AS 7529.1 Australian Railway Rolling Stock-Fire Safety - Locomotive

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AS 7529.1 Australian Railway Rolling Stock- Fire

Safety - Locomotive
ABN 5810-5001-465
Accredited Australian Standards Development Organisation
This Australian Railway Standard AS 7529.1 Railway Rolling Stock – Fire Safety - Part 1: Locomotive
Rolling Stock was prepared by the RISSB Rolling Stock Standards Group. It was signed off by the
RISSB Rolling Stock Standing Committee on 16th October 2013 and subsequently by the
Development Advisory Board (DAB) on 13th November 2013. The DAB confirmed that the process
used to develop the standard was in accordance with the RISSB accredited development process.
On the 26th of November 2013 the RISSB Board approved the Standard and its release. This
Standard was published on the RISSB website ( ) on the 21st of February 2014.

Kevin Taylor
General Manager
Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

The following organisations were represented on the Rolling Stock Standards Group:
Pacific National
Downer EDI
Queensland Rail
This Standard was issued on two occasions for open review and was independently validated before
being signed off and the approvals were granted.

RISSB wish to acknowledge the participation of the expert individuals that contributed to the
development of this Standard through their representation on the committees and through the open
review periods.

Keeping Standards up-to-date

Australian Standards developed by RISSB are living documents that reflect progress in science,
technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are reviewed every five years, and
new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.

Australian Standards developed by RISSB may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure
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Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board, PO Box 4608, Kingston, ACT. 2604
ABN 5810-5001-465
Accredited Australian Standards Development Organisation
AS 7529.1:2014

Australian Standards® developed by RISSB

AS 7529.1:2014

Railway Rolling Stock – Fire Safety – Part 1: Locomotive Rolling Stock

First published as AS 7529 (part 1 of 4) 2014



All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be replaced or copied in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of

Published by Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) ABN: 5810-5001-465
P O Box 4608, Kingston, ACT, Australia 2604.

ISBN: 978-1-74342-670-8
Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

Important Notice and Disclaimer

The Rail Industry Safety & Standards Board (RISSB) provides a range of template products,
collectively called the ‘RISSB Products’, including:
Codes of Practice;
Guidelines; and
The purpose of RISSB’s Products is to provide general good practice guidance for use by
organisations engaged in, or providing services to those engaged in, railway operations in
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RISSB Products have not been tailored to fit or address the individual circumstances of any
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Responsibility rests with the User, should it choose to adopt a RISSB Product, to ensure that
the RISSB Product is safe for use in the specific User’s operations.
This will include undertaking a risk assessment. Reliance must be placed on the User’s own
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RISSB and all persons acting for RISSB in preparing a RISSB Product disclaim any and all
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Adherence to the RISSB Products does not ensure compliance with any relevant law, national
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Due to the diverse operating environments within the rail industry, strict and technical
compliance with RISSB Products may not always be possible by organisations.
Users are responsible for making their own enquiries in relation to compliance with national
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While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of RISSB Products, RISSB is an
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© Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

Document Control

Document Title Number Version Date

Rolling Stock Fire Safety – Locomotives AS 7529.1 1.0 13 Feb 2014

Document History
Publication Version Effective Date Page(s) Reason for and Extent of
Affected Change(s)

1.0 13 Feb 2014 First Publication

Authoring & Approval

Name Date

Authored Development Advisory Board 13 November 2013

Approved Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board 26 November 2014

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The RISSB maintains the master for this document and publishes the current version on the
RISSB website.
Any changes to the content of this publication require the version number to be updated.
Changes to this publication must be approved according to the procedure for developing
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The RISSB will identify and communicate changes to this publication.

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives


1 PREFACE ........................................................................................................................0
1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1
1.1 DISCLAIMER ..........................................................................................................1
1.2 PURPOSE ..............................................................................................................2
1.3 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................2
1.4 COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................................3
1.5 CONTENT ..............................................................................................................4
1.6 DEFINITIONS .........................................................................................................4
1.7 ISSUE RECORD ....................................................................................................5
1.8 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ...............................................................................5
2 CONDITIONS ON USE OF PERFORMANCE PROVISIONS ..........................................6
3 IGNITION RISK MITIGATION MEASURES .....................................................................6
3.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................6
3.2 DEEMED TO SATISFY PROVISIONS- ALL LOCOMOTIVES ...............................7
4 FIRE DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION MEASURES ..........................................................8
4.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................8
4.2 DEEMED TO SATISFY PROVISIONS ...................................................................8
5 MATERIAL FIRE PERFORMANCE .................................................................................8
5.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................8
5.2 DEEMED TO SATISFY PROVISIONS ...................................................................9
6 FIRE RESISTANCE .......................................................................................................10
6.1 FLOORING ...........................................................................................................10
6.2 DRIVER’S CAB.....................................................................................................11
EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................12
7 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND FIRE BLANKETS .......................................13
7.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................13
7.2 DEEMED TO SATISFY PROVISIONS .................................................................14
8 CREW/PASSENGER VENTILATION SYSTEM CONTROL ..........................................14
8.1 POWER CAR LOCOMOTIVES ............................................................................14
8.2 FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVES...................................................................................14
9 FIXED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS .........................................................................14
9.1 POWER CAR LOCOMOTIVES ............................................................................14
9.2 FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVES...................................................................................16
10 RUNNING CAPABILITY IN THE EVENT OF FIRE ........................................................17
10.1 POWER CAR LOCOMOTIVES ............................................................................17
10.2 FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVES...................................................................................18

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

11 MAINTENANCE, MODIFICATION, AND REFURBISHMENT .......................................18

11.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................18
11.2 DEEMED TO SATISFY PROVISIONS- ALL LOCOMOTIVES .............................18

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

The aim of this Standard is to outline requirements to provide a minimum level of fire safety for
rail rolling stock operating in Australia.
For the purposes of this Standard, all clauses containing the term ‘shall’ are considered
mandatory requirements; all clauses containing the term ‘should’ are considered
recommendations, and all other clauses are explanatory statements. This Standard also
highlights recommended and mandatory sections with (R) and (M) respectively alongside the
paragraph number.
All RISSB standards provide controls for hazards contained in RISSB’s hazard guideline. In this
particular standard, the reference number of the hazard being addressed is identified in
brackets at the end of each sentence (where appropriate). RISSB’s hazard guideline can be
found on the RISSB website at

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives


1.1.1 The Rail Industry Safety & Standards Board (“RISSB”) provides a range of template
products, collectively called the “RISSB Products”, including:
(a) Standards
(b) Codes of Practice
(c) Rules
(d) Guidelines
(e) Handbooks
1.1.2 The purpose of RISSB’s Products is to provide general good practice guidance for use
by organisations engaged in, or providing services to those engaged in, railway
operations in Australia (the “Users”).
1.1.3 RISSB Products have not been tailored to fit or address the individual circumstances of
any organisation. They are adopted by Users at their own risk.
1.1.4 Responsibility rests with the User, should it choose to adopt a RISSB Product, to
ensure that the RISSB Product is safe for use in the specific User’s operations.
1.1.5 This will include undertaking a risk assessment. Reliance must be placed on the
User’s own enquiries and assessment rather than the RISSB Product.
1.1.6 RISSB and all persons acting for RISSB in preparing a RISSB Product disclaim any
and all liability or responsibility to any person for any consequences arising directly or
indirectly from the use by Users of the RISSB Product in whole or in part, and whether
or not in conjunction with, or as a supplement to, the guidelines which the Users
currently use.
1.1.7 Adherence to the RISSB Products does not ensure compliance with any relevant law,
national guidelines, standards and codes of practice.
1.1.8 Due to the diverse operating environments within the rail industry, strict and technical
compliance with RISSB Products may not always be possible by organisations.
1.1.9 Users are responsible for making their own enquiries in relation to compliance with
national standards, guidelines and codes of practice.
1.1.10 While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of RISSB Products, RISSB
is an industry association, not a legal practitioner, and therefore it makes no
representation that, and gives no warranty or guarantee that, RISSB Products are an
accurate representation of the law or fit for any individual circumstances. RISSB
(including all persons acting for, or on behalf of, RISSB in preparing and/or publishing
RISSB Products) does not take any responsibility for loss or damage suffered by any
person resulting in any way from the use of, or reliance on, RISSB Products.
1.1.11 ©Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

1.2.1 This document describes requirements for locomotive rail rolling stock.
1.2.2 The main purpose of the requirements is to provide a minimum level of fire safety for
rail rolling stock operating in Australia.


1.3.1 This document applies to locomotive rolling stock.

1.3.2 The document covers the design, construction and maintenance of rolling stock.

1.3.3 Sections 2 to 11 (inclusive) of this document applies to the design and construction of
new locomotive rolling stock.

1.3.4 Section 11 of this document applies to the maintenance, modification and

refurbishment of existing locomotive rolling stock.

1.3.5 Operation of rolling stock is not covered.

1.3.6 Rolling stock used on light rail, cane railway and monorail networks are not covered.

1.3.7 While it is not the intention to cover heritage rolling stock within the scope of AS7529.1,
operators of heritage rolling stock fleets are encouraged to consider the requirements
within this standard and comply with them if reasonable to do so.

1.3.8 The requirements of this standard are aimed at minimising the fire risk to life of
passengers and train crew, as well as the risks that a fire on such rolling stock may
pose to the life safety of other users of the infrastructure.

1.3.9 The requirements of this standard do not address asset protection of either the rolling
stock or the infrastructure.

1.3.10 The requirements of this standard do not contain any specific mitigations for fire safety
risks associated with terrorism, or with fires following train-to-train collision and ignition.

1.3.11 Locomotive rolling stock are categorised under this standard as 'power car locomotives'
and 'freight locomotives'.

1.3.12 If a locomotive is to be used in both freight and passenger operations, it is

recommended that consideration is given to meeting the requirements given in this
standard for 'power car locomotives'.

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

1.4.1 There are two types of controls contained within the RISSB Australian Rolling Stock
Standards – 1. mandatory (MAN) requirements and 2. recommended (REC)
1.4.2 Both of these types of control address hazards that are deemed to require controls on
the basis of existing Australian and international rolling stock practices and standards.
1.4.3 Mandatory (MAN) requirements in this standard are provided as performance based
1.4.4 Recommended (REC) requirements in this standard are provided as deemed to satisfy
1.4.5 A mandatory (performance) requirement is a requirement that the standard sees as the
only way of treating the hazard.
1.4.6 A recommended (deemed to satisfy) requirement is one where the standard recognises
that there are limitations to the universal application of the requirement and that there
may be circumstances where the control cannot be applied or that other controls may
be appropriate or satisfactory, subject to agreement with the Rail Infrastructure
Manager and/or Rail Safety Regulator and/or Rolling Stock Operator.
1.4.7 Recommended requirements in the RISSB Australian Rolling Stock Standards are
considered when compliance to the standards is being assessed.
1.4.8 "When compliance is achieved against the deemed-to-satisfy provisions of this
standard no additional verification is required against the corresponding performance
requirement (as in this case, compliance with the performance requirement is
considered achieved).
1.4.9 If compliance is not achieved for any aspect of vehicle design against the applicable
deemed-to-satisfy provisions, then compliance is to be shown directly against the
performance requirement and the process detailed in section 2 of this standard is to be
1.4.10 Refer to AS 7501 for details on the compliance assessment process.

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives


1.5.1 Table of Contents

(Removed to start of Word Document)

1.5.2 Document Layout The “SECTION” and “CLAUSE” numbers provide a unique identifier for each
sentence/row/requirement, recommendation or mandatory item in the document (e.g.
this is sentence Mandatory items are identified with the symbol (M) at the left hand side of the text and
highlighted with the colour used here. Recommendations are identified with the symbol (R) at the left hand side of the text,
but in this case no highlighting is used. Supporting information given in this document is given in plain text (e.g. as this
sentence) and is not identified by either an (M) or an (R). The numbers in parentheses at the end of a particular clause show the hazard
number, taken from Track and Civil Hazard Trees, for the hazard(s) being controlled
by each requirement.


1.6.1 Cane Railway Network: A railway system dedicated to hauling harvested sugar cane
from farms to a raw sugar factory. Typically 610mm gauge.

1.6.2 Light Rail Network: A passenger-carrying railway system operating with trams or
other similar shorter length, lower speed and lower axle-load self-propelled vehicles.
Typically used in urban areas and often having a shared right-of-way with road traffic.

1.6.3 Locomotive Rolling Stock: Self-propelled, non-passenger-carrying railway vehicles

used for hauling other (typically freight or passenger) rolling stock.

1.6.4 Monorail Network: A passenger-carrying system in which vehicles travel over a single
broad beam (rather than two narrow rails connected by sleepers as with conventional
railway rolling stock).

1.6.5 Rolling Stock Operator: means a person who has effective control and management
of the operation or movement of rolling stock on rail infrastructure for a railway, but
does not include a person by reason only that the person drives the rolling stock or
controls the network or the network signals

1.6.6 Place of Safety: A location that is free from danger and from which it is possible to
move freely without threat from a fire.

1.6.7 Power Car Locomotive: A locomotive used exclusively for hauling passenger rolling
stock and typically forms an integral part of the train set

1.6.8 Regulator: A government body responsible for ensuring compliance with particular
laws, acts, regulations etc., e.g. rail safety regulator.

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

1.6.9 Relative place of safety: A temporary location that is free from immediate danger from
the effects of fire.

1.6.10 Running capability: The ability of the train to reach a 'place of safety' with a fire on-

1.6.11 Shall: The word "shall" indicates that a statement is mandatory for the applicable

1.6.12 Should: The word "should" indicates that a statement is a recommendation for the
applicable vehicles.

1.6.13 Rail Infrastructure Manager: in relation to rail infrastructure of a railway, means the
person who has effective control and management of the rail infrastructure, whether or
not the person:
(a) owns the rail infrastructure; or
(b) has a statutory or contractual right to use the rail infrastructure or to control, or
provide, access to it; "

1.6.14 Heritage Rolling Stock: Rolling stock preserved or restored for its historical value.

1.6.15 Freight locomotive: A locomotive dedicated exclusively to freight.

1.6.16 High power equipment: Equipment with circuits operating with a rated power greater
than 20 kW.


1.7.1 13 February 2014 – Publication V1.0; replacing sections 12.3 & 12.8 of the ROA


1.8.1 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
a) EN 45545-2: 2013 Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 2: Requirements for
fire behaviour of materials and components
b) EN 50553 Railway applications - requirements for running capability in case of fire
on board of rolling stock
c) AS 5062 Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment
d) AS 1530.4 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures
- Fire-resistance test of elements of construction
e) AS 2444 Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location
f) AS/NZS 3504 Fire blankets
g) AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management - Principles and guidelines

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

h) International Fire Engineering Guidelines, Edition 2005

i) AS 7522.1 Railway Rolling Stock - Access and Egress - Part 1 - Locomotive
Rolling Stock
j) AS 7531.1 Railway Rolling Stock - Lighting & Rolling Stock Visibility - Part 1 -
Locomotive Rolling Stock

1.8.2 Informative References The following referenced documents are cited in this Standard for information only:
a) AS 4292 Railway safety management
b) AS 7530.1 Railway Rolling Stock - Electrical Systems - Part 1 - Locomotive Rolling
c) AS 7525.1 Railway Rolling Stock - Fluid & Gas Systems - Part 1 - Locomotive
Rolling Stock
d) AS 7501 Railway rolling stock - Rolling stock certification


2.1 (M) Where verification against the mandatory performance requirements of this
standard is not through compliance with the applicable deemed-to-satisfy provisions:

(a) (R) Such verification should be completed by, or independently assessed and
agreed as compliant by, a registered fire engineer experienced in rolling stock fire
safety (e.g. NPER in the category of fire safety engineering). (54.13, 54.5)
(b) (M) An assessment shall be undertaken to confirm the overall level of fire safety
achieved is as high as is reasonably practicable for freight rolling stock and that the
provision of a performance based solution in one area does not adversely impact
the level of fire safety achieved in other areas. (54.13)

2.2 (M) The holistic fire safety assessment undertaken in accordance with clause 1b above,
shall: (54.13)
(a) (M) Use the general process and principles for fire engineering design, evaluation
and analysis as described in the International Fire Engineering Guidelines (IFEG).

(b) (M) Include fire hazard and risk analysis in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000 to
the satisfaction of the Rail Infrastructure Manager / rail safety regulator. (54.13)

2.3 (R) Where a proposed vehicle design departs significantly from normal practice (e.g. a
vehicle employing reinforced plastic primary structures) then representative full scale
fire tests or pyrolysis modelling using recognised computational fluid dynamics software
should be undertaken to ensure that the radical design does not present any
unacceptable fire safety risks. (54.13)



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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

3.1.1 (M) The design of locomotives shall, if reasonably practicable to do so, include
measures in the vehicle design to mitigate: (2.22, 5.17, 33.34, 4.34)
(a) (M) Reasonably foreseeable vehicle ignition events; (33.15, 33.23, 33.24, 33.25)
(b) (M) Reasonably foreseeable vehicle borne, track side ignition events. (2.15)


3.2.1 (R) The performance requirement of clause 3.1.1a should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance with the following: (54.5)
(a) (R) Resistors, exhaust from combustion engines, heating elements,
catering/cooking equipment, and other radiant heat sources on the vehicle should
be suitably separated or protected from adjacent combustible component materials
such that the heat sources do not pose an ignition risk. (33.15, 33.22, 33.26, 33.25)
(b) (R) Equipment which has the potential to operate at high temperatures should be
fitted with systems to ensure that over temperature conditions are detected and
controlled to prevent fire generating conditions from occurring. (33.22, 33.25)
(c) (R) Electrical circuits should be designed such that wire sizes are adequate and
appropriate given their associated circuit protection and the magnitude of potential
fault currents. (33.25)
(d) (R) Compartments that contain batteries which could release flammable gases
under normal or fault conditions should be vented to the rolling stock exterior to
prevent such compartments presenting an explosion hazard. (4.34, 5.16)
(e) Refer to AS 2676.2 Section 3.3 for guidance on battery ventilation. (4.34, 5.16)
(f) (R) The installation design of high voltage equipment should ensure that ignition
risks associated with arcing are minimised. (33.25)
(g) (R) Circuits including components such as resistors, contactors, or relays should be
designed to operate without causing an ignition event under normal and reasonably
foreseeable fault conditions. (33.25)
(h) (R) Heat producing catering equipment including ovens, microwave ovens, and
refrigerators should be installed so that OEM specified ventilation clearances are
maintained. (33.25, 33.26)
(i) (R) Suitable shielding should be provided to ensure that sparks from cast iron brake
blocks, if fitted, do not pose an ignition risk to underframe mounted combustible
component materials or locations on the underframe where litter, leaf matter, or
other inflammable debris may accumulate. (2.16)

3.2.2 (R) The performance requirement of clause 3.1.1b should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance with the following: (2.25, 33.24)
(a) (R) Engine and exhaust systems should be designed to eliminate spark emissions
which could cause ignition of track side materials. (2.15)
(b) (R) Brake systems, forced ventilation systems and current collectors should be
designed to eliminate spark emissions which could cause ignition of track side
materials. (33.24, 2.16, 2.17)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives



4.1.1 (M) The design of locomotives shall through hazard assessment identify mechanisms
whereby fire development on the vehicles could be rapid and wherever reasonably
practicable to do so, include in the vehicle design measures to mitigate such events.


4.2.1 (R) The performance requirement of clause 4.1 should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance with the following: (54.5)
(a) (R) Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system ducting should have access for
cleaning to prevent the build up of dust which could aid fire propagation. (33.18)
(b) (R) The underframe equipment layout should, where ever practical, avoid traps
where debris such as litter or leaf matter can accumulate. (33.18, 33.22, 33.23, 33.40)
(c) (R) Equipment and pipework containing flammable fluids should be protected
against puncture. (44.11, 33.39)
(d) (R) Filling and drainage points for flammable fluids should be positioned so that the
accumulation of spilt/discharged fluid is prevented. (44.11, 33.18, 33.39,)
(e) (R) Reservoirs for flammable fluids should be designed to ensure that they do not
drain their contents in the event of vehicle rollover. (44.11, 33.18, 33.39,)

4.2.2 AS 7525, once released, will contain additional requirements for flammable liquid and
gas systems. (44.9, 44.11, 33.15, 33.39)



5.1.1 (M) Combustible component materials used on the interior and exterior of locomotive
rolling stock shall have properties which: (3.8, 4.30, 5.16, 5.17, 33.17, 33.18, 33.22, 33.34, 33.37, 33.38,
33.43, 46.22)

(a) (M) Prevent significant fire propagation occurring when exposed to small ignition
sources of the order of 1 kW; (33.37, 33.38, 33.18, 33.19, 33.28)
(b) (M) Limit the propagation of the fire when exposed to large ignition sources greater
than 50 kW; (33.28, 33.43, 33.37, 33.38, 33.18, 33.19, 33.28)
(c) (M) Limit the rate of heat release of the fire when exposed to large ignition sources
greater than 50 kW; (33.28, 33.43, 33.37, 33.38, 33.18, 33.19)
(d) (M) When exposed to large ignition sources greater than 50 kW, limit the production
of optically dense smoke and large quantities of toxic fumes which could impair the
ability of rolling stock occupants, including passengers (if applicable), to evacuate
to a place of ultimate safety. (46.22, 33.43, 33.17)

5.1.2 (M) The degree of material performance provided shall be commensurate with: (33.22,

(a) (M) The nature and location of the fire hazards present on the rolling stock; (33.28)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

(b) (M) The quantity of combustible material within the locomotive; (33.18)
(c) (M) The location of the combustible material within the locomotive; (33.18)
(d) (M) The time required to detect the fire; (33.20)
(e) (M) The time required for the rolling stock to travel to and stop at a safe place for
evacuation; (46.22)
(f) (M) The time required for evacuation of rolling stock occupants, including
passengers (if applicable), to be completed. (46.22)

5.1.3 (M) Combustible component materials that are fitted inside equipment enclosures
which are manufactured and certified with fire resisting construction are not required to
have a qualified level of fire performance if: (33.19, 33.22)
(a) (M) The construction of the enclosure will protect the internal materials from
becoming involved in a fire event external to the enclosure during the period in
which rolling stock occupants would be evacuating from a fire event; and, (33.22)
(b) (M) The construction of the enclosure will prevent a fire which starts within the
enclosure propagating outside the enclosure. (33.22)

5.1.4 Where applicable, the level of rolling stock material fire performance should support the
specification of design fire being used for the rail infrastructure. (33.17, 33.22, 3.6, 33.9)


5.2.1 Power Car Locomotives (R) The performance requirement of clause 5.1 should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance with the following for Power Car Locomotives: (54.13,
54.6, 33.18, 33.38, 33.37, 33.18, 33.19, 33.43, 33.17)

(a) (R) Combustible component materials should comply with the requirements of EN
45545-2 for Hazard Level 2 rolling stock. (33.18, 33.38, 33.37, 33.18, 33.19, 33.43, 33.17)
(b) (R) There are no requirements for combustible materials which are fitted to
compartments of the locomotive which are protected with a fixed fire detection and
extinguishing system. (33.18)

5.2.2 Freight Locomotives (R) The performance requirement of clause 5.1 should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance with the following for freight Locomotives: (54.13, 54.6,)
(a) (R) Combustible component materials should comply with the requirements of EN
45545-2 for Hazard Level 1 rolling stock. (33.18, 33.37)
(b) (R) Non-listed parts of grouped mass less than 1000 grams and exposed surface
area less than 0.2 m2, mounted to the exterior of the locomotive, or compartments
of the locomotive which under EN 45545-2 can be considered 'external', are not
required to be qualified for their fire performance. (54.10)
(c) Non-listed parts of grouped mass greater than 1000 grams or exposed surface
area greater than 0.2 m2, mounted to the exterior of the locomotive, or
compartments of the locomotive which under EN 45545-2 can be considered

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

'external', are required to be qualified for their fire performance in accordance with
EN 45545-2, as per AS 7529.1 clause (54.10)
(d) (R) There are no requirements for combustible materials which are fitted to
compartments of the locomotive which are protected with a fixed fire detection
and extinguishing system. (54.10)



6.1.1 Performance requirements (M) Flooring assemblies shall resist the spread of potential under floor fires into the
driver's cab and any other compartment which the driver is required to travel through
as part of their emergency egress route. (33.15, 33.19, 33.22) (M) The degree of fire resisting protection provided by the flooring assembly shall be
proportionate to: (54.13)
(a) (M) The nature of the under floor fire hazards (including potential external fire
scenarios such as level crossing collision with a road vehicle and subsequent fire);

(b) (M) The location of the under floor fire hazards; (54.13, 33.18)
(c) (M) The time required to detect the fire; (54.13, 33.20)
(d) (M) The time required for the rolling stock to travel to and stop at a safe place for
evacuation; (54.13, 46.22)
(e) (M) The time required for evacuation of the rolling stock occupants to be
completed. (54.13, 46.22)

6.1.2 Deemed To Satisfy Provisions Power Car Locomotives

1. (R) The performance requirement of clause 6.1.1 should be deemed to be satisfied
by the demonstration of compliance with the following: (54.13, 54.6)
(a) (R) When test samples complying with the requirements of this clause are tested
in a horizontal orientation in accordance with AS1530.4, the flooring assembly
should achieve at least 15 minutes integrity and 15 minutes insulation. (54.10, 54.6)
(b) (R) Test samples should be at least 1 m x 1 m in size and be representative in
construction of the vehicle flooring. (54.10, 54.6)
(c) (R) Test samples should contain representative service penetrations, if such
elements form part of the vehicle design, and if necessary to demonstrate the
insulation performance of the design. (54.10, 54.6) Freight Locomotives

1. (R) The driver's cab and any other compartment which the driver is required to travel
through as part of their emergency egress route should be constructed from a
material, such as those listed in table 2 of EN 45545-3, which has been pre-qualified
as achieving at least 15 minutes fire resisting integrity. (54.13, 54.6)

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AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

2. (R) This material should extend across the full vehicle width. (54.13)
3. (R) Where penetrations are made through the plane of fire resisting flooring (e.g. for
piping or electrical connections) to ensure that the integrity of the entire fire resisting
plane is not compromised, these penetrations should be fire sealed using a product
which has been tested to AS 1530.4 and achieved at least 15 minutes fire resisting
integrity. (54.13)


6.2.1 Performance Requirements (M) The design of the partition at the rear of the driver's cab, inclusive of cab door (if
present), shall prevent the spread of fire into the cab such that in the event of a fire in
the adjacent technical compartment, the driver is protected from the fire and its
combustion products while the rolling stock is driven to a safe place and occupant
evacuation completed. (5.17, 33.17, 33.28, 33.43, 46.22) (M) The degree of fire resisting protection provided by the cab rear wall partition
assembly shall be proportionate to: (54.13)
(a) (M) The nature of the fire hazard in the technical compartments adjacent to the
driver's cab; (54.13)
(b) (M) The time required to detect the fire; (54.13, 33.18)
(c) (M) The time required for the rolling stock to travel to and stop at a safe place for
evacuation; (54.13, 33.20)
(d) (M) The time required for evacuation of rolling stock occupants, including
passengers (if applicable), to be completed. (54.13, 46.22) (M) It shall not be possible for fire to spread through the cavity above the ceiling into
the driver's cab. (33.43)

6.2.2 Deemed To Satisfy Provisions Power Car Locomotives

1. (R) The performance requirements of clause 6.2.1 should be deemed to be satisfied
by the demonstration of compliance with the following: (54.13, 54.6, 54.5)
(a) (R) When test samples complying with this clause are tested in a vertical orientation
in accordance with AS 1530.4, the cab rear wall partition assembly should achieve
at least 15 minutes integrity and 15 minutes insulation. (54.6, 54.10)
(b) (R) Test samples should be full size, including representative constructions
extending from the top of the fire resisting floor to the underside of the vehicle
roofline. (54.6, 54.10)
(c) (R) If the dimensions of the full size test samples exceed that of the furnace
opening, the maximum dimension of the samples in either direction should be 3 m.
(54.6, 54.10)

(d) (R) Test samples should contain representative service penetrations and doors, if
such elements form part of the vehicle design, and if necessary to demonstrate the
insulation performance of the design. (54.6, 54.10)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives Freight Locomotives

1. (R) The performance requirements of clause 6.2.1 should be deemed to be satisfied
by the demonstration of compliance with one of the two following specifications: (54.6,

2. (R) Specification A: (54.6, 54.10)

(a) (R) The design of the partition at the rear of the driver's cab, inclusive of cab door
(if present), should be constructed from a material, such as those listed in table 2
of EN 45545-3, which has been pre-qualified as achieving at least 15 minutes fire
resisting integrity. (54.6, 54.10)
(b) (R) This fire resisting separation should extend across the full vehicle width and
from the fire resisting floor (see clause above) to the locomotive roof. (54.6,

(c) (R) Where penetrations are made through the plane of fire resistance (e.g. for
doors, or piping/electrical connections) to ensure that the integrity of the entire
fire resisting plane is not compromised, these penetrations should be fire sealed
using a product which has been tested to AS 1530.4 and achieved at least 15
minutes fire resisting integrity. (54.6, 54.10)
3. (R) Specification B: (54.6, 54.10)
(a) (R) When test samples complying with requirements,, and below are tested in a vertical orientation in accordance with AS 1530.4,
the cab rear wall partition assembly should achieve at least 15 minutes fire
resisting integrity. (54.6, 54.10)
(b) (R) Test samples should be full size, including representative constructions
extending from the top of the fire resisting floor to the underside of the vehicle
roofline. (54.6, 54.10)
(c) (R) If the dimensions of the full size test samples exceed that of the furnace
opening, the maximum dimension of the samples in either direction should be 3
m. (54.6, 54.10)
(d) (R) Test samples should contain representative service penetrations and doors, if
such elements form part of the vehicle design, and if necessary to demonstrate
the insulation performance of the design. (54.6, 54.10)



6.3.1 Performance requirements (M) Compartments within locomotives containing internal combustion engines or high
voltage traction circuit electrical equipment, shall be separated from any adjacent
occupied crew compartments or compartments which form part of the crew's escape
route, by fire resisting construction. (4.34, 5.16, 5.17, 33.17, 33.15, 33.23, 33.25) (M) The degree of fire resisting protection provided by the compartment partitions shall
be proportionate to: (54.13, 33.23)
(a) (M) The nature of the fire hazard in the compartment containing the engine and/or
high powered electrical equipment; (54.13)
(b) (M) The time required to detect the fire; (54.13, 33.18)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

(c) (M) The time required for the rolling stock to travel to and stop at a safe place for
evacuation; (54.13, 33.20)
(d) (M) The time required for evacuation of rolling stock occupants, including
passengers (if applicable), to be completed. (54.13, 46.22)

6.3.2 Deemed to satisfy provisions- all locomotives (R) The performance requirement of clause 6.3.1 should be deemed to be satisfied by
the demonstration of compliance to one of the following: (54.13, 54.6,)
(a) (R) When test samples complying with clause are tested in a vertical
orientation in accordance with AS 1530.4, the compartment partition should
achieve at least 15 minutes integrity. (33.15, 54.6, 54.10)
(b) (R) The compartment partition should be constructed from a material, such as
those listed in table 2 of EN 45545-3, which has been pre-qualified as achieving at
least 15 minutes fire resisting integrity and where penetrations are made through
the partition (e.g. for piping or electrical connections) these penetrations are fire
sealed using a product which has been tested to AS 1530.4 and also achieved at
least 15 minutes fire resisting integrity. (33.15) Test sample construction

1. (R) Test samples should be full size. (54.6, 54.10)
2. (R) If the dimensions of the full size test samples exceed that of the furnace opening,
the maximum dimension of the samples in either direction should be 3 m. (54.6, 54.10)
3. (R) Test samples should contain representative service penetrations and doors, if
such elements form part of the vehicle design, and if necessary to demonstrate the
insulation performance of the design. (54.6, 54.10)



7.1.1 (M) Locomotive rolling stock shall be provided with an adequate number of suitably
sized portable fire extinguishers compliant with AS/NZS 1841. (5.17, 33.20)

7.1.2 (M) The number, size, type, and installation location of portable fire extinguishers shall
take into consideration: (54.13)
(a) (M) The nature of the fire hazards within the locomotive; (54.13)
(b) (M) The potential size of any fires which may occur on the locomotive. (54.13)

7.1.3 (M) Where cooking facilities involving the heating of oils or fats are provided, fire
blankets shall be fitted in appropriate locations. (54.13)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives


7.2.1 (R) Locomotives should be equipped with not less than one 4.5 kg dry powder fire
extinguishers compliant with AS/NZS 1841 in each cab. (33.21)

7.2.2 (R) Additional portable fire extinguishers should be fitted to any other continually
occupied space on-board the locomotive. (33.21)

7.2.3 (R) Where cooking facilities involving the heating of oils or fats are provided on open
heating elements, fire blankets compliant with AS/NZ 3504 should be fitted in locations
compliant with the requirements of AS 2444. (33.21)



8.1.1 Performance Requirements (M) In the event of fire either internal or external to the rolling stock, it shall be possible
for the driver or train crew to control the ventilation systems such that the risk which
the smoke from the fire poses to train occupants (passengers and crew) can be
managed. (33.17, 33.43, 39.13)

8.1.2 Deemed To Satisfy Provisions (R) It should be possible for the driver or the train crew to: (46.22)

(a) (R) Close all means of external ventilation into the passenger or crew
compartments. (46.22)
(b) (R) Shut down air conditioning or ventilation systems to prevent the recirculation of
smoke within passenger or crew compartments. (46.22)


8.2.1 It is suggested on freight locomotives that it should be possible for the driver, to close
all means of external ventilation into the crew compartment. (46.22)



9.1.1 Performance Requirements (M) Fire detection systems shall be fitted to areas of power car locomotive rolling stock
containing combustion engines, compartments containing high power equipment and
any other compartment or area where a fire could develop unnoticed in a magnitude
that could be hazardous to the locomotive crew, passengers in coupled vehicles, or
other users of the infrastructure. (5.17, 33.20) (M) The type and arrangement of detectors shall be designed in a manner which shall
not result in a frequency of false alarms that could result in a loss of credibility in the
system. (15.3)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives (M) When actuated fire detection systems shall provide a visual and audible alarm to
the train crew at their normal working locations. (15.10) (M) Fire detection alarms tones shall be of sufficient volume to ensure they are audible
to the train crew under all rolling stock operating conditions. (15.10) (M) If the fire detection system has a fault or is inoperative for any reason, this shall be
indicated to the driver. (15.6, 15.7) (M) Fixed fire extinguishing systems shall be fitted to areas of passenger locomotive
rolling stock containing combustion engines, compartments containing high power
electrical equipment, and any other compartment or area where a fire could develop
unnoticed in a magnitude that could be hazardous to the locomotive crew, passengers
in coupled vehicles, or other users of the infrastructure. (33.20) (M) If the fire extinguishing system has a fault or is inoperative for any reason, this
shall be indicated to the driver. (15.6, 15.7) (M) Fixed fire extinguishing systems shall operate in all vehicle orientations. (33.20)

9.1.2 Deemed To Satisfy Provisions (R) Fire detection systems compliant with AS 5062 should be fitted to the following
areas of power car locomotive rolling stock: (54.13)
(a) (R) Compartments containing combustion engines; (33.20, 46.15)
(b) (R) Compartments or cabinets containing high power equipment; (33.20, 46.15)
(c) (R) Radiator compartments, if they contain fuel system components or non-metallic
piping containing engine oil; (33.20, 46.15)
(d) (R) Compartments containing fuel burning air heaters; (33.20, 46.15)
(e) (R) In nominally unoccupied compartments intended for in-service storage of
passenger luggage or freight parcels; (33.20, 46.15)
(f) (R) Areas of vehicles where required to ensure the compliance of the running
capability concept defined in section 10.1 of this standard. (33.20, 46.15) (R) Fire detection systems, upon activation, should: (54.13)

(a) (R) Activate an audible and visual alarm to alert the driver at their working position.

(b) (R) The visual alarm should indicate to the driver what zone of the vehicle, and in
coupled locomotives in which vehicle, the fire detection system has activated. (15.2)
(c) (R) Initiate appropriate automatic actions to minimise the hazard posed by the fire.
Such automatic actions should however be consistent with the running capability
objectives defined in section 10 of this standard. (33.22, 33.19) (R) Fixed fire extinguishing systems, compliant with AS 5062, should be fitted to:
(4.58, 5.17, 33.21)

(a) (R) Compartments containing combustion engines on diesel electric power car
locomotives; (33.21, 33.19, 33.22)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

(b) (R) Compartments or cabinets containing high power equipment on electric power
car locomotives; (33.21, 33.19, 33.22)
(c) (R) Areas of vehicles where required to ensure the compliance of the running
capability concept defined in section 10.1 of this standard. (54.13) (R) The design of the extinguishing system should consider: (54.13)
(a) (R) The impact of train speed on fire extinguishing capability; (33.21)
(b) (R) The status of other train systems which may make fire extinguishing difficult or
ineffective (e.g. forced ventilation and pressurised fuel supply systems); (33.21)
(c) (R) The objectives of running capability defined in section 10.1 of this standard;
(54.13) (R) Fixed fire extinguishing systems should operate in all vehicle orientations. (33.21)


9.2.1 Performance Requirements (M) Fire detection systems shall be fitted to areas of diesel freight locomotive rolling
stock containing combustion engines, and any other compartment or area where a fire
could develop unnoticed in a magnitude that could be hazardous to the locomotive
crew or other users of the infrastructure. (33.20, 5.17) (M) Fire detection systems shall be fitted to compartments and cabinets of electric
freight locomotive rolling stock containing high voltage equipment, and any other
compartment or area where a fire could develop unnoticed in a magnitude that could
be hazardous to the locomotive crew or other users of the infrastructure. (33.20) (M) The type and arrangement of detectors shall be designed in manner which shall
not result in a frequency of false alarms that could result in a loss of credibility in the
system. (15.3) (M) When actuated fire detection systems shall provide an optical and audible alarm to
the train crew at their normal working locations. (15.10,) (M) Fire detection alarms tones shall be of sufficient volume to ensure they are audible
to the train crew under all rolling stock operating conditions. (15.10) (M) If the fire detection system has a fault or is inoperative for any reason, this shall be
indicated to the driver. (15.6, 15.7) For heavy haul freight operations, where locomotives may be operating unmanned
and potentially hundreds of metres from the train crew, consideration should be given
to the fitment of automatic fire suppression to high risk areas of the locomotive as this
would significantly reduce the time to intervention in the event of a fire on one of these
unmanned locomotives. (33.20, 5.17)

9.2.2 Deemed to Satisfy Provisions (R) Fire detection systems compliant with AS 5062 should be fitted to the following
areas of freight locomotive rolling stock: (54.13)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

(a) (R) Compartments containing combustion engines on diesel electric freight

locomotives; (33.20)
(b) (R) Compartments or cabinets containing high voltage equipment on electric freight
locomotives; (33.20)
(c) (R) Compartments containing fuel burning air heaters. (33.20) (R) Fire detection systems, upon activation, should: (54.13)

(a) (R) Activate an audible and visual alarm to alert the driver at their working position.

(b) (R) The visual alarm should indicate to the driver in what zone of the vehicle, and
in coupled locomotives in which vehicle, the fire detection system has activated.

(c) (R) Initiate appropriate automatic actions to minimise the hazard posed by the fire
(e.g. the shut down of forced ventilation and pressurised fuel supply systems).
Such automatic actions should however also be provided with a driver over-ride
facility such that the driver can determine the place on the network where the
rolling stock comes to a stand. (33.22, 33.19)



10.1.1 Performance Requirements (M) The running capability performance of power car locomotive rolling stock shall
comply with the requirements of section 10.1.1 of AS 7529.3 Railway Rolling Stock:
Fire Safety: Passenger Rolling Stock. (33.19, 33.30, 46.39, 46.40, 46.42, 39.13, 46.22)

10.1.2 Deemed To Satisfy Provisions (R) The performance requirements of clause 10.1.1 should be deemed to be satisfied
by: (54.13, 54.6)
(a) (R) The demonstration of compliance with EN 50553 Railway applications.
Requirements for running capability in case of fire on board of rolling stock. (33.19,
33.30, 46.39, 46.40, 46.42)

(b) (R) Demonstration that if power car rolling stock is designed such that activation of
the passenger emergency alarm initiates an emergency brake application, the
driver of the coupled locomotive should be provided with an override facility so that
activation of such an alarm does not result in the train coming to a stand
automatically on the network. (54.13, 33.30)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives


10.2.1 Performance requirements (M) Freight locomotives which operate through tunnels greater than 100 m in length
shall be fitted with an appropriate number of self-rescue devices such that in the rare
event that the crew of a freight locomotive is required to evacuate from the locomotive
through a smoke logged tunnel, they are provided with equipment to reduce the
hazard posed by the smoke during evacuation. (33.19, 46.39, 46.42, 46.22)

10.2.2 Deemed to satisfy provisions (R) Each driver's cab of freight locomotives, which operate through tunnels greater
than 100m in length, should be fitted with self rescue devices that are compliant with
the requirements of EN 403:2004. (46.22, 33.17, 33.43) (R) The number of self rescue devices provided in each cab should not be less than
the number of train crew who will occupy that cab in normal service operations. (54.13) (R) The type of self rescue equipment provided should provide smoke protection for
not less than the expected egress period in the tunnel systems in which the locomotive
will operate. (54.13)



11.1.1 (M) Rolling stock shall be maintained, modified, and refurbished such that the vehicle's
level of fire performance, measured by the requirements of this standard is: (33.18, 33.41,
33.42, 54.13)

(a) (M) Not reduced from its initial level; or (5.8, 54.13)
(b) (M) Not reduced below the deemed to satisfy requirements specified by sections 3
to 10 of this standard. (5.8, 54.13)

11.1.2 (M) If the maintenance, modification, or refurbishment of rolling stock results in the fire
performance of any given component being reduced from its initial level, this change
shall be considered a 'performance based solution' and as such the process defined in
section 2 of this standard shall be followed to ensure that the overall level of fire safety
achieved by the rolling stock still remains acceptable. (54.13, 5.8)


11.2.1 Maintenance (R) Where components are being replaced as part of a maintenance regime, these
replacement parts should be assessed to have a level of fire performance, when
measured against the deemed-to-satisfy requirements of this standard that is equal to,
or better than, the original part. (5.8) (R) Cleaning processes used as part of rolling stock maintenance should not degrade
the fire performance of component materials or assemblies. Particularly: (5.8)

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Australian Rolling Stock Standards
AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

(a) (R) Aggressive cleaning agents should not be used in areas where there is a risk
that they could result in the degradation of intumescent materials employed to
provide passive fire protection. (5.8)
(b) (R) Cleaning processes should not leave behind residues which in a fire event
could promote flame spread. (5.8) (R) Where the fire performance of material assemblies such as seat trim and floor
assemblies is reliant on the integrity or thickness of one particular layer, rolling stock
maintenance practices should include the periodic inspection of such parts with
rectification works undertaken if required. (5.8) (R) Fire protection systems should be maintained in accordance with the requirements
of AS 5062. (15.10, 5.8) (R) Reservoirs and piping containing fuel, oil and other flammable fluids shall be
periodically inspected and rectified if defective to minimise the fire risk associated with
leaks. (33.34, 44.11, 5.8)

11.2.2 Modification and Refurbishment (R) New components introduced to a vehicle as part of a modification or refurbishment

program should be compliant to the applicable deemed to satisfy provisions of this
standard. (5.8) (R) Any new penetrations made as part of modification or refurbishment program
through planes of the vehicle that are manufactured from fire resisting construction
should be fire sealed to ensure the modified fire barrier continues to be compliant with
the deemed to satisfy provisions of section 6 of this standard. (5.8)

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Accredited Australian Standards Development Organisation

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AS 7529.1 Rolling Stock Fire Safety -Locomotives

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