Innkeepers Guild

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Innkeeper’s Guild 1

Guild of
Innkeeper’s and
This document is part of the “Hârn-Guild-Team”-project (HGT), initiated and coordinated by
the European Hârn Guild (EHG). The goal of the HGT is to elaborate all the guilds and
societies forming the Hârnic Mangai. If you have any comments regarding this document,
please send me an email to:
Badge of the
Innkeeper’s Guild
Dennis Dutton.

Before the Migration wars, inns and taverns, as we know them, did not exist. There were very
few travelers and ordinary citizens provided for their needs. The onslaught of armies being
moved from place to place overwhelmed the ability of locals and the hospitality-for-pay
industry was born. At first, this took the form of cookhouses to serve prepared meals, alehouses
to provide drinks and hostels to provide lodging.
The establishment of fixed trade routes and fortified towns created a steady hospitality trade and
a need for secure hospitality in remote locations. The cookhouses, alehouses and hostels, in
these remote locations, combined and fortified themselves to create the inns and taverns that we
know today. The convenience of combined hospitality services encouraged their establishment
in civilized rural and urban areas as well.

Monopolies and Privileges


Version .1 - 07/18/2002
 2002 by N. Robin Crossby and Dennis Dutton
Innkeeper’s Guild 2
Ranks within the
Ranks Innkeeper’s Guild:
• Apprentice
Apprentices • Journeyman
“Gaining admission to this guild as an apprentice is relatively easy compared to most other • Master
guilds. Large inns and taverns require lots of staff, and most masters will take on up to six • Guildmaster
apprentices to secure this labor supply.” (Hârnlore)
Just like in a large household, running an inn or tavern requires a varied work force, including
cooks, scullery maids, alewives, laundry maids and various cleaners and servers. Smaller
establishments have one person fulfilling many roles. Larger establishments have many people
fulfilling the same role. With few exceptions, these people only earn an apprentice’s wage:
room and board, an occasional pittance of money from a benevolent innkeeper and tips for extra
services to customers.
Apprenticeship is a contract between a clan and a guild master that is witnessed by the guild
syndic, the town aldermen or a member of the nobility. Along with the written contract, the
apprentice takes a solemn oath to work hard at the lessons and never divulge guild secrets. In
the case of the Innkeeper’s Guild, apprenticeship is usually for four years and guild secrets
consist mostly of brewing techniques and food recipes. However, just like the mercantylers
achieving power through their wealth, innkeepers achieve much power through bartering
information obtained from grateful or intoxicated guests. It is widely accepted but never stated,
that the apprentice should keep these secrets within the guild as well.

To become a journeyman, the apprentice must complete the time stated in the contract and be
tested before guild officials. [In game terms, the apprentice is tested in each of the innkeeper
skills. If any of the tests fail, the apprentice must re-test a year later.] At any time during the
apprenticeship, the clan can complain to the guild that the apprentice is being ill-treated or is not
receiving the proper training. If the guild agrees with the complaint, the apprentice is given to
another master and the previous master is fined. This is one of the situations where it is good to
be from a large and powerful clan.

Unguilded Craftsmen
Guild Members as Player Characters
A Player Character should start as a just appointed Journeyman with the following occupational
Rules in Use Occupational Skills
Hârn Master 1 Edition Brewing/4, Cookery/3, Rhetoric/4, Intrigue/4,
2nd Language
Hârn Master 2nd Edition Brewing/4, Cookery/4, Rhetoric/4, Intrigue/4,
(HM Core Rules) 2nd Language, Script
Hârn Master 2nd Edition Brewing 1/3, Cookery 3/4, Rhetoric 4/5,
(HM Gold Player Edition) Intrigue 4/5, 2nd Language, Script

Version .1 - 07/18/2002
 2002 by N. Robin Crossby and Dennis Dutton
Innkeeper’s Guild 3

Known Guild Masters
The following table contains information on the known Guild Masters from Hârnworld
publications. The guildmaster is usually the innkeeper that is most skilled or most pouplar.
Each guildmaster also represents the innkeepers from the surrounding villages.
Location Name Size Quality Prices
Azadmere / Azadmere Golden Wheel (Clan Roin) 34 **** high
Habe / Azadmere Esig’s Hammer (Clan Tynnan) 6 **** high
Zerhun / Azadmere Lock and Lantern (Clan Pythaen) 10 **** high
Burzyn / Chybisa Blue Horse (Evin of Tremclas) 11 **** high
Geda / Chybisa Daybridge Inn (Mordes of Starin) 4 *** average
Elshavel / Evael Golden Vessel (Cyth and Ereth) 10 ***** v. high +
Ulfshafen / Evael Duilinpen: River Song (Bavienlas) 9 ***** v. high +
Kiban / Kaldor Silver Way Inn (Illion of Bydarf) 8 **** high
Olokand / Kaldor Standing Bear (Haselun of Elathel) 10 **** high
Qualdris / Kaldor Pig and Whistle (Haeri of Ghuelph) 9 ***** high
Tashal / Kaldor Iron Bell (Rosak of Kass) 4 ***** high
Aleath / Kanday Five Pennies (Pethis of Ajarsen) 6 ***** high +
Sarkum / Kanday Red Cockerel (Samel of Sorlin) 12 **** average
Cherafir / Melderyn Stile (Raeda of Wethasil) 12 **** high
Chyrefal / Melderyn Red Bell (Barl of Dysen) 11 **** high
Gythrun / Melderyn Tollbridge Inn (Bryan of Thursby) 6 **** average
Harden / Melderyn Bear’s Claw (Hovarth of Thuroh) 6 **** high
Nurisel / Melderyn Wheel & Bobbin (Kalvin of Hamare) 5 **** high
Thay / Melderyn Sybil Inn (Derene of Aelin) 7 **** high
Arathel / Orbaal Drunken Hake (Liam of Plearat) 8 **** high
Geldeheim / Orbaal Boot (Selbraal) 8 *** average
Leriel / Orbaal Vavryl Jig (Tanye of Armys) 7 **** high
Lorkin / Orbaal Spawn’s Hallow (Fynre Gelemaar) 7 *** average
Marby / Orbaal Beaver Dam (Sythal of Caplear) 8 *** average
Pled / Orbaal Tomcat (Ranald of Swainy) 8 *** average
Quimen / Orbaal Inn of the Valley (Gyle Tymme) 4 *** average
Sherwyn / Orbaal Green Bowl (Hanuss of Theel) 6 *** average
Golotha / Rethem Bridgetower Inn (Orsa of Parda) 9 **** high
Hyen / Rethem Bloody Hook (Vardrin of Sauras) 7 **** average
Ithiko / Rethem Vulgar Stallion (Usen of Iratde) 7 *** low
Shostim / Rethem Buck’s Head (Odo of Bayen) 7 **** high
Tormau / Rethem White Stoat (Jamys of Abrant) 6 **** high
Coranan / Tharda Scroll and Quill (Goris of Quinda) 3 **** high
Geshtei / Tharda Castleroad Inn (Yolain of Remar) 9 **** average
Moleryn / Tharda Blue Swan (Frant of Theran) 5 *** average
Shiran / Tharda Green Wyvern (Orsin of Nemirina) 6 **** high +
Telen / Tharda Falling Donkey (Brovin of Garin) 16 ***** high

Version .1 - 07/18/2002
 2002 by N. Robin Crossby and Dennis Dutton
Innkeeper’s Guild 4

Guild Politics u Siem

Franchising Political
Connections to the Mangai Influence

Connections to Other Guilds

E Courtesans Guild
H College of Harpers

T Ostlers’ Guild
Other Guilds
Connections to Churches/Clerical Orders

a Agrik
e Halea
i Ilvir
k Larani
m Morgath
n Naveh
b Peoni
r Sarajin
s Save-K’nor
Version .1 - 07/18/2002
 2002 by N. Robin Crossby and Dennis Dutton
Innkeeper’s Guild 5

Service/Product Comment Price

Wages Day Month Year
Apprentice Innkeeper Room and Board only
Journeyman Innkeeper 0.75d 20d 240d
(bonded) Master Innkeeper 2.50d 60d 720d
Apprentice Cook (pot boy) Room and Board only
Journeyman Cook (scullery maid / barmaid) 0.25d 10d 120d
(master) Cook 1.25d 30d
Apprentice Servant (cleaning staff) Room and Board only
Journeyman Servant (laundry maid) 0.25d 8d 96d
(master) Servant (butler) 1.00d 24d 288d
* All wages include food and lodging at the level of the inn.

Famous Innkeepers
Craftsmanship and Knowledge
Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spices, Stimulants, and Intoxicants by Wolfgang
Schivelbusch ISBN 0-679-74438-X
Growing up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History by Barbara Hanawalt
ISBN 0-19-509384-4

Version .1 - 07/18/2002
 2002 by N. Robin Crossby and Dennis Dutton

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