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Date: Facilitator:

8.02 Dawes Act

Total Points: 58

Part 1: Clashes Between the US Government and Native

American Tribes
Complete the chart below. For each event, write a 1-3 sentence description of what
occurred, where and when it happened, and what groups were involved (be specific and
indicate the tribes). If there is something significant about the aftermath of the event, list it
as well.

Event Description
Sand Creek It involved the Cheyenne tribes, they believed they were protecting the US.
Massacre They returned to Sand Creek for winter. The US did a sneak attack and
killed 150.
Battle of the Occurred in Dec 1866. There was a warrior called crazy horse which
Hundred Slain / ambushed Capt. William Fetterman and ended up killing 80 of his troops.
Fetterman Massacre This battle has two names battle of the hundred slain or Fetterman
Treaty of Fort After the attack on Fetterman, the US closed the trail. The Sioux lived on
Laramie reservation and did not sign the treaty because they felt forced.
Red River War n 1868 the tribes of Kiowa and Comanche started raiding the white
settlements. The US general gave orders to destroy the villages and to hang
Battle of Little n 1876 the Sioux and Cheyanne held a sun dance. When the US troops
Bighorn reached the little big horn river the natives were ready for them. It got it's
because the troops and him were killed
Battle of Wounded Dec 29,1890 the army demanded that the Sioux give up all their weapons.
Knee The chief was hit during the Custer. This was marked as the showdown
between the natives and the US army

Part 2: Assimilation and the Dawes Act

1. What is assimilation? Describe the governmental policy of forced assimilation policies
and practices for Native Americans.
Write your response below:

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2. In a paragraph of at least 5 complete sentences, answer the following questions about the
Dawes Act:
• What was the Dawes Act?
• When was it passed / enacted?
• What groups did it effect?
• What was its purpose?
• What were the key provisions?
Write your response below:

3. How did Native Americans react to the passage of the Dawes Act? Was the Dawes Act
successful? Why or why not?
Write your response below:

4. If you had the opportunity to revise the Dawes Act, what modifications would you
suggest to make the act more successful?
Write your response below:

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