Environmental Ethics (By Harsh Kumar)

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Human Value and Ethics
By Harsh Kumar
Course- B.Tech CSE-2nd Sem
Table of contents

01 02 03
Introduction Importance Approach
What is Environmental Why do we need 3 basic approaches to
Ethics Environmental Ethics Environmental Ethics

04 05
Disasters Conclusion
Environmental Problems Ethical Decisions that
Faced by Human- Beings Human need to make
What is …
Environmental Ethics
 Environmental Ethics is the study of:
a) Moral Issues concerning the
b)Moral perspectives, beliefs or attitudes
concerning those issues

 It is the subset of Philosophy which

reflects on the Ethical Relationship
b/w Human Beings and Natural
Why do we need …
Environmental Ethics
• Awareness regarding overexploitation of resources,
development & economic growth, etc.
• To preserve our environment , we as humans need to take many
ethical decisions.
• It Forces to think about the important issues focusing around
the following questions :
 Are Humans more important than wildlife?
 What are the obligations towards environment for the future
 Should one continue to cut forests?
Three Approaches to
Environmental Ethics
● Anthropocentric: This approach is “Human-
centered”, view that Humans are the dominant
and most important species on Earth.

● Life Centric or Bio-centric: According to this,

Humans have an ethical responsibility towards
future generation. Humans are the “Steward or
Caring Managers”.

● Eco-centric: Extension of above view points. This

is a non-anthropocentric approach that talks of
ethical responsibility towards other species and
This approach believes that everything in nature
and natural system have intrinsic value.
Plastic Waste Disposal
• In our country, several tons of plastic
waste is generated from plastic bags,
bottle, containers, etc. Hardly any of
these are recycled.
• They end up in sewer, gutters,
roadsides thus causes blocking.
• Worst case is burning of plastic
materials in streets or open areas.
e-Waste Disposal
• The scrap parts of computer and
electronic devices contains highly
toxic elements such as lead, cadmium
and mercury.
• A recent report of the British
Environment Agency, unethical
organizations sell scrap to countries
such as India and Pakistan for
complete disposal.
Industrial Waste Disposal
• Waste generated by industrial
processes, it includes chemicals, trash,
solvents, etc.
• Release of many harmful gases.
• These wastes dumped in seas, rivers
or land without adequate treatment.
• Thus becoming a large source of
environmental pollution.
Depletion of Ozone Layer
• Due to the Chloro-fluoro-carbons
(CFC) such as Freon emanating from
the refrigerators, air conditioners, and
aerosol can spray.
• Causing Skin cancer due to exposure
to harmful UV rays.
• Gases like NO and NO2 causes
depletion of ozone layer.
Global Warming
• Due to the emission of greenhouse
gases such as Carbon dioxide,
methane, etc.
• Rise in Global temperature.
• Over the past 30 years , Earth has
warmed by 0.6ºC and temperature is
still increasing.
• Rise in sea levels, melting of glaciers,
heavy rainstorms.
Acid Rain
• Large emissions of sulphur oxides and
nitrous oxides into the air from the
thermal power stations.
• These gases form compound with
water in the air and precipitates as
rain or snow on to the earth.
• Causes infertility of land, damages
flora and fauna, etc.
1. Environmental Ethics teaches us about how human societies should live in
harmony with the natural world on which we depend for survival and well-
2. It becomes important that engineers design eco-friendly tools, machines,
sustainable products, processes, and projects. These are essential now to
(a) ensure protection (safety) of environment
(b) prevent the degradation of environment
(c) slow down the exploitation of the natural resources, so that
the future generation can survive.
3. Engineers as experimenters have certain duties towards environmental
ethics, namely:
(a)To Study how the industry and technology affects the
(b)To study the counter measures available for immediate
(c)To study and educate people on environment practices, issues

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