Youth in The Church Activities

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Youth in the Church Activities - Youth Group Activities Reaching the Youth in Your Church

Let's face it, the youth in your church are the future of your church! It is important to keep them interested and involved in your church programs. Include them in as many programs, activity events, and worship programs as possible. Kids and Teens love to be included!

Talent Showcase Night Activities for Youth in the Church

Talent showcase night in your church is a great time to have kids of all ages show their talents. Even adults can participate in this activity. God has told us to share our talents with others and we should do so. Divide your church talents into 3 areas. One would be stage talent. If your church does not have a stage area use the dinning hall or social hall of your church. Encourage all youth both inside and outside of your church family who play an instrument, sing, dance, write, do a sport, to be part of this talent group. Set up the order so that the audience is not listening to 5 people in a row play the piano. Spread the talent out throughout the night. Encourage the audience to clap and cheer. Have a table talent area where youth can display their artwork, craft work, and other talents that can be considered similar. Have nice table clothes on the tables and have the youth print their name and a brief description of what their table talent is on a folded 3X5 card to display with their talent so that everyone can see. A third area of talent you could include is a baking talent area. Children and adults can make their favorite dessert and put it on a dessert table. Once again, have the bakers put their name and a description of their dessert on a folded 3X5 card to display near their dessert they made. This type of talent serves two purposes. One, people get to show their favorite dessert they made and two, once the talent showcase is done, you've got dessert for everyone for a fellowship time!

Having awards, trophies, or ribbons to give for everyone who participated in your Talent Showcase Night at Church is a personal choice. This should not be turned into a "competition", but giving everyone a ribbon for participating would be a nice jester and it will be something they will have to remember the evening.

Fundraising for your church... Church Fundraising Events & Activities Jump for Jesus

This is a great church fundraiser for children! Children can participate in helping their church grow and learn the importance of daily physical activity. "Jump for Jesus" will be a positive experience for the children while they contribute to their church. -Once the date, time, and location for your Jump for Jesus church fundraiser has been picked, allow students 6-8 weeks to collect contributions/donations from friends and family. -Remind children to dress comfortably. -Make sure you have a registered nurse on hand in case of injury or illness. -Have plenty of water on hand. -Have a warm up and stretch session before hand, and a cool-down

session when the jumping is done. -Students who are not able to jump can participate by working the drink station, or helping with timing/counting. -Have plenty of extra jump ropes on hand. -Have plenty of adult help to supervise areas and stations at your event. Get the whole church family involved! Make the event extra special fun! Have upbeat music playing softly in the background. Have healthy snacks available for the end of the event. Get T-shirts made up saying "I jump for Jesus" and hand them out to everyone afterwards. Or give the T-shirts as incentives for the most contributions, or jumps, etc... To make your event more organized, have all helpers wear an "I jump for Jesus" T-shirt. This will let each child and parent know who is a helper at the event. You can collect donations by the jump, by the time the child spent jumping, or just by a money amount that perhaps the donator wanted to give. Don't forget to let your contributors know where the money from this fundraiser is going to. Perhaps put it on the sheet you make up for list of donations. Make signs to post around the area you are holding the event too.

How to Host a Bible Quiz- Jeopardy Style

Winners of the 4th annual Bible Quiz

If you would like to host a Bible Quiz Jeopardy Style for your church follow these simple rules which are set up very similar to the show, Jeopardy:

First, Let's Make up Your Board -Make up a large board for everyone to see (use a chalk board, or 4 poster boards taped together, etc...) -Have 4-5 categories -Under each category have points 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 in a column This is what your board may look like:
Bible Facts What & Who Places Numbers Before and After

10 20 30 40 50

10 20 30 40 50

10 20 30 40 50 How to Play:

10 20 30 40 50

10 20 30 40 50

- Follow the chart above for category ideas and point value ideas. - To make this the fairest game possible, team one starts with a question of their choice. Let's say they pick "What & Who for 40", and they get it right. They receive 40 points and the game moves on to team two. If they get it wrong, they get 0 points, the question is thrown out, and move onto team two. (Have the game show host give the correct answer with the scripture reference. This way everyone including the spectators will learn and know more about the book of the Bible your game show is doing.) The last question of the game should be asked to the last team, this way, every team will be asked the same number of questions. -Questions worth 10 points should be the easiest, with the questions getting more difficult as the points get higher. There are two ways to handle the questions. One, only have one question per point amount. Example; one question under 10 points for Places. Once that question is asked it can not be asked again. Continue this until all points have been asked in each category. This is how the TV show Jeopardy is done. If you have another set of questions, play a round two and so on. Or have about 10-15 questions per point amount and play continuously until a time limit is up. Example; one hour. -Pick a time limit and continue to play straight thru with no interruption. The best time is one hour of straight playing. Each team should have 45 seconds to one minute to answer a question. (A timer with a stop watch is highly recommended.) Any longer will make the game drag out. Total the scores, and then play final Jeopardy. Final Jeopardy: -Once again to make this the fairest game possible, each team should be given a pen and an envelope with a paper in it which has 1, 2, or 3 questions written on it. Each team should be given the same

question/s. Each question is worth 100 points. The teams have 4 minutes to answer the questions. Total the Jeopardy scores with the Final Jeopardy scores to calculate your winning team.

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