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Course Code

Course Category Core Course

Course Title Organization Structure & System Processes
Teaching Scheme and Credits Lectures Cases Assessment Credits
Weekly load hours 1 1 1 2
Context/Significance/Purpose of the course: This course will focus on organizational structure, system
and processes and their effectiveness. The course also aspires to make students understand the processes
have to be designed and implemented for continuous improved outcomes. It helps them develop an
understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees and enhance their performance.
Pre-requisites: - Nil
Course Outcomes (COs)/Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, the learner will
be able to -
CO 1 Analyze changing environment of business and its effect on overall design of Organizational
work structure.
CO 2 Apply management concepts to analyze and deal with key organizational and managerial issues.
CO 3 Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of organizational Structure and processes in
today’s context of the VUCA world.
CO 4 Think strategically about the role and functions of management
Course Objectives:
i. To acquire knowledge of key principles and practices of management and ability to apply
this knowledge to the analysis of complex business.
ii. To make students understand contemporary trends in management.
iii. To make students aware of changing roles and responsibilities of today’s manager.
i. Negotiation Skills
ii. Analytical Skills,
iii. Conceptual Skill
iv. Managerial and Decision-Making skills
v. Designing, Redesigning and modifying strategies

i. Leadership.
ii. Openness to agility and environmental dynamism
Course Contents:
1. Introduction to organisations
2. Organisational Management
3. Organizational structure and design
4. Organizational Management systems
5. Organization processes.
Learning Resources
Reference Books:
● Koontz, H., Heinz Weihrich, & Mark V. Cannice. (March 25, 2020). Essentials of Management.
McGraw Hill.
● Daft Richard, Organization theory and design, Tenth Edition (2012)
● Stephen P. Robbins-Organizational Management, Pearson.

Supplementary Reading:
● Drucker, P. (n.d.). The Frontiers of Management. Harvard Business Review Press.
● Peter Drucker. (n.d.). The Definitive Drucker by Elizabeth HaasEdersheim, TMGH.
Technology, Management and Society. Harvard Business Review Press.
● Jones and Mathew Organizational Theory, Design, and Change - Sixth Edition (2013)
● The Drucker Lectures: Essential Lessons on Management, Society and Economy Edited by Rick
Wartzman, TMGH.

Journals :
● Journal of Management-SAGE publication
Websites :
1. Case based approach for learning applications.
2. Conceptual and contextual learning in classroom sessions.
3. Activity based participative learning, Assignments and presentations.

Class Continuous Assessment (CCA)

Description Weightage
1. Individual Assignment 15%

2. Midterm 20%

3. Team Based Projects/ Assignments 25%

Total: Class Continuous Assessment (CCA) 60%
B. External evaluation:
4. WPU-Term-End Examination 40%
Total: Internal Evaluation + External Evaluation 100
Module in Hrs.
No. Case Ass
Introduction to organisations:
1.1 Understanding organizations and their importance
1 1.2 Organization and stakeholders- Organizations and 5 1 0
environmental influences
1.3 Organizational strategy

Module in Hrs.
No. Case Ass
1.4 Management process – Planning, Organising, staffing,
directing and controlling (in detail)
1.5 MBO and TQM- Systematic approach to Management
1.6 Case- 1

Organisational Management:

2.1 Managing organizational culture, Technology and people

2.2 Organizational decision making
2 2.3 Organizational learning & knowledge management 5 1 0
2.4 Organizational life cycle
2.5 Role of Effective communication
2.6 Case- 2

Organization Design
3.2 Role of Strategic direction in Organizational Design,
3.2 Organizational Purpose- Vision, Mission, Operative Goals
3.3 Selecting strategy for design
3 3.4 Assessing Organizational Effectiveness 5 1 1
3.5 Formal and Informal Organization, Line and staff relationship,
Centralization Vs. Decentralization
3.6 Organization design –Mechanistic and Organic designs
3.7 Case- 3

Organization structure

4.1 Work specialization, Chain of command, Span of Management,

Delegation of Authority, Formalization.
4.2 Organization decisions based on structural designs- Strategy and
structure, size and structure, technology and structure,
Environmental Uncertainty and Structure
4 4.3 Traditional organization Structures-Simple, functional and 6 1 1
4.4 Contemporary organization structures- Matrix structure,
Amoeba structure, learning structure and team-based structure.
4.5 Case- 4

Managing Dynamic Organizational Processes

5 5.1 Organizational Culture and Ethical Values 5 1 1
5.2 Organizational Innovation and Change
Module in Hrs.
No. Case Ass
5.3 Technology Management process
5.4 Conflict, Power and Authority
5.5 Case- 5
23 5 2

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