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7.03 Reconstruction Reporter

Total Points: 50

Part 1: Major Themes and Roles

Identify the major themes and discover the role that each played in the Reconstructed
South. Write your answers in complete sentences.

Elements Answers
1. Identify the changes Reconstruction Acts established military rule over Southern
faced by Southerners states until new governments could be formed. They also
due to the First limited some former Confederate officials' and military
Reconstruction Act. officers' rights to vote and to run for public office.
2. What type of new rights in the years following the war. It helped freedmen establish
and opportunities did schools, purchase land, locate family members, and legalize
freedmen have after the marriages
Civil War?
3. Identify scalawags and Carpetbagger referred to Republicans who had recently
carpetbaggers. migrated from the North; scalawag referred to southern-born
4. Identify the Ku Klux The Ku Klux Klan is a domestic terrorist organization founded
Klan and its purpose. shortly after the United States Civil War ended. It has used
intimidation, violence, and murder to maintain white
supremacy in Southern government and social life.
5. Identify black codes and restricted black people's right to own property, conduct
their purpose in the business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public
Reconstructed South. spaces.

Part 2: Investigative Journalist

For the next part of this activity, you will take on the role of an investigative reporter for a
large northern newspaper. Your assignment is to visit the South and write a story about
Reconstruction. Research the Reconstruction time period using the information from Part
I and the resources linked on the Task page.
Your news article should focus on one of the following topics or areas of interest:

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 Southern reaction to government orders (including amendments to the Constitution).
 New experiences of freedom by freedmen
 Southern laws and practices designed to circumvent federal laws.
 The role northerners are playing the New South.
Write a two-paragraph article explaining the complicated conditions in the South to Northern
readers. Remember that journalistic standards require interviewing a variety of sources and
creating an interesting headline.
Write your article below:

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