Grade 11 - Unit 1 - No 2

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Grade 11, unit 1, test 1 – No 2

10 points granted

1. Complete the sentence with one word: 2X5 = 10p

1. They were terribly rude and .... on talking throughout the film.
2. She never benefitted .... her parents' wealth.
3. You need to be organised in order to stay on top of ..... .
4. When you’re young and wealthy, the world is your ....
5. The idea for a computerised house had first been considered ... far back as the late ‘50s.

2. Choose the correct word: 15X2 = 30p

1. I don't think there is a ..... in the company at the moment, but you could ring my boss.
A. position B. niche C. vacancy
2. The .... said to the students that they were expected to perform.
A. commander B. boss C. principal D. director
3. Today's dynamic of the .... economies makes you feel that you have to keep up with the Joneses.
A. selling B. communist C. market D. underdeveloped
4. Mark's ..... to the customers led to his promotion.
A. civilian B. civility C. incivility D. incivilisation
5. It was a nice fishing ..... and we have enjoyed it a lot.
A. travel B. trip C. crossing D. voyage
6. Losing weight is a great way to .... your confidence.
A. push B. boost C. foster D. shape
7. I always make a New Year's resolution, but I seldom manage to stick to it for ... than a week.
A. than B. over C. more D. like
8. Her diet consists .... junk food and fizzy drinks; no wonder she's overweight.
A. on B. of C. up D. in
9. He usually can't answer to the teachers' questions as he always has his head in the.....
A. moon B. sun C. clouds D. sky
10. People all over the world have ....., as stipulated in the Universal Declaration adopted after WW2.
A. values B. fairs C. ethics D. rights
11. Having to travel so far to work and back every day is beginning to wear me ... .
A. down B. off C. through D. in
12. Penicillin was used as a medicine as far .... as the 1950s.
A. beyond B. back C. before D.behind
13. My parents have always disapproved .... my friends. No one was good enough for them.
A. on B. of C. about D. off
14. The number ….. you can get out of these figures is in the millions.
A. complications B. transformations C. permutations D. incarnations
15. Even though Jane tries to be nice, he always rubs me up the wrong ….
A. side B. way C. end D. time

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: 5x2 = 10p
1. We suggested .....(meet) by the river at 8 o'clock.
2. More and more people .... (use) computers these days.
3. I .… (watch) TV all morning before you called me.
4. I bought some plane tickets so next week I ..... (fly) to Madrid.
5. I told him ….. (not take) the exam, as he isn’t good enough.

4. Complete the gap with a word formed from the one in capitals. 2X5 = 10p
1. I know that smoking is ..... to my health. (DETRIMENT)
2. The doctor was ..... when he saw his cholesterol levels. (ALARM)
3. Her .... (DETERMINE) to survive kept her alive until the rescuers found her.
4. The country is experiencing an era of peace and... (PROSPER).
5. The new manager is not bad, but he lacks the sensitivity and ....... (LEADER).

5. Argue for or against the following quotation: 30p – (introduction, 2 arguments, conclusion)
You always pass failure on the way to success.

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