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Mutah University

The Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Prepared by University
Ibrahim Fayyad alrawashdeh 120190412085
Mohammad ali dmour 120190412089
Ahmad saleh 120190412070
Omar moneer almasri 120190412019

Ing Raad jaafra
Dr khalid samarah
Table of contents
Kirchhoff law…………………………….……..(1)
Resistance and ohm law…………………......(5)
thevenin theorem and max power transfer….(15)
Impedance and AC circuit…………………….(18)
RC, RL, RLC, circuits and resonant…………(23)
Low pass filters………………………………..(27)
Kirchhoff law

Kirchhoff's circuit laws are two equations first
published by Gustav Kirchhoff in 1845.
Fundamentally, they address conservation of energy
and charge in the context of electrical circuits.
Simplification of this circuit to a combination of series
and parallel connections is impossible.

Objectives: to verify Kirchhoff laws of current and


Equipment: BEE421A, multimeters

Theory: at any node in electrical circuit the summation
of current enter to this node, and exit from it is equal
to zero in the other words the summation of the enter
currents to any node is equal to the summation of the
outer currents, this is the Kirchhoff fist law
Fig (2.1)
(KCL) for fig (2.1)
I1+I2+I3-I4-I5=0 OR I1+I2+I3=I4+I5

Also Kirchhoff found that the sum of the drop voltage

around any closed loop is equal to zero ( which
represent the second Kirchhoff law )

For fig (2.2) we can write:
V-V1-V2=0 for loop (1)
V2-V3-V4=0 for loop (2)

1- Connect the circuit as shown in fig (2.3)
2- Record the value of (I1,I2,I3,V1,V2,V3,V4,and
V5) for fig (2.3)

Resistance (Ω) Voltage (V) Current
1 820 2.8 3.41
2 560 1.9 3.39
3 390 1.3 3.37
4 1000 3.9 3.9
5 2200 1.1 0.5
1- I1= 3.4 mA
2- I2= 3.9 mA
3- I3= 0.5 mA

Sources of error:
• Inaccuracy in measurement
• Not giving accurate values due to the long
life of the machine used
• Not using values accurately and almost for
ease of calculation
Resistance and ohm law

Ohm's law is the quantitative relationship between
electrical current and voltage when the current flows
through a resistor or conductor. Ohm's law applies to
individual resistive elements, e.g., lengths of wire and
resistors, as well as networks of resistive elements.

1- To find the relationship between current and
voltage across a resistor.
2- To study the factors that affected the resistor
3- To study resistors connection type.

Variable DC supply, multimeter (2) resistance ( kit
421A values of colored resistance.
The voltage a cross a conductor (V) is proportional to
the current (I) passing through it. The constant of the
proportional is the resistance of the conductor ( R )
measuring by the unit ( ohm ) the relationship V=I*R is
known a ohm law.
Where the resistance depend on the following factor:
1- Length of the conductor ( L )
2- Cross section area of the conductor ( A )
3- Type of the material ( resistivity ) (ƥ)
4- Temperature (T)
Therefore R can be calculated with the of temperature
is neglected using the following formula
R= (ƥ*L)/(A) Ω
There are two types of resistor connections:
1- series connection:
In this connection it know that the same current
will pass through all the resistors and the voltage
divided between the resistance according to their
values this shown in fig (1)
Therefore equlivent resistance equal to the sum
of all resistor connected in series

2- Parallel connection

As it is known in this case that the same voltage
applied across each resistor but the current is
devided between terminals (I1,I2,…….,IN ) to find
the equivalent resistance we can use:
• Connect the circuit as shown in fig (A.1)
• Adjust V to have the following reading by the
voltmeter ( 1,2,3) voltage , and at each value
record the corresponding currents as in table

V (volt) I ( m Amp)
1 0.92
2 1.70
3 2.86

3.1- find the colored resistor value given by using the
color code
3.2- use the colored resistor in the circuit shown in fig
(A.2) and record the values of V and I

I=4.82 mA
R=1004 Ω
The value of resistance in colors:
( brown, black, red )
4-connect the circuit as shown in fig (A.3) then record

R1=2.2K Ω
R2=3.3K Ω
R3=1K Ω
I=1.52 mA
R (Ω) V
2.2K 3.35
3.3K 5.04
1K 1.55

5- Connect the circuit as shown in fig (A.4) then

record I,I1,I2,V

R1=2.2K Ω
R2=3.3K Ω
I=7.4 mA
R (Ω) I (mA)
2.2K 4.4
3.3K 2.97
Sources of error:
• Not giving accurate values due to the long life
of the machine used
• Inaccuracy in measurement
• Not using values accurately and almost for
ease of calculation

Superposition theorem

Superposition theorem states that in any linear,
active, bilateral network having more than one source,
the response across any element is the sum of the
responses obtained from each source considered
separately and all other sources are replaced by their
internal resistance.

To find the current and voltage values in the
superposition theorem.
BEE421A, Multimeters, Connectors
According to the superposition theorem, in any circuit
of resistances and generators, the current pass
through any branch equal the sum of currents which
passing through that branch if each generator
functioning alone, with the other generators replaced
by their internal resistances. Also we can say the
same thing about the potential difference (voltage
drop) across say branch.

• Connect the circuit as shown in Fig (3.1)
• Record the value of 11, 12, 13, V3
• Set VI to Zero, then repeat step 2
• Set V2 to Zero, then repeat step 2
• List your measuring values in Table (3.1).

V1 V2 I1 I2 I3 V3
(mA) (mA) (mA)
8 5 7.66 1.55 9.21 3.65
0 5 -1.9 4.63 2.72 1.08
8 0 9.53 -3.07 6.45 2.53

Sources of error:
1- Not giving accurate values due to the long life of
the machine used.
2- Inaccuracy in measurement.
3- Not using values accurately and almost for ease
of calculation.

Thevenin theorem and max power transfer

• Introduction:
The Thevenin's theorem states that any linear
two terminal circuit consisting of sources and
resistors connected to a given load RL can be
replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting a
single voltage source of magnitude Vth with a
series resistance Rth across the terminal of RL
• Objective:
To verify Thevenin's theorem and the condition of
max power transfer.
BEE21A, Multimeters, Variable resistances.

• Theory:
According to Thevenin's theorem, any circuit can
be replaced by a simple equivalent circuit
consisting of a voltage supply in series with a
resistance as shown in Fig (4.1) The voltage
(Vth) equal to the open circuit voltage (Voc) a
cross a certain branch when it was removed from
the circuit, and the resistance equal to the
equivalent resistance cross that branch while the
sources in the circuit replaced by their internal
resistances If a load is connected between a - b
as shown in Fig. (4.1.a), then the maximum
power will be transfer to it when Ra-b is equal to

1- Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. (4.2).
2- -Remove Rob across a - b branch, and find
Thevenin's equivalent circuit (Vth and Rth) by
using a voltmeter and an ohmmeter.

R1=470Ω R2=4.7KΩ
R3=2.2KΩ R4=1KΩ
Rab=3.3KΩ V1=5volt
Step Vth Rth
(volt) (Ω)
1 3.18 2.5k

Sources of error:
• Not giving accurate values due to the long life
of the machine used.
• Inaccuracy in measurement.
• Not using values accurately and almost for
ease of calculation.

Impedance and AC circuit

Objective :
1- To study the resistor, capacitor and inductor
under the effect of AC circuit.
2- To study the phase shift between the current
and voltage

Equipment :
BEE421C, A.C. Power Supply, Multimeter (2)

Theory :
The value of a current passing through a resistance in
AC. Circuit depends on the resistor value and the
magnitude of the applied voltage. But in the passive
dements (capacitors and inductors), the frequency is
another factor that affects the current value. Because
olds effectives on the reactance of these component.
The reactance of the inductor is given by
XL=2πϜL (Ω)
And for the capacitor
Xc= 1/(2πϝc) (Ω)
The total impedance for any ac. circuit have
resistances and reactance
Will be Z=R+J(XL-Xc)
Which can be represented in a phasor diagram as
shown in Fig (6.1)
Z= ( (R^2)+(XL-Xc)^2 )^½
Ф = tan^-1 ( (XL-Xc)/ R)

Ф Represents the phase shift between the current and

applied voltage.
In purely resistive circuit, the current and the applied
voltage will be in phase as shown in Fig (6.2. A) While
in purely capacitive, circuit the current leads the
applied voltage by an angle equal to (90) as shown in
Fig (6.2.B).
Consequently in purely inductive circuit, the current
legs the applied voltage by an angle equal to 90 as
shown in Fig (6.2.C)

Procedure :

1- Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. (0.5).

2- Measure the values of ( Vr, Vc. I) for different
values of frequencies and fill the result in Table
3- Calculate the values of Xc and Z and put them
in Table (6.1)

F(Hz) 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500
Vr(v) 0.26 0.55 0.82 1.29 1.86 2.04 2.47
Vc(V) 4.91 4.85 4.73 4.44 3.88 3.66 2.89
Xc(kΩ) 15.9 7.96 5.307 3.184 1.99 1.59 1.061
I(mA) 0.3 0.6 0.89 1.39 1.94 2.3 2.8
Z(K) 15.93 8.022 5.4 3.33 2.22 1.87 1.45

4-Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. (6.6).

5-Repeat step 2 and step 3, and fill the result in Table

F(Hz) 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500
Vr(v) 3.05 3.04 3.03 3 2.92 2.85 2.76
VL(v) 0.02 0.16 0.34 0.69 0.98 1.33 1.63
XL(Ω) 12.56 25.12 37.68 62.8 100.48 125.6 188.4
IL(mA) 1.59 6.36 9.02 10.9 9.7 10.58 8.68
Z 1000.07 1000.315 1000.7 1001.9 1005.03 1007.8 1017.59

Sources of error:
• Not giving accurate values due to the long life of
the machine used.
• Inaccuracy in measurement.
• Not using values accurately and almost for ease
of calculation.

RC, RL, RLC circuits and resonant

Connect the circuit as shown with R=I0KΩ,C=100nF,
Vin=10V „@f=600 Hz.

Vr, Vc, sketch the waveform seen in both channel
and, find the phase between them, sketch the phase
diagram, discuss your result and compare the
measured values with the calculated ones.
Connect the circuit as shown with R=10k, L=20ntH

Vr, VI, sketch the, waveform seen in both channel and
fined the phase between them, sketch the phase
diagram, discuss your result and compare the
measured values with the calculated ones
Connect the circuit as shown with R=10k, L=20mH,

Draw the phase diagram for the voltages when
Vin=10 volt rms with Vin =10 volt rms change the
input frequency as shown below and record your
values in the following table
Frequency Vr VL VC I=Vr/r
Hz *10^-3
200 6.15 0.01 2.38 0.615
300 6.37 0.01 1.56 0.637
500 6.48 0.02 0.92 0.648
600 6.5 0.03 0.76 0.65
800 6.52 0.04 0.55 0.652
1000 6.53 0.05 0.48 0.653
1500 6.54 0.08 0.29 0.654
2000 6.54 0.11 0.2 0.654
2500 6.54 0.14 0.14 0.654
3000 6.53 0.17 0.1 0.653
3500 6.52 0.2 0.07 0.652
4000 6.5 0.23 0.04 0.65
5000 6.47 0.28 0.02 0.647
6000 6.43 0.34 0.01 0.643
8000 6.34 0.45 0.0 0.634
10000 6.26 0.56 0.0 0.626

Fr= 1/(2π*(LC)^½)
Fr=2400.568≈ 2500

Sources of error:
• Not giving accurate values due to the long
life of the machine used.
• Inaccuracy in measurement.
• Not using values accurately and almost for
ease of calculation.

Low pass filters

The figure below shows one possible low - pass filter.
The circuit is essentially a frequency - sensitive
voltage divider. At high frequencies the output
behaves as if it is shorted while at low frequencies the
output appears as an open circuit.

Filter Characteristics:
If an ideal low - pass filter existed, it would
completely eliminate signals above the cutoff
frequency, and perfectly pass signals below the cutoff
frequency. In real filters, various trade - offs are made
to get optimum performance for a given application
Butterworth Filters are termed maximally -fat -
magnitude -filters, optimized for gain flatness in the
pass -band, the attenuation is -3 dB at the cutoff
frequency. Above the cutoff frequency the
attenuation is -20 dB / decade / order. The transient
response of a Butterworth filter to a pulse input shows
moderate overshoot and ringing. Bessel filters are
optimized for maximally - flat time delay (or constant -
group delay) This means that they have linear phase
response and excellent transient response to a pulse
input. This comes at the expense of flatness in the
pass - band and rate of rolloff. The cutoff frequency is
defined as the - 3 - dB point.
Chebyshev filters are designed to have ripple in the
pass -band, but steeper rolloff after the cutoff
frequency. Cutoff frequency is defined as the
frequency at which the response falls below the ripple
band. For a given filter order, a steeper cutoff can be
achieved by allowing more pass - band ripple. The
transient response of a Chebyshev filter to a pulse
input shows more overshoot and ringing than a
Butterworth filter.

1. Connect the circuit as shown below.

2. With an input sine wave at 10 kHz and 10 volt

rms value Draw the output signal and measure
the peak value.
Drawing the filter characteristic carve manually
With an input signal of 7 Vrms sine wave and a
frequency of 1kHz: Measure the output voltage and
fill in the following table.
= 0.707
Fc*V = 0.707*7=4.949

Frequency Vout Frequency Vout Frequency Vout
5 7.8 200 2.46 4 0.05
10 7.13 300 1.67 5 0.02
20 6.89 400 0.91 6 0.01
30 6.52 500 0.73 7 0.01
40 6.11 600 0.63 8 0
50 5.63 700 0.55 9 0
60 5.2 800 0.48 10 0
70 4.83 900 0.48 20 0
80 4.46 1000 0.43 30 0
90 4.11 2000 0.22 40 0
100 3.84 3000 0.12 50 0

4.94≈4.83 → 70

Sources of error:
• Not giving accurate values due to the long life of
the machine used.
• Inaccuracy in measurement.
• Not using values accurately and almost for ease
of calculation.


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