Career and Job Experience - Week 1

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Unidad curricular: 1023302T

Inglés II

Docentes: Alviarez Enlinar, López Andrea, Rojas Carolina, Ruiz Nancy




• Using Language • Past Time: Past

• Describe career and Skills Simple
• Guessing meaning • Regular and Irregular
• Write a simple from the context Verbs
Curriculum Vitae
• Predicting meaning
by the context.



• Reading about: • Interactive
“Curriculum Vitae.” • My first job was Production: Role-
as… Plays.
• Talking about: “ Your
Career” • Now I work as… • Communicative
• Writing about: “Working Speaking: Talking
opinions”. about your work

• Listening about:
“Regular and Irregular • Writing: Making your
verbs”. own CV.

Pre-reading activity.
Discuss with your classmates the following questions:

1. What does the acronym CV mean?

2. What information should you write on a CV?
3. Have you written a CV?


A CV is a Curriculum Vitae. This Latin expression

means “information about your skills and qualifications, that
is, everything you have studied and achieved.” Americans
use a similar document: they call it a “résumé.” What do
these documents include? In a CV you must write relevant
information about you as a person. That is, age, marital
status, address, telephone number. Apart from this, you must also include
details about you as a professional, stating your degree, experience, courses

for professional improvement, and general qualifications, such as other
languages of which you have good knowledge and whether you can use a
computer. The way you organize all this information is very important because
your prospective employers will get an idea of you through this document, in
many cases, before meeting you in person. (Track 01)

According to the text above, answer in SPANISH the following questions:

1. What does CV mean?

CV (Curriculum Vitae) es una hoja de vida. Esta expresión en latin significa
“Información sobre ti, tus habilidades y tus capacidades”

2. What personal information must you include on a CV?

En un CV debes colocar información personal como tu edad , tu estado civil, tu
dirección y número de teléfono

3. What professional information should you write on a CV?

En tu información professional, debes hablar de tus titulos, experiencia, cursos
de mejora professional y capacidades generales,como si hablas otro idioma o
si sabes usar un computadora

Study this CV: Check if all the information required in the text has been
given in this CV and how it has been done.

William Lott
6213 Harrison Dr.
Detroit, MI 48092 (409)
555 - 9028

Seeking a position as an industrial engineer.

Summary of Experience

More than 12 years of industry experience.

Proven ability to cut costs without sacrificing product quality.

Employment History

AeroTech Industries, Detroit, MI

Senior Industrial Engineer, 2003 – Present

• Conducted research concerning the design, manufacture, and testing

of industrial aerospace components, equipment, and systems.
• Successfully streamlined manufacturing process, resulting in a
savings of $1.7M in the fiscal year 2006.
• Served as chair of New Energy Resource committee, reporting directly
to company CEO.

JLG Industries, Detroit, MI

Junior Industrial Engineer, 1997 - 2003

• Lead assistant to the head of Industrial Engineering Department.

• Introduced several key streamlining procedures.
• Promoted to the supervisor of department.


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

B.S., Industrial Engineering, 1997

Now write down the missing information.

Some of missing information is William´s Marital Status, his age and skills apart
from the needed to being hired by the company.

Write down five questions you would ask William Lott.

1. How old are you?

2. How much do you expect will be your payment?
3. How much people live in your household?
4. What is the relationship of this people with you?
5. What value do you expect to add to the company?

Pre-reading activity.
Discuss with your classmates the following questions.
1. Is it important to be prepared for a job interview?
2. What kind of clothes should you wear for a job interview?
3. Should you show interest in the job?


What is a job interview? Well, generally, it is what follows after you have sent
your CV to a prospective employer, and the people who are offering the job
want to know more about you. Future employers now want to meet you in
person and see what you look like, discuss your qualifications, and so on.
There are several things you have to be very careful about: for example, the
way you dress for that first meeting. If you are a boy, it is better to wear
formal clothes – a shirt is preferable to a T-shirt – and it may be appropriate
to wear a jacket or blazer. Make sure your hair is tidy, and your hands are
very clean. If you are a girl, it is more appropriate not to wear a mini-skirt
and not too much make-up! Another important point is punctuality. Make
sure you arrive on time. Never be late! They may think you are not very
reliable. When you are in the actual interview, answer the questions clearly
and directly, and, if there is something you do not understand, ask them to
repeat the question instead of giving the wrong answer. Show that you are
interested in the job, but do not be overanxious.
Relax, do your best and good luck!
(Track 02)

According to the text above, answer in SPANISH the following


1. How should you dress for a job interview?

If you are a boy? Es mejor que vistas ropa formal, es mejor una camisa a una
franela, y es mas apropiado vestir ademas con una chaqueta o un traje. Ademas
asegurarte que tu cabello este peinado y tus manos limpias.
If you are a girl? Es mas apropiado no vestir una mini falda y no usar demasiado

2. Is it good to arrive very early for the interview?

Es muy Bueno llegar temprano a una entrevista de trabajo ya que los
empleadores te verán como mas confiable y dedicado.
3. When should you ask for the question to be repeated?
Si hay algo que no entiendes es major pedirle a los empleadores que repitan
la pregunta en vez de das alguna respuesta erronea.

Read the following interview and fill in the blanks with the missing words
given below:

candidate / skills / good / enjoy / solutions / activities / follow-up /

multi-tasking / sociable / qualifications / satisfied / CV / free /
contact / problem

A: Mr. Thomas? Welcome to customers first! Very nice to meet you.

B: Good to meet you too, Mrs. Brightman.
A: Did you have any problems finding us?
B: Not at all. Your directions were fine.
A: Good. So, let’s get started and talk about the customer care manager job. I
can see from your CV [1] that you’ve got excellent Qualifications [2] and a very
good background in customer care. First, why did you decide to work in
customer service?
B: Well, I really like direct Contact [3] with people. I think I’m Good [4] at dealing
with all kinds of situations with customers.
A. So, what qualities and Skills [5] could you bring to customer care?
B: Well, I like talking to people; I’m really Sociable [6]. Also, I can organize and
manage teams well.
A: OK. Do you like dealing with staff and customers?
B: Oh, yes. I like working with other people. And I’m a good Problem [7] solver.
I like finding creative Solutions [8].
A: This job needs someone who can do more than one thing at the same time.
Is that something you can do?
A: Of course. I’m very comfortable with Multi-tasking [9].
B: And are you good at customer Follow up [10]?
A: Definitely. I always do my best to make sure the customer is Satisfied [11]
B: That’s exactly the kind of person we need for this job. So, what do you do in
your Free [12] time?
A: I Enjoy [13] playing tennis and going to classical music concerts.
B: Really? I like tennis and classical music too.
A: Well, we all need lots of Activities [14] outside work if we want to have a good
work-life balance.
B: Yes, I think so too. Well, Mr. Thomas, I think you are an excellent Candidate
[15] for the position. As you know, there are several other...

Write your details in the CV template below.

Name: Francisco Villasmil

Address: Villa Florida urbanization, ULA university Avenue
San Cristobal , Tachira
Telephone: 04149787678
Email address:
Date of birth: July, 24th, 1999.
Home country: Venezuela
Work experience
• Work from home, doing online tasks

Education and training

• Graduated from Don Bosco High school
• Studying in the UNET
• Web Design Development Course
Languages: English And Spanish

Now exchange your CV with another person for he/she to read over; then
ask each other the following questions:
• What’s your name?
• Where are you from?
• When were you born?
• Where do you live?
• What’s your phone number and email address?
• What jobs have you had?
• What computer skills do you have?
• What languages can you speak?
• What other skills do you have?

Match these words or phrases to the correct definitions:

1. Job posting ___2_ to request something officially

2. Apply __6__ a meeting between a job candidate and

an employer.
3. Degree ___1_ a posted description of an available job

4. Experience 5 educational accomplishment

5. Education __4__ knowledge or skill achieved over time

6. Interview ___3_ a qualification for completing university

7. Candidate __10__ a person who is the boss at a company

8. Administrative assistant ___7_ a person who is being interviewed for a

9. Resume (CV) ___8_ a person who helps run an office

10. President __9__ a list of personal employment history

and qualifications


Forms of the past simple

We form the sentences We form the negative We form questions with
with the past simple of sentences with didn’t did + the infinitive of the
the verb. (did not) + the infinitive verb without to.
verb without “to.”

Ana arrived on time Peter didn’t like the Did Sara lose her keys?

A. These verbs are regular. Write them in the past simple, paying
attention to the spelling.

Live lived Stop Stopped Represent Represented

Pass Passed Move Moved Train Trained
Need Needed Ask Asked Help Helped
Work Worked Attend Attended Want Wanted
Plan Planned Study Studied Visit Visited

B. Complete this list of irregular verbs.

Present Past simple Present Past simple

Am Was Go Went

Is Was Has / Have Had

Are Were Leave left

Become Became Make Made

Begin Began Say Said

Come Came See Saw

Do / Does Did Take Took

Get Got Think Thought

C. Read this text. Then fill in the blanks with the correct form of the past
simple of the verbs. Use verbs from part B.

What do you do if you have a castle on the west coast of France and no money
to maintain it?

Madame de la Sabliére Was (1) not short of ideas. In

2004 She Began (2) on a management course, Got (3) a
bank loan and Went (4) to Paris to find a top chef. When
she Became (5) her business, many people Thought (6)
she Was (7) crazy. They Did 8) not believe that she would
be successful. But by 2014, her hotel and restaurant
Made 9) a turnover of 12 million euros.


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