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The Bible

- The bible contains 66 books and


- 2 Sections:
Old Testament (Hebrew-before
Christ) 39 books
New Testament (Greek) 27 books
- Each one is divided into chapters
and verses. This makes it easy to
find the verse.When you see a
scripture, the 1st number after the
name of the book is the chapter
and the following number refers to
the verse.
E.g. John 1:1
- If you read 3-5 chapters a day
you could finish the bible by the
end of the year!
- The Bible is a gift from God. It
gives us information that we can’t
find anywhere else.
E.g. It tells us in Genesis that God
created the heavens and the earth
and about Adam and Eve.
- We learn how God will accomplish
his purpose and how it unfolds. You
will also discover that God wants
you to be his friend. The more you
learn about him through the Bible,
the closer your friendship will
- More than 90% of people in the
world can read the Bible in their
own language.
- It’s been translated into over
2600 languages and billions have
been printed worldwide.
- The Bible took 1600 years to
- ‘Inspired by God’ 2 Timothy
3:16, 2 Peter 1:21.’Word of God’
1 Thessalonians 2:13.
- Even though there were
different writers, all parts of the
Bible agree.
- First books explain how the
worlds problems started and the
last chapters tell us how God will
solve those problems.
- The Bible wasn’t meant to be a
science book or a textbook learned
in class but it does give it does
have facts.
Leviticus contains Gods instructions
for how the Israelites could stop
disease from spreading long before
anyone knew about bacteria and
viruses spreading diseases.
The Bible also teaches that the
earth hangs on nothing. Job 26:7.
When the people believed the
earth was flat, the Bible said it
was round Isaiah 40:22.
- when the Bible talks about
history, it is accurate. But when
history books recorded their
history, they left out facts and
were not completely honest so as
not to embarrass themselves.
Numbers 20:2-12 shows us how
Moses made a mistake and how
God disciplined him for it.
- The Bible is full of good advice
and counsel and is helpful even
today. 2 Timothy 3:16
- In Matthew 5-7, Jesus gives us
good advice on how to be happy
and get along with others; how to
pray and also how to view money.
- Many Bible prophesies have
already come true. Isaiah 13:19
Isaiah prophesied that Babylon
would be destroyed. Isaiah 44:27-
45:2.He also said that no one will
ever live in Babylon again. Isaiah
13:20. In the place where Babylon
used to be, south of Iraq, there
are just ruins. Till today, no one
lives there.
- The Bible is also alive and exerts
power Hebrews 4:12.
- The Bible can change your life
and can help you to know who you
really are. It can help you to
understand your deepest thoughts
and feelings. But to prove that we
love God we need to show him by
applying what the Bible says.

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