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Exercise#1: Design 4-bit common bus system using in-built block of multiplexer which shares data to

the output from four sources as given in the table. Use all inputs, outputs and selection lines in the form
of bus.

Table Logic Diagram

Exercise#2: Repeat Exercise#1 using in-built block of tri-state buffers and decoder.

Table Logic Diagram

Exercise#3: Design 4-bit logic unit using in-built block of multiplexer which performs four logical
operations as given in the table. Use all inputs, outputs and selection lines in the form of bus.

Table Logic Diagram

Exercise#4: Design 4-bit shift circuit in using in-built block of multiplexer which performs four shift
operations as given in the table. Use all inputs, outputs and selection lines in the form of bus.

Table Logic Diagram

Exercise#1: Design 4-bit, 8-operations (given in Table) Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit as shown in block
diagram of figure-2 using initial carry (Cin) as LSB of the control lines of multiplexers. Use control
signals and input/output signals in the form of bus.
1. Main circuit
Table Logic Diagram

2. Sub Circuits:

Logical Unit Shift Unit

Exercise#2: Design 2-bit array multiplier using in-built block of half adder. Display both the inputs and
output result in decimal format using suitable display devices.
Table Logic Diagram

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