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Lesson plan n° 4

Alumnos: Ivana Ayul – Matias Secul


Hora: 10:40 a 11:30

Curso: 4° F

Profesor a cargo: Victor Petix

Topic: Do you have? /Yes, I do – No, I don’t



 Stimulate and encourage creativity and imagination in students through teaching practices
that keep their interest and arouse their curiosity.


 To introduce the structure. Do you have? Yes, I do / No, I don´t.

 to review vocabulary (animals and animal’s body parts)

 to review the structures have/don’t have


 Students will develop the use of structures such as “do you have?”.
 Students can apply the new structures in new communicative contexts

 Learners will develop writing skills through a personalized writing activity based on an
element from their own lives.


 Context

- From everyday life and school: me and my pet

- From school contents: Living beings

 Tasks

- Read different types of texts with specific purposes

- Multiple choice activity

- Share written productions with others

 Language practices

- Greet

- Offer and request information

- Give and receive instructions

 Linguistic exponents

 Do you have a horse/dog? No, I don’t

 Do you have a cat? Yes, I do
 It is small
 It has whiskers
 Do you have a tail/whiskers/wings/long ears? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
 Do you remember animals?


 Greetings
 Numbers
 It is
 Colours
 A- an
 Personal pronouns (I, He She, It)
 Animals


- Blackboard, photocopies, flashcards, book


 Preparation

We salute the children and we ask them if they remember the last topic that was seen in class. ( the
use of have/has). As it is usual in our classes we put Frank and Emma on the board, and they have a

Frank: Emma, I don´t remember. Do you have a horse?

Emma: No! I don´t have a horse. My pet is small

Frank: Do you have a frog?

Emma: No, I don’t. A frog is not a pet!

Frank: Do you have a dog?

Emma: No, I don’t. My pet has whiskers.

Frank: Do you have a cat?

Emma: Yes, I do!

We read aloud the structure, thus, we focus on the structures Do you have…..?.

 Core task:

Taking into account that students acknowledge the animal body parts and the structures “Do you
have?” with their answers “Yes, I do/No I don’t” we will ask one student to come to the front and
give him/ her a picture of an animal to represent. So, the rest of the class will have to ask questions
with “do you have…?” For instance, a student comes to the front and we give him a picture of a
lion. And the rest of the class will have to ask questions such as “Do you have a tail?” Yes, I do.”
“Do you have wings?” No, I don’t” ”Do you have ears?” Yes, I do” and so on. In order to make the
task a bit easier we will provide some help when necessary such as “The animal is big” or “the
animal is not a pet” and also they will have the flashcards of the animal’s body parts in the
blackboard as a guide. This will be repeated several times for the students to develop the correct use
of these structures.

 Follow up:

To end, we ask to the students to open the book on page 41 and do the exercise number 3. In
order to complete the activity pupils will answer the questions. To do this, the answers must be
based on their own lives.


 Active participation in the class and appropriate resolution of the proposed


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