Paragraph Writing

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Let’s simplify and elaborate the paragraph with more details, along with the use of six
transitional devices:

1. **Topic Sentence:**

- Simplified: “Today, technology is a big part of our lives, shaping how we do things every day.”

2. **Supporting Sentences:**

- Example: “For instance, almost everyone has a smartphone. These devices aren’t just for calls –
they’re like mini-computers we carry everywhere. We use them to talk, find information, and even have
fun with games and videos.”

- Example continued: “Also, there are clever machines powered by something called artificial
intelligence. Think of them as smart helpers in our homes and phones. They can answer questions,
set reminders, and control things like lights and thermostats.”

3. **Transitional Devices:**

- *Firstly:* “Firstly, let’s talk about smartphones and how they’ve become essential in our lives.”

- *Moreover:* “Moreover, artificial intelligence adds another layer to this tech-driven lifestyle,
making our gadgets even smarter.”

- *In addition:* “In addition to this, consider how technology has made things more efficient,
especially in fields like healthcare and education.”

- *Furthermore:* “Furthermore, the constant improvements in technology keep making our devices
more capable and useful.”

- *On the other hand:* “On the other hand, some people worry about how much we depend on
technology and if it’s good for us in the long run.”
- *To sum up:* “To sum up, while technology connects us and makes life easier, it’s also important to
think about the impact it has on our well-being.”

4. **Concluding Sentence:**

- Simplified: “So, in our fast-paced world, technology not only connects us but also changes the way we
do things, from chatting with friends to making our homes smarter.”

Putting it all together:

“Today, technology is a big part of our lives, shaping how we do things every day. Firstly, let’s talk about
smartphones and how they’ve become essential in our lives. For instance, almost everyone has a
smartphone. These devices aren’t just for calls – they’re like mini-computers we carry everywhere. We
use them to talk, find information, and even have fun with games and videos. Moreover, artificial
intelligence adds another layer to this tech-driven lifestyle, making our gadgets even smarter. Also, there
are clever machines powered by something called artificial intelligence. Think of them as smart helpers
in our homes and phones. They can answer questions, set reminders, and control things like lights and
thermostats. In addition to this, consider how technology has made things more efficient, especially in
fields like healthcare and education. Furthermore, the constant improvements in technology keep
making our devices more capable and useful. On the other hand, some people worry about how much
we depend on technology and if it’s good for us in the long run. To sum up, while technology connects us
and makes life easier, it’s also important to think about the impact it has on our well-being. So, in our
fast-paced world, technology not only connects us but also changes the way we do things, from chatting
with friends to making our homes smarter.”

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