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Abhishek Chuahan

 8882876897 ! è abhishekchauhan15 ¥ abhishekchauhan15

ABES Institute of Technology Dec. 2020 – May 2024
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, SGPA: 8.85 Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh
Indirapuram Public School March. 2018 – April 2020
PCM X-XII Ghaziabad,Uttar Pradesh

Skills Summary
Languages C++, JavaScript, Bash, Python
Frameworks ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap , Material UI
Database Mongodb, Firebase
Tools GIT, Github, Postman
Soft Skills Leadership, Event Management, Writing, Public Speaking, Time Management

HackTest | Nodejs , Expressjs,Postman ,MongoDB ¥ Jan 2022
• API that gives the feed of latest contest and hackathons form different sites .

• Saved the of latest contests and hackathons details into mongoDB

• Created an API Schemato perform CRUD operations

• CRUD operations can be done if user wants to operate

DJPKart | ReactJs ,Material UI ,Bootstrap ¥ August 2021

• Created an E-Commerce Store .

• Processed user input information, items , number of items in the local storage of the app to return a subtotal price

based on the items added to cart.

• Added Carousel for latest Sales updates .

• Add to Cart + Add to Wishlist feature with addition of review the product option .

Twitter Clone | ReactJs ,Firebase , Material UI , Bootstrap ¥ July 2021

• Developed Twitter Clone with functionality of posting your tweet .

• Implemented Google Authentication through firebase .

• Created a database in firebase to store the tweets tweeted by user.

• Fetched recent post form twitter in widgets .

Indian Tourism Web Portal | ReactJs, Material UI ¥ July 2021

• Created a Web application for tourist for the purpose to visit INDIA.

• Added map and 360 view with help of google maps.

• Utilized the layout editor to create a UI for the application in order to allow different scenes to interact with page .

Snake Game | HTML , CSS ,JavaScript ¥ June 2021

• Designed a snake game .

• Used local storage for the storage of highest points .

• Devsnest Hackathon - Winner 1
• Postman Student Expert 1
• SIH 2022 Internal Hackathon - Runner Up 1
• Top team of Postman APIFest’22 1
• 1647 rating at Codechef
• Global Rank 8 in January Long Challange on Codechef
• Project featured on Postman Blog 1

• Community Modrator @Devsnest 1
• Batch Leader of two teams consisting of 26 people at Devsnest. 1

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