Princess and The Troll 1

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[Princess and the Troll]

Written by : Angelica Dianala, August Donios, Addison Rogers


Victoria and Joanne fight for the attention of Princess

Charlotte after it is revealed that the Troll whom Charlotte had

fallen for was a poisoned Bergen all along.



A servant of the castle who has secretly been in love with the

princess for many years


The Princess of a nearby kingdom who has been arranged to marry

Charlotte and believes that they were destined to be together.


The Bergen Princess who is stuck in her life of royalty.

(Open in CHARLOTTE’s quarters, CHARLOTTE is getting ready as

JOANNE wakes from her troll slumber)


Good morning, Joanne! Did you sleep well?


About as well as sleeping in a drawer can feel. But um (pause)

Can I ask you something?


Of course!


(Avoiding eye contact) Charlotte, Do you really think this could

never work out? You and me?


I mean… You know what the world is like right now. The bergens

and the trolls? They hate each other. (CHARLOTTE takes a step

away) And I’m the princess! I have responsibilities to my


We’re stronger than that, Charlie. Love knows no bounds, you of

all people should know that. (JOANNE steps closer, grabbing her



Yes but I-

(VICTORIA walks into the room)


Charlotte my de- (VICTORIA observes the scene in front of her)

Oh. I see. I suppose I was naive to think that I could be

merciful with such delicate matters. (Her elegant facade breaks,

laughing maniacally) I guess I just thought poisoning someone

would be enough to get their grubby, poverty ridden hands off of

MY fiance. Or that maybe my fiance would have the self respect

not to stoop to such a lowly level. (She recollects herself) But

no matter, I’ll just take care of the pest now. (VICTORIA draws

her sword)

(CHARLOTTE steps in front of JOANNE, protectively)


Please Victoria, it doesn’t have to be this way!


Shut it. I think we both know you’ve done enough to ruin your

family’s reputation. I’m trying to help you. Now step out of the

way. (VICTORIA shoves CHARLOTTE out of the way)


You don’t need to do that. But if we must… (JOANNE draws her


(A duel ensues. VICTORIA fights with passion but no grace.

JOANNE is a calculated fighter. CHARLOTTE keeps her distance,

watching from afar. A few close calls, tension builds. Until

finally JOANNE makes the final blow, severely wounding VICTORIA)


(strained) I hope you know… I always loved you… (VICTORIA dies)

(CHARLOTTE rushes to JOANNE, trying to address any wounds that

might have affected JOANNE)


Oh my god Joanne, are you okay? I am so sorry, I didn’t know she

was even going to be here today- I should’ve known Victoria

would try to-

(CHARLOTTE abruptly stops as JOANNE grabs her hand)


I’m alright Charlie, don’t worry about it. She was a horrible

fighter anyway.(She spits on her opponents body)

(They giggle, stopping as their eyes meet)


So… you were saying? About having responsibilities?


I mean…(motioning towards VICTORIA’s body) I think those are

kind of out the window at this point. And I feel like there’s

something else on my mind now.

(They hold eye-contact, leaning in. Their lips pucker and their

eyes close until at the last second they high-five)

(Something in the air shifts. JOANNE begins a magical

transformation as her troll hair dissipates and her bergen form

is revealed. CHARLOTTE stares in disbelief.)


(JOANNE rebalances herself) Woah… I think I might be concussed

(She notices CHARLOTTE’s stare) What? Is there something on my


(CHARLOTTE motions her to look up. JOANNE notices her new

not-troll hair and looks at CHARLOTTE panicked.)


Joanne You- You’re… Beautiful.


I didn’t even know! The poison.. It must have wiped my memory


Don’t worry, there's plenty of time to make some more memories


(They share many high five kisses and skip out the room,

destined for a life of happiness)


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