08-01 Task1

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Name: School:

Date: Facilitator:

8.01 Manifest Destiny

Total Points: 40

Part 1: Defining Ideals

Answer the following in complete sentences.
1. Define Manifest Destiny. What were the beliefs it was based upon?
Write your response below:
The plains were opened and allowed the cattle to flourish. The ranchers were able to
ship the cattle to Chicago and the other markets in the Eastern United States. The
invention of the barbed wire led to the end of the long cattle drives and the

Part 2: Analysis
Manifest Destiny had a major impact on the United States throughout the second half of
the 19th century. During this time period, the US became a much more industrialized
nation, in part due to the influence and ideals of Manifest Destiny. For each of the topics
listed below, describe how the idea of Manifest Destiny had an impact on its development.
Your responses should be 3-5 complete sentences each.
2. How did Manifest Destiny affect the mining industry, especially gold mining? Who were
the miners? What were mining towns like?
Write your response below:
It allowed for more to go West to get the gold in that area. Most of the camps were
made from makeshift tents and shacks. These miners consisted of Polish, Irish, German
, Chinese , and African - American men to get the gold they wanted

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3. How did Manifest Destiny affect the cattle industry? How did ranchers get their cattle to
market? What technological developments led to the end of long cattle drives on the open
range? What was the role of the cowboy during this time?
Write your response below:

The plains were opened and allowed the cattle to flourish. The ranchers were able to
ship the cattle to Chicago and the other markets in the Eastern United States. The
invention of the barbed wire led to the end of the long cattle drives and the
Overgrazing of land and unpredictable weather. The cowboys helped to drive the cattle
herd them together.

Write your response below:

This affected the railroad industry by making it easier to travel from the Atlantic to
Pacific coasts. The Central and Union Pacific Railroad were hied to build this railroad.
It allowed industries like mining and ranching to ship their goods to other parts of the
states and the people would receive a good payment unlike before these inventions

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