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Example of a Meal Plan

 Meal 1 – egg whites and oatmeal

 Meal 2 – yogurt or non-fat cottage cheese
 Meal 3 – Half chicken breast and broccoli
 Meal 4 – non-fat milk or protein shake
 Meal 5 – Salmon or tuna or Steak
 Meal 6 – 16 ounces non-fat milk or protein shake.

An example of this would be getting up at 8:00 AM and eating 2-3 egg whites and a cup of
oatmeal. At 10:00 AM eating yogurt or cottage cheese. At noon eating Half a chicken breast
and some broccoli on the side. Workout at 1:00 PM until roughly 2:00P.M. Have your
protein shake or 16 ounces of non-fat milk. At around 4:30 – 6:00 PM have meal 5 of
salmon or tuna. At around 8:00PM drink another 16 ounces of non-fat milk or have a
protein shake. Obviously, the order can be reorganized as well as ingredients that you are
using. You mentioned high blood pressure so you want to increase the amount of garlic
used but minimize the amount of salt. Egg whites can be quite bland and oatmeal might
also get tiresome so you can mix like strawberry yogurt into the oatmeal. The important
factors are maximizing protein intake, having vegetables, while avoiding certain sugars and
fats. Milk is roughly 85% percent water, therefore he still needs to drink an additional 100
ounces of water or around 6-8 normal sized water bottles. The more water the better.
When performing the exercises it is important to remember that form is more important
than the weight. Never sacrifice your form to increase the weight, THAT IS HOW YOU
GET INJURED! Add weight slowly, 5-10 pounds at a time. This is for the first 4 weeks of
training, after you will get more advanced and will need to change it up a bit.
Day 1 – Chest Day/ Abs
Exercise 1 – Barbell Bench Press
 4 Sets of 15, 12, 10, 8 with 45-60 rest in between sets
 Try to increase weight each set
 How to do the movement properly can be found here
Exercise 2 – Incline Bench press or regular dumbbell bench press
 4 sets 10, 8, 8, 6 with 45-60 rest in between sets
 Try to increase weight each set
 Video for Dumbbell bench press
 Video for Barbell incline bench
 This is dependent on whether the bench you have is adjustable or not.
Exercise 3 – Pushups
 As many until failure
 Video on how to properly do a pushup is here
Exercise 4 – Cross-body Crunch
 2 Sets of 10 reps each side
 Video on how to do it here
Exercise 5 – Crunches
 2 Sets of 10-20 reps or until failure
 Video on how to do it here
Exercise 6 – 10 minutes of elliptical, walking, or stationary biking.
Day 2 – Legs
Exercise 1 – Barbell Squat
 5 Sets of 15, 10, 8, 8, 6 with 45-1:30 rest in between; the less rest the better
 Try and increase the weight each set
 Proper form is important here, especially keeping your back straight
 Video on how to do it
Exercise 2 – Bodyweight/ or dumbbell lunes
 3 Sets of 10 reps each leg with 45 seconds between each set (both legs)
 If the exercise is too easy hold dumbbells to the side
 Video on how to do it
Exercise 3 – Dumbbell or bodyweight Calf Raises
 4 Sets of 35, 30, 25, 20 with 30 second rest in between. Calves are a very slow-twitch
muscle, so in order to fatigue them they must be hit with little rest
 Video on how to do it
Exercise 4 – 10 Minutes of Elliptical or stationary biking with 10 second sprints every
Day 3 – Arm Day
Exercise 1 – Barbell Curl
 4 Sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 with 45 seconds in between sets
 Try and increase the weight each set
 Video on how to do them
Exercise 2 – Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curl
 3 Sets of 10 with 45 seconds in between sets
 Video here
Exercise 3 – (If the Bicep is not sore) Concentration Curls
 3 sets of 6-10 reps each arm with 45 seconds in between sets
 Video on how to do it
Exercise 4 – Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension
 3 Sets of 10 Reps 45 seconds in between sets
 Video on how to do it here
Exercise 5 – Bent Over Dumbbell Tricep Extension
 3 sets of 8 reps each arm – 45 seconds in between sets
 Video on how to do it here
Exercise 6 – Bench Dips
 As many reps until failure
 Video on how to do it here
Exercise 7 – Elliptical or biking or running for 10 minutes
Day 4 – Back
Exercise 1 – Bent Over Barbell Row
 4 Sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 with 60 seconds in between set
 Form is very important on this one
 Video on how to properly do it
Exercise 2 – One-Arm Dumbbell Row
 4 Sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 on each arm with 45 seconds in between sets
 Video on how to do it
Exercise 3 – Pullups
 If you have a pullup bar as many as he can do until failure
Exercise 4 – Air Bike
 3 sets of 20 alternating reps with 45 seconds in between sets
Exercise 5 – Planks
 2 Sets of 45 seconds with 45 seconds rest in between sets
Exercise 6 – Crunches
 As Many as possible until failure
Exercise 7 – Elliptical or Stationary Bike for 10 minutes with 10 second sprints every
Day 5 – Shoulders
Exercise 1 – Standing Military Press
 3 sets of 10 reps with 45-60 seconds rest in between sets
 Try to increase the weight each set
Exercise 2 – Side laterals to Front Raise
 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 45-60 seconds rest
 Watch the video to really understand the movement better
Exercise 3 – Arnold Dumbbell Press
 2 Sets of 10 reps with 45-60 seconds res in between sets
 Watch the video to really understand the movement
Exercise 4 – 20-30 Minute Elliptical or Stationary bike – low intensity

Day 6 and 7 are rest days

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