Course Outline - Teaching Literacy - B.Ed III - Fall 2021

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Department of Education

B.Ed. (Hons.)
Instructor: Instructor Email:
Course Title: Teaching Literacy Skills Course Code: B.Ed -214
Credit Hours: 3 Status: Major
Semester/Session: B.Ed (Hons.) III Google Class Code:
Google Classroom Link:
Google Meet link:

Prerequisite: (A prerequisite means a course or other requirement that a student must have taken prior to enrolling in a specific course or

Course Description:

The purpose of this course on Teaching Literacy is to help Student Teachers understand the theory and practice of teaching early reading
and writing. Reading and writing are seen as related and integrated meaning-making processes that are reciprocal with the oral language
processes of listening and speaking. Like oral language, reading and writing develop over time through child’s active interaction with the
environment and with support and facilitation by the teacher. Adopting effective strategies that foster success and a love for reading is a
key to supporting all children as they become readers and writers.
The course will provide the Student Teachers with an understanding of what it means to be an early reader and the significance of
early reading development, which is the foundation of literacy development.

Numerous topics will be discussed, exemplified, conceptualized and developed within a three-unit span of the course: Unit 1: What is
Literacy? What is Reading and Writing?, Unit 2: Growing Up to Read and Write: Early Reading and Writing, and Unit 3: Becoming
Readers and Writers as Early Language Learners (Classes 1-3). Within these units, Student Teachers will come to understand that
individual reading abilities develop at different rates and in different ways, but that there are enough commonalities to be able to group
students for instruction that is specifically designed to meet their needs.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are as follows:
1. To understand reading as a holistic process comprising word recognition, fluency, and comprehension
2. To learn phases of second language development and its implications for reading and writing instruction.
3. To discuss various phases in reading development.
4. To learn analytical reading skills through reports on literacy development.
5. To guide lesson plan development with instructional strategies for teaching Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension to
diverse early readers, including multi-lingual learners and children learning a new language as L1 or L2.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, Student Teachers will be able to do the following:
1. Describe reading as a holistic process comprising word recognition, fluency, and comprehension
2. Identify phases of second language development and the implications for reading and writing instruction
3. Identify various Stages of Reading development.
4. Analyze international reports to demonstrate their understanding of the challenges and possibilities of literacy development in
5. Develop lesson plans with a repertoire of strategies for teaching Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension to diverse early
readers, including multi-lingual learners and children learning a new language
6. Demonstrate literacy skills instruction in micro-teaching session using multiple literacy development activities in lesson plan.

Module-wise Breakdown of Course Contents

Sem. Module / Content Objectives of Module/ Instructional Resources Assignment
Week Unit / Topic Unit/Topic Activities
1 UNIT – 1: 1. What are Literacy Skills? 1. Provide Student Interactive lecture Course Google Classroom
What is 2. What are Language Skills? Teachers with an with discussion on Guide exploration visit
Literacy? 3. Reading and Writing skills understanding of reading resource materials Handouts
2 What is 4. Literacy Development in as a meaning-based Interactive lecture Course Activity 1: Reading
Reading, and Pakistan: language process with a with discussion on Guide on Literacy Issues
Writing? The facts and figures, specified set of resource materials Handouts
challenges and possibilities components. and
2. To analyze how reading Readings
fits with writing and listed in
language development, outline
3 5. Language development, particularly within a Google Meet for Interactive Assignment 1:
particularly within a multilingual context. interactive lecture lecture with Analyzing Literacy
multilingual context. 3. To identify the needs of Google Classroom discussion Development in
6. Stages of Second language learners of L1 & L2 for for resource on resource Pakistan
Acquisition language acquisition materials materials
4 UNIT – 2: 7. Reading development of 1. To learn the Google Meet for Interactive -
Growing Up early childhood learners development of interactive lecture lecture with
to Read and 8. The importance of oral phonological awareness, Google Classroom discussion
Write: Early language as the foundation of and phonemic awareness. for resource on resource
Reading and reading and writing. materials materials
Writing 9. Subsystems of Language 2. To understand the
5 10. Skilled Reading Skills importance of oral Google Meet for Interactive -
11. The Stages of Reading language for reading and interactive lecture lecture with
writing. Google Classroom
Development discussion
for resource on resource
3. To learn about the materials
stages of reading materials

6 12. Phonological and Phonemic development. Google Meet & Interactive Submission of
Awareness Google Classroom lecture with Assignment 1
a. Phonological Development 4. To develop lesson plans discussion
b. Phonemes for all sub-skills of on resource
c. Activities Phonics Instruction. materials
7 13. Phonics Instruction Google Meet & PPT & Assignment 2:
a. Alphabetic Principle Google Classroom Activities Lesson Plan (LP)
b. Encoding and Decoding from course on Phonemic
syllables guide Awareness
8 14. Lesson Planning Google Meet & Lesson plan -
Development for teaching all Google Classroom template for
phonics skills activity
15. Reflective Teaching
9 Mid Term Evaluation
10 Unit 3: 16. Vocabulary Development: 1. To learn research-based Interactive lecture PPT & Submission of
Becoming a. Word Recognition instructional strategies that with discussion on Activities Assignment 2.
Readers and b. Sound-Spelling support development resource materials
Writers as Relationships in English and components of reading Assignment 3:
Early Urdu such as word recognition, LP for Vocabulary
Language c. Words and meanings fluency, vocabulary, and Development
11 Learner 17. Reading Fluency comprehension. Interactive lecture PPT & Assignment 4:
(ELL) 18. Instructional and 2. To develop lesson plans with discussion on Activities LP for Reading
assessment strategies for for reading skills Fluency
resource materials
developing reading fluency
3. To cultivate an
understanding of
12 19. Reading Comprehension Interactive lecture PPT & -
developing literacy skills
Skills and Strategies with discussion on Activities
in multiple subjects, such
as Mathematics, Science, resource materials
Computer skills, Social
13 20. Instructional and Interactive lecture PPT & Assignment 5: LP
studies, Urdu, etc.
assessment strategies for with discussion on Activities for Reading
4. To learn about creating
developing reading resource materials Comprehension
print-rich environment in
comprehension classrooms and schools for
14 21. Literacy-rich Classroom literacy development Interactive lecture PPT -
Environments with discussion on
22. Literacy Instructions in resource materials
different courses in primary
15 Practical: 23. Literacy Skills Micro To demonstrate Students micro- Micro- Portfolio
Micro- Teaching sessions instructional ability for teaching with teaching Submission of
16 Teaching Literacy Skills Micro developing literacy skills, feedback from (online) on Lesson Plans and
Presentations Teaching sessions such as Phonics, Fluency, peers and teacher Google Instructional
Comprehension, etc., in Meet resources
Urdu and English, in
Early Language Learners
17 Recapitulation and feedback To recap the course for
exam prep
18 Final Term Evaluation
Teaching Methodology
Student Teachers will engage in group-work in order to process and clarify assignments, reading materials, and class presentations.
Additionally the class will include lectures, large group discussions, modeled lessons, and video presentations. Student Teachers will
work with partners or in small groups.

Assessment Methods
Alignment of ILOs with Assessment

Learning Outcome & Assessment Grid

S. No Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Assessment Methods
(Formative and Summative)
1. Describe reading as a holistic process comprising word recognition, Oral Quiz/Class Participation
fluency, and comprehension and Summative activity
2. Identify phases of second language development and the implications Formative Class activity
for reading and writing instruction and Summative activity
3. Identify various Stages in Reading Development. Oral Quiz/Class Participation
4. Analyze international reports to demonstrate their understanding of the Activity 1, and Assignment 1
challenges and possibilities of literacy development in Pakistan.
5. Develop lesson plans for teaching Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Assignments 2-5 on Lesson planning for teaching
Comprehension skills to diverse early readers Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension
6. Demonstrate literacy skills instruction in micro-teaching session using Micro-teaching presentations
multiple literacy development activities in lesson plan.

Rubric for Assessment

*Rubrics are provided in the course pack that will be used for evaluation of different assignments.

Course Evaluation
Evaluation Criteria
Sr. Assessment Evaluation Break-up Marks/Percentage
1 Formative Assignment 1 05
2 (40) Oral Quiz/Class Participation 05
3 Portfolio (4 Assignments (No. 2-5)) 4x5=20
4 Micro-Teaching Presentation 10
5 Summative Midterm evaluation 25
6 (60) Final term evaluation 35
Total 100

Recommended Readings:
Book and Online References
Teaching Literacy Course Guide (USAID & HEC): (Available in downloaded form in the course pack and on Google Classroom)

Articles on Literacy Skills

Literacy Education

Pakistan rightly focusing on goal-4 for quality education

How Important is Teaching Literacy in All Content Areas?

Video Resources
USAID Video sessions sent via Google Drive

Sounds of Letters

Sight Words
(Source: Preschool Prep Company)

Resources for Lesson Plans:

Here are a few resources to help you incorporate phonics in to your Oral Language development skills, i.e., listening, speaking and
reading skills at early childhood and primary levels.

Make your lesson plans for teaching Phonics (phonological Awareness, Phonemes, Phonetics and Syllables (for Decoding), and word
pronunciation (through phonemic awareness)).

Phonics Activities
Ten Simple Phonics Activities Requiring Little Preparation
Phonics Fun
Oxford Owl
Phonics Activities & Video Lessons (with worksheets)

Besides these also look at British Council Teacher and Student resources and Reading videos and resources for your
lesson plans.

Course Instructions for Students

It is expected that the students will:

• Register themselves on Google Classroom and download Google Meet/Hangout for interactive class lectures and discussions.
• Go through and download the material provided on Google Classroom beforehand.
• Come prepared to class for meaningful discussion.
• Complete their assignments and submit through Google Classroom on due dates.
• Present their work through Google Meet/Hangout and interact with other students.
• Follow the norms of Google classroom. If during lectures or presentations they will raise hand to ask their questions or comments.

General Instructions:

• Attendance: A minimum of 75% attendance is required for successful completion of course.

• Plagiarism: Strict action may be taken against any student found guilty of submitting copied content without proper referencing.
• On-Time Submission: Students are instructed to strictly follow submission deadlines as communicated by the Instructor.
• Student Technical Support: If students have difficulty in accessing Google Classroom, they may contact the instructor through
email or class Whatsapp group.
• Class Whatsapp group with the title of the course will be created prior to commencement of online classes. Any queries/questions
by the students may be posted on the Whatsapp group as well as Google classroom.

• An instructor may enlist instructions for students as per course requirements (Studio-based / practical).

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