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Our Forests Isaid Velasquez 1°B

In this text I'm going to talk about forests, one of our most important natural

resources, their decreasing situation over the years and why we have to protect

them and their inhabitants.

Forests cover one third of our planet's surface and are home to a countless amount

of unique animals and plants. For millions of years forests have been one of our

most important and essential resources, providing us with oxygen and storing

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus helping to fight climate change.

Furthermore, forests play a critical role in maintaining the ecological balance of our

planet. They are home to the majority of the world’s biodiversity and are a source of

food, shelter and protection for millions of species. Besides, they play a crucial role

in water regulation, as they help to absorb and store rainwater and prevent soil


However, in recent years, we have witnessed a rapid decline in forest cover due to

deforestation and forest degradation, threatening not only the survival of millions of

species by the destruction of their habitats, but also contributing to climate change,

soil erosion, and the loss of biodiversity.

Nevertheless, we can appreciate that when human beings stop their harmful action on

nature, it is able to heal itself. For example this ability of nature to recover can be

clearly seen in what happened at the nuclear center of Chernobyl in actual times.

Despite the radiation there has been a remarkable recovery. And as the forest
reestablished itself, animals began to wander throughout the new forest one more time.

Being this the proof of forests extraordinary resilience.

The importance of our forests cannot be overstated, so now is our moment to

recognize their value and take urgent action to protect them. We have to adopt

sustainable forestry practices that guarantee the preservation of forests while meeting

the needs of the local communities. Forest conservation measures such as

reforestation, afforestation and restoration of degraded forests can also help in the

restoration of forests lost cover. There should be strict laws and regulations in place to

prevent illegal logging and other activities that harm forests and their inhabitants, such

as poaching or forest fires.

In conclusion, forests are a critical component of our planet’s ecosystem, and we must

do everything we can to ensure their safety and preservation. If we work together to

protect them and their inhabitants we can make a brighter and greener future for us and

the next generations.

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