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Saturday Sunday
Duration FRIDAY
TIME . . N.
Facilitators Facilitators Facilitators

5:00am - 60 Personal Quiet Time & General clean up

7:00am - 60 Charge & Coewa Charge & Area Sec.
8:00am R Gen.Devotion Preside Gen.Devotio
E nt n
8:05am - 30 G Praise, su Sucf Praise and Sucf Otefe
9:00am I chorus and Mosog worship.
S worship er
55 T Job Ex official.
E description
9:00am - 90 60 R Exposition 2 Bunch / Acfc
10:30am I Family Chairpers
A meeting on
10:30am - 45 T Prayer session Prayer Alumina Area
11:15am I team Reunion executive
180 O s
11:15am - 15 Reflection
11:30am - 80 A Bible study 1
12:50pm R
1:00pm - 90 R Rest /Bunch
2:30pm I
2:30 30 V Praises Sucf
-3:00pm A Ofuom
L a
3:00pm 85 Seminar 1 D
-4:25pm E
4:25pm - 35 Worship Sucf P
5:00pm FUPRI A
5:00pm - 30 90 Welcome Area Bible study 2 R
6:30pm formalities president T
6:30pm - Prayers, Area Prayer Seminar 2 U
7:40pm 70 Praise & cord. R
worship Sucf Delsu E
7:40pm - 20
8:00pm Supper
8:00pm - 60 Nomination ACFC Groups AreaSec
9:00pm and competition retary
9:00pm - 65 50 Exposition Elections,Dedication &
10:00pm 1 Prayer session

10:00pm - 40 240 ACFC ACFC Ministration

1am preliminari Chairperson

Bible study Coordinator: Bro Victory Unotoka

Seminar 1:
(A) Hope Akwuorigbe: Impact of sluggishness on Academic and spiritual life.
(B) Bar chukwu okukwe : Impact of sluggishness fund raising and sacrifices.
Seminar 2:
Daddy David Ofiebor : Choosing Life Partner
SCRIPTURE UNION BENIN necessary fellowship for the Secretary or the RC for further
Scripture Union members from the assistance.
REGION, 2023 REGIONAL secondary schools as they entered Though Scripture Union encourage
SUCF LEADERSHIP RETREAT. the campuses, but for the all her members to be a committed
continuation and maintenance of Church member, we must not allow
BRIEF HISTIRICAL BACKGROUND the qualitative standards they were that to detach us from SU
OF SCRIPTURE UNION CAMPUS brought up with. Hence, our slogan, fellowship. You must strike a
FELLOWSHIP. upholding righteous standard on balance to ensure that none of
INTRODUCTION: Campus. The Scripture Union them suffer. SU has invested much
Campus Fellowship is therefore is on you; we should plough back to
Scripture Union Campus Fellowship, not just another campus fellowship, the ministry by being physically
otherwise known as S.U.C.F was a child it is a Scripture Union Fellowship and financially committed to the
of circumstance, born out of the need to which intended to guard the Truth, ministry after our graduation.
close up the generational gap that live the Life and show the Way
inadvertently developed between under God. This is what makes CONCLUSION: And the things you
Scripture Union members who become SUCF, a Unique Fellowship on have heard me say in the presence
students of institutions of higher Campus. of many witnesses entrust to
learning in Nigeria, and the pilgrims reliable people who will also be
groups and the Union as a whole. AIMS/ OBJECTIVES qualified to teach others 2Tim.2:2.
In 1960s and 70s, Campus fellowships The aims and objectives of SUCF May preserve SUCF, IT WILL NOT
were handled by few but reliable within Scripture Union Nigeria shall DIED IN OUR HANDS.
Christian groups such as Christian Union include:
(C.U) whose aims and objectives were  To provide an effective avenue Abraham Eyeruroma
in tune with those of Scripture Union. for missions to students in Regional Coordinator, Benin
The Scripture Union Council readily Nigerian Institutions of higher Region.
worked with them and could not find learning in line with SU aims

reason to established Scripture Union and objectives, statements of
fellowship on Campus. But, in the late belief and working principles.
1980s, the National Council of Scripture
Union, was compelled to reconsidered  To provide a forum for
her stand on establishing SU fellowship continuity of SU members
on Campus. In 1980s, there emerged from Secondary Schools as
worrisome situations whereby they enroll into higher (1) Comport yourself in the highest
Institution of higher learning in Nigeria
institutions possible way, fitting for a
witnessed proliferation of Campus
fellowship and the standard Campus Christian leader.
 To encourage young people in
fellowship dropping drastically. The these institutions to know and (2) Get registered and collect all
biblical doctrine becomes liberalized practice God’s Word, and to
that one finds it very difficult to the training materials and
grow in Christian maturity and hostel allocation promptly.
differentiate some so-called Christians
from non-Christians. The trend
(3) Shun all acts of indecency.
therefore constituted a real danger and  To provide a mans for
threat to Scripture Union members from Dress properly to cover your
encouraging active nakedness! Show proper
Secondary schools who might end up in
participation of members in respect and courtesy to
one of the liberal groups on Campus,
the SU work before and after everyone in this camp.
thereby leading to a shipwreck of his
faith. graduation from Institutions of
Call to established Scripture Union higher learning. (4) Be disciplined. Always be
group on Campus punctual to every programme
Expectations of the founding and obey the bell.
In view of the obvious corruption and
compromise that invaded Campus Unauthorized movements are
It saddened the heart, that some
fellowships as a result liberalization and not allowed. Movements to the
SUCF, members seem not to
drop in standard, a group of students opposite-sex hostel are not
understand the intentions of the
from the them University of Ife, now allowed.
founding fathers, as they remain
Obafemi Awolowo University wrote an
committed when they are in School,
appeal letter tagged “Scripture Union (5) Please switch off all mobile
but disappear to the thin air after
groups in Institution of higher learning” phones whenever a
graduation. This should not be. All
requesting SU National Council to programme is on.
SUCF members are expected to be
approve the opening of SU groups on
integrated to Scripture Union
Campus to help them remain in the faith. (6) Please keep these premises
Pilgrim group after graduation. It
The letter was dated 22nd June, 1987 clean. Don’ t litter it. Let us
does not matter if you join SU from
and Council deliberated on it until leave this place cleaner than we
home, in Secondary School, on
approval was finally given in March met it as is the SU slogan.
Campus or even in your service
1996 and the first Scripture Union
year. There is always a Pilgrim
Campus Scripture Fellowship was (7) Please be security conscious at
group close to you, identify with
inaugurated. SUCF was established in all times. Keep your belongings
them and if there is none you can
the campus, not only to provide a properly and report any
start it and contact the Travelling
suspicious person or acts to any of  To provide an effective avenue
the training officials. for missions to students in the
Campuses in line with S.U
(8) All items for sale must be declared Aims and objectives,
at the registration desk. The statements of belief and
security personnel have instructions working principles. SUCF MARRIAGE
to confiscate suspicious and
undeclared items.  To provide a forum for GUIDELINES
continuity of S.U members in
(9) Please take proper care in using the SU school ministry as they
every facility provided here. Hostel DURING SUCF NATIONAL
enroll in Campuses. LEADERSHIP TRAINING AT
leaders are to ensure that Hostels
are properly managed.  To encourage young people in
these campuses to know and
(10) Please report every medical issue practice God’ s word and to
upon entry into the camp for proper ANCHOR SCRIPTURES:
grow in Christian maturity and Gen.2:18, 21-25; Prov.18:22,
care. discipleship. 19:14; 2 Cor..6:14; Heb.13:4.
 To provide a means for PREAMBLE: We see Christian
encouraging active marriage from the biblical
WELCOME ADDRESS participation of members of perspective as an indissoluble
PRESENTED BY SUCF in SU work both before union of two Christians (a man and
and after graduation. a woman) coming together to
BRO. ABRAHAM EYERUROMA, become one for life. Marriage is a
Beloved, permit to show you the divine institution that has
REGIONAL COORDINATOR statistical data of SUCF in Benin requirements for entry otherwise it
BENIN REGION Region for the past three years in ceases to fulfil God’ s purpose.
the table below. The numbers of Marriage is a life-long relationship
groups and our numerical strength and should not be entered into
Occupy Till I Come. in the Region is not stable. We must in-advisably lightly, wantonly but
It is my pleasure on behalf of Regional all join hands together to place reverently, discreetly, advisedly,
Committee and RCFC to welcome you all SUCF on the path of growth. soberly and in the fear of God
to 2023 Regional Leadership Training GROUPS AND MEMBERSHIP considering the causes for which it
holding across the four Areas in Benin
Region. This decentralize leadership
STRENGTH: was ordained. To be sure of a
proper foundation for our intending
taining is designed to bring the training NO. OF MEMBERSH couples, a well-constituted
nearer to the grassroot and allow more YRS GROUP IP marriage committee is set up to
people to attend thereby strengthening
S STRENGTH interview the SUCF members who
our groups. Regional Leadership
Training, is an annual training where 17 680 are ready to go into it (marriage).
both newly elected/appointed leaders in 2020
SUCF groups, and Regional EXCO are 19 700
Marriage is God’s ordained
gathered to be envision, trained and 2021 institution for men and women and
equipped for effective service delivery. I 16 497
want to use this opportunity to not for boys and girls. Moreover,
congratulate you all for your election
2022 Christian marriage is a divine
/appointment to various position of institution and also a lifelong
leadership in SUCF. Your election We must ensure, the numerical
indivisible, honourable and
/appointment to serve as a leader in strength does not drop from 497,
rather it must grow up both in our exclusive union between a man and
SUCF, is not accidental, it is the
groups and regional level. It is my a woman. Gen. 2:18-25,
fulfilment of God’ s divine purpose for
your life and this privilege is time bound, prayer that the Training will ignite Math.19:3-9, Heb. 13:4.
it last for one academic session. Hence, fire of Revival in all our groups in
no time to waste. Jesus Name. I wish you all a fruitful Again, Christians are admonished
This year’s theme, Occupy till I come, is season in the presence of the Lord. to ensure that God is glorified in
a command given by the Lord Jesus everything they do, marriage
Christ to all his followers who are inclusive. (1Cor. 10:31)
eagerly waiting for His return to stay
away from idleness, and nonchalant The purpose of the marriage
attitude to our master’ s business. It is a
guidelines is to guide the intending
command to occupy in holiness and
righteous living daily as we remain couple so that they get the right
commitment in the kingdom persons as their spouses who will
assignments. As a leader in SUCF, we help them achieve God’s purpose
are to be occupy in pursuance of SUCF for their lives and enjoy peace and
Aims and objectives outline below happiness here on earth.
Equally, the guidelines will help couples Travelling Secretary – Secretary Long engagement is discouraged so
to enjoy their marriages and raise up as to prevent the occasion for devil
Godly children to the glory of God. The Staff Adviser or the Patron
[Patroness] of the brother or sister to take advantage of the intended
Finally, the guidelines set standards for concerned – Member, couple except where the delay is
marriage matters in all the formations in
caused by the parents of either the
Scripture Union; thus, defaulters would Note that no leader (student)
be sanctioned. should get engaged throughout his brother or the sister or other
or her tenure.
circumstances beyond them.
The purpose of the Interview
ISSUES [SUCF Operational They both are genuinely born again Any traditional rite at variance with
Guidelines] Section I: Marriage
the word of God should not be
They know what marriage entails.
It is exclusively the responsibility of a attended to, seek and engage
brother who is mature for marriage to To ascertain that the two people believers as mediators at every
propose to a sister of his marital involved have a proper conviction
intention and not the other way round. stage.
to marry, none is cajoled into the
But when a sister receives God’s relationship.
ministration about a brother in respect Unauthorized visits to unauthorized
to marriage, she shall not make any They are mentally and sexually places by the intending couples are
proposal or inform the brother about the healthy and free from deadly
highly discouraged to avoid
ministration or revelation rather she diseases. They should know their
should pray for God to reveal the same genotype and blood group. HIV temptation at this stage. They
to the brother (Prov. 18:22). status etc. medical report is got should arrange their meeting in a
where necessary.
neutral place for their discussions
All intentions to marry shall be promptly
reported to the Regional President, To ascertain that the brother has a and prayers. keep a safe distance
through the Group President who shall steady source of livelihood and is to avoid sexual immorality and
in turn promptly notify the Regional independent.
appearances of evil.
Coordinator for appropriate SU
procedural actions. A committee If the Marriage Committee
approves their marriage proposal, Dressing at traditional marriage
comprising ACFC Chairman, TS, and
written approval is communicated
Area Family Life Coordinator shall and church marriage should be
to the SUCF group where he or she
handle this. attends for full support and descent, there should be nobody
involvement in the wedding. No
A brother seeking a sister’ s hand in exposure.
SUCF group should attend any
marriage should inform his staff Adviser marriage of any member whose
or Patron [Patroness] after getting the marriage proposal is not approved Carry SU leaders along when fixing
sister’s consent. If the brother is not a by the marriage committee for
dates and if you want them to
whatever reason.
member of SUCF the sister after
The dress of the bride during the participate in your introduction,
personal conviction and agreement with wedding should cover her entire
the intending husband or suitor should traditional or church wedding, this
body, purity must be maintained
inform the Staff Adviser or the Patron throughout the period of is to avoid clash of programmes.
{Patroness}. engagement. Christians are
regarded as married after the Couples may decide not to do
It is the responsibility of the brother church wedding and so they should
concerned or the sister as the case may obey the biblical injunction: elaborate wedding reception, but
be to write officially through the staff Marriage should be honoured by all, invite a few brethren, friends and
and the marriage bed kept pure, for
adviser or patron [Patroness] to the family members whom they can
God will judge the adulterer and all
Regional Coordinator. On receiving the the sexually immoral Heb. 13:4 entertain. It can be any day of the
letter, the Regional Coordinator informs [MI]
the marriage committee and a date is Once a brother and a sister have week.
fixed for the interview. contracted a marriage remains
binding at all times and in all Appearances that suggest or
The Marriage Committee comprises situations. This is why we take time
to interview the would-be couple to connote that intending couple is
the following:
Area SUCF Chairman- Chairman. If the be sure they know what they want already married should be avoided.
Chairman is not married, the Staff to enter into.
ADVISE TO INTENDING Like suggestive intimate
Adviser becomes the Chairman.
COUPLES : pre-wedding shoots/pictures
before the wedding, wearing the same
dresses, opening a joint
account before the wedding, going to cook for the brother, SECRETARIES.
ACFC Chairman - Barr. Okjwukwe Iheanacho-Uwa
CONCLUSION : Without gain saying, Christian marriages
in this dispensation have become more challenging in Traveling secretary - Bro. Vbazenabormen Puja
nature than ever before because of the spiritual
Area President - Bro. Aboh Daniel
bankruptcy and quest to get married at all costs. Intrigue, 09034323802
Area Secretary - Sis. Okeke Precious
hypocrisy, and connivance by intending couples to
deceive and manipulate the interview panel have become Areal Prayer Sec - Bro Special
rampant and almost the order of the day and the resultant
AREA Welfare - Sis. Edith Prayer.
effect has been obviously disastrous for the Christian 09035823768
Area Media office - Bro. Mathew
marriage institution. May God help our marriages and all
intending couples to be obedient, so that their homes will
be “heaven on earth” and that their marriages will not hit SUCF WARRI GROUP LEADERSHIP
SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
SUCF Descotech : Bro. Victory Unotoka O

KNOW YOUR LEADERS 090214052622

SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
RCFC Chairman - Prof. Caroline Alodia- - SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
08035504867 09034323802
Regional Coordinator - Bro. Abraham Eyeruroma SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
08038061584 09034323802
Regional Treasurer, SUCF - Dr. Vic toria Chukwu SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
07030358870 09034323802
Regional President- Bro. Victory Unotoka O. SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
09021405262 09034323802
Regional Secretary - Sis. Mercy Ojoh SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
09060949028 09034323802
Regional Prayer Sec. - Sis. Anthony Peace C. SUCF PTI : Bro Daniel Aboh
08101064554 09034323802
Regional Welfare - Sis. Oyinlola Omolola J.
08160149173 2023 WRLT SUCF CONFERENCE
Regional Financial Sec - Sis. Ijeoma Odogwu OFFICIALS
Regional Media officer - Bro. Umukoro Oke P.
08088444110 N
Region Name Office Phone 4
Number 5
Agbor Sis. Oyinyechi Area 0906 307 6
Kalu G. President 7626 7
Sis. Favour Agu Area 0816 727 8
A Secretary 9460 9
Auchi Bro. Ewanle Area 0814 523 10
Caleb President 6849
Sis. Prescious Area 0902 766
Atanaza Secretary 0338
Benin Bro. Amadis Area 0814 803
Good President 9006 14
Bro. Ebenezer Area 0901 764 15
Umahi Secretary 1274 16
18 3.What is this God’ s business that we need to occupy
19 doing? 2Tim 4:1-2; Matt 28:19-20.
20 3b. What is this business that SU (SUCF) has been called
to do for God?
4. How do we occupy? Luke 19:15; Rom 12:6-8
22 5. 5. What are the benefits of occupation? Luke 19:17; 2
23 Tim 4:8
25 We are all called to do God’s work; this is irrespective of
the challenges and oppositions we may encounter along
the way. We must continue to conduct God’ s business
until our master comes. Surely there is a reward at the
BIBLE STUDY MEMORY VERSE: Not slothful in business; fervent in
spirit; serving the Lord. (Rom: 12:11)

TEXT: LUKE 19:11-26
THEME: OCCUPY TILL I COME (LUKE 19:13) AIMS: (1) To remind us that tools to occupy are available
(11) To remind us that there are consequences of not
Occupation is the act or process of possessing a place. It is
a job or activity or task for which one is regularly paid. To
God has called us to do business for him. Those that are
occupy is a continuous activity that is productive and
called to do business for God are equipped with the
profitable. When the servants were told to occupy (Luke
necessary tools, and of course, those he gives power, he
19:13), they were expected to make a profit. This is the
expects service from.
same way we are expected to make a profit in whatever
God’ s business in your hands must grow. There is no
assignment that God has given to us.
room for stagnation.
God does not expect us to do business for him without
In this study, we will see the tools available to do God’
properly equipping us. Hence, he endows us with the
business until he comes, and reasons why we must not fail
necessary tools with which to work for him. The Holy Spirit
is the main provision God made for his people to work for
him. Diverse gifts, talents, skills and abilities had been
made available for us to succeed. Hence, results are
1a. Have you identified the business God has called you to
expected of us by the end of the day.
do where you are now?
Have you been occupying? Have you discovered the area
b. How far have you gone in carrying out God’ s business
that God wants you to occupy for him? Have you
where you are now?
discovered and used the tools available? These are issues
2. From the following passages, what tools are available
we want to discuss in this Bible study.
V V V for the occupation? Luke 19:13; Eph 2:10; 4:11-12; 1 Cor
12: 4-11; Rom 12:6-8, Acts1:8
STUDY ONE 3. What other tools are available for us to do God’ s
TOPIC: OCCUPYING 4. Examples of those who occupied for God. Jesus (John
TEXT: LUKE 19:11-26 4:34; 9:4); Paul (Acts 9:6; 2Tim 4:7-8); Me? You?
AIMS: (1) To remind us that there is a command for us to 5. Any repercussions for not occupying? Rev 3:16; Luke
occupy till He comes 19:22
(11) To understand better how to occupy CONCLUSION
INTRODUCTION We have all the necessary tools to succeed in God’ s
All Christians have a business to do for God in this world. business. Let us put in more effort to occupy while waiting
None shall be idle. God expects his children to stay here for his coming. Remember that there are consequences
and do business for him while waiting for his coming back. for not occupying as commanded.
We need to know God’ s business and identify the MEMORY VERSE: For we are his workmanship, created
particular business that God wants us to do for him. in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath ordained
In this study, we will see that we are all called to do that we should walk in them. (Eph 2:10)
God’ s business until he comes, and what the work is.

1. What does it mean to occupy?
1b. Why do we need to occupy? 1Pt4:10, 1 Cor 12:4-7
2. Who is to occupy? Gen 1:27-28; Luke 19:13
Be very sure, be very sure
Conference Your anchor holds and grip the solid Rock.

Hymns In times like this, I have a Saviour

In times like this, I have an anchor
I'm very sure, I'm very sure
My anchor holds and grip the solid Rock* .
Christian, seek not yet repose
Christian, seek not yet repose, Hymn 3: When I survey the wondrous Cross
Cast thy dreams of ease away; When I survey the wondrous cross
Thou art in the midst of foes: On which the Prince of Glory died,
Watch and pray. My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
Principalities and powers,
Mustering their unseen array, Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
Wait for thy unguarded hours: Save in the death of Christ my God:
Watch and pray. All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood,
Gird thy heavenly armor on,
Wear it ever, night and day; See! from His head, His hands, His feet,
Ambushed lies the evil one: Sorrow and love flow mingled down!
Watch and pray. Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Hear the victors who o'ercame;
Still they mark each warrior's way; Were the whole realm of nature mine,
All with one sweet voice exclaim, That were an offering far too small:
"Watch and pray." Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
Hear, above all, hear Thy Lord,
Him thou lovest to obey;
Hide within thy heart His word, SU CHORUSES
"Watch and pray." Blessed, blessed he who is forgiven,
All his sin covered o’er naught that doth defile
Watch, as if on that alone Blessed, blessed sin no more imputed,
Hung the issue of the day; And within whose spirit there is found no guile.
Pray that help may be sent down:
Watch and pray. Come, let us reason, reason, reason
Come, let us reason, thus says the Lord
Hymn 2: In times like this Though your sins be as scarlet, Scarlet, Scarlet
They shall be whiter, yes whiter than snow
In times like this, you need a Saviour
In times like this, you need an anchor I have a Saviour who is mighty to keep/save
Be very sure, be very sure* Mighty to keep/save, mighty to keep/save
Your anchor holds I have a Saviour who is mighty to keep/save
And grip the solid Rock Mighty to keep/save evermore
This Rock is Jesus, He is the one.
This Rock is Jesus, the Only one.
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grip the solid Rock.

In times like this, you need the Bible

In times like this, oh! Be not idle

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