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1. Assuming all other parameters are the same, an echo time of 15 ms provides the best Signal-to-Noise Ratio.

2. Fat has a short T1 relaxation time and a short T2 relaxation time.

3. Water has a long T1 relaxation time and a long T2 relaxation time.
4 : If the repetition time is doubled, the scan time will: double
 TR is directly proportional to scan time (TR x Phase Matrix x NEX)
5 : Which of the following is NOT affected by changing the slice thickness? T1 contrast
 Repetition Time (TR) is the controlling factor of T1 weighting/contrast in an image; slice thickness does
nothing to alter the T1 information.
6 : Which of the following would NOT compensate for the change in signal-to-noise as a result of decreasing the
FOV? Reducing the number of excitations
 A reduction in excitations (NEX/NSA) would reduce SNR, which has the same effect as decreasing the
field of view
7 : Reducing the phase matrix from 256 to 192 will: All of the above (increase the SNR, decrease imaging time,
decrease spatial resolution)
 Reducing the phase encoding matrix yields higher SNR, shorter scan times, but decreased spatial resolution
due to the increased pixel size.
8. SNR increases with all the following adjustments, EXCEPT: Decreasing pixel size
9 : Another name for a picture element is a: Pixel
10 : What formula is used to calculate the size of the pixel? FOV ÷ matrix
11 : Which parameter will provide the better spatial resolution? 4mm slice thickness; 256 x 256 matrix
 Thinner slices yield improved spatial resolution, in addition to smaller pixel size (higher matrix)
12 : If a sequence with a matrix of 256 x 512 is adjusted to 512 x 512, The SNR will decrease and the scan time
will increase
13 : In a fast spin echo sequence with a 28 cm FOV, 256 x 512 matrix, TR 2200, 90 TE, 5mm slice thickness, 8 ETL
and 3 NEX, the scan time would be: 3 minutes 31 seconds
 Scan time formula: TR x Phase Matrix x NEX ÷ ETL = total in milliseconds, then ÷ 1000 to achieve scan
time in seconds. Be careful if you divide by 60 to achieve the scan time in decimal format (This example
computes to 211 seconds, if you divide by 60 you get 3.52 seconds, which is 3 minutes 31 seconds, not 3
minutes 52 seconds)
14 : Decreasing the TR will: Both A and B (lower SNR and reduce scan time)
15 : With regards to k-space, the data containing high resolution are located along: The outer lines
16 : With regards to k-space, the data containing signal and contrast information are located along: The central lines
17 : As the number of excitations (NEX) is increased from 1 to 3, which of the following does NOT occur? The
pixel size is increased
 Changes in NEX have no effect on the resolution of an image.
18 : Reducing the FOV (field of view) only will result in: Decreased signal-to-noise
 A reduction in FOV will yield a decrease in SNR, but an increase in spatial resolution.
19 : The scan time of a fast spin echo sequence utilizing a TR of 3500ms, a TE of 90ms, a 256x256 matrix, 1NSA, a
220mm FOV and an echo train length of 5 is ______ minutes, approximately. 3
 TR (3500) x Phase Matrix (256) x NSA (1) ÷ ETL (5) = 179200 ms, then divide by 1000 to get 179.2
seconds, or nearly 3 minutes.
20 : Assuming all other parameters are the same, a 800 ms TR provides the best signal-to-noise ratio.
 The longer the TR, the better the SNR.
21 : The smallest object that can be resolved in an image acquired with a 20cm FOV and a 224 x 224 matrix is 0.89
 200 mm ÷ 224 = 0.892mm
22 : With a recFOV that is twice as tall as it is wide, and the phase direction oriented along the smaller “width”
dimension of the FOV, which of the following relationships between the frequency and phase steps yields square
pixels? Phase steps must be half the number of frequency steps
 With a 50% Rectangular FOV, the phase matrix (rectFOV direction) must be exactly half the frequency
matrix in order to yield square pixels.
23 : Choose the correct slice thickness to create an isotropic voxel for the following: TR 2000, TE 90, Matrix 256 x
256, FOV 32cm. 1.25 mm
 An isotropic voxel has equal measurements in all three dimensions (phase, frequency and slice direction)
FOV/Matrix = 1.25mm
24 : The pixel size of the images which result from a 3D acquisition using a 240mm FOV, a 272 x 272 matrix, 32
slices and a volume of 64 mm is: 0.88 x 0.88 mm
 FOV ÷ Matrix = pixel size..... 240 ÷ 272 = 0.88mm
25 : An increase in TR will produce all of the following EXCEPT: Decrease the number of available slices
 An increase in repetition time will produce more available slices, per TR period
26 : A set of specifically timed instructions to the magnet is known as: A pulse sequence
 A pulse sequence is a set of specifically timed instructions to the magnet telling it how images should look
with regards to the tissue being sampled.
27 : All of the following affect acquisition time EXCEPT: TE
28 : All of the following yield a higher signal-to-noise ratio EXCEPT: Increase TE
 An increase in TE will yield a decrease in SNR
29 : All of the following would aid in reducing scan time EXCEPT: Reducing TE
 TE (echo time) has no affect on scan time.
30 : Each line of k-space is defined by the: Phase encoding gradient
31 : High amplitude signals are stored in the: Center portion of k-space
32 : Acquiring a bit more than half the phase k-space samples, then interpolating the data with zeroes for the
remaining half is a technique known as A and/or B (half fourier, zero fill)
 Acquiring a bit more than half the phase k-space samples, then interpolating the data with zeroes for the
remaining half is a technique known as Half Fourier, or Zero Fill.
33 : Increasing NSA will: Improve SNR
 Increasing NSA will improve SNR.
34 : A reduction in FOV will result in: Decrease in SNR
35 : Reducing the slice thickness will result in: A decrease in SNR
 Reducing the slice thickness will result in a decrease in SNR, but will decrease partial volume averaging.
36 : The central lines of k-space are associated with contrast info in a fast spin echo sequence.
The central lines of k-space are associated with contrast information in a fast spin echo sequence.
37 : The timing of the RF pulses in an MRI pulse sequence controls: Image contrast
 The timing of the RF pulses in an MRI pulse sequence controls image contrast.
38 : A method of reducing MRI scan time by not filling as many lines of k-space in the phase direction, while
maintaining spatial resolution, is known as: Rectangular FOV
39 : The overall signal-to-noise ratio will increase in 3D volume imaging when there is an increase in: A and/or D
(# of slices or partitions and FOV)
 The overall signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) will increase in 3D volume imaging when there is an increase in
either the Field of View (FOV) and/or an increase in the number of slices or partitions (chunks).
40 : Which of the following pulse sequence parameter combinations would yield an image with the most blurring?
6000TR, 80TE, 256 x 256, 5mm slice thickness, 16 ETL, 4NSA
 The longer the ETL (echo train length), the increased chance of blurring in the image.
41 : Reducing the number of lines filled in k-space will produce an image: With a decrease in spatial resolution
42 : If the NEX is increased from 2 to 6, the signal-to-noise ratio increase would be: 1.7
 When increasing NEX/NSA, SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) increases by the square root (√) of the % increase.
For example, a sequence with 2 NEX, increased to 6 NEX (3times the total NEX) would have an increase
in SNR of √3, or 1.73 times more SNR than the original sequence.
43 : Calculate the voxel volume for the following pulse sequence parameters: TR 450, TE 20, FOV 24cm, 320 x 320
matrix, 3mm slice thickness. 1.69mm3
44 : Calculate the voxel volume for the following pulse sequence: TR 2000, TE 85, FOV 28cm, Matrix 272 x 320,
5mm slice thickness, 3 NSA. 4.55 mm3
 To calculate voxel volume, first determine pixel area. FOV/matrix x FOV/matrix = pixel area. Pixel area x
slice thickness = voxel volume. 280/272 x 280/320 = 0.91 mm2. 0.91 x 5 = 4.55mm3
45 : Calculate the pixel area for the following sequence: TR 450, TE 12, FOV 18cm, 224 x 256 matrix, 4 NEX. 0.56
46 : Calculate the pixel area for the following sequence: TR 4000, TE 120, FOV 28cm, 304 x 304 matrix, 2 NEX,
ETL 12. 0.85 mm2
 FOV/matrix x FOV/matrix = pixel area. 280/304 x 280/304 = 0.85 mm2.
47 : K-space is typically filled: One line at a time
48 : Partial or fractional echo is when only half the views of k-space are filled in the frequency axis.
 Partial or fractional echo is when only half the views of k-space are filled in the frequency axis, an
acceleration technique used to shorten TR and TE.
49 : As the number of phase encodings is increased from 256 to 512, SNR (signal to noise ratio): Decreases
 As the number of phase encodings is increased from 256 to 512, SNR (signal to noise ratio) decreases (less
protons per voxel)
50 : What would the scan time be in a 3D volume acquisition as follows: TR 32 ms, TE 4 ms, Flip Angle 15°,
FOV 18cm, 2mm slice thickness, 96 slices, 192 x 256 matrix, 1 NEX? 9 min 50 sec
 3D scan time formula: TR x Phase Matrix x NEX x # slices
1 : Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the use of a narrow receiver bandwidth? All of the above
(it generates lower SNR images, it should be applied in anatomical regions that contain high fat and water
interfaces, it is utilized with a high readout gradient amplitude)
 Lower bandwidth = higher signal-to-noise = more chemical shift
2 : A pixel is defined as a picture element and has 2D characteristics.
 A pixel is defined as a picture element, is two-dimensional, the smallest element of an image.
3 : The maximum intensity projection algorithm: Projects the high intensity pixels which represent blood
vessels/ducts into one image
4 : Two gradients applied at the same time during slice selection are utilized for: Encoding oblique slice planes
5 : The readout gradient is usually turned on during the sampling or readout of the peak echo and also during which
other process? Frequency encoding
6 : If the maximum slices in a set TR is 10, and the necessary number of slices for a given sequence's anatomical
coverage is 26, how many acquisitions (packages) will be required? 3
7 : Slice ___________ is determined by the slice selection process. All of the above (position, orientation,
8 : What effect would decreasing the FOV have on the spatial resolution of an image? Increase
 Decreasing the FOV would increase the spatial resolution/detail in an image by reducing the pixel size.
9 : What effect would using a steep slice select slope and/or narrow bandwidth have on slice thickness? Slices will
be thin
 Steep slice select gradient slope yields thin slice thickness.
10 : Which set of scan parameters below would yield the best spatial resolution? 200 mm FOV, 512 x 512 matrix,
3mm slice thickness, 4 NEX
11 : An isotropic voxel refers to a cubic shaped voxel.
12 : If the radiologist requires 3mm slices axially acquired through the IAC, with a slice gap of 0.5mm, and requires
4.2cm total coverage, how many slices must be selected? 12
13 : If 24 4mm slices are planned with a gap of 1mm, the total anatomic coverage is 12 cm.
14 : Which of the following is NOT a result of reducing the FOV? Anatomical structures are displayed smaller in
the image
 Anatomical structures are displayed larger with a reduction in FOV.
15 : Creating additional images in various planes from a 3D data set is accomplished by a technique known as:
Multi-Planar reconstruction (MPR)
 The MPR function enables the user to create additional images from an acquired 3D data set.
16 : Which of the following can be considered an advantage of selecting a 3D acquisition as opposed to a 2D
acquisition? A & B only (the slices have greater SNR and no crosstalk)
 Long TR's are not advantageous in a 3D acquisition, but a 3D sequence does provide greater SNR and
elimination of crosstalk artifacts.
17 : Multiplanar reconstructions are typically utilized in 3D pulse sequences because: A & C only (2d slices are too
thick to reformat and there are gaps between 2d slices)
 The option to reconstruct multiple planes from a single data set is advantageous in a 3D pulse sequence due
to the thin slices used in 3D sequences and the lack of interslice gap.
18 : The process that digitizes the MR signals is known as: Fourier transform
19 : The signal produced immediately following an RF pulse is: FID
20 : A gradient is defined as a small change in the magnetic field along a particular axis.
21 : Raw data is a file on the computer where the collected echoes are stored prior to being processed into an image
by the Fourier Transform.
22 : In order to generate an MR image, the slice select gradient must be turned on during: RF energy application
23 : Decreasing the slice selection gradient strength will change the slice thickness of the resulting slice.
24 : The range of transmitted frequencies at each slice position must remain constant to maintain slice thickness.
25 : All of the following are true mechanisms of saturation EXCEPT: Partial saturation yields T1 weighting;
occurs when NMV is 180°
26 : Applying two gradients simultaneously during slice selection would: Produce an oblique slice
27 : A narrow receiver bandwidth: Increases susceptibility artifact
28 : Which factors affect the flip angle? Strength and duration of the RF field
29 : To increase the voxel volume, which parameters would be adjusted? FOV, slice thickness and matrix
30 : Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) would increase in a 3D volume acquisition with an increase in: B and/or C only
(slices and FOV)
31 : A technique that reduces scan time by not filling as many lines of k-space in the phase direction, while
maintaining spatial resolution, is known as: Rectangular FOV
32 : To obtain a thin slice thickness: A steep gradient is applied with the transmit bandwidth at the Larmor
frequency of H
33 : The Ernst angle can be defined as the optimal flip angle that yields the maximum signal for a particular spin in
the least amount of time.
34 : As the flip angle is increased, SNR(signal to noise ratio): Increases to a point called the Ernst angle
 As the flip angle is increased, SNR(signal to noise ratio) increases to a point called the Ernst angle.
35 : When gradient moment nulling is used as an imaging option in MR sequences: The minimum TE is increased
 By the application of an imaging option known as gradient moment nulling (flow compensation), it is
required that a longer minimum TE is used due to the use of additional gradients
36 : Gradient moment nulling is used to compensate for: (I first order motion and III slow flowing vessels)
I. First order motion
II. Second order motion
III. Slow flowing vessels
IV. Fast flowing vessels
 Gradient moment nulling (flow compensation)is used to compensate for first order motion (protons moving
with constant velocity) and slow flowing vessels
37 : As the TR is increased, (I SNR is increased and II available # of slices is increased)
I. SNR is increased
II. Available number of slices is increased
III. T2 information is maximized
 As the TR increases, the SNR increases as well as the available number of slices.
38 : Increasing the field of view (FOV) would have what effect? Decrease spatial resolution
 Increasing the field of view (FOV) would yield a decrease in spatial resolution(detail) in the image due to
an increase in pixel size.
39 : 2D acquisitions usually require: An interslice gap
40 : In a gradient echo sequence, reducing the flip angle while maintaining the TR reduces: Saturation
 In a gradient echo sequence, reducing the flip angle while holding the TR constant reduces saturation
(Gradient echo sequences use flip angles to control saturation effects)
41 : Reducing the TE: Decreases the contrast based on T2 tissue relaxation times
42 : Reducing the TR: B and D only decreases the SNR of the image and increases saturation effects
43 : Increasing the TE: B and D only increases the contrast based on the tissue's relaxation times, and also
decreases the SNR of the image.
44 : Complete saturation is a condition where: Longitudinal magnetization is not allowed to recover between
 Complete saturation is a condition where longitudinal magnetization is not allowed to recover between
45 : Gradient echo sequences use flip angles: To control saturation effects
46 : The presaturation pulses typically are found: Prior to the excitation pulse
47 : Presaturation pulses are often used to: Reduce flow artifacts
48 : Decreasing rBW (receiver bandwidth)by a factor of two: SNR by √2
 Decreasing rBW (receiver bandwidth)by a factor of two increases SNR by √2
49 : Decreasing the receiver bandwidth (utilizing a narrow BW): Decreases the number of slices available
 Decreasing the receiver bandwidth (utilizing a narrow BW) decreases the number of slices available
(Decreasing the bandwidth increases the sampling time and lengthens the sequence timing, creating longer
minimum TR and TE values)
50 : Decreasing the receiver bandwidth (utilizing a narrow BW): Increases susceptibility artifact
51 : Decreasing the receiver bandwidth (utilizing a narrow BW): B and D only, increases SNR and readout time --
increases the sampling time and lengthens the sequence timing, creating longer minimum TR and TE values
52 : Decreasing the receiver bandwidth (narrow rBW): Increases the SNR of the image
53 : The time during which the frequency encoding gradient is on: Increases with a reduction in receiver
 The time during which the frequency encoding gradient is on increases with a reduction in receiver
54 : If the receiver bandwidth (rBW) is decreased, the sampling rate: Decreases
 The sampling rate is synonymous with the signal sampling frequency. According to the Nyquist theory, our
sampling rate must be twice that of our sampling frequency in order to avoid aliasing in our image.
Therefore, we sample twice per cycle. As the receiver bandwidth increases, so does the sampling rate or
frequency. Therefore, the sampling rate is proportional to the receiver bandwidth. Increases in the receiver
bandwidth results in increases in sampling rate.
55 : Increasing the receiver bandwidth (rBW): Decreases chemical shift artifacts

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