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School of Informatics
Department of Information Technology
An Industrial Project proposed on

Web Based Teacher Evaluation System in the case of School of Informatics in

A Project proposal Submitted to Department of Information Technology, School of
Informatics, Wolaita Sodo University, in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

By: Name ID Number

Ebsa Esayas UGR/53266/13

Menor Alemu UGR/53352/13

Zelalem Borsaye UGR/53354/13

Eyob Terefe UGR/53263/13

Desalew Minale UGR/53425/13

Advisor: Mr. Tadele Shashogo (MSc)

05/09/2016 E.C

Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

Approval Sheet

This final year project proposal entitled “Web Based Teacher Evaluation System in the case of
School of Informatics in Wolaita Sodo University” has been read and approved as meeting the
preliminary final year project proposal requirements of the department of information
Technology in Partial Fulfillment for the award of the degree of BSc, in Information Technology
in School of Informatics, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia. This final year project proposal has
been approved with the signature of advisor and examiners.

Advisor Name Signature Date

_______________________ __________________ _____________

Examiner 1 Signature Date

_______________________ __________________ _____________

Examiner 2 Signature Date

______________________ __________________ _____________

Now a day using computerized system is the vision of all high level of academic affair to simplify
tedious (boring) manual work, because using computerized system gives many benefits such as
speed, accuracy, storage capacity, flexibility, cost reduction and minimizing tedious manual
work. Until now Wolaita Sodo University teacher evaluation system is manual way so that it has
different problem on data security, distribution, response time, loss of data and high
consumption on resources, Manual data processing system is not fast and efficient way to
accomplish tasks within short period of time and it is boring. To solve this problem we are
proposing online teacher evaluation system for School of Informatics in Wolaita Sodo University
School of Informatics using suitable language, data base and different tool to develop the
system. The main objective of this project is to develop a web based system that enables Teacher
Evaluation system for WSU School of Informatics to evaluate, view result, and generate report,
and the other activities of teacher’s information in a simple and fast way. The implementation of
the project, using PHP, MySQL, and HTML is in such a way that a server, in our case XAMPP
respond for any request from clients and then responds back to the user in faster and accurate
way. The system that we want to develop Teacher Evaluation system for School of Informatics is
with simple graphical user interface, so that users can use and interact with the system in a
simple way and user friendly manner. We initiated to do this project to implement what we have
learned in the past three years and to solve the problem that in WSU Teacher Evaluation System
dealing with the loss of information, security of information, and so on. The proposed online
teacher evaluation systems performs different functionality, and calculate the evaluation
automatically at the time of submitting the evaluation form and generate the report for the user.
Data collection for this project will involve using a combination of interview, observation, and
document analysis methods to gather relevant information. The system development
methodology will follow established software development practices, including requirements
analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. We will employ an object-oriented
analysis approach for the system.


First of all we would like to thank almighty God who helped us in the preparation of this project
proposal. We would next like to thank our project consultant Mr. Tadele Shashogo for his
helpful guidance, inspiration and generation of ideas in the preparation of the project proposal.
We also thank the WSU Department of Information Technology for initiating us to develop this
project proposal alongside our Consultant. Last but not least we extend our heartfelt thanks and
respect to all those who were not mentioned here but whose contributions were inspiring us in
the preparation of this proposal.

GB Gigabyte

GUI Graphical user interface

HOD Head of Department

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

MySQL My Structured Query Language

OOA Object Oriented Analysis

OOD Object Oriented Design

OS Operating System

PC Personal Computer

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

SDLC System Development Life Cycle

SOI School of Informatics

UML Unified Modeling Language

WSU Wolaita Sodo University

Table of Contents
List of
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the organization............................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem...........................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of project..................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General objective....................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Methodology..............................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Data collection methods.........................................................................................................4
1.4.2 System development methodology.........................................................................................4
1.4.3 Development approach...........................................................................................................5
1.4.4 Tools for System development/implementation.....................................................................5
1.5 Scope and limitation of the project............................................................................................6
1.5.1 Scope of the project................................................................................................................6
1.5.2 Limitations of project.............................................................................................................7
1.6 Significance of project...............................................................................................................7
1.7 Feasibility analysis.....................................................................................................................9
1.7.1 Operational.............................................................................................................................9
1.7.2 Technical feasibility................................................................................................................9
1.7.3 Economic Feasibility..............................................................................................................9 Cost benefits analysis:.........................................................................................................9 Tangible benefit:..................................................................................................................9 Intangible benefit:..............................................................................................................10 Cost of the Project:............................................................................................................10
1.7.4 Schedule feasibility...............................................................................................................11
1.8 Team (Group) Configuration and Management......................................................................12

List of tables
Table 1. Required hardware tools............................................................................................................................6
Table 2. Required software tools..............................................................................................................................6
Table 3. Budget plan...............................................................................................................................................11
Table 4. Time schedule of project...........................................................................................................................12
Table 5 Team configuration and management table..............................................................................................13

The project which we will develop, Web Based Teacher Evaluation System for School of
Informatics in WSU is in order to achieve high quality of education and, in order to ensure
different departments of School of Informatics (SOI) and evaluation system performance
improves in the chosen target areas to move the organization strategically in the desired direction
and in order to develop a powerful work team and improve the quality of education, and
instructor performance

Teacher evaluation refers to the formal process a school uses to review and rate teachers’
performance and effectiveness in the classroom. Ideally, the findings from these evaluations are
used to provide feedback to teachers and guide their professional development. It provides a
balance between structure and flexibility. It is prescriptive in that it defines common purposes
and expectations, thereby guiding effective instructional practice. At the same time, it provides
flexibility, thereby allowing for creativity and individual teacher initiative. The goal is to support
the continuous growth and development of each teacher by monitoring, analyzing, and applying
pertinent data compiled within a system of meaningful feedback. Evaluations of teacher are an
important way for effective quality of education and to address high quality education to the

Teacher evaluation system in WSU is manual and time consuming. Until now it is done
manually on paper so there are many problems facing the colleges and schools. So we are
initiated to solve these problem as a School of Informatics by developing computerized system
which is secure can easily solve the existing systems by easily calculating each teacher’s
evaluation result.

1.1. Background of the organization

Wolaita Sodo University is one of the second generation universities in our country; the existing
Ethiopian government has given great attention to the education starting from initial level in
order to fulfill the aspiration of the people in all aspect of social economic and political

development. The university opened in 1999 E.C and starts work and engages students in 2003
E.C. Now (2016E.C) Wolaita Sodo University University has three campuses, with one more
under construction within the city of Bodity. These Three campuses are:-

 Wolaita Sodo campus (main campus/Gandaba Campus)

 Otona campus (Health campus)

 Dawro Tarcha campus (sub campus)

Now WSU have seven colleges and three schools more than ninety departments with this
colleges and schools. The university has their own vision and mission to success their own goal
now the university is developed with seven colleges namely College of Agriculture, College of
Engineering, College of Business and Economics, College of Natural and Computational
Science, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, College of Social Sciences and
Humanities, College of Health Sciences and Medicine and schools namely School of
Informatics, School of Law, School of Veterinary Medicine. [1]

So Wolaita Sodo University based on School of Informatics make the evaluation system manual
way so now we are going on to change the manual way in to online teacher evaluation

1.2 Statement of the problem

The current teacher evaluations system at WSU is conducted manually, which leads to a decrease
in efficiency and availability of information. The evaluation data from students is typically
collected on paper, resulting in a loss of data due to an inadequate data storage system. Time and
materials are being wasted. Retrieving the required records at the exact time they are needed is
difficult. Mistakes occur because the evaluations are done manually, resulting in a lack of
accuracy. Keeping teacher performance records manually on paper makes them vulnerable to
destruction by physical or natural factors. Searching for and evaluating teacher performance is
challenging. Calculating the overall weight of evaluations is time-consuming.

1.3 Objectives of project

1.3.1 General objective

The main objective of this project is to design and develop Web Based Teacher Evaluation
System for School of Informatics in WSU.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

To achieve the above aforementioned general objective, the project will also address the
following specific objectives:-

 To create a user-friendly interface for teachers to input evaluation data

 To save cost and time of school’s as well as WSU
 To store relevant information in digital system
 To develop a system that allows for anonymous feedback from students and colleagues
 To generate comprehensive reports for administrators to assess teacher performance
 Build secured system that perform evaluation in efficiently

1.4 Methodology
To accomplish the goal of designing and developing an efficient Teacher Evaluation
system that optimizes the utilization of University resources and ensures accurate
evaluations within the WSU School of Informatics, We propose the following steps:

I. Conduct a comprehensive survey to assess the current work environment, identify

existing challenges faced by the School of Informatics, and determine specific needs.
II. Perform a thorough analysis of the existing Teacher Evaluation system, investigating its
limitations and identifying potential advantages that can be implemented within the WSU
School of Informatics.
III. The project will also involve conducting a literature review, interviews, and observations
with key stakeholders in the educational field. These activities will provide valuable
insights and perspectives necessary for the development of an effective Teacher
Evaluation system.

1.4.1 Data collection methods
Data collection method is method of acquiring the needed information’s that are essential to
design the system. For collecting data we will use the following data collection methods:

 Interview
We will interview WSU School of Informatics teachers and asking them how the
existing system is functioning and what it looks like.
 Observation

We will observe the existing system of WSU School of Informatics teachers evaluation
system how is it effective and are they uses manual way evaluation system.

 Document Analysis

We will analyze different types of documents that are found in different offices of the
school in order to get accurate and efficient data to identify drawbacks and good features
of the existing system

1.4.2 System development methodology

We will select Object oriented development methodology for our system development, because
of some reasons. Object oriented approach can:

 Model real world objects

 Reduce maintainability of the system
 High code reusability during implementation
 Reliability and flexibility of the system

We will select Object Oriented Approach (OOA) because it produces solutions that will be easier
to write and understand, contain fewer errors, reduced development time and resources required
to maintain existing systems and increase code reuse.

We will be using Visio application for Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams (for Use
Case diagram, Sequence diagram, Class diagram, Activity diagram, State chart diagram,

component, and deployment diagram) and also edraw max to draw the existing system
architecture. [2]

We will be using object-oriented system and design over structured system methodology because
Object-oriented methods have emerged as the preferred approach for building most
contemporary information system.
Object oriented analysis will be used to implement our system using emerging objects
technologies to construct, manage and assemble those objects in to useful computer applications.

In iterative model we can only create a high-level design of the application before we actually
begin to build the product and define the design solution for the entire product. Later on we can
design and build a skeleton version of that, and then evolve the design based on what had been
built. In iterative model we are building and improving the product step by step. Hence we can
track the defects at early stages. This avoids the downward flow of the defects. In iterative model
we can get the reliable user feedback. When presenting sketches and blueprints of the product to
users for their feedback, we are effectively asking them to imagine how the product will work. In
iterative model less time is spent on documenting and more time is given for designing.

1.4.3 System Development approach

Many methodologies have been developed and introduced in order to implement System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC). There are many system development methods known today,
but the methodology we use is Iterative approach.

By employing an iterative approach, development cycles are repeated, allowing for the
incorporation of feedback, adjustments, and enhancements throughout the project's lifecycle.
This iterative methodology offers distinct advantages, including increased stakeholder
collaboration, improved responsiveness to changing requirements, and the ability to deliver high-
quality solutions. [3]

1.4.4 Tools for System development/implementation
Hardware and software tools required for successful completion of the projects are listed below
with their respective significance

Table 1. Required hardware tools

Tools Activities
Personal computer Almost all tasks of our project are performed on computer
Flash Drive Required for data movement
Stationeries(pen, paper) For writing all necessary documentations associated with the project

Note book To take notes during data collection and for other documentations

Printer To print documentations

Table 2. Required software tools

Tools Activities
Apache server To test the data base.

MySQL(database ) Tor creating and manipulating databases

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). To design user interface from the front end of
Microsoft office 2016 To write on any necessary documents about
the project

English Interface language

Notepad++ To write html and php codes

Adobe Photoshop To edit images

Microsoft Visio and Edraw max To draw UML diagram

1.5 Scope and limitation of the project

1.5.1 Scope of the project
The scope of our system is basically bounded with in SOI in WSU, and some of operations will
be performed are mentioned below:-
 User management for account creation, role assignment, and access control.

 Providing a radio button for evaluators to enter input.

 Automated calculation of evaluation results based on radio button responses.

 Storing evaluation results in a database.

 Generating reports on teacher performance.

 Collection of written feedback and comments from students or evaluators.

 Security measures to protect the confidentiality and privacy of evaluation data.

1.5.2 Limitations of project

The concept of limitation of the project is defined as concept of System limitation.

System limitation:-is limitation which the system does not work:-

 It doesn’t include live video stream.

 The project doesn’t include online meeting to share information
 It doesn’t include other University, Colleges and Schools.

1.6 Significance of project

The system will be developed using web based concepts, that means all the records in one or
multiple faculties are stored by standardization and accurately so that the reporting on operations
can be measured well from centralized applications for fast decision making.

The target users for the project are department staff members, student, Head of Department
(HOD) of the university. The administrator is interacting with back-end and front-end interface
program and the staff can interact from front-end interface only to perform the operations. All
the related records based on the operation are stored by standardization and accurately.

The administrator is responsible to maintain and manage the system. That means the staff
responsibility is only help to manage the system like view manage user detail. The project also:

 To improve the quality of instruction, it is important to ensure accountability for

classroom performance and teacher effectiveness, which in turn optimizes student
learning and growth.
 Contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision,
mission, and goals of the university
 Implement a systematic evaluation system that promotes collaboration between the
teacher and evaluator and promotes self-growth, instructional effectiveness, and
improvement of overall job performance.
 It is important for maintaining and improving the instructor performance and faculty
teaching quality
 Instructors can enhance their teaching skills through student feedback. This valuable
information can assist instructors in organizing, planning, implementing, and assessing
their teaching methods, resulting in mutual benefits for both students and instructors.
 It is important to provide quality education and training, and maintain high academic
standards in education programs offered in the school.

 Minimize time and efforts needed to perform tasks

 Make tasks simple and efficient in every aspect

 Avoiding data loss because of improper data storage

Beneficiaries of the project

 SOI: WSU School of Informatics will benefit because it will reduce the cost for manual
work. Moreover, the it can be an encouragement for other schools to set a good example
by gaining a good reputation
 Departments in SOI: The project benefits individual departments within the School of
Informatics by offering a streamlined and efficient process for evaluating teachers and
enhancing the overall quality of instruction

 SOI stakeholders: This refers to individuals or groups who have a vested interest in the
success and performance of the School of Informatics
 SOI Teachers: The project benefits teachers within the School of Informatics by
providing them with valuable feedback and insights to improve their teaching skills and
effectiveness. It assists them in organizing, planning, implementing, and assessing their
teaching methods, leading to professional growth and improved instructional quality.
 SOI Students: The project benefits students within the School of Informatics by ensuring
the delivery of high-quality instruction. By improving the teaching effectiveness and
accountability of instructors, students can experience enhanced learning outcomes,
academic growth, and a more fulfilling educational experience.

1.7 Feasibility analysis

Feasibility study is an essential phase in software development process to evaluate the cost and
benefits of the new system. On the basis of the feasibility study decision is taken on whether to
proceed or to cancel the project

1.7.1 Operational
Operational feasibility is a measure of how well the solution will work in an organization. The
new system will provide efficient evaluation, insertion, searching of information, easy updating,
and modification etc. This increases the efficiency of work in the school. So that we can say the
system is operationally feasible

1.7.2 Technical feasibility

The system to be developed by using familiar programming language such as PHP, Java script,
css and xampp server without any problems the user of the system can use easily and also the
administrator of the system can modify the system easily.

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is the most important and frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of the proposed system. Cost benefit analysis is usually performed for this purpose.
9 Cost benefits analysis:

The system which we are going to develop will have economic benefit. That economic benefit
may be tangible or intangible Tangible benefit:

This means the concrete benefit that can be expressed in terms of dollars or birr. So the system
proposed to develop will decrease a lot of birr that was expensive to buy the hard copy document
material such as paper, pencil, rubber, and so on. Also reduce the loss of data that means if it
reduces the loss of data it also reduces the cost of replacing the lost data. For example if the
school have 150 employees to handle these amount data there must be many people to manage
the data and a lot of paper, pen ,and pencil will be bought. But after the system developed the
data can be managed with one person and in one computer in very short time. Intangible benefit:

Those benefits that are not be expressed in terms of birr or dollar. Intangible benefit that the
system will give is the following:

1. Give more readable, reliable, easily manageable, and database which

contains all employees track.

2. The proper and ordered files of employees which has stability means
which is not easily lost.

3. Error reduction.
4. Increase security.
5. Increase efficiency. Cost of the Project:

The project we are planning to do needs some software and hardware. And also require other
material such as paper, pen, pencil that are used when gathering the information, design the
system manually and so on.

The following table lists budget required for the successful development of the proposed system

Table 3. Budget plan
Types of costs Tool name Quantity Unit price (in Total price (in
Birr) Birr)
Hardware cost Computer 1 20000 20000
Flash(8GB) 2 250 500

Xampp server 1 - -
Microsoft office 2016 1 - -
Software costs Notepad++ 1 - -
Microsoft Visio 1 - -
Adobe Photoshop 1 - -
Windows 10 OS 1 - -
Computer laboratory 1 - -
Other costs Miscellaneous cost - - 1000
Total cost - - - 21500
Planned Budget 22000

1.7.4 Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility is making sure whether the potential time frames and Completion date can
met or not .The project team members expected the Project to be completed on time without any

To finish this project we have planned the time schedule as follows

Table 4. Time schedule of project

Project phase















Proposal preparation

Requirement analysis

System analysis

Documentation & Deployment

Project defense
Project closure

1.8 Team (Group) Configuration and Management

(Group)Team configuration and management provides a description of our team member roles
and reporting relationships. The project team has 5 members for the Accomplish of Web Based
Teacher Evaluation System for School of Informatics in WSU

All of our members have a responsibility to participate and do any task. Generally, the task of
each member can be expressed in a table form as follows.

Table 5 Team configuration and management table
Team member Responsibility

Ebsa Esayas  Project manager

 programmer
 Assistance Designer

Menor Alemu  Assistance Programmer

 Analyst

Zelalem Borsaye  Designer

 Assistance analyst

Eyob Terefe  Assistance Designer

Desalew Minale  Assistance Analyst


[1] "Wolaita Sodo University," [Online]. Available:

[2] C. D. a. S. O.G, "VelocityAligned Discrete Oriented Polytopes for Dynamic Collision

Detection," IEEE Trans," Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 1, no. 14, pp. 1-12,

[3] N. Kock, ": Lessons learned from a multi-iteration study of computer mediated
communication in groups," IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, no. 46, pp.
105-128, 2003.

[4] J. Walters, Online Evaluation System User Guide, May 2005.

[5] S. a. M. B. L. Donia, Improving the effectiveness of students in groups with a centralized

peer evaluation system," Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 9, no. 4, pp.
652-662, 2010.

[6] committee, "A guideline senior industrial project.".

[7] S. M. a. L. B. Hans-Dieter Daniel, in The potential and problems of peer evaluation in

higher education and research," in Quality assessment for higher education in Europe, pp.

[8] W. S. University. [Online]. Available:


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