How can the effectiveness of the implemented curriculum
adaptations and enhancements be continually assessed and
refined to ensure sustained improvement in learning outcomes
for Grade 6 learners in DepEd Quezon?

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


1. Formulate a research title. Then, write an

“Introduction and Rationale” or “Context and
2. Submit your output to the training-workshop

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:


Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

Direction: Write…
o N if the first statement is true and the second
statement is false;
o I if the first statement is false and the second statement
is true;
o C if both statements are true; and
o E if both statements are false.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

1. Annex 2 of DO No. 16, s. 2016 presents nine parts of basic

research. Action research based on Annex 2 of DO No. 16, s. 2016
has eight parts.
2. An action research cycle is composed of planning, action, analysis,
and conclusion. Action research provides the theory that produces
implications for solving educational problems.
3. Action research is concerned with the generalization of a theory in
a branch of knowledge. The purpose of basic research is usually to
generate data that confirm or refute the initial thesis of the study.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

4. Action research often explores abstract concepts and theories to

advance scientific knowledge. Basic research typically addresses
issues or challenges in specific contexts such as educational,
institutions, organizations or communities.
5. Action research is more flexible and often involves collaboration
between researchers and practitioners. Basic research employs
rigorous scientific methods to gather data, conduct experiments,
and analyze results.

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

Registration Number:

1. C
2. N
3. I
4. E
5. C

Department of Education-Division of Quezon

“As each has
received a gift,
use it to serve
one another, as
good stewards
of God’s varied
-First Peter

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