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1. Feature Metrics:

i. Event Tracking: Use event tracking within your app to capture the timing of user actions.
Events can be defined for various user interactions, such as clicking on a specific feature,
viewing a particular page, or initiating a transaction.
ii. Timestamps: Attach timestamps to events and actions as they occur. This allows you to
record when each action takes place down to the millisecond.
iii. Session Recording: Some analytics tools offer session recording capabilities, allowing you to
view a user's entire session, including the timing of actions. This can provide insights into the
sequence of actions users take.
iv. Heatmaps: Heatmaps can provide a visual representation of where users click and when they
do so. This can help identify patterns and areas of interest or frustration.
v. User Flow Analysis: Analyse user flows to see the sequence of pages and features users
navigate through. This can help you understand how they move through the app and the
timing of their interactions.
vi. Funnel Analysis: Create funnels that track user actions through a defined sequence,
measuring the time it takes for users to complete each step in the funnel.
vii. Feature Adoption Rate: Measure the percentage of users who have adopted a specific
viii. Feature Usage Frequency: Track how often users engage with the feature.
ix. Feature Conversion Rate: Assess the percentage of users who complete a desired action
within the feature, such as making a payment or initiating an investment.
x. Feature Abandonment Rate: Monitor the rate at which users start using a feature but do not
complete the intended action.
xi. Feature Satisfaction and Feedback: Gather user feedback and ratings specifically related to
the feature to assess user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
xii. Feature Performance and Load Times: Measure the speed and efficiency of the feature's
operation, including load times and responsiveness.
xiii. 7.Feature-Related Revenue: Track the revenue generated through the specific feature, if
applicable. This could include fees, commissions, or transaction values associated with the
xiv. Feature Enhancement Impact: Assess the impact of enhancements or changes made to the
feature on user engagement, conversion rates, and revenue.
xv. Feature-Related Support and Issues: Monitor the number of support requests or reported
issues related to the feature. This can help identify areas for improvement or additional
support resources.
xvi. Feature Drop-off Points: Analyse the user journey within the feature to identify where users
drop off or encounter issues, allowing for targeted improvements.
xvii. Feature ROI (Return on Investment): Calculate the return on investment for developing and
maintaining the feature, factoring in both costs and revenue generated by the feature.
xviii. Feature Development and Release Cycle Metrics: Track the time it takes to develop,
test, and release new features or feature updates. This can help ensure timely delivery and
optimize development resources.
2. User engagement metrics are critical for assessing how actively users are
interacting with your product:

i. Daily Active Users (DAU): DAU represents the number of unique users who engage with your
app or platform daily. It's a fundamental metric for measuring how frequently users access
your product. A high DAU indicates strong user engagement.
ii. Monthly Active Users (MAU): MAU is like DAU but measures user engagement monthly. It
provides a broader view of user activity and retention over a longer timeframe.
iii. Session Duration: This metric calculates the average time users spend within a single session
or interaction with your product. Longer session durations often indicate deeper user
iv. Retention Rate: Retention rate measures the percentage of users who continue to use your
product over time. A high retention rate suggests that users find your product valuable and
are likely to return.
v. Frequency of Use: This metric tracks how often users interact with your product within a
specific timeframe (e.g., daily, weekly). It provides insights into user habits and the stickiness
of your app.
vi. Feature Adoption: Analyze which features within your fintech product are most frequently
used. Understanding which features are engaging users the most can help you prioritize
feature development and enhancements.
vii. Feature Usage Frequency: For individual features, measure how often users engage with
them. Some features may be used daily, while others may have less frequent interaction.
viii. Churn Rate: Churn rate represents the percentage of users who stop using your product
during a given timeframe. A high churn rate can be an indicator of issues with user
engagement and satisfaction.
ix. User Flow and Conversion Funnel: Track the path users take within your product and identify
any drop-off points. By understanding where users abandon their journey, you can optimize
the user experience and improve engagement.
x. User Feedback and Surveys: Collect qualitative data from users through feedback forms and
surveys. User comments and suggestions can provide valuable insights into their
engagement and satisfaction.
xi. Push Notification Engagement: Measure how users respond to push notifications or in-app
messages. High click-through rates and interaction with notifications indicate active user
xii. Social Sharing and Referrals: Monitor how many users refer others to your product or share
their experiences on social media. This demonstrates user enthusiasm and engagement.
xiii. Time in App: Analyze the total time users spend in your app over a specific timeframe. A
growing time-in-app metric suggests increasing user engagement.
xiv. User Segmentation: Segment users based on various criteria (e.g., demographics, behaviour)
and analyse engagement within each segment. This can reveal patterns and preferences
among different user groups.

3. User acquisition metrics are key performance indicators that help companies assess
the effectiveness of their efforts in acquiring new users:
i. Number of Downloads/Installs: This metric tracks the total number of times your fintech app
has been downloaded or installed from app stores. It represents the initial step in acquiring
new users.
ii. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate measures the percentage of users who download or install
the app after visiting the download page or landing page. It assesses how well your app's
presentation and value proposition persuade potential users.
iii. Cost per Acquisition (CPA): CPA calculates the cost associated with acquiring each new user.
It factors in marketing expenses, ad spend, and other costs related to user acquisition
campaigns. Lower CPA values indicate more cost-effective user acquisition.
iv. Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR assesses the effectiveness of ad campaigns or promotional
materials. It measures the percentage of users who clicked on an ad or link to visit the app's
download page.
v. Install-to-Sign-Up Rate: This metric evaluates the percentage of users who complete the
registration or sign-up process after installing the app. It highlights the effectiveness of your
onboarding experience.
vi. User Onboarding Completion Rate: User onboarding is a critical phase. This metric tracks the
percentage of users who successfully complete the onboarding process, including KYC (Know
Your Customer) procedures and account setup.
vii. Source Attribution: Analyze the sources or channels that drive the most user acquisitions.
This helps allocate resources effectively and optimize marketing efforts.
viii. Landing Page Conversion Rate: For web-based acquisition channels, track the conversion rate
on landing pages. These metric measures how well landing pages convince users to take
further action.
ix. Referral Program Performance: Assess the impact of referral programs or incentives in
encouraging users to refer others. Measure the number of new users acquired through
x. In-App Tracking: Utilize in-app analytics to monitor where users are coming from, such as
specific ad campaigns or referring websites.
xi. Geographic Acquisition: Analyze the geographic regions where new users are concentrated.
This information can guide localized marketing efforts.
Shortlisted Metrices
i. Event Tracking: Use event tracking within the app to capture the timing of user actions.
Events can be defined for various user interactions, such as clicking on a specific feature
(Telemart), viewing a particular page (Transport), or initiating a transaction.
ii. Timestamps: Attach timestamps to events and actions as they occur. This allows you to
record when each action takes place down to the millisecond. Timestamps are used to
capture and record the timing of various user interactions, system events, and data updates
such as Logging in, financial transaction, submitting request.
iii. User Flow Analysis: Analyse user flows to see the sequence of pages and features users
navigate through. This can help you understand how they move through the app and the
timing of their interactions.
iv. Funnel Analysis: Create funnels that track user actions through a defined sequence,
measuring the time it takes for users to complete each step in the funnel. For instance, When
users add a product in telemart and the whole check out process could be one funnel.
v. Feature Adoption Rate: Measure the percentage of users who have adopted a specific
vi. Feature Usage Frequency: Track how often users engage with the feature.
vii. Feature Conversion Rate: Assess the percentage of users who complete a desired action
within the feature, such as making a payment or initiating an investment.
viii. Feature Abandonment Rate: Monitor the rate at which users start using a feature but do not
complete the intended action.
ix. Feature Drop-off Points: Analyse the user journey within the feature to identify where users
drop off or encounter issues, allowing for targeted improvements.
x. Daily Active Users (DAU): DAU represents the number of unique users who engage with your
app or platform daily. It's a fundamental metric for measuring how frequently users access
your product. A high DAU indicates strong user engagement.
xi. Daily landing users: It represents how many people visited our app (landing page/logging
page) and didn’t take any action whether they are new users, or daily users, or reactivation
xii. Session Duration: This metric calculates the average time users spend within a single session
or interaction with your product. Longer session durations often indicate deeper user
xiii. Frequency of Use: This metric tracks how often users interact with your product within a
specific timeframe (e.g., daily, weekly). It provides insights into user habits and the stickiness
of your app.
xiv. User Flow and Conversion Funnel: Track the path users take within your product and identify
any drop-off points. By understanding where users abandon their journey, you can optimize
the user experience and improve engagement.
xv. Push Notification Engagement: Measure how users respond to push notifications or in-app
messages. High click-through rates and interaction with notifications indicate active user
xvi. User Segmentation: Segment users based on various criteria (e.g., demographics, behaviour)
and analyse engagement within each segment. This can reveal patterns and preferences
among different user groups like GSM, OFS, Emergency Cash users, new users, reactivating
users etc.
xvii. Number of Downloads/Installs: This metric tracks the total number of times your fintech app
has been downloaded or installed from app stores. It represents the initial step in acquiring
new users.
xviii. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate measures the percentage of users who download
or install the app after visiting the download page or landing page. It assesses how well your
app's presentation and value proposition persuade potential users.
xix. Install-to-Sign-Up Rate: This metric evaluates the percentage of users who complete the
registration or sign-up process after installing the app. It highlights the effectiveness of your
onboarding experience.
xx. User Onboarding Completion Rate: User onboarding is a critical phase. This metric tracks the
percentage of users who successfully complete the onboarding process, including KYC (Know
Your Customer) procedures and account setup or at least did the transaction.
xxi. Geographic Acquisition: Analyse the geographic regions where new users are concentrated.
This information can guide localized marketing efforts.

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