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5.01 Industrial Revolution in America

Total Points: 35
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Compare and contrast the Northern and Southern economic systems during this time
period. What kind of industries were found in the North? What kind were found in the
South? How did each evolve?
Write your response below:
The Northern economy resulted in opposition to slavery grow. In the Southern economy
favored slavery. Industries found in the North were farming, industries found in the South
were plantations and cotton fields. They each evolved by creating a base for the states.

2. What economic changes did the Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812 bring about?
Write your response below:

It ended up increasing the hostilities that already existed between America and Britain.

3. Who was Samuel Slater? Why was he important to the American Industrial Revolution?
Write your response below:
Samuel Slater introduced the first water-powered cotton mill to the United States. This
creation later advanced the textile industry.

4. What was the Waltham-Lowell system?

Write your response below:
the Waltham-Lowell system pioneered the use of a vertically integrated system.

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5. Describe the ‘mill girls’ of Lowell. Who were they? Where did they come from and what
were their jobs? What kinds of the lives did they lead?
Write your response below:
The Lowell mill girls were young female workers who came to work in textile mills in
Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States.

6. Describe how inventions created during the early 1800s impacted the Civil War. Who
invented them?
Write your response below:
inventors and military men created new types of weapons, such as the repeating rifle and
the submarine, that changed the way that wars were fought.

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