Express StarTeller Jan 2023

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Volume-31, Issue-3
Issue- 12 A Vedic Jyotish Monthlyly

Executive Editor HEMAMALINI
Spiritual Editor VARSHA
Consultant Editors
K.N. Mehrotra, Bandhu,
Dr. R.Thiagarajan, Yuvraj Sowma
Dr. E.S. Neelakantan

E all want to be irreplaceable; so let Design & Layout P.PADMANABHAN
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Express Estates, Club House Road, Mount Road,
Chennai – 600002. Editor: Mrs. Kavita Singhania.
Star - 31 Teller -12
Clarifications for doubts. Bhagavad Gita
By Hemamalini Raghunathan
A Vedic Jyotish Monthly
Goddess Durga temple, Varanasi
Systems’Approach perspective
By Krishan Rajesh Chaudhary
Astro-indicators in 2023, and Major Stock Trends
Goddess Durga
By Vandana Devah Khatar
Elaborate Personal Forecast for 12 Rasis and CARDINAL SINS
Birth Star Atonement brings relief
By Dr. CH.D. Ravindra Nath By Dr. E.S. Neelakantan
Lal kitab remedies contributed by Rajeev K. Khattar

PAGE 6 13 17 18 24 28 34 39 44 51 74 77
Predictions for various countries
By Abishek Kedia Case-study: Helen Keller
33 CELESTIAL DRAMAS 2023 By S. Venkatesh
Effects of notable planetary dispositions in 2023 70 TRANSIT OF PLANETS IN 2023
By R.S. Maniam A Ready-reckoner indicating Entry, Retrogression and
40 EST INTERVIEW Direct Motion of Planets

Siddha Medicine Practitioner Dr. G. Priya 91 TAROT CARD READING 2023

“Siddha Medicine Comprises of Safe herbs, Guidance for Sun Signs (Date of Birth)
minerals….” By Divya Khanna
Mundane Predictions for India
By Dr. CH.D. Ravindra Nath
84 Important Muhurta Timings: January 2023
05 Guidance from Guru 85 Timing Stock Market: January 2023
11 Inbox
88 Lucky Days and Numbers
64 Daily Guide: January 2023
88 Calendar: January 2023
69 Book Review
71 Monthly Forecast: January 2023 89 EST Ephemeris: January 2023
83 Personal Problems Solved 98 Know about the Year Ahead! Capricornians!
Satsanga with Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Love is the only emotion, which in certain forms is called
compassion, empathy and sympathy. It is love, which also
provides you the space to understand another person. It is love
that really turns into hatred, turns into your dislike, anger and
so on.
Discovering Love
Love is a very ancient topic. The Vedic sages, play wrights, musicians and poets have glorified the
word love, and its meaning. Love is not an emotion that is on par with the others. It is not that there are
many emotions, of which one is love, which is precisely why you need to discover love. Love is the
only emotion, which in certain forms is called compassion, empathy and sympathy. It is the same love
that accommodates another person. It is love, which also provides you the space to understand
another person. It is love that really turns into hatred, turns into your dislike, anger and so on. Love
appears to stifle, strangulate, and is more painful than ennobling. Poets and artists often speak or
express love as pain and anguish, the anguish of unrequited love, lost love, missing love, and love that
cannot be found. Love appears to defy all reason and logic in as much as it induces people to
even destroy themselves and others. It is one emotion, which has these various positive and negative
expressions. Love is not something to be swallowed, like you have swallowed many things.
Love has to be discovered.
You know very well, emotions have neither nationality, provenance, culture, history, gender nor age.
Such factors do not inhibit the nature of a given emotion in any way. For instance, if we take anger, be it
royal or plebeian, be it in a child or in an adult, its nature and vision do not differ; it is anger. Emotions
such as anger, hatred, compassion, sympathy and love, in their simple forms, have always been there. A
cat is always affectionate and so is a dog. They express their emotions, express how much they missed
you and so on. If animals can express emotions, how much more can a human being? A human being is
the most self-conscious of life-forms. Naturally, in a human heart, emotions are very well pronounced.
When you encounter the world, you do not remain a mute witness; you actively respond to persons,
objects and situations. The response is not always dispassionate or totally objective, like a computer.
The emotional person that you are, always inhibits the response. Emotions, therefore, form the basic
theme of an individual’s biography. They drive you to accomplish, no doubt, but they also subject you
to a sense of failure and depression. There are times, when you just want to quit. In short, emotions
drive you crazy. To have a complete mastery over your emotions, always would remain a dream.
Emotions make the person, much more than even cognitive does. In fact, they sweep aside the cognitive
person and take over. Emotions are what you are, what you have. The emotional person is the core
person, and it is this core person, who feels that he or she is useless. It is also the very same person,
who complicates his or her life as well as the life of others.
[ Courtesy: Excerpts from ‘Discovering Love’ Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust]
Clarifications for doubts
Lord Krishna’s answers to Arjuna, about those whose minds are unbridled, inspite of firm faith, owing to
worldly distractions, and could not succeed in attaining self-realization, in this birth.
Will their whole life’s efforts go waste?
Assurances from the Lord
Bhagavad Gita By Hemamalini Raghunathan
We all face many challenges in life, because of our restless
mind, hindering our discretion and decision. Yogic Practice,
moderation in food, recreation and sleep, detachment etc.,
are suggested in our scriptures to control the mind.
Arjuna, on our behalf, tells Lord Krishna that the work of
making the mind steady is as difficult as controlling the
wind. How could this then be accomplished?
“O Krishna! What is the fate of a man, who is not steadfast
in his practices owing to distractions, (though endowed
with firm faith), and therefore fails to reach spiritual
perfection?” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 37)
Lord Krishna then answers, not only to Arjuna, but to all
of us. Here are assurances from the Lord. If a person dies,
before attaining success self-realization, he / she carries
the legacy of his present life into his next embodiment. He
will be born under conditions that are very favourable to
spiritual development. With the power of his earlier practice
as his background, he will strive forward, life after life,
until success is attained. Thus nothing is lost by one
striving in the spiritual path. through several births. He progresses spiritually in every
The Blessed Lord said, birth. He will never lose this world and the next. None of
“O son of Pritha! He (who has not succeeded in spiritual his yearning in any birth would go waste.
perfection) does not meet with downfall, either here in In Chapter 18, Lord Krishna assures again that if you will
this world or in the hereafter. Know for certain, O dear firmly fix your mind in Me, you will be saved from all
one, that one who treads the path of virtue never goes to calamities, through My grace.
ruin (no inferior rebirth).” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 40)
“The fallen Yogi goes (after death) to the spheres of the
righteous, and after having lived there for un-numbered
years, is reborn in this world in a pure and prosperous
family.” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 41)
“Or he is re-born in a family of wise and spiritually (B.G. Ch.18, Verse 66)
endowed persons. Re-birth in this world under such Abandoning dependence on every kind of ego-centred
conditions is very rare indeed.” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 42) support (on human efforts at moral and spiritual upliftment)
“There, O scion of the clan of Kurus! that person (being seek Me alone as your only Refuge. Grieve not; I shall
referred above) will regain the spiritual discernment of save you from the life of ignorance and sins.
his previous birth, and then he will strive harder than Lord’s assurances restore in us the conviction and
ever for perfection” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 43) confidence of we all being imperishable souls, and we can
“Even if helpless, he will be driven towards the path of continue our spiritual progress birth after birth, till we
Yoga, by the force of his previous striving. Even as a attain Liberation.
beginner in the path of Yoga, he can easily transcend the [Reference: Srimad Bhagavad Gita
stage of Vedic ritualism.” (B.G. Ch.6, Verse 44) Translation by Swami Tapasyananda,
The Lord assures that the diligently striving Yogi gets Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai
cleansed of all his sins, and attains liberation, after passing Picture Courtesy:]


rare temple
The impressive main idol of Goddess Durga in this temple appeared on its own
at this place, i.e. the idol has not been created by any human being. In this
temple, Goddess Durga is immaculate in the ‘Yantra’ form.
Salutations to Mata Durga, the goddess of strength and power!
Extremely beautiful and pleasing deity
Goddess Durga temple, Varanasi

Located near the Durga Ghat on the bank of the

River Ganga, Durga temple was built in the 18th
Century. It houses an imposing idol of Goddess
Durga (swayambu, not made by humans), and is
one of the main temples in Varanasi. This ancient
temple is mentioned in the ‘Kashi Kand’.
Durga mandir was constructed by Bengali Queen
Rani Bhabani of Natore in the 18th Century. In
Chapter 23 of Devi Bhagavata Purana, the origin of
the temple is explained. Once, the King of Varanasi
called for a Swayamvar for his daughter’s marriage.
On knowing about the love affair of the Princess to
Vanvasi Prince, who was an ardent devotee of
Mother Goddess, the King got her secretly married
to that Prince, which made the other suitors (who
were invited) angry, and they waged war against is a Havan Kund, where havans are performed daily.
the King of Varanasi. The newly-married Prince Tantric worship is also said to be prevalent here.
offered prayers to Durga, who came on a Lion and Mata Durga is the incarnation of Goddess Shakti
fought the war on behalf of the King of Varanasi. (female power). Dressed in Red colour attire, riding
After the war, the King pleaded to the Goddess to a Tiger / Lion, Mata Durga is holding Shiva’s Trident,
protect his Kingdom (Varanasi) always. The Vishnu’s Discus, Sword etc., driving away evil
Goddess accepted to reside on the bank of Durga powers.
Kund (connected to River Ganga). With this On the right side of the temple, Durga Kund (a
belief, the temple was constructed. rectangular tank) is seen.
Temple Premises Rituals and Poojas
This temple is built in the North Indian Nagara style, The temple is open from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm.
with Red stones, signifying Goddess Durga. There Many festivals are celebrated here, the grandeur one
are many beautiful carvings and engraved stones being the festival of Durga Puja and Navaratri. The
inside the temple. Constructed with many small
‘Lal Mandir’ decorated with lights, flowers etc.,
peaks(Shikara), the temple has two Gates. The main
creates a spiritual atmosphere, providing peace to
entrance is in front of the main complex of the temple.
The other small gate is on the right side of the temple. the hearts of devotees.
There are small shrines for Baba Bhairavnath, Devotees take holy dip in Durga Kund and observe
Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswathi, Lord Fast in dedication to Goddess Durga. Mundan rituals
Hanuman and Goddess Kali in the premises. There are also conducted here.


rare temple
City of Varanasi is well-connected by Air, Road, and Railways.
Om Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvaartha Sadhike
Sharanye Triyambake Gauri Narayani Namo-stute
Thou art the all auspicious Shiva (Shakti aspect)|, the bountiful. I prostrate myself at
thy feet, O Triyambake (Three-eyed one), Gauri (the one with a fair complexion as
Parvathi), Naaraayani!
Worship Maa Shakti and get your wishes fulfilled!
Salutations to Mata Durga, the goddess of strength and power!
01/23/EST PP
Here is your chance for a FREE consultation! Whatever may be the problem, write (only one please)
and send us with the Xerox copy of this coupon,
along with your computerized HOROSCOPE. Birth details also should be given in full, providing date, time and place of birth.
The solution will be published in the coming issues. Editor’s decision is final.
Subscribers will get preference.

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Inbox Ascendant lord getting debilitated is quite
worrisome factor in Rahul Gandhi’s


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on 07 Sept. 2022
launched party’s mass contact programme, 2024, Rahul will be in Mars Dasa
‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’, at Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu. Mars bhukthi. Mars, as 4th and
This Yatra of 3,570 km began from Kanyakumari on 08 11th lord placed 6th, is very much
Sept. 2022 and will end in Kashmir, after crossing through
beneficial to Rahul. However,
12 States and two Union territories in about five months
Mars also happens to be a
or 150 days. In this context, let us examine the horoscope of Rahul
Gandhi for his political prospects in the year 2023. Badhaka as lord of 11th for a
Movable sign of Capricorn.
Inspite of all these, Rahul can be
a serious contender to Modi, if
he can muster the support of other
Opposition parties and splinter
groups by way of
Mahaghatbandhan, which is not
a difficult task, as many voices of
dissent are raised from KCR,
Mamata, Nitish and Sharad
Pawar like key Opposition
As on date , as per normal public opinion, Rahul Gandhi needs to leaders of India.
improve a lot, to be a main contender for the post of PM of India. As Astrologer Dr.CH.D.Ravindra Nath
things stand to day, he cannot be a match to Modi, either in oratory Email:
skills, polarizing hindu votes by raising Hindu sentiments, poll
management or international charisma. However, when majority
people’s mood is against the ruling party, no power on Earth can stop
the strong and united opposition coming to power. He needs to shun Readers are advised to make
away from childish pranks like winking of eyes in noble Parliament and appropriate enquires, while

improvise himself a lot. Commitment towards public and clarity of responding to the advertisements
in our magazine. Express Star
thought are sine qua non qualities for a successful politician. Ascendant
Teller does not vouch for any
lord getting Neecha is a worrisome fact in his horoscope. But, Neech-
claims made by the Advertisers.
bhanga yogas for Moon and Saturn are very much glaring. Now he is
The Printer, Publisher, Editor and
in the fag end of Moon’s dasa, with Sun bukthi in operation from 26
Owner of Express Star Teller
Oct. 2022 to 26 April 2023. So, In the last leg of Moon’s dasa, Rahul
shall not be held responsible /
needs to gather his paraphernalia, for fighting with Modi in the year liable for any consequences, in
2024. Rahul enters Mars dasa from 26 April 2023, which will run upto case such claims are found to be
25 May 2030. Particularly at the time of next General Elections in false.


planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals

Elaborate Annual Predictions and Remedies for 2023

(Based on your Moon sign and Birth star) By Dr. CH.D.Ravindra Nath

Lal-kitab Remedies contributed by Rajeev K. Khattar

Major Transits in 2023: (Based on Lahiri Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa)
Jupiter: In Uttarabhadra-2(Pisces), at the start of the year. It transits to Aries on 22 April 2023, Retrogrades
on 5 September 2023 in Bharani-3(Aries) and transits back to Aswini-4(Aries) by the end of the year.
Combusts on 28thMarch 2023 in Revati-3(Pisces) and comes out of it on 27th April 2023 in Aswini (Aries).
Saturn: In Dhanishta-2(Capricorn), at the start of the year, transits to Aquarius on 17 January 2023, Retrogrades
on 18 June 2023 in Satabisha-3(Aquarius), turns Direct on 04 Nov. 2023 in Dhanishta-4(Aquarius). Combusts
from 31 January 2023 to 5 March 2023.
Rahu: In Bharani-2(Aries), at the start of the year, retrogrades to Revati-4(Pisces) by the end of the year.
Ketu: In Swati-4(Libra), at the start of the year, retrogrades to Chitra-2(Virgo) by the end of the year.
As per Gochara, transit of Jupiter in 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 houses and Saturn in 3, 6, 11 houses from your
Moon sign indicates favorable results. It is always better to study Gochar(Transit) predictions along
with Dasa, bhukthi, Ashtakavarga Charts and above all planetary Vedha to get correct assessment of
planetary effects upon individuals. In spite of transiting in a favorable house in Gochara, a planet
may not be able to give full benefic influence due to Vedha. For example, if Jupiter transiting in 2nd
house gives favourable results, only if no other planet is transiting in 12th house.
Annual Forecast for 12-Rasi Individuals
MESHA (Aries): [Aswini, indications, the adverse transit of Nodes may give
Bharani and Krittika(1)] rise to occasional tense situations. Journey to a
Jupiter in your 12th sign at the start religious place with family and friends is indicated.
of the year, transits to your Moon Those going for higher education will perform
sign on 22nd April 2023, retrogrades exceedingly well in their chosen field. Singles among
on 5th Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th you will take the lead this year for possible wedlock.
March 2023 and again transits to Couples will straighten the messy things in their
your Moon sign on 22nd April 2023. marital life and enjoy marital bliss.
Saturn in your 10th Sign at the start of the year enters Finance: You may acquire objects of your desire,
your 11th house on 17th January 2023, retrogrades but be wary, as extravagant expenses will make it
difficult to put the finances in your control. Despite
there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. Suffers
some ups and downs, overall you are going to be in
Combustion in your 11th house in February 2023.
the winning edge. Indications of acquiring a house
Rahu transits in your Moon sign and 12th house, and property is very much on cards this year. Likelihood
Ketu transits in your 7th house and 6th house all of spending on high-class vehicles, clothing and
through the year. jewellery. Time is favourable for clearing off your
General Characteristics: Handsome appearance, loans and pay off your financial obligations with ease
long hands, broad eyes, long life, liked by all, clever, this year.
respected by highly placed officials, affiliations and Career: You will like the atmosphere at your work
liking for low class people, daring and chivalrous, place. You can extract work from your subordinates
greedy, indecisive, neat and reputed. according to your job-needs, and enhance your career
Domestic: Favorable transit of Saturn ensures good prospects. New responsibilities will be entrusted to
social life, reputation, status and honour in social you. Transfer to a distant place with increased job
circles. Spoiled relations with your kith and kin if any responsibilities is indicated in the middle of the year.
are likely to be revived. You will attend a number of Attempts of your adversaries to let down you will be
social functions this year. Amidst these favorable counter-productive.


planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
Health: By and large, your health this year would remain Bharani: Positive attitude of your Boss in job-front would
normal. Occasional sickness may compet you to visit make you cheerful. Speculation looks disturbing. Cautious
hospitals. Fever, body pains, swelling of joints and eye approach is advised. Stock market investors need to
troubles are indicated. For those running inimical dasa- wait for long term gains. Efforts to expand your business
empire, developing new skills to hone your talents are
bhukthi, ailments relating to diabetes, kidneys and private very much likely. Regular income and reduced savings
parts will result in some kind of health hazard, in the will make your financial position very much rosy. Those
third quarter of the year. With Yoga and regular exercises, in partnership business must be very much vigilant. You
you can avoid minor health issues, resulting from change are likely to be taken aback with the turncoat attitude of
of weather. your colleague.
Women: Good time for working women. Promotion, Krittika(1): You are likely to be helped by unexpected
due for a long time, will be realised. Transfer on request persons. Secret activity and sudden distant journeys will
will be allowed by your bosses. Bachelor girls can hear bring success. Normal good health is indicated.
Hospitalization, if happens, will be followed by early
the ringing of wedding bells, only from 2nd or 3rd quarter discharge. There will be much gain and success.
of this year. Women suffering chronic Gynec problems, However, division of property, domestic squabbles
need to be doubly careful. For others, brief illness, relating to hereditary properties cannot be ruled out. Sale
followed by fast recover, is indicated. of properties will result in gain. Gain and cooperation
BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS from co-borns, and neighbours are likely. Vigilance and
Aswini: Guard yourself against intemperate habits, care are needed, to avoid fractures and injuries.
which are detrimental to your health. Life at distant and Vedic Remedies: Chant ‘Om Namo Narayanaya”
108 times daily. Visit any Vishnu temple on Thursday
secluded places will be fetching and enjoyable. You are and offer prayers. Recite Durgashtakam daily, and
likely to be drawn towards occult studies and yoga. You worship Goddess Durga. Recite Ketu Stothra daily, and
might need to make some investment hesitantly, but it worship Lord Ganesha.
will prove to be worthwhile by the year-end. Acts of Lal-kitab Remedies
secret foes will be successfully overcome. You are likely Donate 1 Kg Wheat grains in any temple, on the first
to part your ways with your preceptor on idealogical Sunday of every month.
issues. Some of you will get selected for lucrative posts. Every Thursday, chant Ganapathy Sahasranaam.

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planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
VRISHABHA (Taurus): [Krittika(2, 3 & 4), BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Rohini, Mrigasira(1&2)] Krittika (2,3&4): For those in TV and
Jupiter in your 11th sign at the start of the year transits media, this year will be very much
to your 12th sign on 22nd April 2023, retrogrades on 5th encouraging. Audio and video
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again communication will be your forte.
transits to 12th from your Moon sign on 22nd April 2023. You will enjoy happiness from
Saturn in your 9th Sign at the start of the year enters friends, relatives and well-wishers.
You will meet your old school
your 10 sign on 17th January 2023, retrogrades there and turns Direct
teachers and college professors,
on 4th Nov.2023. Suffers Combustion in your 10th house in February
and enjoy their company. Your
clients will extend their whole-
Rahu transits in your12th sign and 11th sign, and Ketu transits in your hearted support to your organisation.
6th sign and 5th sign all through the year. A year to build up your fortunes
General Characteristics: Thick mouth and lips, liberal, more daughters, through patience!
wealth, kith and kin, happy in middle and last part of life, pains in stomach, Rohini: There will be no dearth of
Constipation, cough and respiratory diseases and gains in Agriculture. opportunities. A year of hectic activity
Domestic: Periods of retrogression and Combustion of Saturn may is ahead. You will enjoy cordial family
cause hurdles in your effort. Avoid impatience and adamant replies to atmosphere. You will develop the
keep cool the domestic atmosphere. Children, health and education are intuitive ability to find out who is your
the issues, which will require your special attention this year. Parents’ trusted friend and well-wisher. You
health issues are likely to bother you much. Visits of places of worship will help all those, who are around
will provide you peace and tranquillity. Plans to re-model your existing you. You will find fortunate
house are likely to take some more time. occurrences happening all of a
Finance: Income through crop-yields, rental and real estate will be sudden, when all the while you are
worried about the outcome.
satisfactory. Your family members may compel you to purchase some
‘not-so-required’ goods, making your finances a tight rope-walk. In Mrigasira(1&2): Very challenging
middle part of the year, your plans to make long term investment will year is ahead, and you need to show
your dare-devil attitude. You will
fructify and yield rich dividends. Avoid speculative transactions in the
change your job at the spurt of a
first half of the year. Donations to philanthropic activities will quench
moment, but will get a senior
your thirst, for fulfilling social responsibility.
position, after a small gap. But don’t
Career: Your point of view on a long-drawn pending project will be be temperamental. Patience is the
well received by your higher-ups. Chances of accession in career, and need of the hour. Due to pressure of
receiving successful assignments are very much likely this year. Your work in your office, it is most likely
individual decisions requiring ratifications from higher echelons will be that you might neglect your family life.
obtained. As far as possible, avoid any snide remarks or getting down Vedic Remedies: Perform
into the low-vibe cess pool. Those in marketing field need to hone their Navagraha Havan (Homa) to
skills, and improve their etiquette to win over the clientele. appease nine planets with special
Health: Transit of Nodes indicate restlessness, disturbing your sleeping emphasis on propitiation of Saturn,
habits. This is a year to re-align your mind, body and spirit. Ensure along with poor feeding on
sound sleep for yourself and avoid street-food at the most. Don’t expose Saturdays. Sponsor the education
too much for Sunlight .Drink sufficient water, and keep the water-levels expenses of atleast two poor
in your body at optimum levels, to prevent dehydration. The twin evils children. Worship and meditate on
of hypertension and Diabetes need to be monitored regularly to keep Lord Hanuman, whenever possible.
them under control. Lal-kitab Remedies
Women: Highly beneficial for working women! You will be financially During the Navratras, wash the feet
well off this year. Financial plans, which you could not carry out, because of 9 girl children & take their
of paucity of funds, can be transpired into action this year. Attitude and blessings, after gifting them sweets,
behaviour of your children will be irritating some times. Care and concern fruits and money.
of your husband and timely support from your in-laws will keep you Don’t initiate Court case against
happy most of the time in this year. anyone.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
MITHUNA (Gemini): [Mrigasira(3,4), Arudra, BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Punarvasu(1,2,3)] Mrigasira (3, 4): You will fulfill your
Jupiter in your 10th sign at the start of the year transits ambition, with the support of your
to your 11th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on well-wishers. Co-workers will be
5th Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again cooperative. You can garner the
support of your subordinates with
transits to 11th from your Moon sign on 22nd April 2023.
your pep-talking ability. Secret
Saturn in your 8th sign at the start of the year enters your 9th sign on enemies will be subdued. Working
17th January 2023 retrogrades there, and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. women will find this year rewarding.
Suffers combustion in your 9th house in February 2023. Planetary indications are bright to
Rahu transits in your11th sign and 10th sign, and Ketu transits in your students, for changing their line of
5th sign and 4th sign all through the year. study. You need to put-in extra efforts
to master the coding skills, which will
General Characteristics: Tall, very clever, good orator, firm
enhance your career prospects.
determination, virtuous, neck disease and elevated nose, humorous, good
Arudra: New investments to meet
writer, subordinate to wife and humorous, farsighted, learned and
the market-demand is indicated for
honored by Government. entrepreneurs. Revival of friendship
Domestic: Happiness and comfort from family is very much indicated with one of your old acquaintances
this year. You need to shun your superiority complex, to enjoy the is very much on card. Job-seekers
company with your kith and kin. Compromising on certain issues and by experimenting with new
pampering your spouse will bring conjugal bliss in required quantum. approaches will get their dream-job.
Nagging health issues of senior citizens in your family would keep you But, avoid venturing away from
on tenterhooks. You will get peace and tranquility through your spiritual comfort-zone. Favourable Rahu’s
fervor, with visits of places of worship. transit will give positive insights and
yield large gains this year. Good time
Finance: You will tide over the crisis, with the help of family friend or to married people, to plan for their
relative. Also your old investments would become handy, in turning around off-springs!
your financial position for betterment. Travel on business promotion is Punarvasu (1, 2 &3): Financially,
indicated in the middle of the year, which will be very much fruitful. you will be cozy for major part of this
Good time too for those involved in intellectual pursuits! Cumulative year. But problems related to house
effects of Jupiter and Saturn indicate comfortable financial position all and lands need to be faced.
through the year. Favourable time for unmarried to
Career: Favourable transit of Jupiter for most part of the year and enter into wedlock! Don’t take
with relief from Ashtama Sani dosha (8th house Saturn), your talent will domestic friction to your heart, and
adhere to the policy of “this too will
be recognized. You can change your foes into friends. Many of you will
pass-away”. An issue, over which you
be entrusted with new assignments, in which you will shine in flying are pondering over in the past will
colours. Business relating to building materials, software and finance be decided in your favour.
field will flourish. Financial professionals need to be extra vigilant while Vedic Remedies: Recite Hanuman
doing certification works. Chalisa daily. Visit Saneeswara
Health: Trouble from bile and stomach related issues are likely. Minor temple, and offer prayers on
mishaps and related injuries are indicated. Chronic patients may require Saturday, coinciding with
urgent minor surgery for quick-relief. Ketu’s transit is likely to result in Thrayodasi(13 lunar day). Visit
eye infections or injuries, which may get cancelled with favourable dasa Durga temple on Fridays, and offer
and vidasa. Lemon rice to Goddess. Take holy
bath in a river, on New-Moon day.
Women: Your social circle will go through major revival and renewal.
Lal-kitab Remedies
Freelancers will be soaring high this year, by kicking the online ventures
Once in a month, on any Thursday,
up a notch. As money dealings steal the spotlight exercise adjustments,
donate 1100gm. Yellow Chana dal
when signing for investment decisions. Don’t severe relations, basing in any temple.
on rumours and ear-biting fallacies. Take care of your children’s health. Treat sweepers respectfully.
Avoid arguments with your in-laws and think in their perspective.


planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
KATAKA (Cancer): [Punarvasu(4), Pushya, BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Aslesha] Punarvasu (4): You will be having
Jupiter in your 9th sign at the start of the year transits oscillating moods quite often this
to your 10th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on year. Though financially well, your
5th Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again concern is towards your children,
transits to 10th from your Moon sign on 22nd April 2023. settled in overseas. You need to go
Saturn in your 7th Sign at the start of the year enters your 8th sign on abroad in May/June, to oversee the
17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. welfare of your NRI children. You will
Suffers Combustion in your 8th house in February 2023.
not be inclined towards spiritualism.
Rahu transits in your10th sign and 9th sign, and Ketu transits in your 4th But you will get solace from a
sign and 3rd sign all through the year.
spiritual Guru on whom you will
General Characteristics: Unpredictable, indecisive with insecure always rely upon.
behaviour, vulnerable and suspicious. But you are also tenacious, loyal,
Pushya: Signs of revival of friendship
patriotic, sympathetic, persuasive, intuitive and sensitive, loved by kith
with your childhood acquaintance is
and kin, good natured and happy: bereft of enemies.
very much on cards. For those bitten
Domestic: Unfavourable transit Saturn will affect domestic peace.
by cupid’s arrows, this year makes
The beneficial transit of Nodes will somehow balance this. If you
the wedding bells ring. You will
maintain your cool, many contentious issues can be avoided. Differences
with your kith and kin need to be nipped in the bud and also without experience real spiritualism and feel
rubbing on the wrong side. Students need to put in extra efforts, to cross grateful to God for the benefits and
the benchmark levels, in academic and competitive exams. boons you are going to receive. In
Finance: You need to think twice, while going for a big investment. the result, you will become more
Better not to go for new loans this year. Carefully balance your financials, charitable and involve in virtuous
and give priority to clear-off your debts. Use your Credit cards sparingly, deeds like a good Samaritan.
and clear the bills in time. Second half of the year would give slight Aslesha: Required guidance from
financial affluence and scope for considerable saving. Speculation and parents and in-laws will be received
share market investment require much care and concern, from July to in time. For newly married, arrival of
September. your dream-child is very much
Career: Better not to venture for new assignments. A bird in the hand indicated. For working girls,
is always better than two in the bush. Consolidate your position by hook indications of hike in package with
or crook. Promotions, which fell due already, will take some more time added responsibilities is likely. Aged
to materialize. Prepare yourself for long-distance transfers, if you are women among you will enjoy in
handpicked for promotion. You are most likely to be entrusted with social functions and gatherings.
additional responsibilities, but the pay-hike may not be commensurate. When confronted with arguments,
Health: Drinking warm water atleast once a day, and keeping digestive exercise the knack of remaining
supplements handy with you, the oft-repeated health issues of bloating silent and non-controversial.
stomach/gas like issues can be avoided mostly. You may not be Vedic Remedies: You need to
meticulous with your food or diet. Untimely and uncontrolled meals to perform remedies to Jupiter and
satisfy your palate is likely to disturb your health clock. You may not be Saturn. Chant Sankat Mochan
able to follow the diet control chart or exercise schedule as envisaged,
Hanuman Ashtakam. Visit any shrine
owing to hectic work environment.
of Shani Bhagwan, and anoint the
Women: You will be cornered on many issues in the first quarter. You idol with Gingili oil. Offer food stuffs,
need to be very much tactful in managing your domestic affairs. Working
prepared with Black grams to crows
women in senior cadres need to be cautious, before approving the docket
on Saturdays.
files, lest you may be misled by your subordinates. Decisions taken by
you in Executive cadre are likely to be reviewed by higher-ups, much to Lal-kitab Remedies
your chagrin. In decision-making, don’t rake-up controversies, and tread Clean your water-storage tanks.
on the safe-path. Add Barley flour in your diet.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
SIMHA (LEO): [Makha, Poorvaphalguni and BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Uttaraphalguni(1)] Makha: Pleasurable pursuits will
Jupiter in your 8th sign at the start of the year, transits only result in physical strain.
to your 9th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on 5th Enemies will be subdued, and
Court cases will be decided in your
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again
favour. Normal health will be
transits to 9th from your Moon sign on 22nd April 2023. maintained by following the health
Saturn in your 6th Sign at the start of the year enters your 7th sign on guide. Your preventive care helps
17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. in reducing the consultation of
Suffers Combustion in your 7th house in February 2023. physicians. Birth of a child will give
Rahu transits in your 9th sign and 8th sign, and Ketu transits in your 3rd you immense pleasure. Women
sign and 2nd sign all through the year. working in corporate sector will do
General Characteristics: Broad face, yellowish eyes, thick chin, likes
Poorvaphalguni: Relations with
forest and mountains, cannot bear insults, strives for achieving high goals, public and participation in public
strong bones, easily forgives others, short hair, happy and far-sighted, services will enliven your spirits.
afraid of cold weather, good friends and advisors, humane, loved by Career-wise, an upliftment is
parents. indicated. Be careful while driving.
Domestic: Timely help from your spouse will make you happy.Family Fines for violation of traffic rules or
bliss is vouchsafed. Sometimes, you will be overtaken with anxiety and minor mishaps are likely to disturb
you. Household electronic goods
restlessness. Relations with family members and friends will be good
and other electrical appliances will
and you will have a good social life. There could be an auspicious function require nagging repairs, and require
in your house. Beneficial transit of Jupiter from April 2023 ensures replacement also. Guard yourself
required quantum of affection and cooperation from your siblings. There from viral fevers and mosquito
is a possibility of a long journey on spiritual purpose. bites.
Finance: Your investments will be profitable. It is a very good time to Uttaraphalguni(1): Your
buy property. Speculation appears to be good, but only on long term endeavours to succeed will be
basis. You will be able to save money for further investment. You will supported by your superiors.
Frequent short journeys are likely
try and succeed in expanding your business. But, new partnership units
to result in seasonal ailments
may have some teething troubles. Much of your income will be spent requiring medication. Pleasurable
for children, siblings and parents. pursuits and love affairs are not
Career: Your bosses will be over demanding and utilize every ruled out. Favour and help from
opportunity to corner you. Watch your behaviour and hold your tongue, maternal uncles and aunts can be
as this may reduce your reputation. Unfavorable transit of nodes may anticipated. Eligible unmarried
compel you for change of job in a fit of anger. You are advised not to need to wait up to Sept/Oct, for
getting the approval from other side
lose your temper and stay cool, to avoid dislocation. Be submissive during
and finalizing the match.
the 3rd quarter of this year.
Vedic Remedies: Recite Guru
Health: Extra care need to be taken about your and your spouse’s Gayatri: “Om Suracharyaya
health. Lethargy, stomach disorders, anguish, mental agony, fear and a vidmahey, devapoojyaya
general sense of disorientation will prevail. Saturn’s transit indicate health dheemahi, thanno Guruhu
issues to parents and in-laws. Chronic health ailments are likely to relapse, prachodayath” 108 times a day for
requiring immediate medication, which will be brought to control with continuous 16 days. Visit the
medical expenditure. Exposure to sunlight in required quantum will make shrines of Lord Karthikeya and
anoint the idol with milk on
you hale and hearty.
Tuesdays. Perform Ganapathi
Women: Financial and moral support from your mother will be available homam on the day of your Birth
in required times. Achievements and career advancements of your Star.
children will make you proud. Marital life will be quite harmonious with Lal-kitab Remedies
short hiccups. For working girls, increase in rank or promotion with Don’t fall prey to the fake saints.
additional perks can be expected. Your colleagues will be cooperative Maintain harmonious relations with
and render support in your accession to higher post. brothers & sisters.


planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
KANYA (VIRGO): [Uttaraphalguni(2, 3 &4), BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Hasta & Chitra (1 & 2)] Uttaraphalguni (2, 3 & 4): There
Jupiter in your 7th sign at the start of the year transits will be many unproductive short
to your 8th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on 5th journeys. Attempts to achieve
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023, and again success and enjoy the fruits requires
transits to 8th from your Moon sign on 27th April 2023. more time than expected. Efforts to
Saturn in your 5th sign at the start of the year enters your 6th sign on 17th go abroad will be materialized after
January 2023 Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. some initial setbacks. Health of your
Suffers Combustion in your 6th house in February 2023. parents will become a point of worry
Rahu transits in your 8th sign and 7th sign, and Ketu transits in your 2nd to you. Enemies in business will be
sign and 1st sign all through the year. subdued.
General Characteristics: Weak hands and shoulders, skilful in playing Hasta: Regular income and
instruments, expert in debates, lives in foreign lands, learned person, reduced expenses will result in small
head of an institution, engaged in other’s work, Skillful in accounting savings. Over-exposure to cold
and Management jobs, cannot withstand to criticism, earns money from winds is likely to result in breathing
writing, poetic nature. related issues. All endeavours will be
Domestic: Avoid arguments with family, friends and relatives. Don’t successful. Students can aspire for
be rude, rash and irritable. Any imbalance in your behavior is likely to campus placements. Married life
spoil the relations. Don’t opt for travels, unless it is a must lest this will will be satisfactory despite some petty
not give the desired result turning out to be a burden on your finances. disagreements. Indications of good
Transit of Jupiter is not favourable after April, and Nodes are also helpless.
job to unemployed is very much
But, you can run the show with the blessings of beneficial Saturn.
Finance: Close watch is required, in respect of your finances. Stay
Chitra (1 & 2): Intemperate habits
away from vices and bad company. Take care of your money and
valuables to avoid theft. Out-flows will be in geometric progression, and carelessness will result in health
while in-flows are only in arithmetic progression. Expenses of your issues to you. Domestic happiness
spouse and children may compel you to go for loans. Shares obtained is foreseen. Avoid revealing your
from primary market are likely to benefit you. personal details to others. Mixed
Career: You need to exercise great amount of restraint. There will be results are expected in respect of
loss of reputation, if you get distracted or show apathy towards your career and professional front. You
work. Always fulfill your commitments, and clear the files in time. You may go abroad to meet your kith and
need to put-in a lot of efforts for completion of work, as per schedule. kin there. Those in show business
You cannot change your job also, despite the best of your efforts. Your will have a better time.
integrity, hardwork, brilliance and commitment will get recognition in Vedic Remedies: Recite Shiva
the 2nd part of the year. Saharsranama. Visit Lord Shiva
Health: You must be vigilant in your movements, and also during the temple on Mondays and perform
travel, you have to guard yourself against theft and injuries. Frequent Rudrabhishekam. Worship Lord
health problems are foreseen, though of a minor nature. Ailments related Ganesha and meditate on your
to digestive, diaphragm, legs and reproductive organs may bother a few. Family Deity in early hours. Visit
You will be tired and exhausted with a lazy lustre feeling. Stress in Goddess Durga temple on Fridays
managing the house hold affairs and also in job-front will make you and offer prayers.
prone to hypertension.
Lal-kitab Remedies
Women: Relations with spouse will be on a medium note. Housewives
Every Thursday, donate 200gm
can expect domestic harmony with some occasional squabbles. Working
women can expect promotions and transfers, to distant places. But socially, Turmeric sticks in a Ganapathy
you will be in a great shape. Trouble in kidneys and menstrual disorders are temple.
likely. By consuming adequate quantity of water and through personal hygiene Not to indulge in any kind of illegal,
you can adjust the health clock in your favour and avoid hospitalization. unethical & immoral activities.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
TULA (LIBRA): [Chitra (3 & 4) Swathi and BIRTH STAR PREDICTIONS
Visakha (1,2, 3)] Chitra (3 & 4): Success will be
Jupiter in your 6th sign at the start of the year transits achieved with sustained efforts in a
to your 7th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades 5th systematic way. From hereditary
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again quarters a wind fall is indicated.
transits to 7th from your Moon sign on 27th April 2023. Those facing departmental enquiry
will have a relief through acquittal.
Saturn in your 4th sign at the start of the year enters your 5th sign on
Your consultation with astrologers
17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023.
would turn to be fruitful. Occult
Suffers Combustion in your 5th house in February 2023.
sciences and yoga will attract you.
Rahu transits in your 7th sign and 6th sign, and Ketu transits in your 1st Unemployed need to put extra efforts
sign and 12th sign all through the year. to start their earnings. Government
General Characteristics: Beautiful eyes, face and eyebrows, mostly employees preparing for
works in Government departments or atleast good connections with them, Departmental tests for next cadre
Devoted to saints and gods, intelligent, subordinate to wife, cannot say escalation can be hopeful of positive
“no” to women, tall, thin nose, engaged in trade & commerce, not interested results.
in others wealth, famous, practical person and lazy. Swati: Hurdles in life will be solved.
Domestic: You are likely to be involved in some legal issues. Don’t pin Adverse transit of Jupiter till April and
Saturn in 5th may cause problems in
high hopes on your friends and acquaintances. You are likely to be forsaken
job, and also with partners. The
by your friends in times of need. Don’t stand as surety to others debts.
natives are advised to be cautious in
Good time for students, charitable and religious organisations. Amidst the their financial dealings. Matters
above pinpricks, some of you can enjoy the luxuries of imported cars, related with comforts, conveyance
frequent air travel, robust health. Required money will be ready in your and children will become the point
hands, to make the people around you happy and contented. of concern. Women should take care
Finance: Hold tight on your finances, as it is likely to be spent on of their health from April to June.
unnecessary purchases. Those in business can expect a big jump of profits. Gambling should be avoided.
Expansion of units is very much likely. You are likely to get money from Visakha (1 ,2 &3): Avoid any new
life-partner, land, rent from immovable properties, vehicles and distant ventures in this year. Only careful and
trading. Speculative activities will yield higher returns. You can recover cautious speculative activities
most of your long standing dues this year. should be attempted. This is a time
of re-look into your previous activities,
Career: Promising time is ahead for bureaucrats and civil servants, who
and gauze their effect on you. Health
go by Rule-book. Your efforts to get a transfer to a place of your choice hazards need to be attended
will happen during Rahu’s transit in your sixth sign. Those in Research immediately. Marriage trials will seek
line will be elated with publication of their research papers in international some more time to fructify. Be careful
magazines. Good time for those in Media, R & D, Foreign Trade, staff of in oral and written communications.
multi-nationals and Software professionals. Vedic Remedies: Worship the
Health: There will be a sense of well-being in life. Drive out lethargy, Divine Mother in any form…Durga,
and keep yourself out of depression, by engaging in spiritual pursuits. Lalitha, Eshwari(Parvathi) or
People suffering from chronic diseases will notice substantial improvement Lakshmi. Recite Durga Stothra or
in their health. However, swelling of joints, rheumatic pains with fever, Durga Sukta. Worship the Goddess
miraculous escape from road mishaps are indicated. Keep your emotions on Tuesdays and Fridays, and
in control, to reduce the overflow of blood into brain vessels. distribute milk, Lemon rice and White
clothes to poor.
Women: Financial gain and purchase of precious jewellery is very
much likely. Hospitalisation and recovery from illness is also foreseen. Lal-kitab Remedies
Enemies will be defeated. Working women will have a tough time in Feed Green grass/fodder to 100
serving the in-laws and managing the household affairs. Those with healthy Cows in a cow- shelter.
children of marriageable age will finalize the marriage proposals this Keep in your bedroom, holy river
year, and wait for arrival of new bride/groom. water in a Tin container.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
Anuradha, Jyeshta] Visakha(4): Some elevation in status
Jupiter in your 5th sign at the start of the year transits can be expected. Some will lose
to your 6th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades in 5th self-confidence. Accumulation of
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again wealth and savings is difficult in first
transits to 6th from your Moon sign on 27th April 2023. three months. Caution is required in
Saturn in your 3rd Sign at the start of the year enters your 4th sign on the official dealings/bank
17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. transactions/lending or borrowing
Suffers Combustion in your 4th house in February 2023. on Mondays coinciding with Moon’s
Rahu transits in your 6th sign and 5th sign, and Ketu transits in your asterism (Hasta, Sravana, Rohini).
12th sign and 11th sign all through the year. Anuradha: Antagonism from friends
and loss of money in journeys are
General Characteristics: Broad and Strong chest, a drooping belly
indicated. Likely to get Government/
and tawny eyes, pendulous nose, uneven teeth, appearance of profundity,
public sector employment. Success
bilious constitution, betrayer, firm, fierce, promotes violence, quarrels,
over enemies and winning of Court
associations with higher-ups, wanderer and earnings through
cases are likely. Early recovery with
objectionable means.
short-time hospitalization is
Domestic: Changes are expected in family life. Minor difference of indicated for viral infection,
opinion between partners and relatives will arise. But they will not result sometime in July/August. Hostile
in feuds. There will be a smooth running of your domestic atmosphere. attitude from those in power and
Nodes’ favorable transit helps in dealing crucial matters tactfully, and authority is foreseen. Don’t expect
avoid some hardships. The karmic planet stationed in 4th and aspecting any help from political leaders.
your Rasi extends moderate results this year. Jyeshta: Servants and subordinates
Finance: Inspite of business growth, some kind of dissatisfaction will will be a source of happiness and
be lurking your mind. Plan carefully and spend cautiously to save for help. You will get comfort from pet
the rainy day. You should not expect any windfall gains this year. Your animals. News of miscarriage in and
finances will be secure with growth in revenues. Be careful in lending around your family circles will disturb
and borrowing. You need to manage the first half of the year with careful your mood. There will be distant
planning and judicious spending. Gains from stocks, held for a long time journeys, which will recharge you.
only, are indicated. Caution is required in dealing with Short-term Spiritual discourses and yoga
investments. sessions will give mental peace and
Career: You can assert your position in the career-field. New projects tranquility. There will be some
or ventures can be attempted. Authorities and companions would be a unpleasant incidents at pleasure-
source of inspiration and help. Those in service, tourism and hospitality seeking spots.
sectors will do better. Your hard work and sincerity will pay the dividend Vedic Remedies: Recite ‘Aditya
ultimately. Optimistic approach and commitment to work will impress hridayam’ and perform Suya
the superiors. Fluctuating fortunes are indicated for those in Real Estate. Namaskaram. Perform
Entrepreneurs of new start-up companies will have a good time ahead. Rudrabhishekam on a Monday in
Health: Mental worries and physical strain will cause health hazards. Lord Shiva’s temple. Recite Ketu
Blood pressure and nervous tension will affect the physical well-being. Gayatri “Om Thamo grahaya
Wind and bile related complications are likely to trouble. Alternative vidmahe Dwhajasthitaha dheemahi
treatment of medicine like yoga, Siddha and Nature Cure are suggested thanno kethu prachodayat:” 108
for quick and low-cost recovery. Take a break from routine chores, and times daily, and worship lord
rejuvenate and re-charge yourself in hill stations to maintain robust heath. Ganesha on Wednesday. Donate
Women: Married women need to take care of the health of their partners. parched rice to poor people.
Women in the family-way need to take absolute rest. Spinsters will Lal-kitab Remedies
stand a fair chance of getting married in the first half of the year itself. Every Monday, worship Goddess
Working women will get a sudden transfer in their job, which may not Saraswati with Blue flowers.
be to their liking. Home-makers need to realize how relations could Always keep a light Grey (smoky)
become topsy-turvy, with their casual and passing remarks. colour handkerchief with you.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
Poorvashada, Uttarashada(1)] Moola: Negotiations for lucrative
Jupiter in your 4th sign at the start of the year transits partnerships and joint ventures will
to your 5th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades in 5th reach to an amicable consensus.
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again Those who have outgrown their
transits to 7th from your Moon sign on 27th April 2023. professional paths and reached their
efficiency bar will take a bold leap
Saturn in your 2rd Sign at the start of the year enters
into an inspiring new direction.
your 3 sign on 17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct
Spread your wings far and wide and
on 4th Nov.2023. Suffers Combustion in your 3rdhouse in February 2023. don’t be complacent with paltry and
Rahu transits in your 5th sign and 4th sign, and Ketu transits in your 11th moderate gains. Success and
sign and 10thsign all through the year. cooperation in business matters is
General Characteristics: Stout and prominent physique, large eyes, very much on card. You will reap the
defective nails, large chest/shoulders/arms/belly, prefers to reside river beside, benefits of maintaining the robust
devoted to father, controls others through love and affection, will have a heath so far.
good life partner, knowledge of scriptures, best person in family, diseases of Purvashada: New Contacts and
mouth and eyes, phlegmatic and windy constitution, danger/threat from Govt. relations are very much indicated
Domestic: Saturn’s transit into Aquarius will provide you major relief from which are going to be useful in long
petty disturbances from mid-January onwards. Apart from this, favorable run. Singles will attract their soul
transit of Nodes will provide the silver lining. Travel in luxurious cars, overseas mate as they cast their line back into
travel on sponsorship, winning in elections are indicated. Good time for the sea of love. Intellect and timely
actions help the students to make
students appearing in competitive examinations. Family members will be
quick progress in their education. Be
supportive. Ailing elder in the family will get recovered. Minor skirmishes
wary of entering a burnout territory,
will surface in the domestic-front, but you will resolve them tactfully.
when whipping out a credit line for
Finance: Beneficial transit of Saturn ensures your income to be plentiful extravagant expenses. Marketing
and continuous. Very good time to buy property. Transit of North node in staff will upgrade their skills in locking
your 6th house accelerates the financial growth process. Strategic planning the elite clients.
and fiscal conservation enables you to clear off the majority debt load with Uttarashada (1): You will receive an
ease. The more you hold tight your wallet strings, the more your repayment answer, clear cut direction or
spree of loan reduction. New stream of inflows through well-thought out documentary proof to resolve a long-
Real estate options will add feathers in your portfolio management. standing legal battle. Monetary dues,
Favourable transit of Saturn in 3rd helps you in recovering fiscal dues so far which you thought uncollectable, will
remained in litigation. be recovered to your utter dismay. For
Career: Artists will make a noteworthy impact in the public eye. At work couples, dependability and
place, with goodwill on the rise, deserved promotions and pay hike keeps perseverance will be the two winning
you cool. Strategic networking by jobseekers will bring them straight in the traits that will strengthen their
front line of high paying employment. Digital splash by marketing professional relations further. With full
will be well applauded and recognized by the power players of their field. concentration and dedication,
You can avoid the avalanche of discord snowballing from your higher-ups students will succeed in flying
in the last minute with your knack and forethought. Freelancers working on colours.
a big project will hit the benchmark of success by hook or crook. Vedic Remedies: Recite Lalitha
Health: Enrolling in a Yoga Retreat will help combat recurring health issues, sahasranaam on every Friday, along
particularly mucle/joint aches/knee disorders. Make self-care as your top with Ashtalakshmi stothra. Donate
priority, as stomach issues and viral fevers are most likely to bother you new clothes to women. Anoint Lord
much this year. Adding energy session or good workout in your daily Shiva with sugarcane juice, curd and
schedule, will have a positive effect on your stress levels. Those ailing from honey on Mondays for three times.
heart or high blood pressure issues need to be extra careful. Donate fruits in orphanages on your
Women: Opportunities galore for working women in white collared jobs. .
Lal-kitab Remedies
You will be in a fix in making a selection. You are advised to do multi
tasking and prove that you are better than the best in tactfully managing the Every Thursday, circumabulate(9
domestic and job fronts. You will try your hand on a variety of cuisines other times) in the nearby temple.
than your traditional ones. Get prepared for a overseas holiday in Sept/Oct Do not keep bills to pay( pending) in
this year. your purse.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
&4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1 &2)] Uttarashada(2,3 & 4): Good support
Jupiter in your 3rd sign at the start of the year transits from abroad is indicated, and your
to your 4th sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades in 5th overseas projects will do well.
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again Publication of your research articles
transits to 6th from your Moon sign on 27th April 2023. will earn you global recognition. But
you need to guard yourself from your
Saturn in your Moon sign at the start of the year enters your 2nd sign
rivals and competitors. Good time for
on 17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4 th
sports persons among you. You will
Nov.2023. Suffers Combustion in your 2rd house in February 2023.
be supportive to your kith and kin and
Rahu transits in your 4th sign and 3th sign, and Ketu transits in your 10th they will also reciprocate the same
sign and 9th sign all through the year. to you. Employees will do well in their
General Characteristics: Tall, timid, soft disposition, curly hair, fickle job front and a pay hike is very much
minded, devoid of affection, spendthrift, righteous, nomadic nature, liberal, likely.
knowledge of music and scriptures, excessive hunger and thirst, un- Sravana: You will be very aggressive
orthodox behavior, hypocrite, devoted to mother, good servants, less in your career. In the result you need
anger, shameless. to cope-up with lot of pressure. You
Domestic: Favorable transit of nodes will neutralize the adverse results need to balance your personal and
of Jupiter and Saturn. You will be overtaken by anxiety and restlessness. official lives to ensure domestic
You might find yourself isolated in some situations, but do not let that harmony. Those pursuing
depress you. Transit of Saturn may result in involvement with photography and visual
unscrupulous people. Domestic misunderstandings and humiliating communication will get their talent
situations must be met with fortitude. Your children will bestow all their recognised. Professionals in
portfolio management need to be
love and affection on you.
penny wise and pound wise.
Finance: Expenses relating to higher studies of your children are Financial affluence is very much on
indicated more this year. This year is moderately good in respect of cards.
finance. Better to check your Investment planning twice or thrice with Dhanishta(1 & 2): ‘Forget and
your investment consultant before concluding. Expenses in foreign forgive’ should be your policy in this
currency is likely to be in the second half of the year to meet your year. People who once acted against
siblings/relatives in overseas. Repair/renovation of your own dwelling is you will come to you with sorry face.
also indicated in this year. Take up challenging assignments
Career: Professionals will gain the confidence of their clientele. This and implement them in a systematic
year is all about how you optimize your time and what you do in the manner. Time to show your mettle.
given time interval. Mid half of the year is a testing time to Bureaucrats Some of you are going to be the
in obliging their political bosses or else get prepared to relocate. Those toppers in your academics. You will
involved in publicity, cinematography, music and vocal will have a good spend lavishly in a family function or
career ahead. Middle level managers need to take extra loads of work overseas pleasure trip.
and they will be rewarded for that. Vedic Remedies: Visit Tirunallar of
Health: Those having neurological issues need to take extra care. For Tamilnadu or Shani Shinnapur of
Maharashtra to propitiate Shani
some, it will be difficult to diagnose the ailment. You may be prone to
Bhagwan. Anoint the image with
Viral fevers, conjunctivitis like contagious diseases. As far as possible, Gingelly oil. Offer food items
avoid outside food. It is most likely that you may lose control over your prepared with Black grams to crows.
food habits, morning exercises etc., which will tell adversely on your Recite Hanuman Chalisa on
health. Try to stick to your health calendar and don’t skip morning walk Tuesdays, and seek the blessings of
from your daily schedule. aged persons in the family.
Women: You will realize that arguments result in reduction of relations Lal-kitab Remedies
more so in your domestic environment. You should stop worrying on things Before leaving home, drink water
on which you have no control. Some activities of your grown-up children through Copper tumbler.
may not be to your liking, and they prove to be an area of concern. You Every Tuesday, light a lamp of
will diversify your attention and find solace in social and charitable activities. Jasmine oil.
planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
Satabhisha, Purvabhadra (1, 2 & 3)] Dhanishta (3 & 4): Mixed results are
Jupiter in your 2nd sign at the start of the year transits indicated regarding health. Trouble
from enemies and disputes will
to your 3rd sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on 5th
become a cause of concern. Your
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again financial management will be good
transits to your 3rd sign on 27th April 2023. and you need to give a pat to yourself
Saturn in your 12th Sign at the start of the year enters your Moon sign for this. Better to disclose the
on 17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4 th investments made clandestinely in
Nov.2023. Suffers Combustion in your 1st house in February 2023. earlier years and pay the dues to
exchequer. You investments in
Rahu transits in your 3rd sign and 2nd sign, and Ketu transits in your 9th bullion will reap you rich dividends
sign and 8th sign all through the year. but no so with land and shares.
General Characteristics: Birth in excellent family; novel ideas, mean Satabhisha: Troubles from siblings,
mentality, independent, Elevated nose, thick hands and feet, very lazy, neighbours and long journeys are
always calm, hoards money, beautiful eyes, helpful to friends, promotes indicated. Domestic happiness is
strife, enthusiastic to perform big tasks, interested in other’s wealth, available aplenty. Time for
jealous and no hesitation to do illegitimate things. settlement of your disputes quite
amicably. Participation in spiritual
Domestic: Maintain cool temper and maintain cordial relations with discourses will relieve you from
family members. Indisposition to aged persons in the family will bother tension. People working in Air force,
you for some time. Jupiter’s favorable transit will negate the odds of military mining and water works
Saturn. You need to cope-up with the adverse behavior of your co- need to take extra care in job-front.
borns for some time during this year. Progress of your children in Domestic happiness is assured, as
academic front will provide you the proud moments. long as you maintain your cool and
Finance: Indications of mortgaging a property for your business needs Poorvabhadra (1,2&3): Government
are very much apparent. Pending bills from Govt. will be cleared only grants/subsidies and expected job/
after meeting the formalities. Be punctual and also careful in filing your promotion is likely to be delayed by
tax returns. Be aware that ignorance of law is no excuse. Be complacent two to three months. Your savings will
with what is with you and don’t run for large scale diversification or increase due to regularity of income
modernization of your business. Don’t go even a mile extra in spending and reduced expenses. Avoid
for family functions. sensual pleasures and speculative
activities. People acting as
Career: Your endeavours to tread into new paths in business/profession middlemen will be benefitted more
will be met with tough resistance from your competitors. Unexpected in this year. Your care and concern
help from strange quarters is on cards. Good time for academicians, towards your family members will
book publishers, research scholars and advocates. Politicians need to win their confidence. Watch your
think twice before switching their loyalties. The adage “A Bird in the wards movements carefully.
hand is worth two in the bush” is always correct. Vedic Remedies: Recite Srilakshmi
Health: Issues related to flatulence and gas are likely to crop-up. You Nrusimha Karaavalamba stothra of
may feel bloated. Keeping away from Non-veg as much as possible Adi Sankaracharya daily. Visit a
will keep you away from clinical visits. As far as possible avoid exposure nearby shrine of Lord Narasimha,
and offer jiggery-mixed drink to the
to cold winds, dust and places of high altitude. Even though quick recovery deity. Perform Surya Namaskar daily
is indicated minor health issues are likely to bother you number of times in the open air during Sunrise. For
this year due to adverse transit of Saturn for major part. Guard yourself financial affluence, Lakshmi
against air-borne diseases. Ashtakam need to be recited daily.
Women: Period is tough for spinsters to get married this year. Working Lal-kitab Remedies
women need to cope with the odds of career advancement tagged with Every Friday, feed chapattis,
domestic squabbles. Great care is required in balancing these two prepared from Wheat flour & Jaggery
divergent fields. Good cooperation from colleagues and higher-ups will to a cow.
enliven boost your self-confidence. Good time for bureaucrats and those Every Tuesday & Saturday, around
Sunset, read Sankatmochan
in political offices among you for getting their dream post.
Hanuman Ashtak.


planetary guidelines for 12-rasi individuals
Uttarabhadra, Revati] Purvabhadra (4): There will be
Jupiter in your 1st sign at the start of the year transits happiness from spouse and other
to your 2nd sign on 22nd April 2023, Retrogrades on 5th family members. Unemployed youth
are likely to get their first job. Increased
Sept.2023. Combusts on 28th March 2023 and again
income will result in savings. Disputes
transits to your 2nd sign on 27th April 2023. will be settled in your favour. House,
Saturn in your 11TH sign at the start of the year enters your 12th sign on land or vehicle will be acquired this
17th January 2023, Retrogrades there and turns Direct on 4th Nov.2023. year. Good time to get married and
Suffers Combustion in your 12th house in February 2023. enter into wedlock. Aged among you
Rahu transits in your 2nd sign and 1st sign, and Ketu transits in your 8th will get some reprieve from chronic
sign and 7th sign all through the year. ailments.
General Characteristics: Beautiful eyes, big head and elevated nose, Uttarabhadra: Distant journeys are
very much indicated. Act on your own.
earns through trading of valuables, gets unexpected wealth, subordinate
Don’t depend friends advice. Trouble
to wife, gains from Govt. interested in voyages, far sighted, fast walker, from vehicles will cause considerable
passionate, full of patience, good conduct and good relations with kith cash flow. At home, support from
and kin, takes care of parents. parents and children is very well
Domestic: From April onwards, Jupiter’s transit brings you a lot of indicated. However, disputes emanate,
promising fortunes. Your social status will be enhanced and you will regarding ancestral properties, which
perform an auspicious event in your family. But this may not be good need to be handled with knack. Your
time to fight a Court case and contest in an election. Handle your friends envisaged ventures will be completed
in time. Taking preventive care for
and acquaintances carefully to avoid being forsaken by them. You will
dental issues.
share some happy times with your children staying in abroad.
Revati: Maintain absolute
Finance: It is a very good time to buy property. Partnerships will be confidentiality in your professional/job
successful and you can consolidate the resources. Inspite of fluctuations front. Avoid loose talking. Don’t involve
in Stock markets, your investments will do well. Cash inflows will be in underhand dealings. Help from
sufficient. Your intention to foraying and branching out consumes most fellow staff in fulfilling the tasks in time
of your liquid funds. Those engaged in agri-related commercial crops is indicated. Favourable orders from
will flourish well. legal forums are very much likely. Your
Career: Good time for job-holders who require specialized skills. efforts for getting a
political(nominated)post will fructify this
Frequent air travels on account of job are very much indicated for
year. One important document or
software, Research and Development staff. Required help from your object found unexpectedly in antiques
subordinates will be received in time. Great care need to be shown in of your house will be a source of joy for
data tabulation and consolidation and filing of statutory returns. Your you.
approach to work will win you laurels from your superiors. Vedic Remedies: Recite Hanuman
Health: You will have vitality and energy. Your health consciousness Chalisa and Dasaratha-kritha Shani
and keep fit attitude gives you rich dividends. However, minor Stothra. Worship Lord Balaji on
disturbances due to contagious diseases and allergic complaints are Saturdays and wearing Yellow
foreseen. Multivitamin capsules will help you to recover from seasonal Sapphire in a Silver Ring on a
ailments with less medication. For those who suffered sciatica, frozen Thursday. Recite Rahu and Ketu
Gayatri mantras. “Om Nagadhwajaya
shoulder, swollen joints and Thyroid earlier need to be cautious as these
vidmahey padmahasthaya dheemahi
are likely to relapse once again. thanno Rahu prachodayaath” (18000
Women: Smooth sailing in your domestic and work fronts are foreseen. times within a span of 18 days). “Om
You will manage your domestic chores as well as job routine in such a Kethugrahaya vidmahe mahavaktraya
way that none can find fault. You will get the appreciations of your in- dheemahi thanno kethuprachodayath”
laws, for solving an in-house problem with your tact and intellect. (7000 times in a span of 7 days).
Spinsters can pin hopes on meeting their dream-boy this year. Drink Lal-kitab Remedies
abundant water to avoid health issues related to Gall bladder and Kidneys. Every Thursday, pour Saffron water
You will witness your honour and respect in society getting multiplied. onto a Shivaling.
Good time for eves in politics. Take bath in any holy river.
predictions for various countries

Economic Trends 2023 By Abishek Kedia

Here is my attempt to predict economic trends for Calendar Year 2023, through Jyotish perspective. Today
all major economies are depended on each other. Most countries depend on China for medicine APIs and
manufacturing, because of cheap labour. Although, since COVID, there is a partial shift, where India
became the biggest beneficiary. India is hub for IT outsourcing, and is now attracting global giants for
manufacturing, to boost its semi-skilled employment. Japan’s relentless quality-production keeps it as
favourite, and USA is known for its Defence manufacturing and Oil supply.

As per IMF report data of Aug 2022, top 5 economies of world (as per ranking)

Apart from these above countries, Russia, France Therefor different planets’ significations and Index
and Middle-east countries can’t be ignored, where calculation methods have to be taken correctly.
Oil production and supply are mainly controlled.  Transit of Karaka planets for natural resources,
Important points for this Astrological capital goods are taken in proportion to the GDP.
perspective Example: In India, Gold is estimated to be around 1
 Because of difference in starting date of Solar trillion USD in physical form, which is equivalent to
Year, Western Calendar and Financial Year of Market Capitalization of Apple and Amazon. So, if
different countries, impact of financial nature doesn’t Jupiter is transiting in Rasis like Capricorn, which
show immediately; decision of each country also makes Gold prices higher, it will not mainly impact
depends much on its geographical location, political India’s Stock market. Because India’s Stock market
party tenure mainly. Thus, Transits, Yogas are given and world markets are correlated with US and
more importance than Dasa cycle; dasa shows European markets, where Gold markets don’t
probable results which can occur, and the transit impact much.
shows execution-time of that (any) yoga formed United States of America (USA)
under Dasa Cycle.  Changes in Horoscope of
 Any major treaties signed between countries or USA, from 2022 to 2023
trade agreement impacts the long-term international Calendar year: Vimshottari
trade of the country. So, major favourable and dasa of Rahu and Antardasa,
unfavourable transit can show, if such agreement can Jupiter, from June 2021 till
be signed in that particular year. Nov 2023 will remain the same, of course, sub period
 In one year perspective, major impacts in will change. Saturn will move from 6th house to 7th
economy happens, because of sudden rise in house from Lagna, and the Second phase of Sade-
Investments from Global investors, Pandemic/ Sati will begin, where Saturn will be transiting over
Natural Disaster, Major bill passed. Moon’s Rasi. Jupiter will move from 8th house to
 Earlier, physical Gold was major parameter for 9th house from lagna; from Moon, it will be 2nd to
economy, but now weightage of interest rates, foreign 3rd house. Rahu and Ketu will remain in same Rasi
Reserves and Stock Market Capitalization are more. till November 2023. Other transits are those of fast-
predictions for various countries
Looking at various countries’ horoscopes and sectors, in 2023, it is foreseen that major economies
will have changes in their domestic policies. USA will have to make more Capital expenditure,
and listen to its allies. China may face revolt from citizen. India will also see more revival and
aggressive approach, propagating its religious ideology. Countries, in general will not see
sudden shift in technology or revival in economy.
transit, it will again give 10th aspect from Aquarius
sign. Transit conjunction or combination of Mars and
Ketu will increase such probability. These points are
taken from last few major events in USA from 1920s
based on my observations on 7+ events, where more
than 100+ deaths happened in each case.
 Corporates will make big move in USA, and will
be more co-operative with Government. Govt’s
Source: From the data of K.N.Rao financial policy can assure relief to its citizen in
Asc 29°49’ Leo U.Phalguni Interest-rates, and financial aid will increase. Stock
Sun 22°19’ Gemini Punarvasu Markets will consolidate most of the time, and
Moon 02°19’ Aquarius Dhanishta Banking, FMCG sectors will do well. Auto sector
Mars 00°27’ Gemini Mrigasira can see major challenges in international markets.
Mercury 03°35’ Rc Cancer Pushya USA and China can have major disagreements with
Jupiter 15°08’ c Gemini Arudra respect to trade relations.
Venus 12°02’ Gemini Arudra China
Saturn 24°04’ Virgo Chitra
Rahu 15°51’ Cancer Pushya
Ketu 15°51’ Capricorn Sravana
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mars 2 years 3 months 11 days

moving planets.
 Rahu is in the 12th house in the natal horoscope,
and Jupiter in the 11th from Lagna. Whereas from
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Moon 9 years 11 months 23 days
natal Moon, Rahu is in the 6th and Jupiter in the 5th
Asc 12°44’ Capricorn Sravana
house. Therefore in 2023, this will not create much
economic issues, because of benefic positions. But Sun 14°37’ Virgo Hasta
natal Rahu being in 12th and 6th from Lagna and Moon 10°01’ Capricorn Sravana
natal Moon respectively will start increasing interest- Mars 21°44’ Cancer Aslesha
rate for its citizens. Rahu Dasa started in 2018, and Mercury 20°00’ Virgo Hasta
the economic growth is fuelled by monetary easing, Jupiter 29°26’ Sagittarius U.Shada
by central banks. Being in the 12th and 6th house of Venus 26°17’ Libra Visakha
Borrowing and Losses (from lagna and Moon Saturn 19°59’ Leo P.Phalguni
respectively), Rahu can create issues in long term. Rahu 23°33’ Pisces Revati
 In 2023, there can be some civil riots or damage Ketu 23°33’ Virgo Chitra
to citizens at mass scale. This is because 4th house Source: Shri K.N.Rao
will be doubly impacted by Saturn and Rahu this  Changes in Horoscope of
year. Rahu in natal horoscope have deep impact on China, moving from 2022 to
Scorpio sign (in Navamsa and Drekkana), and 2023 Calendar Year: China
Saturn from the 2nd house aspects Scorpio sign. In will enter Mercury- Venus’s


predictions for various countries
period, whereas Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter will influence  Changes in Horoscope of
its 4th house. This shows internal revolt or aggression India, moving from 2022 to
will rise among Government and its people. Changes 2023 Calendar Year: India is
in Labour Laws, possible change in govt decision or running under Vimsottari
leadership may occur. period of Moon – Ketu; from
 China’s economy, which are mainly controlled by July 2023, Moon – Venus period will start. Saturn
its Government only, will get more boost, due to Venus, is transiting the 10th house from Lagna and 8th house
which is the lord of 5th and 10th house and Yogakarak, from Moon. Transit Jupiter and Rahu will make
is well placed in Taurus Navamsa as well. China will association in the 11th and 9th house from Lagna
benefit more from its foreign investment.
and Moon respectively.
 China’s allies and neighbouring countries like India,
 Though Saturn is Yogakarak for India, and
Pakistan will not create much trouble. With India, a
transiting the 10th house from lagna, but 8th house
major agreement can happen, because of Jupiter’s
from Moon, will make the effect neutral. Corporates
influence on the 4th house.
will see strict compliance from Income tax authorities.
 Stock market and Metal sector will see decline,
Corporate governance will be an issue, and some
as transit Rahu will pass over the natal 4th house, which
big scam can be revealed.
is aspected by transit Saturn. China mainly depends
 Metal, Manufacturing and Contract
on contract manufacturing, and cheap labour is key
to it. Saturn transiting 2nd house from Lagna would manufacturing sectors will see good results. People
cause change in Labour Laws or disagreement of will buy more vehicles and Gadgets. For Indians,
Corporates and employees. Vehicle and Gadgets still come under privilege/luxury
 As per my experience of Mercury and Saturn
positions here, China will be verbally more aggressive.  Spiritual and Old traditional knowledge will get
More expenditure on Defence sector is likely, because more attraction in 2023, because Saturn and Jupiter
Mars, the Karaka of Defence, Ruler of 4th House will influence the 4th house. People will be more
and 11th house comes under Mercury and Jupiter’s philosophical, and disturbance or religious conflict
influence in 2023. will be less, compared to 2022. Saturn and Jupiter
India influence can also bring big Religious Organizations
under financial accountability.
 A year before Lok Shabha election will make
the Government push for expenditure, but the effect
of Saturn shows fund or liquidity will cause constraint
and divestment of public sector companies is seen
 Stock market will see consolidation, Gold buying
will be more, Entertainment, Textile industry will see
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Saturn 18 years 0 months and 25days good progress. Education will also see more
Asc 07°46’ Taurus Krittika investments/reforms from Govt and Private players.
Sun 27°59’ Cancer Aslesha Banking sector will also see revival.
Moon 03°59’ Cancer Pushya · Sun is the 4th lord sitting in the 3rd house. In
Mars 07°27’ Gemini Arudra 2023, transit Saturn will be again 8th from natal Sun,
Mercury 13°40’ Cancer Pushya aspecting Sun’s Rasi (Leo). Transit Jupiter and Rahu
Jupiter 25°52’ Libra Visakha will be aspecting natal Sun and Leo on and off. It
Venus 22°33’ Cancer Aslesha clearly indicates that Opposition parties will oppose
Saturn 19°59’ Cancer Aslesha some big Corporates and Government. policies.
Rahu 05°44’ Taurus Krittika Ruling party leaders may come under scanner,
Ketu 05°44’ Scorpio Anuradha specially related to financial sector.
predictions for various countries
Federal Republic of Germany Germany not much important for global investors. Domestic
economy last year picked up, due to international
demand, and prices of steel also went high. Transit
Saturn moving to 3rd bhava will stabilize prices for
Steel manufacturers. Growth of Germany will not
be affected, either in positive or negative way, until
dependence on China is cut-off. 2023 brings a hope
for change in policies.
 Taxes in Germany are also, more compared to
Source: other European or developed Nations. In 2023,
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mercury 7 years 6 months 18 days Jupiter’s transit in 5th house may bring good Taxation
Asc 16°48’ Sagittarius P.Shada policies or aggressive steps in Taxation for its citizens.
Sun 09°15’ Taurus Krittika Japan
Moon 24°04’ Pisces Revati
Mars 24°29’ Aries Bharani
Mercury 24°02’ Taurus Mrigasira
Jupiter 09°00’ Capricorn U.Shada
Venus 19°01’ Taurus Rohini
Saturn 06°36’ Leo Makha
Rahu 02°06’ Aries Aswini
Ketu 02°06’ Libra Chitra
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Mars 0 years 7 months 13 days
 Changes in Horoscope of
Germany, moving from 2022 Asc 07°20’ Sagittarius Moola
to 2023 Calendar Year: Sun 15°00’ Aries Bharani
Germany will be in Rahu – Moon 05°29’ Gemini Mrigasira
Moon period in 2023. Jupiter Mars 18°20’ Libra Swati
will move in 5 house from Lagna, and 2nd house
th Mercury 19°01’ Pisces Revati
from natal Moon. Though these seem to be good Jupiter 06°44’ Aries Aswini
transit houses in horoscope, but transit will be in Aries Venus 29°40’ Pisces Revati
sign, where Mars and Rahu are placed. Saturn will Saturn 16°27’ Virgo Hasta
move to 3rd house from Lagna, but Sade-Sati phase Rahu 04°27’ Aquarius Dhanishta
will also begin. Here impact can be more, because Ketu 04°27’ Leo Makha
Moon is in Aquarius Navamsa and natal Saturn have  Changes in Horoscope of
direct aspect to this sign in natal horoscope. Germany, moving from 2022
 Germany is dependent on China in trade relations. to 2023 Calendar Year: Japan
After Covid, it is trying to reduce dependency, but will be entering Ketu Dasa in
still agreements are not signed with other countries, Jan. 2023, from 17 years long
which are significant to make difference in any sector, Mercury dasa. In 17 years of Mercury Dasa economy
where trade with China is concerned. In 2023, didn’t surge or grew as expected. Stock Markets
Jupiter, being Lagna Lord, transit over 12th lord and gave no return in this period. Debilitated Mercury and
5th lord Mars can ensure long-term agreement with aspect of Saturn had been one major reason for this.
another country. Also deals in Defence and Transit Jupiter will move to 5th house on its natal
automobile sector, specially related to Aviation and position and over natal Sun. Saturn will transit over
Defence sector, can be finalized. 3rd house and natal Rahu. From Moon also, transit of
 Stock Market and Metals, other than Steel, is planets shows favourable results.


predictions for various countries
 In 2023, from Lagna and Moon Rasi, we can  Saturn being 8 th lord also, in transit and
see that 3rd, 9th, 11th and 5th houses will be most antardasa, making connection to Dasa lord and 4th
active, based on transit of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. lord Mercury, manifested an unfortunate event of
Also, Ketu dasa, which in 3/9 position of Lagna and PM’s death in 2022. In 2023, it’s transit over Rahu
Moon will start. 2023 can mark a new beginning for shows more disagreements in territory disputes or
Japan’s economy. Growth in GDP is expected to trade disputes.
cross last 3 years’ average, and self-consumption,
which is more than 50% of Japan’s GDP, will also


notable planetary dispositions in 2023

Celestial Dramas 2023 By R.S.Maniam

Month Description Benefits

Jan First half of the month, Mars retrogrades with Mercury. Fiery incidents,
volcanic eruption, landslides. In second half, much better progress in Trade 65%
and Market. Third week, Mars Squaring Saturn—Traumatic events.

Feb Sun and Mercury join: good diplomatic relation, communication. Saturn and
Venus join in Airy signs: tendency for aerial accidents. Typhoons, hurricanes. 65%
In second half, Saturn-Sun association: political unrest, upsets and senior leader
in trouble. Third week, Venus-Jupiter association: good times for celebrities,
actors and musicians.

March Mars and Saturn in Airy signs, trine aspect: technology of remote 60%
communication will improve. Jupiter, Sun in Pisces: religious significance.

April Rahu-Mercury association: Over-sensitive media. Controversial articles. 60%

May Sun-Jupiter-Rahu/ Retrograde Mercury: controversial religious issues.

Administrative flaws in purchase of lands, real estate. Major Court decision. 65%
Notable celebrity marriage.

June After mid half, Sun-Ketu-Saturn trine in Airy sign: extreme winds, hurricanes, 65%

July Saturn-Mars in Opposition: natural disasters, Volcanic eruptions. 70%

August Venus Retrograde in Leo: trouble to women leaders. Sex scandal and legal 70%
settlement. Change of political leadership in the second half.

Sep Saturn,Venus,Mercury in Retrogression. A new trade deal, hot weather, 65%

dry spells and volcanic activities. Mars aspects Aries: forest fires and inferno.

Oct Mars-Ketu in Libra: Plane, train accidents, ambush at admirative centres, 65%
assassination attempt possible in the second half of the month.

Nov First week recovery phase, Saturn becomes Direct, economic progress,
progress in labour issues. Last two weeks, Saturn Mars Sun squaring, natural 70%
disasters are possible.

Dec Rahu shifts to Watery sign of Pisces. Mars and Sun in Watery sign too. Over
flooding, storage dams at risk, erratic weather conditions. Last two weeks 70%
Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius: religious conflicts, sensitive issues in press.


notable planetary dispositions in 2023

Note: Counting the total sum of Longitude of planets in each Rasi on 1 Jan. 2023 and comparing with
2019, before the Covid 19 era. The count for the year 2023 is promising, and it is on the rise. There
will be recovery from the pandemic in 2023.

January 2023 Grahamallika occurs from 17 Jan. 2023 from Libra,

The Gregorian year 1 Jan. 2023 starts on Sunday, on initiated by Ketu, to Mars in Taurus. Saturn-Venus
Sukla Dasami in progress, while Moon is with Rahu close conjunction occurs at the beginning of Aquarius
in Aries. During this time, Mars and Mercury are in the constellation of Dhanishta: a significant progress
retrograde motion, Mars in Taurus and Mercury in in air travel and industry and space exploration. Venus
Sagittarius. Mars in the constellation of Rohini 2nd and Saturn together may suggest re-marriage, elderly
pada, being in Vargottama, points to important events. love affairs of the celebrities. Rewards to films etc.
Mars in the Fixed Earthy sign has already entered Motor vehicles may take new dimension.
Taurus on 14 Nov. 2022. A prolonged stay in Taurus February
in retrogression would stipulate violence aggression, A Full Moon falls on 5th, in the constellation of Pusya-
shooting, robbery, massive killing and conflict among Asleysha. The Full Moon will be aspected by Jupiter,
leaders. Mars becomes Direct on 13 Jan. 2023, while from Watery sign of Pisces. The holy festival of
Sun moves to Capricorn on the same day. Sun moves ‘Thai-poosam’ will be an auspicious one, as Jupiter
to Aquarius on 17 Jan. 2023. Mercury become direct transits 9th from the Moon, and Mars transits 11th
in Sagittarius on 18th. The new Lunar month of from the Moon.
Subhakriti Magha begins on 22 Jan. 2023. Venus Mercury moves to Capricorn on 7 Feb. 2023 joins
joins Saturn again in Aquarius. A beautiful with Sun: Diplomatic meeting. International summit.


notable planetary dispositions in 2023
The year 2023 will be a recovery phase era from Covid -19 pandemic. The New Year 2023 will
see Jupiter and Rahu conjunction (Guru Chandala Yoga) in Aries. This association is not a
desirable one. The impact of Mars transit in Taurus and Gemini and its retrogression to
Gemini may put the world in to unresolved issues, especially aggression by Russia.
Sun moves to Aquarius on 13 Feb. 2023 and becomes April
associated with Saturn and Venus. Venus moves to A Full Moon will occur on 6 April 2023, in the
Pisces on 14 th ; Saturn and Sun are in close constellation of Hasta (4th pada). Moon is in Virgo,
conjunction, in the navamasa of Scorpio on 16th in aspected by Jupiter and Mars, which is good for
the constellation of Dhanishta 4th pada. The new installation of Deity in temples or building
lunar month of Subhakrit Phalguna will fall on 20th. commencement. Venus moves to Swakshetra on 7th.
This month will witness Venus and Jupiter in Sun moves to Aries on 15th. Mercury, Sun, Rahu in
association in Pisces, Saturn and Sun association in Aries will create tension in democratic countries,
Aqaurus. Most of the planets will line up from leadership will need to handle heavy criticism,
Capricorn to Taurus. On 27th, Mercury moves to scandals, and important document leak. The new
Aquarius, and Joins Saturn and Sun: an important Lunar month of Shobana Vaisakha will commence
dealing in air travel industry and labour market are on 20 April. This will coincide with Total Solar eclipse
possible. in the constellation of Aswini 2nd pada. The eclipse
March will have some impact on Strong Grahamallika,
The monthly Full Moon occurs on 7 March 2023, in …..Saturn from Aquarius to Gemini, Airy sign to Airy
the constellation of P.Phalguni. On 12th, Venus joins sign. Mercury will turn Retrograde on 21st, which
Rahu in Aries, aspected by Saturn (third aspect): will trigger sensitive vents in political arena, such as
sexual abuse, scandal, erotic movies, dispute over land a coup, assassination attempt could happen. Since
issues and wealth. Spread of disease, among cattle Airy signs are occupied by malefic such as Saturn,
is possible. Mars moves to Gemini, the twin sign. Mars and Ketu, fear of using weapon of destruction
Three Airy signs have two major planets—Saturn in is there. Jupiter moves to Aries and joins Rahu. This
Aquarius, Mars in Gemini and Ketu in Libra. Airy point in the sign of Aries, will mark a commencement
signs in harmonious aspects suggest lots of high level of difficult times for humanity. Guru Chandala yoga
technology in Communication field, and digitalization will cause the humanity to decline in virtues.
globally will be enhanced. Computer-related May
programmes will be implemented with further new On 2nd, Venus enters Gemini, a dual sign, joins with
features. Space exploration will enter a new era. Sun Mars. Monthly Full Moon falls on 5 th, in the
moves to Pisces on 15th March, followed by Mercury. constellation of Visakha (1st pada). It also coincides
Jupiter, Mercury, Sun in Pisces will be very auspicious with a Penumbral Lunar eclipse, which will be visible
for diplomatic relations, internal conferences on trade. in Asia. On 10 th , Mars moves to its sign of
Good development is noted in currency; new currency debilitation, Cancer. Mars throws its 8th aspect on
trade may evolve. A new planning for the future global Saturn in Aquarius. As Mars moves to Cancer, almost
trade may be discussed. A famous religious six planets will transit Chara Rasis simultaneously.
movement may form a new culture. There is Jupiter, Rahu, Sun and Mercury in Aries, Mars in
possibility a of famous religious figure to leave mortal Cancer and Ketu in Libra. As movable sign, traffic
body. Monastery system will get strengthened. accidents, railway tract incidents, high tides are
Research on aquatic exploration under-water possible. On 15th, Sun moves to Taurus. A peculiar
technology, Medical research on treatment of line-up of planets will happen, Grahamallika from the
endocrine diseases are indicated. 21st March, Marks sign of Aquarius to Cancer. Mercury retrogrades
the new Lunar Year of Shobana. Mercury moves to simultaneously. The northern hemisphere may
Aries on 31 March, conjoining Rahu and Venus. experience extreme Heat waves, and environmental
Gossips about celebrities, media exposure and leak problems may arise. The new Lunar month of Shobana
of classified information etc are foreseen. Jyestha will commence on 19th. On 21st, Jupiter makes
close conjunction with Rahu, in the constellation of
notable planetary dispositions in 2023
Aswini 3rd pada, in the Navamsa of Gemini. Venus among affluent circle. Mercury joins Leo on 25th,
joins Mars in Cancer on 30th May. aspected by Jupiter: good time for appreciations,
June rewards, honours at global level.
Venus, which moved to Cancer and joined with Mars, August
will set in the western sky after Sunset on 4th. This month, Full Moon will fall on 2nd. Venus in
Apparently, Venus during this time in the eastern retrogression moves back to Cancer on 7th, joins
elongation of approximately 45p is a head of Sun. with the Sun, indicating sickness, defamation and even
Venus in the western setting has the tendency to cause death to actors, musician and celebrities. Venus is in
fatal sickness to famous celebrities, normally those exact conjunction with Sun on 13th, in the constellation
in the field of entertainment. A Full Moon falls on of Aslesha. Events pertaining to coastal areas, watery
4th, in the constellation of Jyeshta (1st pada). Sun spots, drowning, sea accidents, weather changes are
moves to Gemini on 15 th. The lunar month of possible. New Lunar month Shobana Nija Sravana
Shobhana Ashada begins on 18th. Saturn starts to falls on 16th. Second Amavasya occurs in the same
retrograde on 18th, at 13p in Aquarius. In the sign of Cancer (adhika). Sun moves to Leo on 17th.
constellation of Satabisha. On 21st June Solstice Sun., Mars, Mercury and Moon join together: A stern
occurs. Mercury joins Sun on 24th in Gemini: Good decision by Government on defence policy, a political
time for publications, Tele-communication milestone. Mars moves to Virgo on 18th. Mercury
development, Deep space exploration, Diplomatic talk turns Retrograde on 23rd: Issues pertaining to royals,
between nations and trade deals, good time for government-rulers, politicians, health of elderly
journalists, developments in countries sharing similar politician may be critical, and ruling governments will
names like North and South Korea. On 28-29 June, be subjected to criticism. August will be a month,
peculiar pairing of planets will occur: Jupiter-Rahu with three planets in retrograde motion. On 27th,
(Aries), Sun-Mercury(Gemini), Venus-Mars (Cancer) Saturn will come close to earth, as it opposes the Sun
Ketu-Moon in (Libra). at 9p Aquarius. A Full Moon on 31st will end the
July month, with lots of significant events.
The month, July will see Saturn and Mars opposition, September
as Mars moves to Leo on 1st July. Mars will oppose Venus becomes Direct at 18p in Cancer on 4th;
Saturn in retrogression in Aquarius. Malefics in the simultaneously on the same day, Jupiter begins
sign of Fire and Airy sign may cause incidents such retrogression at 21p in Aries, in the constellation of
as forest fire, explosion from Volcano, chemical plants, Bharani. The month of September will see major
inferno. Since Leo is a political sign, there may be planets Jupiter and Saturn in retrogression, with Mercury.
leadership pressure in certain democratic countries. New Lunar month of Shobana Bhadrapada will begin
A Full Moon will fall on 3rd, with all Fiery sign being on 15th. Mercury becomes Direct on 16th. During this
occupied by planets. The Full Moon will get the 9th season, Jupiter aspects Sun and Mercury in Leo, while
aspect of Jupiter from Aries. A significant religious Fiery signs of Aries and Leo are occupied by four planets.
movement or upsurge of awareness will happen. Some political landscape changes are possible, including
Monasteries will get strengthened. Venus enters Leo new leadership in government or international
and joins Mars and aspect of the planet Saturn on it organizations. A new trade deal is possible. Sun moves
may inflict health problems among senior politicians, to Virgo, and Joins Mars, increasing aggression, hot
and royal circle may witness marital and conflict within weather, dry spells and volcanic activities. Women
is possible. The aspect of Jupiter on the other hand leadership in politics will be limelighted. Virgo governing
may improve the role the leading senior actors, the six house of the natural Zodiac might affect
celebrities. On 8th Mercury moves to Cancer, and international debts, currency, a new disease etc. The
Sun moves to Cancer on 17th. The lunar month of monthly Full Moon will fall on 29th.
Shobana Adhika Sravana will commence on 18th. October
Venus turns Retrograde in Leo at 4p on 23rd. Both On 2nd, Mercury moves to exaltation sign Virgo, joining
Venus and Saturn are retrograde and in opposition: Sun and Mars. Good times for trade, trade dealing,
controversial affairs, including scandal may emerge chemical and industrial dealings, underground tunnels
notable planetary dispositions in 2023
work etc. Simultaneously on the same day, Venus Mars crossing to Scorpio in close conjunction is a
moves to Leo. Venus receives the 5th aspect of historic event. The monthly Full Moon will appear
Jupiter: luxury events, royal favour, high class on 27th in the constellation of Rohini (1st pada).
weddings are possible. Venus in Leo, with aspect Mercury moves to the sign of Sagittarius on 27th.
of Jupiter: good times for women leadership. Mars Rahu moves to Pisces on 29th. Ketu joins with Venus
moves to Libra. The first week of September ingress in Virgo. Ketu and Venus will form exact conjunction
of Venus, Mercury and Mars into different houses: at the end part of Virgo in the constellation of Chitra
interesting events in history will happen, which are 2nd pada, in the Vargottama navamsa, a Significant
sudden and abrupt. Mars joins Ketu as Vargottama events pertaining to women celebrities are likely—
divorce, ill health, prestige issues. On 30th Venus
in Libra. This may trigger sensitive events. Mars/
moves to Libra, swakshetra of Venus. Venus receives
Ketu conjunction: prone to sickness, traumatic
7th aspect of retrograde Jupiter, a strong sign for
events, explosion, gas leakage, gang fights, massive
reunion, recovery of Textile industry and further
shooting and air crash. Situation of Russia may call
development space exploration. Prices of luxury
for attention. The lunar month of Shobana Aswayuja items will go up. Long standing legal cases will be
begins on 14 October. A Solar eclipse will fall on solved. Good period for musicians, artists, cinema,
that day, crossing North America. A major awards etc. Relation between Nations would
earthquake is possible around this period with a improve. Good charitable activities will happen.
fortnight. On 18th, Sun moves to its debilitation sign, December
and Joins Ketu and Mars. Libra, a Chara bhava,
Lunar month Shobana Margasirsa begins on 13th.
with Mars, Ketu and Sun may induce catastrophic The Solar month of Kartika (Nov.-Dec) will see Mars
events like train crash, aerial accidents, and a new and Sun together in Scorpio, trine with Rahu in Pisces.
surgical technique may become popular. Mercury Watery signs become prominent. Mercury turns
moves to Libra, joining the Mars, Sun, Ketu. Retrograde on 13th in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter
Jupiter’s 7th aspect falls on the four planets. Great retrogrades in Aries, while Mercury retrogrades in
scientific inventions are possible; new information Sagittarius, both Fiery signs. On 16th, Sun moves to
or milestone in space exploration with happen. A Sagittarius, and joins retrograde Mercury, aspected
Volcanic activity is possible, around this period. by Jupiter. Some prolonged, sensitive, administrative,
Around 24th, the planets will cull around four signs political issues may be solved. Some religious issue
only—Airy signs of Libra and Aquarius, and Fiery will also be solved. A beautiful historic Grahamallika
signs of Aries and Libra. A Partial Lunar eclipse will occur on 16th—Planets placed from sign of Virgo
will fall on 29 Oct. to Aries, by Ketu and Jupiter. On 17/18 December,
November Saturn-Moon association aspected by Mars may
cause air accidents, landslides and floods. Saturn
On 3rd, Venus moves to debilitation in Virgo.
and Mars are Squaring, This year, Christmas will see
Parivarthana between Mercury and Venus will
Moon in Exaltation, in the constellation of Rohini, and
occur. Simultaneously on this day, Jupiter will be
Venus will ingress to Scorpio, and join Mars, opposing
opposite to Sun at 16p in Aries, comes closer to Moon. It will create romantic and pleasant moments,
Earth. Saturn becomes Direct on 5th Nov. at 6:19p , ensuing good relations. Last Full Moon of the year
in the constellation of Dhanishta (4th pada). Mercury will occur on 27th. On 28th Mars will move to
moves to Scorpio on 7th. Mercury receives 10th Sagittarius, and join Sun and retrograde Mercury.
aspect of Saturn, in Aquarius. The Lunar month of Mercury re-nters Scorpio in retrogression. Jupiter
Shobana Kartika begins on 13th. During middle of becomes Direct on 31st at the end of the year, while
November, Sun and Mars are in close conjunction Moon in the constellation of Makha aspected by
in the constellation of Visakha (3rd pada), in the Jupiter opens a new era, as blessings from the Pitru
navamsa of Gemini. Mars and Sun, both hot planets, loka. The year 2023 started with constellation of
might cause dry weather, hot waves, volcanic Aswini, and ends up in constellation of Makha; both
eruption, inferno in high-rise buildings, forest fire are constellations of Ketu. A new awakening is in
etc. Russia politics will get enhanced again. Sun- waiting for 2024.


notable planetary dispositions in 2023
The year 2023 will see four eclipses. Two Solar eclipses and two Lunar eclipses
No Date Eclipse Constellation Effects
Aswini 2nd Eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries, while Sun, Moon,
1 20 April 2023 Total Solar eclipse
Visibility pada, 5°39’ Mercury and Rahu get aspect of Saturn from
South/East Asia, Aries Aquarius. Aries is a Fiery sign; its lord Mars has
Australia, Pacific, obtained Parivarthana with Mercury. This eclipse
Indian Ocean, occurs in the first drekkana of Aries.
Antarctica. Political changes, conflict among Nations, draught,
volcanic eruption and danger to politicians,
possibilities of heat waves, forest fire.
2 Penumbral Lunar
5-6 May 2023 Visakha 1st The eclipse occurs in the sign of Libra, in the third
eclipse Visibility pada20°47’ Libra drekkana. Eclipse is aspected by Jupiter, Sun,
South/East Europe, Retrograde Mercury. Libra is an airy sign. Health
Much of Asia, problems to celebrities,actors and musicians. Since
Australia, Africa, Saturn (Aquarius), Venus, Mars(Gemini) and Moon/
Pacific, Atlantic, Ketu in Libra are in trine; Airy signs involved.
Indian Ocean, Space exploration, new chapter in aerial
Antarctica. communication and transport.
3 14 Oct. 2023 Annular Solar Chitra -2nd pada The Eclipse occurs in the third drekkana of Virgo.
eclipseVisibilityWest Vargottama Both Saturn and Jupiter in retrogression, and Jupiter
in Africa, North 26°56’ in Virgo joins with Rahu. Ketu is with Mars in Libra. This
America, South eclipse occurs during adverse transit: tendency for
America, Pacific, negative effects, such as sickness, theft, abuse of
Atlantic, Arctic. funds.
4 28-29 Oct. Partial Lunar Aswini 4th Lunar eclipse occurs in the second drekkana of
2023 EclipseVisibilityEurope, pada10°58’ Aries. Almost seven planets aspect each other, along
Asia, Australia, Aries Aries-Libra axis. According to Alan Leo, such an Lunar
Africa, North eclipse will cause outbreak of epidemic, involving
America, North/ both humans and animals, high fever. Volcanic
East South eruption and contamination of wind can occur. A
America, Pacific, peculiar disposition of planets: Saturn Venus in
Atlantic, Indian opposition, in Aquarius and Leo axis. Transport
Ocean, Arctic, accidents, train, air crash, etc.
Prolonged stay of Mars in Taurus, an extension from 2022 (Mars transits Taurus, Gemini )
On 1 Jan. 2023, Mars is at 14:47p in Taurus, in the constellation of Rohini 2nd pada. Mars will be already in
Retrogression, when the year 2023 begins. Mars’ (Earthy planet) retrogression in Rohini, in an Earthy sign.
Mars becomes Direct on 13th at 13:57p in Rohini 2nd pada. Mars moves to Gemini on 13 March. Mars will
stay in Taurus for about seventy-one days. Mars transiting Rohini demands focus on security matters and
defence mechanism of Nations. Referring to independence of Ukraine, as furnished by Wikipedia, as People’s
Republic on 22 Jan. 1918, its Moon sign is Taurus. The planet Jupiter was in Taurus. Vladimir Putin’s Moon
sign is Taurus (Krittika 4th pada). Thus, the transit of Mars in Rohini will have impact on Ukraine and Russian
relation. Since Mars transits the natal Taurus lagna of India, crossing natal Rahu, and also 7 th transit of Mars
from natal Moon of Modi, the existing controversial political pressure will persist till March 2023. During this
period, some rebellious movements may arise. Volcanic eruptions, earthquake or landslides are possible.


notable planetary dispositions in 2023
Saturn, Mars and Ketu in Airy signs 23 July 2023. Venus re-entry to Cancer is on 7 Aug.
On 13 March 2023, Mars will move to Gemini. 2023. Becomes Direct again on 4 Sept. 2023 at 18p
Saturn, Mars and Ketu will trine, occupying the Airy in Cancer. On 2 October 2023, re-entry in to Leo.
On 3 Nov. 2023, Venus enters Virgo. Cancer and
signs of Aquarius (Saturn), Gemini (Mars) and Libra
Leo are involved in the pentagon effect, depicting a
(Ketu). Infact Sun and Mercury will be with Saturn change in the significations of Venus. There will be
then. This planetary disposition is a rare one, happy marriages, love affairs, good development in
confining to Airy signs. Saturn and Mars, known for musical industry and also a change in the tourism
heavy mechanization, technology, industrialization, and industry significantly, A royal marriage is possible, re-
Ketu for deep insight or knowledge will bring out, unions are likely or rising to throne is possible. Rise
during this period, a significant development in Aero of price of ornaments of Gold is likely.
industry. New messages and development in deep Two Lunar months in the sign of Cancer
space explorations, new findings will be released. The year 2023 will see two Lunar months in the sign
Infact, new breakthrough in deep space of Cancer. The first Lunar month will occur on 18
communication or technology-based inventions are July 2023. Shobana Adhika Sravana. The next Lunar
possible, including Computer-operating system. This month will fall on 16 Aug. 2023 Shobana Nija Sravana.
combination will be operative till 10 May 2023. Two Amavasyas will fall in the sign of Cancer. It is
known as Adhika masam or mala masam. It is also
known as Purushotama masa. Worship of Lord Maha
Vishnu /Krishna during this month washes away sins.
Saturn and Mars mutual squaring from 16 Nov.
2023 to 28 Dec. 2023.
Saturn and Mars will be in mutual squaring for 42 days.
Saturn will transit Airy sign, and Mars will be in Watery
sign. During this period, Jupiter will be already
retrograde. Sun will be with Mars in Scorpio. Saturn’s
10th aspect will fall on Mars, Sun, and Mercury. Watery
Guru chandala Yoga sign of Scorpio will be afflicted by Saturn. Rahu will
On 22 April 2023, Guru moves to Aries, and joins with trine Sun, Mars and Mercury. Scorpio being the 8th
Rahu. Guru becomes afflicted by Rahu. This is termed house of zodiac, there will be tendencies for catastrophic
as Guru Chandala. Jupiter ingresses to Aries, and joins events, natural disasters, violent attacks, coastal dangers,
Rahu, Sun/Moon, and retrograde Mercury will be there typhoon and tornados. High tides are possible, an
too. It is significant to note that on 20 April 2023, a underwater volcanic eruption, earthquake are possible.
Solar eclipse has already occurred, prior to this Guru Exact squaring will occur on 26 Nov. 2023 at 6° in
Chandala Yoga, indicating that Guru Chandala occurs Aquarius and Scorpio. On 27 Nov. 2023 a Full Moon
in the eclipse point of Aries. Exact conjunction of Guru/ will fall in the sign of Taurus 10°. Mutual squaring of
Rahu will occur on 2 June 2023. It will last till Rahu Saturn, Moon, Mars and Sun during this week would
moves to Pisces on 29 Nov. 2023. create highly sensitive issues, aggression and some
The Jupiter-Rahu association in Aries and Solar eclipse notable natural phenomenon will occur. Amavasya will
in 1929 is quite similar to 20 April 2023 Solar eclipse fall during this squaring of Moon, Mars, Sun, which will
and Jupiter-Rahu association. The financial crisis of be aspected by Saturn. Scorpio resembles a poisonous
the Wall Street in 1929 and the pandemic influenza of element and is mysterious.
1929 are historical, due to Jupiter-Rahu association. The year 2023 will begin with Moon in the constellation
During this association, financial scandals, leakage of of Aswini and end up in the constellation of Makha ruled
important documents, misuse of funds and physical by Ketu. Apparently 2023, numerically comes to 7, ruled
money policies would need great attention. by Ketu. Rahu-Guru association in the first sign of the
Venus’ passage along Cancer and Leo. Zodiac is a symbol for restoration of Dharma.
Retrogression in Leo to Cancer, and Direct to Leo. [Reference: Sidereal mundane astrology, James A. Eshelman
Venus enters the royal sign of Leo on 7 July 2023; Mundane Astrology, H.S.Green
Venus will stay for a longer period in Leo. Venus will The Drekkana, Editor Col A.K.Gour]
join Mars in Leo, and will receive 5th aspect of Jupiter Email:
and 7th aspect of Saturn. Venus turns Retrograde on

“Siddha Medicine comprises of safe herbs, minerals..”

Siddha Medicine Practitioner Dr. G. Priya in conversation with Hemamalini Raghunathan
The Siddha system of medicine is a traditional medical system, which uses a
scientific and holistic approach to provide preventive, promotive, curative,
rejuvenating, and rehabilitative health-care. The word ‘Siddha’ derives from the
root word ‘Siddhi’ (ability, to a achieve, perfection). Siddhars, spiritual masters
with special abilities, conferred these cures to humanity.
Dr. G. Priya, a Siddha Medicine Practitioner, has formally undergone the Courses
in Yoga, Varma and herbal science.
Dr. Priya (email:; mobile:7708333433 ;
7708333533) is keen to provide non-surgical treatment to cure life-threatening Dr. G. Priya
diseases for the society.
What is the foremost purpose of the Siddha W hat is the Me th od o f F orm ul ati on of
Medicine? Siddha Medicines?
The purpose of human birth for all the human Knowledge of “Siddha” medicine given to us
beings is to attain true wisdom. While finding the by Lord Shiva and His devotees Siddhars.
way to attain the purpose of human birth, the Siddhar (s age) Agat hi ya r and many more
“Siddha medicine” was created by Siddhars Siddhars formulated various medicines for the
(elevated souls with enormous spiritual powers). sake of the people, to attain, maintain sound
health for long years. The Siddhars obtained the
Sage Thirumular (inThirumantra) says,
Kaya Siddhi and Life Siddhi and wisdom, and
“If the body perishes, so does Prana taught that to the people. The Siddhars tomb
Nor will the Light of Truth be reached; (jeeva samathi) of life is located in many
I learned the way of preserving my body famous temples and shrines in Tamil Nadu.
And so doing, my Prana too.” What is the difference between Ayurveda
To preserve the body from destruction, the and Siddha medicine?
Siddhars devised methods to prevent diseases, Life Veda later became Ayurveda. It means a
and also devised solutions to cure the diseases, medical procedure to prolong life. It is said that
when it arises. it was originated from Lord Dhanvantari.
The Siddha medicine is not only prepared by the
In Siddha medicine, my family has experience
base of herbs, but also from organics present in
from the past seven generations. From my
the world, exactly almost all i.e., metals,
childhood, I have been watching that the best
minerals, salts, nine gems and living animal
medicines cure many incurable diseases, which products.
are precious medicines, left by the Siddhas in Ayurveda does not have many medicines, made
our country. I started taking interest in this art by inorganic substances like Senthooram,
(i.e., medicine), and I have studied and completed parpam, kattu, kalangu, sunnam etc
the Siddha Medicine Course properly. Now I am Siddha medicines, having the character of
doing this as a profession smaller amount, cure many chronic diseases and
I learned Siddha medicine from my grandfather, major diseases. Some medicine are odourless
f at h e r a n d f r o m s o me o f t h e me d i ca l and tasteless like(Bitter, Astringent); so it is easy
practitioners, (by reading many books), and t o c on s um e . T h es e me di c i n e s a r e m o r e
t h r o u g h ex p e r i en c e a n d p ro p e r med i ca l effective than the herbal medicines. It cures the
education. chronic diseases quickly.


Siddha system of medicine proclaims that the structure of the human body is a miniature world in
itself. Five basic elements, herbs, inorganic compounds, minerals, etc are used for treating diseases.
Siddha medicine gives importance to the conjunctive use of plants and minerals. Siddha medicine is
found to be very effective for the management of chronic diseases and degenerative conditions such as
Rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune conditions etc. During Covid Pandemic, Siddha medicine has
proved to be very effective.

Unlike the herbal medicine, these medicines last i mmune dis orde r t hat is both p ai nful and
long for many years and the effect of this debilitating. We give a traditional experienced
medicines doesn’t diminish, rather its medicinal medicine for RA patients and completely cure
value gets vigourous, as the days go. the symptoms and disease within 4 to 6 months,
What are the ma in Divi sio ns of Siddha even for aged persons.
Medicine? First we give purgative medicine (to detox body),
Important divisions t he n Immun o mod u l a t o r me d i c i ne s , ce l l s
1. General medicine rejuvenating medicines with immune boosters
2. Gunapadam(to study about medicinal plants and completely cure the disease and their
&inorganic ingredients) symptoms.
3. Special medicine (to study about varmam, For Infertility, there are many reasons; anyone
psychiatric diseases and skin diseases) can be infertile, but the most common reason is
4. Pediatrician in siddha medicine male infertility, Female Infertility reasons are
5. Hygienic medicine P c o s / P c o d; Fi b r oi d U t er u s ; Tub e b l o ck;
Endometriosis; Thyroid; Low AMH.
6. Forensic medicine and Toxicology.
We cure Infertility in both men and women in
In Siddha medicine, Base herbs followed metals,
natural ways with our Siddha medicines.
minerals, salts, nine gems, mercury, thadhu
(Inorganic substances) and Jangamam (Animal For Diabetes, we give good medicines (for both
Products) Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes).
The most important divisions of Siddha medicines Those medicines rejuvenate Pancreatic cells to
are Internal medicine and external medicine. secreate Insulin hormone naturally.
1. Internal medicines (32 types) Along with medicines we give Diet chart, Life-
2. External medicines (32 types) style modification and Yoga practices, to cure
Please tell us about the curative effects of the diseases permanently.
Siddha medicine? What are your future plans?
It cures and destroys some of the challenging “Health is Wealth”. I am making efforts to
infectious fevers or flu (Dengue, Corona), by create awareness about life-style practices, diet,
having more involvement in the disease, and its yoga and Varma, to protect everyone from
symptoms. Specifically for Cancer and auto- disease. Siddha medicine is a gift given to us by
immune diseases, there are medicines. The nature, and I am trying to use it properly for all
of us. We are also preserving and cultivating
people in the abroad countries also follow our
endangered species of herbs, and are involved
traditional medicinal tips.
in the production of highly specialized and
The Siddha medicine has been easily followed
superior medicines. ?We are providing non-
by the people in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia etc.
surgical treatment to cure diseases for the
Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the body’s society, and we are providing medical treatments
immune system to attack its joints, is an auto- for some of the life-threatening diseases.


mundane predictions

Dawn of New Year 2023 By Dr.Ch. D.Ravindra Nath

On the eve of celebrating Ajadi ka Amrit Mahatosav(75th Independence day celebratioins) in August 2022,
India felt proud to know that it became the 5th biggest economy in the world in respect of GDP (Gross
Domestic product). India has successfully overtook Britain, and earned the 5th place in the world. India is
next, only to United States, China, Japan, and Germany. This happened due to 13.5% growth in our GDP
during the 1st quarter of this year, as against RBI’s growth estimates at 16.1%. If this growth rate continues,
it is most likely that India will overtake Germany by 2027, and Japan by 2029. In such case, India will be next
only to United States in the world, in respect of world’s biggest economies, by the year 2029. Top 10 countries
in respect of GDP in Billion dollars in the year 2022 are:
Rank Country GDP (Billion Dollars) Total Share in the world
1. United States 26695 24.1
2. China 21865 19.8
3, Japan 5291 4.8
4 Germany 4565 4.1
5. India 3894 3.5
6, U.K 3687 3.3
7. France 3086 2.8
8, Canada 2362 2.1
9. Italy 2169 2.0
10. Brazil 1980 1.8
However India ranked 132 out of 192 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index (UNHDI) for
2021-22 released on 8th September 2022. Last year our country ranked 131. The Human Development Index
(HDI) measures each country’s social and economic development, by focusing on the following four factors: mean
years of schooling, expected years of schooling, life-expectancy at birth, and Gross National Income (GNI) per
capita. As per UNHDI, average life-expectancy in India fell from 69.2 years to 67.1 years in 2021-22, due to
Covid and other issues, which resulted in a slip-back in rankings.
In the Dawn of New Year 2023 horoscope, Ascendant and 10th lord Mercury, 3rd and 8th lord Mars, 2nd and 9th
lord Venus receiving Vargottama are indicating strength to respective houses. Also, all planets being placed in 7
houses indicate Palanquin yoga, causing good education, literary pursuits and skill in fine arts to the citizens of
India. The aspect of Jupiter on the ascendant fortifies it. But placement of Moon and Rahu in the 8th is indicating
unfavourable results, in respect of 11th house. No planet is in exaltation or debilitation.

Major Yogas in the horoscope

Nanda Yoga: This yoga is formed, when three houses are occupied by two planets each and other three
planets occupy different houses. This yoga indicates good longevity, name and fame & respect from
Government officials to Indian citizens in general.
mundane predictions
Virgo sign rises at 10:07 degrees at the dawn of New Year 2023. No planet is in exaltation or
debilitation. Mars and Mercury are in Retrogression. Three planets Mercury, Mars and Venus
have received vargottama. Natural benefic Jupiter, as 7th lord placed in 7th, indicates better
prospects to Opposition parties in this year. Farmers would prefer Organic farming. Solar
Power would become more popular. More prosperity to Indian Citizens is foreseen.
Parvata Yoga: This yoga is caused, when the confidence among the public in general. Efforts of
dispositor of ascendant lord is placed in angle/trine/ opposition leaders to unite might be possible.
own house. In New Year chart, ascendant lord Second House: All financial aspects are covered
Mercury is placed in Sagittarius. Its lord Jupiter is under this house. Cash, goods, earning, income,
placed in own house in angle. Hence, this yoga got inherited property, business dealings, sales and
strengthened, indicating power and fame to Indian purchase, value of goods, quality, gifts, expenditure,
citizens as a whole. accounts of income and expenditure, expected
Uttamagruha Yoga & Parijata Yoga: When 4th money and to be paid money will be indicated from
lord from the ascendant is placed in angle or trine, this house. Other significations are religion and belief
this yoga occurs. Jupiter (4th lord from ascendant) in God, Philosophy, Obedience, stable mind, Soft
placed in angle (7th house) caused this yoga. Indians, speech, Efforts to aquire money, Avarice in money
in general, would enjoy good housing facility this year, matters etc. Second house lord Venus placed in 5th
by virtue of Central/State Govt. subsidized Housing and joined with friendly planet Saturn gives good
Schemes. This combination also indicates felicitations indications, with regard to all financial matters. But
and abundant riches to Indian citizens this year. placement of Ketu in the 2nd house causes reckless
Hamsa Yoga: This is one of the Pancha(five) spending by Indians in general, without caring for
mahapurusha yogas. This occurs, because Jupiter is future. This year, Indians in general spend lavishly
placed in own house, which is an angle from the on family and social functions, least caring for
ascendant. This yoga gives good physique, noble personal savings. This year, Banks and financial
deeds, amicable spouse and philosophical thinking institutions will reduce their PLR (Primary Lending
to Indian citizens in general. rate) for domestic loans, LIBOR (London Interbank
First House: Health, physical comforts, energy, Offered Rate) for foreign currency loans to boost-
conduct, way of thinking, interests, hobbies, progress up economic activity. With the result, Interest rates
and welfare of the country and States, administration, on Fixed Deposits will come down much to the
unity among the public, etc are indicated in this house. dissatisfaction of Middle class and pensioners, who
This house is receiving the beneficial aspects of prefer to save their hard earned money in Bank
Jupiter, and the ascendant lord is in vargottama. Deposits. CBI and IT raids will give shocking
Hence, the causatives of this house are indicating revelations about Black money. New Apps will
good results. India will go one more step ahead, in increase like mushrooms, to steal money from public,
respect of good governance, and many Indians will clandestinely.
receive honours and encomiums for their mental Third House: Wars, Soldiers, Division of Property,
acumen, creativity, innovations, athletic spirit etc., Profit, Self-study, People at nearby places,
Separatist tendencies in various States will be curbed messages, letters, writing, printing and publications,
with iron hand. The fact that no planet is in debilitation speeches, transmissions, mediation, short trips,
or in retrogression indicates that minimal untoward agencies, healthy body, Servant maids, Ornaments,
happenings and mishaps this year. Vargottama advertisements, Transport, Railways, Posts and
Mercury would make people boastful, unmindful of Telegraph Stock markets etc., can be known from
gross realities. Also, the ascendant, not being this house. 3rd lord Mars placed in the 9th indicates
occupied by any planet, indicates lower level of self that the country will be benefitted mostly by the
mundane predictions
decisions of women in power. Women will play major Venus. More number of female births would happen
role in shouldering family responsibilities on par with this year. Placement of 5th lord in own sign is not
men. Women earning more than their male- good for male progeny this year. Tough time for
counterpart in family will become a natural political heirs. The 2nd generation of politicians will
phenomenon. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman have tough time in political arena. Many of them
is very much likely to dole out many populist are likely to be rejected by voters in this year’s
schemes in this year’s budget itself, probably elections. Medicine and public health will become
keeping in mind 2024 General elections. 3rd lord costly affairs.
Mars strengthened by Vargottama, ensures success Sixth House: Ill Health, wealth on account of
in competitions, good and environment-friendly conflict, Enemy’s joy, Poison, pain, Diabetics,
transport system(Electric Vehicles). Central Impeachment, Defame, Eye diseases, Imprisonment,
Government is likely to give capital subsidy and comforts, food, work, exercise, physical beauty,
reduction in power charges to Electric Vehicle users, cleanliness, physique, medical treatment, handicrafts,
to promote their sales in the interest of reducing air- vocational training and education, medicines, rearing
pollution. animals, birds and pets, dairy, servants, workers and
Fourth House: Education, Government, Place of industries can be known from this house. 6th lord
residence, Voyage, immovable propery, caste, placed in 5th and 6th house, not getting any beneficial
Trustworthiness, Calm thinking, father’s fame, aspects, indicate increase in number of property
Handling money, sculptures, digging of wells, Good disputes in families, medical treatment becomes a
diet, deceitful nature, daily needs, agricultural land, costly affair. Not a good time for handicraft and
native place, food materials, household goods, small-scale industries. MSMEs (Medium and Small
functions in the house, courteous behavior with Scale Enterprises) will have a tough time. Lack of
others are indicated from this house. Mercury and Government support, Unfavourable and rigid Tax
Sun are placed in the 4th house, which is not their Laws and environment issues would lead to closure
own house. It indicates many NRIs staying abroad of many small industries.
will come to India and meet their kith and kin, on Seventh House: Institution of marriage, strength of
the eve of celebrations and family functions. This Opposition parties, adultery, loss of life-partner,
year is marked by a good number of celebrations partnership, Charity, indiscipline, joint ventures, love
and festive moods. At the same time, the educational and affection, political and business relationships,
pursuit of Indian children will become slow, because meetings, competitors, rivalry, separation, divorce,
of the aspect of Mars on 4th house. Children taking arrangements, agreements, indiscipline, private parts,
extreme steps because of failure in academic and delicious food are indicated by this house. Auspicious
professional examinations will be more this year, Jupiter placed in the 7th house which is its own house
which cannot be avoided. Prices of essential makes the causatives of this house prosper well this
commodities, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals would year. Joint ventures will succeed. This year is right
reach new highs. for many love-affairs, resulting into wedlocks.
Fifth House: Children, their needs, education, People in general will behave responsibly in a
students, love and affection, attachments, friendships disciplined manner. Efforts of Opposition leaders will
creativity, discretion, wisdom skills, teaching, fine arts, succeed to some extent this year. Relations with
father’s sanctity, means of earning, knowledge in neighboring countries will be smooth this year.
music, sports, speculation, races, giving shape to a Charitable institutions will have good days this year.
thought, executive ability, authority and Many divorce cases will be settled amicably, and
administration, patronage, nutrition, patronage, family life will be good to Indian citizens this year.
inherited ministership and gynecology are signified Eighth House: Others’ money, public funds, hidden
by this house. 5th house is occupied by Saturn and money or unearned or unaccounted wealth,


mundane predictions
inheritance, loans, life insurance, pension, gratuity, Tenth House: Status, respect and honours,
compensation, gifts, damaged and second hand Authority and Power, relations with the Government,
machinery, intervention in other’s matters, sexually influential people, political affairs, public meetings,
transmitted diseases, sales and purchases, kidney business, Government houses, horse riding,
trouble, longevity, laziness, handicapped, death Government transportation, medicines, influence in
sentence, unstable mind and piles disease are Government, Supremacy, Intelligence etc., are this
indicated as significations of this house. Placement house’s Karakatwas. 10th lord placed in the 4th
of Moon and Rahu in the 8th house is not indicating along with Sun, and aspecting it, indicates people
good results. Instances of using public funds for will be loyal, disciplined, honest and truthful in their
personal and private gains will be reported from behavior with a lot of self-respect and of good moral
Banks, Post offices and other financial institutions, character. Corruption in Government offices will
through fraudulent means. Viral diseases, particularly be moderate, and in high places it will be almost nil.
new and unknown, will get spread in the month of Government would earn good name with
September 2023, when Jupiter retrogrades. Life transparency in administration. Many meritorious
Insurance Corporation of India, which is enjoying Indians will be honoured with highest international
almost a monopoly, become weak. The LIC share awards in India and abroad this year. Power-driven
also will be overlooked by investors in Stock cars, two wheelers would slowly replace petrol/
markets. People would outrightly reject pre-owned diesel-driven vehicles, and this will be more in Public
cars, machinery, houses etc.and go for brand new transportation systems.
items. This indicates trouble to Second-hand market Eleventh house: Friends, Unions, clubs, companies,
like Olx. Usage of Ganja, Bhang like narcotics among corporations, political parties, Panchayat samithis,
youth will become a common affair. Cooperative societies, groups and group activities,
Nineth House: Higher education, professional federations, wind fall gains, legislative business,
courses, scientific research, teaching, publications, Property acquired from Grandfather, Profits through
Universities, Courts, legislatures, temples, pilgrimage, Father-in-law, Elder brother, Paternal uncle are
honours through education, all-round wealth, Vedic causatives of this house. 11th lord Moon placed in
sacrifices, charity, politics, spiritual and religious the 8th indicates Ashtama Chandra dosha. Joining
issues, scientific seminars, long distance travels, of Rahu with Moon has further weakened the
exports and imports can be known from this house. causatives of 11th house. Panchayat Samithis, which
9th lord placed in 5th, and 9th house occupied by are the gross-root level administrative offices of
Mars, indicate mostly positive results. Efforts of villages, will be grossly neglected or overlooked.
students to get higher education in Indian and foreign This would happen in almost all States. They will be
universities will succeed. Pushkar celebrations to deprived of funds to undertake development
river Ganga will be performed from April onwards activities. Indians in general will be deprived of their
this year, and people will take holy dip en masse in a affection from father-in-laws, and elder brothers.
disciplined manner. Despite lakhs and lakhs of People should not expect any kind of windfall gains.
people participating in holy dip, no untowards incident They need to earn everything on their own, and
would happen because of strong 9th house. Also, should not indulge in speculation. In Sports, India
people earning money through their academic skills will fare badly in team-based games like Cricket,
rather than on business acumen will be more this Football etc., but would fare well in solo games like
year. New and innovative ideas will be presented in Shuttle, Badminton and Boxing.
Scientific seminars in India this year. More people Twelfth house: Discreet activities, loneliness,
would undertake long distance travels from every confinements, pressures, hurdles, illusion, dreams,
nook and corner of India, to risky places like mental tension, delays in work, too much work load
Amarnath, braving many risks. without any rest, absent-mindedness, illness, spiritual
mundane predictions
and occult interests, criminal investigation, meditation, June 2014, when Modi was sworn in as Prime
helping nature, foreign travel, hostels and jails, rest Minister, the US $ equalled to Rs.59.67p. As on
houses, hotels, mines, archaeology, underground 06th Sept.2022, the buying rate of US $ is at Rs.
houses, drugs, magic, hypnotism, transcendental 79.94. This position is likely to continue till 16th
meditation, bed comforts Foreign travel, clearing of April 2023 till Jupiter enters Aries. To conclude, the
debts and sacrifice are significations of this house. U.S $ and Rupee exchange-rate is likely to touch
12th lord placed in the 4th causes financial loss. Rs.95/- at the time of start of New Year, but is likely
Business activities undertaken in far off and remote to stabilize at Rs.85 by the middle of the year and
places are not going to be beneficial. Things may conclude at Rs.80 by the close of this year.
not be good for Ashrams, charitable institutions, Sensex: At the start of the year 2022, the BSE
pharma companies, mining and geological stood at 58,582 and Nifty was at 17,440. As on 6th
departments. They need to face many allegations September 2022, the BSE is ruling at 59,028 and
of mis-management and corrupt practices. NIFTY is at 17,624. By and large, many investors
Eclipses in 2023 have lost their wealth in the year 2022, excepting a
The Earth and the Moon move in their defined paths few, who exercised restraint at the required time at
in the heavens, creating different fields of forces in opportune level in trading. Now let us discuss how
the process. These relative fields and the equilibrium the year 2023 is going to be for Stock market
between their forces are disturbed, when the paths investors. This year, from 28 March 2023 to 27 April
of the Earth and the Moon intersect. Rahu and Ketu 2023, Jupiter combusts. This period is not good
are two points representing the crossroads in the for trading in Banking, real estate, bullion, insurance
fields of force of the Earth and the Moon, and are and other trades, controlled by Jupiter. Likewise,
two points of disturbance. At the time of an eclipse, Saturn combusts from 31 Jan. 2023 to 05 March
the radiation and electromagnetic vibrations coming 2023, which is not good for trading in Oil, Leather,
from the Moon or the Sun are cut off, and normal Iron, low grade cereals etc; controlled by Saturn.
conditions that obtain for the Earth get disturbed. Likewise, whenever Moon transits in Scorpio in
Solar Eclipses: On 20 April 2023. This is not debilitation, trading in Textiles, Export houses, Milk
visible in India. One more eclipse occurs on 14th and related products need to be done highly
October 2023. This is also not visible in India. cautiously. Particularly in March 2023, Stock market
Lunar Eclipses: On 06 June 2023, not visible in investors need to be doubly sure in trading as two
India. Once again, on 28 Oct. 2023 Saturday from major planets will be in combustion, and there will
00.04 hours to 00.43 hours. This eclipse is visible be no auspicious aspect on them at that time. Stock
in India and should not be viewed by Aswini star- market crash is very much indicated in March 2023.
born natives. Indian Independence Chart
Pushkar celebrations to River Ganga: From 22
April 2023 to 5th May 2023, Pushkar celebrations
to river ganga will start, with the entry of Jupiter into
Aries. Indian citizens venerate river Ganga very
much, and take holy dip in this river to cleanse
themselves from sins committed by them, either
knowingly or unknowingly.
US Dollar and Indian Rupee:The Rupee-dollar
exchange rate depends on the demand and supply
of Rupee factors. If more dollars come to India, India was running Saturn Dasa at the time of
Indian rupee will appreciate; if India pays more independence. At the dawn of 2023, as per
dollars, then exchange-rate would depreciate. In Independence chart India, India will be in Moon
mundane predictions
Dasa Ketu bhukthi upto 11 July 2023, and later on or changed every fortnight, there is a big variation in
upto the year-end will be in Moon Dasa Venus bhukthi. prices, which puts great additional pressure on the
For Taurus lagna, placement of Moon in 3rd in own consumer while crude oil continues to remain cheaper,
house, is always beneficial. This is the reason why India it is the Taxes levied by the State and Central
has achieved much in Moon Dasa, starting from 10 governments, which are actually responsible for the
Sept. 2015. India received global appreciation from ever-rising petrol rates. Surprisingly, there is no protest
the year 2015 onwards, in GDP growth, scientific and from any political party. In nutshell, the higher taxes
technologiclal innovations, many Indian stalwarts and ensured that the common man never got the benefit of
sports persons getting international recognition etc., But the lower Crude oil prices. Introduction of Rs.8 as Road
the placement of Antardasa lord Ketu in the 7th is not Cess per litre and non-inclusion of petrol and diesel
indicating good results. Hence, the first half of the year under the purview of GST (resulting States levying
2023 will result in obstruction to mega projects, loss of different rates of taxes) are some of the causes for
wealth, quarrels, fear from enemies, large scale violation skyrocketing prices of petrol and diesel. Despite
of customs and traditions by all religious communities, promises from the government regarding rolling back
insult to teachers and Gurus etc., of the taxes, we are yet to see some positive efforts on
this front.
The next sub-period of Venus is likely to witness
In the year 2023, Combusted Saturn in Aquarius will
women’s power growing, and many Indian women
not allow the prices of fuel to come down. Hence there
reaching high places and make India proud of their
is every probability of Petrol and diesel prices crossing
Rs.125 per litre. Likewise, the prices of vegetable oils
Retrogression of planets Jupiter will be in touched Rs.180 to Rs.225 per Kg in the year 2022.
retrogression from 5th Sept.2023 till the end of the year Effort taken by Central Govt to bring down the Veg oil
in Aries. The retrograde motion of this planet often prices, by reducing import duty on imported vegetable
encourages widening the intellectual horizon and oils in the year 2022 had a very lukewarm response.
deepening the knowledge about spirituality,esoterism Prices of Vegetable oils depend on demand-supply
etc., In this period, the Arians will make the biggest factors. India is not self-sufficient in production of
changes in their lives. They will also upgrade in their vegetable oils or oil seeds to cater to the needs of
spheres of lives, especially in the professional domain. indigenous demand.
Saturn is powerful inAquarius, its Moolatrikona, where General Predictions for 2023
it will be in retrogression from 18th June to 4th  Prices of essential commodities, fertilizers,
November 2023. In this period, Saturn approves the pharmaceuticals will be beyond the reach of public.·
difficult and laborious projects that require a constant Medicine and public health will become costly affairs.·
effort for a longer period of time, loves taking additional  Usage of Ganja, Bhang like narcotics among youth
responsibilities, appreciates tenacity, caution and will become a common affair.·
moderation. Hence, this period is very much auspicious  New Apps will increase like mushrooms to steal
for starting mega projects, which require long gestation money from public clandestinely.·
period.  CBI and IT raids will give shocking revelations about
Venus retrogrades form 24 July 2023 to 05 Sept. 2023 black money.·
in Leo sign. This is likely to result in irresponsible  People would suffer mostly with Psoriasis and
behaviour of women by and large in India. False Obesity.·
allegations of women against their husbands, false cases  Severe power shortage in most of the States. State
of dowry and domestic harassment will be registered Capitals would reel under power outages many times.·
in large numbers, and it will be tough time for married  Prices of essential commodities will increase
men in India. uncontrollably, making the living of common man very
Flare-up of petrol, diesel and vegetable prices: difficult.·
Ever since the Petroleum marketing companies started  False and fake cases of dowry, harassment and
the daily revision, prices of petrol and diesel have started domestic violence will be levelled against innocent
going up from June 2018. When petrol prices are revised men, during the period of retrogression of Venus.
a systems’ approach perspective

Turning point in life, after marriage, through spouse

By Krishan Rajesh Chaudhary
Whenever new souls become a part of our lives, be it husband, wife, son or daughter, they have a profound
influence on our destiny. You must have heard people saying that the birth of a daughter or the marriage of
a son has been lucky or unlucky for our family. Even though these people do not have any deep knowledge
of astrology, they can certainly identify the changes brought about by the new relationships. Matching of
horoscopes for marriage is an age-old tradition and it emphasizes the fact that there is a definite correlation
in the destinies of the husband and wife. Drawing reference from Sri Ramcharitmanas as well, when
saint Narada examined the horoscope/palm of Vishwamohini, he remarked:

He who weds this girl, he said to himself, shall become immortal; and no one shall be able to
conquer him in battle. He, whom Silanidhi’s daughter selects for her lord, shall be adored by the
entire creation.
The above instance clearly reflects that marriage is a major milestone or turning point in our life journey, and the
destiny of our partner strongly influences our life thereafter. In fact, while matching horoscopes, astrologers should
try to find complementary combinations, such as when the horoscope of a man has a weak lord of progeny, we
can recommend horoscopes of such women, who have a strong fifth lord or progeny significators, so that the
couple does not face major challenges or inordinate delay in this area.
When we investigate the horoscopes of the married partners on an individual basis, we find that there is a
definite planetary combination responsible for the happening of such events (Turning points), but they
are expedited or delayed, magnified or mellowed down in proportion, depending on the nature of
complementary influences in the other partner’s horoscope. So, let us see what kind of planetary configuration
causes major changes for good or what planetary influences can turn the life upside down for natives.
Let us see how it pans out in the lives of individuals
through a few Case studies of couples: -
Case study 1 : Settling down abroad, after Marriage

Wife Rasi Chart

seventh house (foreign residence), Jupiter, is placed
close to the Most Effective Point of the twelfth house
(foreign land). (MEP (the Most Effective Point)
Husband Rasi Chart refers to the rising degree in the ascendant and
This couple got married in the month of November it is treated as the most effective point for all the
2019. That is just a few months before the pandemic houses of the horoscope.) It closely influences the
set in. In the husband’s horoscope, the lord of 12th, 4th, 6th and the 8th houses, as it is placed close
a systems’ approach perspective
to the ascending degree of the birth chart. Another the sub-period lord Jupiter is transiting 12th house in
connection with the 12th house is established by the wife’s case, while in husband’s case, ninth lord Saturn
placement of the second lord (family) Moon in is transiting the eighth house (overseas).
exaltation. Also, the lord of the ninth house (journeys) Case study 2 : Swift progress in career, after
is placed in the seventh house, close to its Most marriage
Effective Point, thereby strongly influencing its own
moolatrikona sign house, the ascendant, and the
fourth house (native place) as well. The lord of the
fourth house is weak, as it is placed in combustion
in the sixth house. Sub-period of Saturn was in
operation in the main period of Jupiter, at the time of
marriage. Now the sub-period of the 4th lord
Mercury is running, which has to end in the month
of October 2022.
Husband Rasi Chart
In the wife’s horoscope, the twelfth house is vacant,
and is not receiving any close aspect as well. The
lord of the seventh house is weak and placed in the
fifth house. Her ninth house is occupied by Rahu,
which is similar to the placement in her husband’s
horoscope. She was running the sub period of Rahu
in the main period of Saturn, at the time of marriage.
Currently the sub-period of Jupiter is in operation.
Her fourth lord Moon is under the exact affliction of
the nodal axis. Whenever the 4th lord is weak or Wife Rasi Chart
severely afflicted, connection with the In this case, the couple got married in November
motherland/native place is weakened. 1995. Sub-period of Mars was in operation, in the
Both of them were very well settled in jobs in India main period of the Sun, in husband’s horoscope.
and living close to their parents and were quite Mars is the lord of 11th house, and is placed close
satisfied. We can see that there are strong to the MEP of the fourth house (family, assets, timing
combinations in the husband’s chart, regarding of marriage), thereby closely aspecting seventh
settling down/prolonged stay in foreign lands, though (spouse), tenth (profession) and its own
there are no such overwhelming planetary reasons Moolatrikona sign house (gains). In his horoscope,
in the wife’s chart. The husband initiated the idea the nodal axis is placed close to the MEP, and afflicts
of immigration to a western country, knowing the all the Odd signs, thereby weakening their lords as
fact that he does not have suitable qualifications, well. Also, Rahu closely afflicts Mercury, the Sun
which could get him a job there. He worked around and the 2nd lord Moon is under the close influence
the things, and explored the possibilities, when they of the nodal axis. Lord of fortune, Saturn, is weak,
opened up after the pandemic subsided. They could due to debilitation.
secure Visas for permanently settling down there, in Wife’s horoscope is comparatively strong, containing
the middle of 2022. many good placements and strong planets. Seventh
Here the husband’s chart’s strong planetary lord, the Sun, is strongly placed close to the MEP of
configurations regarding settling down in a foreign ascendant, and closely aspects its own Moolatrikona
land fructified the weakness and affliction of the lord sign house (spouse). Lord of fortune, Venus, is
of the fourth house in his wife’s chart and expedited placed close to the MEP in an exalted state in the
their movement. If we carefully look at the transits, second house. A strong and well-placed Venus


a systems’ approach perspective
assures life-long above-average comforts of was in operation. Planet Saturn is badly placed in
living in a horoscope. Lord of the ascendant, the most malefic house (8th house), and suffers from
Saturn, is fairly strong and placed close to the MEP a close affliction by the most malefic planet, the
in the fifth house. Saturn also closely aspects 7 th Moon. Barring fifth lord Mars and the third lord
house, 11th house, the second house and planet
Saturn, the rest of the planets are well placed in
Venus as well. Additionally, strong Saturn is able to
withstand the influence of the sixth lord Moon. At the horoscope. Placement of 5th lord Mars in old-
the time of marriage, she was under the sub-period age (awastha) in sixth house makes him vulnerable
of Venus in the main period of the Sun. to emotional distress and conflicts in relationships.
As we can see the horoscope of wife is In his wife’s horoscope, the sub period of Rahu in
comparatively stronger in all respects. At the time of the main period of Venus was in operation, at the
marriage, her husband was just a mid-level Manager time of marriage. In her chart, Rahu closely afflicts
in a multi-national corporation. He made swift the debilitated Venus and the ninth lord Mars, by
progress through the ranks, and rose to the level of way of conjunction. The lord of 12th house, which
Zonal Manager in a few years. They are blessed
acts like Rahu, exactly afflicts the lord of lagna Sun
with two children and one of them is now studying
in a malefic house. Jupiter, the conscience-keeper
medicine in a foreign land. Husband is now working
in the top-level Management position, in a multi- of the native is weak, owing to its placement in
national corporation, and they have been blessed extreme old-age (awastha) and it suffers from the
with prosperity in all forms. Clearly the marriage fifth aspect of Ketu from the malefic house.
has been a big Turning point in his life. The couple got married through a matrimonial
Case study 3 website, and the families were not knowing each
other at all. In the last quarter of 2013, that is after
about five years of marriage, the wife filed suit for
divorce, harassment for dowry and initiated criminal
proceedings against the native. The husband was
running the sub period of afflicted Saturn in the main
period of Ketu. Her action caught everyone in the
family by surprise, and they failed to understand
the reason. But when they got into the details, they
Husband Rasi Chart were astonished to find out that this was a carefully-
planned move by the wife, and they siphoned off a
lot of money from their joint accounts, and mis-
appropriated the valuable gifts she got at the time
of marriage.
This was a major turning point in the life of the
husband and his family, consisting of old-aged
parents and one elder sister. He had to be very
careful, and could get regular bail, only in the middle
Wife Rasi Chart of 2015, and finally the divorce was finalized in the
This couple got married in the first half of the year first quarter of 2016.
2008. In husband’s horoscope, the last sub-period Now a question may arise in the minds of the
in the main period of Mercury, that is planet Saturn, readers, of which chart will dominate the
a systems’ approach perspective
proceedings of married life, the husband’s afflictions, but the sub-periods of planets involved
horoscope or the wife’s? The answer to this lies in in the afflictions were in operation, on important
the fact that we have to carefully look into both the occasions. His strong planets such as Jupiter, Venus
charts together. Where the conjunctions are closer and the Sun played their role, and brought him out
of the difficult relationship, and set him free from
amongst themselves, and the planets are placed
living a rather complicated and depressing life.
closer to the MEP, and simultaneously their periods
are in operation, their results dominate. Like in the
Case Study 3, the husband’s chart had fewer
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major stock trends in 2023

General Share Market Trends 2023 By Vandana Devah Khatar

Significant Transits of Planets in 2023, making notable Jupiter Set and Rise Dates
impact on Share Market Set Rise
Jupiter: Since the beginning of the year, Jupiter will be st
31 March 30th April
transiting through Pisces sign. It will move to Aries sign
on 22nd April, and will remain there till the year-end. On 4th Jupiter retrograde and direct motion dates
September, it will resume Retrograde motion, and on 31st
Retrograde Direct
December, it will resume Direct motion. It will set in the
West on 31st March, and will rise in the East on 30th April. 4th September 31st December
Saturn: Since the beginning of the year, Saturn will be
transiting through Capricorn sign. It will move to Aquarius Jupiter’s transit in various constellations
sign on 17th January, and will remain there till the year-end. Beginning of the year till 24th Feb Uttra Bhadra
It will set in the West direction on 30th January, and will 24th February to 22nd April Revati
rise in the East direction on 5th March. It will move in 22nd April to 21st June Aswini
Retrograde direction on 17th June, and will assume Direct 21st June to 26th Nov Bharani
motion on 4th Nov. 26th Nov till year end Aswini
Rahu / Ketu (Mean): Rahu and Ketu (Mean) will enter Saturn’s transit in various constellations
Pisces and Virgo respectively on 30th October. Beginning of the year till 14th March Dhanishta
Uranus: Uranus will transit in Aries sign throughout the 14th March to 15th Oct Satabisha
year. It will start moving in Retrograde direction from 15th Oct to 24th Nov Dhanishta
29th August onwards. 24th Nov till year end Satabisha
Neptune: It will move to Pisces on 18th Feb. It will turn
Retrograde on 1st July, and will assume Direct motion on Mean Rahu’s transit in various constellations
6th Dec. Beginning of the year till 20th Feb Bharani
Pluto: Throughout the year, it will transit through 20th Feb to 30th Oct Aswini
Capricorn. It will turn Retrograde on 1st May, and will 30th Oct till year-end Revati
resume direct motion on 11th October. Mean Ketu’s transit in various constellations
Mars: It will move in Retrograde direction till 12th January; Since the beginning of the year till 26th June Swati
thereafter, it will assume Direct motion. It will remain in 26th June till year-end Chitra
Combust state from 25th September till the year-end
Venus: Venus will turn Retrograde on 23rd July, and will
assume Direct motion on 4th September. It will set in the Dates of Close Conjunction of Two Planets
West on 3rd August, and will rise in the East on 18th August. Date Planets Sign
7 Jan Sun and Mercury Sagittarius
Mercury Set and Rise Dates
Set Rise 23rd Jan Venus and Saturn Aquarius
1 January 13th January 16th Feb Sun and Saturn Aquarius
1 March 30th March nd
2 March Mercury and Saturn Aquarius
23 April 10th May
20 June 13th July 17th March Sun and Mercury Pisces
31 August 13th September nd
22 March Venus and Rahu Aries
3 October 11th November
17 December 28th December 28th March Mercury and Jupiter Pisces

Mercury Retrograde and Direct motion Dates 7th April Mercury and Rahu Aries
Retrograde Direct 12 April Sun and Jupiter Pisces
21st April 18th Jan 24th April Sun and Rahu Aries
23rd August 15th May nd
2 May Sun and Mercury Aries
13th December 15th September
27th May Jupiter and Rahu Aries
These are significant dates in stocks of banking, st
1 July Sun and Mercury Gemini
finance, FMCG, logistics and commodity trading.
major stock trends in 2023
Date Planets Sign
Sun will enter Poorva Bhadra nakshatra on 4th. This
27th July Mercury and Venus Leo will set Bullish tone in the market. Sun is conjoined
13 August Sun and Venus Cancer with Mercury and Saturn. At NCDEX, Areca nut
and Mustard will show momentum, whereas at
6th September Sun and Mercury Leo MCX, Steel, Gold and Silver will show their might.
20th October Sun and Mercury Libra With the advent of Venus in Aries on 12th, there will
be volatility in the market as Rahu is already
29 October Mars and Mercury Libra
transiting through Aries. Saturn will aspect this
18 November Sun and Mars Scorpio conjunction. Stocks of White goods, luxury
23rd December Sun and Mercury Sagittarius vehicles, FMCG, Silver and IT sector companies will
contribute in taking the indices Northwards. Indices
28th December Mars and Mercury Sagittarius will remain volatile till 16th. Traders are advised to
Agriculture, Banking, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Hospitals, Pharma, apply stop-loss orders in the system. Sun and
Footwear, FMCG, retail, chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides sector Mercury, both, will enter Uttra Bhadra nakshatra
companies will remain favourite of the long-term investors. on 18th. Stocks of Silver, Rice, Beverages and Edible
Shortage of food grains will result in increasing the Demand and oils will soar higher. Sun will enter Revati nakshatra
the Rates. on 31st and will conjoin Jupiter in same nakshatra.
Volatility will be seen on the last trading session of
JANUARY the financial year, as the planet of commerce,
First trading session of the year will see the Bulls getting attracted Mercury, will conjoin Rahu and Venus in fiery sign
towards IT, rice, textiles and banking sector companies. Silver will Aries. The stocks of Heavy industries, Steel,
shine at MCX.Retrograde Mercury rising in the East on 13th will Automobiles and Petroleum sector companies will
encourage the traders to place Bullish bets on the indices. Sun lead the rally.
will enter Capricorn on 14th, and conjoin with Saturn and Venus.
This is a Bullish astral phenomenon. The demand in Crude, Bullion,
Sugar and Textiles will increase. The stocks of IT, Banking and Venus will enter it’s own sign Taurus on 6th. Over-
Pharma sector companies will remain favorite of the Bulls. Copper supply of stocks of FMCG, Textiles, Bullion and
and Gold will shine at MCX. Venus will enter Dhanishta on 17th. White goods will rise, after showing initial
Saturn is already transiting through Dhanishta. Saturn is giving volatility.Sun will enter Aries on 14th and thereby
third aspect from Aquarius to Rahu in Aries. Grains at commodity conjoin with Mercury and Rahu.This planetary
exchange, metals at MCX and indices at stock exchanges will soar conjunction will get aspect from Saturn. This astral
higher.With the advent of Sun in Sravana nakshatra on 24th, the phenomenon will create volatility in the market
demand of crude will increase. Sentiments will fluctuate on 27th, as sentiments. Indices are likely to close Upwards, after
Venus enters Satabisha nakshatra. Saturn will set in the West on showing Downwards movement. Mercury transiting
30th. This astral phenomenon will pull down the indices for some through Aries will assume Retrograde motion on
time, but soon will give a reason for the Bulls to smile. 21st. Saturn is aspecting Mercury, Sun and Rahu—
-all three conjoined in Aries. Stocks of Chemicals,
Crude, Sugar, Realty and Paints sector companies
The stocks of Banks, Insurance, Finance and Broking sector will rise. Akshay Tritiya is falling on 22nd. Jupiter
companies will soar higher, as Mercury will get aspect from Mars on will enter Aries and thereby conjoin with Sun,
4th. Bank Nifty will attract the Bulls. With the advent of Mercury in Mercury and Rahu. Mars will also enter Punarvasu.
Capricorn on 7th, the Bears will get a chance to show their colours. Stocks of Copper, Pharma, Power and Defence
Sun will enter in Aquarius on 13th and conjoin with Venus and Saturn. sector companies will cheer the Bulls. With the
This is an important astral phenomenon. Due to shortage in Copper, advent of Venus in Mrigasira on 26th, the indices
Crude, Groundnut, Tobacco and Gas stocks, their prices are likely to will move Northwards, as buying in the stocks of
go Northwards.Venus will conjoin Jupiter in Uttarabhadra nakshatra specialty Chemicals, White good, Cosmetics and
on 18th. Jupiter will create abundance in the stocks of White goods, Jewellery sector companies will be noticed. Jupiter
Textiles, Silver and Rice, which will lead to fall in demand; however transiting through Aries will rise in the East on 29th.
Bullion will shine. On 21st Tuesday, Moon will transit through Poorva This astral phenomenon will help the indices to
Bhadrapad nakshatra. The combination of Tuesday ruled by Mars move upwards.
and Poorva Bhadra ruled by Jupiter will momentum at NCDEX in MAY
areca nut, grains, and peanuts. Mercury will conjoin with Sun and
Venus will enter Gemini, and thereby conjoin Mars
Saturn in Aquarius on 27th. The upwards movement of the indices
on 2 nd . The indices will see Uptrend, after
will keep the Bulls happy.
experiencing a minor dip. Jupiter will enter second
major stock trends in 2023
pada of Aswini on 6 th; this will maintain the Bullish sentiments will have Bearish undercurrent on 20th.Mars
momentum in the Indices.Retrograde Mercury will rise in will enter Poorva Phalguni nakshatra on 22nd. Mars and
the East on 10th. Mars will enter it’s debilitated sign Cancer Saturn are placed opposite to each other, whereas the
and will cast inimical aspect on Saturn, posited in conjunction of Mars and Venus will get aspect from Jupiter.
Aquarius. The inclination of the traders will shift to Bullion The indices are likely to go Downwards, after experiencing
at MCX. The stocks of Steel, Coal, Mining and affordable an Upmove. Venus in Leo will move in Retrograde direction
Housing sector companies will remain in demand. Sun will on 23rd. Demand in the stocks of Textiles, Beverages, Silver,
enter Taurus on 15th and will have sextile aspect on Moon. Rice and Crude will increase. The indices will remain in
Mercury will assume Direct motion. Volatility will be noticed Uptrend till 26th.
in the indices and textiles sector companies. Bullish tone AUGUST
will set in the Bullion market.Sun will enter Rohini nakshatra
Since the beginning of the month, the trend is likely to
on 25th. Moon and Mars will have sextile aspect with Sun
remain in the control of the Bears. On 3rd, Sun will move to
and square aspect with Jupiter. This is a Bullish indicator
Aslesha, and Mercury will move to Poorva Phalguni
for Areca nut (supari), Groundnut and the stocks of Edible
nakshatra. Traders will lace Bullish bets on the stocks of
oils, but the indices will have Bearish tone.Mars will have
Pharma, Textiles, Banking, IT and FMCG sector companies.
sextile aspect with Sun and Moon will have sextile aspect
The stocks of Rice, Silver, Beverages and Footwear will
with Venus on 29th. Moon will have trine aspect with
lose their sheen on 6th, as Jupiter enters third pada of
Mercury. This will set a Bullish tone in the indices on
Bharani nakshatra. The market will see sunny side on 13th,
as Mars enters Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. The stocks of
JUNE Sugar, Pharma, Chemicals and Defence sector companies
Moon will have sextile aspect with Ketu on 5th. The indices will shine. The indices will see downside, before going
will experience positive trend for two days. Mercury will upwards on 17th. Prudent traders and investors will buy
enter Taurus on 7th, and thereby will conjoin with Sun. on every dip, to sell later at a higher price. Mercury in Leo
This astral phenomenon is likely to cause volatility in the will turn retrograde on 23rd. Retrograde Saturn is moving
market. Saturn transiting through Aquarius will assume opposite to Mercury. This astral phenomenon will cheer
Retrograde direction on 17th. Saturn is having shadashtak the Bulls. The indices are likely to move upwards till 27th.
yoga with Mars, aspecting the conjunction of Jupiter and Stocks of Bank, Finance, Insurance, Broking, Cables, Tyres
Rahu in Aries. Sun will conjoin Moon in Gemini; Moon and Pipes sector companies will play a major role in
will sextile Rahu on 18th. Traders will have Bullish outlook boosting the sentiments. Indices will close Southwards,
in the Indices. Moon will have trine aspect on Saturn on on the last day of the month, due to profit booking.
19th. This astral phenomenon will continue the positive SEPTEMBER
momentum. The stocks of IT, banking, FMCG, rice and
Jupiter in Aries will move in Retrograde direction on 4th .
beverage sector companies will contribute in maintaining
The conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu will receive third aspect
the uptrend. Moon in Cancer will have sextile aspect with
Venus on 27th. Demand in the stocks of Silver, Exports from Saturn in Aquarius. Retrograde Venus in Cancer will
and Education sector companies will keep the Bulls in become Direct. This astral phenomenon will create
good mood.On 28th, Moon in Libra having sextile aspect uncertainty in the sentiments, before soaring higher till 12th.
with Mars, trine with Mercury and opposite to Rahu will The indices are likely to go southwards also in-between.
maintain the Bullish sentiments in the market. Mars will Sun will enter Uttara Phalguni nakshatra on 13th. Retrograde
enter Leo on 30th. Saturn is transiting through Aquarius. Mercury will rise in the East on the same day. This will
Mars and Saturn, opposite to each other, is a Bullish attract the Bulls towards the stocks of Steel, Rice, Bullion,
phenomenon, for the stocks of Steel, Mining, Coal and Coal and Petroleum sector companies. The indices will close
Gas sector companies. downwards on 15th, but will soar higher on 16th. Sun will
JULY enter Virgo on 17th to conjoin with Mars. This is a Bullish
phenomenon. The indices will close higher after
With the conjunction of Sun and Mercury in Punarvasu
experiencing a mild dip. The stocks of Defence, Chemicals,
nakshatra on 6th, the Bulls will start dominating the game,
creating positive sentiments in the stocks of Banking, Machinery and Power sector companies will contribute in
Broking, Logistics, Cable and Insurance sector companies. Bullish trend. On 23rd, Mars will enter Chitra nakshatra, ruled
Bullion will rise on 8th, but will see downtrend on 9th and by Mars itself. This will add fuel to the fire. The indices will
10th. Sun will conjoin Mercury in Cancer sign on 17th. soar higher, as Oil and Petro companies will attract the Bulls.
Mercury will enter Aslesha nakshatra. This will give a Banking, Insurance, Exports, Gold, Plywood, Textiles and
reason to the Bulls to smile. Demand of Peanuts and Sugar Large scale Industries stock companies will see Uptrend on
will see upsurge. The stocks of FMCG, Capital goods and 27th, as Sun enters Hasta nakshatra.
Pharma sector companies will remain in demand. The (Continued on page 60)
transmission of sins

Vedic Remedies to Five Cardinal Sins

Atonement brings relief By DR. E. S. Neelakantan

Five major sins are reckoned in the Hindu tradition. In general, it is said that doing good to others is Punya,
while doing bad to others is Paapa. This is evidenced by the verse:

The essence of the eighteen Puranas as enunciated by Veda Vyasa Muni is only two declarations
to the effect that Punya is helping others, while Paapa is troubling others.
The essence of the 18 Puranas of Maharshi Veda Vyas is that doing good to others conduces to merit and
doing harm to them leads to Sin.
 Alcoholic beverages are bad for the functions of
the brain. The aim of knowledge is to transcend the

T is difficult to form a judgement, on what basis
the five major sins have been culled out, and mind. Alcohol has the exact opposite effect; it makes
given greater value in terms of the sin-quotient, a person go below the level of the mind. An inebriated
attached to it; but I would like to share my thoughts man behaves like a lunatic. No doubt, the absence
on why these five have been highlighted by the of mind gives rise to much happiness, but in this case,
scriptures. once the effect of alcohol wears out, the man is back
Five types of evil deeds at the same place, and the body and mind are both
1) Killing of a learned person (pandit) affected. On the other hand, the spiritual man, who
has transcended the mind, continues to remain happy
2) Drinking Liquor and other Alcoholic Beverages
on a higher plane.
3) Stealing
 While all forms of theft produce sin, the stealing
4) Transgressing the modesty of the Guru’s wife
of riches from a learned person, affects his life and
5) Being in the company of evil-doers the consequent spread of knowledge.
The scriptural injunctions are followed through  Misbehaving with the spouse of a preceptor has
instructions (Sruti and Smriti). We have injunctions an adverse effect on the Guru’s family and hence
both oral (Sruti) and written (Smriti). Basically, it highly condemnable.
requires a healthy intellect to understand and follow
 Last but not least, a man’s mind gets corrupted
the instructions. Anything that hurts the intellect or
in the company of evil-doers, and his intellect gets
the intelligentsia or the intellectual tradition is
spoiled by such association. In this context, it is worth
considered a heinous sin. Why? Because it cuts at
the root of tradition. Once a society becomes
intellectually impoverished, the traditions would
register a steep decline. Today, due to the influence
of Kaliyuga, we are actually witnessing that exact
trend, which the Rishis wanted to prohibit.
 A learned person is required to spread remembering the following verse in Sanskrit;
knowledge. Once he is killed, the dissemination of One should give up the company of the wicked
knowledge gets arrested. and should always associate with good people.
transmission of sins
One should always do good and also remember kept in mind that only the person, who has to
that this life is temporary. experience the agony based on his sins, alone would
There is a need to educate people on what is a sin be born as a son or be born in that family (based on
and what is not. Today in most gatherings of people, their own individual karma phala); hence it gets duly
alcohol is served and only a few orthodox people transmitted to the right persons only. Thus, there
either abstain from drinks or skip the party altogether. is no discrimination or bias in the way, in which
Karma operates.
Before we venture into Case-studies, a few
important planetary factors need to be highlighted.
 Malefic in the 5th indicates sins of earlier births,
which continue to operate in the present birth also.
 Divine grace is deemed to be absent, when either
the 9th lord is weak or in 6, 8, or 12, or if the 9th
house is occupied by malefic. Afflicted Jupiter is also
an indicator of divine wrath.
 4th house rules over purity of mind, while 10th
ASTROLOGICAL GRAHA COMBINATIONS house rules over Karma. Afflictions to these houses
TRANSMISSION OF SINS are due to Sins of earlier births.
Just like a drop of oil spreading over water, the sin  A horary chart can also be erected to confirm
gets transmitted from one person to another, just by the existence of Sins, if there is some ambiguity in
association with a sinner. the natal chart.
Raja (the king) shares the sins of his citizens. Raja CARDINAL SINS AND THEIR EFFECTS,
Purohita (priest of the king) shares the sins of the ACCORDING TO DHARMA SASTRAS
Raja. The husband shares the sins of his wife. Guru After death, the soul of the sinner is first sent to hell
shares the sins of his disciples. The papa (sin) done with a (subtle) body, which is designed to experience
by a self -realized person eventually gets distributed pains and sufferings. Thereafter, the person returns
to his critics and the punya (good deed) to his to lower plane of animal existence. Thereafter, he
followers. has to pass through the bodies of a dog, an ass and
One who blesses the sinner also gets infected by the a camel.
sins of the latter. A person who steals Gold is born as a Worm or an
By accepting dakshina(fee), the sins get transferred Insect in his next existence.
to the Pundit, who receives it, and through the A person who violates the modesty of the Guru’s
recitation of the Vedas, the sins of the Pundit gets
wife is born as a blade of grass in his next birth.
For omission of doing good or commendable acts
All the lineal descendants including sons,
and commission of heinous deeds, one has to
daughters, grandsons and granddaughters may
undergo the torments of hell.
get impacted depending upon the severity of the
Sin. The extent and nature of the impact is very difficult EXPIATION OF SINS
to predict. A person can escape punishment of sins committed
Like a calf, which clearly recognizes its mother cow, by him, only if due prayascitta (vedic remedy) is
despite being amidst thousand other cows, the karma done by him, as per Dharma Sastra.
phala (fruits of action) done by a person correctly A person who has transgressed the modesty of the
recognizes him and reaches him meticulously. wife of one’s Guru shall expiate his sin with the
If the gravity of the Sin is so powerful, the entire performance of a Chandraayana or with a
generation itself can get affected. It has to be continuous recitation of the Veda Samhitas for an


transmission of sins
unbroken period of three months. supreme; In this mantra, the two letters Shi-va
The sin of accepting a gift from an evil or a dishonest is supreme; As by watering the roots of a tree,
giver, is atoned for, by his constantly repeating the all branches are nourished, the Chanting of
Gayatri Mantra, for a month in a cowshed, with Rudram – Chamakam pleases all the Devas.
perfect mastery over the senses. Rudram is the best form of atonement for all
A wine-drinker or a stealer of Gold shall fast for sins and the best way to attain all the cherished
three days, recite the Mantra sacred to Lord Rudra, desires. It is said that a person who chants the
and cast libations of clarified Butter into the fire by Rudram and Chamakam daily, along with
chanting the Kusmanda Mantra. Chanting of Sri Purusha Suktam is honoured, even in Brahma
Rudram and Gayatri Mantra relieves one from Loka.
various types of sins. The chanting of Gayathri The Rudram is chanted eleven times usually. If it is
Mantra 1008 times is also considered as a panacea recited in multiples of eleven, say 121 times, it is
for all ills. called “Rudra Ekadashi”. If it is chanted 1331, times
DONATING A COW it is known as “Maharudram”. When chanted 14,641
Among various items of donations, the donation of times, it is called “Athi Rudram”. For this, 121 Vedic
a cow or “Godhan” holds the pride of place. It is Pundits are engaged to recite the Rudram over a
specifically mentioned in Garuda Purana, that a period of 11 days, each day 11 times, preceded by
person who fails to give the “Vaitarini Godhan” Mahanyasam.
allows the deceased person to drown in the Vaitarini ITEMS OF CHARITY
River. Therefore I would like to make a specific Usually the items given in charity are divided into
mention here that all those who do the funeral rites two categories and they come under:
should also give a cow as charity as part of i) Dasa Dhanam (Donating Ten items) or
“Vaitarini Godhan”. The other suggestion given ii) Pancha Dhanam(Donating Five items)
in Garuda Purana is that we should donate a cow, Now we will have a look at the various forms of
even when we are hale and healthy. charity as per dharma sastras:-
The Vaitarini Godhan is given at the time of DASA DHANAM: (TEN ITEMS OF
performance of the twelfth day of a person’s death. CHARITY)
In all, there are four Godhans, which need to be
1. Cow – Has manifold benefits.
done in connection with a funeral. One is when a
person is about to die and this is known as Ukrandi 2. Land – Gives comfortable living.
Godhan. The second one is when the person dies 3. Sesame – Removes Sins.
and Godhan forms part of Dasa dhan (10 Varieties 4. Gold – Removes Sins.
of charity). The third one is the Vaitarani Godhan. 5. Ghee – Pleases the gods.
The fourth one forms part of the Dasa dhan, which 6. Clothes – For Health.
is given on that day. However in present day times, 7. Food Grains – For abundance.
people rest content with just the Vaitarani Godhan, 8. Jaggery – For Health.
and even there are people who substitute the same
9. Silver – Pleases the manes.
with donation of a Coconut, which is cheaper, and
10. Salt – Pleases Lord Rudra.
this donation ritual is also easy to follow.
Sri Rudram Chamakam occupies an important place
1. Lamp.
in Vedic literature, forming part of the Krishna Yajur
Veda. It is said, among Vidyas (science), Vedas 2. Religious Book.
is supreme; In Vedas, Rudram is supreme; In 3. Bell.
Rudram, the Shiva Panchakshari Mantra is 4. Clothes.
transmission of sins
5. Brass or Copper vessel with water (Udaka occasion. These are Bhoori Dakshina (Fee) and
Kumbham). Phaladhana (Gift of Fruits). These two donations
SHAD DHANAM: (SIX ITEMS OF are given to obtain the blessings of the Vedic pundits.
CHARITY) Chandraayana Vrata
1. Umbrella. A morsel of food to the size of a hen’s egg, should
2. Fan (Manually used fan as in olden times). be increased by one from the first day of the bright
3. Chappal. fortnight to the day of the Full Moon, decreasing by
4. Walking Stick. the same number each day, from the commencement
of the dark one to the day of the New Moon. This is
5. Mat.
what is known as Chandrayana Vrata. The
6. Blanket.
practitioner of the penance shall thrice bathe each
Certain items are given on the 11th day as part of day, observing a regimen of diet, as in the preceding
funeral rites. These items are as follows: case, recite the sacred Mantras, take morsels of food
1) Sesame. consecrated by reciting the Gayatri Mantra. A
2) Gold. Chandrayana Vrata is the atonement for sins of all
3) Clothes. kinds and characters, and its performer is purified
4) Udaka Kumbham both in body and spirit, and goes to the region
5) Conch. presided over by the Moon-God in the event of his
undertaking the same, out of a purely religious
According to Garuda Purana, a person undergoes
great deal of suffering in the after-life on account of
sins committed in the present birth. To overcome Fire rituals( Homams) to nullify sins
this suffering, certain items are given as charity. These Mrta Sanjivini Homam is meant for recovery
items are as follows: of persons, who are terminally ill. The Mrta
1) Iron. Sanjivini Veda Mantras are given in Rig Veda
Samhita X-161--1 to 5.
2) Cotton.
Mrtyunjaya Homam is intended for having a long
3) Buttermilk and a drink called as Panakam.
life. This Mantra appears in Rig Veda Samhita VII-
4) Curd in a vessel, made of Lead.
5) Rudraksha beads.
Kushmanda Homam is performed as prayascitta
6) Shivaling (Panchayatana Set). (remedy) to remove all types of sins from mind,
7) Pada Dhanam (Bronze vessel, Plate and Spoon speech and action, through various parts of the body.
and grocery items). This Homam is prescribed for expiation of a wide
8) Vegetables range of sins. This is mentioned in Second Chapter of
9) Navadhanyam or the Nine Grains: Wheat, Rice, Taittiriya Aranyaka of Krishna Yajur Veda.
Red gram, Green gram, Chick Pea, Hyacinth beans, Performing Rudram homam, chantingAghamarshana
Sesame, Black gram and Horse gram. Suktam while bathing, chanting Trisuparna Mantra
10) Supadi Dhanam (Red gram, Black gram, Green while eating, reciting Purusha Suktam while praying
gram, Cumin, Pepper etc,) and performing Trikala Sandhyavandanam daily three
11) Bed (Sayan Dhanam). times verily remove the sins of various types,
12) Dwadasa Shravanal dhanam (donation of 12 During the modern age of the dreaded Kali yuga,
vessels). This is done to please the twelve attendants chanting of the name of the Supreme Lord Krishna
of Yama Dharmaraja and Chitragupta. is the final atonement for all sins. This is evidenced
In addition, we must also mention two items of by the following Sanskrit verse which forms part of
charity, which are given to scholars, who grace an the Trikala Sandhya worship.


transmission of sins
instigates a person to do Sins and eventually pay the
price as a consequence.
Case-study 2: Mussolini

The chanting of the divine name of Sri Krishna

is the best atonement for the various sins in
the midst of varied ways of atonement, by way
of penance and rituals.
It has to be clearly kept in mind that the remedies
prescribed for the various sins under the Dharma
The Italian dictator, Mussolini
Sastras are over and above the punishment that the
was born on 29th July 1883 at
sinner has to necessarily undergo and suffer at the
hands of the rulers, as per the Law of the land 14:00 hours in Predappio, Italy.
applicable. A number of intellectuals were
Case Study: Harshad Mehta killed during his fascist rule in
Italy, which extended from 1925
to 1945. A large number of
people were also killed during
Italy’s colonial invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. Poison
gas was used to kill the Ethiopian soldiers and a
great deal of suffering was inflicted on the Ethiopians
by Mussolini.
In Mussolini’s chart, Saturn as 5th lord is afflicted in
Harshad Mehta, was the Big Bull the 8th. Mercury in Cancer is also indicative of the
of the Stock Market and Sin of harming or killing learned people. The lord of
Architect of the massive Stock 10 (Moon) hemmed between Mars and Saturn is
manipulation scheme, worth also indicative of a cruel mindset. Perhaps as
about 100 Billion Rupees. In his consequences of his Sins, Mussolini was killed by
chart, Sun occupies Cancer, the Partisans on 28th April 1945, at the fag end of
aspected by Saturn in Libra. This Saturn dasa, which also coincided with the fag-end
is a combination for of Sade-sathi; Saturn as a giver of Karmic
Swarnastheya (Stealing of Gold), one of the Pancha consequences gave him a sad end.
Maha Paapaas mentioned in scriptures. He was on
trial for about 9 years, and was also convicted by
the Supreme Court. He died at the age of 47, due
to Heart attack in December 2001. In his chart, the
4th house, which rules purity of mind, is afflicted by
both Mars and Rahu. Major factor for his death was
heart attack, as 4th house rules over the heart region.
At the time of passing away, he was in Venus dasa,
which is the dasa of the 9th lord in 12, reflecting
negation of divine grace. Overall, this chart can be
studied by students of Astrology, as one that
transmission of sins
Case-study 3: MEENA KUMARI
With Moon in Cancer, one can
consider the chart of Meena Kumari
to explain the adverse influence of
alcoholism, which forms part of the
“Five major sins”. In her chart, the
Fifth house is afflicted by Rahu, while
Mars as Fifth lord from Moon, is in
the 12th. In the category of sins giving rise to doshas,
we have the Sun in Cancer, aspected by Saturn. Though Saturn as lord of 4th is well placed, it is afflicted by
Martian aspect, while the 4th lord from Moon (Venus) is relegated to the 12th. She was the Winner of Four
Filmfare Awards in the “Best Actress” category. At a relatively young age, Meena Kumari died of Cirrhosis
of the Liver, while in her late thirties.

General Share Market Trends 2023 (Continued from page 54)

OCTOBER in the West on 11th. The Uptrend in the indices will get
Mercury will conjoin Sun in Virgo on 1st. On the same day, checked. Sun and Mars will conjoin Mercury in Scorpio
Venus will enter Leo and will receive seventh aspect from on 16th. Saturn is aspecting this conjunction of three
Saturn. Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will give fifth planets. Uptrend in the stock market will get restored.
aspect to Venus. This important astral phenomenon will Stocks of FMCG, Capital goods, IT and Woollen sector
create ripples in the market sentiments. Bullish trend in companies will see increase in Demand. Mercury, the
Bullion, Sugar, IT, Tobacco and Pharmaceutical sector planets of trade, commerce and calculations will enter
companies will be seen, but their sudden fall can’t be ruled Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury itself, on 17th. This will inspire
out; so trade very cautiously. On 7th, Mercury will enter the Traders to put Bullish bets on the stocks of Banking,
Hasta nakshatra and conjoin Sun. This will create demand Insurance and Finance sector companies. On 29th, Venus
in the stocks of Wheat, Copper, PSU and Banking sector will enter Libra, and come opposite to Jupiter in Aries. The
companies. Traders are suggested to follow ‘buy low– sentiments are likely to bend towards the Bearish side.
sell high’ strategy. Mercury will enter Libra on 18th, and DECEMBER
conjoin with three other planets, namely Sun, Mars and With the advent of Sun in Jyeshta nakshatra on 3rd, demand
Ketu. This combination of four planets will create Volatility will be created in the stocks of Gold, Silver, Rice and Sugar
in the market. The indices will move Downwards, before sector companies. Venus will enter Swati nakshatra on 5th.
soaring high. Partial Lunar eclipse on 28th will make the This will boost up demand in the stocks of FMCG, Silver,
Bulls happy and will give a chance to the long term White goods and Fashion sector companies. Mars will
investors to accumulate the stocks of Steel, Coal and enter Jyeshta nakshatra on 9th, and will conjoin with Sun.
Petroleum sector companies to sell at higher rates later. Saturn is already aspecting these two planets. This astral
Bullion market will remain in Bearish tone phenomenon will create Volatility in the market. Copper
NOVEMBER sector-related companies will see Bullish trend. Mercury
will turn Retrograde in Sagittarius on 13th. Indices will see
Mars will enter Visakha nakshatra on 1st, and conjoin Uptrend. Conjunction of Sun with Mercury will take place
Mercury in the same nakshatra. This will create Bullish on 16th. This conjunction will receive aspect from Jupiter.
sentiments in Wheat, Gold, Silver, Copper, Textiles and Entry of retrograde Mercury in Moola nakshatra and
Metal sector companies. Venus will enter Virgo and conjoin Venus’s entery in Visakha will cause Bearish ripples in the
Ketu on 3rd. Market will see positive trend. Retrograde market. Retrograde Mercury will enter Scorpio sign on
Saturn in Aquarius will become direct on 4th. This astral 28 th, and conjoin with Venus. Saturn will aspect this
phenomenon will encourage the Traders to have a Bearish conjunction and also Mercury will rise in the East . This
view on Silver and Bullish view on Black Pepper, Steel, astral phenomenon will create Bullish effect in the Stock
Leather, Coal and Oil stock companies. Mercury will rise market. Last week of the year will keep the Bulls happy
DISCLAIMER : These inferences are purely based on planetary conditions. Neither the editor/publisher, nor the author is responsible
for any loss. These astrological inferences are neither an invitation nor a suggestion / recommendation to trade in the Stock Market.
Consult the Registered Financial Advisor, before investing. The author may have invested in mentioned stocks


neptune in various houses
Is Role of Neptune undermined in Astrology? By B.S.Padmenabhan
Neptune in Ninth house
Neptune is the another giant planet, discovered by Astronomers J. Galle and HD Arrest. It is the ninth planet
used by Western astrologers. It is also Known as ‘Varun’ by Indian astrologers. Neptune was mathematically
predicted, before it was discovered; the Telescopic observations are confirming its existence, since 1846.
Well-posited Neptune in one’s horoscope would bring birth of New ideas: with aspect of benefic planet (s),it
leads to research , inventions and also development of spiritualism. It rules Chemicals, Drugs, mysteries, etc.,
Influences of malefic planets to the Neptune will lead one to involve into the activities of cheatings, frauds,
starting of bogus companies. Neptune confers benefic results like benefic Jupiter, if well-placed.
No separate Zodiac sign is allotted for Neptune and Uranus, but it is said that it governs Pisces Sign.
Benefic Neptune enhances imagination , giving rise to inventions of New ideas. Natives with afflicted
Neptune will not be steady in their ideas. In human parts of the body, it governs Nerve system.
Significance of Neptune in the Ninth House
Ninth house signifies fame, leadership qualities, higher education, foreign travel, dharma, etc., Natives with
Neptune in ninth house in their natal chart is awesome, provided it is without any malefic influence. Benefic
Neptune will support the person to learn various subjects. Furthermore, the native will show keen interest in
learning new subjects.
Academic qualification plays a vital role in one’s career-life. Presence of Neptune in the ninth house denotes
higher education and it will help one to achieve great things, and elevate them to high-level position, if other
planetary positions are favourable ; also it supports one to involve in religious and spiritual activities. Afflicted
Neptune in 9th house would be challenging to get success.
Neptune in the 9th house in Leo sign indicates that the person bold and creative ; also they will share their
experience and knowledge, for the welfare of the people.
Case-study: Dr.Manmohan Singh, Economist and former Prime Minister of India.
Ascendant is Sagittarius; Neptune in the 9th house in Leo sign along with the Divine planet
Jupiter (the ascendant cum 4th lord ) and Ketu(gnana Karaka) indicates good knowledge
in Economics subject ,and with its support, he attained high-level positions such RBI
Governor, Finance Minister,
and Prime Minister of India.
Formation of Budha-aditya
yoga in Virgo sign in
Mercury’s Moolatrikona sign
has helped the native to
acquire skillful knowledge in varied subjects,
specifically in economics subject.
Sun-Mercury combinations in 10th house and
its aspect falling on 4th house has supported Dr.
Singh to receive Doctorate in Economics (fourth
house signifies education)
Mercury signifies analytical skills, intelligence, knowledge of Commerce and Accountancy; and its conjunction
with the Sun, the planet of power and authority, in the 10th house, confirms that the native is well versed in
analyzing financial matters and in Economic subject. Dr. Singh carried out several structural reforms that
liberalized india’s economy, as this proved the native’s success in averting the crises.
Vipareeta Raja Yoga (12th lord Mars with Moon in the 8th house) has conferred on Dr. Singh the post of
Finance Minister , during Prime Miniter P.V Narashima Rao’s period, then to become the Prime Minister of
India during the 2004 to 2014.
application of ancient rules to the modern context
Planetary Proponents for Modern Professions
Writer to Author of Numerous Books By S.Venkatesh
What is success? It is an accomplishment of desired goal, outcome of positive results, obtaining fame; but,
success is never an easy journey. It requires learning process and constant practice; practising regularly in the
specific segment empowers even makes a normal person to a genius .
Astro pointers: Author and Lecturer
Mercury and Jupiter are significators of author and writer; Mercury, the planet of intelligence, being well-
placed would support keen learning aptitude for various subjects and getting expertise. Benefic Jupiter
gives hope and opportunities, in achieving success in their endeavor.
Well-posited Moon gives reasoning power.
Third and fifth houses are the principal houses; third house is the prime house of written works and
communication; fifth house is the house of creativity and high learning. Aspect of benefic Jupiter to these
houses enables one to acquire good knowledge and get expertise in their trained platform.
Tatwas and Signs also decide one’s profession:
Tatwas: out of four tatwas (Agni, Bhu, Vayu, Jal), Vayu / Air denotes intellectual professions like Lecturer,
Writers, Scientist, Advisors, etc.,
Signs: Movable sign, Fixed sign and Dual sign. Association of 3 or 4 planets to the Dual signs tend to show
one’s interest in choosing of intellectual profession such as writer, lecturer or advisor.
Samudhya Ashtakavarga : Bindus obtaining more points in specific houses, would give benefic results to the
signification of that house
Case-study: Helen Keller, an American Author
and Lecturer.
Taurus ascendant; third house ,the
prime house of written works and
communication, is occupied by
Mercury (key planet of publishing
the articles, writing skills, etc.,) and
Mars (ability to solve complex
Further, Jupiter’s 5th and 7th aspects falling on 3rd Source: 1000 Horoscopes and Bio-Data of Eminent persons of
and 5th houses respectively from its own sign (Pisces) India and World. By Dandapani Panda
have helped Ms.Helen Keller to become writer, and popular author,inspite of the triple affliction of blindness,
deafness, and dumbness, from the age of 18 months, as a result of illness.
Moon in the 10th house (honour, fame, Rank, etc ) with 31 bindus in it, gave her success, popularity and high
recognition, as result of delivering more than one hundred lectures and being the author of nearly twenty five
published books and several articles.
Ascendant lord Venus (also the 6th lord) in the 2nd house (speech), with malefic Sun and Ketu might be one
of the reasons for her speech affliction; but the aspect of Jupiter to 5th house (intellect, wisdom, creativity,
etc.,) and 5th lord Mercury in 3rd house has supported Ms.Helen Keller to get formal education, including
reading and writing, through instructor Ms Sulivan. At the age of 14, she was enrolled in Wright Humason
School for the Deaf in New York, then joined Radcliffe College of Harvard university and became the first
blind person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. She remarkably learned to speak (although not as
clearly as she expected).


Planets in Airy sign and Dual sign :
Presence of Moon in Aquarius and Sun,
Venus with Ketu in Gemini, the Airy sign
and Jupiter in Pisces; Sun, Venus with and
Ketu in Gemini, the Dual sign helped the
native to become an author .
Ascendant is Virgo; Mercury, the ascendant
cum 10th lord in the 9th , having 31 bindus
occupying along with functional benefic
Saturn is fortunate. It has supported the
native to receive honour and respects from
the public.
Jupiter, the 4th cum 7th lord in 11th house (36 bindus) in its exalted sign (Cancer) has empowered to achieve
success and also to correspond with many leading personalities such as US President, industrialist,
philanthropists, etc.,
Aspects of Jupiter to third and 5th houses from its exaltation sign (Cancer ) have made her to travel in more
than 30 countries as an advocate and Good Will Ambassador.


daily guide

By Pandit R. Dakshinamoorthi

Sunday, January 1: Venus conjuncts Pluto at sesquiquadrates Mercury at 9:22p.m. This evening
10:51a.m. Guard yourself against compulsive desires is a great time for product launches and publicity
and overwhelming passion. You will find others losing campaigns. Avoid long journeys towards North and
their head impelled by their heart.....just don’t join Northwest.
those ranks! Moon trines Sun at 7:13p.m.; Sun Wednesday, January 4: Moon conjuncts Mars
quintiles Neptune 7:32p.m. What feels right will turn at 1:18a.m. Do not do anything in an irritated state
out to be right ; follow your inner voice in all that you of mind or on blind impulse, during this sensitive
do under this aspect. Moon conjuncts Dragon’s Head period. Moon sesquiquadrates Pluto at 9:23a.m. This
at 8:49p.m. There is no use in pulling your boat is a great time for political realignments and for
vigorously, if you don’t know where you are heading! embarking on ambitious campaigns to capture the
Do not chase shadows and flimsy goals, under this goodwill of the masses. Moon quincunxes Sun at
nebulous aspect. Avoid long journeys towards West 11:00a.m., and quintiles Jupiter at 11:03a.m. Others
and Northwest. may be more sensitive/ irritable than usual; steer clear
Monday, January 2: Moon conjuncts Uranus off controversial topics during this period. Venus
at 3:23a.m. A sudden brain-wave can show you the sextiles Jupiter at 2:38p.m. This is a great time for
way out of vexatious situations. Be ready for an trying to resolve tricky legal issues, by process of
adventurous ride, but don’t take too many consultation/ negotiation. Moon sesquiquadrates
unnecessary risks, to get the best out of this period’s Venus at 5:19p.m. This is a great time for trying out
vibes. Mercury sextiles Neptune at 12:14p.m. This innovative approaches, to boost your gains. Surprising
is an excellent time for scheduling business and your loved ones with sweet gestures can pep up your
romantic luncheons, and for business/ project romantic life. Avoid long journeys towards North
presentations. Sun trines Dragon’s Head at 2:38p.m. and Northeast.
Be dynamic in your approach, but ensure that your Thursday, January 5: Moon quincunxes
plans are compliant with the regulations in force. Mercury at 12:40a.m. Your mind may toss listlessly
Moon squares Saturn at 5:45p.m., and trines Mercury between various plans and possible outcomes under
at 6:01p.m., sextiles Neptune at 6:23p.m. Your this tricky aspect. Let the rush of thoughts settle ,
strategies during this period should have the right mix before you take any major decision now. Moon trines
of logical, emotional, and aesthetic elements. Avoid Saturn at 5:24a.m., and squares Neptune at 5:38a.m.
long journeys towards East and Southwest. Conservative plans and methodical approach are
Tuesday, January 3: Moon sesquiquadrates Sun what will give good results now. Mercury quintiles
at 2:47a.m., and trines Pluto at 3:47a.m. If your Jupiter at 2:49p.m. This is a good time for giving
efforts have not yielded the desired outcomes, you finishing touches to important corporate/ legal
need not shift your goal posts; alter your approach documents. Moon quincunxes Pluto at 3:20p.m. Be
and working plans instead! Moon trines Venus at diplomatic in your interaction with influential persons.
8:19a.m. Financial and romantic stars shine brightly Sun trines Uranus at 10:13p.m.; Moon squares Jupiter
now. This is a good time to discuss your plans for the at 11:21p.m. Be on your toes to capitalize on sudden
future with loved ones. Moon sextiles Jupiter at developments in business matters. Avoid long
11:07a.m. Sky is the limit in terms of what you can journeys towards South and Southeast.
achieve, if you put in efforts along the right direction. Friday, January 6: Moon quincunxes Venus at
Moon quintiles Neptune at 5:53p.m., and 2:46a.m. Be responsible in your romantic choices

The Daily Guide specifies Indian Standard Time (IST), which can be converted to the Time Zone, as per your location.
daily guide
during this period. Moon sesquiquadrates Saturn at of your main plans, and if – Heavens Forbid – your
11:43a.m. If you have been toying with the idea of original plan backfires, you have a safety-net to fall
rejoining an organization, for which you used to work back on. Mercury trines Uranus at 4:53a.m., and
earlier, this is the right time to send the initial feelers squares Dragon’s Head at 5:53a.m. Snap decisions
to key personnel there. Moon sextiles Dragon’s Head will help you to capitalize on sudden developments in
at 6:23p.m. Suggestions from the most unlikely of business matters. Moon quincunxes Mercury at
sources may prove to be money-spinners during this 1:35p.m., and squares Uranus at 2:32p.m. Keep
period. Avoid long journeys towards West and emotions at bay, while taking crucial decisions during
Southwest. this period. Moon sesquiquadrates Jupiter at 7:11p.m.
Saturday, January 7: Moon sextiles Uranus This is a good time to resolve vexatious legal issues
at 2:00a.m., and opposes Sun at 4:38a.m. Solutions by informal approaches and negotiation routes. Venus
to long-standing issues may suddenly bob up your trines Mars at 8:52p.m. Projects initiated during this
consciousness under this influence. This is also a period will prove to be eminently satisfying for
perfect time for psycho-analytical sessions, to everyone involved. Avoid long journeys towards East
unearth hidden complexes of the subconscious mind. and Southwest.
Moon opposes Mercury at 7:06a.m. What you think Tuesday, January 10: Moon quintiles Mars at
might be at odds with the views of others; do what 12:58a.m. Ask and you shall receive! This is the time
you can to find an amiable mid-way point, where to make the direct approach in all matters. Moon
the aspirations of everyone can be accommodated. quincunxes Neptune at 6:43a.m., and opposes Saturn
Moon trines Neptune at 6:00p.m., quintiles Dragon’s at 7:22a.m. Take efforts to keep your focus intact on
Head at 6:10p.m., and quincunxes Saturn at 6:12p.m. the job in hand, since absent-minded errors during this
Mercury conjuncts Sun at 6:27p.m. This is a good period can prove costly to your prospects. Moon
time for creative and metaphysical pursuits, and for quincunxes Pluto at 4:39p.m., and sesquiquadrates
new product launches. Avoid long journeys towards Mercury 4:58p.m. Leave your ego by the way-side,
East and Southeast. and be logical in your approach, when speeding along
Sunday, January 8: Moon quintiles Uranus at the high-way towards your goals. Avoid long journeys
2:11a.m., and opposes Pluto at 3:22a.m. You can towards North and Northwest.
identify the right solution for any problem, if you just Wednesday, January 11: Moon quincunxes
step back a little and try to get things in the right Jupiter at 1:47a.m. Avoid trying to bend rules to your
perspective. Moon trines Jupiter at 10:30a.m. This convenience, as this is the surest way to draw
is a perfect time for expanding your network and unwanted attention from enforcement authorities. Sun
the range of your operations, for discussing legal/ quintiles Jupiter at 7:00a.m.; Moon sesquiquadrates
corporate matters with trusted well-wishers, and for Sun at 7:58a.m. This is a great time for initiating
spiritual pursuits. Moon opposes Venus at 10:22p.m. futuristic projects, and for making the initial moves
Listen to what loved ones have to say regarding towards corporate mergers/ acquisitions. Moon
crucial issues, and have an open-minded discussion squares Mars at 1:06p.m.; Venus squres Dragon’s
with them, regarding your future plans. Expressing Head at 2:00p.m. Keep your raging impulses under
your aspirations and plans to trusted ones will help tight leash; you cannot afford to throw away
you to get them streamlined in the best way in your advantageous positions that you have gained over the
consciousness, and their views will be an added years in a moment’s expression of rage! Moon trines
bonus! Avoid long journeys towards West and Dragon’s Head at 5:25p.m., and quincunxes Venus at
Northwest. 5:55p.m. Your approach to financial matters should
Monday, January 9: Moon sesquiquadrates have the right mix of innovation and caution. Moon
Neptune at 12:22a.m., and sextiles Mars at trines Mercury at 8:28p.m., and sesquiquadrates Pluto
12:49a.m. Being prepared with alternatives will give at 10:49p.m. This is a great time for corporate coups
you the extra-confidence that will ensure success and for trying to achieve breakthroughs that have been


daily guide
elusive to you in the past. Avoid long journeys towards that don’t directly concern you; talk less, work more,
North and Northeast. and avoid unnecessary moves to stay out of trouble.
Thursday, January 12: Moon trines Uranus at Avoid long journeys towards East and Southeast.
2:47a.m. This is a good time for experimenting on Sunday, January 15: Moon quincunxes
working methods to shortlist the most productive ones. Neptune at 4:53a.m., sesquiquadrates Mars at
Inventiveness and originality are highly favoured now. 4:54a.m., and trines Saturn at 6:18a.m.; Venus
Mercury quintiles Neptune at 1:57p.m. This is a great squares Uranus at 6:52a.m.; Moon squares Sun at
time for initiating innovative schemes, and for 7:42a.m. This is a perfect time to take an objective
scheduling project presentations and business look at your life matters, and prioritise things in the
luncheons. Moon trines Sun at 4:38p.m. Go with the best order. Do what is actually right in the light of
flow of events, to enjoy effortless progress. Moon your life-situations, rather than what you like to get
opposes Neptune at 6:51p.m., and quincunxes Saturn the best outcomes now. Moon quintiles Mercury at
at 7:56p.m. Do not attempt to cut corners in haste, as 11:58a.m. This is a good time for learning and training
that can prove to be your nemesis during this period. activities, and for devising long-term business plans.
Moon sesquiquadrates Dragon’s Head at 10:59p.m. Moon squares Pluto at 2:10p.m. Be diplomatic in
This is the time for trying contra-intuitive approaches, your interactions with influential persons , taking care
to get the best outcomes. Avoid long journeys towards not to get talked into doing things that you are not in
South and Southeast. your best interests. Moon quincunxes Jupiter at
Friday, January 13: Moon sesquiquadrates 11:37p.m. Handle legal issues with more alacrity,
Venus at 3:06a.m., and trines Pluto at 4:36a.m. This leaving nothing to chance. Avoid long journeys
is a great time for initiating projects that require towards West and Southwest.
sustained follow-through and are initiated with a Monday, January 16: Moon sesquiquadrates
futuristic perspective. Moon sesquiquadrates Uranus Neptune at 8:36a.m., and quincunxes Mars at
at 8:25a.m. You can make even mundane activities 8:39a.m. Situations at work can be much to your
more interesting, by altering the line of your approach liking and allow you to cover new grounds with
and trying out new methods. Moon opposes Jupiter consummate ease. However, avoid unnecessary
at 2:04p.m. This is a good time to discuss legal and brash behaviour and over-confidence , as these can
corporate issues with trusted well-wishers, to get trip you down on this otherwise auspicious day. Moon
viable solutions. Mercury trines Dragon’s Head at sextiles Mercury at 9:18a.m. Moon opposes
3:40p.m. Contra-intuitive approaches will help you to Dragon’s Head at 12:04p.m. Be considerate of the
achieve significant breakthroughs during this period. feelings of others; victory got by trampling others
Sun sextiles Neptune at 7:42p.m., and sesquiquadrates will not be sustainable nor will it give you lasting
Mars at 8:10p.m. If you have interesting ideas in happiness. Moon quintiles Sun at 7:22p.m. Original
your mind, this is the right time to table them for ideas and dynamic moves will be keys to success
approval from influential persons. Avoid long journeys during this period. Moon opposes Uranus at 8:48p.m.,
towards West and Southwest. and quintiles Pluto at 10:56p.m. Being quick without
Saturday, January 14: Moon trines Mars at being reckless will help you to achieve success in
12:16a.m., sesquiquadrates Saturn at 1:30a.m., squares everything you attempt now. Avoid long journeys
Mercury at 3:25a.m., and quincunxes Dragon’s Head towards East and Southwest.
at 4:06a.m. Do not hesitate to indulge in minor power- Tuesday, January 17: Moon squares Venus
plays or to indulge in calculated risks, while attempting at 12:41a.m. Be extra-cautious, while taking crucial
major projects during this period. Moon trines Venus long-term decisions regarding romantic and financial
at 11:28a.m. This is a great time for hosting social matters. Moon sesquiquadrates Jupiter at 2:56a.m.
occasions, scheduling romantic luncheons, and for This is a good time to review legal and corporate
making important financial moves. Moon quincunxes documents, to weed out schedules in them that may
Uranus at 1:24p.m. Do not get involved in matters be detrimental to your interests. Moon trines


daily guide
Neptune at 11:19a.m. This is a great time for spiritual quality-conscious rather than quantity-conscious
and creative pursuits. Mercury quincunxes Mars at during this period. Moon conjuncts Mercury at
12:12p.m., and squares Saturn at 12:59p.m. This is a 2:01p.m., and quincunxes Mars ta 2:13p.m. Be
great time for audit and appraisal activities, and for thoroughly logical in your approach to all situations
undertaking feasibility studies. Moon sextiles Sun at now. Moon trines Dragon’s Head at 4:12p.m.
6:07p.m., and sextiles Pluto at 7:58p.m. Trust your Contra-intuitive strategies will give the best results
inner voice while making major moves during this now. Moon quintiles Neptune at 6:39p.m. Intuition
period. Avoid long journeys towards North and can prove to be a more reliable guide, than logical
Northwest. reasoning during this period. Avoid long journeys
Wednesday, January 18: Moon trines Jupiter towards West and Southwest.
at 5:12a.m. Sky is the limit in terms of what you can Saturday, January 21: Moon trines Uranus at
achieve, if you put in efforts along the right channels. 12:25a.m. Solutions to long-standing issues may
This is a great time for initiating ambitious projects suddenly bob up your consciousness. Mercury
and for chasing big goals. Moon quintiles Venus at quincunxes Mars at 6:37a.m. Curb your impulses
10:49a.m. Both financial and romantic stars shine and be logical in your handling of all situations. Moon
brightly during this period. Moon opposes Mars at quintiles Jupiter at 11:43a.m. Shoot for the stars in
1:10p.m., and quincunxes Dragon’s Head at 3:58p.m. all that you do now. Moon sextiles Neptune at
Avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone , as that 1:32p.m., and sesquiquadrates Mars at 1:58p.m.
will be an unnecessary drain on your energy and upset Indulge yourself with nostalgic memories, refresh
your rhythm; it is better to side-step controversies skills that might be gathering cobwebs due to disuse,
than take them head-on during this period. Moon and try reconnecting with old friends. Happy reunions
quintiles Saturn at 7:49p.m. Conservative strategies are on the cards now. Moon conjuncts Pluto at
and cautious moves will help you in getting better 9:23p.m. This is a great time for making important
outcomes. Sun conjuncts Pluto at 8:10p.m. Avoid political moves. Avoid long journeys towards East
taking an “all or nothing” approach to any situation; and Southeast.
bend when situations require so, and stand firm, if Sunday, January 22: Moon conjuncts Sun at
that is the right strategy for a situation. Avoid long 2:24a.m. Time spent in introspection during this period
journeys towards North and Northeast. will help you to get your priorities in life sorted in the
Thursday, January 19: Moon quincunxes best order. Moon sextiles Jupiter at 6:40a.m. Go
Uranus at 12:13a.m. Haste makes waste...and that with the flow, invest in small positives of life and reap
is more true under this aspect! Moon sextiles Venus big dividends with time. Moon trines Mars at 1:33p.m.,
at 8:36a.m. This is a great time for devising your and squares Dragon’s Head at 2:38p.m. Be direct in
long-term financial strategies. Try appealing to your approach and communication style; beating
emotions and sentiments of others while trying to win around the bush will only waste time for everyone
them over to your side. Moon squares Neptune at during this period. Moon squares Uranus at 11:20p.m.
148p.m. Absent-minded errors during this period may Avoid taking unnecessary risks of any kind during
prove costly to your prospects; pay complete attention this period. Avoid long journeys towards West and
to whatever you decide to do during this period. Moon Northwest.
sextiles Saturn at 3:40p.m. Suggestions from older/ Monday, January 23: Mercury trines Dragon’s
more experienced persons will be worth their weight Head at 2:06a.m.; Venus conjuncts Saturn at 3:43a.m.
in gold during this period. Avoid long journeys towards You may experience a flight of ideas during this period;
South and Southeast. ensure that you are noting down the thoughts that
Friday, January 20: Moon sesquiquadrates cross your consciousness, so that you can incorporate
Uranus at 12:37a.m. Be prepared to work on them in your strategies later. Focus on simplicity and
alternatives, if your original plans backfire. Moon utility during this period. Moon conjuncts Saturn at
squares Jupiter at 7:00a.m. You should be more 2:56p.m., and conjuncts Venus at 3:50p.m. Being


daily guide
focused without having a tunnel-vision is the key to Moon quintiles Pluto at 6:20p.m., and squares Mercury
success during this period. Moon quintiles Dragon’s at 8:38p.m. This is a great time for devising futuristic
Head at 6:37p.m. You can steal a march over your corporate/ political strategies. Avoid long journeys
rivals , by strategic changing of tac in the journey towards South and Southeast.
towards your goals. Avoid long journeys towards Friday, January 27: Moon quintiles Sun at
East and Southwest. 9:11a.m. Sync your efforts with those of others moving
Tuesday, January 24: Moon quintiles Uranus along the same direction, to enjoy effortless progress.
at 3:49a.m. Big steps forward can be taken in career Moon sextiles Saturn at 8:43p.m. When in doubt, fall
matters, if you have laid the groundwork for that with back on tried and tested routines.....if something
your earlier efforts. Moon squares Mars at 1:27p.m., worked well for you in the past, there is no reason
and sextiles Dragon’s Head at 1:38p.m. Those who why it should not work well again now! Avoid long
get up in anger will sit down in loss; keep your anger journeys towards West and Southwest.
in tight leash and avoid letting the stupidity of others Saturday, January 28: Moon squares Pluto at
spoil your rhythm in any way. Moon sextiles Mercury 2:31a.m. Be diplomatic in your interactions with
at 3:29p.m. This is a great time for devising your influential persons now. Avoid unnecessary power
long-term strategies , and for undertaking research struggles with anyone. Moon sextiles Venus at
to unearth hidden info. Venus quintiles Dragon’s 7:26a.m. This is a great time for spending quality-
Head at 10:19p.m., and Moon sextiles Uranus at time with loved ones, for taking important financial
11:14p.m. Style, suspense, and sentimental appeal decisions for your future, and for taking steps to
elements of your plans will help you to capture the reconcile with estranged friends/ lovers. Moon
imagination of your audience , when you present your quintiles Saturn at 6:59p.m. Suggestions from elder/
ideas before others during this period. Avoid long more experienced persons can help you to devise the
journeys towards North and Northwest. best plans to handle current crises. Moon squares
Wednesday, January 25: Sun sextiles Jupiter Sun at 8:49p.m. This is the time for taking a reality-
at 7:01a.m. There is nothing to stop you from check on your recent ventures and for effecting
achieving your grand goals ,if you keep doing the course-correction, if necessary. Moon conjuncts
right things and refuse to take unnecessary short- Dragon’s Head at 9:30p.m. Things look muddled now;
cuts, while going about your tasks. Moon quintiles avoid taking important long-term decisions in this hazy
Mercury at 12:10p.m., and conjuncts Neptune at atmosphere. Avoid long journeys towards East and
1:13p.m. This is a great time for taking academic Southeast.
decisions, and for scheduling learning/ training Sunday, January 29: Sun squares Dragon’s
activities. Moon quintiles Mars at 7:25p.m., and Head at 5:30a.m.; Moon trines Mercury at 6:14a.m.
sextiles Pluto at 9:42p.m. Do not shy away from Try to follow rules by their spirit than merely by the
taking a few calculated risks to boost your prospects letter of the law. Understand that being fair is more
now. Avoid long journeys towards North and important than being merely legally/ politically correct.
Northeast. Moon quintiles Venus at 8:15a.m., and conjuncts
Thursday, January 26: Moon conjuncts Jupiter Uranus at 9:07a.m. Spend quality-time in the company
at 8:49a.m. This is the time to think big in all that you of family and loved ones, and recharge your batteries
attempt; if you shoot for the stars, you will at least for the working week ahead. Venus quintiles Uranus
reach the tree-top! Mercury quintiles Neptune at at 5:06p.m. There is scope for mixing business with
9:09a.m.; Moon sextiles Sun at 10:29a.m. This is a pleasure; casual meeting with people over Sunday
great time for devising long-term strategies as both activities can provide vital leads and be the starting
logical and intuitive faculties are likely to be sharp point for valuable and mutually beneficial associations.
now. Moon sextiles Mars at 4:10p.m. This is the Avoid long journeys towards West and Northwest.
time to be assertive and claim your rightful place if
(Continued on page 97)
others have been unjust in giving you due credit.


Sick Buildings & Medical Biology As per changing times, the
(Based on Aura) author has scientifically
By Dr.Mannem Murthy modified a few Vastu
Pages: 260; Price: Rs.750/- specifications.
Book is available at : Dr.Murthy’s Vedic
-Aura Energy Centre
Hyderabad, Telangana State,
Mobile: +919000246950; 9999686916
The author says at the outset that “we have used our ancient Vedic knowledge,
supported by the Modern Science. A new amalgamated subject emerged,
giving good results”. Dr.Mannem Murthy refers to Geopathic Stress (GS),
having high frequency above 150Hz, causing negative, harmful radiations, at specific
places. GS can cause both physical and mental problems, making the building
sick. This defect of GS can be detected by Aura Scanner, and suitable rectifications
can be carried out. Our sages also referred to Bhu dosha, talking about Geopathic
Stress zones, where cats prefer to live comfortably; high frequency prevails there,
which is not suitable for humans.
The book consists of 10 Chapters, dealing with topics like Energy Vastu, Universal Aura Scanner, Nature’s
Geometry and Vastu Kundalini Chakras and Life Force, Correction of Sites and Plots, Health diagnosis,
Earth’s Negative Energies, Effects of Geopathic Stress, Atmas and Entities, Quick-checking of Body
problems, Experience of Vastu energies etc.
Here are a few interesting observations by the author
People are now living in apartments.
(i) Having energy transformation from one house to other.
(ii) Having common entrance
(iii) Constructing Wash rooms very close to bedrooms
(iv) Using more Iron metal (Saturn) close to them
(v) Keeping Mooladhara (Earth) Chakra at higher elevation, and brain is placed in Anthariksha
(vi) Polluting the premises with Electro Magnetic energies, related to high tension electrical wires, above
their residents, micro waves of mobile signals
interfering with energies of Human Chakras… WONDERFUL FORMULA FOR
After diagnosing the problem of G.S.etc., simple STOCK MARKET
correction techniques are suggested, to rectify. Colour Based on Astrology. It is unparallel feat of millennium
Frequencies are also applied for Vastu Corrections. Simple knowlege of Astrology is enough to
Geometry, Planetary energies are also to be studied. understand. Rs 597./-
The author has explained well 10 Case-studies, from (if proved wrong, you can sue me)
his experience as Energy Consultant. He has also
explained the scientific instruments used by him. M.Radhakrishna Sharma
This is an interesting book, filled with a lot of scientific Mobile 09952943326.
information, for the well-being of humans, combining 22/6,2nd Cross Street
Energy and Vastu. Diagrams and colourful picture Narayana Nagar SALEM 636 015
add more interest.


transits 2023

Transits of Planets in 2023

16 Feb. - Venus 23 Jan. - Uranus (D) 23 Jan. - Mars (D) 13 March - Mars

l a b c
19 Feb. - Neptune 13 March - Venus
31 March - Mercury
16 March - Sun 14 April - Sun 06 April - Venus 02 May - Venus
17 March - Mercury 22 April - Mercury (R)
01 July - Neptune (R) 22 April - Jupiter 15 May - Sun 15 June - Sun
16 May - Mercury (D)
29 Nov. - Rahu 05 Sept. - Jupiter (R)
01 Oct. - Uranus (R) 07 June - Mercury 24 June - Mercury
07 Dec. - Neptune (D)
18 Jan. - Sat 10 May - Mars

23 Jan.

14 Feb.
d- Venus

- Sun

18 June - Saturn (R)

of planets in
Zodiac Signs in
30 May
08 July
17 July
- Venus
- Mercury
- Sun
08 August - Venus (R)
05 Nov.
14 Jan.
- Saturn (D)
- Sun
2023 05 Sept.

01 July
-Venus (D)

- Mars

07 July - Venus
07 Feb.

02 May

11 Oct.
- Mercury

- Pluto (R)

- Pluto (D)
[Entry, Retrogression(R) and getting Direct (D)]
24 July
25 July

01 Sept.
02 Oct.
- Venus(R)
- Mercury
24 August - Mercury(R)
- Mercury(D)
- Venus (R)
19 Jan. - Mercury (D)
07 Nov. - Mercury 03 Oct. - Mars 18 August - Mars

i h f
27 Nov. - Mercury
17 Sept. - Sun
16 Nov. - Mars 17 Oct. - Sun
14 Dec. - Mercury (R) 02 Oct. - Mercury
14 Nov. - Sun 18 Oct. - Mercury
16 Dec. - Sun 03 Nov. - Venus

28 Dec. - Mars 25 Dec. - Venus 29 Nov. - Ketu

30 Nov. - Venus


forecast january 2023

Forecast Based On Your Moon Sign

Lal-Kitab Remedies contributed by Rajiv K Khattar By Prerna Khanna
P l a n e t a r y
Positions: Sun in 9th MESHA
house till 14th; then (Aries)
moves to 10th house Aswini,
(Capricorn). Bharani,
Mercury (R) in 9th Krittika (1)
house till 18th; then
it becomes Direct and remains till month-end.
Venus in 10th house till 22 nd; then moves to 11 th
(Aquarius).Mars (R) in 2nd house till 12th Jan.; then
it becomes Direct and remains till month-end.
01 - JANUARY - 2023 05-30 hrs. IST
Jupiter in 12th house. Saturn in 10th house till 17th;
then moves 11th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu delays.
in 1 /7 axis.
Personal: Temptations to act unwary will run high
Career: Full Moon on 6th will provide a concrete this January. For women, a key relationship will hit a
headway to make a victorious move against rivals. make-it or break-it moment. After 12th, unresolved
With Mars moving forward in Taurus, practice emotions will bubble up causing differences to rise.
extreme restraint, as conflicts with colleagues and Singles! make sure to test the waters, before
seniors will erupt faster than usual. After 14th, with committing to a mere love potential.After 22nd,
Sun in Capricorn a new launch will bring opportunity couples will be able to sort out issues with right
to encash profits and stress in equal measure. solutions, regarding a pressing matter in their
Professionals will hit a refresh button on their relationship. This January, make sure that you are
networking circle to fasten their career ascend. At not paying too high of a price to satisfy the travel
work-place, get ready to experience breakthroughs, itch.
promotions and bonuses that you had been waiting
Health: This month, motivates you to get back on
for. After 22nd, with Venus in Aquarius, entrepreneurs
the Wellness wagon. Those troubled with chest, throat
will bring their best resources and skills to the table,
or spine issues need to be extra careful. After 14th,
and turn a backburner project into a success. A side
troubling ailments will begin to fade away. This
hustle or creative gig will help the artists to widen January, unroll your yoga mat, to restore and renew
their clientele base. Negotiations for collaborations the declining energy levels.
or joint ventures will result in merging resources for
mutual gain. Aswini: Luck will be with you in getting a career
Wealth: This month, be mindful of your money
matters, as drainage of earmarked savings run high. Bharani: Your world will transform, and you will
Unexpected or forgotten expenses will prosper.
unexpectedly knock at your door. Adopt a moderate Krittika (1): You will be thankful for an intellectual
pace and double check the terms, before jumping respite and healing of emotional ills.
into tempting loans deals. After 12th, entering into
share market is not advisible. Proceeds from Vedic Remedies: Chant Hanuman Chalisa every
previous fiscal schemes will run into unanticipated Saturday, and eat vegetarian food. Recite ‘Om Namo
Monthly Forecasts for 12 Rasis are given as per Transit results of planets. These will get modified a
little, as per the individual’s dasa-bhukti influence.
forecast january 2023
Naarayanaya’ every morning 108 times. Worship Not to consume White milk, after sunset.
Lord Kala Bhairva at Kasi. Chandrashtama Dates: 17 (from 1:00 PM) 18, 19
Lal-kitab Remedies: (till 3:00 PM).
Every Wednesday, donate Sindoor at Ganapathy

as unexpected expenses will disarray the budget.

VRISHABHA Avoid volunteering for the role of a benefactor or
(Taurus) guarantor, as it will push you into debts. After 22nd,
Krittika (2, 3, 4), unpaid bills will flare up money tensions.
Rohini, Mrigasira
Personal: This month, it is prime time to transform
(1, 2).
any unaddressed emotions and overcome fears that
Planetary Positions: Sun in 8th house till 14th; then was brushed aside. Students will show more
moves to 9th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 8th dedication and reach their academic aim.
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains Travelling to pilgrimages will become the highlight
till month-end. Venus in 9th house till 22nd; then moves of the month. A past lover will come out of the
to 10th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in first house till 12th woodwork for singles. Women will make a
Jan.; then it becomes Direct and remains till month- graceful exit from an unhealthy relationship. After
end. Jupiter in 11th house. Saturn in 9th house till 18th, conflicts with children will begin to ease off.
Adopting a diplomatic attitude will help power
17th; then moves 10th house (Aquarius). Rahu and
through any building tensions with mother. After
Ketu in 12 /6 axis.
22nd, bottled-up emotions will come rushing back,
Career: This January, artists will turn their creative causing rifts to rise among couples.
ideas into a revenue-generating project with ease.
Health: This January, giving into the craving of
However, agile moves of rivals will bring all plans of
unhealthy food and beverages will cause blood and
expansions or acquisitions into a complete halt. After
stomach-related issues to escalate. Be careful of
14th, be wary, as giving into slightest provocation will
minor accidents while walking or driving. After 14th,
result in never-ending conflicts with seniors and
make sure to take extra precautions as knee and chest
colleagues. An unruly project will cause a rise in
related will keep you troubled.
workload and confusions for Higher Management.
After 18th, at work-place, a job well done on an Krittika (2,3,4): A new business proposal will be
important pitch will bring in fame and recognition your confirmed.
way. Freelancers will back their ideas with a solid Rohini: Money will come through a mail-order
plan and insight, to rope in generous investors. A business.
profitable wrap of a digital project will accelerate the
Mrigasira (1,2): You will end a negative situation.
ascend up the ladder of success for those in marketing.
A high-pay employment offer will set the job-seekers Vedic Remedies: Distribute Greengram on
on a whole new career trajectory. Wednesdays. Recite Guru Mantra as many times as
possible. Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.
Wealth: Entering into government backed schemes
will be remunerative. However, think twice, before Lal-kitab Remedies:
taking a major leap of faith in speculation or market Every Friday, feed Green grass to a Black cow.
share investments. Make sure to evaluate any debts,
loans or tax statements to evade costly pitfalls. Not to consume Rice on Ekadasi thithi.
Dealing with legal issues will add to further financial Chandrashtama Dates: 19 (from 3:00 PM), 20,
constraints. After 14th, keep a tight hold on purchases, 21(till 3:00PM).
forecast january 2023
schemes. After 22 nd, dabbling in Government-
backed fiscal schemes will provide optimum
Mrigasira (3, 4), financial buffer.
Arudra, Punarvasu Personal: Singles will be enjoying a reciprocal of
(1, 2, 3). interest from someone that they fancy. Students with
their dedication at their side will achieve considerable
Planetary Positions: Sun in 7th house till 14th; then success in examinations. After 12th, presenting a
moves to 8th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 7th calm and a cool front will help deflect any disputes
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains and disagreement with loved ones. For women, people
till month-end. Venus in 8th house till 22nd; then moves closest to them will be playing and preying on their
to 9th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 12th house till 12th Jan.; generosity. After 22nd, marriage and other long-term-
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end. relationship goals will be at top of the mind, for
Jupiter in 10th house. Saturn in 8th house till 17th; couples. Travelling to a pilgrimage or religious places
then moves 9th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu will provide great solace.
in 11 /5 axis.
Health: This month, slip off the radar for self-care,
Career: This month, artists will map those lofty to keep recurring ailments from escalating. After 12th,
visions into a successful creative endeavour. A digital feet and eye-related ailments will keep you troubled.
launch will monopolize the attention of those in Opting for crash diets will cause stomach issues to
marketing. After 14th, at work-place, be wary, as flare up. Declining health of spouse and children will
accelerating a key presentation will be foiled by add to your stress levels.
disruption. Juggling with rising contenders or rivals
Mrigasira(3,4): Agents or go-between may not fare
will throw expansion plans on loop for entrepreneurs.
At work-place, rushing into any escapades will put
you in hot waters with seniors and colleagues. The Arudra: A negative condition is going to end, followed
New Moon on 21st will bring a lucrative turning point by an important decision.
to a foreign collaboration or partnership talks. Punarvasu (1,2,3): You will receive financial
Freelancers will take steps to streamline the resources increase.
to maximize their productivity. After 22 nd, for
Vedic Remedies: Donate sweets to the religious
professionals, their hard work of past weeks will
place every Tuesdays and Saturdays. Visit holy places
finally be recognised and applauded by the higher-
as frequently as possible. Assist blind individuals
ups. This month, operating with a well-crafted plan
whenever the opportunity arises
will multiply the work offers for job-seekers.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Wealth: A prime investment or a real estate
transaction will result in huge profits later. Every Wednesday, donate 5 Moong dal laddoo at
However, entering into wagers or speculations is Ganapathy temple.
not advisable. After 12th, trimming expenses will Remove cobwebs from house.
help save rainy day funds from depleting. Legal
issues or Court matters will need your undivided Chandrashtama Dates: 21(from 3:00PM), 22, 23
attention. On the New Moon on 21st, profits and (till 12:00 Noon).
proceeds will flow in from foreign investment


forecast january 2023
market share investment will yield well-deserved
KATAKA (Cancer) windfall. Arrival of large sum of cash will help pay
Punarvasu (4), Pushya, off pending outlays. After 22nd, expect good news
Aslesha related to a purchase of land or house.
Personal: Time to re-build your bond! This month,
working through any lingering resentments will bring
Planetary Positions: Sun in 6th house till 14th; then in resolutions you were seeking in a key relationship.
moves to 7th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 6th For couples, minor grievances with partner will flare
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains into insecurities and friction. After 12th, any long-
till month-end. Venus in 7th house till 22nd; then moves standing discord with children will ease. Women will
to 8th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 11th house till 12th Jan.; be surrounded with love and appreciation of loved
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end. ones. After 22nd, students will overcome all obstacles
Jupiter in 9th house. Saturn in 7th house till 17th; and make significant academic progress. For singles,
then moves 8th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu an irresistible attraction will them pull them out of
in 10 /4 axis. your single-focused groove.
Career: At work-place, a leadership role, Health: Feeling good is the top priority, this month.
promotion or bonus is in the offing. Freelancers will Being reckless with your diet will result in rise of
get a powerful flow of career opportunities, that will new health ailments. Issues related to lower abdomen
launch them straight to success. After 14 th , or reproductive system will demand your extra
unexpected power struggles will cause conflicts attention. After 14th, health of the spouse might pose
to rise with co-workers. Those entering into problems.
partnerships will need to watch out for slick
Punarvasu (4): A debt will be paid.
competitors and bad deals. Step away from locking
horns with seniors or authoritative figures. After Pushya: You will resolve things quickly and
18th, unwavering focus of the marketing professionals effortlessly.
will help them to get a challenging project off ground. Aslesha: A financially rewarding business trip is in
Artists will hone their skills and spread their creative the offing.
reach in untapped markets. Around the New Moon
Vedic remedies: Recite “Om Namah Shivaaya”
on 21st, an enticing employment offer will lead to a
18 times daily. Visit the temple of Goddess Durga on
long-term stability for job-seekers. Entrepreneurs will
Tuesdays, and light a ghee lamp before her. Try to
experience many breakthroughs and will receive
forgo one meal on Wednesdays or Ekadashi days.
public appreciation for their latest endeavours.
Freelancers will venture out of their comfort-zone Lal-kitab Remedies:
and rope in a prestigious gig. Every Monday, donate in a Shiva temple, a Bael leaf
Wealth: Litigation matters will be ruled in your favour. with White Sandalwood paste on it.
However, re-consider the splurges, as rising expenses As soon as you get up, chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’.
will leave you shortchanged. After 12th, real estate
Chandrashtama Dates: 23(from 12:00 Noon), 24,
investments will turn into increased profits. Returns
25 (till 2:00 PM)
from previous investments will lead to an ample
revenue generation. After 18th, a well-calculated


forecast january 2023
will result in losses. Overburdening expenses will
weigh heavily on your mind. Forgotten bills or taxes
will knock at your door.
Makha, Poorvaphalguni,
Uttaraphalguni (1) Personal: This January, let the healing, closure and
transitions begin, as you enjoy a little solitude.
Emotional distance and arguments will increase
Planetary Positions: Sun in 5th house till 14th; then
among couples. Women, be mindful, as to where and
moves to 6th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 5th
with whom they share their secrets or any classified
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains
information. After 18th, distractions will spin students
till month-end. Venus in 6th house till 22nd; then moves
off track, from their academic goals. Be mindful,
to 7th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 10th house till 12th Jan.;
when dealing with children, as resentments will build
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end.
up without warning. After 22nd, singles will hit the
Jupiter in 8th house. Saturn in 6th house till 17th;
brakes, before rushing into commitment with an
then moves 7th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu
alluring love prospect. This month, avoid embarking
in 9 /3 axis.
on a long distance travel, to evade unwelcome
Career: This month, widening the view-finder will surprises or minor accidents.
open promising work offers for job-seekers. Test the
Health: Nourish your soul! This month, pause to
waters with small, concrete steps, before hasting
breathe and indulge in a little self-care, to function in
towards partnerships. Critical eyes of seniors will lead
optimum level. Health complications might arise, for
to an increased workload at work-place. Missing the
those troubled with heart or stomach-related ailments.
details will bring new launches to sudden halt. After
After 18th, ignoring a nagging ache or pain will result
14th, freelancers will have opportunities to expand
in depletion of energy levels.
their client roster. New initiatives of the
entrepreneurs will result in success, gain and Makha: A trip will be postponed due to an illness in
profits. Brushing shoulders with well-connected the family.
people will hasten the career advancement for Purvaphalguni: Some of you will have tension-
professionals. Those in marketing fields will need to related problems, stiffness, aches and pains.
bullet-proof their strategies, to avoid getting thwarted
Uttarphalguni(1): You will receive praise for a job
by tough competitors. After 22nd, At work-place, you
will garner applause and recognition from the higher-
ups. However, be careful, as the credit of your hard Vedic Remedies: Offer Tulsi garland to Lord
work will be fleeced by a malicious co-worker. Vishnu on Wednesdays. Pray to your Family deity
daily. Recite Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra daily.
Wealth: This month, during the Full Moon on 6th,
returns from previous bonds and shares will help Lal-kitab Remedies:
manifest big financial goals. After 12th, a promising Donate 5 kg Wheat grains in a temple.
Real estate transaction will turn into a money- draining
Not to do anything illegal & unethical.
operation without warning. Run the numbers and
gather all the facts before taking any loans or giving Chandrashtama Dates: 25 (from 2:00 PM), 26, 27
any guarantees. After 18 , initiating any investments (till 6:30 PM).


forecast january 2023
build and fortify cash flow, for the coming weeks.

KANYA (Virgo) Personal: Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

Uttaraphalguni (2, 3, 4), This January, tread carefully, as forcing resolution
Hasta, Chitra (1, 2) will fuel the friction in a key relationship. Singles will
attract love prospects from another country, tradition
or culture. However, misunderstandings will disrupt
Planetary Positions: Sun in 4th house till 14th; then the peace and harmony among couples. After 18th,
moves to 5th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 4th women will gain the clarity to approach and resolve
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains a tough topic with loved ones. Students will make
till month-end. Venus in 5th house till 22nd; then moves their families happy with their academic
to 6th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 9th house till 12th Jan.; achievements. Arguments with mother will add to
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end. further strain in your bond. Taking short trips or jaunts
Jupiter in 7th house. Saturn in 5th house till 17th; are cosmic approved.
then moves 6th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu
Health: This month, spend the time by indulging in
in 8 /2 axis.
some thoughtful self-care. After 12th, muscular or
Career: This month, artists embarking on a new body aches and pains will slow your fast pace down.
project will unfold into astounding results. Around the After 14th, avoid starting any new diet plan or giving
Full Moon on 6th, at work-place, you will obtain into addictions, as stomach and heart ailments will
widespread appreciation or a bonus for your work. escalate. This month, stress and strain will be relieved
However, fight the urge to be swept in flaring opinions through holistic healing and meditation.
and controversies with colleagues. Mounting work
Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4): You can expect many
commitments will result in an increased workload for
business calls and inquires as well as a commission.
Higher Management. After 18th, job-seekers will enrol
in an advanced training course to multiply the work Hasta: You will be immersed in paperwork and many
offers. Your strong negotiating powers will help assorted projects.
officialize a lucrative collaboration. Freelancers will Chitra (1,2): A new project will arrive, but it will be
diversify their work which will create a comfortable a questionable influence.
financial cushion for them. For Marketing
Vedic Remedies: Offering milk to Shivalingam on
professionals, improvised digital skills will help them
Mondays will be beneficial. Offer water mixed with
reclaim the winner’s seat. After 22nd, avoid making
chandan to Lord Sun every morning. Donate
any risky moves against rivals as it will turn into costly
medicines to the needy people. Chant Hanuman
fixups later.
Chalisa on Saturdays.
Wealth: Expect rich gains from speculations and
Lal-kitab Remedies:
wagers. Around the Full Moon on 6th, financial gains
are strongly indicated through passive fiscal schemes. Daily feed Green fodder to a cow.
Collecting and analyzing budgets will help to trim Not to use broom , after Sunset.
unnecessary expenses. After 12th, double check the
Chandrashtama Dates: 01, 02 (till 8:30 PM), 27
offers, before signing off questionable investment
(from 6:30 PM), 28, 29.
plans. After 18th, Real estate investment will help to


forecast january 2023
estate deals. After 18th, budget-balancing will become
a must, as expenses will rise.
TULA (Libra)
Chitra (3,4), Swati, Personal: Let! This January marks a powerful time
Visakha (1, 2, 3) to mend fences and untangle co-dependent ties
forever. Rise in popularity will pull women in a number
of social directions. Singles will meet their soulmate
Planetary Positions: Sun in 3rd house till 14th; then through mutual circle. Students sitting for competitive
moves to 4th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 3rd examinations will garner success through their
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains hardwork. After 12th, travelling with loved ones will
till month-end. Venus in 4th house till 22nd; then moves be enjoyable and rewarding. After 14th, relationship
to 5th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 8th house till 12th Jan.; with mother will undergo a strained and a stressful
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end. phase. Triggering situations will brew major conflicts
Jupiter in 6th house. Saturn in 4th house till 17th; among couples.
then moves 5th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu
Health: This January, you will be on a mission to get
in 7 /1 axis.
back in great shape, both emotionally and physically.
Career: This month, it is time to reap the rewards After 12th, negligence will cause breathing and blood-
of your hard work! Artists will get a chance to partner related ailments to escalate. Cutting off Sugar and
up with an industry influencer to increase their Caffeine from your diet will help to keep the energy
earnings. Sun in Sagittarius till 14th, will bring in a levels up.
project offer that will boost the status and goodwill
Chitra (3,4): Expect a very positive financial
of freelancers. Job-seekers with their sharpened skills
will bag in their dream job. At work-place, you will
rise in the ranks, with a bonus or a higher pay grade. Swati: A negative condition will finally come to an
After 14th, disagreements will spike into war of words end.
with seniors and colleagues without warning. Visakha (1,2,3): You will be thankful for a new
Unattended work will pile into overburdening career direction.
workload really quick if not careful. After 18th, well-
Vedic Remedies: Offer water, mixed with Chandan
backed strategies will help those in marketing, to gain
to Sun, every morning from a Copper vessel. Chant
strong footing in their chosen profession. The New
Durga Saptashati, whenever possible, preferably
Moon on 21st for entrepreneurs will present an
on Tuesdays.
opportunity to partner up for a win-win collaboration.
Shrewd moves of rivals will leave you mending a Visit the Goddess Kali temple every Saturday.
costly fix up, on a new launch. Lal-kitab Remedies:
Wealth: Profits are likely from speculation and Feed a mix of Sugar and Wheat flour to the ants
wagering. Dividends from previous fiscal schemes
Every Friday, observe fast, & read Lalitha
will flow in. However, after 12th, refrain from taking
loans, as it will turn into an over-burdening debt later.
Think twice, before signing guarantees or extending Chandrashtama Dates: 02 (from 8:30 PM), 03, 04,
credit beyond your financial capacity. Avoid 05(till 9:00 AM) 30, 31
squandering your hard-earned cash in dicey Real
forecast january 2023
speculations and wagers will bring in generous
VRISCHIKA revenue.
Visakha (4), Personal: Emotional surprises await you! This month,
Anuradha, ignoring minor irritants will keep you in the happy
Jyeshta zone. After 12th, couples be wary, as setting unrealistic
expectations will put undue pressure on your
Planetary Positions: Sun in 2nd house till 14th; then relationship. For women, scramble signals will stir up
moves to 3rd house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in 2nd disagreements among their closest tribe. After 14th,
house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains spontaneous travel will bring the best surprises. Any
till month-end. Venus in 3rd house till 22nd; then moves lingering issues or tensions with family will begin to
to 4th (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 7th house till 12th Jan.; ease this month. After 22nd, serendipitous links will
then it becomes Direct and remains till month-end. arise between singles and an alluring prospect.
Jupiter in 5th house. Saturn in 3rd house till 17th; then Students will succeed well in their academic pursuits.
moves 4th house (Aquarius). Rahu and Ketu in 6 /
Health: Time to re-direct the energy! Pay attention
12 axis.
to the trouble spots, as a mild pain in shoulders or
Career: When opportunity knocks, be ready to frequent headaches will escalate into persistent
pounce! Those in creative fields will make a major ailment. After 18th, health of the siblings will demand
headway on an artistic project. After 12th, be wary, your extra care and attention. Re-committing to a
as a business partner’s self-serving or sneaky fitness regime will help revive depleting energy levels.
behaviour will drain you out of opportunities and
Visakha(4): You are going to be troubled by
profits. Communicate clearly and effectively, to avoid
something stemming from the past.
conflicts with seniors. After 14th, at work-place, you
will leap into a new level of recognition and affluence. Anuradha: Accept the good opportunity coming your
Job-seekers will attract a work offer with an uptick way and avoid delaying.
in their salary. Professionals will skim out all rivals Jyeshta: You can expect a fresh start and a new
with their timely moves and sharp focus. level of experience
Entrepreneurs will implement growth and shift in their
Vedic Remedies: Offer prayers to Lord Rama
workflow, that will bring a huge victory in coming
every Tuesday and Thursday. Donate Bananas to
weeks. After 18th, promising proposals and official
little girls, on Tuesdays. Worship your Family deity
contracts will land in the inbox, for those in marketing.
and visit His/Her temple often. Visit a nearby temple
Timely support of co-workers will help in finishing a
and sit there in meditation for 20 minutes.
backburner project with a flourish.
Lal-kitab Remedies:
Wealth: This month savvy money moves will pay
off, both in the short-term and long-term. Open up Every Tuesday, donate 5 Red flowers at Anjaneya
new revenue streams through real estate investment swami (Hanuman) temple.
offers. Those planning to buy or sell property will Be a pure vegetarian.
bag in beneficial deals. However, halt all plans to lend
Chandrashtama Dates: 05(from 9:00 AM), 06, 07
or borrow money, as it will add on to your liabilities.
(till 8: 00 PM).
After 14th, returns from previous investments will
provide an ample financial buffer. After 22 nd ,


forecast january 2023
Personal: Take the initiative! This month, de-clutter
DHANUS and decorate, to welcome the new season, and
(Sagittarius) invite fresh energy into your personal space.
Moola, Poorvashada, Casual conversation will spark synergies with a
Uttarashada (1) promising prospect for singles. After 14 th, be
careful, as taking the vacation to your most awaited
Planetary Positions: Sun in first house till 14th; then destination will come with an over-priced tag.
moves to 2nd house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in Retreat to cool down, before addressing any
first house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains emotional issues with family. After 22nd, any friction
till month-end. Venus in 2nd house till 22nd; then with siblings will begin to ease now. Women will
moves to 3rd (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 6th house till take steps to improve the quality of their life by
12th Jan.; then it becomes Direct and remains till indulging in hobbies or a creative pursuit. Couples
month-end. Jupiter in 4th house. Saturn in 2nd house will experience a romantic resurgence in their
till 17th; then moves 3rd house (Aquarius). Rahu and relationship.
Ketu in 5 /11 axis.
Health: Backtrack a few steps and re-align! Take
Career: This month, your swift and smart solutions extended self-care breaks, to reign in heart, blood
will bring in assured victory against rivals. The Full pressure and headache-related issues from escalating.
Moon on 6th will officialise collaborations that will After 12th, revamping the eating habits with some
put your ambitious goals on track. However, clear up wholesome alternatives will help overcome bouts of
any complains with a diplomatic dialogue, to avoid exhaustion.
conflicts from escalating with seniors. After 12th,
Moola: Industrious ideas towards a new line of work
entrepreneurs will find themselves at the right place
will occupy your thoughts.
and time, to cash in profitable opportunities. For
artists, their latest accomplishments will attract Poorvashada: After a major crises, you will break
appreciation from industry influencers. After 22nd, into the light of a new day.
for freelancers, emergence of beneficial new Uttarashada (1): You will begin a new treatment,
alliances will shift the course of their career purification or a cleansing program.
trajectory. Those aiming for career advancement
Vedic Remedies: Donate an Iron household
will be able to secure a higher position. For job-
appliance to the needy, on a Saturday. Chant Aditya
seekers a successful work application will have
Hridauya stothra on Sunday Mornings. Practise Surya
their name in bold letters on it.
Namaskar in open air, during Sunrise. Worship Lord
Wealth: Huge cash benefits will flow in from Kartikeya and offer Red flowers.
Government-backed schemes and bonds. After 12th,
Lal-kitab Remedies:
judgment in Court matters will be rigged in your favour.
Repayment of a forgotten loan will find its way to On a Tuesday ,donate 1kg 200gm Jaggery in Lord
your coffers. After 14th, jumping into speculations is Hanuman temple.
not advisable. Avoid getting talked into extending Draw a Swastika sign, using Turmeric powder paste,
credit, as it will put undue strain in your savings later. in your puja room.
Entering into loans will push you further into financial
constraints. After 22nd, be ready to cash in dividends Chandrashtama Dates: 07 (from 8: 00 PM), 08,
from previous fiscal schemes. 09, 10 (till 9:00 AM).


forecast january 2023
will be met with slowdowns or resistance. Singles
(Capricorn) will attract quality prospects. Students will achieve
Uttarashada (2, 3, 4), their desired academic targets. After 14th, deeply
Sravana, Dhanishta buried emotions will get unearthed, triggering
(1, 2) insecurities among couples. Be wary, when
engaging in discussions with family members, as
Planetary Positions: Sun in 12th house till 14th; then tempers will go from simmer to boil, really quick.
moves to first house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in After 22 nd, women will keep themselves at the
12th house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains centre-stage of self-care and pleasurable
till month-end. Venus in first house till 22nd; then indulgences. This January, travelling to unexplored
moves to 2nd (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 5th house till areas will balance your restlessness and enhance
12th Jan.; then it becomes Direct and remains till your spirit.
month-end. Jupiter in 3rd house. Saturn in first house
Health: Guard your health with extra care! Be
till 17th; then moves 2nd house (Aquarius). Rahu and
mindful of your diet, exercise, sleep patterns and
Ketu in 4 /10 axis.
overall stress levels. Giving into cravings will cause
Career: For entrepreneurs their business will see
stomach issues or seasonal flues to flare up. After
promising new growth avenues. During the Full
14th, pump up with extra self-care, to spike up your
Moon on 6th, the creative ventures of the artists
energy levels.
will bask in the glow of admiration from the
audience. Job-seekers will work on all the channels Uttarashada (2,3,4): Things are going to end on
and will magnetise a promising employment offer. a positive note, and you will find yourself moving
After 14th, pause and be thorough, before you sign in a positive direction.
on any dotted lines of a tempting collaboration.
Sravana: New avenues will spring from old, in both
Maintaining a planned steady pace will help the Higher
your business and personal affairs.
Management meet pressing deadlines. This month,
test and re-test several times, before hitting the Dhanishta (1,2): You may have to wait, but what
accelerator, on a pricey new launch. After 18th, career you want will come.
frustrations for artists and freelancers will increase. Vedic Remedies: Recite Sri Suktam daily. Visit a
Professionals, be forewarned, as rivals will Ganesh temple on Chathurthi days.
unexpectedly pose hurdles to your carefully laid plans
of career progress. Chant “Om Shri Raghavendraya Namha” 108
times daily. Worship Goddess Mahalakshmi on Friday,
Wealth: Previous investments will begin to show
and offer Lotus.
profits. After 12th, avoid adding up any kind of loans
and liabilities, as repayment will be overburdening. Lal-kitab Remedies:
Dipping your toes in share market schemes will be Every Tuesday, pour a mix of milk and water onto
risky. Unexpected expenditures will further increase the roots of Neem tree
your financial constraint. After 22nd, dabbling in
government-backed fiscal schemes will be Clean the main door of your house often.
remunerative. Chandrashtama Dates: 10 (from 9:00 AM), 11, 12
Personal: Watch out for extreme emotions! This (till 9: 00 PM).
month, your efforts to restore balance and harmony
forecast january 2023
passive income streams. With Venus in your house
KUMBHA increment of wealth through dividends, returns or
(Aquarius) commissions is in the stars.
Dhanishta (3, 4),
Personal: Rest your social butterfly wings! This
Poorvabhadra (1, 2, 3) month, you have got planetary permission to nest,
rest and tend to family! Small getaways will provide
you a much-needed breather and peace. After 12th,
Planetary Positions: Sun in 11th house till 14th; then be extra mindful with relatives or close knit, as
moves to 12th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in tensions will spike under your roof. After 18th, for
11th house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains couples, spending time with their partner will increase
till month-end. Venus in 12th house till 22nd; then deeper understanding and closeness among them.
moves to first (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 4th house till Women will decide to renovate, redecorate or make
12th Jan.; then it becomes Direct and remains till some other radical shift to their lifestyle. After 22nd,
month-end. Jupiter in 2nd house. Saturn in 12th house students, with their refined learning skills, will perform
till 17th; then moves first house (Aquarius). Rahu well in examinations. For singles, a casual meeting
and Ketu in 3 /9 axis. or conversation will develop into a possible love
Career: At work-place, a prestigious promotion, connection.
bonus or an expanded leadership role will be headed Health: Take a breather! This January, guard
your way. Seniors will be full of praises and against stress and the impact it might have on your
admiration towards your recent accomplishment. health. After 12th, revamp the eating habits with some
After 12th, negotiate and read the fine print before wholesome alternatives, to reign in blood pressures
rushing into hazy collaborations. Arm yourself with and stomach issues. Health of mother will cause
intel from credible sources, as any hasty moves concern. After 14th, starting regular yoga practice will
will place you at a disadvantage among rivals. After help to withstand any stress or seasonal flues.
18 th , job-seekers will expand their skill set to
Dhanishta (3,4): Luck, promotion, good health and
magnetize a high pay employment. For freelancers,
love will follow, wherever you lead.
their talents will gain major recognition that will put
them into direct spotlight. For those in marketing, a Satabisha: A timely assistance will be provided, when
project or goal that they have been working towards needed
will reach its lucrative moment. The New Moon on
Poorvabhadrapada (1,2,3) : You will be spontaneous
21st, for entrepreneurs, will bring a cutting-edge
and quick in solving a persisting issue.
collaboration that will put their name on the map. This
month, diligent effort of artists will be recognized Vedic Remedies: Make donations to orphanages,
with an award or a flattering media acclaim. on Saturdays. Light ghee lamps to Goddess Durga,
during Rahu Kalam on Tuesdays. Worship your Family
Wealth: Think beyond the short-term! This January
deity daily. Perform obsequies for ancestors regularly,
cosmos will bring new opportunities to invest, earn
without fail.
and forge financial freedom. Returns from shares and
bonds will help to overcome any cash constraints. Lal-kitab Remedies:
Entering into share market will open new revenue Lubricate door hinges with Gingili oil.
streams. After 12th, halt officialising property deals,
While sleeping, do not keep head towards North.
as it will turn into a legal hassle later. Quick-rich
schemes will put your earmarked savings at risk. Chandrashtama Dates: 12 (from 9: 00 PM), 13,
After 22nd, gains will flow in through ancestral or 14, 15 (till 7:00 AM).


forecast january 2022
profits. After 22nd, lock up your cash and credit cards,
as you will have an urge to splurge. Dividends from
MEENA (Pisces) previous fiscal schemes will upgrade your financial
Poorvabhadra (4), status. However, be careful of signing off any major
Uttarabhadra, Revati.
purchases, as expenses will increase.

Personal: This January is off to a social and vibrant

Planetary Positions: Sun in 10th house till 14th; then
start with good times rolling with loved ones. For
moves to 11th house (Capricorn).Mercury (R) in
women, some welcoming changes to their social
10th house till 18th; then it becomes Direct and remains
circle are likely. Singles will be fielding attention
till month-end. Venus in 11th house till 22nd; then
from multiple admirers. After 14th, regular short
th rd
moves to 12 (Aquarius).Mars (R) in 3 house till
trip will totally refresh your perspective and mood.
12th Jan.; then it becomes Direct and remains till
Students grinding for an advanced degree will ace
month-end. Jupiter in first house. Saturn in 11th
their results. After 18th, with mercury in Sagittarius
th th
house till 17 ; then moves 12 house (Aquarius).
couples will take the plunge to make their union
Rahu and Ketu in 2 /8 axis.
Career: Get ready for a turning-point moment! This
Health: Delayed gratification is rewarding! This
month will be bringing huge bouts of growth and
month, the health constraints of the past few months
success on the career front. At work-place, you will
will be finally lifted. After 12th, expect to be healed
be tapped to lead a big project accompanied with a
from any past chronic ailments. Those troubled with
promotion and bonus. After 12th, freelancers will
spine or throat issues can expect swift recovery.
successfully turn their ideas into a money-making
venture. Artists will steal the spotlight among wider Poorvabhadra (4): You will build fond memories

audience with their recent accomplishments. After once again

14th, professionals will win seniors’ acclamation for Uttarabhadra: An unpleasant authority figure will
their cutting-edge performance in a key venture. Job- intimidate you.
seekers will receive an exciting job opportunity from
Revati: You will build fond memories once again.
a far-flung source. After 18 th , an offer of
collaboration or partnership will bring notability and Vedic Remedies: Visit the temple of Goddess Durga

increased status for entrepreneurs. Expect winning and light ghee lamp. Pray to Lord Ganesha as often
and assured victory against rivals. A profitable wrap as possible. Read “Navagraha Gayathri” daily.

to a digital launch will accelerate the ascend up the Lal-kitab Remedies:

ladder of success for those in marketing.
Every Sunday, donate a Coconut at Lord Hanuman
Wealth: New money-making schemes will temple.
manifest your pot of gold. Gains from an
Maintain harmonious relations with the in-laws.
unexpected source will help write off previous
debts. After 14th, Real estate deals will materialize Chandrashtama Dates: 15 (from 7:00 AM), 16, 17
and monetize in your favour. With Sun in Sagittarius (till 1:00 PM).
Share market investments will bring in bountiful


Your Personal Problems Solved By Hemamalini Raghunathan

Mr. Ganesh S
Q: Many marriage negotiations have
failed for the native. Is marital life
destined for him?
A : N a t i v e ’s 7 t h l o r d M o o n si g n i f y i n g
ma r r i a g e h a s o c c u p i e d t h e 5 t h h o u s e i n
exaltation, aspected by the ascendant lord
Saturn, which is posited in the 11 th house.
But presence of debilitated Jupiter (3 rd and
1 2 t h l o r d ) i n t h e a s c e n d a n t i s no t muc h
desirable. 5 th lord of Purvapunya, Venus, is conjunct with 4 th and 11 th lord Mars, and is
occupying the 8 th house, indicating past karmas not supporting the native much. 7 th lord Sun
of Navamsa chart also has occupied the 5 th house. 7 th lord Moon of Rasi chart is posited in
the 8 th house in Navamsa chart, not with required strength. Nodes are in 1/7 axis in Navamsa
chart. Currently the native is passing through Jupiter-Rahu period, which will not be helping
the native much, to enter matrital life. Mahadasa of Saturn (ascendant and 2 nd lord) will
start from August 2024, which seems quite promising. Late marriage is probable.

Mr. B.K. Panda

Q : H o w a r e t he c ha nc es f o r g et t i ng a
new job in the near future for the
native? How are her career prospects?
A: The native’s ascendant lord in exaltation
is conjunct with 10 th lord Mercury and 9 th
lord Sun in the unfavourable 8 th house. But
the combination of 9 th and 10 th lord creats
Dharma Karmadhipathi yoga, denoting good
career prospects.Such combination in the 8th
house indicates no permanent nature of work, but
fruitful assignments. Change of job will be quite common in the native’s life. 10th lord Mercury is aspected
by maraka Saturn.10 th lord Mercury of both Rasi and Dasamsa charts is placed in the favourable
Sagittarius ascendant in D-10. The native is currently passing through the Jupiter-Venus period.
Jupiter is 1 st and 4 th lord. Venus is the 6 th and 11 th lord. 9 th lord Sun’s bhukti starts from
October 2023, which will definitely bestow her with good, competent assignments, to prove
her talents, earning name, fame and wealth. As 9 th lord Sun is in Watery signs in both Rasi
and Dasamsa charts, assignment abroad are very likely in the near-future.


auspicious timings

Important Muhurta-timings for January 2023 By S.Venkatesh

Auspicious Dates for Grihapravesh

Date Day from to Star Thithi Amrutadi
(hrs) (hrs) Yoga
01.01.2023 Sunday 05.30 07.15 Aswini Dasami Siddha Yoga
04.01.2023 Wednesday 05.30 07.15 Rohini Trayodasi Siddha Yoga
08.01.2023 Sunday 09.00 10.30 Pushya Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
11.01.2023 Wednesday 05.15 07.00 Makha Chaturti Siddha Yoga
13.01.2023 Friday 05.00 06.30 U.Phalguni Shashti Siddha Yoga
18.01.2023 Wednesday 05.00 06.15 Anuradha Ekadasi Siddha Yoga
20.01.2023 Friday 05.00 06.15 Moola Trayodasi Amruta Yoga
23.01.2023 Monday 05.00 06.00 Dhanishta Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
26.01.2023 Thursday 05.00 06.00 U.Bhadra Panchami Siddha Yoga
27.01.2023 Friday 05.00 06.00 Revati Shashti Siddha Yoga
Auspicious Dates for Buying Conveyances
Date Day from to Star Thithi Amrutadi
(hrs) (hrs) Yoga
01.01.2023 Sunday 11.00 12.00 Aswini Dasami Siddha Yoga
04.01.2023 Wednesday 09.00 10.15 Rohini Trayodasi Siddha Yoga
08.01.2023 Sunday 14.00 16.30 Pushya Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
11.01.2023 Wednesday 09.00 10.00 Makha Chaturti Siddha Yoga
13.01.2023 Friday 13.00 15.00 U.Phalguni Shashti Siddha Yoga
18.01.2023 Wednesday 16.00 17.00 Anuradha Ekadasi Siddha Yoga
20.01.2023 Friday 09.00 10.00 Moola Trayodasi Amruta Yoga
23.01.2023 Monday 12.00 14.00 Dhanishta Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
26.01.2023 Thursday 16.00 18.00 U.Bhadra Shashti Siddha Yoga
27.01.2023 Friday 13.00 15.00 Revati Saptami Siddha Yoga

Auspicious Dates for Vedic Rituals for pregnant women and new-born babies
Date Day From to Star Thithi Amrutadi
(hrs) (hrs) Yoga
01.01.2023 Sunday 09.00 11.00 Aswini Dasami Siddha Yoga
04.01.2023 Wednesday 09.00 10.30 Rohini Trayodasi Siddha Yoga
08.01.2023 Sunday 09.00 10.30 Pushya Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
11.01.2023 Wednesday 09.00 10.30 Makha Chaturti Siddha Yoga
13.01.2023 Friday 09.00 10.30 U.Phalguni Shashti Siddha Yoga
18.01.2023 Wednesday 09.00 10.00 Anuradha Ekadasi Siddha Yoga
20.01.2023 Friday 09.00 10.00 Moola Trayodasi Amruta Yoga
23.01.2023 Monday 09.00 09.45 Dhanishta Dwithiya Siddha Yoga
26.01.2023 Thursday 09.00 09.30 U.Bhadra Panchami Siddha Yoga
27.01.2023 Friday 09.00 09.30 Revati Shashti Siddha Yoga


Good Time Good Time

Date Day A.M. P.M. Date Day A.M. P.M.

01.01.2023 Sunday 7.00 to 11.00 — 18.01.2023 Wednesday 9.00 to 10.00 04.00 to 04.00
04.01.2023 Wednesday 9.00 to 10.30 04.00 to05.00 20.01.2023 Friday 6.00 to 10.30 —
08.01.2023 Sunday 7.00 to 11.00 02.00 to 04.30 23.01.2023 Monday 9.00 to 10.30 12.00 to 02.00
11.01.2023 Wednesday 9.00 to 10.30 — 26.01.2023 Thursday 9.00 to 10.30 04.00 to 07.00
13.01.2023 Friday 6.00 to 10.30 01.00 to 03.00 27.01.2023 Friday 6.00 to 10.30 01.00 to 03.00


bull and bear


FOR JANUARY 2023 By Vandana Dev Khattar
Planetary positions for January 2023:
Sun : Up to 14th January, remains in Sagittarius; thereafter, it will transit in Capricorn.
Mars : Throughout the month, it will transit through Taurus sign. It will move in Retrograde direction till 12th.
Mercury:Throughout the month, it will transit through Sagittarius sign. It will move in Retrograde direction till 18 th and
will remain Combust till 14th.
Jupiter: Throughout the month, it will transit through Pisces sign.
Venus : Till 22nd, it will transit through Capricorn sign; thereafter, it will move to Aquarius.
Saturn:Till 16th, it will transit through Capricorn sign; thereafter, it will move to Aquarius . It will become Combust on 31 st.
Rahu (True): Throughout the month, it will transit through Aries sign.
Ketu (True): Throughout the month, it will transit through Libra sign.
Uranus: Throughout the month, it will transit through Aries sign. It will move in Retrograde direction till 22nd.
Neptune: Throughout the month, It will transit through Aquarius sign.
Pluto: Throughout the month, it will transit through Capricorn sign.
Daily movement of Stock Market in January 2023
Date Moon’s Astro parameters at 9.15am Market Trend These Rasi / Lagna
should refrain
from financial
dealings today

02 Thithi: Shukla Ekadasi The Bulls will become active between Virgo & Taurus
Monday Nakshatra:Bharani; Navamsa: Scorpio 12:35 and 14:05 hrs, as they show
Moon trines Mercury & squares Saturn. buying interest in the stocks of
Experts can do intraday trading in realty white goods, speciality chemicals,
sector companies. paints and jewellery sector
companies ,in an otherwise
pessimistic trading session.

03 Thithi: Shukla Dwadasi The Bulls will have an upper hand Gemini & Libra
Nakshatra:Krittika; Navamsa: Aquarius till 14:05 hrs, by taking buying
Moon sextiles Jupiter & trines Venus. interest in the stocks of PSU, wheat,
Good day to settle your accounts. copper & tobacco sector companies;
thereafter, profit booking will close
the indices Southwards.

04 Thithi: Shukla Tryodasi The Bulls will keep the sentiments Gemini & Libra
Wednesday Nakshatra:Rohini; Navamsa: Gemini positive between 10:15 and 13:05 hrs,
Moon conjoins Mars. Auspicious day to as the smart investors will buy the
open new demat account. stocks of exports, education,
finance & insurance sector
companies; thereafter, the Bears
will close the indices Southwards.

05 Thithi: Shukla Chaturdasi Between 09: 55 and 12:15, buying in Scorpio & Cancer
Thursday Nakshatra:Mrigasira; Navamsa: Libra the stocks of pharma, chemicals,
Moon squares Jupiter & trines Saturn. capital goods & copper sector
Good day to review your financial companies will be observed, thereafter
statements. the bears will enter the arena &
spread negativity.
Disclaimer: These inferences are purely based on planetary conditions. Neither the editor/publisher, nor the author is responsible for any loss. These astrological
inferences are neither an invitation nor a suggestion / recommendation to trade in the Stock Market. Consult the Registered Financial Advisor, before investing.
bull and bear
Daily Movements of Share Market in January 2023
Date Moon’s Astro parameters at 9.15am Market Trend These Rasi / Lagna
should refrain
from financial
dealings today

06 Thithi: Pournami The Bulls will enter the arena around Scorpio & Cancer
Friday Nakshatra:Arudra; Navamsa: Capricorn 09:45hrs and show buying interest
Moon opposes Sun , squares Jupiter & in the stocks of IT, electronics,
sextiles Rahu. Auspicious day to apply aluminium and textiles sector
for refunds. companies. The uptrend is likely to
continue till 12:15 hrs. Thereafter
the market will be ruled by
pessimistic sentiments.

09 Thithi: Krishna Dwitiya Mixed signals by the stars will keep Leo & Sagittarius
Monday Nakshatra:Ashlesa; Navamsa: Sagittarius the traders guessing about the
Moon sextiles Mars, opposes Venus & direction of the trend. Undercurrent
squares Rahu. Good day to square off sentiments will remain cautious.
profitable positions.

10 Thithi: Krishna Tritiya With the weak opening, the Bears Capricorn & Virgo
Tuesday Nakshatra:Makha; Navamsa: Aries will rule the sentiments but the
Moon opposes Saturn. Not to initiate Bulls will gather courage around
fresh positions in F&O segment. 12:05 hrs and make use of low
rates to buy the stocks of
diagnostics, hospital, travel &
footwear sector companies.

11 Thithi: Krishna Chaturthi The Bulls will keep patience till Capricorn & Virgo
Wednesday Nakshatra:Makha; Navamsa:Cancer 12:15 hrs and push the indices
Moon squares Mars & trines Rahu. upwards as they indulge in buying
Good day to square off profitable positions. the stocks of silver, innerwear,
lingerie & hospitality sector companies.

12 Thithi: Krishna Panchami Between 11:55 and 14:05 hrs, the Capricorn & Virgo
Thursday Nakshatra:P.Phalguni; Navamsa: Scorpio traders will place Bullish bets on
Mercury trines Moon. Experts can do the stocks of agriculture, fertilizers,
intraday trading in banking automobiles & textiles sector
sector companies. companies. The indices are likely to
close downwards.

13 Thithi: Krishna Shasthi Till 14:05 hrs, the Bulls will try to Libra & Aquarius
Friday Nakshatra:U.Phalguni; Navamsa: Aquarius hold the positions in their favour
Moon opposes Jupiter. by showing buying interest in
the stocks of wheat, insurance,
banking & finance sector companies,
thereafter the Bears will show
their might.

16 Thithi: Krishna Navami Controlled optimism will be noticed Scorpio & Pisces
Monday Nakshatra:Swati; Navamsa:Aquarius till 11:35 hrs; thereafter, the Bears
Moon opposes Rahu. Good day to square will take the matter in their hands.
off profitable positions.

17 Thithi: Krishna Dasami Traders with a long view will Scorpio & Pisces
Tuesday Nakshatra:Visakha; Navamsa: Gemini dominate the market sentiments by
Mercury sextiles Ketu. Good day to pay taking buying interest in the stocks
your pending bills. of gold, industries, automobiles
& banking sector companies till
13:25 hrs; thereafter, profit
booking will pull down the indices.


bull and bear
Daily Movements of Share Market in January 2023
Date Moon’s Astro parameters at 9.15am Market Trend These Rasi / Lagna
should refrain
from financial
dealings today
18 Thithi: Krishna Ekadasi Prudent investors will treat every dip Aries & Sagittarius
Wednesday Nakshatra:Anuradha; Navamsa: Libra as an opportunity to buy the stocks
Moon opposes Mars. Auspicious day to of coal, petroleum, affordable
start investing in SIP mode. housing & mining sector companies
till 12:05 hrs; thereafter, the Bulls
will close the indices Northwards.
19 Thithi: Krishna Dwadasi Bearish sentiments will rule Aries & Sagittarius
Thursday Nakshatra:Jyeshta; Navamsa:Aquarius throughout the day.
Mars sextiles Jupiter.
20 Thithi: Krishna Tryodasi The Bulls will gather courage around Capricorn & Taurus
Friday Nakshatra:Moola; Navamsa:Cancer 11:25 hrs, to take the 11:25 hrs, to
Moon sextiles Ketu. Not to initiate fresh take the by indulging in buying the
investments & financial transactions. stocks of footwear, molding,
plywood & cement sector companies.
23 Thithi: Shukla Dwitiya The Bears will try their best to keep Gemini & Aquarius
Monday Nakshatra:Dhanista; Navamsa:Virgo the sentiments in their grip yet, the
Mars trines Sun Experts can do intraday Bulls will dominate the arena till
trading in chemical sector companies 11:05 hrs, by placing the Bullish bets
on the stocks of power, defence,
chemicals & IT sector companies.
24 Thithi: Shukla Tritiya The Bulls will show buying interest Pisces & Cancer
Tuesday Nakshatra:Satabisha; Navamsa: Capricorn in the stocks of IT, electrical,
Moon sextiles Mercury & trines Ketu. electronics & cable sector companies
Do not create any fresh position in till 11:55 hrs; thereafter, the Bears
F&O segment. will show their might.
25 Thithi: Shukla Chaturthi Buying in the stocks of turmeric, Pisces & Cancer
Wednesday Nakshatra:P. Bhadra; Navamsa: Gemini brass, education & exports sector
Moon semi-squares Sun. companies will be noticed till
12:55 hrs; thereafter, the optimistic
sentiments will get fizzled out.
26 Thithi: Shukla Panchami Gradual buying at low levels in the Leo & Aries
Thursday Nakshatra:U.Bhadra; Navamsa: Libra stocks of mining, steel, coal &
Moon sextiles Sun , squares Mercury & petroleum sector companies will be
conjoins Jupiter. Good day to start seen till 11:35 hrs; thereafter, the
learning stock market investing. Bulls will take the indices northwards.
27 Thithi: Shukla Saptami The Bears will not let the Bulls have Leo & Aries
Friday Nakshatra:Revati; Navamsa: Aquarius an upper hand.
Moon sextiles Saturn. Experts can do
intraday trading in FMCG sector companies.
30 Thithi: Shukla Navami Optimism in the market will be Gemini & Libra
Monday Nakshatra:Krittika; Navamsa: Aquarius witnessed till 13:25 hrs, as the Bulls
Moon squares Venus & Saturn. will show buying interest in the
stocks of PSU, banking, copper &
FMCG sector companies; thereafter,
the Bears will rule the arena.
31 Thithi: Shukla Dasami The Bulls will dominate the market Gemini & Libra
Tuesday Nakshatra:Rohini; Navamsa:Taurus till 11:15 as they create demand in
Moon trines Sun, sextiles Jupiter & squares the stocks of dairy, milk, rice &
Venus. Good day to invest (before 12 pm) petroleum sector companies;
for long term in beaten down blue chip stocks thereafter, sluggish movements
will spoil the enthusiasm.


Astro-Numerology numbers have been calculated on a practical basis, for Speculation and By S.Venkatesh
day’s best-winning numbers for Racing.

01-01-2023 Sunday 8 1 5 9 16-01-2023 Monday 1 2 7 6

02-01-2023 Monday 3 6 4 5 17-01-2023 Tuesday 5 6 3 1
03-01-2023 Tuesday 6 8 9 7 18-01-2023 Wednesday 8 7 1 9
04-01-2023 Wednesday 4 5 8 2 19-01-2023 Thursday 2 5 8 7
05-01-2023 Thursday 8 6 9 7 20-01-2023 Friday 7 1 5 3
21-01-2023 Saturday 4 8 3 5
06-01-2023 Friday 1 2 3 8
22-01-2023 Sunday 1 2 7 8
07-01-2023 Saturday 9 5 6 3
23-01-2023 Monday 9 5 6 1
08-01-2023 Sunday 1 3 7 6
24-01-2023 Tuesday 2 1 7 3
09-01-2023 Monday 8 9 1 2
25-01-2023 Wednesday 6 5 1 8
10-01-2023 Tuesday 7 5 8 1
26-01-2023 Thursday 1 3 7 9
11-01-2023 Wednesday 9 1 3 7 27-01-2023 Friday 2 5 8 3
12-01-2023 Thursday 6 4 8 1 28-01-2023 Saturday 1 8 7 9
13-01-2023 Friday 5 2 1 4 29-01-2023 Sunday 6 3 1 8
14-01-2023 Saturday 7 4 5 1 30-01-2023 Monday 7 4 6 5
15-01-2023 Sunday 9 3 2 8 31-01-2023 Tuesday 8 1 2 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 Pausha 7
Vaikunta Purnima
NEW YEAR Krittika Vrata
Ekadasi Pradosha Vrata FULL MOON
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sankatahara Bhogi
Chaturti (S.India)

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Pradosha Vrata
Sankranti MauniAmavasya
Masik Shivaratri

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Rath Saptami
Basant Bhishma
Panchami Ashtami
29 30 31

Martyr’s Day
(Mahatma Gandhi
Commemoration day)



(Pausa & Magha)

Date Day Thithi h.m Nakshatra Yoga h.m Amrutadi Yoga

1 Sun S 10 Dasami 19 13 01 Aswini 12 49 20 Siva 06 18 S/M
2 Mon 11 Ekadasi 20 25 02 Bharani 14 24 21 Siddha 06 14 S/M
3 Tue 12 Dwadasi 22 03 03 Krittika 16 26 22 Sadhya 29 46 S/A
4 Wed 13 Trayodasi 12 02 04 Rohini 18 29 23 Shubha 06 00 S
5 Thu 14 Chaturdasi 26 15 05 Mrigasira 21 27 24 Sukla 06 26 M
6 Fri S 15 Purnima 28 39 06 Arudra 24 14 25 Brahma 07 03 S
7 Sat K 01 Prathami ------ 07 Punarvasu 27 05 26 Indra 07 46 S
8 Sun 01 Prathami 07 09 08 Pushya 06 06 27 Vaidhriti 08 34 S
9 Mon 02 Dwithiya 09 41 09 Aslesha ------ 01 Viskumba 09 23 S
10 Tue 03 Trithiya 12 11 09 Aslesha 09 02 02 Priti 10 11 S
11 Wed 04 Chaturthi 14 33 10 Makha 11 51 03 Ayusman 10 52 S/A
12 Thur 05 Panchami 16 39 11 P.Phalguni 14 25 04 Saubagya 11 23 S/M
13 Fri 06 Shashti 18 19 12 U.Phalguni 16 36 05 Sobhana 11 35 S/A
14 Sat 07 Saptami 19 24 13 Hasta 18 14 06 Atiganda 11 23 M
15 Sun 08 Ashtami 19 47 14 Chitra 19 12 07 Sukarma 10 40 S
16 Mon 09 Navami 19 22 15 Swati 19 24 08 Dhriti 09 21 A/M
17 Tue 10 Dasami 18 07 16 Visakha 18 47 09 Sula 07 24 M/S
-- --- -- -------- ------ -- --------- ------- 10 Ganda 28 48 --
18 Wed 11 Ekadasi 16 04 17 Anuradha 17 23 11 Vridhi 25 36 S
19 Thur 12 Dwadasi 13 19 18 Jyeshta 15 18 12 Dhruva 21 49 M/S
20 Fri 13 Trayodasi 10 01 19 Moola 12 41 13 Vyagata 17 46 A/M
-- --- 14 Chaturdasi 06 19 -- --------- ------ -- ---------- ------ --
21 Sat K 30 Amavasya 26 24 20 P.Shada 09 41 14 Harsana 13 24 S
-- --- -- ---------- ------ 21 U. Shada 06 30 -- ---------- ------ --
22 Sun S 01 Prathami 22 29 22 Sravana 27 22 15 Vajra 08 55 A
-- --- -- ---------- ------ -- ---------- ------ 16 Siddhi 28 30 --
23 Mon 02 Dwithiya 18 45 23 Dhanistha 24 28 17 Vyatipata 24 16 S
24 Tue 03 Trithiya 15 24 24 Satabisha 21 59 18 Variyan 20 26 M
25 Wed 04 Chaturthi 12 36 25 P. Bhadra 20 06 19 Parigha 17 04 A/S
26 Thur 05 Panchami 10 30 26 U.Bhadra 18 57 20 Siva 14 18 S
27 Fri 06 Shashti 09 12 27 Revati 18 37 21 Siddha 12 11 S/A
28 Sat 07 Saptami 08 45 01 Aswini 19 07 22 Sadhya 10 44 S
29 Sun 08 Ashtami 09 07 02 Bharani 20 22 23 Shubha 09 54 M/A
30 Mon 09 Navami 10 13 03 Krittika 22 16 24 Sukla 09 58 A
31 Tue S 10 Dasami 11 35 04 Rohini 24 40 25 Brahma 09 48
NOTES:-1. S- Suklapaksha, K-Krishnapaksha.
2. Timings given are ending moments (in IST) reckoned from Sunrise to Sunrise.
3. A=Amruta Yoga (Excellent); S=Siddha Yoga (Good); M=Marana Yoga (Bad).
AT 5.30 A.M. - AYANAMSA: 24° 17' 53'' (01-JANUARY-2023)
Date Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Rahu
i 27 31 j 03 12 b 14 53
01Sun i 16 06 a 09 28 (R) l 07 01 j 28 14 a 17 34
02Mon 17 07 22 03 28 55 04 27 14 44 07 08 28 20 17 34
03Tue 18 08 b 04 25 28 07 05 42 14 35 07 15 28 26 17 33
04Wed 19 09 16 37 27 09 06 57 14 28 07 23 28 32 18 19
05Thu 20 11 28 42 26 02 08 12 14 21 07 31 28 38 17 22
06Fri 21 12 c 10 41 24 48 09 18 14 15 07 39 28 46 17 12 a Aries
07 Sat 22 13 22 37 23 29 10 43 14 10 07 47 28 51 17 00
08Sun 23 14 d 04 30 22 09 11 58 14 06 07 45 28 57 16 47 b Taurus
09Mon 24 15 16 22 20 48 13 13 14 03 08 03 29 04 16 34 c Gemini
10Tue 25 16 28 15 19 31 14 26 14 00 08 12 29 10 16 21 d Cancer
11 Wed 26 17 e 10 10 18 20 15 43 13 58 08 21 29 16 16 10
12Thu 27 18 22 10 17 15 16 58 13 57 08 29 29 23 16 02 e Leo
13Fri 28 20 f 04 19 16 18 18 13 (D) 13 57 08 38 29 29 15 56 f Virgo
14Sat 29 21 16 40 15 31 19 28 13 57 08 47 29 36 15 54
g Libra
15Sun j 00 22 29 18 14 54 20 43 13 58 08 57 29 43 15 54
16Mon 01 23 g 12 17 14 26 21 58 14 00 09 06 29 49 15 54 h Scorpio
17Tue 02 24 25 42 14 07 23 13 14 03 09 15 29 56 15 54 i Sagittarius
18Wed 03 25 h 09 36 13 58 24 18 14 07 09 25 k 00 03 15 52
19Thu 04 26 23 58 (D) 13 58 25 42 14 11 09 35 00 09 15 48 j Capricorn
20Fri 05 27 i 08 49 14 06 26 57 14 16 09 45 00 16 15 40 k Aquarius
21Sat 06 28 24 00 14 21 28 12 14 21 09 55 00 23 15 30 l Pisces
22Sun 07 29 j 09 21 14 43 29 27 14 28 10 05 00 30 15 19
23Mon 08 31 24 42 15 11 k 00 42 14 35 10 15 00 37 15 07 (R) Retrograde
24Tue 09 32 k 10 09 15 45 01 57 14 12 10 25 00 44 14 57 (D) Direct
25Wed 10 33 10 24 16 24 03 11 14 50 10 36 00 51 14 48
26Thu 11 34 l 08 52 17 08 04 26 14 59 10 46 00 58 14 42
27Fri 12 36 22 40 17 56 05 46 15 09 10 57 01 05 14 40
28Sat 13 26 a 05 59 18 47 06 56 15 19 16 08 01 12 14 39
29 Sun 14 37 18 52 19 43 08 10 15 30 11 19 01 19 14 39
30 Mon 15 38 b 01 24 20 41 09 25 15 41 11 30 01 26 14 38
31 Tue 16 39 13 40 21 42 10 40 15 53 11 41 01 32 14 36
LAGNA TABLE (Beginning Time of Lagnas) (For intermediate dates, subtract 3m 56s per day after given date)
Date Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m. h.m.
01- JAN . 23 13 57 15 35 17 23 19 47 22 04 00 16 02 29 03 59 07 12 09 08 10 54 12 27
10 - JAN . 23 13 21 14 59 16 47 19 11 21 28 23 40 01 53 03 23 06 36 08 32 10 18 11 51
20 - JAN . 23 12 45 14 23 16 11 18 35 20 52 23 04 01 17 02 47 06 00 07 56 09 42 16 15
30- JAN. 23 12 09 13 47 15 35 17 59 20 16 22 38 00 31 02 11 05 24 07 20 09 06 10 39
Add 1 min. for 180°E. Longitude, no correction for 90° E. Long. and Subtract 1 min. for 0° Long. and 2 mins. for 90°W.Long.
Bangalore + 27 + 35 + 39 + 38 + 31 + 22 + 12 + 04 + 00 + 02 + 09 18
Chandigarh + 16 + 09 + 06 + 07 + 13 + 21 + 29 + 35 + 39 + 38 + 32 + 24
Chennai + 16 + 24 + 29 + 27 + 20 + 11 + 02 - 06 - 11 - 09 - 02 + 07
Hyderabad + 20 + 25 + 28 + 27 + 23 + 17 + 12 + 07 + 05 + 06 + 10 + 15
Kolkata. - 23 - 23 - 22 - 22 - 23 - 23 - 24 - 24 - 25 - 25 - 24 - 24
Lucknow + 03 00 - 02 - 01 + 02 + 05 + 09 + 12 + 14 + 13 + 11 + 07
Mumbai + 42 + 45 + 47 + 46 + 43 + 40 + 36 + 32 + 30 + 31 + 34 + 38
New Delhi + 17 + 12 + 09 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 31 + 33 + 32 + 28 + 22


tarotscope 2023

Tarot Card Reading 2023 By Divya Khanna

Guidance for Sun Signs (Date of Birth)

Wave goodbye to 2022, as the Cheery New Year 2023 energy is waiting for you!
Read on the Tarotscope 2023 for a peek, as how each Sun Sign can make the best
of the 2023 year’s magical energy!
ARIES (21 March - 19 April)
KEYWORDS: Beginnings, Strength & Control
It is the year to release anything that does not serve you. Make room for bigger, brighter and
more aligned things!
CAREER : Set your sights on those lofty goals! The stars will place you in a special boom
cycle that will help you take your ambitious goals to new heights. Get organized and
streamlined, as a stealthy competitor might keep close-tabs on your moves. Keep your guard
up, and your cards close to your chest! Brand-new opportunities to re-invent yourself or
pivot to a new path will arrive in the 2nd quarter of the year. The self- employed should try to
4-The Emperor
break an ambitious plan into smaller, achievable tasks, and you’ll be surprised at the innovative
solutions you discover.
WEALTH: A shake-up to your financial routines will encourage you to prioritize your finances and aim for
new investments. Someone may dangle a proposal that sounds too good to be true. Be careful, as there might
be more than meets the eye! A much-needed cash flow from royalties or unexpected sales on old projects in
the 2nd half of year will help you clear old debts and re-float your finances.
HOME: Time to build bridges and mend fences! Some tough choices on the home-front will bring challenges
to your personal life. Untangle any dicey dynamics, and get down to the root cause, to a make lasting change.
If you’ve been considering a move or a change in your living situation, you will be able to catalyze your plans
this year.
LOVE: Desire for control and independence will create a hiccup in your close relationships. Approach the
topic with integrity, but make sure that you are not stepping on your partner’s toes. Singles might meet
someone from the professional realm, who would inspire & attract you. Make sure that you both share the
same vision, before you commit!
HEALTH: Time to renew and regenerate!
Future Attractions
Stress curveballs will play havoc with your
health causing a previous health problem to re- EST February 2023
surface. Slip off the radar, and replenish your
 Chinese New Year of Rabbit
mental and emotional tanks!
Predictions & Feng Shui Remedies for all
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ Reclaim your
power” Animal Zodiac Signs
COSMO TIP: Keep a Labradorite Crystal  Prospects for various countries in 2023
Sphere in your work-place to bring-out the best EST World Watch 2023
in you.
and many more
thought-provoking write-ups


tarotscope 2023
TAURUS(20 April – 20 May) KEYWORDS: Good Luck, Manifestation & Justice.
This year, a shift in your vibration will help you attract all kinds of opportunities that help you level
CAREER: Your best-laid ideas might not hit the Bull’s-eye. The slightest criticism could set you
off on the work-front. Take a step back and objectively assess the situation. You could move up
to a management or a leadership position, or pivot into a new job that really challenges you to
grow. For self- employed, an entrepreneurial venture could come together, or you may decide to
finally take a leap of faith around your dreams. Put your best foot forward!
WEALTH: Stressful money fluctuations will fuel a sense of panic. Turn for an expert help, to
5-High Priest prune out investments that have not clicked! The urge to splurge on extravagant luxuries will be
stronger this year. New business and financial opportunities will charge in your life, towards the
3rd quarter, that will yield hefty returns. Make sure there are no strings attached!
HOME: Balance is the key! A push-pull dynamic between you and a parent will escalate the household drama.
Release the need to control, and work on a compromise. You could be inspired to re-decorate, or hunt for a new
address. Invite a loved one with excellent taste to join for a second opinion, before you blow the pay-cheque on a
tempting offer.
LOVE: Iron out the kinks! Confusions or suppressed grievances in the relationship might tempt you to harbour a
clandestine attraction.For singles, an attraction to a person could cause you to overlook the Red flags. Conduct your
due diligence!
HEALTH: Stress levels will rise, and you could risk a multi-tasking meltdown, if you take on too much. Bolster
your well-being with vitamins and supplements, and pay special attention to your gut health and the digestive
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “Take the leap of faith and move forward with confidence”
COSMO TIP: Wear or carry Aquamarine crystal, to diminish delays and obstacles in your life.

GEMINI(21 May – 21 June) KEYWORDS: Surrender, Rebirth & Choices

Hit reset, wipe the slate clean and work hard on making your dreams a reality!
CAREER: Your professional life will go through a re-invention, shifting your ambitions and
goals. Conflicts at work will threaten to derail the ongoing project. Steer your squad back, &
move the talks in a constructive direction. A professional upgrade in the form of a promotion
or a new job will arrive in the 2nd half of the year. Take advantage of this stellar opportunity,
than hoping for a better alternative to land in your lap. For entrepreneurs, a business idea or
a project might get delayed, due to unexpected challenges. Use the extra time, to perfect
your vision!
WEALTH:- A hole in your financial bucket will empower you to make an impressive financial
6-The Lovers improvement. Seek an expert advice, to wipe your slate clean, and grow your money tree.
An income opportunity will materialize in the 2nd half of the year, that will skyrocket your
financial axis to the next level. Keep the terms of financial negotiations clear, before getting started.
HOME: Restore harmony! This year will shake up your closest relationships, spotlighting the cracks and the
areas that need improvement. Address a problem or a misunderstanding as soon as it arises, rather than sweeping
it under the rug. Renovations on the home-front will get slowed down, causing frustrations. Review your visions
to make sure that your plans are still in alignment with what you hope to achieve.
LOVE: It is make or break time! Dissatisfaction or trust issues will spell trouble in your relationship. Repairing
shaky ties with the help of an expert, will metabolize the situation! Some couples will step up the commitment,
and welcome a new chapter, by walking down the aisle. Singles might meet someone out of the Blue, who has
real-deal potential.
HEALTH:-An insight into a health issue will make you prioritize your health, and quit a detrimental health habit.
Go easy on yourself, or you will risk a burn-out. Re-connect with your body, and rejuvenate by connecting with
trees, sunshine and fresh air.
ANGELS’S MESSAGE: “ Simplify & de-clutter your life from all that old stuff”
COSMO TIP: Wear or carry Moss Agate crystal, to attract prosperity in your life.
tarotscope 2023
CANCER(22 June - 22 July) KEYWORDS: Balance, harmony & Destiny
Striking a balance will help you move closer to your destination. Be assertive and ask for what
you want!
CAREER: Sharpen your focus! An ambitious streak will super-charge you, into making some
of your biggest career leaps. Be crystal clear with your goals. Discussions with key critical or
authoritative people might lead to a tense dialogue. Listen to the feedback, without taking it as a
personal attack! Prosperous beams in the 2nd half of the year will bring in new prospects, beyond
your imagination. Sharpen your skills and move ahead. Self-employed will be making progress on
a cherished creative project. Think outside the box, to make a greater impact.
WEALTH: It’s time to get serious! A financial snag will alert you to a crucial financial detail, that
7-The Chariot
was missed earlier. Examine your bank and credit card statements with fine tooth comb. There
might be money, hiding in plain sight. Tighten your purse strings, and avoid splurging on an
expensive indulgence, till the financial axis is stable. With a stroke of luck, a lucrative deal will line your pocket with
extra cash in the 2nd half of the year.
HOME: Take control! A family tug of war will question your loyalties, leaving you vulnerable. Take stock of your
connections, and make sure that you’re not locked into any tricky emotional dynamics. Listen to each other, without
judgment, and focus on a common vision.
LOVE: Seek a common ground! Strong feelings, ranging from jealousy to fear of abandonment, will make you
feel vulnerable. Make sure that you are not provoking your partner to get their attention or see if they care. If you
have a legitimate fear, bring it up calmly! Singles could feel the cosmic click with someone from a different
background, making the attraction much more exciting.
HEALTH: Breathe in good health! Blocked emotions will cause you to feel tense and out of sorts, and will create
illness in your body. Breathing exercises will help you to be calm, and regain your mental balance.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ Embrace the energy of peace and compassion to warm your heart”
COSMO TIP: Keep a Jade sphere in your work-place, to attract new business or clients.

LEO(23 July – 22 August) KEYWORDS: Moderation, Success & Hope

Trust that the Universe is supporting your vision, and helping you manifest your wildest dreams.
Step into your personal power!
CAREER- Ready, set, innovate! Blazing through your work tasks and cutting corners will result
in errors and sloppy work. Make your plans rock-solid instead overly ambitious. A project or an
idea could get delayed, by some inevitable setbacks. Use the extra time to perfect your vision. A
professional target will smash all roadblocks and will hit the Bull’s eye in the 2nd half of the year.
Play your cards right! For self —employed, powerful networking or a savvy partner will help
catapult an artistic project to go global. Tighten up your game and get ready to strike.
8-Strength WEALTH: Pause for a reality check! A tense financial situation will add friction to your finances.
Get a clear-eyed perspective on your fiscal fitness. New ideas for making money and investments will arrive in the
2nd half of the year. Make sure to review the fine print and get it checked by expert advisors, before signing on the
dotted line as key information may be hidden.
HOME: Friction bygone! Ripples of contention will disrupt your domestic relationships, especially with your mother
or a female relative. Clear the air with an honest conversation. If you are considering a move, take your time,
before signing leases, mortgages or any other binding paperwork.
LOVE: Relationship review time! Issues of trust and old fears will surface, forcing you to take a hard look at your
relationship. Work through Maturely an unresolved block around jealousy or control. A brief hiatus will do you good
to find a middle ground. Singles might meet someone out of their normal orbit. Keep an open mind, or you are likely
to miss it!
HEALTH: Take stock of your beliefs! The nagging health problems that you experience stem from emotional or
mental blocks. Once you change your mental outlook, your health will improve significantly.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ Pay attention to the smallest details”
COSMO TIP: Carry a piece of Ruby crystal, to garner support and help for your endeavors.
tarotscope 2023
VIRGO (23 August – 22 September) KEYWORDS: Courage, Abundance & Karma
Seeds you planted a long time ago are moving closer to harvest! You are about to create magic!
CAREER: With a huge work pile and more than a few deadlines approaching, you will find
it hard to focus. Disruptive co-workers and difficult clients will cause breakdowns at work.
Make an extra effort to listen, rather than bulldozing over their objections. Your novel ideas
could attract a promising project towards the mid-year. Clear a few lingering items off your
to-do list, before embarking on a new project. Self-employed will adopt an ultra-competitive
streak to re-float a business idea.
WEALTH:-You might pitch in to make a big investment, or build your financial portfolio. A
9-The Hermit stream of revenue or an investment will bring in some real dividends in the last quarter of the
year. Make sure that you save surplus for the rainy day.
HOME: Home and family matters will jump to the top of the pile, prompting you to make important household
changes. Revamp your routines, and set plans in motion. A resentful relative might mis-interpret facts, and
drag you in the line of fire. Handle the situation with poise.
LOVE: Emotions ablaze! You might be forced to address something that’s been bugging you. Digging up the
past and playing the blame-game will only re-open old wounds. Singles might feel torn, and vacillate in the
search for a partner.
HEALTH: Slip off the grid to rejuvenate ! There could be a temptation to aim high, and perhaps take on
more than you can reasonably manage. Remember that stress in your mind will manifest as tensions in your
body. Take time to nurture yourself.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “Know your worth, and be your best self”
COSMO TIP: Wear or carry a Red Jasper crystal, to see your projects to fruition.

LIBRA (23 September – 23 October) KEYWORDS: Completion, Action & Authority

A perfect time to take that first step in the right direction! Trust the rhythm and the flow of
the Universe!
CAREER: Take a wide-angle view! With an overambitious drive, you might inflate a project
to a much grander and flashier scale. Be cautious about promising more than you can
deliver. Simmering tensions with a colleague or client, will create dicey dynamics at work.
Proceed with caution! An opportunity for a new job or a leadership role will unfold in the 2 nd
half of the year. Reach out to a mentor, and map out a trajectory. For self -employed, hidden
details might emerge that could change the course of your projects. Focus on gathering more
information, and investigate key players, before you rush to implement.
WEALTH: Time to anchor your finances! Uncomfortable situations like debt and taxes
will become a sore spot on the money-front. Capitalizing your savings will ease the pain of immediate financial
requirements. New lucrative opportunities during the mid -year will help you emerge on solid and solvent
ground. Learn the lessons, and keep a contingency plan handy.
HOME: Watch out for challenging fireworks! Your plans on the domestic-front might get thwarted or riddled
with annoying curveballs. Let the dust settle, before making any huge leaps. Relationship with siblings might
ruffle some feathers. Pick your battles selectively, as arguments will only fan the flames.
LOVE: Shift your lens! On the relationship-front, you might be forced to refresh your expectations and
redefine your boundaries. Reflect on what is not working, and eliminate anything that undermines your
relationship. Singles, getting into some good mingling settings, will help you attract the right one.
HEALTH: Time to prioritize your health! Health worries will start to melt away, by making a few sensible
alterations to your life. The stars will help navigate a nagging health issue to be properly diagnosed and
treated. Make sure to schedule timely medical check –ups.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “Be Open to new possibilities, and you will find other options will beginning to
COSMO TIP: Carry a Dalmatian Jasper crystal, to attract trustworthy and reliable people.
tarotscope 2023
SCORPIO (24 October – 21 November) KEYWORDS: Wisdom, Power & Inner Guidance
This is a beautiful time to manifest; so radiate the energy you’re trying to attract. The sky is
truly the limit!
CAREER: Ambition Time! You might find yourself accepting spontaneous job opportunities
or embark on a very unique career path. Harness your skillset in a new and exciting ways.
An innovative way will help you to monetize your brilliant concepts and turn it into something
tangible. Double down on your efforts, and fixate with a laser-like focus to manifest your
goals. For entrepreneurs, a stalled collaboration will pick up speed, when powerful allies will
open new doors. Roll up your sleeves and plan to hustle.
WEALTH: Look before you leap! Finances and overall security will be top priority this
11-Death year. Being at a financial crossroad might tempt you to rush a decision. Take time to decipher
all facts and figures, before moving forward. New revenue streams and investment
opportunities will flow in the 2nd half of the year, which will encourage you to pay off longstanding debts. Curb
any ferocious spending on your wish-list, till your coffers refill.
HOME: Heal all grudges! Family commitments will test you causing stress. ruffling feathers with family
members or causing some household snafus. A clever coping strategy will save your sanity. You will reconnect
with a long-lost relative or friend, who fell off your radar. Organize some soulful re-unions!
LOVE: Set some love goals and some boundaries! Unexpressed resentments might provoke vexing quarrels
with your partner. Slow down and listen to your partner, before you jump to conclusions. An ex-partner might
make a re-appearance, giving you the chance to find closure and move forward. Singles need to snap out of
their tunnel vision, to see all the amorous options and adventures that wait for them.
HEALTH:- Take responsibility for your own health! A health condition might need medical attention. Get a
second opinion, before agreeing to any kind of surgical intervention. Watch out for minor mishaps, as you
might become clumsy and accidental prone!
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: - “Trust in the divine detours”
COSMO TIP: Carry 2 Yellow Fluorite crystal tumbles in your Left pocket, for insight and clarity.
SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December) KEYWORDS: Determination, Intuition & Faith
Let go of stale outdated perspectives, and see the world as your oyster. Strive to think
outside the box!
CAREER: Stay focused on top ambitions! After a brief hiatus, your career will gain
momentum, compelling you to over achieve. Do not let perfectionist tendencies distract
you. Someone might steamroll your ideas, amplifying tensions at the work-place. Reach
out to a trusted third party for support. Plum opportunities will super-charge your ambitions
in the 2nd half of the year. Keep your eyes open, and ears perked up, to grab the opportunity.
For self -employed, collaborations will jolt your high-flying aspiration or project with great
energy. Step up and create the perfect synergy.
WEALTH: Money will be on your mind! A shake up in your financial sector will pressurize
12-Temperance you to uncover ideas for raising cash quickly. Avoid rushing into a decision, and turn for an
expert guidance. A financial opportunity or long held-up money will help you manifest
stability in the 2nd half of the year. Keep your radar up.
HOME: Time to set better boundaries! A loved one will lean heavily and exclusively on you, making you get
sucked into a saviour mode. Break the co-dependent dynamics, by encouraging this person to be more self-
sufficient and take the helm.
LOVE: A make it or break it moment! Hidden truths or secrets might get revealed, making your love-life go
off the rails. Hit pause, and seek out evidence, before leaping to any conclusions. Solid unions will ratchet up
to the next level, by either meeting each other’s families or getting engaged. Singles! You might meet someone,
while travelling or through work-related events and will click instantly.
HEALTH: Turn the lens back on yourself! Ignoring a health matter or missing on your checkups will make
you extra sensitive to stress and germs. Stay on top of your vitals, and get a professional opinion, rather than
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ Dream it and be it.. Dare to dream big”
COSMO TIP: Keep a Yellow Calcite crystal sphere on your work-desk, to increase your efficiency
tarotscope 2023
CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January) KEYWORDS: New perspective, Life Cycle & Patience
You will be on the brink of a major transformation; so stay tuned for what the universe brings
you next!
CAREER: Prioritize career stability! A sudden shift in the professional sphere will reveal
cracks in a flawless project. Scan and review, as you might have overlooked an important
information. Competitive vibes might mushroom into a debate or fight. Tame your ego, and
take the high road, before it disrupts your projects. A powerful opportunity in the 2nd half of the
year will refine your professional aura. Stay alert to the opportunities offered to you! For self
– employed, a dream venture might get stalled, due to difference of opinions. Iron out any
kinks, before you plan to move ahead.
WEALTH: Reset money goals! Shake-ups in your financial status will prompt you to view
14-Chains your money in a new way. Sit tight, and avoid making any major investment changes. Someone
might purposely obscure details, regarding a major money-move. Get all your questions answered, before you
sign on any dotted lines. Money from unexpected sources in the 2nd half of the year will line your pockets with
Gold. Stick to logical plans, to grow your money-tree.
HOME: Restore balance and make peace! Repressed memories and pent-up emotions will bring up some
uncomfortable conversations. Move past a family feud, and turn your attention to bonds that really matter.
LOVE: Time to get on the same page! Conflicting visions will heighten tension, and lead to a power struggle.
Be open to your partner’s perspective, without sacrificing your own. Lean into sweetness and diplomacy, when
you discuss. Singles need to focus on choosing a relationship that is true, rather than superficial dalliances.
HEALTH: Level up your self - care regime! Nagging health problems will demand research. Come up with a
lifestyle plan that suits you. Focus on loading up on nutrition, that you can maintain over the long haul, and avoid
quick fixes or fad foods.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ You deserve the best and that is what universe wants for you”
COSMO TIP: Wear a Rainbow Fluorite crystal pendant, to focus on complex projects.
AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February) KEYWORDS: Accomplishment , Stability & Creativity
A year to outgrow the old and set the stage for the new! Prepare to get to know the new
CAREER: Set your goals, and cast your net! Initiatives that were put on back-burner
will pick up speed this year. Reach out to mentors and supporters, to get in sync again.
New career opportunities during the mid -year will fire your ambitions and encourage
you to think big. Plan and strategize! For self-employed, a creative breakthrough will kick
start your ambitious plans, and bring you closer to winning the game. Build and nurture
key connections that will help you get ahead!
WEALTH: Streamline, simplify and prioritize! Financial entanglements will make you
feel disorganized and strapped for cash. Call for a budget review, to trim a few extraneous
16-The Star
costs. A valuable contact might re-surface with an opportunity, to help you get your old
dues back. A financial boost in the form of a raise, new and improved streams of income will contribute to
your financial security in the 2nd half of the year. Splurge with care and caution.
HOME: It’s time to nest and rest! Power dynamics might turn volatile creating resentments among the
family members. Address household conflicts at the root, and figure out a healthy way of bonding. If the
energy in your house feels off, try to de-clutter and beautify your space to feel at home again.
LOVE: Tap into the power of two! Anger and resentment might flare up throwing you off kilter. Be watchful
that you do not come on too strong on your partner, or lapse into a self-centered behavior. Tweak the give and
take ratio to form a strong bond. Singles might have strong feelings for someone, when they recently met.
Remember to focus on facts, and not to fall for illusions.
HEALTH: It’s time to rejuvenate your energy! Spiked stress levels will disrupt your sleep patterns, or make
you indulge in over-eating. Make self-care a priority, by eating sensibly and getting enough sleep.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “ Take steps to make your dream a reality”
COSMO TIP: Wear a Sunstone bracelet on Left hand, to attract opportunities for leadership position.
tarotscope 2023
PISCES (19 February - 20March)
KEYWORDS: Confidence, Reflection & Inspiration
Expect new and exciting opportunities that challenge you to grow differently. Allow your
inner compass to guide you!
CAREER: Be ready for a stellar start! A powerful professional surge will bring clarity and
motivation, to blast ahead your amorous ambitions. Streamline to increase efficiency! A
personal project might get stymied by misunderstandings and mixed signals at work. Practise
extra patience and diplomacy! Your career-path will get super-charged, positioning you for
a new level of respect and success in the 3rd quarter. Reach out to power players and
visionaries for support. Self-employed will be well-positioned, to make a power-move around
18-The Moon their passion-project. Tinker and test a few iterations, before the big launch.
WEALTH: Set new financial goals! A financial wake-up call will encourage you to scale back on excessive
spending. Get a clear-eyed perspective on your fiscal fitness! A financial scale back strategy will help you to
cut down on debts and plug money-draining investments. Fresh financial starts in the 2nd half of the year will
bring new revenue source or income stream.
HOME : Easy does it ! The spotlight will shine back onto your loved ones and your living space. You would
find privacy and solace in spending quality-time with your closest people. A great opportunity to bring in some
changes to your living-space will be an answer to your prayers. Be sure to consider family’s viewpoints on
any changes, before you start wielding the hammer!
LOVE: Get ready for a mature new chapter! A key love partnership will come under the microscope,
bringing you at a turning point. Making mature romantic choices and putting in hard work will bring in lasting
love. Singles might suddenly meet “the One” or move into that next big step sooner than you probably planned.
HEALTH: Be proactive about prevention! An accretion of small irritations will affect your immune system,
resulting in sore throat or fatigue. Make sure to book Doctor appointments promptly to ensure metabolism,
blood pressure and sugar levels are in perfect balance.
ANGEL’S MESSAGE: “It’s time to repair, renew and replenish yourself”
COSMO TIP: Carry a Carnelian crystal tumble, for courage and confidence, to set big projects in motion.

(Continued from page 68)

Monday, January 30: Moon sextiles Neptune at Tuesday, January 31: Moon quintiles Neptune
1:32a.m. Dreams during this period can be prophetic, and at 12:59a.m., and sextiles Jupiter at 1:31a.m. Suggestions to
may have keys for your future success. Moon squares long-standing issues may suddenly bob up your
Saturn at 5:33 am. This is karmic pay-back period, when consciousness. Moon conjuncts Mars at 9:57a.m. Do not
the results will be in tune with what you have done in the push too hard nor should you allow others to push you too
past. Sun trines Mars at 7:16a.m. Mercury trines Uranus hard. Keep emotions and anger away while attempting
at 7:46a.m. Being assertive without coming across as major things in life. Moon trines Sun at 11:54a.m. Creative
sparks that can change your very life abound now...Capture
abrasive is the key to success during this period. Moon
those sparks and light up your life! Moon sesquiquadrates
trines Pluto at 11:22a.m. This is a great time for initiating Pluto at 4:57p.m. This is a great time for political realignment
projects that require consistent confidence and sustained and corporate shake-up moves. Moon quincunxes Mercury
follow-through. Moon sesquiquadrates Mercury at at 10:57p.m. Being logically correct is one thing, but being
2:34p.m. Great mountaineers don’t forget their safety emotionally acceptable is entirely yet another thing! Tread
harnesses! This is a great time for devising back-up plans carefully, where emotions and sentiments of others are
for major projects. Moon squares Venus at 10:54p.m. Be concerned. Wait for the stake-holders to warm up to your
reasonable and realistic in your expectations from loved ideas, before implementing radical plans. Avoid long
ones and business partners to keep things smooth. Avoid journeys towards North and Northwest.
long journeys towards East and Southwest.


happy birthday! Capricornians!

Know about the year ahead!

Most Compatible Sun Sign: Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo
Least Compatible Sun Sign: Leo, Aries, Libra
Capricorn Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good management
Self-empowerment for Capricornians is for the year ahead!
Try, True and Trust are the Key words. Try for better future; Be True with your 22 Dec.-19 Jan.
work; Trust in God.
How will you fare in the coming year?
You will witness progress in career matters. You will make new work plans, and your old pending issues
would come to an end. Disputes will get solved. Do stay away from activities that involves a lot of risks.
Harmony is foreseen in the domestic sphere. Profits can be expected from Real estate dealings. Some might
incur expenses on account of construction activities at home-front. Betting and gambling need to be avoided
completely. Those associated with medicine, education, Travel will fare very well. This year offers better
atmosphere to increase your inner energy. Many of you would come into contact with spiritual prechers.
Chronic health problems will be under control.
January 2023 to April 2023:
You will approach the problems at the career-front in the most efficient way, having learnt good lessons from
past difficulties. Business will extend to foreign or outside your own city. People related to IT, Banks,
Farming etc would perform better. Multiple sources of income will pop up. Grab the opportunities. Job-
seekers will land the desired opportunity. Students will attain the expected results. Expect relief from legal
obstacles. Some will buy new vehicle. Wavering mind can cause losses. Romance and love-life need more
attention. Your management skills will keep your home-front in order. Some may suffer from eye problems.
Self-control on your diet can improve digestive disorders. Yoga or Fitness progress can enhance your
energy levels.
May 2023 to August 2023:
Unexpected occurrences will confer success at the professional front. Those in service would maintain good
professional relationship with their seniors and boss. Promotion and increment are possible. People engaged
in marketing, Accounts, Engineering works will fare well. Some may face problems in business, due to a
stranger. Lucrative yields from previous financial schemes will keep you happy. Expected loans will arrive
on time. Emotional issues among couples will be sorted out. Women will enjoy quality-time with their closet
tribe. Students will get admission in their chosen field. Muscular pains may bother a few.
September 2023 to December 2023:
Artist will enjoy recognition and rise in emoluments. Cosmetics, Entertainment industry, Event Management
will thrive. Victory over rivals is on cards. Litigation matters will reach favourable ending. Real estate deals
will bring profits. Government-backed Bonds will safeguard your money. Refrain from taking loans, to
achieve short term targets. Couples will strengthen their bonds. Singles will meet their soulmates. A short
vacation will enliven your spirits. Healthy life-style would reduce stress. Children would bring joy to home.
Hopes and wishes will materialize unexpectedly. Settling for less will come to an end.


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