Passive House (Sustainable Building) - Issue 46

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Architect turns childhood home
into client’s passive house

Monaghan gets passive
retrofit route to low bills
Issue 46 €6.95

Much ado about nothing A Robin Hood energy policy 46 C outside, cool inside
Is zero carbon construction Give to the frugal, take from Seville hotel beats the heat
even possible? the profligate with passive retrofit




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editor’s letter ISSUE 46

f 2023 was an annus horribilis for it’s hard to escape the feeling that the kind
Jeff Colley
the planet, then December was the of radical action that the world needs will finis horribilis. not stem from this agreement. We may
While negotiators were attempting to already have reached the point where 1.5 C
broker a deal to limit warming to 1.5 C is no longer attainable.
John Hearne above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) at This is not to throw in the towel or wallow COP28 in Dubai, EU scientists confirmed in despair. The risk of reaching climate
that 2023 would be the warmest year on tipping points notwithstanding, we must
Reporter record, based on the global mean tempera- beware of conceiving of our lot in simplistic
Kate de Selincourt ture for the first 11 months of the year. But binary terms of doom or salvation. The fact how high was that temperature compared is that every fraction of a degree of warming
to 1850-1900 levels? 1.46 C. that we can prevent is worth fighting for.
Reporter Think about this for a second. At a time The power to stop a bad situation from
John Cradden when global emissions from fossil fuel use getting worse – or limiting how much worse continue to increase – effectively pouring it gets – is still within reach.
a hydrocarbon on a fire – the only thing True, the enormousness of the challenge
Reader Response / IT that kept the world below the 1.5 C limit facing humanity can be overwhelming. But
Dudley Colley in 2023 was the fact that we go two places there are signs of hope. Land use emissions past the decimal point. are falling, albeit modestly. And fossil
Of course, it should be said that this is fuel-related emissions are falling in some
Accounts just one year, and these are preliminary regions, including Europe and the USA.
Oisin Hart estimates. If we are to look for crumbs of With the developed world, the clue is in the comfort, we may find them in the hope name. Profligate, uneven and environmen-
that some climate scientists cling to – that tally destructive though our development
Art Director an enormous sudden drop in emissions may have been, we do not need to create
Lauren Colley may keep 1.5 C within reach. But step the systems required to give most people a back and look dispassionately at the reasonable standard of living. Rather, we
situation. COP28 was held in a petrostate, need to radically adapt how we think and
Design presided over by Sultan Al Jaber. This is a act to reduce our impacts on the planet.
Aoife O’Hara man whose day job is chief executive of the For my part, as we head into a new year I | United Arab Emirates’ state oil company, will take inspiration in the stories we have
ADNOC. “There is no science out there the privilege of telling in Passive House Plus:
Lenny Antonelli journalist
that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel stories of people making profound improve-
John Butler Passivhaus Consultant is what’s going to achieve 1.5 C,” Al Jaber ments to the places where ordinary men,
Toby Cambray Greengauge Building said in the run up to the event, adding that women and children live, work and play,
Energy Consultants
Juan Manuel Castaño Castaño &
phasing out fossil-fuels would not allow and in so doing prove that we do not need to
Asociados Passivhaus sustainable development “unless you want keep destroying the conditions that sustain
Pat Crean Marlet Property Group to take the world back into caves.” us in our attempts to improve our lives.
Marc Ó Riain doctor of architecture
Mel Reynolds architect
In that context, you might consider it
Andrew Simmonds Simmonds.Mills Architects a blessing that COP28 led to any kind of
María Vico Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus agreement at all that even green politicians Regards,
Jason Walsh journalist
felt they could sell to their electorates, but The editor
GPS Colour Graphics | +44 (0) 28 9070 2020

Leeward passive house, Cork.
Photo by John Morehead

Publisher’s circulation statement: 7,000 copies of Passive

House Plus (Irish edition) are printed and distributed to the
leading figures involved in sustainable building in Ireland
including architects; consulting; m&e and building services
engineers; developers; builders; energy auditors; renewable
energy companies; environmental consultants; county, city
Official partner magazine of:
and town councillors; key local authority personnel; and to The Irish Green Building Council
newsagents nationwide via Easons. The Passive House Association of Ireland
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Passive House Plus The International Passive House Association
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the publishers.

ph+ | editor’s letter | 3



10 26 36


In the face of an affordability crisis, first time
Shortlisted for the Stirling Prize in 2003, BedZed
buyers of new homes are being offered a was a prominent example of architecture starting
cocktail of incentives to help them get on the to pay attention to sustainability. But how well
property ladder, including the government’s did it work? In the latest part of his series on the
Help to Buy and First Home schemes. Mel history of low energy architecture, Dr Marc O’Riain
Reynolds asks: are these the solution to the looks back at a landmark project.
affordability crisis?
10 Bungalow bills
The first passive house certified hotel in Monaghan retrofit takes passive route to
Seville’s historic centre defies the challenges
26 low costs and high comfort
posed by its hot climate, small size, and What does it feel like to suffer the cold, mould and
preservation requirements, showcasing discomfort of a 1960s bungalow, and experience
innovative strategies to mitigate heat and its rebirth as a passive house? The owner of one
maximize energy efficiency. award-winning project spills the beans.

NEWS Home from home

18 36 Architect turns childhood home into client’s
Proposals for zero emission buildings and passive house
renovation overhaul agreed in recast EPBD; Few architects are tasked with knocking their old
new guidance document previewed for family home, but for John Morehead, once this
planners to cut carbon emissions; green difficult decision was made, it was a chance to
finance products for sustainable homes must create a future-proofed new passive house that
meet new EU rules; and SEAI says Ireland is embraces its stunning natural surroundings and
failing to stay within carbon budgets. exhibits remarkable attention to detail.

4 | | issue 46

46 56 70

Handled with care

46 Exeter extra care scheme goes passive
to protect the elderly
If thermal comfort is important for people of Carbon first, fabric second
all ages, it’s even more so for elderly people, 70 How to decarbonise the UK’s housing stock
for whom the right living conditions can be Rapidly decarbonising our cold, leaky dwellings
a matter of life or death. Passive House Plus is the greatest challenge facing the building
visited one award-winning extra care facility in industry, one fraught with complexity and risk.
Exeter to learn how the decision to go passive Given that the UK faces similar challenges
was working out for the residents. to Ireland – in a similar climate, with similar
housing stock – what can we learn from British
Play to win efforts to meet this challenge? Leading UK
Creative play café brings passive benefits green building association the AECB has put
56 for Bristol families forward a proposal that could help to chart a
A site with a dilapidated building in Bristol has new course through these choppy waters.
been transformed into a crucial social space by
a husband and wife team of environmentally- MARKETPLACE
and socially-engaged architects, aided by a 74
polymath sustainability consultant. Keep up with the latest developments from
some of the leading companies in sustainable
building, including new product innovations,
project updates and more.
Much ado about nothing
66 Is zero carbon construction actually possible? A new energy policy: give to the frugal,
As the world edges ever closer to the precipice 78 take from the profligate
of runaway climate change, some sustainability Should we look to Robin Hood to help
terms have moved from relative obscurity transform energy use in buildings? New
towards the mainstream of marketing and proposed reforms to how energy is priced could
public discourse – and none more so than zero hold the key to discouraging excessive energy
carbon. But is zero carbon construction a real use, stimulating retrofit and driving down
prospect, or is it just wishful thinking? carbon emissions, argues Toby Cambray.

contents || 55
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6 | | issue 46

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Is shared equity
a bridge too far?
In the face of an affordability crisis, first time buyers of new homes are being offered a
cocktail of incentives to help them get on the property ladder, including the government’s
Help to Buy and First Home schemes. Mel Reynolds asks: are these the solution to the
affordability crisis?

What do the schemes offer? online for homes for sale in Co Dublin for over the term, equivalent to a 9.15 per cent
The Help to Buy scheme (HTBS) allows €325,000 or less, so there is plenty of choice. thirty-year mortgage. If buyers pay off the
up to a €30,000 lump sum tax rebate to be equity share within the first five years, no
claimed by qualifying purchasers. There is Case study B: new home service charges apply. But if prices increase
no salary cap and mortgages must be a min- The couple are tempted by the incentives sharply in this period, the costs increase. If
imum of 70 per cent of the property value. on offer for new homes. In addition to their price inflation averages +8 per cent per year
To date, 42,000 buyers have availed of this maximum mortgage of €280,000 and de- in the first five years, the FHS total due in
measure. posit of €40,000, they qualify for €20,000 year five is the equivalent of a whopping
The First Home scheme (FHS) allows under the HTBS, less than the maximum. 16.3 per cent five-year loan.
buyers to ‘bridge the affordability gap’ with They also qualify for 15 per cent of the pur-
the state owning up to a 30 per cent ‘eq- chase price under the FHS, a €60,000 equity Buy new or second-hand?
uity share’ in a new home, reduced to 20 share. Their purchasing power increases by The shared equity scheme sounds great, but
per cent if the purchasers are also availing €80,000 and they can now buy a new home you need to look at the fine print: it may
of the HTBS. There are a range of price for up to €400,000. cost more in the short term when the mar-
caps depending on location, ranging from But their choice is limited: In October ket rises. The examples above suggest that if
€325,000 in less expensive counties to 2023 there were just five new schemes in Co prices increase even marginally above infla-
€500,000 for apartments in Cork City and Dublin advertised with prices of €400k or tion over a long period, the cost for a first-
Co Dublin. A minimum 10 per cent deposit less so it’s likely that their new home will be time buyer of a new home with the aid of
is required along with a maximum mortgage in the commuter belt. incentives versus a cheaper second-hand one
of four times one’s income. Since 2018, could be €176,000.
€590 million has been lent out under this Costs Government requests for repayment
scheme to 3,580 households. With new home prices rising by 11 per cent down the line may result in owners being
In the sixth year of ownership under the per year the incentives may look compel- forced to refinance close to retirement age,
FHS, if buyers haven’t fully paid off their eq- ling, but the devil is in the detail. There or in selling to pay-off the equity share.
uity share, a service charge will begin to ac- are two main components to the costs of Incentives that seem enticing now may
crue, starting at 1.75 per cent and stepping buying a new-build: the mortgage and the end up costing thousands more in a few
up to 2.85 per cent for year thirty. Owners ‘equity share’. years. My advice is to think carefully and do
can buy out all or part of the equity share your homework - look before you leap. n
at any time. The full amount must be re- • The mortgage is straightforward. With an
deemed under several conditions, such as if interest rate of 4.5 per cent, a thirty-year
the property is sold or rented out. €280,000 mortgage will have monthly
If prices continue to increase, what’s not to repayments of €1,419. After thirty years
like? The best way to examine this is to look this debt is paid off.
at a number of scenarios. • The shared equity is a bit more compli-
cated. The FHS isn’t a mortgage, and the
Case study A: second-hand home equity share goes up and down accord-
A Dublin-based couple have a joint income ing to market values. Service charges will
of €70,000 and a €40,000 deposit. They can be due along with the equity. If the debt
obtain the maximum mortgage and want to isn’t paid off early, service charges over
buy a second-hand home. They can’t avail of thirty years in this case will be €30,270. A fully referenced version of this article
either the HTBS or FHS as the house is sec- At a low level +2 per cent price inflation is online at
ond-hand. Their maximum purchase price per year, the equity amount increases to
will be €320,000. €108,630, and the total repayable will be
Mel Reynolds is a registered
With an interest rate of 4.5 per cent, a €138,900 – equivalent to a 6.65 per cent architect with more than 25 years of
thirty-year €280,000 mortgage will have thirty-year mortgage. experience in project management,
monthly repayments of €1,419. At the end conservation, urban design and
of the thirty years they’ll own their prop- But this could be a lot more. If price in- developer-led housing. He is also a
erty outright. At time of writing, there are flation is +3 per cent per year, then the FHS certified passive house designer.
more than seven hundred advertisements equity share plus fees increases to €175,900

8 | | issue 46


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With climate change leading to increasingly frequent and intense heatwaves across
much of the world, parts of southern Europe have suffered more than most. In the
historic Andalusian city of Seville, the mercury has been hitting 46 C. How do you
keep a building cool in those conditions without putting enormous strain on air
conditioning systems? One existing boutique hotel may have hit the answer – with a
passive retrofit.

by Juan Manuel Castaño and María Vico, Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus

1. Triana House boutique hotel:

a passive house icon in Andalusia

The first passive house certified hotel in Seville’s historic centre de-
fies the challenges posed by its hot climate, small size, and pres-
ervation requirements, showcasing innovative strategies to mitigate
heat and maximize energy efficiency. Through meticulous design
considerations, including strategies to minimize cooling demands,
Triana House boutique hotel achieves the passive house standard
while preserving its traditional Andalusian style.
Triana House proudly claims the title of being a trailblazing pio-
neer – the very first passive certified hotel in all of southern Spain.

10 | | issue 46

2. The original idea

Isabel, the driving force behind Triana gy efficiency. It was a sustainable endeavor erates, how it feels, and how it appears. It’s
House, already had another hotel in the where, beyond the use of natural materials, a story of dedication to eco-conscious prin-
same area and harboured an incredibly am- minimizing pollutant emissions and energy ciples while weaving an intricate tapestry of
bitious goal: to refurbish a newly acquired consumption was paramount. It represent- opulence and heritage. The essence of Triana
building in the Triana neighborhood, creat- ed an ecological commitment that artfully House transcends its physical form; it’s a vi-
ing a hotel that would not only set industry melded sustainable features with luxury and sual symphony, a testament to sustainable
standards but also deliver utmost comfort to tradition. The true allure of Triana House hospitality, and an embodiment of beauty
its guests, coupled with unparalleled ener- lies not just in what it is, but in how it op- that extends far beyond what the eye can see.

3. Hotel layout overview

At 291 m 2 in surface area, the hotel encompasses a basement,

ground floor, two additional floors, and a total of seven guest
rooms. Notably, the hotel only has a single facade facing the street,
which lies to the east, complemented by a traditional Andalusian
interior patio. The layout includes a kitchen and plant room situ-
ated in the basement, with the reception area and two guest rooms
on the ground floor, three rooms on the first floor, and two pent-
houses on the second floor.
From the outset, this ambitious architectural undertaking had
a formidable team of multidisciplinary experts: architect, passive
house designer, engineer, interior designers, and a construction
team with passive house tradesperson qualifications all came to-
gether to make this fantastic result possible.

ph+ | triana house big picture | 11


4. Enhancing thermal envelope efficiency

The street-facing facade, protected by heri- for the facades and 0.173 for the roof. This
tage regulations, posed a unique challenge. adjustment compensates for the building’s
External insulation, commonly used for shaded location and the thermal bridges
retrofits, couldn’t be installed. As a result, that had to be accepted due to the inability
insulation was primarily applied to the in- to install external insulation.
terior. Furthermore, in conjunction with Certified passive house wooden windows
interior insulation, the decision was made designed for warm climates (with a frame
to implement a 2 cm insulating mortar lay- U-value of 1.20) were installed. The glaz-
er on the exterior. ing features tripleglazing with a U-value of
The U-values and composition varied to 0.84 and a solar factor (g) of 0.31. The deci-
address thermal bridging, a necessary con- sion to use triple glazing was driven by the
cession due to the traditional typology and shading of the building’s openings, restric-
design of the building. tions on enlarging window openings due
Some of the envelope enclosure’s U-val- to heritage considerations, and the need to
ues on the facade are lower than typical for maintain a low solar factor to reduce cool-
this climate: the average U-values are 0.29 ing demand.

5. Hot climate, cool solutions

Triana House, though small with sub-
stantial internal heat loads, efficiently
meets cooling demands (15 kWh/m2yr)
using strategic passive design techniques.
The central patio provides natural
shade to every window, aided by a per-
manent awning during hot summers.
Managing solar radiation is key. Var-
ious exterior blinds, from traditional
to modern roller blinds in insulated
boxes, were used. The aforementioned
glass g-factor of 0.31 helps balance
cooling without increasing heating de-
mand too much.
To reduce internal heat gains, the me-
chanical room is placed outside the ther-
mal envelope.
The hotel has a fully automated instal-
lation, with smart building technology
including automatic external mobile
shading in the attic room, optimized
time automation on hot water recircula-
tion, and occupancy-based HVAC and
ventilation modes.
The building’s three heat recovery units
have three modes, considering an average
of 0.7 air changes per hour in the build-
ing in summer mechanical ventilation.
In addition to dissipating heat, it reduces
the indoor humidity.

12 | | issue 46 Photos: Triana House Boutique Hotel


ph+ | triana house big picture | 13


6. Airtightness challenges

The building’s airtightness posed a formidable challenge, giv-

en its compact size and the intricate web of installations, in-
cluding mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, domestic
hot water, and a cooling floor, all penetrating the envelope.
The structure was divided into two airtight sections: the base-
ment and the combined ground floor, first floor, and attic.
With access to all spaces from the exterior patio and a complex
network of utilities crisscrossing the envelope, achieving air-
tightness was no small feat.
Throughout construction, seven blower door tests were con-
ducted to assess various elements of the airtight envelope.
These tests encompassed the two independent sectors, instal-
lation shafts, twelve exterior doors, windows, and more. To
facilitate these tests, one-square metre openings were strate-
gically left between rooms within the sector, extending above
ground level until project completion. As the rooms were not
interconnected, access was provided through the gallery, a ne-
cessity for conducting the airtightness test.
In the end, the n50 result stood at an impressive 0.60 air
changes per hour at 50 Pa, marking the triumphant resolu-
tion of airtightness challenges in a structure that presented
a unique amalgamation of characteristics: open design to a
patio, modest proportions comparable to a family house, and
the complexities inherent to a hotel’s utility demands.
Triana House’s achievement in airtightness underscores its
commitment to both energy efficiency and guest comfort.

7. Mechanical ventilation:
blending novelty with tradition

The hotel features three passive house-certified mechan-

ical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) units that
provide filtered, clean, and conditioned air to: 1) the ho-
tel rooms, 2) the basement, and 3) the ground floor’s
entrance hall, reception area, and office.
The decision to install three units stemmed from the
hotel’s compact size, allowing for a distributed ventila-
tion system throughout the building. The passive house
certification required a balancing protocol for all heat
recovery units, encompassing three usage modes: mini-
mum, standard, and maximum.
The MVHR system ensures excellent indoor air quality
while operating quietly. A significant challenge was har-
monizing the novelty of such a system with the hotel’s
traditional design. For example, custom-designed air sup-
ply vents in the ventilation system blend seamlessly into
the room decor, featuring a traditional plaster finish that
complements the overall ambiance of the hotel’s rooms
and spaces. These vents can be seen on the ceiling in this
room’s photograph (left).

14 | | issue 46

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8. Climate control: heating and cooling

The hotel includes a combined heating According to PHPP calculations, heat- occupancy levels on different days – with
and cooling system composed of air ven- ing and cooling loads are 11 W/m 2, guests who may leave windows open and
tilation post-heating / cooling batteries, but this is predicated on the occupant not be conscious of how to manage the
one for each heat recovery unit and a radi- using the building as intended. But be- rooms, the loads were oversized to 68 W/
ant floor heating / cooling system. cause the hotel may face extremely high m 2 to cover all eventualities. The air-to-
This innovative solution ensures a com- temperatures, and may need to quickly water heat pump installed has a robust 17
fortable year-round interior environment adapt to a wide variety of situations and kW capacity.
with fully automated operation. Seville
experiences exceptionally hot summers
(with maximum temperatures reaching
46 C and mild winters, with minimum
temperatures occasionally dropping to
-5.5 C (averaging 10.9 C).
The cooling strategy includes a low ther-
mal inertia radiant floor system to capi-
talise on Seville’s relatively arid summer
climate. This underfloor system functions
for both heating and cooling, and not
only eliminates the need for in-room ma-
chinery like fan coils or splits, addressing
issues of ceiling height and noise, but also
offers guests rapid temperature control.
Operating at a refreshing 16 C, the cool-
ing floor yields an impressive 41 W/m 2
(with a total cooling floor power of 9 kW)
and boasts an EER of 3.6.
In tandem with this, three support water
coils for post-treatment of ventilation air
contribute approximately 2 kW each (to-
taling 6 kW) with an EER of 2.9. Initially,
the cooling floor system takes charge, only
engaging the water coils in the ventilation
system when the desired temperature is
yet to be reached. These three units, all
passive house certified with an 84 per cent
efficiency rating, work seamlessly to cool
or heat the ventilation air as required.
Room climate control goes the extra
mile, with automated adjustments in place
for vacant rooms or instances of doors or
windows left ajar for extended periods
(monitored through contact sensors).
And for guests, the power to fine-tune the
room’s temperature within a 3 C margin
rests at their fingertips, all masterfully or-
chestrated from the reception desk.

9. Renewable energy solutions in action

The hotel relies on a 17 kW air-to-water heat pump

for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water (DHW).
Additionally, nine solar panels on the rooftop harness
solar thermal energy to warm the water used for both
heating and DHW. In case of heightened demand, the
heat pump seamlessly kicks into action. Moreover, the
system features controlled hot water recirculation. A
pump circulates hot water through highly insulated
pipes a few times a day to minimise the time it takes
for hot water to reach appliances and thereby reduce
water wastage.

16 | | issue 46

10. Elevating comfort and sustainability

Staying at Triana House Boutique Ho- ity in every aspect. From the materials
tel offers an unparalleled experience in used in construction to the furnishings
terms of indoor air quality and comfort. and amenities, Triana House prioritizes
It is an eco-conscious establishment that eco-friendly options. You’ll find bed lin-
prioritizes the well-being of their guests ens and towels made from sustainable ma-
by meticulously controlling and filtering terials, locally sourced products, and high
ventilation to ensure a constant supply energy efficiency throughout the hotel in
of fresh and healthy air. The exceptional all its uses.
airtightness and sound insulation of pas- This dedication to environmental respon-
sive house structures create a tranquil and sibility not only enhances the guest experi-
temperature-stable environment, guaran- ence but also contributes to a greener future
teeing a peaceful night’s sleep and a com- for the planet. Staying at this hotel means
fortable stay. enjoying the highest standards of comfort
What sets this passive hotel apart is and well-being while minimizing your eco-
the owner’s commitment to sustainabil- logical footprint.

11. Passive house certification

The official passive house classic cer-

tification of this hotel is a triumphant
step towards sustainability and energy
conservation. It proudly champions
reduced energy consumption, slashing
operational costs and carbon emis-
sions. It champions unmatched indoor
comfort, ensuring guests experience a
space of pure serenity. Sustainability
lies at its core.
This commitment translates into sub-
stantial, long-term savings, amplifying
the hotel’s environmental responsibility
and attracting eco-conscious guests. It
stands as a beacon of change, a testa-
ment to a future where energy conser-
vation is not a choice but a necessity,
and where the comfort of guests and the
planet coexist harmoniously.

12. Sustainable hotel and

satisfied customers
Triana House Boutique Hotel seamlessly
blends sustainability with luxury, redefining
the concept of hospitality in a historic city.
With a meticulous focus on energy effi-
ciency and environmental consciousness,
this architectural gem effortlessly combats
Seville’s sweltering summers and ensures a
cozy winter refuge. Harnessing clean en-
ergy via air source heat pumps and solar
panels for hot water and heating genera-
tion, it’s a beacon of sustainability.
This hotel is efficient, comfortable,
healthy, and environmentally committed,
reducing 30 tons of CO2 emissions annu-
ally, equivalent to planting 3,000 trees SELECTED PROJECT DETAILS
each year. Triana House Boutique Hotel Passive house assessment: Juan
invites guests to indulge in sustainable Manuel Castaño / María Vico -
opulence, ultimately leaving guests with a Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus.
memorable and environmentally responsi-
Architects: Imago Arquitectura
ble experience.
Builder: Construalia
Discover more about this remarkable oasis Hotel website:
in the Passive House Database, ID: 7174.

ph+ | triana house big picture | 17


#BuildingLife series: Addressing
the environmental impacts of
buildings across their lifecycle
What are you hoping to achieve with introduced waste compactors at our St
the #BuildingLife campaign? Clare’s development, and this has reduced
PC: For Marlet, much of our focus is on the number of waste collection journeys
reducing scope 3 category greenhouse gas required by our waste disposal contractor.
emissions. These emissions result from ac- Marlet is also moving towards taking
tivities in assets we own and manage. We a biodiversity net-gain approach on our
are a developer of a number of build to
schemes, even bringing biodiversity into
rent schemes and this includes the embod-
our buildings. This is great for the envi-
ied carbon of the buildings we construct,
as well as the operational emissions of the ronment and for the people who live and
buildings. The #BuildingLife campaign is work in these buildings. We measure the
the first programme that recognises this biodiversity of a site at the very beginning
challenge. It is encouraging the industry, of a project before design, and we then
suppliers and regulatory bodies to acknowl- design in added diversity, so we not only
edge and address where carbon starts and maintain what is there but add to it. This
ends when it comes to construction and is new but is now being incorporated into
(above) Marlet Property Group CEO Pat Crean building performance. The leadership that all of our early scheme designs.
the IGBC has shown in working with
people across the industry to develop the

I n this #BuildingLife Ambassador Spot-

light Series, Passive House Plus is pro-
filing leaders who have endorsed the Irish
Building a Zero Carbon Ireland roadmap
to decarbonise Ireland’s construction and
built environment sector has resulted in a
Green Building Council’s (IGBC) call massive change in the sector. The industry
to address the environmental impacts of is now transitioning to a point where we
buildings across their lifecycle. are beginning to measure the impacts of
In this issue, Pat Crean, CEO of the buildings, not just during operation but the
Marlet Property Group tells us more whole process of how they come into being
about his work and why he is supporting and this is positive.
the #BuildingLife Campaign.
Can you explain a few ways in which
Why did you choose to become a you are working towards a sustainable
#BuildingLife ambassador? built environment?
Pat Crean: Marlet is a large-scale residen- PC: In all of our contracts, we have a
tial developer, predominantly operating in requirement for a minimum number of
Dublin city, and what we do impacts estab- products with Environmental Product
lished communities. We aim to build devel- Declarations (EPDs) to be met. If we
opments that, in addition to being healthy, are to progress carbon reduction in con- About #BuildingLife
are also sustainable places for our tenants struction, EPDs for all products must be #BuildingLife is a project led in Ireland
to live. As a result of the positive work by brought on-stream. One of the biggest by the Irish Green Building Council. The
bodies such as the IGBC, there is now a challenges in preparing carbon figures initiative aims to achieve the mix of pri-
growing appreciation and understanding during assessments is the huge level of vate sector action and public policy nec-
of the critical importance of reducing the approximation we still carry out. We essary to tackle the whole-life impact of
embodied carbon of the buildings we con- need better data to make more specific, buildings. Learn more and endorse the
struct and that they should also perform informed choices on what products we Building a Zero Carbon Ireland Roadmap
in carbon terms as one would expect an are using. at
A-rated building to perform. Through work with Bord na Móna, we bon-ireland/. •

18 | | issue 46

EU agrees “Blueprint for the world

to decarbonise building stock”

T he next version of the EU Directive on

the Energy Performance of Buildings
(EPBD) has been provisionally agreed
sures with a view to a complete phase-out of
fossil fuel boilers by 2040.
The revised directive will mandate zero
generation switches to renewables, it’s likely
that a key measure for member states to cut
primary energy will be to replace fossil fuel
– including proposals for zero emission emission buildings for new buildings. boilers with heat pumps.
buildings, building renovation passports, Under the agreement all new residential For the non-residential building stock, the
a phase out of fossil fuel boilers and the and non-residential buildings must have zero revised rules require to gradually improve
introduction of whole life carbon calcula- on-site emissions from fossil fuels, as of 1 Jan- primary energy use via minimum energy
tion for buildings. uary 2028 for publicly owned buildings and as performance standards. This will lead to
The text of the proposed directive was of 1 January 2030 for all other new buildings, renovating the 16 per cent worst-perform-
agreed by the European Parliament and with a possibility for specific exemptions. ing buildings by 2030 and the 26 per cent
Council on 7 December, with a final vote Member states will also have to ensure that worst-performing buildings by 2033.
due in the new year. new buildings are solar-ready, meaning that To fight energy poverty and bring down
Dublin Green MEP Ciarán Cuffe, who led they must be fit to host rooftop photovol- energy bills, financing measures will have to
the negotiations with EU member states and taic or solar thermal arrays. Installing solar incentivise and accompany renovations and
the Commission on behalf of the European will become the norm for new builds. For be targeted in particular at vulnerable cus-
Parliament, described the agreement as a existing public and non-residential build- tomers and worst-performing buildings, in
“blueprint for the world” for decarbonising ings, solar will need to be gradually installed, which a higher share of energy-poor house-
building stock. starting from 2027, where technically, eco- holds live.
The EPBD is one of the final pieces of leg- nomically and functionally feasible. Such Member states will also have to ensure
islation to close from the EU’s Fit for 55 or provisions will come into force at different that there are safeguards for tenants, to
‘European Green Deal’ package, that aims to points in time depending on the building help tackle the risk of eviction of vulnerable
cut the bloc's CO2 emissions by 55 per cent type and size. households caused by disproportionate rent
by 2030 when compared to 1990 levels. Energy performance certificates (EPCs)
increases following a renovation.
In light of the enormous challenge posed will be reformed based on a common EU
The deal will also boost the take-up of sus-
by emissions and energy use from Europe’s template with common criteria, to better in-
tainable mobility thanks to provisions on
existing building stock, the revised EPBD form citizens and make financing decisions
pre-cabling, recharging points for electric
contains measures to improve the strategic across the EU easier.
vehicles and bicycle parking spaces.
planning of renovations and the tools to
Buildings are responsible for approxi-
ensure such renovations will happen. Under Whole life carbon
mately 40 per cent of EU energy consump-
the agreed provisions, member states will: By 1 January 2027 member states will be re-
tion, more than half of EU gas consumption
quired to publish a roadmap on whole life
carbon emissions, described in the proposed (mainly through heating, cooling and do-
• Establish national building reno-
text as cumulative life-cycle global warming mestic hot water), and 36 per cent of the
vation plans to set out the national
strategy to decarbonise the building potential (GWP). The roadmap must detail energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. At
stock and how to address remaining the introduction of limit values on life-cycle present, about 35 per cent of the EU's build-
barriers, such as financing, training GWP of all new buildings, and set targets ings are over 50 years old and almost 75 per
and attracting more skilled workers. for new buildings of over 1,000m2 from cent of the building stock is described by
• Set up national building renovation 2028 and all new buildings from 2030, with the commission as energy inefficient. At the
passport schemes to guide building a requirement to introduce a progressive same time, the average annual energy reno-
owners in staged renovations to- downward trend, as well as maximum limit vation rate is only about 1 per cent.
wards zero emission buildings. values, detailed for different climatic zones Commenting on the agreement, Ciarán
• Establish one-stop-shops for home- and building typologies. The maximum limit Cuffe said: “We have achieved something
owners, SMEs, and all actors in the values shall be in line with the EU’s objec- remarkable this evening: created a blueprint
renovation value chain, to receive tives to achieve climate neutrality. for the world to decarbonise its building
dedicated and independent support Each member state will adopt its own stock. With this plan, we add an essential
and guidance. national trajectory to reduce the average pillar to the EU’s decarbonisation plans and
primary energy use of residential buildings begin the long journey towards reducing 36
In addition, the deal will help the EU to by 16 per cent by 2030 and 20-22 per cent per cent of Europe’s CO2 emissions.
gradually phase-out fossil fuel boilers. Subsi- by 2035, allowing for sufficient flexibility to “That journey will begin with the build-
dies for the installation of stand-alone fossil consider national circumstances. Member ings that are wasting the most energy. En-
fuel boilers will not be allowed as of 1 Jan- states are free to choose which buildings to ergy wasted is money wasted on bills. We
uary 2025. The revised directive introduces target and which measures to take, though must help citizens to save money and pro-
a clear legal basis for member states to set at least 55 per cent of the decrease of the av- tect them from volatile energy prices. That
requirements for heat generators based on erage primary energy use must be achieved is why we have chosen a route that can lower
emissions, type of fuel used, or the minimum through the renovation of the worst-per- energy bills for everyone, homeowners and
share of renewable energy used for heating. forming buildings. Given the rate at which renters alike, and addresses the root causes
Member states will also have to set out mea- the primary energy of electricity is falling as of energy poverty.” •

ph+ | news | 19

Planning guidance to cut

carbon emissions previewed
at IGBC conference
and human resources. It also presents a fan-
tastic opportunity to build vibrant communi-
ties and to enhance our quality of life.”
Over 150 building professionals, from
across the value chain, gathered for Better
Homes 2023. In addition to the importance
of getting planning right, they heard that
homes built today must be climate-proof
since the impacts of climate change are par-
tially already irreversible.
Julie Clarke, assistant professor in Engi-
neering for Climate Action at Trinity Col-
lege Dublin said: "The need to ensure the
resilience of residential buildings to climate
change impacts has become apparent in re-
cent years as we have witnessed some of the
devasting impacts that our changing climate
is having on our homes. We need to think
about where we build our homes given sea
level rise, flooding, and coastal erosion. We
also need to think about what we are build-
ing and how we can retrofit existing homes
to adapt to our changing climate. For ex-
ample, is there a risk of overheating in our
homes in the future?”
(above) Pictured are (l-r) Ramboll lead designer Neil Mclean Goring, Trinity College Dublin A notable example of actions that can be
assistant professor in Engineering for Climate Action Julie Clarke, and IGBC CEO Pat Barry. taken to adapt to a changing climate is rep-
resented by the “Sponge City”. This concept
has been successfully implemented in Co-
T he implications of planning on Ire-
land’s carbon emissions and the impor-
tance of building climate-safe homes were
struction materials, transport of materials,
construction process, maintenance, repair,
and demolition of buildings. The document
penhagen and presented at the conference
by Neil Mclean Goring from the engineer-
ing & architecture consultancy Ramboll:
discussed at the Irish Green Building Coun- recommends prioritising housing develop-
"Following a devastating storm in 2011, the
cil’s (IGBC) annual residential conference, ment on empty or under-utilised lands in
Danish capital implemented a comprehen-
Better Homes. existing urban centres and building con- sive, catchment-based masterplan of blue
While Ireland’s carbon emissions keep nected neighbourhoods with minimised and green infrastructure to protect the city
increasing and with 400,000 homes to be parking areas. Both planning actions could from episodes of severe rainfall for the next
delivered in the next decade, the IGBC play a significant role in reducing emissions century. We developed a nature-based and
presented a sneak peek of a new guidance associated with the built environment. They multifunctional approach, redesigning the
document for planners. The document, de- are also crucial to addressing transport emis- parks and streets throughout Copenhagen
veloped by Construct Innovate in partner- sions since they reduce dependency on cars to detain and absorb vast amounts of storm-
ship with the Irish Green Building Council and car use. Furthermore, the guidance doc- water, like a sponge. This proactive and
and University College Dublin, includes rec- ument highlights that connected dwellings sustainable approach has already been im-
ommendations to better address emissions such as terraced houses, lead to a consistent plemented in cities such as New-York and
caused by the construction of new housing reduction in terms of carbon emissions. A Melbourne, and it holds the potential to be
developments. More specifically, it shows side gable wall, which is typically found in adopted by other towns and cities around
that significant decreases in carbon emis- semi-detached houses, generates approxi- the world, including in Ireland."
sions could be achieved by rethinking the mately 4-5 times more embodied carbon
use of carbon-intensive construction mate- per square metre than a party wall between The full guidance document will be
rials in our dwellings, and by adopting plan- dwellings on a terrace. released in early 2024 and made available at
ning approaches that minimise car-parking, IGBC CEO Pat Barry said: "The next de- •
new roads, and infrastructure. cade is critical in our battle against climate
The insights show that greenfield housing change, and we need to remember that em-
developments outside towns and cities can bodied carbon emissions cannot be retrofit-
contribute up to 30 per cent more embod- ted. We must get our homes right from the
ied carbon per home than equivalent infill beginning. The encouraging thing is that
developments that use existing infrastruc- implementing these principles won't just re-
ture. These embodied carbon emissions duce emissions, but it will enable us to deliver
are generated from the production of con- much-needed homes with limited financial

20 | | issue 46

EPA launches air Four passive

house projects
quality forecast pick up Net Zero
Energy awards

T he Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) has launched a national air
quality forecast to provide greater infor-
loaded twice daily.
Eilís Ní Chathnia, CEO of the Asthma
Society of Ireland, welcomed the forecast
A quartet of passive house projects
picked up awards at the Towards
Net Zero Energy Awards 2023.
mation to the public regarding expected launch: "The air quality forecast will be Passive House Association of Ireland
air quality in Ireland for up to three days. an important resource for our members chair Barry McCarron won the Housing
Forecasts include daily Air Quality Index and everyone with respiratory conditions. Development award for retrofitting his
for Health (AQIH), particulate matter Ireland has the highest incidence rate of bunglow in Ballinode, Co. Monaghan to
(PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone asthma in Europe with one in ten children the passive house classic stadard, and Mul-
(O3). PM, NO2 and O3 are the three main and one in thirteen adults developing the larkey Pedersen Architects won the Public
air pollutants impacting human health in condition – with 890,000 people likely to Building award for the passive house pre-
Ireland. All pollutants mapped are pre- develop asthma in their lifetimes.’’ mium certified Erne Campus, South West
sented on the AQIH scale (1 – 10). The forecast and further information on College, Enniskillen.
Dr Micheál Lehane, director of the air quality and the Air Quality Index for Meanwhile two seasoned Cork-based
EPA’s office of radiation protection & en- Health are available on passive house architects were highly com-
vironmental monitoring, said: “Air pollu- The air quality forecast maps are pro- mended for passive houses in the Housing
tion can seriously impact people’s health; duced by computer models which have Development category: Wain Morehead
the air quality forecast will provide an im- been developed under the EU LIFE Emer- Architects for their passive house in the
portant health and air quality resource for ald project. The models use Irish and Euro- Cork suburb of Blackrock, and The Pas-
everyone, and will be even more impactful pean data such as air quality measurements, sivhaus Architecture Company for their
for those of us who are particularly affected forecast weather and land cover data. The Millfield passive house in Cork City. The
by poor air quality, including those suffer- EPA has partnered on this with the De- McCarron and Wain Morehead Archi-
ing from respiratory disease and asthma. partment of the Environment, Climate tects projects are both the subjects of sub-
The forecast will also serve policy makers and Communications, the Health Service stantial case studies in this issue of Passive
as a valuable tool for analysing air quality Executive HSE, VITO, a Belgian research House Plus.
in Ireland.’’ institute, University College Cork (UCC) Meehan Green and Hibernia REG won
There are concerning localised air qual- and the Asthma Society of Ireland. • the Commercial Building award for 1
ity issues in Ireland. Fine particulate mat- Cumberland Place, Dublin 2; Pascall +
ter (PM 2.5) from burning solid fuel and Watson won the Retrofit of a Building
NO2 from vehicle emissions are the main award for The Rubrics Building, Trin-
pollutants impacting on people’s health. ity College; DTA Architects won the
This forecast will help people plan their ac- Design Practice award; and Arup direc-
tivities in line with the AQIH recommen- tor and global climate & sustainability
dations, such as reducing physical activity leader Paula Kirk won the Net Zero
when air pollution levels are predicted to Champion award. •
increase. The forecast maps will be up-

An Post takes top prize at

Energy Awards
T he Sustainable Energy Authority of Ire-
land (SEAI) has announced the win-
ners of the 2023 SEAI Energy Awards while
including retrofitting the property portfolio
to at least a B3 BER and building a substan-
tial electric vehicle fleet.
and dedication to sustainable energy and
climate action.
Environment minister Eamon Ryan said:
celebrating 20 years of the event. Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) “I want to congratulate the entrants and
This year’s awards attracted 114 applica- CEO Pat Barry was given the Chair’s winners of this year’s SEAI Energy Awards
tions and 40 finalists, who collectively re- Award for Outstanding Contribution for their commitment to sustainable energy
duced energy consumption by 16 per cent, to Sustainable Energy, recognising his and their role in fighting for a cleaner energy
saving €50 million in energy spend. The work in establishing the IGBC as a hugely future for us all. The finalists – indeed all the
renewable energy produced by the 2023 influential organisation in Irish property applicants this year – give an insight into the
entrants is equivalent to powering over and construction. technical capacity, the innovation, the drive
400,000 homes per year. Hosted by journalist Sinead Ryan, this and the vision that is powering an energy
The top prize this year went to An Post year’s ceremony saw a total of thirteen transformation right across the country, in
for Energy Team of the year, with An Post’s awards presented to individuals, businesses, businesses and in communities.”
sustainability team driving a sustainability communities, and public sector organisa- For full details on all winning projects,
programme spanning the whole company, tions in recognition of their commitment visit •

ph+ | news | 21

Timber in construction group holds first meeting

I ncreasing the use of timber in construc-
tion is central to the work of a new
steering group appointed by the Minister
mising the use of home-grown timber.
The new €1.3 billion Forestry Pro-
gramme, launched in September, offers
create the conditions to increase the use
of timber in construction whilst ensur-
ing the highest degree of building safety
of State for Land Use and Biodiversity at grants and yearly premiums for landown- and property protection; to examine
the Department of Agriculture, Food and ers to plant new forests for timber. Ap- regulatory and standardisation standards
the Marine, Senator Pippa Hackett. plicants can receive grants of €4,452 per challenges; and to maximise the use of
Speaking after the first meeting of the hectare, and annual payments of up to home-grown timber in construction.
Interdepartmental and Industry Steering €863 per year for 20 years to plant a new Membership of the group includes An-
Group on Timber in Construction in No- diverse conifer forest for timber produc- drew Carpenter, UK Structural Timber
vember, Minister Hackett said: “We want tion with 20 per cent broadleaf species Association; David Browne, RIAI; Der-
to see more timber used in construction. through the new afforestation scheme. mot O’Donnell, ARUP; Des O’Toole,
Not only is wood a sustainable, home- The government is committed to in- Coillte; Duncan Stewart, Earth Horizon
grown product, but it can also replace crease the number of timber growers in Productions; Hugh O’Connor, Building
steel and concrete, reducing the carbon the state and offers grants to fully establish
Materials Federation – IBEC; J Owen
footprint of our buildings. Timber used in new forests and support the management
Lewis, chair; Pat Barry, Irish Green Build-
construction is an excellent way of storing of the existing forest estate. The govern-
ing Council; Patrick McGetrick, TERG
and locking up carbon and has a positive ment’s new Forest Strategy places a strong
impact on our climate. We know our for- emphasis on the use of timber and its sig- – University of Galway; Peter de Lacy
ests bring great benefits for our climate, nificant role in reducing the amounts of Staunton, Irish Timber Frame Manufac-
water quality, nature and biodiversity – concrete and steel in construction. turers Association; Sarah-Jane Pisciotti,
growing timber as a product for construc- Group chair Prof J Owen Lewis said: “I Sisk; Paul Savage, Department of Agri-
tion is also central to our climate efforts am delighted to see the enthusiasm and culture, Food and the Marine; Feargal Ó
and to the future of the forest sector.” commitment of the steering group at to- Coigligh, Department of Housing, Local
The group brings together industry and day’s meetings. There is a real urgency to Government and Heritage; Brian Carroll,
government departments to assess the increase the use of timber in construction, Department of the Environment, Climate
needs of the sector and increase timber use and I have no doubt that if we work to- and Communications; Joseph Cummins,
in construction. The group is tasked with gether we can create the conditions for Department of Enterprise, Trade and Em-
examining potential obstacles to increas- positive change.” ployment; Ciaran O'Connor, Office of
ing timber use, including regulatory and The mission of the group is to develop a Public Works; and John Brannigan, City
standardisation challenges, and to maxi- forum with government and industry to and County Managers Association. •

Ireland failing to stay within

carbon budgets – SEAI
I reland’s greenhouse gas emissions are not
reducing fast enough to stay within carbon
budgets, the Sustainable Energy Authority of
the underlying factors behind them.
The Energy in Ireland 2023 report high-
lights the twin dependencies of Ireland’s en-
we are not yet acting in line with what climate
science tells us, that we are living through a
climate emergency.”
Ireland (SEAI) has revealed. ergy supply. Ireland imported 81.6 per cent of Meanwhile, the first results report from the
Ireland’s total energy demand in 2022 was our energy in 2022, and 85.8 per cent of our Behavioural Energy and Travel Tracker, sets
4.7 per cent higher than in 2021, while ener- energy came from fossil fuels. Energy emis- out analysis of the everyday energy behaviours
gy-related emissions were 1.7 per cent lower. sions in 2022 were the lowest of any year in of people in Ireland from December 2022 –
Ireland imported 81.6 per cent of its total pri- the last quarter century, except 2020 with its April 2023. Among the findings were that
mary energy requirement in 2022. particularly strong Covid impacts. However, people reported a high understanding of how
SEAI revealed the state of play as it published the pace of emission reductions is not suffi- to save energy and said they were making a
two separate energy reports, the Energy in Ire- cient to meet our national climate obligations. substantial effort to use energy efficiently.
land 2023 report and the first report from the Speaking about the Energy in Ireland re-
However, over the study period, more than
Behavioural Energy and Travel Tracker. port, SEAI’s director of research and policy
one in five participants travelled by car for a
The new report on everyday energy be- insights Margie McCarthy, said: “Despite the
short journey on a given day, and a similar
haviours shows that worry about climate excellent progress made on renewable elec-
number used a tumble dryer. Up to 40 per
change drives efficient energy behaviours tricity, the momentum of our home energy
more than worry about cost, and that people upgrades, and the uptake of electric vehicles, cent of people heated empty rooms or an un-
who report strong understanding of how to Ireland remains highly dependent on im- occupied home, and a quarter of thermostat
save energy at home are more efficient than ported fossil fuels to satisfy our energy needs. owners had theirs set to 21 C or higher. Less
others, but overall inefficient behaviours re- Our investments in energy efficiency and our than half the sample said their home had a
main commonplace. development of indigenous renewable energy thermostat installed in the first place.
The annual Energy in Ireland report profiles sources are slowly starting to break that de- The analysis also found that many Irish
trends in the supply and demand of energy pendency. We can point to significant inroads people were at risk of energy poverty last
and energy-related CO2 emissions in 2022 in biofuel use in transport, in the deployment winter and are therefore likely to be again
and 2023. The Behavioural Energy and Travel of larger solar farms, and the displacement of this winter, with over a third of the sample
Tracker (BETT) looks at survey responses to fossil fuels through heat pumps. However, it consistently reporting having difficulty pay-
understand people’s energy behaviours and is all too slow. […] Despite all the evidence, ing their energy bills. •

22 | | issue 46

Green finance products for sustainable homes

must meet new EU rules, experts warn

(above) Pictured at the Covenant of Mayor’s Investment Forum in Brussels are (l-r) consortium lead Monica Ardeleanu of the
Romanian Green Building Council, Iva Merheim-Eyre of Habitat for Humanity International and Volodimir Smolii of Energy Efficient
Cities of Ukraine.

G reen home certifications and mort-

gage products must align with new
EU rules on green finance, the pan-Euro-
development finance. The project is es-
sentially the second phase in the broader
Smarter initiative. From a standing start
Habitat for Humanity International, and
the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency.
With energy poverty on the rise across
pean Smarter Finance for EU consortium the first phase, Smarter Finance for Fami- Europe in the aftermath of Russia’s inva-
has warned. lies, led to €8.5bn worth of investments in sion of Ukraine, the consortium also in-
In 2022 the EU passed into law the certified green homes, and the development cludes a focus on developing hybrid green
EU taxonomy for sustainable activities, a of 13 green mortgage and development fi- finance products to help lift vulnerable
landmark policy which is rapidly moving nance products. people out of energy poverty and provide
the finance industry towards quantify- The Smarter Finance for EU consor-
healthy, comfortable homes with low expo-
ing and reducing environmental impacts tium's implementing partners include
sure to energy price spikes.
of economic activities. As real estate and green building councils and energy agencies
The consortium was invited to present on
construction are downstream of finance, who are defining or finessing green home
the taxonomy has serious ramifications for certification systems to ensure taxonomy the project at the EU’s Covenant of May-
these sectors too. alignment. The consortium is also develop- ors Investment Forum 2023 in Brussels on
The taxonomy is a classification system ing plans to establish a European Centre of 25 October. Consortium lead Monica Ar-
established to clarify which economic ac- Excellence to serve new and existing imple- deleanu of the Romanian Green Building
tivities are environmentally sustainable, in menting partners from across Europe. Council described the foundations laid by
the context of the €1 trillion-funded Euro- “We’re also seeking to engage with more the previous Smarter Finance for Families
pean Green Deal and its targets to cut net banks, funds, municipalities, developers programme, and Iva Merheim-Eyre of Hab-
greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 per and the entire supply chain of designers, itat for Humanity International focused
cent from 1990 levels by 2030. tradespeople and product suppliers re- on the new scheme’s overall aims. Finally,
Smarter Finance for EU spokesperson quired to deliver green buildings,” said Volodimir Smolii of Energy Efficient Cities
and Passive House Plus editor Jeff Colley Colley. “This is an opportunity to do well of Ukraine talked about the specific goals
said: "In the absence of sufficiently tight by doing good – it’s a multi-trillion-euro of Ukraine in the project, where the focus
rules and definitions to define greenness, business opportunity, but more impor- will include increasing energy security and
it has been possible for lenders to develop tantly it’s an opportunity to profoundly ensuring that green building principles are
ostensibly "green" property finance prod- improve people’s lives while tackling the central to Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts
ucts which may lack rigour and focus only converging environmental emergencies
– with 200,000 homes destroyed or dam-
on one sustainability feature, such as energy facing the world.”
aged so far during the war. The event was
performance. That won't wash any more, Co-ordinated by the Romania Green
because of the EU taxonomy." Building Council, the partners in Smarter jointly organised by the European Com-
Supported by the EU Life programme, Finance for EU include the Irish Green mission’s Directorates-Generals for Energy
Smarter Finance for EU has been estab- Building Council, Luxembourg-based sus- and Climate Action and the European Cli-
lished to facilitate the uptake of two key tainable finance facilitator EnerSave Capi- mate, Infrastructure and Environment Ex-
building blocks for decarbonising build- tal, Passive House Plus publishers Temple ecutive Agency (CINEA) in collaboration
ings: credible, evidence-based green home Media Ltd, the association Energy Efficient with the Covenant of Mayors.
certifications, and tailored green finance Cities of Ukraine, Green Building Council For more information visit www.
products such as mortgages, loans and España, Portuguese energy agency Adene, •

ph+ | news | 23

Bedding sustainability
into British buildings:
Bioregional’s BedZed
Shortlisted for the Stirling Prize in 2003, BedZed was a prominent example of architecture
starting to pay attention to sustainability. But how well did it work? In the latest part of his series
on the history of low energy architecture, Dr. Marc O Riain looks back at a landmark project.

minimise overshadowing to the southerly munity composting, helped very much by

face of the block to its rear. Passive venti- peer education and chats with the neigh-
lation combined with thermally massive bours, has been much more successful in
materials help to offset heating needs. Con- local food gardens and allotments. Food
servatory doors are intended to be opened is grown on site and accounts for an 8 per
during the summer to allow for trapped cent reduction in the total CO2 footprint.
heat to dissipate out, and prevent overheat- The local organic vegetables are sold on
ing, and in the winter internal doors with Sunday and Monday markets helping to
stack ventilation are intended to draw solar build an inter-reliant community. Inter-
heat gain from the conservatory through the estingly, BedZed residents know 20 peo-
building. The CHP plant was less successful ple in the development by name, which is

due to maintenance issues and as a result the double the strong community benchmark
n 2002, as governments across Europe of 10, with one person being able to name
company ceasing trading. The 2007 building
started to integrate Kyoto protocol tar- 150 neighbours. This is a testament to the
occupancy survey showed that 56 per cent
gets into building regulations, a me- design of the project by Bio-Regional and
of occupants surveyed complained about
dium sized mixed-use development outside ZED Factory with Tom Chance.
overheating during the summer period. Re-
London aspired to become a seminal low BedZed was indeed a ground-breaking
search indicated that poor user education on
carbon super sustainable community. project which field-tested a combination of
the design principles of the houses and user
BedZed tested a lot of sustainable concepts design and sustainability strategies, some-
behaviour mitigated against passive solar
in a real world setting together with human times illustrating limitations, but becoming
heat in winter and aggravated heat demand
behavioural change as a central focus. Some very successful in reducing the carbon foot-
in the heating season. Looking forward 20
strategies worked better than others, but the print of its residents. It faced problems such
years from 2002, some of the learning out-
scheme signposted the direction the rest of comes might include the use of a mechanical as overheating and having to switch from
us had to take over the following 20 years. ventilation heat recovery system combined CHP to gas which undermined its sustain-
The Beddington zero energy development with an air source heat pump as less compli- ability targets. That said the rest of us learnt
was based in the London borough of Sutton, cated solutions to District CHP and natural that we need to depend on more reliable re-
located close to a train line, including 100 ventilation, especially where we have better newable energy solutions that are less prone
homes, offices, a community centre, play- airtightness and control. to variable behavioural conditions. Natural
ing field, gardens and allotments. BedZed Other aspects of the sustainable design ventilation is more problematic in urban
featured optimal southerly orientation for strategy included one car parking place per contexts where privacy and security are an
winter solar heat gain, a passive ventilation home, car sharing, free electric car charging issue, leading to windows being closed and
strategy, an aspect of heat exchange, double with good links to public transport, and curtains been placed over windows. Even 20
and triple glazed windows, southerly conser- bicycle storage on site. This resulted in an years on we have a lot to learn from BedZed,
vatories, super insulation, good airtightness, average resident’s mileage of 3,138 per per- in designing for better communities and
stack ventilation, plug load monitoring, son, which would be 64 per cent lower than delivering real CO2 reductions in terms of
photovoltaic panels and initially a com- the average local area resident. While this build, operation and lifestyle.
bined heat and power-based district heating is good, BedZed residents were three times Much of this article is drawn from data
system. Many of the materials used in the more likely to fly abroad than local residents, published in a paper written by Tom Chance
construction of the buildings were reclaimed mitigating against carbon offsetting targets. in 2009, the BedZed monitoring report by
or sourced locally, thus reducing the embod- The development also used a sustain- Jessica Hodge and Julia Haltrecht for BioRe-
ied carbon by 20 per cent to 30 per cent. able urban drainage system (SuDS), with gional in 2007, and the findings of a PhD
The overall design resulted in a reported permeable paving, green roofs, and a soak thesis by Janet Young in 2015. n
90 per cent reduction in fixed loads, and a away ditch. Wastewater was treated with a
56 per cent overall carbon reduction when mixture of biologically active sludge and
compared to an average UK home, with all reedbeds, an expensive system to run from
Dr Marc Ó Riain is a lecturer in the
renewable energy accounting for 20 per cent an electrical standpoint. Rainfall collection Department of Architecture at Munster
of all site electrical demand. Note that at this is mixed with water to flush WCs, resulting Technological University (MTU). He has a PhD
time CHP was considered renewable, as the in a 50 per cent lower use of water when in zero energy retrofit and has delivered both
development intended to use reclaimed tim- residential and commercial NZEB retrofits
compared to UK average.
In Ireland. He is a director of RUA Architects
ber – which led to impurities impacting the Remotely located shared recycle bins and has a passion for the environment both
performance of the CHP. are less successful because of distance and built and natural.
The profile of the building is designed to human behavioural issues. However, com-

24 | | issue 46 Photo: Tom Chance/BioRegional

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Building type: Retrofit and extension to 188 m2
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per month


per month


What does it feel like to suffer the cold, mould and discomfort of a 1960s bungalow,
and experience its rebirth as a passive house? The owner of one award-winning
project spills the beans.

by John Hearne
Additional reporting by Jeff Colley

26 | | issue 46

In the old house when

you got out of the bed
you would have [had to]
hop, skip and jump to
the bathroom because
it was so uncomfortable.
Now when you put your
foot onto the tile it isn’t
cold. The underfloor
heating hasn’t been
on yet

t’s now fifty-two years since Jack Fitzsim- to €1,082, again excluding standing charges, in the lean years following the property crash,
mons’ highly influential book of house nearly four times cheaper. The total savings a bungalow opposite the farm came up for
plans ‘Bungalow Bliss’ was first unleashed over the life of the mortgage as a result of the sale. They got it for just €95,000.
on the Irish market. Reprinted ten times, it project come to €91,627, while the payback ‘We lived in it for eight years,’ he explains,
sold in excess of 250,000 copies, and bears period for the additional cost of achieving the ‘but we didn’t really commit to the house. We
much of the responsibility for the fact that 15 full passive house standard is just four years. only did superficial refurb work. We thought
per cent of all homes in the country are bun- ‘There’s absolutely no regret,” says McCar- we would probably sell it and build new, but
galows. The Sustainable Energy Authority of ron, ‘I believe we’ve made a great investment the longer we stayed without building, the
Ireland estimates that there are 300,000 dot- in our family for the years ahead.’ more a new build came off the agenda and
ted throughout the Irish countryside, 80 per Though this was his first passive project, retrofitting came on.’
cent of which have BERs of low D or worse. Barry McCarron isn’t exactly a stranger to Wouldn’t it have been easier to just demol-
Addressing their energy and comfort short- sustainable building. He is the current chair ish and start fresh?
comings has of course become one of the of the Passive House Association of Ireland, Maybe it would, says McCarron. ‘But I
many building stock challenges we face. is head of business development with South would have had to apply for full planning
Barry McCarron has answered these chal- West College, and for the past eight years has permission, which I probably would have
lenges brilliantly in the deep retrofit of his been teaching on their passive house designer got, but with the retrofit, I only had to ap-
family home in Ballinode, Co. Monaghan. course. Earlier in his career, he also put in ply for an extension, and it also avoided the
He monitored the energy performance of the what he describes as three ‘very very educa- necessity for an assigned certifier and all that
bungalow for two years prior to beginning tional years’ doing BERs. comes with new build.’
the project. The costs came in at €3,711 in His first passive project was always going to The big attraction of retrofit however was
2020/2021 and €4,773 in 2021/2022 – an be worth checking out. that it was an opportunity to do something
average of €4,242 per year, excluding stand- McCarron says that he and his wife Aisling interesting and relevant. ‘I work in a college,
ing charges. One passive retrofit later and had always expected that they would build a and that keeps me away from real life, I’m al-
predicted annual running costs have dropped house on the family farm in Ballinode. Then, ways on the fringe of projects. This was an op-

ph+ | bungalow bills case study | 27


portunity to be involved in a real project and It was apparent very early on that this was the basic passive house option and the In-
for me, retrofits are a huge part of the picture going to have to be a very deep retrofit. Like ternorm units he eventually chose was in the
going forward. I wanted a retrofit project, I so many bungalows, the house had two sit- order of €10,000.
wanted to learn as much as I could about it.’ ting rooms, separated by a chimney breast, on ‘Looking back, I’m delighted that we went
which the roof was structurally dependent. for those. Once you see the quality of the
The existing house Taking down the chimney breast more or less product, you can’t unsee it. The handles in
The McCarron family home, built in 1969, meant taking down the roof. Once the dem- particular were so much better than the han-
was a typical bungalow. Long, low and com- olition phase was over, the house had been dles on the cheaper windows.’
partmentalized, it was rated D2, and had a reduced to three external walls and the foun- The fact that the Internorm units were
space heating demand of 324 kWh/m2/yr. In dation. All internal walls, along with most of uPVC aluclad as opposed to timber aluclad
addition to monitoring energy costs in the the front wall and the roof had to go. was the clincher. The windows were hung on
two years running up to the project, McCa- “In doing that, we saw all the horror shows the outside of the original wall in order to
rron also monitored temperature and indoor that you expect to see. We had built-in wall help preserve thermal continuity.
air quality. The average temperature in the cabinets around the bed, and when they ‘I didn’t like the notion of putting timber
kitchen was 17.8 C, relative humidity was 61 came out, there was mould behind them. out there, in case there was any unintended
per cent, while CO2 PPM averaged 1,050. And there was mould behind the units in water at play at sometime down the road.’
The living room wasn’t much better. the kitchen. We had sagging insulation in
‘My bald head is fantastic for picking the wall cavities, and when we cracked up Decrement delay and overheating
up drafts. I’m a Liverpool fan, I watch the the floor, we found insulation that was the The build-up in the new pre-manufactured
Champions League at this time of the year. thickness of a Curly Wurly.’ truss roof is also worth highlighting. McCa-
And in our old living room, with the stove The new wall build-up mixes old with new: rron points out that rooms in roofs – where
on, the temperatures could be as high as blown bead into the existing cavity, internal the children’s bedrooms are now situated –
35 C, but the draft from behind the curtains plastering for airtightness, with external wall are vulnerable to overheating. His build-up
would turn you into a snowman. So my face insulation doing the heavy lifting. seeks to mitigate that risk through decrement
would be melted but the back of my head McCarron says he did a lot of agonising delay: reducing the time it takes for external
would be frozen.’ over the windows. The cost uplift between heat to transfer into the house. There’s no less

28 | | issue 46

My bald head is
fantastic for picking
up drafts. In our old
living room, with the
stove on, my face would
be melted but the
back of my head
would be frozen

than three tons of cellulose insulation in the

roof. It’s got more mass than lightweight, pet-
rochemical-based insulations, so it acts like a
sink, absorbing the heat from the sun rather
than transmitting it into the space.
‘We also have five Velux windows in the
house. They were deliberately chosen so that
we could purge ventilate the house if we
needed to. Over years of observing passive
house projects, I’ve seen that a roof light is an
excellent way of cooling the building if it did
have an overheating issue, which fortunately
we don’t.’
These units are five-glazed – a cassette
of triple glazed and another gap of double
glazed, and remote controlled. Interesting
to note too that PHPP modeling prompted
a reduction in glazing at the front of the
house, and the removal of additional Ve-
lux windows from an early version of the
plan – again to reduce overheating risk. So
far so good: after one summer in the house, embodied carbon is going to be part of the meets the heat load target for the passive
air temperatures never climbed above the story because you’re keeping much of the house standard. This meant that if McCarron
25 C threshold. Staying with PHPP, McCa- existing structure and you’re not building in could secure a small improvement in airtight-
rron notes that the process of designing and a greenfield site, but when you start to use ness, he would achieve full passive certifica-
building his own house opened his eyes to cellulose or wood fibre, you’re going to do so tion for the project.
the power of passive house software. much better.” The airtightness team carried out some re-
‘A lot of people in the construction industry He notes too that choosing natural mate- medial work around screw holes in kitchen
think of them as compliance tools, they think rials didn’t have any adverse impact on cost. units and junctions where the old structure
in terms of ‘What’s my score?’ Really, PHPP met the new, and a second blower door test
is a tool that helps you evolve the design of Exceeding airtightness ambitions confirmed that the target had been met.
the house. It took me a couple of years on Achieving airtightness in a retrofit is often Now, remarkably, the retrofit meets the full
my journey to learn that properly. To see the a major challenge, but thanks to careful de- passive standard.
impact of that in my own house was really tailing and support from professionals, the As part of the process of seeking passive
great, because every decision was educated team achieved the Enerphit standard on the house certification, the project had to be
and backed up by evidence.’ first attempt, with 0.69 air changes per hour meticulously documented throughout, pri-
The other big advantage of using so much (ACH) – well inside the 1 ACH threshold, marily by taking photographs at every stage.
timber-based insulation was a reduction in and right on the cusp of the 0.6 ACH thresh- That’s what put the idea in McCarron’s head:
the building’s embodied carbon score, in old required by passive house. start an Instagram account and share the ex-
particular in the case of the cellulose insu- ‘Roman (Szypura of Clioma House, who perience of building passive with the wider
lation. Because of life cycle assessment rules, did the blower door test) rang me at the time self-build community.
this has little or nothing to do with CO2 and said, “Well done, Barry. You’ve got Ener- ‘It was one way of making sure I didn’t drop
stored in the materials, but all to do with phit. It’s a passive house retrofit. But this is a off on the homework, so every Friday, I did a
the fact that products like cellulose require bad result for you because now you have to go post, I wrote something up and I put up the
remarkably little energy and associated CO2 after a full passive house.”’ photographs. That really kept me on track.’
to manufacture. At the time, the heat load in the retrofitted It also proved to be very popular, and over
“Obviously, when you have a retrofit, your house had been reduced to 10 W/m2 – which the months of the build, picked up over

Photos: Internorm / Stefan Hoare ph+ | bungalow bills case study | 29


3,700 followers (@bungalow_retrofit). It was,

he says, a very rich and positive experience.
‘There is a huge thirst for independent in-
formation out there…That whole Instagram
self-build community bouncing off each
other, asking questions – it’s amazing how
fertile it is. Of course, the danger is that there
are also people out there who are not con-
struction experts communicating things that
may not be right.’
1 2
As it happens some bona fide construction
experts communicated that things are most
definitely right with this project, with the
house picking up the housing award at the
Towards Net Zero Awards in November.
McCarron pays tribute to the range of
construction professionals that worked with
him on the project, including Ryan Daly of
Daly Renewables, Roman Szypura of Clioma
House, and Seamus Keenan of Positive En- 3 4
ergy Ireland, as well as his contractor, Owen
Treanor. ‘He was excellent. He was really
open and open minded. He had never built
a passive house before, but he kept listening.
And he kept an open mind.”
As Passive House Plus often hears from
builders who have built their first pas-
sive house, Treanor says the process has
changed him.
“Definitely,” he says. “It has given me a
whole new way of thinking in terms of junc- 5 6
tions and detailing and even in terms of mini-
mising waste. I’m working on new extensions
now, and the detailing from Barry’s house Before: 1 The existing house built in 1969; 2 & 3 mould visible in rooms; 4 the red line
is being used again.” Even while still on site indicates a gap in insulation at top of wall; 5 & 6 cavity insulation with massive gap at top
with new projects, Treanor can see signs of including block at wall plate
the benefits his clients will reap. “The heating
isn’t on in the extension yet and it’s warmer
than the house.” come to expect when we walk through the people or young children, whose health is
Treanor says McCarron’s efforts to min- front door of an Irish bungalow. It’s bright more likely to suffer in suboptimal living
imise waste on this project has encouraged and airy, with consistent temperature and conditions. “Doing passive was directly
him to the opportunities to reduce waste perfect indoor air quality. linked to the family motivations,” he says,
disposal costs. This project arguably blurs the Having suffered the house’s discomfort be- referring to his three children, Doireann,
line between a new build and a retrofit, but fore the retrofit, McCarron is acutely aware Daithi and Dylan. “For myself and Aisling
25 per cent of the existing building was re- of the palpable change in living conditions. it was: do this now for them really to get the
tained, including 66 per cent of the existing “One of the great experiences of living in the good out of it from when they are young.”
walls. “All rubble and concrete waste went to house so far has been when you get up in The focus was very much on the living
a project about 400 m from our site to an- the middle of the night. In the old house conditions his children would experience
other site for hard standing and back fill,” you would have got out of the bed and you growing up, and how it might affect their
says McCarron. With waste disposal costs would have [had to] hop, skip and jump to development. “Doireann is seven, Daithi is
becoming an increasing issue, Treanor points the bathroom and back because it was so five and Dylan is three, so that’s 11, 13 and
to less progressive approaches to construction uncomfortable,” he says. “Now you just get 15 years of excellent indoor air quality levels
and demolition waste. “I remember a builder up, and what really strikes you is when you respectively till they turn 18 – sleeping and
saying a hole is a very handy thing,” he says, put your foot onto the tile, the tile isn’t cold. living in CO2 levels below 800 ppm.”
while pointing out that a more circular ap- The underfloor heating hasn’t been on in One issue McCarron thought long and
proach can avoid costs on waste disposal and the house yet. We’re now 12 October. This hard about was kitchen extraction. As Pas-
on acquiring new materials. morning was the first day with frost and still sive House Plus has previously reported , a
this morning I would have got up about number of potentially harmful pollutants
Moving back in 5am to go to the toilet and the tiles aren’t can be released during cooking, meaning ef-
The family moved into the house in May cold underfoot. That level of comfort’s there fective air extraction becomes essential. Mc-
and are loving the new space. While the look even without the heat.” Carron opted for a recirculating extractor -
and feel of the house has been transformed, While healthy adults may be able to grin in light of a paper at the 2023 International
the design team retained that original bun- and bear the discomfort of typical houses, Passive House Conference showing reason-
galow profile. Inside, the double height ceil- it’s a different matter for vulnerable occu- able extract coverage for recirculating ex-
ings in the main living area belie what we’ve pants such as people with disabilities, elderly tractor hoods. But in this case the extractor

30 | | issue 46

2 3

1 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

12 13 14


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galleries of architectural drawings.

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15 16 &

1 The house stripped back to three external walls and the foundation; 2 first course of Mannok Aircrete blocks on inner leaf; 3 & 4 when heat is
required, it’s delivered via underfloor heating buried in a screed; 5 plastic starter rail to reduce thermal bridging; 6 new Internorm windows hung on
the outside of the wall, sat on Alma Vert structural insulation supports; 7 300 mm cavity wall pre installation of bonded bead insulation, with 200 mm
KORE EPS70 Silver insulation externally; 8 airtightness taping around windows; 9 KORE EPS insulation cut to measure to insulate the eaves; 10 the
new truss roof; 11 Roman Szypura explaining the airtightness work to a team from Net Zero Bau; 12 Pro Clima Intello Plus vapour control membrane
to ceiling; 13 cellulose blown in at high density; 14 Thermafleece insulation in service void; 15 insulated supply and extract ducts from MVHR sealed
to exterior walls; 16 Diathonite cork plaster to window reveals.

ph+ | bungalow bills case study | 31

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32 | | issue 46
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Client: Barry & Aisling McCarron

Architect/engineer: Wayne Funston,
Funston Howe Architecture
Mechanical and electrical:
Daly Renewables
Passive house certification: MosArt
Project management: SustainABLE
Builder: Owen Treanor Construction
Electrical: Positive Energy Ireland
Airtightness: Atlantic Air / Greenbuild
Passive house certifier: MosArt
Home Performance Index assessment:
Wain Morehead
EPS/XPS and cavity fill: KORE Insulation,
via Breffni Insulation
External insulation system: Sto
Aerated blocks and roof tiles: Mannok
Thermal breaks: Partel
Airtightness membrane, cork plaster,
woodfibre, cellulose and wool
insulation: Ecological Building Systems
Cellulose and airtight membrane
installer: Clíoma house
Airtight tapes: Ecological Building
Systems / Partel
Windows and doors: Internorm
via Interlux
Roof windows: Velux
Air source heat pump: Eco Forest,
via Daly Renewables
Underfloor heating: Roth, via
Daly Renewables
Heat recovery ventilation: Renson, via
(above) McCarron’s children Daithí, Dylan and Doireann during the build; a temperature reading Daly Renewables
in the children’s bedroom pre retrofit; McCarron using a thermal imaging camera phone in the Lighting: Mullan Lighting
finished home.
Sand/cement screed:
Micheal Heeney Flooring
Interior design: Mags McCarron,
is integrated into the hob. With ventilation fers from the RIBA equivalent which inspired Your Home Illustrated
experts tending to recommend overhead ex- it in one key regard for this project. While the Furniture and carpet: Upstairs Downstairs
tractors, McCarron added two extracts for target for smaller dwellings is 625 kg CO2e/ Tiles: Irwins Castleblaney
the MVHR system above the cooker too, m2, for dwellings over 133 m2, and low density
Water conserving fittings:
and is replacing filters every three months. dwellings of up to two storeys, that target is Grahams Hardware Monaghan
So far so good, he says. reduced to 450 kg CO2e/m2 – reflecting the Sanitaryware: My Life
For McCarron, in light of the comfort and fact that large one off houses tend to bring ad- Heat pump: Ecoforest EcoAir PRO 1-7kw
energy benefits families can reap in such high ditional environmental burdens. ASHP, via Daly Renewables
performance homes, the decision to go pas- An indicative analysis of the bungalow’s
sive should be a no brainer. embodied carbon carried out using PHrib-
“My advice for anyone, if you’re building a bon showed that the building hit 80.5 tonnes cellulose, and it also excludes the PV, as LETI
new build or you’re retrofitting would be to of CO2e – or 454 kg CO2e/m2, narrowly regard PV as part of the grid rather than the
go the whole hog and to do the passive house missing the RIAI 2030 target for this house. building, except in cases where the PV ar-
thing. I’m forty years of age, and my only re- The biggest contribution came from the ray forms part of the roof structure, such as
gret is I should have done it ten years earlier, building’s concrete products and large PV ar- building-integrated PV. The cradle-to-grave
instead of procrastinating. And always build ray, though it’s worth noting that default data LETI total only marginally increases to 298
to the best standard that you can at any given for materials was used in both cases. When kg CO2e/m2. This is for a couple of reasons:
moment. I don’t think you’ll ever regret it.” assessed against LETI’s embodied carbon the benefit of the sequestered CO2 in the bio-
targets, the building scored 294 kg CO2e/ genic materials is effectively cancelled out by
Embodied carbon m2 in terms of upfront emissions – meaning the assumption those emissions are released
The McCarrons’ house is about as deep as a up to the point of the building’s practical into the atmosphere at the end of life of the
retrofit can be, and could almost be considered completion. As per LETI’s approach for up- building. And the assumed carbonation of
a new build, given that the floors were dug out front emissions, this figure doesn’t count the the building’s concrete products at end of life
and the building stripped right back to the sequestered (or stored) CO2 in the biogenic adds a small amount of permanent sequestra-
walls. The RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge dif- products used like timber, wood fibre and tion to the results.

ph+ | bungalow bills case study | 33


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34 | | issue 46

Building type: 138 m2 1969 bungalow retrofitted Heat loss form factor (PHPP): 3.9 Pro Clima Solitex membrane, Gutex wood fibre
and extended to 188 m2 Overheating (PHPP): 1 per cent insulation, Dämmstatt cellulose insulation,
Site & location: Ballinode Village, Pro Clima Intello airtightness membrane,
Number of occupants (PHPP): 5.0 for passive
north county Monaghan Thermafleece sheep wool insulation, 50 mm
house assessment.
Completion date: April 2023 service void/air gap, U-value: 0.125 W/m2K
Airtightness (at 50 Pascals): 0.57m3/hr/m2
Budget: €360,000 / €1,925 per m2 Windows & external doors: Internorm KF410
at 50 Pa / n50 of 0.53
UVPC Aluclad. Passive House Institute certified.
Passive house certification: Passive house Thermal bridging: First course of Mannok Overall U-value of 0.84 W/m2K
classic (pending) Aircrete blocks on new inner leaf walls, windows Roof window: Velux certified passive
Embodied carbon total: 422 kg CO2e/m2 and doors bracketed into external insulation house roof light
(when assessed as per RIAI 2030 Climate line sitting on Alma Vert structural insulation
Challenge, including modules A, B1-B5, and C) Heating: Ecoforest EcoAir PRO 1-7 KW
supports/thresholds, cork plaster to the window
modulating air source heat pump, with
Green building certification: Home reveals.
low temperature heat delivered via
Performance Index (pending) Ground floor: 100 mm sand and cement screed, underfloor heating.
Space heating demand (PHPP): 27 kWh/m2/yr followed underneath by 180 mm PIR insulation, Ventilation: Renson Endura Delta mechanical
Heat load (PHPP): 10 W/m² U-value: 0.11 W/m2K ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) system.
Primary energy demand non-renewable Walls: 300 mm traditional cavity wall Passive House Institute certified heat recovery
(PHPP): 87 kWh/m2/yr construction with 100 mm KORE Fill insulation efficiency of 84 per cent.
Primary energy demand renewable (PHPP): in cavity, 200 mm KORE EPS70 Silver insulation, Electricity: 5.92 kWp photovoltaic array.
50 kWh/m2/yr StoMIX EWI System. U-value: 0.10 W/m2K Excess energy is used for electric car charging
Renewable energy generation: 27 kWh/m2/yr Roof: Mannok concrete tiles, timber batten, or grid export.

ph+ | bungalow bills case study | 35


Development type: 269 m2 detached
Method: Timber frame, insulated
foundations, brick slips, low carbon
materials, heat pump, PV
Location: Cork City
Standard: Passive house classic (pending)
Heating cost: €12 per month*
* Calculated space heating cost.
See ‘In detail’ panel for more information.

per month

36 | | issue 46



Few architects are tasked with knocking their old family home, but
for John Morehead, once this difficult decision was made, it was a
chance to create a future-proofed new passive house that embraces
its stunning natural surroundings and exhibits remarkable attention
to detail.

Words: Lenny Antonelli

ph+ | leeward case study | 37


Passive house is really

important, but it
comes second to
the architecture
sometimes for us

hen passive house architect John
Morehead received an email
from a prospective client, en-
quiring about the prospect of designing a
passive house on the site of Morehead’s child-
hood home in Cork, he assumed it was a joke.
Morehead is a well-known figure in the
passive house community. The house he grew
up in, a 1960s dwelling in the riverside sub-
urb of Blackrock, had recently been sold. “I
thought it was a family friend winding me
up,” he says. But it was not.
The email came from Killian Hurley, a Cork
native who is the chief executive at Mount
Anvil, a housebuilder in central London. Kil-
lian and his wife Maeve had bought the house
in 2018, with a view to building a new home
for themselves on the site. They had turned
up Morehead’s name when looking for a local
architect with passive house expertise.
For Morehead, taking on the project was
an emotional as well as a practical proposi-
tion. His parents moved from Dublin back to
Cork in 1965. They bought the site along the
marina, and had an architect-friend design a
modest brick-clad dwelling, which they called
Leeward. They lived there for almost 40 years.
In 2005, Morehead’s parents divided the site
in two, and Morehead designed a new low
energy house for them on the newly created
site next door.
Morehead’s parents moved into that house,
called Svendborg, in 2007, and sold their old
home. Sadly, Morehead’s father died soon af-
ter. Leeward was rented out for a few years,
but was not looked after, and was empty
when Killian and Maeve purchased it. The
area is now highly sought after and has some
of the highest house prices in the city.
Killian knew about the passive house stan-
dard from his work as a developer and says ovating Leeward, but the ground floor was ficult decision as you can imagine, to demol-
that if he was going to knock a dwelling, quite low-lying, and the house sits less than ish the house,” Morehead says. “It was a very
with the inherent environmental impact of
20 metres from the tidal estuary of the Lee. strange time for me, emotionally.”
doing so, he was keen to make the replace-
The site is on reclaimed slob-land along the But there were good reference points to
ment as sustainable as possible. The couple
were also keen on the promise of good in- river, created during the construction of a guide the design of a new home. The wa-
door air quality. towpath in the 19th century, and will face an terfront location was one, even though the
increased flood risk in the coming decades. estuary views are north-facing. The sunny,
A difficult decision Extending the lifespan of the site meant sheltered, south-facing garden was another.
Morehead and his team at Wain Morehead knocking Leeward and building a new The neighbouring architecture was a third.
Architects examined the possibility of ren- house with a raised floor level. “It was a dif- The house is located in an Architectural

38 | | issue 46

Good quality daylighting,

light dancing off things,
good shading, is very
important for the
wellbeing of the person
living there

First Floor Plan

Conservation Area, in a row of a dozen one-

off homes. “There’s a lovely eclectic mix of
architecture along there,” says Morehead.
“They’re very much of their time. There’s
Victorian, Edwardian, early Arts and
Crafts.” He wanted to reference these styles
and embrace their attention to detail while
creating something thoroughly modern.
With its north-facing façade, a back gar-
den that rises steeply at the rear, and lots of
mature vegetation, getting more light into
the house was a priority. For the northern
Ground Floor Plan
rooms and terracing, this was achieved by
introducing a glazed courtyard into the core
of the dwelling, with vertical features to
draw light down. Maeve Hurley took on the old greenheart fenders on the quay wall. It house perspective,” he says. It essentially
role of finishing the design of the courtyard sits in a direct line between the front door turns the house into a doughnut, with one
and selecting a tree to plant at its centre. and the rear sliding door, creating an axis of external envelope on the outside, and an-
light and vegetation running right through other on the inside. This meant more sur-
Doughnut design the house. “The courtyard has been a great face area from which heat could escape, and
The small, partly-glazed courtyard is a work success, it’s just gorgeous, it keeps drawing more junctions to be made airtight.
of art, with vertical larch cladding, a bench you into it,” Morehead says. “Passive house is really important,” More-
for seating, and pedestals referencing the But it was “a nightmare from a passive head says. “But it comes second to the archi-

Photos: Gabrielle Morehead, John Morehead, Owen McSwiney ph+ | leeward case study | 39


The digital version of this magazine

includes access to exclusive
galleries of architectural drawings.

The digital magazine is available to

subscribers on
6 12

1 7 13

2 8

3 9 14

4 10 15

5 11 16

1 The original 1960s house; 2 site cleared in preparation for the new build; 3 insulated foundation system prior to concrete pour; 4 foundation
complete; 5 timber frame walls with Smartply Propassiv OSB airtight layer; 6 underfloor heating; 7 Smet Sudanit 280 hemihydrate screed; 8
taping around windows; 9 sill to timber cladding; 10 Gutex wood fibre insulation; 11 Siga Majpell airtightness membrane and taping; 12 brick slip
installation in progress; 13 MVHR ducting; 14 the south terrace; 15 flat roof and solar PV array; 16 arrival of the silver birch tree for the courtyard at
the centre of the house.

40 | | issue 46

With the principles of

biophilia, we still have
the same attention
to the detail that the
Edwardians did

tecture sometimes for us.”

The courtyard features triple glazed slid-
ing glass doors from Schüco, and on hot
days, these can be opened, along with the
rear sliding doors, to create a stack effect and
cool the building.
Morehead was keen to make sure the
building was fit for a warming climate (it is
interesting to note that, by using site specific
climate data rather than generic data from
Cork Airport, it was easier to meet the pas-
sive house standard. See figures for energy
demand from ‘In detail’).
But he did not want to install active cool-
ing. He was wary that, in our damp climate,
mechanical cooling creates a risk of intersti-
tial condensation, lowering the temperature
of surfaces and triggering the dew point at
which water vapour condenses.
At Leeward, the project team learned the
hard way just how sneaky condensation
can be. When the intermediate floor slab
was slow to dry, the team inserted moisture
probes to find out why. They found the
temperature of the slab was lower than the
surrounding air — water vapour was con-
densing on its underside, soaking into the
Gutex wood fibre insulation beneath. It was “We’ve always had a preference to use OSB array with an average annual output of 1,979
a problem easily solved by cranking up the as an airtight layer,” says Stephen Spillane of kWh — which can be extended further on
underfloor heating, but one that could have Eco Timber Systems. “It’s easy to apply tapes the western monopitch roof — and two elec-
been much more serious. to. It’s very robust, you can even fix electrical tric car chargers.
socket boxes, etc directly to it without any
Attention to detail compromise in the airtightness. A membrane Biophilia
The build suffered from other slowdowns can be damaged much easier and sometimes Killian Hurley praises his architect’s “atten-
— Brexit, Covid, and a difficulty in finding goes by unnoticed.” Spillane says that some tion to minute detail”, and this is perhaps
skilled subcontractors — but the finished of the architectural features, such as cantile- best expressed in the way the house interacts
house scored a blower door test result of 0.45 vered corner windows and doors, required with its environment — its appreciation for
air changes per hour, an exceptional result especially careful detailing. nature, or biophilia, as Morehead likes to say.
given the number of junctions. “The detailing The ground floor, meanwhile, was raised “[Killian and Maeve] were very taken by the
had to be very robust everywhere,” Morehead 310 mm above its previous level. It has an Edwardian houses down the road,” Morehead
says. He praises his builder, Lough Contrac- EPS insulated foundation system from Cavan says. “We were designing a modern house,
tors, for their “top class attention to detail”. manufacturer KORE. Space heating is pro- knowing they love the intricacies of those
The timber frame was built by Eco Timber vided by a Hitachi air-to-water heat pump, properties. With the principles of biophilia
Systems, whose factory is just 15 kilometres ventilation from a Zehnder mechanical venti- that we apply, we still have the same attention
away. And the twin-stud walls feature 300 lation with heat recovery system. There’s also to the detail that the Edwardians did.”
mm of cellulose, manufactured by Ecocel less a Showersave wastewater heat recovery unit This meant embracing views of the water
than three kilometres from the site. — essentially a heat exchanger that recovers and the garden, and retaining the mature veg-
The twin stud was key to ensuring there was heat from wastewater going down the shower etation on site (the build team were careful to
enough insulation to meet the passive house drain, and uses it to warm incoming mains retain the large Scots pines in the front gar-
standard. Airtightness is provided by Smart- water, and the cold supply to the shower den). Maeve Hurley selected a silver birch tree
ply Propassiv OSB, rather than membranes. mixer. There’s also an Amerisolar solar PV for the courtyard at the centre of the house,

ph+ | leeward case study | 41


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42 | | issue 46

and when landscaping is complete, the view for energy, it’s for humanity as well.” upstairs bedrooms, with an external spiral
from the front door through the courtyard The more extensively glazed south-façade stair connecting to the gardens below.
will extend out back to a timber-framed path- looks out into the sunny, sheltered and Killian and Maeve had just moved in as
way, covered with climbing plants. A winding lushly vegetated garden, with its outdoor Passive House Plus went to press, and ac-
path will lead through thick vegetation to the dining terrace. Downstairs, the main living cording to Killian they are loving the house,
escarpment at the back of the garden. and dining areas face south too. A basket and especially the courtyard.
The new Leeward sits on a similar footprint weave oak floor that was salvaged from the
“To have a tree in your kitchen or living
as the original dwelling, but is larger at 269 demolished house has been reused here.
Upstairs, the emphasis was on creating room is a nice one,” Killian says. “We’re in
m2. It embraces the estuary views while keep-
ing the glazing ratio sensible on this north useful, adaptable rooms. There’s a study with there a couple of weeks. We’re just loving the
facade. But there is a new outdoor terrace a pull-out sofa for guests, and a family room space. The light is particularly good. There
here at first floor level, with views over the with bunkbeds hiding behind a sliding door. are full height windows in a lot of the rooms,
river. And there are clever nods to neigh- A south-facing, first floor terrace overlook- and that combined with the atrium gives a
bouring properties. The western element of ing the garden is accessible from two of the lovely feel to the house.”
Leeward is aligned with its neighbour to the
west, Svendborg, while the eastern element is
aligned with Carriglee, to the east. This cre-
ates a slight ‘crank’ in the plan. The house’s
timber and zinc cladding doff their cap to
Svendborg, the brick cladding to the Ed-
wardian dwellings nearby. The steep roof of
the western element also references the gables
of neighbouring homes.

For energy & humanity

Morehead and his team thought hard about
how natural lighting would work in the
space. “Good quality daylighting, light danc-
ing off things, good shading — all of that
stuff is very important for the wellbeing of the
person that’s living there,” he says. “How the
light works around the house — it’s not just


Client: Killian & Maeve Hurley

Architect: Wain Morehead Architects
Civil/structural engineer: Horgan Lynch
Consulting Engineers
Main contractor: Lough Contractors
Quantity surveyors:
Richard Leonard & Associates
Mechanical contractor:
Robert McGarry Plumbing
Electrical contractor:
Gar Callanan Electrical
Airtightness tester/consultant:
Building Environmental Resources
Build system supplier: EcoHomes
Thermal breaks: Bosig, via Ecological
Building Systems
Roof insulation: Unilin Insulation /
Xtratherm Embodied carbon
Additional roof insulation: Ecocel
Shane Fenton of Wain Morehead Architects calculated the building’s embodied carbon
Insulated foundation system: Kore
using an early iteration of the new Irish national methodology for whole life carbon
Airtight board: Medite Smartply
assessment, which is being developed by the IGBC under the Indicate project.
Airtightness membranes and tapes:
Ecological Building Systems / Siga The scope was as per the EU’s Level(s) framework, and the cradle-to-grave total came
in at 155 tonnes of CO2e, or 594kg/m2. As per the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge re-
Heat pump and underfloor heating
system: Pipelife Ireland quirements the results excluded emissions from operational energy and water use (mod-
Heat recovery ventilation: Zehnder, ules B6 and B7).
via Clean Energy Ireland As product level embodied carbon data is currently harder to come by for mechanical,
Screeds: Smet electrical and plumbing services, at present the tool uses generic estimates for these
Windows: Zylefenster, via Walter Power elements, based on weight of each material type.

ph+ | leeward case study | 43


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U-Values: 300mm in attic = 0.11 W/m2K //// 225mm in Timber Frame Wall = 0.14 W/m2K
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44 | | issue 46

Project name: Leeward seasonal performance factor of 569 per cent. taped and sealed (airtight layer), 35 x 50 mm
Building type: 269 m2 detached dwelling, off Based on a 24-hour rate of 31.54c per kWh from battens, 15 mm Gyproc Wallboard internally.
site timber frame construction Yuno Energy, this figure ignores the contribution U-value: 0.15 W/m2K
to running heat pump from the solar PV array. Flat roof: Sarnafil G410 PVC membrane over,
Site type & location: Urban site, Cork
Airtightness: 190 mm Xtratherm Thin-R TR/MG tapered flat
Completion date: 01/08/2023
n50: 0.45 ACH at 50 Pa roof insulation (thermal conductivity = 0.024W/
Budget: Not disclosed.
AP50: 0.47 m3/hr/m2 at 50 Pa mK), Sarnavap 5000e AVCL adhered to 18 mm
Passive house certification: Passive House
classic certification pending Thermal bridging: All Psi values calculated. plywood, 219 mm open web joists full filled
Insulated foundation system with timber frame with Knauf Loft Roll 44 insulation (thermal
Space heating demand: 11.01 Wh/m2/yr (site construction superstructure. Thermal bridging conductivity = 0.032W/mK), Siga Majpell (airtight
specific climate data), or 12.92 kWh/m2/yr (Cork reduced by optimising window junction details,
Data) calculated using PHPP layer) with 15 mm Gyproc Wallboard internally.
installation of wood fibre board externally and U-value: 0.081 W/m2K
Heating load: 8.69 W/m2 (site specific climate Bosig Phonotherm at window sills/thresholds.
data), or 10.11 W/m2 (Cork data) calculated Windows and external doors: Zylefenster
Y-value (based on ACDs and numerical Europa 92 triple glazed alu-clad timber
using PHPP simulations): 0.020 W/m2K
Primary energy non-renewable: 37.82 kWh/m2/ windows, Zylefenster Sky triple glazed alu-clad
Ground floor: 50 mm Smet Sudanit 280 lift and slide units & Schüco ASE 80.HI aluminium
yr (site specific climate data), or 38.45 kWh/m2/yr hemihydrate screed, over Visqueen vapour
(Cork Data) calculated using PHPP lift and slide units. Overall Uw: 0.92 W/m2K
barrier, over 90 mm Xtratherm Thin-R XT-UF
Primary energy renewable: 20.33 kWh/m2/yr (thermal conductivity 0.022 W/mK), over 70 Roof windows: Two EOS Rooflights.
(site specific climate data), or 20.70 kWh/m2/yr per cent GGBS RC concrete slab, over 350 mm Uw: 1.28 W/m2K
(Cork Data) calculated using PHPP KORE Airfloor EPS100 insulated foundation Heating system: Hitachi RWD air-to-water
Heat loss form factor: 4.05 calculated system over, Necoflex RMB400 radon barrier. heat pump with SPF of 569 per cent supplying
using PHPP U-Value: 0.071 W/m2K underfloor heating. Electric towel radiators
Overheating: 0 per cent of year above 25 C Walls: Factory-built timber frame with 22 mm to bathrooms.
(site specific climate data), or 3 per cent of year larch cladding externally / Likestone Capri Ventilation: Zehnder ComfoAir Q600 heat
above 25 C (Cork data) calculated using PHPP brick slips on Cemrock Extreme carrier boards,
recovery ventilation system - Passive House
followed inside by 44 x 50 mm treated battens
Number of occupants: Two adults Institute certified to have an effective heat
and counter-batten, Proctor Facadeshield UV
Energy performance coefficient (EPC): 0.031 breather membrane, 22 mm Steico Universal recovery efficiency of 84.4 per cent
(0.30 threshold) wood fibre board (thermal conductivity 0.040 W/ Water: Domestic hot water provided by Hitachi
Carbon performance coefficient (CPC): 0.019 mK), 2no. 90 x 44 mm twin stud timber frame with air-to-water heat pump, Showersave waste
(0.35 threshold) full fill Ecocel cellulose (300 mm overall) (thermal water heat recovery system installed. 3,000 litre
BER: A1 (4.75 kWh/m2/yr) conductivity 0.032 W/mK), 12.5 mm Smartply rainwater harvesting tank for use in toilets and
Propassiv OSB taped and sealed (airtight layer), external irrigation.
Environmental assessment method: N/A
45 mm service cavity, 15 mm Gyproc Wallboard
Embodied carbon: 492 kgCO2e/m2, calculated Electricity: Seven Amerisolar 410W PV Panels
internally. U-value: 0.102 W/m2K
using PHribbon. with average annual output of 1,979 kWh. No
Pitched roof: Standing seam VMZinc, 125
Measured energy consumption: Data not storage, electric car charging, and excess
x 25 mm rough sawn boards over, 50 x 50
yet available mm battens, over Icopal All Zone breather electricity exported.
Space heating costs: Calculated at €148.91/yr, membrane, 354 mm open web joists with full fill Sustainable materials: Timber frame using FSC
based on the calculated space heating demand Ecocel cellulose insulation (thermal conductivity certified timber, wood fibre board, cellulose
of 11.01 kWh/m2/yr and stated heat pump 0.032 W/mK), 12.5 mm Smartply Propassiv OSB insulation, 70 per cent GGBS cement.

ph+ | leeward case study | 45



If thermal comfort is important for people of all ages, it’s even more so
for elderly people, for whom the right living conditions can be a matter
of life or death. Passive House Plus visited one award-winning extra care
facility in Exeter to learn how the decision to go passive was working out
for the residents.

Words: Kate de Selincourt

Additional reporting: Jeff Colley

House type: 4,457 m2 care home (53 one and
two-bed apartments)
Method: Cavity wall with precast inner leaf. Communal
heating and centralised heat recovery ventilation, with
dynamically modelled summer comfort.
Location: Exeter
Standard: Passive house classic
Heating costs: £11 to £15 per month (indicative space
heating costs for a one-bed and two-bed apartment*)
* see ‘In detail’ panel for more information.

per month
46 | | issue 46

cility. The residents, who are mainly over 55, Exeter’s asset management lead Gary Sten-
with low to moderate care needs, pay ‘afford- ning, and Emma Osmundsen, the then MD
able rent’ to live there. of Exeter City Living – visited similar facili-
It’s unbelievable. My The quality of the building is really appre- ties elsewhere to learn what residents did and
ciated by residents – and by their families. didn’t like. Then working with Lee Fordham,
mother’s only been “When people come in it’s absolutely ‘wow!’” Kirk Rushby and colleagues at Architype they
here a few weeks and one resident told Passive House Plus. “When developed this very effective design.
the change in her is my sister-in-law and our niece came to stay, Residents are full of praise for the facility. As
they were really surprised at how nice it is – one resident, Adrian, explained: “Before, we
incredible. This is a they said ‘Ooh, it looks like a hotel!’” were in a flat supposedly for over 55’s, but my
miracle place! wife has increasing mobility problems and
Design for users early dementia, and she was really struggling,
Edwards Court is in many ways quite differ- even with a stair lift. She was very low, feeling
ent from a hotel, however. Most hotels fea- like her life was over.
ture long, straight, gloomy corridors, some “Here everything is level access and with

s you arrive at the new Edwards enhanced with a hint of stale carpet. Edwards her wheelchair she can get everywhere in the
Court Extra Care housing scheme Court has none of that. building, and go out. She is so much better
in Exeter, the entrance is under- A hotel is built for privacy – however, Ed- here, she settled in really quickly.”
stated, austere even. Go through the doors wards Court is very much built for commu- Adrian is active in the community that is
though, and you enter a surprising, lovely nity too. To this end it cleverly borrows from forming here – with chat sessions, board
space. The foyer is high and airy , with dou- the towns and villages of the outside world. games afternoons, plus a weekly music eve-
ble-height glazing looking out onto a gar- You have the chance to be among people even ning that he organises.
den. Above, a gallery is set into a wall richly when not actively seeking company, and you
decorated with natural wood fluting. People can see what’s going on and who is around. If Visible, tangible luxury
are sitting chatting and playing scrabble, you want to socialise, there are places to meet Adrian’s appreciation of the building is shared
watching the world go by. for chat or a coffee, or to eat together. by his fellow residents, Claire Taylor, the
Beyond the entrance, the corridors are nat- This connectedness is achieved by a porous housing manager says: “Everyone finds the
urally lit, some with views over the gardens layout. Window and galleries like the one building light, bright and decorated in a very
or towards the river. You pass through daylit above the entrance foyer give views down pleasing manner. They love the terrace up-
corridors, some with views over the river Exe, from corridors into communal spaces. On stairs and the view.”
and more attractive communal spaces, again the roof is a cafe serving snacks and hot The generous design and quality finishes
decorated with an abundance of solid natural meals, and the popular roof terrace has views were not imposed by architects spending
wood and colourful furnishings. The building over the leafy riverside to the hills beyond. their client’s money unasked. The luxury was
is peaceful and fresh, and with a goldilocks Individual apartments can be fully private, absolutely central to the brief. “Exeter were
sort of temperature: not too warm, not too or residents can peek out slantways from very keen to drive the quality so it was the
cool, and perfectly even. their kitchen windows down the corridor. same as a private sector facility,” architect
What is probably loveliest of all about this Once out of the door, each flat has a built in Kirk Rushby explains. If anything, Edwards
apartment building though is the fact that it seat (that some residents have personalised Court is not only as good as most private
is council-owned and run. It is not a high- with ornaments). sector facilities: compared to those Passive
end, eye-wateringly-priced private sector fa- The client team at Exeter – in particular, House Plus has encountered, it is rather nicer.

Photos: Architype ph+ | edwards court case study | 47


In the individual flats, the thoughtful lay- A safer environment such as covid. Research has shown that the
out and beautiful finishes continue. The ce- As we know, the older we get, the more sensi- lower the air exchange rates in a building, the
ramic tiled floors give off a gentle, even heat tive to cold (and excess heat) we become. For more outbreaks of respiratory infection you
in winter. Every flat is well daylit and has a those of us with mobility or cognition prob- will have. The centralised passive house heat
balcony big enough to sit out on, plus room lems – like many residents in Edwards Court recovery ventilation here delivers a steady
for some pots. The balconies are all angled to – this vulnerability increases. As experienced stream of pre-warmed air to a set target, with-
catch the sun for at least half the day. passive house clients, Exeter City Council out so much as a hum, never mind a draft. As
But the luxury at Edwards Court is were well aware of the benefits passive house Hugh Griffiths of E3 Consulting Engineers
not only the things you can see, as the would bring to this occupant group. explains, the units chosen were from Swegon’s
residents appreciate. The goldilocks conditions inside – not too Gold range. “Plate Heat exchangers for the
“The flat is really comfortable, we have ther- warm, and not too cold – are not only very kitchen, rotary wheels for the general areas,
mostats to control the temperature, and can nice to live in: they keep the occupants safe, chosen because they are passive house certi-
open the windows or the door to the balcony and aligned with the kinds of temperatures fied and because we have used them on pre-
when it’s warm,” Adrian says. “We just wear required by EN16798-1, a standard which vious passive house projects,” he says. While
short sleeves all year round, but it doesn’t sets indoor environmental quality require- the systems have no recirculation outside of
seem to get too hot.” ments for energy calculation methodologies. the air handling units themselves, in the case
He explained how his disabled wife has ben- “We had in our minds that passive house of the rotary wheels Griffiths says there can be
efited: “We have underfloor heating which is would deliver thermal comfort and fresh air, a very small percentage of recirculation.
great. My wife gets up often in the night, so with extraction where we need it. We are very
it is lovely that it stays warm all night too.” pleased with the result,” Gary Stenning says. How the passive house standard was met
You could say the comfort in the building The comfort makes life a great deal easier Edwards Court contains 50 small flats, plus
is distinguished by what you don’t notice: no for the housing manager. “Age Concern rec- communal, office and circulation space, over
cold or drafty places where you wouldn’t want ommends 21 C temperature for extra care four storeys. With a building this size, achiev-
to sit, no oppressive heat in summer – and provision,” says Claire Taylor. “People need ing passive house levels of thermal efficiency
no smells. to be warm, but if it is much warmer than 21 should not be challenging. The team opted
Even at lunchtime, the only noticeable smell then you can start to risk issues with dehydra- for a layout with apartments on both sides of
is the faint linseed-y presence of the mar- tion and stroke. We check the temperatures a central – albeit daylit – circulation spine.
moleum underfoot in the circulation spaces. to make sure the flats don’t get too much This gives an excellent form factor (surface
“The air is always so fresh, you can’t smell any warmer than this, and I haven’t seen any flats area to volume ratio) of 1.5. As a result Ar-
cooking, even from the café,” Adrian says. go above 21, winter or summer.” chitype were able to specify a standard 150
Claire Taylor is experienced with care fa- Gary Stenning confirms this was the inten- mm cavity construction – cheaper and more
cilities and is used to residents being too tion: “The hope was that in winter, with the straightforward than a thicker build-up.
cold or too hot. But not here: she has had warm surfaces including the windows, and The spec at Edwards Court includes a brick
not one complaint about indoor tempera- lack of drafts, people would not feel the need outer leaf, 150 mm cavity with Isover min-
tures. “We have an age range from 50 to to turn the heating up high. This seems to be eral wool fill and thermally broken TeploTie
101 and to never get, even in the depth of what is happening.” wall ties, albeit with a comparatively modest
winter, any comments about the heating is Older people are also more vulnerable to U-value for a passive house of 0.249 enabled
a major compliment.” infections – not least, to airborne infections by the building’s form factor, and the forgiv-


The digital version of this magazine

includes access to exclusive
galleries of architectural drawings.

The digital magazine is available to

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48 | | issue 46

overheating. “You do need to take care to

control gains, with the lower morning and
afternoon sun, so we paid a lot of attention
to the glazing design. We were careful not to
over-glaze, sizing the windows so they were
well shaded by the reveals.
Chamfered inner reveals both increase the
daylight indoors, and enable more effective
ventilation even with window restrictors. The
opening windows in the corridors are also
useful in summer, Claire Taylor adds.
It was important to control internal gains
ing Exeter climate. Where most cavity walls and windows sits over the structure,” Kirk from services – both to limit overheating,
have a masonry inner leaf the inner frame is Rushby explained. and to meet the passive house primary en-
pre-cast concrete, a decision that helped the To avoid thermal bridging, balconies are ergy targets – not least because at the time
building’s airtightness, albeit at an embodied self-supporting vertically, but still have to be of the design, back in 2017, the standard
carbon cost. Precast concrete tends to have tied in to the wall behind for horizontal sta- low cost choice for heating was gas. Gas has
high embodied carbon, given the typical bility. The ties had to be carefully designed to a high impact on the primary energy totals
spec of high cement content and steel rein- ensure there was no thermal bridge back into compared to heat pumps, in spite of the fact
forcement used for precast concrete. Early the building. And of course every balcony has that gas has a lower primary energy score
on, Architype explored the option of reduc- a door, requiring a robust threshold (that can than grid electricity. The reason: fossil fuel
ing the embodied carbon of the concrete via take feet and mobility aids). boilers are less than 100 per cent efficient,
substituting cement for ground granulated As Kirk Rushby put it: “The inclusion of whereas heat pumps are typically 300 per
blast-furnace slag (GGBS), a low carbon by- balconies immediately means 50 extra door- cent efficient or more.
product of the steel smelting process. “We ways. And you need to find a way to support Why was a fossil fuel source chosen for the
started with a high GGBS specification for them that does not form a thermal bridge. In project? “The project has been in the working
the concrete but this was removed due to passive house, balconies are a nuisance tech- for a long time and the design information
the availability of GGBS due to high market nically, but they were absolutely essential. The for the project was being developed in 2015,”
demand,” says Kirk Rushby. “We were also whole country learned this during lockdown says Kirk Rushby. “At this time, we were en-
therefore concerned about the actual sustain- – there was no question we would not include couraging clients to focus more on reducing
ability of this.” The embodied carbon of the them. You can see from the way people use demand rather than spending on any form of
building wasn’t calculated, Rushby explains, them that they are well worthwhile. renewable. If we were to look at this today
because although Architype had helped de- With such a good form factor, passive house we would certainly take a different view, es-
velop Eccolab, a design tool which calculates heat demand could be met without the need pecially considering how appropriate a heat
embodied carbon, staff hadn’t been trained in for a south orientation. This was a great ad- pump would be with a low temperature un-
the use of the tool when this project was at vantage, as to give equal access to sunshine derfloor heating system.”
design stage. for occupants on either side of the building, Communal hot water circulates at 60 C
To offer the depth of reveals needed for an east-west orientation worked a lot better to avoid legionella risk to such a vulnerable
controlling summer solar gains, the windows – and fitted better with the shape of the site. population. But the circulation is confined to
and doors are not set in the line of the insu- The alternative would have been two nar- short loops that do not enter the apartments.
lation, but rest on the inner concrete frame, row wings of apartments, but this would Separate small-bore spurs supply the shower,
with the insulation line kept continuous by have been an inefficient shape with a much washbasin and kitchen to minimise losses
the addition of a Compacfoam “frame round bigger envelope, all needing a higher fabric into the occupied spaces. The communal
the frame” overlapping the cavity insulation. specification, greatly pushing up the con- underfloor heating circuit meanwhile runs at
“This was fiddlier to design, but actually, it struction cost. around 30 C, so again losses are very low.
was easier to build, as the weight of the doors Of more concern perhaps was controlling Overheating risk was checked by IES dy-

ph+ | edwards court case study | 49


50 | | issue 46

People need to be
warm, but if it is much
warmer than 21 then
you can start to risk
issues with dehydration
and stroke. We check
the temperatures, and
I haven’t seen any flats
go above 21, winter
or summer

namic thermal modelling as well as in PHPP.

For a larger building, mechanical and elec-
trical engineer Hugh Griffiths of E3 explains
that dynamic modelling is recommended,
to understand temperatures in individual
spaces and across the day. Minimal overheat-
ing was predicted.
Following Exeter’s well-established require-
ments, indoor conditions were also modelled
for predicted climate in 2050 and 2080.
This did point to a future overheating
risk, so the building was future proofed ac-
cordingly. Rather than spend money adding
shading and space cooling now, when it is not
necessary, provision has been made to retrofit
external shutters if and when the need arises.
Ventilation ducts were pre-insulated to allow
for cooling, on the basis that taking down the
ceilings to retrofit insulation later would be a
horrible job.

Mike Roe at Warm was the certifier, and
found the project commendably straightfor-
ward to take through the requirements for
passive house.
“It was not that different in the end from
a standard apartment block. The differences
were that the apartments are very small, so
there is a high density in terms of equipment.
At that time PHPP was not as flexible about
primary energy in relation to occupant den-
sity as it is now. The primary energy target
was quite challenging to meet but we just got
through, helped by the clever services design
which really minimised the energy loads.
While the project may have navigated the
rarefied space of passive house and PHPP cal-
culation, how would it fare when put through
the UK’s national methodology, SAP?
Curiously, the apartments received rela-
tively poor Energy Performance Certificate
(EPC) scores of C and in once case B. Kirk
Rushby says this is due to the way that EPCs
are calculated. “Each apartment is assessed as

ph+ | edwards court case study | 51



52 | | issue 46

a separate unit with a nominal U-value given

to party walls. Essentially it doesn’t account
for the efficiency of a large block of apart-
ments huddled together.”

Passive house in Exeter

Edwards Court is another fine feather in
Exeter’s cap, adding to the already excellent
reputation of passive house in the city. Adrian
said his daughter uses the pool at St Sidwells, 1 6
“which is also passive”.
“She finds it really nice at the leisure centre,
and she said to us ‘if your new flat is passive it
should be good’.”
The considerate management and care pro-
visions, the occupant-centred layout, and the
gorgeous fit-out of the building, combined
with its unobtrusive comfort, have worked
wonders for some occupants. The son of an-
other resident told Passive House Plus that
his mother’s wellbeing had transformed since
she had moved in. “It’s unbelievable. She’s 2 7
only been here a few weeks and the change
in her is incredible. This is a miracle place!”

Cold Truths, Passive House Plus Issue 43.
Passive house Benefits: Health, Wellbeing
& People Performance. 3 8


Client: Exeter City Council
Architect: Architype Ltd
M&E engineer: E3CE
Civil/structural engineer: Price & Myers
Energy consultant: Elemental Solutions
Project management/quantity
surveyors: Arcadis
Main contractor: Kier Construction Ltd
4 9
Mechanical and electrical contractor:
Passive house certifier: Warm
Windows and doors: Ecowin
Roof lights: Lamilux
Entrance doors: Raico
Wall insulation: Isover
Thermally broken wall ties: Ancon
Thermal blocks: Foamglas
Roof insulation: Bauder
Floor insulation: Foamglas 5 10
Floor insulation: Styrene
Airtightness products: Pro Clima
Bricks: Ibstock 1 Installation of EPS insulation below slab; 2 Foamglas installation below structural walls; 3
Timber flooring: Junckers tight insulation cut to soil stack penetration; 4 edge of ground slab revealed after formwork
Floor tiles: British Ceramitile removed; 5 aerial shot of the precast concrete frame erection; 6 a dedicated mitre jig setup on
Linoleum: Forbo site to cut EPS plinth insulation; 7 neat and tidy plinth insulation install to the building perimeter;
8 weathertight seal between windows and concrete frame; 9 quality control of the mineral
Mechanical ventilation supplier: Swegon
wool cavity insulation with TeploTie basalt wall ties; 10 excellent weatherproofing around the
penetrations for the air handling unit.

ph+ | edwards court case study | 53

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54 | | issue 46


The UK’s first and only passive house extra care Thermal bridging: With a large building and sealed with Pro Clima Aerosana Viscon liquid
apartments. Exeter City Council’s innovative therefore better form factor the attempt was to sealant. U-value: 0.249 W/m2K
new Edwards Court Extra Care scheme provides make the building form efficient enough that Roof: Bauder bituminous warm roof system with
53 one and two-bedroom mixed tenure a typical insulation of 150 mm thick masonry waterproof layer, 160 mm PIR insulation and VCL
apartments. Designed to encourage community cavity fill generally could be used that would on 150 mm precast concrete planks. VCL acting as
and companionship among its residents and be similar to a more standard construction. airtightness layer. U-value: 0.131 W/m2K
neighbours, a variety of communal areas are Initially design loads allowed a raft slab on top Windows & external doors: Zylefenster windows
interspersed throughout the building, on the of pile-caps by designing the structure to spread by Ecowin, triple glazed aluclad timber windows.
rooftop, and in the garden walkways and terraces. across load-bearing walls rather than having Average Uw-value: 0.84-0.88 Wm2K. G-value: 0.48
With in-depth research into dementia support point loads. Additional loads from the precast
frame manufacturer meant that this could not be Roof windows: Lamilux FEEnergysave triple
and new design thinking, Architype has created a glazed roof lights
healthy, homely and sociable environment where achieved, but Foamglas could be used below
walls to take the loads with an EPS infill which Heating system: Two Potterton Sirius 3 90kW gas
residents can safely maintain an independent boilers with a gross seasonal efficiency of 96.5
lifestyle with various levels of support and care. still made a thermally bridge-free construction.
Parapets were reduced to a minimum but required per cent distributing through underfloor heating
Designed specifically to address the mental and embedded in the screed.
physical needs of an older demographic, these to terraces and plant areas. These were thermally
broken with a break designed by the concrete Ventilation: Four centralised ventilation units,
welcoming ‘homes for life’ encourage movement
frame subcontractor similar to a Schoeck type. as follows:
and social inclusion, helping relieve demands on
Balconies were kept structurally separate from the North flats and communal areas: Swegon Gold F
the NHS.
building with ties back to remove thermal bridges RX (Size 14): Temp efficiency: 86 per cent
To meet Exeter City Council’s demanding and lime mortar with bed joint reinforcement
sustainability and health and wellbeing standards, South flats and communal areas: Swegon Gold
was used to allow the five storeys of brick to be F RX (Size 12) Top: Temp efficiency: 85 per cent
the passive house design helps address fuel self-supporting, thereby removing the need for
poverty by radically cutting heating bills and is structural shelf brackets. Fourth floor communal areas: Swegon Gold F RX
climate-proofed to 2080. (Size 07): Temp efficiency: 84 per cent
Heating costs: Calculated costs for typical
Building type: apartments of £11 to £15 per month, based on Kitchen: Swegon Gold F PX (Size 07): Temp
a 45 m2 one-bed apartment, and a 62 m2 two efficiency: 76 per cent
A 4,457 m2 care home including 53 one and
two-bedroom mixed tenure apartments. bed apartment. This is based on a number Water: Low flow fittings as per AECB
of assumptions. First, it’s assumed that each Water Standards
Site type & location: Suburban brownfield site on
the edge of Exeter City. apartment has the same space heating demand Electricity: No renewables on site
(13kWh/m2/yr) of the whole building, when the Sustainable materials: A priority for Exeter City
Completion date: September 2021 reality is that some will be above or below this Council, the building aligns with the Building
Budget: Final account figure approx £12m. figure. Secondly, it’s assumed that that the boiler Biology Association’s 25 Guiding Principles of
Passive house certification: Certified passive will be delivering heat in line with the stated Building Biology for a healthy, beautiful and
house classic gross seasonal efficiency of 96.5 per cent. sustainable building in an ecologically sound and
Space heating demand: 13 kWh/m2/yr Thirdly, a high unit price for communal gas of socially connected community.
22p is assumed, based on an article from The It reduces physical, chemical and biological
Heat load: 9 W/m2
Guardian on gas price spikes, “UK households risks and eliminates toxic materials and
Primary energy non-renewable: 133 kWh/m2/yr with communal heating facing 350% rise in energy electro-magnetic radiation. Materials are as
Heat loss form factor: 1.47 costs.” If we instead focus on the whole 4,457 natural as possible, with particular care made
Overheating: IES modelling 0.5-1% using current m2 building, the calculated space heating total is to avoid skin irritants and ensure optimum air
weather data £1,100/month – for 53 flats and all common areas. quality. Paints are natural and timber is lacquered
Number of occupants: 80 Ground floor: 65 mm bonded screed with rather than oiled to reduce VOCs (Volatile Organic
Airtightness (at 50 Pascals): 0.23 ACH underfloor heating with VCL, on 25 mm rigid Compounds) which are hazardous to human
insulation, on 300 mm reinforced concrete slab, health. To keep dust and particulate matter levels
Energy performance certificate (EPC): on 100 mm of EPS insulation with Foamglas low, surfaces that more easily collect duct such as
Each apartment has a separate figure but all in load bearing areas. Concrete slab acting as carpets have been avoided. Fibre insulation has
apartments achieved a C rating between 76-79 airtight layer. U-value: 0.206 W/m2K been selected on the basis of having the lowest
with one exception of B (83) formaldehyde content possible.
Walls: 100 mm brick tied back with TeploTie
Embodied carbon: Embodied carbon analysis thermally broken wall ties, 150 mm full fill Isover Cellulose insulation to top floor terrace area.
not undertaken CWS 34 glass mineral wool slabs, 200 mm Natural finishes such as oiled timber floors,
Measured energy consumption: precast concrete walls with service zone and linoleum, timber ceiling and wall finishes, low VOC
Not yet available plasterboard. Precast concrete with external joints paints and ceramic tiles.

ph+ | edwards court case study | 55



A site with a dilapidated building in Bristol has been

transformed into a crucial social space by a husband and
wife team of environmentally and socially engaged
architects, aided by a polymath sustainability consultant.

Words: Jason Walsh

Additional reporting: Jeff Colley

56 | | issue 46

Section A-A 1. Living room

2. Ensuite
3. Stairs
4. Bed 3
5. Bed 1
6. Storage
IN BRIEF 7. Utility
Building type: 150 m2 mid terrace café
and art studio
Method: Timber frame, insulated
foundations, cellulose, heat pump, PV
Location: Bristol
Standard: Passive house classic (pending)
Embodied carbon: £75 / month*
* Calculated total energy costs, including
standing charges and feed-in tariff
income. See ‘In detail’ panel for more

per month

ph+ | goldfinch create & play case study | 57


hen Nicole Strong and Mark they could connect in a really beautiful
Finney arrived in Bristol they space. So we found a building,” she said.
were seeking a change. They got The building was far from suitable, how-
one, and a challenge, too. ever. The 80 m2 site, located in the Bristol The walls were
Coming from Cape Town, the couple, both suburb of Westbury-On-Trym, was home to
of whom are architectural professionals, relo- a one-storey building in extremely bad condi- collapsing and covered
cated to England, Finney’s home, and set to tion that had previously housed a print shop. in algae and mould, so
work. Arriving in the city, Strong, who had Nevertheless, despite this and the bad we had to demolish and
been a senior landscape architect for the city luck of beginning the process just as the
of Cape Town, decided to turn a problem Covid-19 pandemic and its attendant lock- start again
into an opportunity: having young children, down shut down construction, Strong and
she found that the city, despite its reputation Finney proceeded.
as one of England’s most vibrant, was missing “It was a dilapidated building that needed
something. But using her background as the to be completely rebuilt. Covid slowed
foundation, she set about building it. things down, but we got the planning [per- and start again,” he said.
“My background is in architecture, urban mission],” she said. “The previous tenant moved out be-
design and city planning, and I am inter- Planning was approved for a two-storey cause the building was so dysfunctional. It
ested in the social side of buildings and the – 75 m2 per storey – building to house the was heated with electric bar heaters [and]
built environment,” she said. new venture. frankly, it was getting dangerous”.
So what was missing? Strong parlayed her Strong’s husband Finney, a partner in Seb + Sustainability consultants Ecospheric, who
experience to create a new space that offered Fin Architects, took up duties as architect on provided energy and life cycle assessment
families somewhere to be that was neither the project and, despite the site’s suitability, it consultancy on the project, did attempt to
home nor an unsuitable commercial space. soon became clear that an entirely new build- see if a retrofit was possible, but the results
“The coffee shops are very dark and dingy, ing would need to be designed and built. were not positive.
and there are not many healthy options in While Finney says he prefers to preserve “We looked at viability, but it was too
terms of food. There are play centres but building fabric when it is possible, his de- restrictive,” said Kit Knowles, Ecospheric’s
they can be a little bit overwhelming [both] scription of the existing building on the site managing director. “First, as an infill site it
for parents and children,” she said. makes it clear why the couple did not go was tight, as they always are, but the build-
The end result is Goldfinch, a welcoming down that road. ing was not really salvageable. It was a case
community space designed to give families “We did look at a retrofit. It was a single of too structurally compromised, too much
the freedom to imagine, create and connect, storey, but increasingly dilapidated building function required and too little space”.
beyond the confines of the traditional café and half of the site was a yard. Part of it had
or classroom. a corrugated tin roof, which was collapsing, Skills on site
“We wanted to create a space where chil- the walls were collapsing and were covered If the existing building was an inauspicious
dren could be, where adults could be, where in algae and mould, so we had to demolish start the site at least afforded the oppor-

58 | | issue 46


1 1

2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6 F
7 7

9 9
11 F
10 10 2
GW 2



GSPublisherVersion 560.0.93.26 GSPublisherVersion 560.0.93.26

We had already done

all of the joinery and
then the Russian
invasion of Ukraine
meant birch ply became
much harder to get

tunity for a new beginning. As Seb + Fin

Architects, a specialist in residential archi-
tecture, is enthusiastic about the passive
house and Enerphit standards, building the
new building to passive standard was the
obvious choice.
Finney designed the building with the more varied, given the broad ranges of uses trical elements. After that, we need to know
ground floor resting on a concrete raft foun- they encompass, and the consequent diver- how it is going to fit together: it’s the nitty
dation with a 25 mm thick concrete slab, gence in terms of impact on energy use. For gritty that gets it right,” Knowles said.
housed in an Isoquick insulated foundation a building where the main function is a café, “Next, we used our detailing methodology
system. The walls are made with timber a substantial amount of appliance use in a process, called the ‘thirteen hats’. It’s an anal-
I-joists with cellulose fibre insulation and an relatively small building pushes up the plug ysis where you put on a different hat and use
external render. “Internally, on the walls, we loads, and therefore makes it more challeng- that to guide our detailing process. Finally,
get good airtightness,” said Finney.
ing to meet the primary energy targets for we did the mechanical and electrical, getting
Ecospheric, in its consulting role, took
passive house. “We did our modelling and involved with designing that,” he said.
major steps to ensure that the building
consulted with the passive house certifiers Construction was contracted to Earthwise
would meet passive house standards de-
[PH Certification],” said Knowles. “The Construction, a Bristol-based specialist in
spite the difficulty doing so given its use
conclusion is that it would be possible if passive house construction and heat recov-
as a café. Knowles and his colleagues did a
feasibility study to establish how the passive we drew up a new profile with the Passive ery ventilation.
house standard could be met for a building House Institute.” Both Strong and Finney complimented
with this intended use, given the specific Ecospheric also performed a whole life car- Earthwise’s work, noting that few contrac-
kinds of loads a café would bring. Accord- bon analysis, a process analysis and engaged tors have the right skills and experience –
ing to Knowles, other similar UK projects with the design of the mechanical and elec- and some of the few that do only work on
were thin on the ground at best. “There trical systems. massive projects.
are cafés inside a university and a student “Carbon analysis was done with the cre- According to Strong, working with Earth-
accommodation unit, but those are much ation of an ‘optioneering’ engine, looking at wise was particularly reassuring because pre-
bigger, commercial buildings. So, this is the the viability and impact on a whole life ba- vious experiences with other builders had
first time that’s been done in the UK.” This sis, of both the active and passive elements. not always been ideal.
points to a general truism: while residential Once we’ve got through that we know all of “Because of our specialist contractor it
buildings tend to have very similar energy the different materials and methodologies went as smoothly as it possibly could. When
use profiles, non-domestic buildings are far we’re using and all the mechanical and elec- we first tried out [passive house techniques]

Photos: Zed Photography / SuperFunkyPenguin Photography ph+ | goldfinch create & play case study | 59

at our home, with different contactors, there

were some problems, Earthwise knew what
they were doing,” said Strong.
Finney says he was glad to work with
Earthwise because there are few enough con-
tractors in the area with the right expertise.
“In Bristol, you’ve got a little group of about
three people who can do this. One of them,
I don’t think they touch things under half a
million and are looking for more than a mil-
lion: high-end houses, basically,” he said.
Earthwise was also able to make sugges-
tions during the design and build, including
how to meet requirements around heating
and ventilation.
“We were very nervous about meeting
building regulations requirements, but the
contractor suggested using two residential
MVHR units,” said Finney.
“We were incredibly pleased with the con-
As it is not a residential building, however, performance spec – provides heating and
tractor because they were very experienced.
They were good at what they do, and so there there were additional challenges. As a result, cooling, while photovoltaic panels feed elec-
was no need for hand-holding,” he said. the fact that a new build was required had tricity to a battery for storage and later use.
This was also important because one of some significant design benefits. Geopolitical events also had an impact,
the core dreams was for a healthy building “Due to the high occupancy, the ventila- primarily on cost: both the post-pandemic
for the families visiting for classes and social tion rate has got to be really high and that’s supply chain crunch and the Russian inva-
space at Goldfinch. quite challenging to address, but the enve- sion of Ukraine were felt.
“Apart from sustainability, we wanted a lope is new so it was easier to achieve. Work- “We were quite fortunate because the plot
healthy environment with good air circula- ing around things in Enerphit is tricky: you was purchased and was going through the le-
tion,” Strong said. always have cold bridges to address, whereas gal side during lockdown. What we did suf-
In addition to construction and ventilation, we just designed them out of it,” said Finney. fer from was price inflation. We were relying
Earthwise also did all of the internal joinery. A Stiebel Eltron air source heat pump – se- on a lot of timber products, which all went
“That was quite novel, [and was possible] lected by Ecospheric to ensure a low global up by 50 per cent. That has now levelled off
because they are joiners,” said Finney. warming potential refrigerant as part of the but not come down,” said Finney.


The digital version of this magazine

includes access to exclusive
galleries of architectural drawings.

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60 | | issue 46

“We had already done all of the joinery ventilation system. The heat demand should pretty accurate – but we want to see just how
specifications and design and then the Rus- be pretty low – it’s designed to minimise the accurate,” he said.
sian invasion of Ukraine meant birch ply demand,” he said. Of particular interest to Finney is under-
became much harder to get,” he said. Never- Open for around three months at the time standing the impact of materials such as
theless, the project was completed and signs of publication, the next step for Goldfinch is concrete and expanded polystyrene, choices
of success are visible. to see if the building performs as expected. forced on the design by the site.
“Because it’s tight and well-insulated we “What we are keen to do is see how it works “We’re very keen on embodied carbon anal-
were able to do all of the hot water, heating down the road,” said Finney. ysis. We were keen to use as much timber and
and cooling from an air source heat pump “What we often tell clients is that if you [as many] natural materials as possible, but in
on the roof and that’s distributed by the did passive house modelling it should be this case we had to use EPS and concrete and

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

1, 2 & 3 The existing building was in extremely bad condition and structurally compromised; 4 work underway demolishing the building as it had to
be completely rebuilt; 5 & 6 ground floor build-up features a 250 mm deep concrete raft slab with Isoquick 100 mm perimeter insulation upstand;
7 arrival of windows for installation; 8 timber frame structure progressing; 9 Smartply Propassiv OSB, seams fully taped with Pro Clima Tescon Vana;
10 Intello Plus membrane and ductwork for MVHR systems; 11 the Velux roof windows help to bring in more natural light; 12 installation of two 12.5
mm layers of British Gypsum FireLine board on timber battens.

ph+ | goldfinch create & play case study | 61


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62 | | issue 46

[petrochemical-based] roof insulation. We

would have avoided that on a greenfield site.
Also, there was zero information on the steel
and that means we have to assume the worst
case scenario and that could knock us out of
the top bracket,” he said.
The experience, largely positive but not
without the unexpected problem of inflation
in the price of materials, has only confirmed
Finney’s view that all construction projects
should be sustainable.
“The government needs to come to the
party and incentivise good building practice.
It should always be the case that choosing
the green option is cheaper,” he said.

Embodied carbon

Ecospheric’s carbon analysis included a emissions typically aren’t included in em-

life cycle assessment on the building cal- bodied carbon targets, but it’s encouraged
culated using OneClickLCA. The build- to report them separately. Frankly, once a
ing was assessed against the RIBA 2030 life cycle assessment moves beyond mod-
Climate Challenge, and compared against ule A, the figures start to become heavily SELECTED PROJECT DETAILS
the RIBA 2030 target for schools, as the reliant on assumptions – about how long
closest building use category to the play a component will last, about how a build- Client: Goldfinch Create and Play
cafe. The building met the RIBA 2030 ing will be maintained, about how pollut- Architect: Seb + Fin Architects
target of 540 kg CO2e/m2 GIA, covering ing the manufacture of replacement com- Civil / structural engineer: Build Collective
the RICS life cycle stages A1 through C5, ponents will be, and about how much Energy consultant and life cycle
but excluding operational energy and wa- care will be taken in deconstructing rather assessment consultant: Ecospheric
ter use (B6 & B7). than just demolishing a building. While Main contractor: Earthwise Construction
The reality however may be better still. it is important to look at a building on a Electrical contractor: Electrotech SW Ltd
One problem Ecospheric encountered cradle-to-grave basis – and to think about Airtightness tester/consultant:
was the absence of Environmental Prod- designing the building in such a way as Building Analysis and Testing Ltd
uct Declarations for big ticket items such to minimise emissions down the line – Passive house certifier: Zero Energy
as the steel, concrete and rebar. “We have Knowles makes the point that a particular Build system supplier: Pasquill
assumed average UK figures, to be conser- focus on upfront emissions is key. Cellulose insulation: Warmcel, via PYC
vative,” said Knowles. “We feel it is important to list the A1- Wood fibre insulation:
Life cycle assessments cover up to four A5 figures separately as the next eight Pavatex, via Soprema
modules: A, B, C and D. Module A cov- years are crucial for climate change,” he Floor insulation: Isoquick
ers the carbon emitted in manufacturing says, “and trying to predict what the em- Airtight OSB: Medite Smartply
the building’s materials and technologies, bodied carbon of replacement materials Airtight membrane and tapes: Pro Clima
in transporting them to site, and in the in 30 years time or the end of life carbon via Ecological Building Systems
construction process itself. B covers emis- in 60 years is pretty difficult.” Windows and doors: Viking
sions during the expected lifespan of the In this building, Ecospheric calculated a Roof lights: Velux
building – in the UK a reference life of 60 module A total of 353 kg CO2e/m2 GIA. Entrance doors: Velfac
years is typically taken - including main- If the CO2 stored in biogenic materials Flooring: Forbo
taining, repairing or replacing materials, such as timber, wood products and cellu- Roofing: Alwitra Evalon
and operational energy and water use. C lose is factored in, that total drops to 190 Rainwater systems: Lindab
covers the building’s end of life, including kg CO2e/m2 though LCA experts tend to Heat pump: Stiebel Eltron, via Green Flare
emissions released by the building being counsel against netting off in this case, Mechanical ventilation system:
knocked down (or hopefully taken apart), preferring instead to say that the upfront Zehnder, via Earthwise Construction
including material disposal. D focuses on total is 353 kg CO2e/m2, with a further Photovoltaic supplier: JA Solar array and
potential future uses of materials from the 163 kg CO2e/m2 stored in the biogenic Pylontech battery, via Green Flare
building in other applications. Module D materials in the building. Sanitaryware: Ideal Standard

ph+ | goldfinch create & play case study | 63


mineral clay

Class A2-s1,d0 Mineral Clay BREEAM

Fire rating Insulation 30 credits

Agrément Thermal For new and

certified conductivity refurbished
0.034W/mK buildings

64 | | issue 46

Building type: 150 m2, mid-terrace two-storey level with the top of the floor screed; Isoquick including Alwitra Evalon in slate grey (RAL 7015)
timber frame café and art studio. 150 mm grade EPS300; Visqueen Radon R400 with colour matched 75 mm drip trims; 200
Site type & location: Suburban high street, membrane with fully taped seams; non-shrinkable mm (100+100 mm) PIR with staggered board
Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol compacted fill; ground. U-value: 0.207 W/m2K. application, secured using manufacturer approved,
Completion date: July 2023 Walls: (Inside to out) Paint; two 12.5 mm layers thermally broken fasteners; InStar Elotene DSN
of British Gypsum FireLine board and 3 mm self-adhesive total vapour barrier; 18 mm OSB3
Budget: Construction cost including fit out and T&G board fixed to timber structure below; firring
furnishings of £670,000 (excluding site purchase skim coat plaster finish with all joints taped with
scrim tape; 25x50 mm treated FSC certified pine timbers: ex 47x225 mm C24 timber at 400 mm
and professional fees). centres at minimum 1:60 falls. Timbers trimmed
battens, running vertically at 400 mm centres
Passive house certification: Passive house classic to form services void; 12.5 mm layer of Smartply to a minimum of 70 mm; 300x90 mm JJ I-joist
(certification pending) airtight board with fully taped seams with Pro Clima construction to structural engineer’s specification
Space heating demand: 3.0 kWh/m2/yr Tescon Vana; 300x90 mm JJ I-joist construction / specialist sub-consultants design to form a level
Heat load: 6.7 W/m2 fully filled with Warmcel cellulose fibre insulation; ceiling; timber battens to form service void and
40 mm Pavatex Isolair wood fibre insulation board allow ceiling to extend into window reveal; two 12.5
Primary energy non-renewable: 195.1 kWh/m2/yr mm layers of British Gypsum FireLine board and
mechanically fixed to the timber frame; Baumit
Primary energy renewable: 77.5 kWh/m2/yr render system including 2 mm Baumit SilikonTop 3 mm skim coat plaster finish with all joints taped
Heat loss form factor: 2.9 finish render, Baumit premium Primer, 6 mm Baumit with scrim tape; paint; acoustic panels. U-Value:
Overheating: 0.0 per cent of year above 25 C, MC55 lime contact mortar, incorporating Baumit 0.105 W/m2K
assessed in PHPP StarTex mesh. Colour Baumit W1208 ceramic white. Windows & external doors:
Number of occupants: U-Value: 0.115 W/m2K. Main entrance door: Velfac Ribo door and top light
Ground floor max: 26 people (20 seated, 2 staff, 4 Where the external wall runs along the external window triple glazed aluminium clad timber framed
people queuing for take away). maintenance access, the render system is replaced window and door, with Argon filling and overall Uw
First floor max: 26 people (12 children, 12 as follows to allow for pre-fabrication of wall panels: value of 0.89 W/m2K installed.
accompanying adults, 2 staff). A realistic average Windows and fire escape door: Viking triple
40 mm Pavatex Isolair wood fibre insulation board
occupancy would be 20-40 people during daytime. glazed aluminium clad timber framed windows,
mechanically fixed to the timber frame; Pro Clima
with Argon filling and overall Uw value range
Airtightness (at 50 Pascals): 0.43 m3/hr/m2 at 50 Solitex Frontra WA breather membrane, with fully between 0.74 and 1.4 W/m2K. The lower Uw value is
Pa / 0.40 air changes per hour taped seams using Tescon Vana; treated 44x44 mm due to fire-rated glass requirement.
Embodied carbon: 540 kg CO2e/m2 GIA for RICS pine battens running vertically at 400 mm centres Service access door: Moralt Ferro Passiv Firesafe
life cycle stages A1 through C5, but excluding (and doubled up at junctions of boards) with Tenmat FD30 Exterior MDF faced door with laminated
operational energy and water use (B6 & B7). FF102/50 ventilated cavity barrier; 3050x1200x8 pine frame (no glazing). Ud value of 1.0 W/m2K.
Calculated using OneClickLCA. mm RockPanel. Panels screwed into battens with PHI certified.
stainless steel screws. The top of the panels are
A1-A5 (cradle to practical completion) = 353 kg weatherproofed with a PPC aluminium sill (colour Roof windows: Two Velux UK08 triple glazed ‘Extra
CO2e/m2 GIA excluding biogenic storage. matched to windows external colour) fixed to the Heat’ roof lights with Velux UK08.
A1-A5 (cradle to practical completion) = 190 kg I-joist beyond. The underside of the panels includes U-value: 1.01 W/m2K installed.
CO2e/m2 GIA including biogenic storage. a stainless steel insect mesh to form a continuous Heating system: Stiebel Eltron WPL-A 07 HK
Measured energy consumption: Not available barrier to vermin and insects. Premium Pack consisting of an air-to-water heat
Thermal bridging: Continuous tongue and groove The wall plinth (dense blockwork upstand with pump with cooling capacity, integral hot water
wood fibre to each façade; Isoquick below slab Isoquick insulated upstand externally) clad with cylinder with a nominal capacity of 168 L, and a 100
insulation with insulated upstands; Insulated reveal 15 mm Wetherby Brick Slip Cladding System in L buffer cylinder. The heat pump refrigerant R454C,
‘Staffordshire Blue’ colour. U-value: 0.115 W/m2K. has a global warming potential of 146.
liners (wood fibre for main windows, spacetherm
for roof light windows); Warm roof deck extending New party walls: (Inside to outside) Paint; two 12.5 Heating and cooling distributed via two Zehnder
close to the perimeter, with insulated timber ladder mm layers of British Gypsum FireLine board and ComfoPost air-to-water heat exchangers
structure to form perimeter edge. Building Y-value: (one per floor).
3 mm skim coat plaster finish with all joints taped
0.005 w/m2K, based on calculated thermal bridges. with scrim tape; 25x50 mm treated pine battens, Ventilation: Two Zehnder Comfoair Q600 MVHR
Energy bills (measured or estimated): Estimate FSC certified, running vertically at 400 mm centres systems (one per floor). PHI certified. Heat recovery
based on PHPP data and assumed levels of to form services void; 12.5 mm layer of Smartply rate of 87 per cent thermal efficiency according to
occupancy is £900/yr electricity based on current airtight board with fully taped seams; 300x90 mm EPN standard 97.6 per cent.
typical business energy costs of 30p/kWh and JJ I-joist construction to structural engineer’s spec Water: Low flush WCs and microbore hot
assuming 80 per cent self-consumption of energy fully filled with Warmcel cellulose insulation; egg water pipes.
generated by PV on roof, plus a standing charge crate tanking system: Delta MS500 (8 mm cavity Electricity:
of £200/yr. Export of the remaining 20 per cent is drain membrane) with fully taped seams and plugs PV: 21 x JA solar panels JAM60S21-370/MR
estimated to generate £200 in income at 15p/kWh. to manufacturers spec. Minimum embedment of 370 Watts
Ground floor: (Top to bottom) Marmoleum Cocoa plugs in party wall to manufacturers spec. subject Inverter: S5-GR3P8K SOLIS - Ningbo Ginlong
- Earl Grey Chocolate finish; latex self-levelling to party wall agreement; Koster Polysil TG500 Technologies 8.000 kW
compound; 250 mm deep concrete raft slab to (anti lime coating) applied to existing wall; existing Battery: PylonTech FORCE H2 7.1 kWh
structural engineer’s spec and detail; Isoquick 100 masonry party wall; neighbouring building. Sustainable materials: Timber frame using FSC
mm perimeter insulation upstand (vertically around U-value: 0.121 W/m2K certified timber and I-joists, cellulose insulation,
perimeter of the slab), with the top of the insulation Roof: (Outside to inside) Warm roofing system wood fibre insulation and marmoleum floor finish.

ph+ | goldfinch create & play case study | 65



As the world edges ever closer to the precipice of runaway climate change, some
sustainability terms have moved from relative obscurity towards the mainstream
of marketing and public discourse – and none more so than zero carbon. But
is zero carbon construction a real prospect, or is it just wishful thinking?
Words: John Butler and Andrew Simmonds

ncreasingly claims are made that some is really entailed in attempting to achieve
What is a net zero carbon build- buildings are zero carbon in their con- genuinely low carbon construction.
ing? Attempts at a definition are struction (as opposed to being opera- The main standards setting out how to
underway in the UK and Ireland tionally zero carbon). The incorporation of calculate the carbon emissions of products
sequestered biogenic carbon in large quan- and whole buildings state with increasing
In the UK, a proposal for a net tities of plant-based materials (carbon that clarity that the ‘negative emissions’, i.e.,
zero carbon building standard has been removed from the atmosphere and the sequestered carbon of biogenic materi-
is being developed by a group stored in the structure of plants while they als, may only be reported for projects when
of prominent industry bodies. grow) is seized upon as evidence that the the whole carbon life cycle is accounted for.
For more information visit resulting building is zero carbon or even These key documents are: A full ‘carbon negative’.
list of characteristics and metrics Such claims are usually based on the idea • EN15804+A2 ‘Sustainability of con-
for this proposed standard are that more carbon is stored in the materi- struction works: Environmental pro-
shown in the technical update and
als used to construct the building than was duct declarations - Core rules for the
consultation document, including
emitted to create those materials and as- product category of construction
limits on embodied carbon and
semble them into the building. products’.
operational energy, and minimum
While this feels like it might make sense • RICS ‘Whole life carbon assessment
targets for aspects such as on-site
renewables, demand flexibility, for the reality is much more complex, making (WLCA) for the built environment’.
example. You can read the docu- such claims deeply problematic.
ment at: In fact, EN 15804+A2 puts it the other
In Ireland, the IGBC recently Is guidance aligned with standards? way around: if a product contains bio-
held a consultation on a proposed In some areas planning requirements or genic carbon, then you must account for
net zero carbon building definition, guidance are being developed to encourage the whole life cycle. Additionally, it states
and is processing the results. zero carbon development, in both opera- that the stored carbon cannot be reported
This can be read at: tional and embodied terms. It’s a laudable for products coming from native forests
IGBCnetzerocarbon. aim. However, poorly worded guidance can (carbon emissions resulting from harvest-
lead to increased misunderstanding of what ing such resources are reported under “land

66 | | issue 46 Photo: Black Salmon /


There is confusion around the impor- pose, reuse or recycle!

tance and timing of emissions. Carbon We must accept that we can’t know what
stored in timber materials will have been will happen however well we design – but
absorbed over many decades of growth, and that is no excuse not to think long term. Ac-
it will take many decades of growth to re- cess to resources appears almost certain to be
peat the process after the timber has been much more difficult in the years ahead.
felled, extracted, and used in a building. By Clearly, to limit the worst impacts of an-
contrast, in the case of fast-growing crops thropogenic carbon emissions on climate
used in construction such as straw, seques- change and make wise use of resources over
tration takes place over the previous annual time, we need to make the fastest reduc-
growing season and is regrown just as fast. tions in emissions now, and now means
As electricity grids and manufacturing within the next ten years. But we still can-
(above) A strong carbon buffering argu- industries decarbonise (decarbonising the not ignore future emissions. It is essential
ment can be made for systems such as UK electricity grid is progressing faster that the potential release of carbon at the
the Ecococon modular straw bale system, than the manufacture of common build- end of life is considered.
which use straw, an annual rotation crop.
ing materials) then the level of emissions
from the manufacturing and processing Genuine low carbon construction means
use and land use change emissions”), and of material for construction may reduce. now and in the future
the RICS methodology requires that in the But again, that decarbonisation process is The LETI approach to embodied carbon
case of timber, only stored carbon in FSC happening over decades, and much is still targets and benchmarking is useful here,
or equivalent certified sustainable forestry uncertain – bringing us back to the point where a building must meet targets both
can be counted. that right now pretty much all construction for upfront and life cycle embodied carbon.
causes immediate emissions to a heavily They suggest that by 2030 at the latest we
Creative accounting carbon-polluted atmosphere. should be building to their A rating, with
Sticking to the approach set out in the stan- A+ and A++ still to aspire to – arguably
dards is crucial to avoid misrepresenting End of life – future planning where we should be aiming already.
projects and downright creative account- It’s also important to note that any biogenic Band A, applied to residential buildings,
ing. What do we mean by ‘creative account- carbon in a product or building will eventu- allows up to 350 kgCO2e per square me-
ing’? For example, suppose the negative fig- ally be released at the end of the lifecycle of tre of gross internal area (GIA) for upfront
ures for stored carbon are added together that product or building. Again, on timing carbon and 530 kgCO2e/m2 (GIA) for life
with the upfront carbon emissions , and it of the carbon ‘leakage’: carbon from badly cycle embodied carbon.
happens to be the case that more carbon detailed timber cladding or landscaping The lower allowance for upfront emis-
is stored in the building than was emitted features will find its way to the atmosphere sions addresses the need to reduce re-
in delivering the building – as can happen quicker than the timber structural elements al-terms emissions right now.
in buildings where there’s very high use of or natural-fibre based insulations or linings The increased allowance for life cycle em-
biogenic materials. The stored carbon may of a well-detailed and well-built building. bodied carbon reflects not just the poten-
appear to cancel out the emissions, and Even if a biogenic material is removed tial future emissions of the stored carbon
may even be used to claim the building from a building and re-used intact in an- from disposal or processing of all materials
is ‘carbon negative’ – perhaps evoking an other building, from the carbon-account- at the building’s end of life (EOL), but also
emotional concept of it actively sucking ing perspective the carbon is still ‘released’ emissions from product replacements and
carbon out of the sky? While this may look from the first building (which is no longer maintenance during a building’s life.
appealing to marketing departments, it storing its precious carbon-cargo), and
simply doesn’t reflect reality. The reality is the ‘negative emissions’ value is then rec- Biogenic materials
that the manufacture of any product (in- ognised in the carbon accounts of the new There are many discussions to be had
cluding those made from plants) results in building. When planning a building we around the storing of carbon long term in
some emission of carbon now. can (and should) design with a clear Upfront building
intent embodied materials,
carbon, but sequestration)
A1-5 (excluding the main issue is
Sticking to a standard approach is also for reuse or recycling of the materials inBand it, that while many
Office tonnes
Residential of carbon
Education might be
(6+ storeys)
the only way any comparison can be made helping future generations (or our future A++ temporarily
<100 locked
<100 up<100
in the plant-based
between projects to aid more focused selves) when the building is ultimately de-
LETI 2030 design target
<350 in <200
a building,
<200 <200
<300 they <300
won’t stay
and effective research and development in constructed. They won’t thank us for build- B locked up forever. Clearly this practical
<475 <400 <400 <425 re-
LETI 2020 design target C <600 <500 <500 <550
the industry. ings and materials that are hard to repur- D ality<775
is in direct
<675conflict with the<700
<625 simplistic
E <950 <850 <750 <850
F <1100 <1000 <875 <1000
G <1300 <1200 <1100 <1200

Upfront embodied carbon, A1-5 (excluding sequestration) Life cycle embodied carbon, A1-5, B1-5, C1-4
Residential Residential
Band Office Education Retail Band Office Education Retail
(6+ storeys) (6+ storeys)
A++ <100 <100 <100 <100 A++ <150 <150 <125 <125
A+ <225 <200 <200 <200 A+ <345 <300 <260 <250
LETI 2030 design
LETI 2030 target
design target A <350 <300 <300 <300 A <530 <450 <400 <380
B <475 <400 <400 <425 RIBARIBA
20302030 build
build target
target B <750 <625 <540 <535
LETI 2020 design
LETI 2020 target
design target C <600 <500 <500 <550 C <970 <800 <675 <690
D <775 <675 <625 <700 D <1180 <1000 <835 <870
E <950 <850 <750 <850 E <1400 <1200 <1000 <1050
F <1100 <1000 <875 <1000 F <1625 <1400 <1175 <1250
G <1300 <1200 <1100 <1200 G <1900 <1600 <1350 <1450

Life cycle embodied carbon, A1-5, B1-5, C1-4

Band Office Education Retail
Figure 1: LETI’s upfront and cradle-to-grave carbon targets
(6+ storeys)
A++ <150 <150 <125 <125
A+ <345 <300 <260 <250
A <530 <450 <400 <380
RIBA 2030 build target B <750 <625 <540 <535
C <970 <800 <675 <690
D <1180 <1000 <835 <870
E <1400 <1200 <1000 <1050
ph+ | zero carbon insight | 67
F <1625 <1400 <1175 <1250
G <1900 <1600 <1350 <1450

Using recycled materials – and designing ardship in building design and material
buildings to enable re-use of materials – also choices. The choices we make need to reduce
plays an essential role in reducing carbon atmospheric carbon now, and consider what
Whatever type of emissions and extraction of new material. will happen to stored carbon throughout the
Whatever type of material is used it is vi- life cycle of a building and beyond.
material is used it is tal to use only the smallest amount necessary Only once that is done can the amount
vital to use the smallest to safely, effectively and durably achieve the of sequestered carbon be stated as a separate
amount necessary to aim, whether that is structure, insulation, or figure (an indicator of the amount of atmo-
weather proofing. spheric carbon buffering that building pro-
safely, effectively and vides), with the understanding that however
durably achieve the aim Speed of sequestration large a negative number it may technically be
The speed of growth of a plant used to make a – and whatever the lifespan of that building
building material needs to be considered, and – the carbon is only held temporarily within
whether that plant would be more effective at its structure.
storing carbon if it remained a growing plant.
notion of zero carbon construction. The common example is timber, or as it’s What about offsetting?
With plant-based materials (and many known before it becomes a building product: This understandably remains a controversial
non-plant-based ones) there are further trees. A tree is most effective at storing car- area. Even if the principle of offsetting (ab-
emissions associated with land use and land bon while it remains alive and growing. Only sorbing carbon in one place to offset or bal-
use change. Another welcome addition to around 50 per cent of the carbon stored by ance carbon emitted elsewhere) is accepted,
EN15804 +A2 is that these emissions must a growing tree is contained within the part it must never be used to excuse excessive re-
now be accounted for and stated separately. of the stem used to produce timber prod- source use. But, if resources have been used as
Carbon stored in soil can be released by ucts. The rest is released back into the system efficiently as possible and plant-based materi-
cultivation. Any existing vegetation re- through decomposition or combustion after als are used, is there a case for then offsetting
moved to make way for crops will result in harvest, though there does also appear to be the residual emissions that do occur?
carbon emissions, and there are also poten- a degree of increased carbon storage in rota- As laid out above, storing carbon from rap-
tial biodiversity impacts from land use and tion-cropped forest land over time. The car- id-rotation plant materials in a building can
land use change. bon that is stored in trees has been absorbed provide a useful delay to that carbon’s release.
slowly over decades – but can all be released It cannot be used to offset the emissions
Carbon release buffer in one burst at the end of life of a building. caused by its construction, as that stored car-
However, there is a case to make that the This points strongly to the use of annual – bon will ultimately be released.
or perennial but annually harvested – crops
biogenic carbon in building materials can
wherever possible (with longer rotation crops Unrealistic scale
provide a useful carbon release buffer. Using
such as trees only used where necessary, such A residential building of 120 m2 GIA achiev-
materials made from plants that reduce the
as to provide structure, and in the smallest ing a LETI ‘A’ rating for both upfront and life
amount of carbon in the atmosphere – and
quantity necessary to safely and effectively cycle embodied carbon would result in emis-
then storing that carbon in buildings even
do the required job). Such annual crops have sions of around 42 tonnes of upfront carbon,
temporarily – may be beneficial as it slows
stored all their carbon in the growing season with a further 21.6 tonnes emitted by the end
the rate of release of that carbon. The exact
immediately preceding their harvest. The car- of life of that building.
length of storage is uncertain, tied to the fu-
bon stored in the residue from these crops is Across Europe and the UK, the average an-
ture life of that building and any decisions
frequently released back to the atmosphere nual carbon sequestration rate across different
or disasters that may befall it. But when left
within a short cycle – for example where the types of forest is 3.2 tonnes CO2 per hectare
to decompose, the plant material releases its
residue is allowed to rot or is burned (or used per year.
carbon back to the atmosphere within a few
as animal bedding and then allowed to de- So, it would take a hectare of average Eu-
years. Incorporated into a building, it could
compose, etc.). Locking such plant materials ropean forest 13 years to absorb the upfront
be locked up for anything from a couple of
in a building prevents that release and keeps emissions of the relatively low carbon house
decades to hundreds of years.
the carbon stored for the life of a building. described above. In case that doesn’t sound
Quality of construction also plays a signif-
Where a building efficiently uses plant- too bad, consider that 204,530 houses were
icant role here, to ensure a building that can
based materials from annual-growth crops built in the UK in 2022. Even if all of these
last for the longest time possible, and with the
in place of non-plant-based materials, it has were somehow achieving LETI ‘A’ rating
fewest product replacements during its life.
maximised the storage of recently and rapidly for upfront carbon emissions, that would
Ultimately, it will still be released but there is
absorbed carbon. Such a building is making amount to 8.6 million tonnes of CO2 released
large potential to slow and delay that release
the most of its potential to contribute to that in one year. To sequester those new emissions
in real terms.
useful buffering of atmospheric carbon. Ul- within the same 13 years would require one
timately though, it isn’t, and can’t be. That
Using resources efficiently hectare of new forestry per house – or rather
stored carbon will always be released from the
As has been clearly written about before this an equivalent amount reaching sufficient ma-
building in the end.
does not mean we should use as much plant- turity every year to provide the required level
based material as possible. Sensible and effi- There is no zero impact building of sequestration.
cient use of any resource is critical, to avoid We need the construction sector to get better That’s an area 1.3 times the size of Greater
the immediate impacts caused by its produc- at understanding this. Any building results London requiring forestation every year, just
tion. The potential biodiversity impacts of in emissions and biodiversity impacts. We to ‘keep up’ with the annual upfront emis-
any material must also be considered; the less should always seek to minimise those first sions of housing. And that’s ignoring emis-
material is used, the lower those impacts are and foremost. sions resulting from external landscaping,
likely to be. We need to think in terms of carbon stew- access, infrastructure etc., which could be sig-

68 | | issue 46

nificant in their own right – not to mention cilities. Although management of these areas efficiently as possible.
non-domestic construction. could provide some timber for construction, Offsetting at the speed needed to avoid
This is absolutely not to suggest that we presumably further additional areas would be
emissions now and within the next 10 years is
shouldn’t plant trees or increase other crucial required to provide for increasing use of tim-
means of drawing carbon from the atmo- ber in construction. unrealistic. Which leads to difficult questions
sphere such as peat bog restoration or rewil- Again: any materials we use must be used as about what we should be building, and how.
ding (which also increase biodiversity), but it
highlights the scale of offsetting necessary.

Calculating the type and size of forestation
needed in this theoretical scenario is compli- 200

Million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (Mt CO2e)

cated. The figures above are based on average
sequestration rates across Europe, and forestry 100 Other land
of average age. Outside the averages, generally 0 Grassland
the rate of tree biomass growth – and of car- -100
Harvested wood products (HWP)
Forest land
bon sequestration – increases with the size of Other
Projections with existing
tree but there is some evidence that the rate -200 measures (WEM)
Projections with additional
measures (WAM)
of sequestration is reduced in forests of ma- -300 Land use, land use change
and forestry (LULUCF)
ture big trees , partly due to there being fewer -400
Approximated emissions
trees per area of mature forest. In theory there
may come a point in the life cycle of a tree in
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2040 2045 2050
a managed forest whereby it will continue to
store a greater amount of carbon if removed
from the forest, making way for new younger Figure 2: EU emissions and removals of the LULUCF sector by main land use category.
trees at a greater density. But cutting that ma- Source: EEA
ture tree down also causes carbon emissions,
from the unused biomass (roots, offcuts) and
from disturbed soil. Our recommendations
There is other evidence that reducing for- • Carbon emissions at any life cycle stage must be reported in line with existing
est, management increases the amount of se- standards: EN15978, EN15804+A2, RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment in the
questration in that forest however the same Built Environment.
study found that ceasing all management of • Report kg CO2/m2 and total tonnes emissions. Additionally reporting tonnes
forests would only offset four years of global emissions per occupant would encourage efficient sufficiency and sensible use of
carbon emissions. space.
• Stored carbon must never be included in a net figure when reporting upfront carbon
The situation is further complicated by a
(life cycle stages A1-A5, or ‘cradle to practical completion’ of a building). It must
changing climate affecting the stability and
only be reported as per the standards/guidance above, i.e.: as a separate figure only.
predictability of carbon stored in land and • There should be targets for upfront and life cycle carbon in any local or national
forestry. As figure 2 shows, removals of car- guidance, with both targets requiring to be met.
bon from all land-based sources in the EU • These targets should be rapidly reduced to the smallest level to ensure the most rapid
(figure below the line) have been falling over- decarbonisation possible.
all in recent years with a marked decrease in • LETI A+ and A++ should not be considered future aspirational targets but as a rep-
carbon sequestered in forest land. Currently resentation of where we urgently need to be.
this trend is predicted to continue, though • Retrofit before newbuild. Where demolition is proposed, whole life carbon calcu-
perhaps with different management and lations (combined embodied and operational emissions) must be able to clearly
planting policies it could be improved. demonstrate that a new building will have a lower carbon impact than a retrofit of
The Czech Republic has been hit by the existing building to provide the same floor area as the proposed newbuild.
what the UNFCCC describes as “extreme • Report rapidly sequestered biogenic carbon separately from that in timber products.
drought-induced accelerating bark-beetle • Rapid growth biogenic materials should substitute higher carbon materials effec-
outbreak calamity (since 2015)”, resulting in tively, not be used in excessive amounts just to claim a greater stored carbon credit.
land-use, land-use change, and forestry (LU- • Explore ways of rewarding carbon release buffering resulting from use of rap-
id-growth/rotation biogenic materials and their associated carbon storage – whilst
LUCF) emissions going rapidly from 6,964
ensuring that materials are only used as efficiently as possible.
tonnes of CO2e stored in 2015 to 11,268
• Operational energy and resulting emissions must be reduced radically alongside re-
tonnes emitted in 2020. ducing embodied emissions.
Other countries have seen an increase in • External offsetting should never be used as a substitute for reducing actual emissions
bark beetle activity too, and with changing from construction to the lowest level possible. Whilst there are planting, land use,
climatic conditions it could spread further. and forestry practices that can increase stored carbon, there are many uncertainties
involved. Such schemes need to be carefully planned to ensure they are genuinely
It’s complicated effective (e.g., tree planting in the right place, on poor quality land with low prior
The point is: it’s complicated and problematic carbon retention; compared to tree planting in the wrong place where it can lead to
to assess how effective offsetting is, or how increased emissions from land that previously had high carbon storage value.
much offsetting is required. Basic calculations • Maximise potential to use recycled materials in new construction or retrofit and to
indicate huge areas of forestry would be nec- enable reuse and recycling of building components at the end of life of a building.
essary just to provide carbon sequestration fa-

ph+ | zero carbon insight | 69


Carbon first, fabric second


Rapidly decarbonising our cold, leaky dwellings is the greatest challenge facing the building
industry, one fraught with complexity and risk. Given that the UK faces similar challenges to
Ireland – in a similar climate, with similar housing stock – what can we learn from British efforts to
meet this challenge? Leading UK green building association the AECB has put forward a proposal
that could help to chart a new course through these choppy waters.

by Lenny Antonelli for the Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)

W hat is the best way to decarbonise

the UK’s homes? This question has
sparked heated debate over the past year.
worry less about energy efficiency and priori-
tise getting low carbon heat — in particular,
heat pumps — into homes as quickly as
heat pump and shallow retrofit now, but
prepare for a deep retrofit in future. The
group has relaunched its CarbonLite (Carbon
On one side are those who believe we possible. So, who is right? Arguably, both are. Literate Design and Construction) standards,
should deep retrofit dwellings through insul- The evidence shows that, done well, providing three pathways to better buildings.
ation and airtightness measures, slashing deep retrofit shrinks energy demand and
their energy demand and making them more improves the lives of building occupants. CarbonLite Retrofit step-by-step
resilient, more comfortable, and less vulner- But so-called ‘heatpumpification’ is a faster In the new step-by-step approach to Carbon-
able to fuel poverty. In other words, put and cheaper way to reduce the carbon Lite Retrofit (CLR), the home is fitted with a
building fabric first. footprint of buildings. heat pump and good ventilation initially and
On the other side, those who say retrofit is Now, the AECB is aiming to forge a middle receives just enough insulation and draught-
simply too slow and complex, that we should way, creating a pathway for homes to get a proofing to ensure the heat pump operates

70 | | issue 46 Photos: Trystan Lea and Glyn Hudson


(Opposite, clockwise from top) Two ‘heat-

pumpification’-based retrofits in Llanber-
is, Gwynned. The exterior of Tystean Lea’s
Figure 1: Retrofit scenario - two waves
house, which he did not insulate; Lea in- Figure 1: Retrofit scenario - two waves
stalled some large surface area radiators; 1,400,000
and retrofitted a Mitsubishi EcoDan heat
pump; Glyn Hudson’s house features a 1,200,000

number retrofitted/yr
CLR step-by-step
Samsung Gen 6 air source heat pump. Both
homes are listed on,
with 30 day mean COPs of 4 or over at the 800,000
time of writing in December. CLR completed
400,000 CLR step-by-step → CLR completed
efficiently and affordably (step one). A
sensible plan is developed for the building 200,000

to reach the full CarbonLite Retrofit 0

standard in future (in a single second step, 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100

or multiple steps).

CarbonLite Retrofit completed

A whole-house deep retrofit standard, Figure 1. An AECB stock model scenario showing two retrofit waves to the English hous-
ing stock. In the first wave, 50 per cent of stock takes the step-by-step approach to Car-
designed to dramatically cut energy use, bonLite Retrofit, while 25 per cent of stock goes straight to full CarbonLite Retrofit. In
with a maximum space heating and cooling the second wave, the projects which had already started the step-by-step approach are
demand of 50 kWh/m2yr (by compar- upgraded to full CarbonLite Retrofit by the middle of the century.
ison, the Passive House Institute’s Enerphit
standard requires 25 kWh/m2yr).

CarbonLite New Build

A rigorous new build standard, with a space Figure 2: operational & embodied carbon of retrofit
Figure 2: operational & embodied carbon of retrofit pathways
heating and cooling target of 40 kWh/m2yr pathways
(by comparison, the passive house classic 15
14 Embodied carbon: CLR completed
standard requires 15 kWh/m2yr). 13 Embodied carbon: CLR step-by-step
The CarbonLite standards are all based on
tonnes CO2e per year

11 Operational carbon: CLR completed
the rigorous passive house methodology and 10
require energy modelling using the Passive 9 Operational carbon: CLR step-by-step
8 Operational carbon: existing house
House Planning Package (PHPP). Carbon- 7
Lite standards can also be applied to non-do- 6
mestic buildings. 4
Fabric first or fabric second? 1
The AECB has a long history with building 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
standards. The group first launched its
CarbonLite Bronze, Silver and Gold standards Time, years
in the mid 2000s, to reflect UK-specific
building types and the skill profile of the
UK’s building industry. It then launched Figure 2. This graph gives annual emissions from space heating, embodied carbon and
the Passivhaus Trust in 2010 to mainstream thermal comfort data across different phases of an existing house. For the first five years
radical energy efficiency, leveraging the the house remains heated by gas, and is heated to 17.8 C. After five years a CLR step-by-
international momentum that had built up step retrofit is done, including switching from gas to an air source heat pump, and a slight
increase in thermal comfort to 18.1 C. The annual emissions decline for the next 17 years,
around the German standard. The Carbon- as the heat pump benefits from decarbonising grid electricity. When the heat pump is
Lite Retrofit standard was launched in 2021. due for replacement after 17 years (in year 22) a CarbonLite Retrofit is completed includ-
But the latest incarnation of CarbonLite ing deeper fabric measures and a smaller heat pump - and lifting the temperature to 20 C.
Retrofit marks a shift from the AECB’s fabric- For the full retrofit the figures are for external wall insulation (but internal wall insulation
gives similar figures. Standard occupancy of 2.4 people per house was assumed.
first roots. The CLR step-by-step approach
prioritises quick and effective climate-action,
putting the low-carbon heating system first
(including the heat emitters, e.g., radiators healthier new and retrofitted low carbon just 54,000 were installed in 2022. The heat
or underfloor heating), enhanced by modest buildings at a meaningful scale and pace. pump rollout has been plagued by stories
fabric and ventilation measures. Chief Even without cultural and institutional of high running costs and poorly designed
executive Andrew Simmonds is pragmatic inertia, and the dangerous and short-sighted systems, but some of this is simply malicious
about why the AECB has changed its delay from heavily vested interests such as misinformation. The primary aim of the
approach. the fossil fuel industry, such change takes CarbonLite Retrofit step-by-step approach
“Our culture and institutions are not decades, and we have kicked the can down is to ensure heat pumps run efficiently, and
changing fast enough to safeguard society the road for too long. Hence, we are forced to do not increase energy bills, allowing fast and
from peak oil and the shockingly fast effects rethink previously hard-won positions.” deep decarbonisation of a building’s space
of ever worsening climate breakdown,” he and water heating.
says. “There is a profound failure of national CarbonLite Retrofit step-by-step: Heat “Our housing stock modelling looked at
political leadership, a lack of science-based pumps now for rapid decarbonisation space heating emissions from UK housing,
policymaking, and a desperate shortage of The UK government is aiming to install and also incorporated upfront carbon
the necessary skills — all necessary to deliver 600,000 heat pumps a year from 2028, but emissions from building materials and

ph+ | carbon first insight | 71


Figure 3. Cumulative greenhouse gas emissions from

heating a typical UK semi-detached home. Business as
Figure 3: Figure
Cumulative CO2e emission
3: Cumulative retrofit
CO2e emission pathways:
retrofit pathways:
Usual is a gas heated, unimproved home – which shows
operative and embodied carbon
operational and embodied carbon
an unrelenting accumulation of greenhouse gas emis-
sions into the atmosphere over 60 years, compared to
200 dramatically reduced emissions from both the Step 1 and
180 full CarbonLite retrofitted property. Retrofitted dwellings
Full retrofit at A
Full retrofit at B also deliver more comfortable, healthy and climate-re-
Step1 retrofit silient homes – key ‘non-energy’ benefits.Any emissions
Business as usual
arising from decommissioning, stripping out, disassem-
tonnes CO2e

120 bly, deconstruction and demolition operations as well

100 as from transport, processing and disposal of materials
must be accounted for at the end of the reference study
period, even if they do not necessarily happen at this
time. For the purpose of this example, the standard 60
40 year reference period has been set to start at point A (for
20 both full and step 1 retrofits). For the full retrofit starting
at point B, we have brought forward end of life emissions
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 so that they appear on the graph and figures are for ex-
Time, years ternal wall insulation, as for the previous graph. (Internal
wall insulation using woodfibre gives an almost identical
result after end of life emissions).

construction. It indicated that a smaller wave At the outset, a step-by-step retrofit aims to necessitates a deep retrofit. A CarbonLite
of the deeper CarbonLite retrofits along with improve the building fabric just enough that Retrofit may replace a gas boiler with a heat
a much larger wave of CarbonLite step-by- the heat pump can operate at a flow tempera- pump, but it also allows existing heating
step retrofits over the next few years would ture below 50 C – and ideally well below. systems to be retained if necessary (for
deliver a huge reduction in carbon emissions. This keeps energy bills under control, but example if a new boiler was only recently
This even factored in the up-front carbon without the need for a disruptive, expensive installed).
emissions from manufacturing the heat deep retrofit now. To provide healthy indoor “The standard offers a bit more flexibility
pumps,” says Simmonds. air, the standard also requires either mechan- than Enerphit,” says AECB certifier Paul
“Also, critically important is to reduce ical ventilation with heat recovery, or simpler Mallion. “It’s less prescriptive, therefore it
the performance gap, which leads to and cheaper mechanical extract ventilation. can cope with smaller dwellings, older or
homeowners’ energy bills and greenhouse gas For step-by-step certification, AECB more complicated ones that have a poor
emissions being higher than expected. Our certifiers must also ensure a longer term form factor.”
step-by-step retrofit standard is designed to deep retrofit strategy is in place to further Passive house and AECB certifier Sarah
support installers, and ensure excellent heat reduce energy use and operational emissions, Price, who helped to develop the Carbon-
pump design and installation quality in these and deliver other benefits such as improved Lite Retrofit standard, echoes this. “I think
low capital cost retrofits.” comfort and health. This provides a clear it’s the best retrofit standard we have in the
When the heat pump is due for replace- long-term pathway to a net-zero carbon UK,” she says. “It’s pragmatic and is going to
ment after 17 years (in year 22) the Carbon- home or workplace, without creating a false be applicable to many more buildings than
Lite Retrofit is completed including deeper choice between either ‘heatpumpification’ or Enerphit. I’ve done my fair share of Enerphit
fabric measures and a smaller heat pump - ‘deep retrofit’. projects, and whilst they do have their place,
and lifting the temperature to 20 C. For the “With this approach, you’re creating a ‘route and are fantastic projects, they are challenging
full retrofit the figures are for external wall map’ for each building, and a journey for the and costly, especially in residential where
insulation (but internal wall insulation gives owners, and saying ‘let’s see how far along the residents have to, or want to, stay in their
similar figures. Standard occupancy of 2.4 journey we can bring your building’,” says homes during the retrofit.”
people per house was assumed. Passive House Plus editor Jeff Colley, who is Price particularly likes the way Carbon-
The AECB stock model looks at elec- also chair of the Heat Pump Association of Lite ensures the project team considers key
tricity demand in the various scenarios in Ireland, and a board member of the Passive risk factors like building condition, moisture
addition to carbon. It also considers peak House Association of Ireland. “I think that’s risks, flooding, fire, and radon, which are
heating demand on the national grid in really compelling — and with the same not required for passive house certification.
winter. The model reports that a subsequent building physics of passive house behind it, Certifiers can allow some pre-approved
wave of CarbonLite Retrofits in about 20 the same rigour.” exemptions from the 50 kWh/m2/yr rule —
years’ time would help to minimise peak Sally Godber of leading passive house certifier up to a max of 100 kWh/m2/yr — for specific
demand on the electricity grid. This second WARM sees CarbonLite Retrofit step-by-step reasons, such as building conservation, fire
wave would include more full retrofits as as a great starting point on the retrofit journey. or moisture risk. By checking with a fellow
well as step-by-step retrofits that are further “I’m really excited about this approach. In the certifier and logging their discussion (the
improved, following their whole house plans. void of funding and policy for retrofitting ‘buddy system’), certifiers may also approve
Both AECB large scale stock modelling homes it’s a great solution for homeowners exemptions for other “compelling reasons”.
and individual house type modelling show that want to do something to make a differ- One such reason might be “if some deeper
‘bumps’ in greenhouse gas emissions at ence but can’t afford a full Enerphit. It’s well retrofit measures would emit significant
intervals due to the upfront carbon of retrofit, thought through and ensures that future amounts of upfront carbon”, Simmonds says.
with larger bumps for deeper retrofits. But measures aren’t compromised.” In such an instance, the AECB encourages
while important to factor in, these bumps are its certifiers to justify the exemption with a
dwarfed over time compared to a business-as- CarbonLite Retrofit: a risk reduction- whole life carbon calculation. As the scheme
usual scenario (‘do nothing’). based approach to retrofit builds up a body of evidence from the certifi-
The full CarbonLite Retrofit standard requires cation of more projects, the process should
Low bills, good health: The CarbonLite a maximum space heating and cooling become simpler and less onerous, with
journey demand of 50 kWh/m2yr. That usually more approaches becoming standardised or

72 | | issue 46

pre-approved. finding that with the AECB standard, the it right.”

reduction in energy demand, the tangible The CarbonLite standards are still in their
CarbonLite New Build: Closing the return for tenants, is there for all to see.” infancy and their applicability and effective-
performance gap Moya and Davies’s pitch includes modelling ness in delivering better, low carbon, low
CarbonLite New Build, previously called which shows that a typical semi-detached energy buildings will continue to evolve
the AECB Building Standard, is aimed at home, built to CarbonLite New Build and as the AECB reflects on a growing amount
new homes. It requires a space heating and with an EPC of B, can achieve half the space of real-world feedback. “It’s an experiment
cooling demand of 40 kWh/m2/yr. This heating bills of the same house built to a of sorts,” says Andrew Simmonds, “but a
standard is increasingly popular with housing conventional EPC A specification. necessary and urgent one”.
associations, developers and local authori- "The CarbonLite New Build standard is “We are looking to help drive up minimum
ties seeking to provide healthy low energy attractive, and it’s upskilling the supply chain standards, so that the resources we do have
dwellings. Recent projects include a large to a level it can deliver now, so we can work — including the time people have available,
social housing estate in Castletown on the Isle towards higher levels of performance, towards the financial capital and materials — are used
of Man, numerous schemes across the south passive house as a new building standard for in a way that rapidly reduces greenhouse
of England for Hastoe Housing Association, Wales,” Moya says. “We firmly believe as gas emissions and improves the health and
and an 88-home development by Stonewood architects and passive house designers, that wellbeing of people living in their homes.”
Homes in Gloucestershire. it’s up to us to try to make this happen.” For more see n
In Wales, social housing projects must
achieve an energy performance certificate Passive house in new terrain
(EPC) of A, or be certified to an alterna- Ultimately, the revised CarbonLite Retrofit
tive low energy standard, to qualify for state standard takes passive house into new
funding. CarbonLite New Build is now terrain, applying it to ‘heatpumpified’ &
accepted as such an alternative, following lightly retrofitted buildings to leverage the
evidence submitted to the Welsh government decarbonising UK electricity grid — arguably
by Jonathan Davies and Jaime Moya, two without compromising the rigorous building
AECB certifiers with Spring Design Consul- physics of passive house, and without
tancy in Bridgend. compromising future deep retrofits.
Davies and Moya previously promoted Sarah Price, however, is keen to see the core
passive house to housing associations, focus remain on deep retrofit. “Yes, rapid
housebuilders and government, but say that decarbonisation is the urgent goal, we need to 2
most found the standard too much of a leap. electrify heating, we need to put heat pumps
CarbonLite New Build, however, began to in,” she acknowledges. “But equally for me,
open more doors. we have the worst housing stock in Europe.
"We’ve been on a major outreach We have excess summer deaths, excess winter
programme for the CarbonLite New Build deaths. We could be doing so much better
standard to South Wales housing associa- with our houses, and I think we need to be
tions and local authorities,” says Moya, who sending that message out saying look, fabric
is director of architecture at Spring. “We’re retrofit has many and varied benefits if we get

(below) A semi-detached house in Lancaster retrofitted by Coldproof may be the first

project to take the new CarbonLite step-by-step approach. 1 Existing double glazed win- 3
dows were retained, existing cavity was pumped; 2 the outdoor unit of the air source heat
pump; 3 airtightness membrane retrofitted across stud wall and ductwork void created;
4 underfloor heating installed; 5 internal woodfibre insulation was added.

1 5

ph+ | carbon first insight | 73


Marketplace News
Partel launches paper-based
G alway-based sustainable building
product supplier Partel has launched
two new paper-based membrane products,
high tear-resistance, combining strength, air-
tightness and moisture management.
Compliant with the stringent requirements
Izoperm Plus Eco and Vara Plus Eco. of the Emicode eco label system, Izoperm
The company describes Izoperm Plus Eco Plus Eco meets the Ecolabel Emicode EC1
as a paper-based sustainable vapour control PLUS. Driving sustainability for reduced car-
layer membrane, and Vara Plus Eco as a pa- bon emissions where it is primarily used on
per-based smart ecological vapour control internal walls, ceilings, and floors, it prevents
layer membrane. heat loss with an SD value of 20 m for achiev-
The products are intended to provide a ing optimal thermal insulation. Izoperm Plus
solution for internal applications, improving Eco is designed to be compatible with all con-
indoor air quality and ensuring optimum ventional building systems and insulations.
protection against humidity in the building Vara Plus Eco consists of up to 62 per cent
structure, while helping minimise heat loss. of FSC-certified paper and has been designed
Developed to enhance the sustainable fea- to maintain the optimum airtightness in the
tures of Partel’s Vara and Izoperm vapour building envelope, while providing active
control layer membranes, the company is moisture control via hygro-variable technol-
in the process of obtaining Environmental ogy. Partel said the product can be utilised in
Product Declarations (EPDs) to quantify the most demanding of conditions as an inner
their ecological impacts – and expects to be airtight membrane and as a vapour control
able to demonstrate how the use of the prod- layer for externally vapour-open build-ups,
ucts will help achieve embodied carbon re- ensuring compatibility with all conventional
ductions. insulations. •
Composed of up to 60 per cent renewable
FSC-certified paper, the products contain (right) Izoperm Plus Eco and Vara Plus Eco,
a three-layer fabric mesh reinforcement for Partel’s new paper-based membranes.

Hevac launches Airmaster decentralised

MVHR for schools
schools onto the Irish market – including free, meaning fan power is kept to a min-
a certified passive house unit. imum. A typical classroom installation re-
Manufactured by Hevac’s Danish part- quires one Airmaster AM 1000 per room,
ner Airmaster, the systems are designed to with intake and exhaust connections to
provide an improved classroom environ- the outside.
ment for pupils and staff by bringing the The certified passive house component
benefzits of MVHR in terms of air qual- can recover up to 90 per cent of a room’s
ity, thermal comfort and energy savings heat using an aluminium heat exchanger,
– without the ductwork that centralised reducing the building’s heat load and
systems require. heat loss.
(avove) The Airmaster AM 1000 decen- Airmaster’s comprehensive product The certification of the AM 1000 makes
tralised MVHR unit, available in Ireland range includes 120,000 units installed available an innovative ventilation strat-
via Hevac. worldwide in industrial, commercial and egy that can improve indoor air quality
public buildings – and the Passive House without sacrificing thermal comfort. With

H eating and ventilation specialists

Hevac have launched a range of
decentralised mechanical ventilation
Institute-certified Airmaster AM 1000 de-
centralised MVHR unit.
Hevac said that Airmaster units are
growing pressure on buildings to become
energy efficient and comfortable, decen-
tralised MVHR such as Airmaster should
systems with recovery (MVHR) for decentralised and air distribution is duct play a vital role in the solution. •

74 | | issue 46

Tackling carbon emissions with Passive EcoWall

C arbon emissions originating from the
construction and operation of buildings
in Ireland constitute a significant portion of
existing buildings, prioritising low-carbon
materials and designs, and employing ener-
gy-efficient construction methods.
CO₂e/m², surpassing targets set by the Royal
Institute of Architects in Ireland and the 2030
Climate Challenge for schools. The building
the country’s overall emissions, amounting In response to this challenge, Ecological also received an A+ rating on the Low Energy
to 37 per cent. Of this, 23 per cent can Building Systems has introduced the Pas- Transformation Initiative (LETI) scale for its
be attributed to the heating, cooling, and sive EcoWall concept, which offers excep- up-front and whole life carbon emissions and
lighting of buildings, while the remaining tional thermal efficiency, exceeding NZEB meets the requirements for nZEB and hits
14 per cent represents embodied emissions, requirements, and incorporating materials passive house airtightness levels. Large scale
often regarded as the “carbon blind spot” with lower, or even carbon neutral emissions. projects like this demonstrate the feasibility of
within the construction industry. Passive EcoWall follows proven passive house using natural materials, with lower embodied
To achieve the ambitious target of halving principles and includes elements like Gutex carbon, for high-performance modular build-
national emissions by 2030, as mandated by woodfibre natural insulation, Finsa Superpan ings in Ireland.
the Climate Action Act, it is imperative to VapourStop airtight racking boards, and the Passive EcoWall offers specifiers and de-
address both operational and embodied car- Pro Clima Intelligent airtightness system. signers a comprehensive, unique, “off the
bon emissions in the built environment. This Several certified passive homes and modu- shelf” specification for timber frame con-
entails adopting strategies such as optimising lar buildings in Ireland have demonstrated struction. The system is supplied with a clear,
reduced energy consumption and increased comprehensive set of detailed drawings with a
comfort through this system. It can also fea- focus of thermal continuity and optimum air-
ture alternative natural insulation options tightness and windtightness details. Adopting
such as Thermafleece sheepwool or Thermo such construction techniques and natural ma-
Hemp Combi Jute, a natural insulation made terials ensures industry can effectively address
from upcycled hemp and jute fibres. not only operational emissions, but also em-
Most recently, Roscommon-based timber bodied emissions, thus playing a pivotal role
frame manufacturer, Lidan Designs, adopted in Ireland’s sustainable building future.. •
the Passive EcoWall concept for a 200 m²
school building in Cork which recently fea- (left) The Passive EcoWall system combines
tured in Passive House Plus. This achieved an excellent thermal performance and em-
impressive embodied carbon score of 249.3kg bodied carbon properties.

Kildare scheme chooses Grant sustainable heating package

A private housing development in Co.
Kildare has recently called upon leading
heating technology manufacturer Grant to
Aerona³ range has an ErP of A+++ and is
amongst the most efficient air-to-water heat
pumps in Ireland.
install its 6kW Grant Aerona³ R32 air source Furthermore, the Grant Aerona³ R32 air
heat pump as part of a bespoke integrated source heat pump range helps to achieve
heating package, within twenty-two homes required compliance under building regula-
– with a further fifteen more to be built in tions and when partnered with a renewable
the next year. electricity supplier, will generate extremely
Grant has developed its integrated heating low carbon heat for homeowners.
packages to offer people building new homes A 210L A-rated Grant pre-plumbed cylin-
across Ireland an integrated heating solution der – designed to heat water faster and more
that will increase efficiencies and significantly efficiently than standard cylinders – was
reduce carbon emissions. chosen to supply each property with 24/7
A typical Grant integrated heating pack- hot water. To ensure optimum efficiency
age consists of a main heat source, water across all the homes, the Grant Uflex un-
storage and heat emitters, with the choice derfloor heating systems and Grant Afinia
of adding smart controls to each system for aluminium radiators were also installed as
added efficiency. heat emitters, enabling individual rooms to
To ensure long-term heating efficiency, the be heated efficiently, while offering versatil-
homes in Robertstown, Naas, had bespoke ity to support the overall design and archi-
integrated heating packages installed which tecture of the homes. heating, radiators or both – to heatpump@
were expertly designed by the Grant techni- Grant’s technical team works with build-
cal team. The Grant team collaborated closely ing developers, self-builders, specifiers and Visit for more informa-
with developer Cappagh Homes and heating engineers daily to design bespoke integrated
tion on Grant’s range of innovative heat-
contractor DNA Partners, with specifications heating systems for projects ranging from one
by consulting engineers Waterman Moylan. off new builds to multi-home developments. ing solutions. Follow Grant on Facebook
For a cleaner, more environmentally The Grant team will design, size and specify and Twitter @GrantIRL or Instagram
friendly home heating solution, a 6kW Grant individual heating systems free of charge, to @Grant_IRL. •
Aerona³ R32 air-to-water heat pump was ensure each property’s heating system per-
installed in each property as the main heat forms to its optimum efficiency. (above) Grant integrated heating packag-
source, which can achieve high seasonal co- To avail of Grant’s heating design service, es were used to deliver sustainable heat
efficients of performance (sCOPs), especially send house plans, contact information and for a Cappagh Homes scheme in Naas,
if operated at low temperatures. The Grant preferred choice of heat emitters – underfloor Co. Kildare.

ph+ | marketplace | 75


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76 | | issue 46

Unilin launches embodied carbon report

L eading insulation manufacturer Unilin
has produced a report on calculating and
reducing embodied carbon while using the
insulation in 2021, introducing several envi-
ronmental improvements to PIR insulation
with the integration of bio-based polyols,
chain, designers, and contractors will be re-
quired to help address the climate crisis. “All
of the manufacturers we engaged with in the
company’s products. more than a 50 per cent reduction in packaging preparation of this report are fully committed
The report, Reduce by Design: Action on waste, halogen-free formulation – and an im- to improving their own EPDs along with the
Embodied Carbon, provides an overview of the pressive thermal conductivity of 0.020 W/Mk. continued decarbonising of the grid, and so re-
process and calculation of embodied carbon in “The ECO360 insulation strategy is a key sults for embodied carbon shown will continue
a study of house types. innovation in our endeavours,” the company to reduce,” the company said. “We hope this
Multidisciplinary consultancy XCO2 was said, in a foreword to the embodied carbon report and accompanying CPD learning will
commissioned to carry out life cycle assess- report. “ECO360 is evidence of our commit- encourage information sharing and engage-
ments (LCAs) for four different dwelling types ment to continually review and improve the
ment with the subject.”
– including typical examples of a detached sustainable credentials of our product offer-
“In line with our sustainability pledge, we
house, mid-terraced house, semi-detached ing and services, as far as technical advances in
are committed to achieving lower embodied
house, and apartment – built using typical ma- manufacturing and circularity allow.”
“The aim is to gauge the impact of our im- carbon in builds.”
terial specifications, to see if they could meet
proving Environmental Product Declarations “It has been independently proven that with
the embodied carbon targets set by organisa-
(EPDs) on a building’s life cycle analysis,” the clever design using high-performance Unilin
tions including RIBA, LETI and the Future
company said. “We worked with industry bod- insulation, we can reduce embodied carbon lev-
Homes Hub. The results also can be taken as
ies and software providers to educate our own els in construction which meet and can exceed
an indication regarding meeting the RIAI tar-
gets. The analysis was cradle to grave, covering team in the conventions and methods related targets set by Future Home Standard 2025,
modules A1-C4, excluding B6-B7, which cover to embodied carbon measurement. This is only LETI and the RIAI 2030 Climate Challenge.”
operational energy and water use, and which the start of a journey.” To find out more, download Unilin’s em-
are customarily reported separately in building Unilin said that strong alliances and co-op- bodied carbon report at
LCAs in the UK and Ireland. eration between manufacturers, the supply embodiedcarbon/ •
With a scope including all elements of the
building excluding external works, and relying
on products with EPDs where possible, base-
line case scenarios were established, along with
improved specifications in each case, including
measures such as substituting 70 per cent of ce-
ment with GGBS in the concrete slab, switch-
ing to a calcium sulphate screed, and swapping
concrete roof tiles for natural slate – and a shift
from generic PIR to Unilin’s ECO360 PIR.
Three options for heating systems and domes-
tic hot water were included – including an air
source heat pump-based approach, a passive
solar-based design with heat recovery venti-
lation and electric water heater, and a direct
electric system. In the case of the heat pump
baseline and improved cases were included,
depending on the global warming potential
of the refrigerant. The baseline case included a
heat pump with 1.3 kg of R410A, a refriger-
ant with a global warming potential (GWP) of
2,088, meaning each kilo is equivalent to 2,088
kg of CO2 (expressed as 2,088 kg CO2e). The
improved case included 3 kg of R32, which has
a GWP of 675, dropping the embodied carbon
total from 48 to 36 kg CO2e/m2.
In all four house types, the improved speci-
fications met the RIBA, Future Homes Hub
and LETI targets. In one case – the mid-ter-
raced house, the air source heat pump option
brought the building over the target.

Unilin aims for zero carbon

In 2021 Unilin Group launched its sustain-
ability pledge, including an aim to become a
net zero carbon operation by 2030. As part
of the company’s One Home sustainability
policy, Unilin pledged to make environmen-
tal improvements in all aspects of its opera-
tion including the manufacture of insulation
products. The company launched its EC0360

ph+ | marketplace | 77

A new energy policy:

give to the frugal, take
from the profligate
Should we look to Robin Hood to help transform energy use in buildings? New proposed
reforms to how energy is priced could hold the key to discouraging excessive energy use,
stimulating retrofit and driving down carbon emissions, argues Toby Cambray.

U Up to a basic
K politics is in a sorry state at the therefore costly. A refinement is the addition
moment; not only has the current of one or more intermediate levels, or per-
administration lurched alarmingly haps even a simple continuous function, so consumption level,
to the right, but it has also poisoned our that the increases in cost per kWh is gradu- the cost of energy
discourse with the three Ps of populism, ated to some extent. In my version, at the would be zero or a
polarisation and post-truth. Recent by-elec- top end there is no energy price cap.
tions do however indicate the electorate are This is more equitable and sets up more small amount
ready for change which in my echo chamber powerful incentives to avoid unnecessary
at least, is to be celebrated. It is therefore energy consumption, without incentivising
frustrating that we are not seeing more bold inappropriate reductions in energy use, in consumption). These two types of tariffs can
proposals from the presumed government particular relating to avoiding heating and coexist as happily as they do currently, but
in waiting, although this does make strate- under-ventilating. It therefore tilts the play- a key rationale with flexible tariffs is that
gic sense. At the risk of revealing my second ing field in favour of investment in retrofit they implicitly link our consumption less
favourite* podcast, Keir Starmer is carefully and other energy saving measures, and con- with the number of kWh, and more with
carrying the Ming vase of victory across the sequently carbon emissions reductions. the infrastructure needed to deliver them.
marble floor that is 2024. It’s straight for- This is obviously an overtly progressive As we move towards a system dominated by
ward to make it to the other side, just don’t policy that I’m sure will be dismissed out renewables, heat pumps and EVs, the ability
do anything silly, like a radical consumer of hand by the current administration; but to match demand to supply, (not the other
energy policy. structured the right way it need not cost the way around as is currently the case) will be-
Fortunately, I have no intention of attain- treasury anything, let alone the £5.5 billion come increasingly important, and the Na-
ing high office, and no qualms about sharing that the current blanket approach did, be- tional Energy Guarantee in its current form
with you some thoughts on what might be cause revenue from the upper tiers funds the does not directly address this.
done to address fuel poverty, energy security free/low cost lower tiers. Careful setting of Nonetheless, it would be relatively easily
and climate change simultaneously. breakpoints and prices would mean the av- implementable via smart meters, and an im-
In March, the New Economics Founda- erage consumer sees little or no net change provement on the current policies with re-
tion (NEF) published a proposal for a policy in their cost, because their higher tier usage gards to equality and incentivisation of energy
which in my opinion deserves a lot more sufficiency. You can read the NEF proposal
funds all their consumption. If Robin Hood
in full here:
press than it has thus far received: a National dealt in electrons he would be taking from
/national-energy-guarantee n
Energy Guarantee. The concept is relatively the profligate and giving to the frugal.
simple, and there are many variations on the As with building physics there are of course
theme, so it can be refined to get the best unintended consequences to be mindful of.
outcomes. One is that some individuals have needs
The idea is proposed as a counterpoint to that dictate high energy use, such as heating
the existing policy: a subsidy that was intro- to higher temperatures or large volumes of
duced to soften the blow of the dramatic laundry for health reasons. People in such
price cap increases we saw in the autumn of circumstances must be provided with appro-
2022, which became necessary in light of in- priate support; several vouchers and benefits *Favourite isn’t quite the right word
ternational price rises. This blanket subsidy already exist and could be re-calibrated or for receiving measured and informed
analysis from some chaps who are quite
missed several opportunities that the NEF integrated with the policy via bespoke con- so obviously delighted with their own
proposals have the potential to address. sumption thresholds, for example. cleverness, and I’m not talking about Jeff,
The proposal is that up to some basic level A second issue is potentially trickier and Dan or Alex at Zero Ambitions Podcast.
of energy consumption, the cost per kWh is relates to the need to move towards more
either zero or a small amount. Above this, flexible models of energy (specifically elec- Toby Cambray is a founding director at
prices per kWh are higher. The amount of tricity) consumption, the icon of which is GreenGauge and leads the building physics
free or low-cost energy is set at a level that the Octopus Agile tariff, effectively allow- team. He is an engineer intrigued by how
buildings work or fail, and uses a variety of
represents a minimum necessary for a basic ing consumers to purchase on the half hour methods to understand these processes.
standard of living; extravagant energy use is market (and occasionally even ‘sell’ their

78 | | issue 46
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Your Energy Your Choice
There are many good reasons why Irish homeowners are investing in heat pumps. They are one of the most energy-efficient ways
of heating (or cooling) a house, using far less energy and costing less to run than traditional heating systems like oil or gas boilers.

Heat pumps provide reliable, consistent heat and hot water all year round – no turning the boiler on and off or the immersion -
while installing one will improve the energy rating, and therefore the value, of your home.

Daikin heat pumps, known for their stylish and state-of-the-art design, provide an additional layer of appeal. Beyond aesthetics, our
heat pumps offer peace of mind by operating super efficiently even in extreme conditions down to -25 °C.

Perhaps most notably, the environmental appeal of heat pumps lies in their reliance on predominantly renewable energy sources,
such as air. This eco-friendly attribute translates to reduced carbon emissions and fosters a more sustainable lifestyle.

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