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Importance of English language

The English language is essential for global communication, academic and professional success,
access to information, cultural exchange, and economic opportunities across various industries and

Relative Possessive Pronoun

A relative possessive pronoun indicates possession or ownership in a relative clause. Examples

include "whose," "of which," and "of whom."

 The man , whose car was stolen, reported the theft to the police.
 She showed me the painting, of which she was very proud.
 He introduced us to his friend, of whom we had heard much.

Note On Composition
Composition in English involves crafting written pieces, focusing on structure, clarity, coherence,
and expression to effectively convey ideas and engage readers.

The Parts Of Speech

Noun: A word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.

Example: Dog , London , Book , Happiness

Pronoun: A word used to replace a noun to avoid repetition.

Example: He , She , It , They etc.

Verb: A word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

Example: Run , Eat , Sleep , Is

Adjective: A word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.

Example: Red , Big , Happy , Tall

Adverb: A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, often indicating manner,
place, time, or degree.
Example: Quickly , Very , Here , Often

Preposition: A word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other
words in a sentence.
Example: In , On , At , Under

Conjunction: A word used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.

Example: And, But, Or, Because

Interjection: A word or phrase that expresses strong emotion or sudden feeling and is not
grammatically related to the rest of the sentence.
Example: Wow! , Ouch! , Hey! , Alas!

Determiner: A word used before a noun to indicate quantity, possession, or specificity.

Example: The , A , This , Some

These are the main parts of speech in English grammar, each serving a specific function within

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