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MARGH 1843 * Monarchy in* FRANCE? ° Plarets and Candhiii’s Fast The Exploding Universe Fhrenology What is Death ? Change of Sex Hitler om the Fodines! Wheel Determination of Profession Horary Aartelary in Daily Use Market Forecasts How Is this Month 7 ‘ Persone Problets ' oa -. “BV. RAMAN, meas in 2 3. a 5 6 The Astrologic al Magazine A MARCH 1943 CONTENTS Page f]11. Horary Astrology in Daily use 190 Monarchy in France ? 165 |] 12. Vimsottori Dase Vindicated Planets & Gandhiji's Fast 169 —by De. Alte at Horoscope!of Abraham Lincoln 170] 13. Sudarshan Chekes—by Surendranath Bhasin... 195 The Exploding Universe 14. Your Scientific Difficulties Solved by Bfihive 195 Pity MV Ramakrishnan, M.A. 173/15. Lessons in Elementary Astrology Phrenology or Mind Science by S. Rajagopal Iyer, B.ABL. 196 by A Correspondent 1751146. Commercial Forecasts~ by B. P. Parekh 196 What is Death ? Ww by Astro-€conomist 199 Pumsavana or Change of Sex ~ 181117, The Astrological Magzzine Ephemeris 200 Hitler on the Zodiaesl Whee! 18. How is this Month for You ? (Mar. 1983) Ry AR. chore ue 188 by RG. Sapre 201 Determination of Profession 187]] 19. Letters to the Editor 208 The Great Conjunction & Trine 20, Your Personal Problems Solved—tyUtpala 205 by D.V. Remanavye 139 IMPORTANT BOOKS S ON ASTROLOGY PROF B, SURYANARAIN RAO Sarwartha Chintamani—En lsh Translation Exhaustive Notes, Namarous ihist-vtions. The whole sibject is treated ine syscamatie manner, tothe onats gest provent ond future. thew ete, Complete Book.hs. 131 or Sh.30'- or Dol PH gate Harrseepy This Book. describes and exomalifies the full method of warking the Horas- open of woman So thot the stutant ean test for 7 ee Seen or Sh 2)- or Dol. 0.50. Jaimini Sutras Eagish Translation, 4 mos scientific "spstem of "sstrology. which entirely B. V, RAMAN, A Manual of Hinda Aste tigy—- The Finest book ever published ; gives 2 “lar and concise account of the aszantial princtolas of astrology + an excellent quide to the beginners and the sdvanced: highly praised Sy the Prass and the Public, Printod on Antique Paper. Cloth bound. Re Sl. or Sh. 8 or Dol. 2, Hinda Predictive Astrolory— Contains * fll branches. of sstroleay in Cuating the Horoscope fining Genethaliacal Horary, Medical Asteolouy ece.. the Astagavarga System: Death, Practical oroscopes, Essentials of Judgmen:. te, 2nd Edn. 330 99, Antique paper: Cloth bound Rs, 7/8 or Sh 12i- or Dol. 4. How to Judse A Horeserpestoa mo: dieeek & graduated form Dasas, ate. Mundana. outstan- | Mlustrated catalogu RAMAN PUB P. O. MALLESWARAM, W M,R.A.S. (LONDON) methods The details of the life This is a book the type of which bas n published before, Rs. 2]. or Sh. 4!- or Do!.1 00, departs from the conventional methods given for judging th: are unig) never by Chappanna or Prasna Sastra~ This isthe only book available on florary Astrology secerding to.the Hinds System” It enables one to answer scientifically any Question, pertaining. tov any problem. yany Rs. 3!- or Sh, 6!-or Dols. 2.50 ological Self-Instractor- ‘The finest Book for beginners Re. S]s or Sh. 6|- of Dol, 1.50, Graha and Bhava Balas-A unique treatise for measuring strengths of planets and houses nume- rically. A guide to predictive Astrolon:,. Antique Paper: Cloth bound. Rs. 2/12 or Sh, Sj-or Dol Varshaphal ér The Hindu Propressed Horvat gope—This is the first tima that such s book 15 Presented before the Astrological public, gives an easy method for deciphering Yearly Results scientifically, based on Tajaka- Antique Paper Full Cloth bound. Re, 2/3 or Sh. 316 oF Dol. 1.00 Aatrolozy for Beginners Teaches you Astro- logy without effort Ra. tid or Sh Io Ayurveda or The Hinda System of Medicine (Srd Edition) Gives an idea of the grandeur ena imoortance of Ayurveda, Crown 8 vo. Antique Paper Thick Wrapper. As.10 or Sh. or Cents 2 World Predictions for The Next Five Years (1941 to 1945 4.0.) Contains amazing lores costs Pertaining to future at Nations. Re. 1-4-0. (POSTAGE EXTRA) e free on request LICATIONS BANGALORE. The Astrological Magazine Founded 1895 by B. SURYANARAIN RAO Edited by: BANGALORE VENKATA RAMAN, M.R.A.S. Annual Subscription: Indian Rs. 6; Foreign Sh.15; American Dols 4. PUBLISHED EVERY MONTH By Raman Publications, P. O. Malleswaram, Bangalore. India PATRONS 1)_K. Srinivasan, Esq B.A. Editor, The Hindu, Madras, (2). C.G. Row. Esq, Carding and Spinning Master Secunderabad. (3) Karamichand Chunilal Esq, Marine Drive, Bombay. (4) G.M. Chowla Esq, The Mail, Lahore New Series Vol-8. Old Series Vol.32, MARCH 1943 No. 3 Monarchy in France ? In previous articles we have attempted to examine astrologically the political and economic structures of several European and Asiatic countries, At the present moment the internal political situation in France continues to be so confusing that it merits the attention of every thinking individual. We have several times sugges- ted in these columns that Germany's con- trol of France would not last long and that her salvation lies in the final victory of the Allies, And this is amply borne out by recent developments in the French political affairs. Let us examine the present condition of the horoscope of the French Republic so that if possible we may gain some idea of the developments to be ex- pected in the future, Ofcourse we do not consider ourselves competent to deal exhaustively with the present day political trends and currents in France, excessively complicated as they are. But let us find what astrology indicates. The disastrous results to France of Napoleon’s actions are well known. Defeat followed defeat and finally the major part of the French army was surrounded at Sedan and surrendered, The Emperor himself was taken prisoner and before he left@rench soil on his way to captivity in Germany,-news of a revolution in Paris was brought to him. At 4-45 in the after noon of September 4, 1870. at the Hotel de Ville, France was proclaimed to be a republic. The positions of planets prevai- ling then are given in the nex page. Thus, The third Republic came into being, the most durable regime established in France since the disappearance of monarchy in 1792. And this republic crashed in June 1940—during the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Jupiter. While the historian with his reading, experi- ence and research tries to find out the causes for the rise, expansion and destruc- tion of countries, the scientist mopes in poet ee =| Moon) PO San | Keettu| || Mer Kort Saar Saturn I the dark to find out other causes which lie embedded under the surface—~perhaps a little deeper. His vision is equally limited like that of the politician, All these and others in the line cannot go deeper and find out what Karmaic resultants had produced the birth, what caused the expansion ‘and what brought on the’ destruction of empires, republics and dictatorships. The astrologer on the other hand, plunges deeper into the mysteries of planetary influences and traces the ultimate causes for the birth and death of individuals, and nations Looking at the Republic Horoscope given above what do you find? A chara (moveable) lagna is rising with lord of lagna placedinthe 12th or house of loss with Kethu and the Moon. After all the republic lived for about 70 years-too short a life for a coun- try, Jupiter no doubt aspects Saturn lord of lagna but unfortunately Jupiter has become entirely evil by virtue of owning the 3rd and [2th houses and association with Rahu. ina national horoscope, the 12th indicates, loss. fires and quislings Because lord of lagna is in the 12th with Kethu,—there is a clear indication of an unstable republic. Shrewdness is a prominent characteristic of the French people as a whole (Mercury exalted in the 9th in the Republic Horos- cope), while as a nation they appear to find great difficulty in appreciating any national point of view but their own. It was the Third Republic which was responsi- THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE ble for the severing of France from all official connection with organised religion. Mark the Guruchandala yoga—in the 7th from the Moon and 6th from lagna, The supreme virtue of the French people is no doubt love of country but Makara rising gives an element of somewhat cynical realism to their methods of defending what they conceive to be the interests of that country. Considered from the Moon, Mars is debilitated in the 8th with Venus lord of the 6th and 11th. During the Dasa of Mars France took part in the 1914 Anglo-German War. Ever since the Republic came into being there have been more than 108 changes in the Ministry. The astrological signature of this instablility is plain when we find that lord of the 7th situated As regards foreign affairs, the 7th house positions tell their tale of war and of invasion, The enemy was already on French soil when this chart came into being and the seize of Paris followed almost im- mediately. It was again affected at the outbreak of the Great War, when Mars Dasa was ruling. It is in Paris that French history is made and this is illustrated by the astrological fact that Saturn, ruler of the lagna in the republic horoscope. power- fully aspects Virgo or Kanya—which is the natural ruler of Paris and Mercury the pla- net of intelligence is situated in the same sign, A study of some lesser known factors of later French history reveals a series of apparent coincidences by which changes and upheavels have often been deflected from their original and more moderate course into something more violent andless desirable and the Third Republic originally created by men liberal in thought, had to fight for its life less than six months after its birth in the episode of the comm ne. In the present War the Germans entered Paris while the bhukthi (sub-period) of is unfavourably MARCH 1943 167 Saturn was running in the Dasa (major period) of Jupiter. The major lord is in the 6th and the sub lord is in the 12th. In the Navamsa Saturn is debilitated while Jupiter is in the 8th from lagna with debilitated Sun. All these suggest that for any country, if 2 constitution is brought into being when the most favourable planetary influences are prevailing, then not only its stability is en- sured but also the masses for whom, it is intended. will enjoy happiness. peace and contentment In WORLD PROSPECTS IN 1939 AND 1940, we observed thus ““The conjunction of the Moon, Kethu and Saturn in the 12th from the ascendant augurs on unstable Republic. That must give place to Monarchy or Dictatorship. The future of France is not as good as it should be. 1940 is one of the likely periods for any sudden deve. Jopments in the French Political world.” Recent events have justified these predictions. France is having dictatorship but it will be of short duration. Reverting back to the Republic Horos- cope, from 16.9-1940 to 22.12.1942 the sub. period of Mercury was running in the Dasa of Jupiter. We wrote as follows on page 540 of December 1941 issue of The Astrological Megozine «Though the major lord is afflicted Mercury is favourable, exalted as he is in the 10th from the Moon and the Sth from the ascendant. If the Franch do not take advantage of the favourable ‘ibrations operating in the sub period of Mercury hen France will probably have unsettled condi- ions, civil war and the like for a good many year, Before the termination of Mercury's sub reriod (22-12-1942) the French did take advantage of the favourable vibrations with he result the Allies were able to land in N. Africa, This definitely indicates that he future of France is really hopeful. We learly stated in the same issue that the rench people would extend support to the ree French Movement. This has also een verified. From 28-11-1943 to 8 7.1946, the sub period of Venus will © operating in the major period of Jupi- ter. It 1s during this period that conditions will settle down in France and she be- comes free from German domination. After Saturn enters Gemini the peculiar genius of the French people released from the bondage of Germany, will be free to help in the building of New Europe. In this connection will be well to examine the horos- -|cope of Comte’ de Paris Heir Apparent of French Throne who was born on 5-7-1908 at 7-11 pt tam, (500 N. Lat 70 E Long.) The Rasi positions are here- with given. In the Prophecies of Nostradamus (by Dr. De Fontbrune) it is stated that in France a powerful King will ‘arise in the year when Saturn and the Sun will conjunct in a water sign.” A constitutional monarchy is any day as good as democracy. Therefore let us see if there are any chances of restoration of monarchy in France,Leo is the ruling sign of France. Both Leo and its lord the Sun are Royal in nature and this is suggestive that a monarchical form of Govenment for France will not be unsuitable: In the horoscope of the pretender to the French Throne Cancer is lagna and Jupiter is exalted there. From Chandra lagna the horoscope seems to be quite powerful because four planets the Sun, Rahu, Venus and Mercury are inthe 10th. For the Pretender Rahu Dasa lasts till about 1946. Rahu must give the results of Mercury who as lord of the 10th from Chandra lagna is in the 10th with Venus— lord of the 2nd and 9th and with the Sun the Royal planet. All these sug- gest:—The horoscope of the pretender reveals some strength which will enable the native to occupy eminent positions in life. (Continued on page 171 ) "HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED" “Marriage is a science.” says Havelock Ellis Wand whoavor is not conversant with the physical basis of this science should not be surprised it an unhappy marriage er diveres retults A noted solicitor whose practice is largely concerned with matrimonial ceses, has given it as his opinion that 3s many as 80 per’ cent of marriage unhappiness and divorcas are due to” ignorance of the scientific physiological and psychological principles involved in wadlock ralationship. This “‘privately printed and circulates ‘book contains averything tha ignorant-inexparionced just married and the marcied might want to. know to enjoy the acme of wedlock felicity. It iss daring new book, brimful of naked truth, unashamed facts, frank discussions and hundreds of daring, original illustrations, Nothing like it ever published before in any longaguge or anywere else in the world. 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