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Industry Advocate: Round Table Report: Industry Viewfinder:

Brian Berry looks Identifying the best Reviewing progress on

at how SME way forward on SuDS Part L, F and O, one
housebuilders fared in new developments year on
in 2023 in 2024

DEC/JAN 2024


registration here:

Council-owned specialist developer Be First explains how the new
phase of a major regeneration in Barking, east London is key to a
bright future for an estate with a troubled past

HBD_1201_2024_Covers.indd 1 07/12/2023 13:51



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28 34

A project to transform a London estate.
Our round table debunks SuDS myths.
Colin Wells of Keylite Roof Windows discusses methods of meeting the new Parts L and F.


Marley’s Stuart Nicholson explains how using one point of contact is a step change for roofs.


Daniel Sunley looks at solutions to common insurance issues from subcontracting.


A Year On: Revisiting Changes to Part Gary Perry of Altecnic on how hydronic-based systems help achieve low energy homes.
F & Part L



Richard Smith of NHBC looks at lessons from the history of MMC in housebuilding.
Helen Hewitt of the BWF says third-party certification of fire doors is undervalued.


The practicalities of delivering Part S for all new homes, described by Rolec EV.

52 Appointments & News 70 Insulation
54 Building Fabric 72 MMC
61 Finance & Insurance 75 Safety & Security
64 Groundworks 80 Structural Elements
66 Heating, Ventilation & Services 80 Utilities & Services
69 Interiors


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 3 13/12/2023 12:22


Anthony Parker

Managing Editor
James Parker

Editorial Assistants
Laura Shadwell
Shelley Collyer

Studio Manager
Mikey Pooley

Production Assistants
So the Competition and Markets Authority is refusing to turn its Georgia Musson
Kimberley Musson
weaponry away from the issue of whether or not housebuilders
James Parker
are guilty of deliberate land banking. The CMA has producing Senior Account Manager
its fina two wor ing papers detai ing its current, ver thorough Sheehan Edmonds
investigation be ore it reports ear next ear on the issue
Account Manager
Steve Smith
he organisation has a broad reach, and is oo ing at ,
individua sites he d in the and ban s o o the argest PR Executive
housebui ders t revea ed and in ong term and ban s is Suzanne Easter
e uiva ent to approximate , p ots, whi e the short term Publishing Assistant
and ban e uated to , p ots Kim Neville

Managing Director
he wi report in the ew ear, but so ar, it sa s it has Simon Reed
ound that and e uiva ent to over a mi ion p ots is he d in and

ON THE ban s, in most areas b severa di erent bui ders he

see ing eedbac , and in particu ar, whether oca competition

is being negative impacted in the sma number o areas where

COVER arge amounts o deve opab e and are contro ed b a sma
number of housebuilders. Cointronic House,
Industry Advocate: Round Table Report: Industry Viewfinder:
Station Road,
Brian Berry looks Identifying the best Reviewing progress on
he sa s it recognises that housebui ders need to ho d a
at how SME way forward on SuDS Part L, F and O, one
housebuilders fared in new developments year on

East Sussex TN21 8DF

in 2023 in 2024

HOUSEBUILDER pipe ine o and as sites pass through the p anning s stem, but
added that it was concerned that competition ma be being Advertising &
& DEVELOPER distorted if land is held for longer and in larger quantities than is administration
DEC/JAN 2024
Tel: 01435 863500
necessary.” The body is attempting to show that it recognises the
og ams within the p anning s stem, ma ing recommendations on
speeding the process, but is firm ocused on and ban ing at the
Editorial features
same time as a perceived cause o s ow supp o housing Tel: 01435 863500
he s Dan urnbu commented that the organisation had
heard concerns that the wa arge housebui ders use and ban s Press releases
and comp ex p anning ru es ma be harming competition and
THE GASCOIGNE hold up the building of new homes.”
Update your
registration here:
In association with:
owever the ver existence o and ban ing continues to be
Council-owned specialist developer Be First explains how the new
phase of a major regeneration in Barking, east London is key to a
bright future for an estate with a troubled past

HBD_1201_2024_Covers.indd 1 07/12/2023 13:51

re uted b ma or p a ers within the industr , who instead sa
© Paul Riddle that delays at the planning end are to blame for failure to quickly
go to page 28 bui d out sites he is see ing eedbac rom e peop e in
the industr , be that counci p anning departments, bui ders or
andowners, beore it pub ishes its fina findings, and it wi be
intriguing to see how it counters objections.

omeone has to be right, either the arge housebui ders are

The manufacturer of the paper used within our
publication is a Chain-of-Custody certified supplier

sitting on and the cou d be bui ding on, or the re not t s not operating within environmental systems certified
to both ISO 14001 and EMAS in order to ensure

an abso ute though, i the are a owed to do so then some firms sustainable production.

ma , in these ris averse times, be oath to bui d out sites the re Subscription costs just £24 for 6 issues, including
post and packing. Phone 01435 863500 for details.
not sure they can sell. Individual copies of the publication are available at
£5 each inc p & p.

Another delay which is probably more welcome for some but All rights reserved.

concering or others is the uture omes tandard consu tation, No part of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means,
which has secret been pushed bac to his wi be ess electronic, mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or stored in any information retrieval
than a year before the standard is supposed to come into force. system without the express prior written consent

iven that it expects housebui ders to achieve carbon

of the publisher. Although every effort is made
to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material
Looking to update or cancel your HBD
registration? Scan the QR code to visit savings on new bui ds, and covers virtua ever aspect o home published in Housebuilder & Developer, the
publisher can accept no responsibility for the claims

our registration page. From here you construction, the industr needs the standard sooner rather than or opinions made by contributors, manufacturers
or advertisers. Editorial contributors to this journal
can also register for our Digital Issues ater i it s to have a chance o being imp emented in may have made a payment towards the reproduction
costs of material used to
and Newsletters. Alternatively, please illustrate their products.
James Parker Printed in England.


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 4 11/12/2023 14:03


first phase here is high demand across ng and, through arbon s trategic
the a derda e region or high ua it artnership with the overnment s
new homes rris omes is committed housing de iver agenc
to he ping satis this demand with Colleagues from Homes England joined
the range o house t pes which wi be arbon or a first oo at the new homes,
avai ab e at the deve opment e now which boast a range o enhanced energ
look forward to works progressing on e ficienc measures, inc uding air source
the second phase to bring much needed heat pumps and so ar pane s
new homes to the oca it axt a is one o two arbon
developments in the Hambleton area
supported b its trategic artnership
with omes ng and
ust a mi e awa in the vi age o

Erris Homes Affordable owerb , a second scheme o

is underwa to de iver a urther
ac ane

secures completions two, three and our bed a ordab e homes

he new homes in the amb eton
district are part o arbon s wider new

funding for signal Karbon homes programme in the region, which

out ines ambitions to deve op over

Homes’ growth a ordab e homes across or shire b

phase two in Yorkshire

new homes deve oped b arbon
in or shire wi be managed b orth

of Halifax Karbon Homes is celebrating the

omes, a subsidiar o the arbon roup
with , homes across or shire

arah obson, director o deve opment
continued expansion of its development and regeneration at arbon omes,
programme in Yorkshire with the said he growth o our deve opment
comp etion o the first homes at its axt programme in or shire is e in
a deve opment in hirs addressing the count s housing
Yorkshire housebuilder Erris Homes he , home housing association a ordabi it issues and ensuring oca
has secured £5m funding for phase has wor ed with contractor anners peop e have access to good ua it
two o its m home deve opment ons to bring phase one o the home housing, either or rent or or a ordab e
o ochda e oad in reet and, a i ax scheme to ruition, a scheme designed to home ownership he deve opment at
a ed a der ews, the deve opment s meet the needs o the oca communit axt a was designed with the needs
second phase has been given funding with a mix o propert t pes and si es o the oca communit in mind, providing
b aragon an s deve opment which provide options for residents at a mix o bunga ows, ats and ami
finance division var ing stages o i e homes, options or a who e range o
t wi eature six o rris omes house he deve opment o the new homes is customers and proper integrated into
t pes across a mix o our and five supported with grant funding from Homes oca surroundings
bedroom detached homes hase two has
a gross deve opment va ue o m
he scheme s second phase o ows
the success o phase one at a der ews,
which comprises three and our
bedroom semi detached and detached
homes he gross deve opment va ue o
phase one is m
roperties at a der ews have been
designed to entwine ua it , st e,
and com ort or the benefit o bu ers
his inc udes eatures such as designer
itchens and bathrooms, integrated
app iances and the atest energ e ficient
bui ding methods
Work on phase two of the development
is now underwa , with the first residents
expected to move into their new homes in
As well as providing new homes for
the area, rris omes is a so contributing
, to education and initiatives that
wi benefit the oca communit
rris omes ichae oward,
commented t s antastic to have
secured funding for the second phase
o a der ews o owing the successes
we have seen across the deve opment s


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 5 11/12/2023 14:03


Newland Persimmon
Homes completes
receives an construction
of second zero
industry carbon home
oscar pilot in North
which includes two ambitious targets: the
The latest initiative by Persimmon Homes delivery of zero carbon homes in use by
at its Wessex regional site at Malmesbury, 2030 and to be zero carbon in operations
represents the second of its kind by 2040.
undertaken by the housebuilder within The insights gathered from this project
the t mar s a significant stride in will be used by Persimmon to enhance
the company’s sustainability efforts,” said its technological and construction
Persimmon, following its inaugural zero methodologies, to ensure it can build
carbon home project in York last year. homes to meet the housing need while
The zero carbon home, situated on supporting sustainable living in a cost-
the housebuilder’s Backbridge Farm effective way for customers.
development, incorporates a range of In crafting Persimmon’s zero carbon
“advanced features” including solar home in Malmesbury, a number of
panels, an air source heat pump system local contractors were involved in a
coupled with a hot water cylinder, and collaborative effort of skilled trades
the integration of a waste water heat and companies.
recovery system. The home is built using The contractors included Conlon
Barnwood-based housebuilder Newland Persimmon’s latest Space4 timber frame (groundworks), Stenner Bricklaying
Homes was honoured in November with wall panel. (exterior), H&B Carpenters (interior),
a hat ouse ward wide recognised The house has achieved an Energy Kennett (roof), Heatwise (plumbing),
as the most prestigious industry accolade er ormance ertificate rating o and Clarkson Evans (electrical and PV
a housebuilder can receive. comes with additional loft insulation solar), Fastglobe (mastic work), SMP
Newland Homes was honoured for and therma e ficient wa s and oors paintwor , ic s wa ti ing ,
its approach to sustainability for Best n e ectric vehic e charging point is a so PE Board (dryling), GM Kitchens, TW
Sustainable Development at St George’s installed at the property. Landscapes, while KMC Cleaners and
Mead in Semington, Wiltshire. The judges The initiative is part of a series of Construction Site Scaffolding readied the
highlighted Newland Homes’ ‘climate projects by Persimmon and forms a pivotal home for occupancy which is due to take
considerate’ methodology when delivering component of their Pathway to Net Zero, place shortly.
on its sustainability agenda, including
zero carbon homes.
The 24 zero carbon homes at St
George’s Mead were also praised for
achieving the highest energ e ficienc
and environmental impact rating, which
helps empower buyers to reduce their
personal carbon footprint and play their
own part in combating climate change.
he hat ouse wards are the
biggest event in the housebuilding
calendar. Now in their 43rd year, the
annual celebration brings together
over , senior figures rom the
housebuilding industry. This year’s awards
were hosted by comedian Ed Gamble.
Work has commenced on the second
and fina phase o deve opment at t
George’s Mead in Semington, which
will see the creation of 18 three and four
bedroom detached and semi-detached
zero carbon homes, as well as detached
bungalows in this village setting,
surrounded by open countryside.


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 6 11/12/2023 14:03

Say hello to our new
Heat Pump featuring R290

Discover our new

home solution

Meet Samsung’s newest edition to its EHS heat pump line-up: the EHS Mono R290, a heating
solution for residential homes. Available in a broad range of capacities -5, 8, 12, and 16 kW-, the
EHS Mono R290 uses R290: a refrigerant with a much lower GWP (only 3) compared to other
refrigerants. Next to its lower GWP, the EHS Mono R290 consistently provides consumers with hot
water of up to 75°C* for domestic heating purposes. This can make it a suitable heating system
replacement in older residential spaces. It boasts a reliable heating performance due to its larger
heat transfer area, enabling it to deliver a 100% heating performance in temperatures as low as
-10°C**. For professionals the EHS Mono R290 has an added bonus: installation and maintenance
is easy and hassle-free without needing an F-gas certification.
*Leaving water temperature when the outdoor temperature is -10~35°C. **Domestic hot water (DHW) leaving the DHW tank is 70°C when the outdoor temperature is -10~43°C. Results may vary
depending on the actual usage conditions. If the outdoor temperature is lower than -10°C, a booster heater is required. Results may vary depending on the actual usage conditions.

HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 7 11/12/2023 14:03


Clarendon Homes wins energ e ficient new homes, with

a ordab e homes, across the acre site,
and has a focus on enhancing biodiversity

Property Award and sustainability. 117 homes will

incorporate air source heat pumps, whi e
the 18 apartments will utilise hot water
heat pumps and electric panel heaters.
esidents wi benefit rom andscaped
open spaces, inc uding a wi d ower
meadow, communit a otments, three
play areas and further informal play
spaces. Additional features across the
development include 50 bat bricks and
50 swift bricks in homes and apartment
bui dings, bee homes, hedgehog
highwa s, tree p anting and nature based
drainage features. The drainage features
double up as informal recreational
spaces, whi e providing eco ogica
benefits and managing water during high
rainfall events.
With the build due to start in January
, the first comp etions are anticipated
or u
icho as Daruwa a, and director at
rest icho son outh, commented e
are pleased to have been granted planning
permission to deliver much needed new
homes in Windsor. The planning approval
will enable us to provide a collection of
new homes that meet oca demand, and
to continue our de iver o high ua it
homes in sought after locations across
the region. As well as delivering much
Kent housebuilder Clarendon Homes arendon omes, we pride ourse ves needed new homes and affordable
has secured an industry award for its on setting award winning standards with housing, we are committed to creating
delivery of a residential development each development we build. To receive sustainab e communities, where residents
that showcases its reputation or st e a UK Property Award for our delivery of benefit rom access to greenspace and
and ua it , said the firm i er s eadow is verification o those important amenities on their doorsteps,
he arrietsham based deve oper standards. Congratulations to everyone such as play areas.”
was anointed winner of the UK Property involved in this wonderful development’s ar ershaw, group head o
wards esidentia Deve opment o design and completion.” sustainabi it at rest icho son,
19 Units’ category. Clarendon Homes received their award added n ine with our commitment to
The accolade is for the Miller’s Meadow at a presentation evening held at the sustainabi it , we aim to ma e indsor
deve opment in andhurst, ent, which ondon arriott in rosvenor uare on Gate a sustainable development for future
is composed o two, three and our 10th November. generations. With a strong focus on
bedroom properties. communit we being, andscaped areas
The UK Property Awards are judged will provide recreational space while
by an independent panel of senior de ivering a biodiversit net gain
representatives from a broad range of
commercial property organisations.
The contest commemorates the best
Approval Carbon emissions from the use
o the homes wi be ower than
ui ding egu ations, supporting
commercial property projects built within
the previous 12 months. granted for our customers to live a lower carbon
lifestyle and contributing towards our
he firm comments on the winning
pro ect t s t pica o our penchant
for creating developments that stand
biodiverse target to be net zero across our value
chain b

comfortably within the existing

surroundings; Miller’s Meadow offers an
aesthetic nod to the past while providing
contemporary luxury living.”
Each property includes an integrated
by Crest
techno og s stem, oned under oor
heating and integrated kitchen
appliances. Designer kitchens and
contemporary bathrooms add to the Housebuilder Crest Nicholson has secured
properties’ stature. planning approval for its new Windsor
areth i , sa es and mar eting Gate development in Windsor.
manager at arendon omes, said t The development will comprise 135


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 8 11/12/2023 14:03

HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 9 11/12/2023 14:03

Tilia Homes
secures deal
to bring new
homes to
Housebuilder Tilia Homes Eastern has which equates to 715 homes a year. this area. We know there is a housing
acquired more than 10 acres of land in Tilia Homes Eastern has scheduled shortage, and we are keen to meet
Didcot, Oxfordshire, in a deal that work to begin early next year on the oca needs, especia or first time
will bring more than 80 new homes to site, which will be known as Foals buyers, who are the key to a healthy
the area. Meadow, with a show home due to open housing market. The region remains
Full planning permission has been in mid-2024. quite buoyant compared with the
granted by South Oxfordshire District The new development will provide 86 broader property market, particularly
Council for the land off Abingdon Road, properties, of which around 40% will be due to it having a strong employment
which will help to meet the housing designated affordable housing. The homes base with car, motor racing, logistic
shortfall within the region. will include a mix of two, three and four and tech jobs helping to create stability
Figures in the draft Oxford Local bedroom properties plus one and two for a region which has a strong economic
Plan show the city needs 26,440 new bedroom apartments. background.”
properties to be built within the next Gareth Jacob, regional managing As well as bringing social and economic
17 years. However, because of the city’s director for Tilia Homes Eastern said: benefits to the region, i ia omes
boundaries, only 481 new homes are “Our aim is to build vibrant, cohesive will also contribute £2.5m to the area,
being built each year leaving a shortfall communities where residents can thrive. including supporting leisure facilities,
of 16,828 homes before 2040. Therefore, we are delighted to be early years, primary and secondary
Neighbouring districts have agreed to bringing new homes to Didcot, especially education, public transport
accommodate 14,300 of the new homes, as it is the first time we have bui t in and local highways.

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have the printed magazine? Or has your
workplace turned paper-free? The digital
issue offers you the same content,
delivered straight to your inbox and
accessible via smartphone, tablet or
desktop computers. Housebuilder &
Developer also offers regular updates
with the fortnightly newsletter, offering
news on products, services and events.


HBD HP Digital.indd 1 05/12/2023 12:10


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 10 11/12/2023 14:03

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HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 11 11/12/2023 14:03


Crest Nicholson acquires land for 88

homes in Kent

Housebuilder Crest Nicholson has recently youth services.

announced they have acquired new land Work is anticipated to start in
in Faversham. The 13-acre site will December, with first residents expected
deliver 88 much needed, high quality in summer 2024.
new homes to the area, 35% of which Karen Coulson, sales and marketing
will be affordable. director at Crest Nicholson Eastern,
The development, which will be commented: “We’re pleased to announce
called Crown Meadows, follows the this acquisition in Kent, enabling us
success of Crest Nicholson’s nearby to respond to local demand for high
Kingsmead development. The new quality new homes in the area. Crown
community will offer a range of two to Meadows joins an already thriving
five bedroom new homes to suit a range community and popular area thanks
of buyers, as well as plenty of open to the range of amenities that are
space and recreational areas. More easily accessible within the wider
than £1m has been committed to fund Kingsmead development, including
vital local infrastructure and services, a number of Ofsted-rated “outstanding”
such as an NHS Healthcare centre and schools nearby.”


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 12 11/12/2023 14:03

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HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 13 11/12/2023 14:03

© Schö


& DEVELOPER champions
sustainability with
ING environmental


SAFE LAW consultancy


INDU With the support of an

environmental consultancy,

APPR Barratt Homes is embracing

TO W OACHES new Biodiversity Net Gain
EFFIC ATER (BNG) requirements, and
NEW IENCY IN “maintaining its status as a UK
HOM sustainable housebuilder.”
PRODUC In collaboration with
north east-based Biodiverse
try Vie N WITH
er - Oc

Consulting, Barratt Homes


will “transform its new-build

development sites by incorporating BNG into the early stages

of planning, a transition which will have a positive impact

on nature.” INDER

As part of the Environment Act 2021, legislation regarding

ER 2023

A YEAR ING mandatory BNG will pass into law in January 2024. BNG
REVISIT ES represents an approach to development by which the natural
CHANG F & environment is left in a measurably better state than it was

TO PART beforehand, a process which is widely perceived as nature’s

VIEW ge 1
ST 20 :4
23 ER 21 09

t feat

best chance of recovery.



Co nstru
y - Of

Speaking on the company’s progressive approach to

arch H



O F S sustainable development, John Aynsley, strategic land buyer

rick Uns
T U DY Photo ©
Jake Wei

at Barratt Developments North East, is similarly impressed by

© Jam
es Su

Un splas

© Qu
e the consultant’s expertise. He commented: said: “Introducing
increased BNG into our newbuild development sites is a hugely
bD So
the Ho
with ED IN AS

positive step and one that affects multiple factors in the planning
e Co
tion to
ge Ind

process. We knew it was crucial to work with a competent,

st 20

responsive consultancy which clearly shares our vision, and we

absolutely found that in Biodiverse Consulting. Through this

partnership, we are evaluating numerous development sites

and prioritising BNG from day one, identifying areas of high

R I N G ecological
value that must be avoided, and areas of low
value that we can improve upon. I am proud to say
EXPL ENT that with the help of Biodiverse Consulting, we are leading
CURR ING ONthe way in sustainable housebuilding, and protecting the
THIN ERN environment for future generations.”
MO ODS OFVicki Mordue is the founder and director of Biodiverse
E TH RUCConsulting,
BER 20
M and a highly experienced environmental consultant.
OND C O NST Speaking on the collaboration, she said: “In partnering with

TO CH Barratt Homes, we are demonstrating that business and UCED



PAC T - biodiversity truly can go hand in hand; while creating new homes
ENDE white
S OF paper series canvasses the industry
THE for families across the region. Barratt Homes’ environmentally
to discover TS L A opinion and insight on topics in
ND F sensitive approach places BNG at the heart of the development
development and house construction, from
UCED process, enabling them to add value to natural ecosystems on
every site.

offsite technologies and flood management,


to the imminent challenges of the Future Mordue continued: “By considering the challenges and
Homes Standard and the Building Safety Act. opportunities that BNG offers so early in the development
process, we are securing realistic and meaningful gains for
biodiversity over the long term. Our environmental policy will
VIEW OUR LIBRARY AT aci itate the creation o ourishing habitats that house an
abundance of wildlife and are enjoyed by local communities. Its
WWW.HBDONLINE.CO.UK/WHITE-PAPERS commitment to supporting nature’s recovery sends a powerful
message for sustainable change.”

HBD HPv.indd 1 05/12/2023 13:25

HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 14 11/12/2023 14:03

HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 15 11/12/2023 14:03


COST OF 2023
Brian Berry, CEO of the Federation of Master Builders (FMB),
Brian Berry assesses the damage after what’s been a turbulent year for
housebuilders, and what the new year might bring.

nfortunately for housebuilders big and part in a series of events, debating alongside
small, housing output has been in a Housing Minister Rachel Maclean about how
SMALL, LOCAL continuous decline for most of the year. we can unlock the UK’s housing potential and
Small, local builders have been particularly deliver sustainable homes. While there are
BUILDERS hard hit, as their business models just can’t many challenges which both industry and the
sustain long periods of low delivery. Survival Government need to overcome, it became
HAVE BEEN for them means diversifying their business into clear that there is appetite for progress, but the
other areas of construction. levers for this change have yet to be found.
PARTICULARLY The result of this diversification is that It’s plain to see that some MPs within the
HARD HIT, AS dedicated small housebuilders are becoming
rarer and rarer. Builders that are part of their
Conservative Party consider housing to be an
existential issue, with many remembering that
THEIR BUSINESS communities and deliver the great diversity of home ownership was once a core part of their
housing stock we see today, of which the UK political philosophy. It was certainly clear that
MODELS JUST has become famous for, need a helping hand if they are een to build, but will they sacrifice
they are to survive and thrive. votes in their heartlands to do so?
At the Labour Party Conference, housing was
OF LOW DELIVERY At the Conservative Party Conference, which top of the agenda, you couldn’t go far with-
took place in October, I was able to take out seeing a session or speech on the topic. I


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 216

Comment_ Brian Berry.indd 11/12/2023
29/11/2023 14:03
16:21 HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 17 11/12/2023 14:03

we will have to see more detail before we

can feel confident that change is coming.


The latest State of Trade survey from the
FMB provides a look into the market for
micro and small builders. As with many
other trackers, we have seen that work-
loads and enquiries have dropped in the
third quarter of 2023, with workloads
continuing their decline since earlier this
year. In late November the FMB launched
its annual House Builders’ Survey, a
comprehensive overview of micro and
SME house builders. Planning was unsur-
prisingly identified as the biggest barrier
holding back housing delivery. As noted
many times before, a very ambitious and
pragmatic political agenda will be the
only solution to unblocking the byzantine
planning system.


took part in a panel discussion with the the green belt – bits of scrubland and With a General Election somewhere on
Metro Mayor for the West of England Dan brownfield sites that would be better the horizon, the FMB will be publishing
Norris, where he spoke about the plans served with houses built on them. These its own manifesto for the industry, setting
which Sir Keir Starmer announced to Get sites are far from the oak forests and lush out the key tasks that our members will
Britain Building Again – with a particular- fields that many imagine when someone want to see prioritised by the next govern-
ly interesting exploration of the potential mentions the green belt. I am keen to see ment. We will be working hard between
‘grey belt.’ how this plays out, as this very emotive now and the election to champion the
So, what is the so-called grey belt, issue has restricted sensible and sustain- issues that matter most to the nation’s
in essence the poor-quality bits of land able development for too long. The early small house builders. It promises to be an
that have fallen under the protection of words from Sir Keir sound promising, but exciting, if not bumpy, year ahead.


Comment_ Brian Berry.indd

HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 418 29/11/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 16:21
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16:21 HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 19 11/12/2023 14:03



Patrick Mooney, housing consultant and news editor of
Housing, Management & Maintenance magazine asks –
could home ownership, one of the traditional strengths of
Conservatives, be turning into a weakness?
Patrick Mooney

n a sign of the times, the Conservative fallen back (down to about 64%) while the
party is now trailling behind Labour as stock of council housing has declined markedly
‘the party of homeownership’ in the eyes to approx 7%, as less than one in every 10
of the public, with the opposition’s policies on former council homes were replaced.
housing appearing to resonate with far more Many of the RTB properties have been
of the electorate. re-sold at significant price hi es, ma ing
WHEN ASKED When the polling and research organisation substantial profits for their owners and
Opinium recently asked which party would be families. Meanwhile housing associations have
WHICH PARTY better at helping people buy their own homes, continued to grow and they now account for
36% said Labour and only 16% chose the about 10% of all properties, but they usually
WOULD BE Conservatives. This outcome would have been charge higher rents than councils and some of
unthinkable in the previous 40 or 50 years. them appear more commercial in their actions
BETTER AT Since 1980 when Margaret Thatcher brought and approach.
in the Right To Buy (RTB) as a central plank of
HELPING her property-owning democracy project, more SAFETY NET LOST
than 2.5 million council homes have been In another bi arre twist, a significant number
PEOPLE BUY sold to their tenants. The Scottish and Welsh of ex-council homes have been bought by
governments both abolished the RTB before private landlords who have let them back
THEIR OWN 2020, but in England the RTB was extended to the original local authority owners (often
on a voluntary basis to include housing for housing homeless families) at vastly
HOMES, 36% association tenants in 2019. in ated rents.
Mrs Thatcher also deregulated and This equates to 40% of the ex RTB homes
SAID LABOUR liberalised the mortgage markets, and from sold in many London boroughs and across
1980 to 1990 rates of home ownership large swathes of England. As a result, a vital
AND ONLY 16% rose from 55% to 67% of households. safety net (in the shape of affordable and
The Conservatives’ place as a safe bet for secure housing for those in need) can no
SAID THE promoting home ownership in the eyes of the longer be relied upon and instead the strain
electorate appeared to be secure. But since on the housing market has been taken up by
CONSERVATIVES the mid-2000s, rates of home ownership have the private rented sector, which has doubled


HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd
Comment_ Paddy.indd 2 20 11/12/2023
04/12/2023 14:03
17:22 HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd 21 11/12/2023 15:37

in size since 2002 to almost 20% of all just two months’ notice (the so called and the size of deposits needed to buy
housing now. Section 21 or no fault eviction). have continued to grow, putting personal
Similarly large increases have taken Research from the property tax finances under e treme pressure.
place in the length of council house consultancy Cornerstone Tax has found
waiting lists and the numbers of people that 19% of private renters have had to FOCUS ON NEW RENTALS
recorded as homeless and living in move home at least five times in the last The Government’s commitment to
temporary accommodation, including five years, either because of unaffordable build 300,000 new homes a year has
bed and breakfast hotels and hostels. increases in their rent or their landlords faltered (in good years we are building
The housing charity Shelter has trawled selling the properties. no more than 230,000 new homes at
through official hitehall statistics to The Government has drawn up best) and successive Housing Secretaries
reveal that 3,000 people are sleeping legislation to reform the private rented have tweaked planning policies in their
rough on any given night, 131,000 sector, introducing a series of safeguards efforts to eke out as much new housing
children are growing up in temporary for tenants and improving the quality as possible, while also pandering
accommodation, over 250,000 people of rental homes, while at the same time to the nimbyism displayed by their
are homeless and 1.2 million households supporting good landlords. A key part of backbenchers. But fewer and fewer young
are stuck on social housing waiting lists. the legislation is the banning of Section people are currently buying, more of them
To add to these alarming figures, helter 21 evictions. The Renters’ Reform Bill are living with their parents (into their
has found that one in three adults in is currently going through Parliament, 30s and beyond) or in privately rented
Britain (equivalent to 17.5 million where it faces a race to get onto the homes paying rents which continue
people) are impacted by the housing statute books before the next General to outstrip in ation and their wage
emergency – meaning they are living in Election is called. increases. Indeed private rents are
overcrowded, dangerous, unstable or now at their highest level ever, up by
unaffordable housing. DRIVERS AND BLOCKAGES 20% in some regions over the previous
On average, private renters spend 33% But facing a potential large-scale revolt 12 months.
of their income on rent. This is higher from his backbench MPs, the Housing Rates of new housebuilding have
than for social renters, who spend about Secretary Michael Gove recently shrunk in many parts of the country and
27%, and for mortgagors, who spend announced that the long awaited ban simultaneously the numbers of people
22% of their income on mortgages. This on no-fault evictions would have to experiencing homelessness continues to
means younger adults who want to buy be delayed (to an unspecified date in rise and currently sits at record levels.
a home but are living in privately rented the future) until changes were made Taking advantage of the Government’s
accommodation, have less of their income to the courts process. Separately difficulties in delivering a coherent plan
available in order to save up for a deposit. private landlords are threatening to to increase the supply of new housing,
withdraw from the lettings market, at its recent conference Labour went
HIGH LEVELS OF DISSATISFACTION with ornerstone Ta finding that 15% big on its strategy to build 1.5 million
Some 62% of private renters – about 2.8 are considering selling up, mainly for new homes over the next Parliament
million households – eventually plan to financial reasons. facilitated by a fast-track planning system,
buy a home in the UK. 28% of these think Plans to force improvements in the and announced plans for two more new
they will be able to purchase in the next energy efficiency of private rentals were towns producing new communities with
two years, although purchase periods of recently the sub ect of a significant beautiful homes, green spaces, reliable
two to five years (3 %) or five or more u-turn by the Prime Minister, as he transport links and bustling high streets.
years (35%) are more common. Buying watered down many of the ‘green The response from large parts of the
intention among private renters declines measures’ designed to achieve our targets housing sector was very positive.
with age – renters in the 16-24 age on reducing carbon emissions to net The obvious answer for the Government
band are more likely to say they would zero. This will have been a bitter blow, should be to build more homes – for social
eventually buy (85%) than those aged 45- particularly to younger tenants facing and private rent, as well as for all types
64 (42%), those aged 65 to 74 (16%) or a longer timescale paying out larger of affordable ownership. But because of
those aged 75 or older (7%). amounts on bigger energy bills, while a very vocal group of backbench MPs,
Private renters also happen to be among their homes remain cool and damp. the Conservatives are instead waging
the most dissatisfied members of society Successive Chancellors of the Exchequer an internal debate over the rights and
at present and this may explain a large have introduced financial policies to wrongs of cutting stamp duty – a policy
part of the shift in public support away incentivise housebuilding and encourage that will do nothing to alleviate the
from the Conservatives to Labour. The first time buyers onto the property supply problems in the housing market,
reasons for their unhappiness probably owning ladder, but since the financial but which paradoxically might make
lays in the fact that conditions in the crash of 2008/09, the ensuing slump affordability problems worse by delivering
private rented sector are among the and recessions have made it harder to a short-term surge in house prices. If
worst in the nation’s housing stock, with convince the British public that investing Messrs Gove, Hunt and Sunak do not
the highest rates of unfitness, damp, in bricks and mortar is always the best pull a rabbit out of the hat and produce a
overcrowding and hazards, as well as way to secure their future. credible and deliverable national housing
the worst energy efficiency levels, the As house prices have continued to rise framework which the public believe in
lowest rate of central heating and the most years, the gap between average and support, then the Government might
most insecure form of tenancy, with high wages and house prices has got further well find itself in opposition come the
numbers of evictions, many of them at and further stretched, affordability ratios next election.



HBD_1201_2024 03-22.indd
Comment_ Paddy.indd 4 22 11/12/2023
04/12/2023 14:03
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Callum Whittall
Callum Whittall, technical and compliance lead at Green
Lighting discusses how new regulations are changing
the face of the housebuilding industry, and some of the
electrical solutions developers should be considering.

he recent implementation of Part L and on gas or oil-fired boilers. ome heating
the forthcoming Future Homes Standard currently accounts for 14% of the UK’s carbon
(FHS) has led the housebuilding emissions. The overnment wants to see
industry to face some of its biggest challenges 600,000 heat pumps installed each year to
in decades; in adapting to these regulations, it help meet its target of net ero by 5 .
has been proven that there really is no one size s the loo s to reduce its carbon
fits all solution. footprint, heat pumps are becoming a popular
With Part L aiming to improve the energy option for housebuilders and homeowners
performance of new and existing buildings, loo ing for alternative energy solutions.
it’s unsurprising that the extent of the changes Heat pumps use electricity, which often
were vast. nd, when it came into force, it still comes from renewable sources to heat
felt like the industry as a whole was behind, buildings; they’re known to be incredibly
no matter how prepared we tried to be. efficient, cheap to run, are uiet and re uire
Theoretically housebuilders and developers relatively low maintenance.
should now be fully compliant, with bout 1.5 million homes are estimated
Part L being released two years ago, but to have been built without low-carbon
there are still some who are yet to make the fittings since 15, when the onservative
necessary updates. government scrapped the zero carbon homes
The one thing we can be certain of is that standard. The cost of retrofitting these homes
the future for new homes is one that’s carbon is likely to reach £30bn to £45bn – a cost
ero. e ve seen the gradual reduction of O2 which will now fall on homeowners
emissions by 31% in 2022 and 75% in 2025 – or ta payers.
uite a substantial ump in ust three years. But what about heat pumps – are they
Understandably then, in becoming compliant worth the hype? Earlier this year, a major
with Part L, many are also thinking ahead to survey of heat pump users by the innovation
the FHS, which will make things much more charity Nesta, found that more than 80% of
restrictive, with the removal of gas. households which have replaced their gas
ccording to housing e perts, delays to the boilers with an electric heat pump are satisfied
Government’s planned consultation on net with the new heating system.
zero regulations for housebuilding will result et, while the figures sound impressive,
IN ADAPTING in heftier energy bills for more households. it’s important to note that the survey was
The FHS stipulates that all new build commissioned because many people are
TO THESE properties are to be constructed to be low actually still unfamiliar with heat pumps, and
carbon. This was due to be opened for less than 1% of people in the UK actually use
REGULATIONS consultation in March, but was instead one to heat their home.
pushed back to a publication in the summer Despite their pros, they are expensive,
IT HAS BEEN – however, during the recent Tory party still relatively unknown, and there are other,
conference, artin allanan, the inister for possibly more accessible options available.
PROVEN THERE nergy fficiency and reen inance, said this The one major issue with heat pumps is
was delayed to the end of the year. that they re uire ualified installers demand
REALLY IS NO Yet despite these delays and setbacks, we are for which will rocket, especially in line with
seeing more and more solutions being adopted the . oes the have enough of these
ONE-SIZE FITS- by housebuilders and homeowners in order to ualified installers urrently, no.
lower their carbon footprint and save money. t the moment, the is facing a ma or
ALL SOLUTION Today, a total of 95% of UK homes are s ills shortage in this area. There aren t
centrally heated, with the vast majority relying enough ualified installers to meet the demand


HBD_1201_2024 23-42.indd
Comment_ GL.indd 2 24 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03
16:46 HBD_1201_2024 23-42.indd 25 11/12/2023 14:03

Infrared heating is another highly

efficient solution, which is both
sustainable and affordable. nli e
heat pumps, infrared heating does not
need specially ualified installers any
electrician can install infrared panels.
Infrared uses electricity to heat surfaces
and objects (the ‘thermal mass’) and
people, not the air around them. y
absorbing the heat, infrared heated
objects then re-emit warmth back into
the room and, once the thermal mass
is warm, the building retains heat for a
period of time.
While the removal of gas under the
FHS will undoubtedly place a strain on
electricity and thereby, the grid, electric
solutions – while seemingly contradictory
– can have a huge impact on reducing
this pressure.
With more and more homeowners
also installing solutions such as solar
panels and crucially, battery storage
systems, unused power can be harnessed
and used again or transferred back to
the grid, thereby supporting overall
energy outputs.
longside this, the introduction of the
1 software means electricity now
has a lower carbon factor than gas, so it’s
now much easier for electrically heated
buildings to comply with the target
emissions rate (T R) than before.
Ultimately, when it comes to reducing
household carbon emissions, it’s
important to loo at the options available.
Suppliers need to be on-hand to offer
the best advice they can and work with
housebuilders to find the most effective,
and indeed efficient, solutions.
The Future Homes Hub is going
someway to help housebuilders and
developers work out what needs to be
said and done to meet this requirement
and what they need to do. ore wor
and research needs to be done not only
into the best solutions for the job but
also how we fit them all into modern
homes to ensure not only reduced carbon
emissions but a good living environment
for homeowners.
While changes like Part L and the
FHS mark a pivotal moment in the
housebuilder and developer industry,
electric solutions have long been
paving the way as sustainable, energy-
efficient alternatives.
of people wanting to swap over to heat Every existing plumber should be thinking With the market now bigger than
pumps, let alone to meet the demand for about retraining to install heat pumps. In ever, there really is no one-si e-fits-all
200,000 new build houses which will also line with demand, those tradespeople who option but the range of solutions is far-
need heat pumps to be installed. are ualified are then in a position to as reaching, giving builders more options
If heat pumps are the preferred option, for more to do it, resulting in increased and making compliance with regulations
where are the tradespeople coming from? installation costs. more straightforward.



HBD_1201_2024 23-42.indd
Comment_ GL.indd 4 26 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03
16:46 HBD_1201_2024 23-42.indd 27 11/12/2023 14:03


Building a future for the

Gascoigne Estate
A London council estate with
a history of problems is being
transformed in phases, thanks
to a complex, high-density and
high-quality scheme by council
regeneration specialist developer
Be First. They speak to James Parker
about the recently completed
Gascoigne West Phase 1.

he Gascoigne Estate in Barking,
east London was a neighbourhood
which suffered from anti-social
behaviour over the decades, but also has
an established community who care about
their neighbourhood.
A major regeneration of the estate by Be
First (a development arm of client Barking
and Dagenham Council) is reinventing
the estate’s reputation, with a multi-phase
scheme which brings environmental
quality to residents for the future, and a
huge contrast with the past.
Completed in 2022, Phase 1 of the
development’s Gascoigne West section
provides 201 homes (60% of which
are affordable) on a 0.9-hectare parcel.
Designed by Scandinavian architects
White Arkitekter, this is just one part
of the 16.3 hectare scheme. White also
designed the first part of the scheme to
start on site, the completed second phase
of the three-phase Gascoigne East, and
have designed Phase 2 of Gascoigne West.
Phase 1 had a constrained site, but the
architects produced a range of cleverly
articulated blocks to work with the site
and offer efficiently planned indoor and
outdoor spaces for residents. Similarly,
Phase 2 provides high density as required
by Be First but avoids the oppressive
nature that characterised the previous
Gascoigne Estate. The project team had
a host of factors to balance – time was
of the essence, with the client keen to
deliver the apartments as quickly as
possible, at the desired level of quality.
© Paul Riddle Be First was formed in 2017 as an
offshoot of Barking and Dagenham


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_Project Report_ Major 28
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© Paul Riddle

Council, which was progressing its own answer was to demolish it and rebuild a Be First “worked really hard with the
share of award-winning developments, sustainable community in phases which politicians and residents to think about
but in the words of design lead at Be would attract and retain residents. how we make tenure blind developments,”
First, Jacob Willson, the new company Ben Addison, assistant delivery director says Jacob Willson, design lead
was formed to “scale up delivery,” and was the project lead for Be First, and he
focus on important regeneration projects explains that Gascoigne West Phase 1 was
in the Borough. It now has one of the previously “low-rise three-storey blocks
most ambitious local authority housing containing ats. e adds that as
programmes in the country, with close to some of the homeowners were
500 units per year, and a target of 50,000 leaseholders from Right to Buy, “there
new homes by 2037. were some buybacks,” and with the new
As well as the public sector however, scheme having fewer such landlords,
Willson says Be First are “active” in the there’s a hope that transient tenants will
private land market as well, with land be further reduced.
agents and commercial agents seeking
out opportunities. CLIENT GOALS
e irst benefits from also providing Addison explains how the overall
the statutory planning function on its project emerged from “social inclusion
projects, giving it something of a ‘poacher programmes” in the early 1990s, which
and gamekeeper’ role as Wilson readily then led the council to “recommend a
accepts. “It’s not just a regen delivery holistic regeneration of the area, and that
team – we also brought in the planning was always involving full demolition, in
team, similar to the LLDC (Olympic Park the case of Phase 1.” There are different
legacy) planning model.” approaches for different phases, and not
The stigma attached to the estate all involve full demolition.
previously contributed to it being a “fairly Architects Fraser Brown Mackenna
transient” population, says Willson, with were appointed to complete an outline
many residents moving out much sooner masterplan for Gascoigne West in
than in other developments, normally into 2018, and Be First submitted an outline
the huge Becontree Estate. He explains application in December 2018 which
that the problems inherent to the original covered all three phases, with a maximum
development, with its “typical low-rise of 850 homes. White Arkitekter were
blocks peppered with high rise” meant the subsequently commissioned by Be First in


16:48 HBD_1201_2024 23-42.indd

_Project Report_ Major 29
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06/12/2023 14:03

© Paul Riddle © Paul Riddle

2019 to design West Phase 1 and submit a integrated with the higher density blocks
reserved matters application detailing the on Phases 1 and 2. Phase 2 (completing
size and scale of the blocks. in March 2024) goes up to 20 stories,
The Right to Buy receipts held by whereas the tallest block on Phase 1 is
the council helped to fund the scheme, 13 stories. And not despite the mix of
including 1 homes for the first phase medium and high-rise blocks, but assisted
(providing much higher density than the by it, the developer asserts that they
original 40 on the site). The majority of are “pushing the boundaries on design
the funding came from the GLA’s Housing quality, placemaking and sustainability.”
Zone and Affordable Homes Programme. Within Phase 1, the 201 homes are
Willson points out that the density roughly a fairly typical 60/40 split of
was already increasing significantly on affordable to private rented sector (122
the west side of Abbey Road, one of the affordable, 79 private rented). The private
site’s perimeters, “and there are a lot of market rents turn out for the one bed at
regeneration initiatives in Barking town £1400 per month, and £1700 per month
centre to support that.” He said that with for the two beds, and the affordable
the conte t firmly in mind, we wor ed homes are at a set scale of discounted
really hard with the architects on how we rates. The big story is that in Phase 1
distributed the massing, where we put the alone, the number of affordable homes
tall buildings.” Phase 2 is denser, “because has increased from 40 units to 122.
it’s closer to the town centre, and public There were many of the usual
transport nodes.” constraints of similar schemes, from the
RETAINING THE EXISTING Willson explains that Barking and red line boundaries of the perimeter of
Dagenham has “huge waiting lists, huge this narrow site, to the fact that in order
TWO-STOREY HIGH TREES IS housing need,” including homelessness to make the high number of affordable
issues. But building more densely has homes viable, the density had to be
AN OBVIOUS EXAMPLE OF A various benefits, including sustainable pushed up. “There were a lot of very
land use, although Be First are still close residents,” says Jacob Willson,
SUSTAINABILITY WIN incorporating terraces of townhouses, “this is an existing neighbourhood” – this


_Project Report_ Major

HBD_1201_2024 Developments
23-42.indd 30 - Gascoigne West Phase 1.indd 4 06/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 16:48 _Proj

© Paul Riddle

was the key driver of what was a rigorous volumes are six and 11 storeys for Block
and careful approach taken by the , eight and five storeys for the s innier
architect and client. Block B (which has a block of seven
townhouses sitting in front of it), and
TENURE-BLIND FACADES six and 13 storeys in the case of Block C.
Jacob Wilson asserts that from a design The six-level portion of the latter, which
point of view, Be First has “worked really is allocated to the private rental market,
hard with the politicians and residents to has a roof garden, located adjacent to the
think about how we make tenure blind townhouses. The higher levels offer great
developments. So when you look at Phase views into central London.
1, you can’t tell which are the affordable Blocks A and B are ‘kinked,’ both
blocks and which are the private blocks.” following the line of retained mature
This is now industry best practice, and trees, creating a streetscape that has a
it’s crucial to avoid creating an aesthetic much more amenable urban presence
division between tenures’ build quality. than totally perpendicular facades would
Willson says there has been a problem offer, and angling the forms back from
with private landlords in London the street edge. The result is a series of
and elsewhere, creating a dichotomy “strong frontages’’ broken up by “entrance
between council and private tenants by squares,” explain the architects.
underspecifying the former and leading to The scheme is designed as a car free
the widely reported ‘poor doors’ stigma. development with limited parking, and
Phase 1 has a variety of blocks, from a “pedestrian-friendly public realm.”
three to 13 storeys, and the overall scale The trees along Abbey Road provide
is broken down by the taller blocks natural shading to the west facade,
having a “stepped lower shoulder,” in the soften the overall look, and have also
words of project architect Linda Thiel. been used to locate small, sheltered play
This reduces the overall impact and areas. The external spaces have been
helps the scheme relate to the scale of designed to be highly usable, and a Places
the surrounding buildings. The resulting for Girls workshop held by the architects


16:48 _Project Report_ Major

HBD_1201_2024 Developments
23-42.indd 31 - Gascoigne West Phase 1.indd 5 06/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 16:48

All images © Paul Riddle

A Places for Girls workshop held with a with a local school established what have a brick facade to tie in with the local
local school established what safe outdoor safe outdoor spaces would look like. residential buildings. A light colour brick
spaces would look like ternal spaces in the finished scheme are mix was chosen for Phase 1, softening
now being used much more by residents, the blocks’ presence along Abbey Road.
when formerly they had become a source ric in a dar er hue was specified on
of fear. ground oors, and ad acent parts of the
Jacob Willson praises the architects’ elevations (either side of the ‘kinks’ in
work, which aligned with Be First’s facades) have subtle differences in the
aspirations in terms of both sustainability look of their brickwork. This is thanks to
and spatial quality. “There’s a lot of really altering the mortar colour, to break down
positive design aspects of this scheme in the mass of the facades, but still give an
terms of having very clear front and back overall coherence.
doors, private and public spaces.” He
says that people were previously fearful CONSTRUCTION
of going through certain spaces, and In Phase 1 some offsite/MMC
struggled to navigate the estate, “but a lot construction methods were used to aid
of those issues were addressed by White fast and accurate construction, such
Arkitekter in having very active street- as fully tiled pod bathrooms, utility
based architecture.” cupboards, and balconies, supplied by
The various buildings in Phase 1 all Sapphire. Ben Addison explains that
have reinforced concrete frames but a the logistics were tricky for bringing
mix of facades, however the majority in vehicles to site, however “we were


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fortunate that a neighbouring site became significant step in the rebirth of the
vacant that was part of Gascoigne West Gascoigne Estate, and one which in
Phase 3. We were able to demolish the case of hase 1 of its est an at
that and actually set up a larger site least, provides a far higher number of
compound for the main contractor.” This affordable homes. Thanks to the diligent
was especially helpful given that the main work of the council, and its development
work started in March 2020, roughly arm and architect, a sustainable
when the Covid lockdowns started. community has the chance to ourish on
The project completed on time in what was a pocket of east London with
March 2022, with no help from some a lot of problems. As one of the early
final commissioning delays to the district schemes in this massive endeavour, it has
heating network connection, although it provided many lessons to Be First as they
adds serious sustainability credentials. progress the later phases, which include
Retaining the existing, two-storey high the performance data on buildings that
trees is the other obvious example of they are receiving from sensors peppered
a sustainability win, which as Jacob across Gascoigne West Phase 1.
Willson rightly says, “add so much value The biggest proof of the success is
for residents, and the light brick offsets starting to be seen from residents of
them really well.” Their roots may have this former troubled estate, who are
provided challenges to the contractor reporting the start of a “real community
Wates, but it was well worth it. feeling,” says Jacob Willson with obvious
This project is a very successful, pride, a pride shared by those residents.


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Exploring solutions
for stormwater
Our second round table event, solutions (whether natural, or engineered,
held in London in October, or most likely a combination), the
saw housebuilders, landscape practicalities of doing SuDS on many sites
are going to be tricky for many.
architects, engineers and product That’s why our round table event was
suppliers come together to so timely; as well as bringing together
discuss the imminent legal SuDS experts, housebuilders, and product
requirement for sustainable suppliers to exchange ideas and real-life
knowledge from practice on the ground,
drainage in developments, and it was also staged just before the new
bust some myths in the process. legal requirement came in. Some of the
highlights presented here and on our

websites (including a new site collating
All images © netMAGmedia ur second Building Insights all of our industry insight at insights.
LIVE round table event, held at are
the Building Centre in London, certain to be useful to housebuilders as
focused on solutions for the soon-to- they solve practical issues from how to
be-statutory requirement to provide combine SuDS with public space, to how
sustainable management of stormwater steep is safe, when it comes to natural
on projects, essentially by making them features like swales within schemes.
permeable. The key goal is to mitigate The changes that can be brought
ATTENDEES: the effects of development on drainage as about in developments via stormwater
we experience more and more extreme management using thoughtful SuDS
Sue Illman, Illman Young weather due to climate change, but also approaches is an exciting evolution
Chris Carr, FMB national president to ensure that the water running off those of how future housing developments
Steve Wilson, Environmental Protection sites is better quality. However, a further could look. Far from the tarmac and
Group ma or benefit is the potential for greening car-dominated sprawl of the past,
Matt Clutton, Cameron Homes our future housing developments using driven by the practical need to deal with
Martin Shaw, Meadfleet natural features, and thereby creating stormwater but also aiding biodiversity
Ruth Clarke, Innovyze (sponsors) new standards of amenity for residents. goals, SuDS can lead to natural
Jamie Gledhill, Brett Landscaping The round table, sponsored by features in the heart of developments
(sponsors) Innovyze, Brett Landscaping and Polypipe that ultimately provide a level of
Charlotte Markey, Polypipe Civils and Civils and Green Infrastructure, was unprecedented ‘greening.’ While there
Green Urbanisation (sponsors) a uni ue opportunity for specifiers are major challenges, as explored by our
to exchange views on how to deliver round table, there are also many reasons
SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage to be enthusiastic in pursuing these
Systems) with key suppliers in an new approaches.
informal setting. It produced a range of We were fortunate to be joined by
constructive pointers, as well as a set a highly engaged group of people to
With thanks to our sponsors:
of recommendations for the industry discuss this important but specialist
(captured at the end of this report). area – landscape architect Sue Illman
SuDS is the principal, and established is well known in the industry as a
method for achieving such schemes, SuDS champion, and for engaging
and there are a range of approaches with construction sectors in her role
to achieving it. However, time is of the as the Construction Industry Council’s
essence, as with Schedule 3 of the Flood Champion for Flood Mitigation and
and Water Management Act 2010 about Resilience. She was also co-author of
to finally be implemented, housebuilders CIRIA’s SuDS Manual which is regarded
and developers are confronting a legally as the ‘bible’ for designing such schemes.
binding SuDS requirement in all projects. The Environmental Protection Group
While they buy into the concepts and the ( ) is a firm of geo-environmental


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engineers, and its technical director, than removing water quickly from site
Steve Wilson, is, like Sue, a long-standing using pipes. As SuDS expert, landscape
purveyor of practical SuDS solutions architect Sue Illman told the group, “the
in a host of developments; they both whole point about SuDS is to have a
train construction industry professionals multiplicity of features, and that each
including housebuilders on SuDS design. one, particularly where they’re on the
From the housebuilder side, we were surface and involve planting, slows that
delighted to have Chris Carr return from ow because the water will be intercepted
our previous round table on Part L; in the as soon as it hits the ground.”
meantime he had been elevated to FMB The second pillar is water quality –
National President! He was forthright in natural SuDS can in themselves clean the
advocating for SME builders grappling water coming off a site. “For example,”
with several acute business challenges Sue explained, “a swale is a wet-dry
currently, of which SuDS is just one. system, the water goes through it, then
Our other housebuilder in attendance it dries out, and this process metabolises
was Matt Clutton from Cameron Homes, the hydrocarbons from roads.” This is
a medium-si ed firm building uality augmented by planted systems whose
developments across the Midlands roots help to control silts and sediments,
and north; Matt combines engineering further cleaning the water supply. Those
expertise with a housebuilder’s business chemicals which cannot be filtered by
outlook, and so offered crucial insights. planting remain trapped in the soil, rather
Martin Shaw is senior operations than entering groundwater reserves.
manager from ead eet, an open The final two pillars are menity and
space management firm which acts as iodiversity two inter-related benefits
‘landscape partner’ for housebuilders of u , firstly the ability of u to
across the UK. He views SuDS from provide a whole new public area within
the operational side and helps residents developments for residents to see,
engage with and understand what are and use. Nature-based SuDS schemes
potentially unfamiliar features in their are a proven way to produce species
developments. biodiversity on sites, and thereby help
From our sponsors we were pleased meet the January 2024 requirement for a
to welcome Ruth Clarke, innovation 10% uplift in Biodiversity Net Gain.
manager at Innovyze, which provides
design modelling software to engineers AMENITY & RESIDENT BUY-IN
and consultants working on SuDS We asked all of our attendees to
schemes. Jamie Gledhill, technical provide a question or comment for the
engineering manager from Brett group to tackle. Steve Wilson of EPG
Landscaping advocates strongly for suggested that how SuDS contributes to
permeable paving, and Charlotte Markey, biodiversity was a key issue to assess.
green urbanisation innovation manager artin haw from ead eet made the
at Polypipe, donated her expertise as PhD case for including SuDS as not just a
researcher and promoted a wide-ranging functional necessity, but as an amenity in
‘systems’ approach. housebuilding schemes, and how features
such as swales, filter strips and of course
THE DEBATE trees add value to residents’ lives.
The Government’s ‘Plan for Water’ He told the delegates: “As the SuDS
has a stated aim to see “nature-based systems mature, the visual amenity is far
solutions used, where appropriate.” But greater than having a concrete basin or
what are the best SuDS strategies for channel; we get our ecologists involved
housebuilders to take, in order to create to improve the site’s biodiversity, in
the most appropriate schemes in each one example in Epping we have linked
setting? Collaboration between architects, a balancing pond with a woodland,
landscape architects, engineers, with native trees planted around it.” He
housebuilders and planning authorities is continues: “It’s matured into a lovely
the key, but is achieving this an obstacle place where families spend a day out.
in itself? SuDS can become a massively valuable
The round table focused on the general part of the development.” Martin added
ob ectives and benefits of u , but that wetland margins around such a
quickly saw delegates delving into some feature further slow the water, soaking “PLANNERS REQUIRE AN
of the obstacles (some of which may into the ground rather than running
be imaginary!) for achieving holistic straight into the pond. AMOUNT OF PUBLIC SPACE
schemes. The attendees began by looking Developments can look different to
at the Four Pillars of SuDS, CIRIA’s core what has traditionally been expected by IN SCHEMES, BUT THEY
benefits as well as the must-haves for residents, with longer, wilder grasses
installations to be deemed a success. which can suggest a lack of maintenance, DON’T INCLUDE THE SUDS
Firstly, water quantity – tackling and lead to a stigma against them.
stormwater via slowing its progress as Delegates asserted that education was FEATURE IN THAT AREA,”
close to the source as possible, rather essential to combat pushback against MATT CLUTTON, CAMERON HOMES


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_Round Table Report 35 for Stormwater Management.indd 3
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schemes which is driven by lack of Steve Wilson recounted to the group his
nowledge. artin from ead eet said experience of being called in to train
that getting maintenance right is also volume housebuilders’ planning and
key to helping residents become more buying teams on SuDS design, as “they
accepting of these new features – he said recognised the commercial advantage,
that regular planting, such as poppies in and that it would be a lot cheaper if you
one recent ead eet case study, shows get it right from the start.” He added:
people that the area is being looked after.” “They also recognised that land take isn’t
Steve Wilson of EPG said that “from an issue if you design it right, conversely,
international experience, wherever there if you put appalling SuDS in that are
have been large-scale SuDS schemes ‘bomb craters,’ it is going to take a lot
are successful is where there have been more land, and probably cost more to
massive public awareness campaigns so build, and people aren’t going to like it.”
people are educated about them,” and What are the key issues for
warned that currently in the UK this was housebuilders in complying with SuDS
“non-existent,” so education is in severe in the current context? Procurement is
need of improvement. “The Government riven with problems, and some planning
really need to get to grips with it and authorities may be more amenable
make people aware of why it’s there.” than others when it comes to creating
Is SuDS genuinely a ‘win win’ for comprehensive SuDS schemes as part of
small developers and their customers, new developments. Our panel discussed
and could the Four Pillars be potentially the issues around the hierarchy of
easier to achieve on some smaller decision-making in projects, and the
semi-rural schemes, than their more organisational and bureaucratic obstacles
space-compromised urban counterparts?). that overcomplicate things.
Perhaps more importantly, who is driving Steve Wilson of EPG told the
SuDS adoption in residential schemes, group there were a lot of artificial
are customers so unaware of the benefits organisational boundaries that
that developers have to sell it to them, ma e u difficult technically it s
whether or not there’s any commercial straightforward,” adding: “What we really
advantages for the housebuilder per se? need is a wholesale rewriting of surface
Chris Carr posed the question as to water legislation.” Jamie Gledhill of Brett
whether developers should include Landscaping pointed out that a major nut
SuDS as part of marketing to customers, to crack in the procurement process was
given that his firm embraces it as a Highways departments, who “do tend
positive.” Sue Illman gave the view that to be the main blockers” when it comes
it should be included in the booklets specifying SuDS projects.
which housebuilders tend to provide Chris Carr admitted there were
their customers when they get the keys, issues with SuDS features in highways,
explaining features of their new home. although it may seem like one of the best
Chris responded that while “education locations to introduce them. For example,
could sometimes be seen as lecturing, swales are seen as incompatible with
in this case it’s really positive,” due to highways services connections such as
the host of benefits that u can bring street lighting, meaning that two rows of
developments. He added: “We have to streetlights may not be possible. However
have a USP as a small builder against he said that this is feasible “because of
the volume housebuilders, but it needs the issue with energy costs now, local
to be”layered with things like open authorities are happy to reduce street
space, biodiversity and the Future Homes lighting.” He admitted that while some
Standard, it can’t be just an engineer maintenance was straightforward, such as
designing for SuDS.” ponds, when it came to long stretches of
Charlotte Markey questioned whether swales for example next to highways, this
homeowners were “pushing from the was much more challenging. “We might
bottom up to get SuDS implemented; have two or three thousand metres of
there are loads of case studies of beautiful swale,” Carr commented.
schemes, but have people aesthetically Is it a myth that SuDS costs more than
got used to such a poor baseline that a traditionally landscaped and road
they’re not actually demanding it from network-oriented scheme? A 2013 Defra
“EDUCATION [OF housebuilders?” Chris Carr commented: study even found that well-designed,
“We have to sell it to them,” and Matt landscape-based SuDS should be
CUSTOMERS] COULD Clutton from Cameron Homes agreed that cheaper than traditional drainage with
there is a long way to go with consumer underground storage, with less pipework.
SOMETIMES BE SEEN AS buy-in, given that “a lot of people are Ruth Clarke from Innovyze asked whether
moving towards astroturf for gardens.” housebuilders “were able to charge more
LECTURING, IN THIS CASE for properties based on the increased
HOUSEBUILDERS’ CHALLENGES amenity, or are SuDS still just seen as a
IT’S REALLY POSITIVE,” When it came to how the volume necessity to get planning?”
CHRIS CARR, FMB NATIONAL PRESIDENT housebuilders were approaching SuDS, Land take is the key issue in terms


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of affordability, as developers have use virgin plastics, or are looking at

to sacrifice land they could build on alternative solutions.” She added: “In
to include SuDS, but in theory their some instances there might be a necessity
developments are more desirable as a to combine approaches when you have a
result, so there’s a balance. But, as Matt lack of space.”
Clutton of Cameron Homes pointed out, Steve Wilson of EPG continued the
there’s a key problem which planners theme, counselling housebuilders:
bring into the picture, by “requiring “Your aim starting out should be for a
a certain amount of public space in fully natural system on the surface, but
schemes, but not including the SuDS the constraints you come across will
feature in that area.” Therefore, SuDS push you to put some plastic structures
places a further burden on the land in there.” He also described how the
equation, when it could be integrated Environment Agency had precipitated
into the calculation of public space. Steve an exponential rise in requirements
Wilson agreed it was “a real problem, it for storage on projects to account for
makes SuDS expensive – we’ve got to look future climate change-driven ooding,
at multi-functional use of open space.” which has climbed to 40%, “a massive
amount of storage, and that can make it
COLLABORATION & INTEGRATION unviable.” However, Charlotte Markey
Sue Illman posed the key question added that “there could be so many
of how to ensure all the professional instances where shallow tree pit solutions
disciplines “fully understand SuDS and rain gardens with playscapes could
and the multiplicity of ways that they be incorporated to reduce the land take,
can be designed into projects.” While because people want more for less now.”
this might not have been answered,
there was consensus that collaboration ENGINEERING OUT MYTHS
between architects, engineers and other Our delegates discussed some of the
professions was possibly more essential perceived myths, and received wisdom
for these schemes than others. Chris Carr around SuDS engineering, such as the
candidly admitted that for his firm, there so-called 5 metre setback rule in SuDS
is a hierarchy, and landscaping comes at schemes. This states (inherited from old
the bottom, they have to deliver the best guidance, that no SuDS feature can be
they can with the engineered design, placed closer than 5 metres from any
SuDS, highways and everything else; building, however Steve Wilson for one
you can’t lead with landscaping, it would was here to debunk this myth: “It’s not
never work.” going to affect the foundations; a lot of
He advised: “When the engineer’s them these days are piled, and it’s not
finished, then loo at how to incorporate going to make an iota of difference.”
landscaping into it.” He added that “my One comment was submitted by Dick
first priority as a developer is to build Longdin, of Randall Thorp landscape
a home I can sell, and everything else architects (who was unable to attend the
has to work around that.” However, Sue event): “There’s often a lack of creative
Illman and Charlotte Markey defended input from landscape architects at the
the importance of prioritising landscape initial design stage which can result
architecture in the process, Sue asserting in very engineered solutions, such as
in response to Chris: “We do it the 1:3 slopes.” The round table discussed
other way around,” questioning why whether overly engineer-led solutions
engineering would be given the chief could mean that simple ‘pipe to pond’
priority. Charlotte adding that it was approaches can lead to a ‘pipe to a crater
“hugely frightening that you can’t have at the end of the site.’
a landscape-led approach.” She warned There was general consensus that SuDS
that “we are getting used to such a can be much simpler to get right than
terrible baseline in this country where many believe, given early collaboration
infrastructure just becomes dominant.” between landscape experts and engineers
Charlotte cited how Polypipe’s Civils on schemes. Alternatively if left to
and Green Urbanisation division is engineers, the result can be steep-sided
working with EPG, as one example of SuDS features schemes which work
collaboration, “because we want to practically but present an eyesore and
encourage a wider raft of solutions.” She even a danger for residents. As delegate “THE WHOLE POINT
added that “Hopefully with Schedule 3 Matt Clutton from Cameron Homes
being implemented, green solutions will phrased it in his question to the group, ABOUT SUDS IS TO HAVE
be adoptable, but that doesn’t mean you when designing swales for example,
have to take a purist perspective.” She “how steep is too steep?” A MULTIPLICITY OF
admitted that using plastic underground Sue Illman offered some insight from
for the engineered element of a project experience: “1:3 is steeper than you FEATURES,”
“was a legitimate concern,” but that think when you actually see it on
greater awareness was needed of the the ground.” Steve Wilson added: “I
fact that “a lot of companies now don’t think you should keep it as shallow LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS


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as possible, then you can steepen it up Biodiversity Net Gain requirements and
if needed, but when you stand at the greatly enhance projects for residents.
bottom of something that’s 2.5 metres Bringing in the full range of possible
deep and look at a 1:3 slope it’s really solutions (for the full benefits) may be
steep, it’s horrendous.” He continued: a challenge for many, such as SMEs,
“So, the deeper you go, the shallower as the SuDS becomes mandatory in
the sides’ slopes need to be, which is an 2024. However, our round table and
incentive to keep the depth shallow.” its recommendations (below) help
Matt Clutton offered the developer’s support the argument for diving fully
perspective: “It needs a lot of input into the potential to use SuDS to green
and collaboration, the ground might be developments for everyone s benefit,
sloping, and one side of the pond might caveated with key practical suggestions.
be 2 metres higher than the other, so you Our event also highlighted some
need the engineers to model it, and then remaining gaps in knowledge, including
introduce the landscape architects.” between u aficionados, and
housebuilders tac ling a raft of difficult
CONCLUSION problems. However, we think that the
The Government appears to be sticking to event was one valuable effort in the battle
300,000 homes per year as an ‘aspiration,’ to plug those gaps. We didn’t have time
at least, and Labour is pledging to build to delve further into issues like whether
1.5 million homes. The pressure is on for permeable paving should be considered
new developments across the UK, and as a ‘natural’ SuDS solution, and the
on developers, to design sustainable quirks of water companies demanding
drainage solutions that reduce the impact certain unnecessary engineering solutions
of those developments on their local area causing more complexity than is needed,
and beyond. but we hope to return to this key issue for
The case for SuDS is clear, they the industry in future events.
deal with stormwater, clean our water We would like to thank our sponsors,
supplies and mitigate the impact of Innovyze, Brett Landscaping and Polypipe
our developments in urban sites. They Civils and Green Urbanisation for
can also, space permitting, help meet supporting Building Insights LIVE.


HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL Martin Shaw, Meadfleet – The main
thing to consider when designing and
Sue Illman, Illman Young landscape
LARGE-SCALE SUDS architects – I want to make a plea for
developing these systems is the lifetime
management of them, because they’re
using wetlands – they are incredibly
SCHEMES GLOBALLY IS diverse and people don’t use them
a legacy for everyone.
Ruth Clarke, Innovyze – Everyone
enough. People should use them
WHERE THERE HAVE much much more because they fit your
being involved at the right time in a
project – everyone is involved, but
Biodiversity Net Gain, along with your
BEEN MASSIVE PUBLIC SuDS and attractive landscapes and lots
whether that gets fed in at the right
time, and the bigger picture needs to
of other things, so you get big bang for
be looked at – and the adoption by any
water company is really key.
STEVE WILSON, ENVIRONMENTAL Chris Carr, Federation of Master Jamie Gledhill, Brett Landscaping
Builders – At the moment we are – Multifunctional design, and
PROTECTION GROUP trying to appease everybody, whether incorporating engineering with
it’s the Highways department, water landscape design – stop calling it
company or anybody else – just have ‘engineering SuDS,’ it’s ‘designing SuDS.’
one policy that covers it all, from rain to Like Clive Woodward’s approach in
sea. There’s too much conflict between England’s rugby world cup win in 2003,
external bodies, you’ve got to be a bit it’s ‘every one percent that you can add
more holistic. in,’ whatever you can add in, it’s going
Steve Wilson, Environmental to be better in the long term.
With thanks to our sponsors: Protection Group – We need proper Charlotte Markey, Polypipe Civils
multi-disciplinary design, where it’s a and Green Urbanisation – It’s about
partnership, not one discipline being how you manage an entire system, it’s
more important than another. helping people transform their practice
Matt Clutton, Cameron Homes through managing those complex
– Education of both customers and systems, but they’re not as difficult as
planners, where they are segregating we think. It’s just having that system
out the area that’s public open space approach – if you change something
from the SuDS – they need to be early on, it’s going to have a knock-on
combined, which will help with the effect on something else, and we just
education because residents will be need to know where we make the
going into the feature to use it, and will changes and how we challenge them.


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How much are the updates to Parts L and F adding to your build costs?

he Future Buildings Standard, due to be introduced in important changes brought to housebuilding by the 2021
2025, will require all new homes to produce 75-80% fewer updates to the Building Regulations Part L (Conservation of
emissions than current levels. To assist the industry in Fuel & Power) and Part F (Ventilation) as well as the new Part
getting to that target, in 2022 an interim ‘stepping-stone’ to the O (Overheating). Revised to provide more energy-efficient
standard was introduced. This took the form of a tightening of new homes as a stepping stone to the upcoming Future
Parts L and F of the Building Regulations, and the introduction of Homes Standard, the newly tightened Regs present a range of
Part O, to prevent consequent overheating. challenges to housebuilders, highlighted in our 2022 study.
The new Regulations will bring significant improvements to A year on from the original study, we canvassed housebuilders
the performance of homes (and non-residential buildings in and developers to find out whether things have improved in
the Future Buildings Standard, which encompasses the Future terms of how they are tackling the changes brought by the
Homes Standard), but also come with serious challenges for updated Building Regs.
the industry, in particular for some housebuilders. After the We spoke to a similar number of housebuilders and developers
grace period since the launch of the new Part L, F and O last (111 versus 119 in 2002). Most of the respondents were at
year, to allow buildings currently in the planning process to director level within their firms (53%), or manager level 15%,
continue to the old Regs, as of June this year, all buildings must and 7% were buyers, and 5% contracts managers. The largest
now conform. segment were housebuilding companies (61%, of which 29%
In October 2023, Housebuilder & Developer undertook an classed themselves as developers). 11% were sole traders, and
Industry Viewfinder survey to discover their views on the 8% described themselves as ‘small partnerships.’



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1 41 11/12/2023 14:03

s part of the Government’s progress towards its legal
commitment to achieving net zero by 2050, following
consultation with industry and legislation introduced in
2022, new homes in England must produce 31% fewer carbon
emissions. At the same time as these tightened provisions
within Part L of the Building Regulations, Part F has also been
strengthened to ensure that new homes are well ventilated.
Part O is the third of the trio of new legal measures in terms
of building performance, but this is a brand new regulation
designed to ensure that more air-tight homes do not only not
suffer from poor indoor air quality, but that they also do not
disproportionately overheat.
Broadly speaking, Part L 2021 is largely about improvements
to the building fabric, in particular, insulation, but some realistic way forward for housebuilders to achieve the carbon
developers have already taken the route of using green reductions that will be required by the Future Homes Standard.
energy to help meet the 31% fewer emissions target, as our In our 2022 study the vast majority of our respondents were
survey shows. Therefore, alongside the use of solar PV and smaller firms building under 5 homes a year ( %). In our
other renewables, comes the advent of air source heat pumps 3 sample this was a slightly lower figure (5 %), however it
as the ‘hot new solution’ for providing low carbon heating still demonstrates a high cohort of SME builders (a quarter were
to homes with much improved fabric standards. While heat building between 50 and 1000 homes a year, and just 2% over
pumps are not the panacea (i.e. their efficiency will be drastically 1000). With the SME sector having been decimated since the
hampered if the building isn’t designed and constructed to 2008 credit crunch, they face a very different set of challenges to
optimise energy efficiency), they are ac nowledged as the most the volume housebuilders the new Regs.


he newly updated Regulations (Parts L, F and the new the associated cost increases, this year we applied a bit more
art O), bring a host of specific challenges to detail to add value to the study. We looked at the issue of which
housebuilders. These range from new reporting methods technologies our respondents were specifying, which fabric
which require housebuilders to take photos of each part of a measures they were prioritising, which were their preferred eco
house’s construction to attempt to close the gap between design heating and ventilation and renewables measures, and which
and built performance, to the new abric nergy fficiency specification aspects were re uiring more staff training, or had
Standard (FEES). We also investigated a range of solutions skills shortages.
approaches such as respondents’ choice of building technologies The uestions also loo ed at more specific issues such as
and materials. homeowner education awareness, lac of financial incentives
for builders, and the potential need to change suppliers. We also
YEAR-ON-YEAR COMPARISON asked them about the particular challenges of having to measure
We asked a series of questions which replicated those asked in carbon reductions across development sites, and how they were
our survey in order to produce comparative figures. These addressing this.
included the extent of the increases in construction costs they
were facing, and whether they were able to pass those costs on COMPARING BARRIERS
to their customers. Whereas in 2022 we asked people a general In both this year’s survey and the previous year’s, we looked
question about which building technologies they were using at the ey issues around specification for housebuilders
in order to meet Part L, F and O (with options ranging from raised by the new Part L and Part F, and how they rated those
fabric measures to low carbon heating and renewables), and barriers relative to each other. This meant that as well as rating



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those barriers in each survey, there was an opportunity to see moderate, with 21% saying they had found compliance (with
if things had improved since 2022 and the emergence of the 31% carbon reductions on builds, but also Part F ventilation
revised standards. and Part O overheating provisions), ‘extremely hard,’ whereas
Increased costs were the top barrier by housebuilders 28% said ‘it’s been no different.’ This year, we split the question
responding to our survey in 2022, and they were again in the top to establish views on Parts L, F and O compliance, and the
spot this year, however with an even higher figure ( 1% versus responses were somewhat reassuring, with a similar number
65%), suggesting that as the Part L and F changes had bedded (24%) saying ‘it’s been no different,’ (on Part L, 24% and 23%
in, the true cost has become more apparent in practice. on Parts F and O respectively). This did however mean that
Lack of homeowner education and awareness, in terms of 77% reported they had found compliance ‘challenging’ to
being a barrier to successfully complying with the new changes, some degree.
was a more frequently picked category this year than in 2022, On Parts F and O, this year 77% said compliance had been
moving up the rankings from number four to number two (a slightly to extremely challenging (11% extremely challenging).
big jump, from 30% to 53%). This means that more of our However, a relatively large contingent said that they had found
respondents believed that homeowners being informed and it no more challenging than before to adapt to the newly revised,
thereby buying into the changes needed is critical to enabling or brand new, standards (24% for Part L and F, and 23% said
the changes to be progressed on new homes. Their education that Part O had been ‘no different’ in terms of presenting a
being lacking in this area, highlighted by our study, suggests a challenge for compliance).
challenge for both the Government as well as housebuilders The findings on art O were somewhat counter-intuitive, given
to tackle. that you d e pect more people to find this standard challenging
The other barriers cited were lack of experience with low to some degree, being a new Approved Document. Part O
carbon technologies, and workers with required skills, lack re uires more house-specific calculation, given the different
of financial incentives for builders, having to measure carbon shading and orientation across a development affecting each
across the whole site, having to change suppliers, and the slowed property’s potential overheating levels, whereas Parts L and F
pace of building/inability to meet housing demand. Most of the models and estimated performance can more readily be applied
results remained similar to the figures. The number of across a range of homes and sites from a single model.
respondents citing lack of skills was particularly disappointing,
having dropped slightly since 2022 with 45% of respondents BREL REPORTS
saying it remains a barrier (from 41% in 2022), despite repeated Perhaps the biggest change for housebuilders from the upgraded
proclamations of prioritising skills coming from Government. Part L is the requirement to provide a full set of photo evidence
One notably different finding was another cost issue namely at each stage of a build that demonstrates that they have
the ‘inability to price the construction costs of complying with achieved the necessary quality of construction onsite. This is an
the new Regs into the finished product. orded another way, this onerous and admin-heavy process for contractors which will hold
means being able to up the price of a finished home to include things up, but is regarded as necessary to drive the construction
the additional costs. Presumably, the jump in picks of this as a rigour that will close the Performance Gap that exists currently
barrier to number four in the list (up four places from number between as-designed and as-built construction.
eight in 2022; chosen by 38% of respondents this year versus The resulting ‘BREL’ (Building Regulations Part L) reports
24% in 2022), is not only the result of greater awareness of the which are now to be provided by housebuilders to Building
impact of the standards ‘in action’ since they became mandatory Control as part of SAP are in-depth, requiring prescribed sets of
in June 2022. It’s also likely to result from the fact that house photos, for example of constructed junctions. They comprise a
prices have been on a steady decline this year, meaning that ‘design stage’ report and a subsequent ‘as-built’ report signed by
housebuilders would struggle to add to premiums and must both the SAP assessor and developer.
instead absorb the costs of energy efficiency improvements.
The problem of having to change suppliers due to the COST INCREASES PROVE A GREATER CONCERN
increased performance requirements of the new standards, or In s Industry Viewfinder we reported that some in
inability of previous suppliers to provide compliant systems, the industry were hopeful that the changes to Part L and F
was causing an issue once more for our surveyed cohort in will help to level the playing field for housebuilders who
2023. Only 28% were picking this as a remaining barrier to were already constructing homes in a more energy-efficiency
compliance, however, albeit slightly higher than the figure focused way.
of 25%. ith in ation having steadily risen since the pandemic,
housebuilders (and particularly SME housebuilders), have
GENERAL EXPERIENCE & UNDERSTANDING OF THE CHANGES confronted seemingly endless cost rises however, and in 2022
Two of the survey questions which we repeated this year by far the most common concern among our respondents, 65%
to enable a comparison covered the respondents’ general believe increased construction costs are the biggest challenge
experience of compliance with the new Parts L, F and O, and to the adoption of the standard, on average expecting building
replicated the 2022 survey questions, which enabled us to track costs to rise by an average of 1 per unit with the ma ority
progress over the year since the new Regs came into force (in (77%) set to pass these costs onto their customers.
June 2022). We again asked housebuilders ‘how hard have you Increasing insulation levels to reach the U-values required
found compliance with the new regulations,’ and ‘how well do by the new art the ey method for achieving the carbon
you understand the changes to Parts L, F and O? reductions re uired over technologies li e under oor heating,
or the first uestion, the results in were relatively solar V, heat pumps and thermal brea s is naturally increasing



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build costs for all developers. In the event, this year only 60% said that they were going to be
In this year’s study, we asked how much they had actually able to raise house prices in order to absorb the extra costs.
spent to bring new builds up to the new standards. The realities
were slightly different to their predecessors’ estimates in 2022. CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT
Having had more experience of Part L and F in actual builds, We asked respondents how they rated the Government’s
the verdict actually showed the 2022 estimates to be slightly performance on engaging with project stakeholders, such as
pessimistic, with the largest segment (30% of responses) saying consumers and homebuyers, on the ramifications of the
that 1K to 5K increase was the actual cost uplift to reach Parts changes to the Regs. Performance on this area remained lacking,
L and F. However, people saying they had spent 5K to 10K was according to our cohort, and suggests a correlation with the
not far behind at 26%, showing that this is a likely cost for many earlier finding that homeowner education remained a problem
going forward, until the Future Homes Standard raises the bar for compliance. A substantial 67% of respondents said that
considerably higher. homebuyers had experienced a ‘poor’ level of engagement by
We also asked our survey respondents this year whether they Government on the changes and what they mean. Builders
were going to be able to pass the cost increases on to customers, themselves were next worst, with 62%, followed by planners and
in an identical question to 2022’s survey which enabled a direct developers (at 54% and 53% respectively).
comparison between the two survey samples. Manufacturers had fared slightly better, according to our
While the uplift in cost per unit had turned out to be better respondents (who were however from the development sector
news in reality than last year’s estimates, the ambitions of in general), with 61% saying the Government had performed
77% of our sample in 2022, namely that they would be able ‘quite well’ or ‘very well’ on engaging with suppliers on these
to increase house prices to offset the extra build cost, had fundamental changes to Building Regs. The pattern of results on
foundered somewhat on the house price slump of early 2023. this question was similar to that of 2022.

How hard has it been to measure your carbon reductions and overheating issues across the whole site?

e asked a range of additional and reworked questions We asked respondents how hard they had found the task of
in this year’s survey. Questions we added in 2023 to measuring their carbon reductions, but also modelling their
add further depth to the study, and cover areas we overheating potential (in accordance with Part O), across
didn’t have room for in 2022. their whole sites (which may vary from single homes to multi-
unit developments). The results showed a similar level of
CARBON REDUCTIONS ‘extremely challenging,’ ‘quite challenging,’ ‘slightly challenging’
In order to calculate your carbon emissions on a project, you and ‘it’s been no different’ apportioned by respondents
are required to undertake a series of carbon calculations across across Part L, Part F and Part O, which was again somewhat
the whole development site, which is an evolving art and often confusing given that Part O was a brand new standard,
requires outsourced expertise in order to achieve credible and and we were asking about measuring overheating as well as
usable data. carbon emissions.



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Who is generally responsible for compliance with Part F in your projects?

Our survey found that 20% of housebuilders and developers Concrete Formwork) all require new skills, if they are being
we surveyed were finding it e tremely challenging to measure tac led in-house to a high level of energy efficiency, and not
carbon reductions for Part L across their whole site, while by subcontractors.
24% said ‘it’s been no different.’ A slightly lower number were Other areas where there may be skill gaps to bridge for
finding it e tremely challenging for art (1 %), although 3 % housebuilders include installing thermal breaks and membranes,
said it was ‘quite challenging.’ Lastly for Part O, 19% said that sourcing and installing triple glazing, and applying air-tightness
measuring overheating was ‘extremely challenging,’ but 25% tapes. More likely to be taken care of by specialist installers
believed it was ‘no different.’ include heating and electric systems like low carbon heating
(e.g. heat pumps), MVHR and waste water heat recovery, solar
SKILLS SHORTAGES V battery storage, electric heating, under oor heating, and
We also asked respondents of what particular skills and training rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling.
they have had to address in order to comply with the new With 45% of our surveyed professionals saying that skill
standards (with options including insulation, on and offsite shortages remained a serious barrier to compliance with the
timber frame, SIPs, ICF, thermal breaks, membranes, triple standards, we asked them which areas in particular they have
glazing, air-tightness tapes, low carbon heating, MVHR and had to address in terms of workers’ skills, including training.
waste water heat recovery, solar PV & battery storage, electric Insulation was on top, probably demonstrating its ubiquity as
and radiant heating, under oor heating, rainwater harvesting a solution to the Part L requirements. 62% said they have had
and greywater recycling). to address skills issues for installing the new levels of insulation
Housebuilders possess a wide range of skills in-house, to meet Part L U-values in walls and roofs. This was followed
including at the smaller end of the market, but the new Regs are by thermal breaks (a relatively new methodology), at 52%,
challenging those existing skills. The attention to detail is being then solar PV and battery storage, which continues to evolve
ramped up, the reporting on as-built construction becoming and therefore was no surprise at 47%. Eco heating methods are
more onerous, and new skills such as applying air tightness similarly constantly evolving, and in themselves are a new area
tapes and installing heat pumps are becoming more commonly for many developers, and placed at number four with 43%.
required. Bridging this skills gap may be a particular concern for Further down the list, yet also relatively new methodologies
some smaller firms, but also some volume housebuilders may requiring skills uplift and training were MVHR and waste water
struggle to deliver on certain skill sets. heat recovery (40%), triple glazing (38%), and membranes,
Installing insulation, whether PIR, PUR or mineral wool, to a air-tightness tapes and under oor heating (all at 3 %). Other
much tighter tolerance in order to achieve the new U-values in more established approaches like timber frame, including offsite
Part L may require a skill level which tests many housebuilders. timber frame, SIPs panels, electric and radiant heating, rainwater
Similarly, skills around fabric approaches such as on and offsite and greywater harvesting, and Insulated Concrete Formwork,
timber frame construction, SIPs panels and ICF (Insulated came in at between 32% and 22% of our respondents’ choices.



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PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES problem in complying with Part L, which requires an increase in

With Parts F and O relating to ventilation and overheating air-tightness and fabric efficiency, and also meeting art O, which
respectively, rather than regulating the actual building fabric won’t allow excessive levels of overheating of a dwelling. In
itself, we wondered whether housebuilders were ‘insourcing’ some cases this has led design teams to have to confront clients
the planning and design of their builds to comply with these with plans for smaller windows than they would be prepared to
uplifted, and, in the case of Part O, brand new standards. accept, to mitigate overheating.
As might be expected, most of our respondents were We asked our survey sample how challenging it has been
outsourcing the decisions that would ensure that adequate so far to retain their existing building design (in terms of the
ventilation was provided to dwellings in order to comply with aesthetic look of the external facade), while at the same time
Part F, to their architect (44%). However, perhaps surprisingly, complying with Part O as well as Part L? The answers showed
21% were dealing with this inhouse (plus 12% choosing that this was a problem even for smaller builders, who made up
‘builder’), and only 9% were leaving compliance on ventilation the majority of our survey. In total, 74% said it was challenging
to an M&E engineer, and 8% to a subcontractor. to some degree, and 21% admitted it was ‘very challenging,’
which means this is a major problem to solve in coming months
BUILDING DESIGN CHANGES if homes and apartment buildings are not to look dramatically
Many housebuilders are grappling with a seemingly intractable different in coming years.

How challenging is retaining your existing window sizes and overall design look, in meeting Part O on overheating while meeting Part L?

here remain a host of issues to address in order to ensure housebuilding in many years, driven by the UK’s general, but
that the new Part L is practical to achieve for the broadest urgent, need to cut carbon.
range of housebuilders, with con icts e isting between the Our survey shows that while the new standards may be
regulation’s aims of air-tight construction, and both ventilation achievable without many housebuilders having to make
and overheating concerns. drastic changes or invest inordinate sums, it s a difficult tas to
Virtually all of the barriers cited in our 2022 Industry introduce much higher levels of insulation, fabric design rigour,
Viewfinder survey had become more acute in this year s study, and renewables to existing designs. For SME builders, virtually
from skills, to costs, to homeowner awareness. The only factor everything is a challenge currently, and this is just another one.
that was unchanged was carbon reduction measurements. Moreover, the jump in build performance, new tech and change
Part L has been a legal requirement for all developments of housebuilding approaches generally that will be needed to
for a year and a half, and alongside Parts F and the new Part meet the Future Homes Standard (75-80% fewer emissions) in
O, represents one of the biggest jumps in quality for just over a year’s time, is going to be a huge leap.



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Samsung Climate Solutions to revolutionise home heating

Samsung Electronics Air Conditioner Europe B.V. announces the official UK launch of the EHS Mono R290 heat
pump. The EHS Mono R290 offers cutting-edge technology that enhances comfort and has a low Global Warming
Potential (GWP). Several key features make the EHS Mono R290 a future-proof choice for homeowners. It has a
remarkably low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 3. It provides a consistent supply of high hot water temperature,
reaching up to 75 °C, making the range ideal for renovations and retrofits. Moreover, the EHS Mono R290 boasts
an enlarged integral plate heat exchanger capable of transferring more heat at once compared to a conventional
outdoor unit, thanks to a heat transfer area of up to 39% larger. It boasts a reliable heating performance, enabling it
to deliver a 100% heating performance in temperatures as low as -10°C. It also enables the production of Domestic
Hot Water (DHW) at 70°C when the outdoor temperature is -10 to 43°C ambient temperature without using the
booster heater, thus saving energy while producing DHW on hot summer days. The EHS Mono outdoor unit is
designed for simple installation, service and maintenance. The new range of heat pumps can also be connected to
SmartThings Energy to maximize savings and optimize energy usage.

Reginox UK announces senior promotion

Samsung DPR Horiz.indd 1
Homes England launches campaign04/12/2023 16:19

Sinks, taps and accessories manufacturer, Homes England supports SMEs to build more
Reginox UK, has announced the promotion of homes, and is focusing its “We Fund It. You
Rebekah Tomkinson as the new UK Sales Manager. Build It” campaign on raising awareness of
Rebekah, from Sandbach, who is celebrating her the help available through the government’s
tenth year working for Reginox UK, has been Levelling Up Home Building Fund. The fund
promoted to UK Sales Manager following a has helped hundreds of small and medium
restructure of the sales team. As part of her new sized housebuilders to kickstart their projects
role, Rebekah will have overall responsibility for by providing development loans from
the nationwide sales force, supporting the team to £250,000 to £10million+. Administered by
grow and develop Reginox UK’s client base across Homes England, the government’s housing
each of the regions both through existing and new customers, as well as and regeneration agency, the fund is designed for housebuilders based in
maintaining the highest level of customer service and client liaison. England who are struggling to access finance from traditional lenders.
01260 280033

CCF underpins the ‘golden thread’ with launch of its new

HBD12_Reginox_Appointments & News_PR.indd 1 07/12/2023
14:14 England_PR.indd 1 08/12/2023 08:47

product traceability trial

n an industry first, leading insulation, drywall, us to develop a system for batch traceability,
and ceiling products distributor CCF has taken and our customers are searching for a first-step
the first steps towards offering its customers to batch level identification on site. In order to
greater visibility on the journey products take explore this, we created a working group with
from manufacture to site by trialling a new a manufacturer – Kingspan Insulation – and
product traceability initiative. a customer – Berkeley Group; both of whom
CCF has developed a process to provide a share our determination to create solutions for
detailed ‘end to end’ report that tracks products our customers that are innovative by design,
from the manufacturer, at manufacturing batch practical to implement and above all, drive
level, through the distribution process and positive change.”
delivery to the goods-in location on a site. After “We are extremely proud of the work our
months of in-house testing, CCF is currently teams have done so far and we are excited to
trialling its product traceability programme be commencing this trial and eagerly await
on a live project working with its supply chain the outcomes that will enable us to take this
partners Kingspan and Berkeley Group. initiative to the next level.”
Within this first phase, CCF is focusing on The details of CCF’s new product traceability
batch-level traceability of full pallets containing initiative were first announced at the recent
three Kingspan products for use at two of UK Construction Week event, where CCF’s
Berkeley Group’s sites. Utilising the unique GTIN Managing Director Catherine Gibson spoke
(Global Trade Item Number), linking up with the about the importance ‘getting product
manufacturer’s batch code, CCF is able to pull information right’ alongside Amanda Long,
together a bespoke report showing which batch from the supply chain is becoming increasingly formerly CEO of Considerate Constructors and
was delivered and where it was delivered to. important. We know this is an issue that really founder of the Building a Safer Future Charter,
The results of this first phase will help shape the matters to our customers, and that the majority who now leads CPI, the body that administers
next stage of this initiative, with CCF aiming to of traceability checks currently are done the Code for Construction Product Information.
launch phase two which will expand the scope manually. CCF, with its extensive and trusted For the latest updates on CCF’s product
of the trials in the early part of 2024. supply chain, will play a key role in developing traceability initiative, please follow CCF on social
Managing Director of CCF, Catherine a more accurate, data driven solution that will media or visit their website.
Gibson, said: “In a world where we expect provide the detailed information customers
sustainability and product safety to be require in a much smarter way. 0161 848 0145
verifiable, the traceability of building materials “Our suppliers have expressed a desire for

HBD12_CCF_Appointments & News_HPAdv.indd 1 16/11/2023 11:59


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5-7 MARCH 2024


uturebuild, the built environment’s aint- obain cophon, R ,
most in uential event for innovation O Reilly recast, and among those
and collaboration is bac for its 1 th returning this year are ico, Viessmann,
year, at ondon s e from 5- arch osch and co technologies.
. The event, which is set to be the • The ational Retrofit onference, curated
most impactful yet, will bring together by the Retrofit cademy, is a three-day
more than , professionals including programme that will delve into the retrofit
architects, planners, urban designers and challenge across the , from policy to
housebuilders. It will continue its mission in practical implementation.
ta ing a stand for a better built environment, • The uture Innovation rea returns for
showcasing groundbrea ing ideas, creative start-ups and s to showcase scalable
and inspirational innovations, and crucial innovations for housebuilders, and
collaboration to help us set the stage for a features a ragon s en style ig Ideas
greener, more resilient future. itch to recognise the best innovative idea
artin urn, event director at uturebuild or solution for .
emphasises the event s ob ective of creating • Innovation allery, ig Innovation itch,
real, lasting and tangible change within the and Innovation Trail will be platforms
housebuilding sector uturebuild is more for partners to present groundbrea ing
THE EVENT, than an event it s a catalyst for action. products, solutions, and materials to e cel
It s a platform for engagement, debate, the housebuilding industry, with live
WHICH IS SET and education where industry leaders and announcements of winners.
professionals passionate about improving
TO BE THE MOST the built environment unite to shape a KNOWLEDGE SHARING FOR HOUSEBUILDERS
IMPACTFUL YET, future that demands significant change and
real courage.
Futurebuild 2024 promises seven zones,
including The uture Innovation rea, each
with dedicated e hibitors and targeted seminar
programs. pecific show sections cater to
TOGETHER MORE uturebuild collaborates with over partners aterials, Retrofit, ustainable Infrastructure,
and more than 5 spea ers to ma e sure it nergy, uildings, and igital delivering a
THAN 20,000 can continue to spearhead innovation through tailored e perience for housebuilders eager to
collaboration in the built environment. artners shape a more sustainable future.
PROFESSIONALS this year include reen uilding ouncil, oin us in ta ing a stand and be a part of
the Royal Institute of ritish rchitects (RI ), the solution for shaping the future of the built
the assivhaus Trust, the Institution of ivil environment. Register today by scanning the
ngineers (I ) and many more. R code on this page.


COLLABORATION, MORE INNOVATION uturebuild is where collaboration
• hare your vision, show your stripes, and leads to innovation, and action transforms
embrace the change is a ey message that the built environment. or more information
underscores the conference s focus on and e hibitor in uiries, please visit
climate change action and collaboration
for a better built environment.
• ew e hibitors for include anosa, Article submitted by Futurebuild


HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 53 1
Event Preview_ Futurebuild.indd 11/12/2023
28/11/2023 14:03

2024: Opening the door to INNOVATiON

As the new build market continues to pave
the way in futureproofed housing, the sector
relies heavily on suppliers who can match the
required level of innovation needed to create
homes that are both secure and thermally
efficient. DoorCo are the innovators behind
a huge volume of the UK’s new build doors
Ian Glenister Technical and Sales Manager thanks to their network of partnerships
with some of the nation’s best fabricators
and installers. Their ORiGINAL foam-filled composite door has been a
revolutionary product in the market since its conception, thanks to its
unrivalled security, thermal performance and style options.
01625 428955

Advanced membrane chosen

HBD12_DoorCo_PR.indd 1 07/12/2023 09:27
Building membrane specialist, ITP Ltd, has
supplied the UK’s most advanced breather
membrane for a development of supported
living apartments in Gateshead by Home
Group. Stamisol Safe One was installed within
the external wall to maintain the long-term
condition of the building envelope. Winner of
Product of the Year in the Facade 2022 Design
Awards, Stamisol Safe One is the first breather
membrane in the UK to combine a W1 rating
for water tightness, breathability to BS5250 standards, waterproofing of
7,000mm, UV resistance of 5,000 hours and a Euroclass A2 fire rating.
01347 825200

HBD12_ITP_Building Fabric_PR.indd 1 07/12/2023 09:29

Wraptite® airtightness for new self-build house

A new self-build house has been built incorporating the high-performing
Wraptite air-barrier from the A. Proctor Group. The project consists of a 250
m2 detached private residence developed by Mark Skinnader. The client, Mark
Skinnader, explains: “In the early stages of the project, the A. Proctor Group
technical representative visited the site to identify a suitable airtight system.
As there is no cavity in the proposed wall build-up, we chose the Wraptite
breather membrane to act as a vapour permeable and airtight barrier at the
sheathing board layer.” On the performance of Wraptite on the project, Mark
Skinnader commented: “The experience with Wraptite has been excellent. The
material is extremely high quality and has provided an excellent weathertight
seal to the building envelope. In addition, the self adhesive nature of Wraptite
makes the installation much quicker and more efficient. Waste was minimal,
and offcuts could be re-used. The A. Proctor Group also provided Wraptite
Liquid Flashing for sealing around windows, another excellent product. I am
now actively looking at Wraptite on several large scale projects.” The Wraptite
system is the only self-adhering vapour permeable air barrier certified by the
BBA. It combines the critical properties of vapour permeability and airtightness
in one self-adhering membrane.
01250 872261

HBD12_A Proctor_Building Fabric - Membranes_DPR Vert.indd 1 04/12/2023 15:13

HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 54 11/12/2023 14:03 Buildi


To create a ‘stepping-stone’ towards the mandatory Future Homes Standard in
2025, changes to Part L & F of the Building Regs came into effect in 2022. Colin
Wells of Keylite Roof Windows discusses how window manufacturers can help
housebuilders produce the required uplift in energy efficiency.

ith several changes made to subject to higher building performance to cold bridging on roof windows; this
the Building Regulations in targets in an interim step towards the is where the gap between the roof and
England and Wales last year, Future Homes Standard – which is due to window is left exposed to the temperature
including additions to ‘Conservation of arrive in 2025. differentiation between the outside and
Fuel and Power: Approved Document L’ When it comes to heat loss, one of the inside, which can eventually lead to
and ‘Ventilation: Approved Document biggest issues for housebuilders is thermal condensation and mould.
F’, housebuilders have been looking for bridging, meaning an area of a building Some manufacturers have designed
products that take the headache out of construction which has a significantly features that reduce the possibility of this
compliance by ensuring they meet higher heat transfer (loss) than the occurring, ensuring products are designed
current requirements. surrounding materials. One example of in such a way that housebuilders don’t
The purpose of Part L is to ensure where this would occur is with junctions have to consider the ‘gap.’ These features
energy efficiency in buildings, with new around windows, including roof windows. help eliminate thermal bridging, which
and existing homes in England now being If this area is not insulated it can lead reduces the risk of non-compliance,


Building 43-62.indd
Fabric_ Roof Windows55
- Keylite.indd 1 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03

and delivers a build that is closer to the

expected energy performance.
However, while a product may say it
meets Part L or has a certain U-value, this
may not be the case once it is installed.
Therefore, it is vital that housebuilders
specify products that help mitigate the
gap between performance on paper, and
actual performance of a finished build.
A patented Integrated Expanding
Thermal Collar has been developed
to ensure the thermal integrity of
the window and roof is as designed,
thus removing the reliance on an
additional collar and helping achieve
Part L requirements. It also improves
airtightness and psi-values for SAP, further
helping housebuilders.
In another move towards the Future
Homes Standard, last year’s update
to Approved Document F relates to
improving ventilation in homes. With
a drive towards more energy efficiency,
homes are now designed to be insulated
and as airtight as possible to reduce
draughts and avoid heat loss. The result
of this is an increase in the retention of
moisture in the home with a lack of air
circulation and a need to maintain healthy
air quality.
To balance any lack of natural
ventilation, mechanical ventilation
and/or background ventilation are made
requirements for new homes under the
updated Building Regulations. Now,
when housebuilders specify new windows
in their new developments, trickle
vents must be installed, or sufficient
background ventilation must be provided
by other means.
Once again, Part F requirements for
background ventilation are supported
thanks to innovations such as a window
top handle which allows for controlled
trickle ventilation when the window is
fully closed and securely locked. The
National House Building Council (NHBC)
will not accept other window types that
provide background ventilation by being
latched in the partially opened position.
This year also saw an update to
‘Overheating: Approved Document
O , specifically paragraphs 3. to 3.1
‘Protection of Falling,’ which states that
openings which are intended to be open
for long periods to reduce overheating
risk might pose a higher risk of falls
from height.
Again, some window manufacturers
have taken the initiative, design product
features that help support housebuilders
who urgently need to find answers
to meet this latest update to Building

Colin Wells is head of technical at Keylite

Roof Windows


Building Fabric_ Roof

HBD_1201_2024 Windows56- Keylite.indd 2
43-62.indd 06/12/2023
11/12/2023 17:06
17:06 HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 57 11/12/2023 14:03

Kinder, Kinder & Kinder: Sapphire’s

Next Generation Balcony is revealed
alcony manufacturer Sapphire Balconies are available, with new connection methods
has unveiled their most sustainable like the Clip-On™ connection, new Cassette®
balcony product yet, quickly gaining options like the Crescent Corner™ and new
a reputation as a ‘kinder’ next generation balustrading choices such as the customisable
of Balconies. Identité Balustrade, patterned vertical bars and
Sapphire Balconies unveiled the Next more. Finally, the Next Generation balcony is
Generation, their most sustainable suite of kinder – thanks to Sapphire’s brand-new G60
balcony innovations to date, at the Resibuild anchor, the Clip-On® connection and a reduced
Vision Construct event in Wembley. Included carbon Cassette, the embodied carbon present
amongst their developments are a reduced in Sapphire’s Next Generation range has been
weight frame, a more sustainable framework, reduced significantly. LCA EPDs indicate the
increased aesthetic possibilities and Next Generation suite is likely to be the most
developments that make the Next Generation sustainable aluminium balcony on the market. efficient residential development [they] have
Balcony safer for installers thanks to Sapphire’s Head of ESG, Nick Haughton, ever delivered”. Mr Hayes went on to describe
multiple-award-winning technology, such as spoke on the benefits of the Next Generation how proud he is of the relationship between
their patented Remote Locker Device (RLD) suite, elaborating on his excitement. “It’s really Sisk & Sapphire and that the Next Generation
and Passport® digital traceability and quality exciting to be launching a new product that balcony was “revolutionary” for the residential
control app. has EPDs demonstrating such a reduction in construction market.
Expected to be a game-changer for the embodied carbon. At the core of this reduction Sapphire’s Next Generation balcony features
external envelope space, Sapphire’s Next is smart engineering and, for me, the fact that a significant 19% reduction in CO2 across
Generation Balcony is touted as being lighter, it’s safer and gives more possibilities is a triple stages A1-A5, making it the lowest-carbon
safer, having more possibilities and being win for designers.”. and most sustainable balcony in Sapphire’s
kinder. The Next Generation balcony is lighter Ger Hayes, Managing Director of Sapphire 31-year history. In early stage project analysis
due to new Cassette® engineering. This allows installer John Sisk & Son’s, spoke on the reveal the balcony has been found to reduce over
for less structural load back to the building of the Next Generation suite upon its reveal, 6,000 tonnes of weight from 50-storey towers.
and less raw material. The Next Generation saying: “Sapphire are probably one of the The new Clip-On anchors have been optimized
is safer thanks to new forms of installation most innovative companies we work with” by Sapphire’s engineering team to allow
equipment including Sapphire’s patented and that working with Sapphire’s Next the reduction of moment forces back to the
Remote Locker Device (RLD), ensuring that Generation suite on the NE02/03 development building to as low as 4kNm.
installers can fit the balcony from within the in Wembley has helped them to deliver “the
building. More possibilities than ever before most sustainable, low-embodied-carbon and 0344 88 00 553

HBD12_Sapphire_Building Fabric - Balconies_HPAdv.indd 1 16/11/2023 11:47


HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 58 11/12/2023 14:03 Buildi



As sustainability becomes a key priority in anticipation of 2025’s Future Homes
Standard, product specification becomes more challenging, not least for roofs.
Stuart Nicholson of Marley explains how providing a single point of contact can
help housebuilders produce energy-efficient, low carbon housing

he news that installations of solar And there are increasing indications housebuilders help them address future
PV panels on UK property roofs that homeowners are opting to purchase energy-related costs, and this presents
has risen by % over the past five homes that can offer a full pac age of a real opportunity for companies to
years and by 15% in the last year alone, renewable solutions to underpin a more differentiate themselves in the mar et.
according to government data released sustainable approach and do their bit to nd it is easy to see why the built
by the Office for ational tatistics help tac le the climate emergency. environment has such an in uence on
(O ), is further evidence of a shift The inclusion of renewable systems how the UK is responding to the net zero
towards a more sustainable approach that include solar on the roof, heat challenge. ccording to The limate
driven by the net zero challenge and pumps to provide low carbon heating and hange ommittee, it accounts for around
consumer demand. Indeed, solar V is charging points for electric vehicles, are % of greenhouse gas emissions,
now the second largest renewable energy now not ust nice to have options, they with approximately 14% coming from 28
generator after wind. are deemed by many would-be house million homes. s a ma or contributor
or housebuilders, as they create new purchasers to be essential. to carbon emissions, the need to ma e
homes, or underta e refurbishment The focus on renewables is also the nation s housing stoc more energy
projects, the policy changes to Part L reinforced during a time of escalating efficient is pivotal to net ero success.
and art of the uilding Regulations energy bills. The source and cost of uch mar et drivers are also seen in the
are driving the upta e of system-led energy generation in the home is now conte t of preparation for the introduction
renewable solutions that contribute to a sub ect of widespread interest and of the uture omes tandard in 5.
the building of energy efficient and low concern for many consumers. s a t that point, all housebuilders and
carbon homes. result, potential buyers want to see developers will be re uired to ensure


HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd
Building Fabric_ Roofing 59
_ Cladding - Marley.indd 1 11/12/2023
04/12/2023 14:03

new homes are specified and constructed decisions to ensure they comply with from a single source, ma ing it easier
to be highly energy efficient, use low new building standards, and try to satisfy to incorporate solar into any house type
carbon heating solutions, and be ero consumer sentiment for sustainable and helping to navigate a cost-effective
carbon ready. solutions, it is important they are fully route along the road to net ero. ome
olar V is e pected to play a central aware of the array of roof-related, system EV chargers also have the ability to
role when the finalised specification led renewable technology solutions as be connected to solar panels on the
templates are released, and the part of a full system, which are now roofscape so households can access clean,
housebuilding sector will have to respond available to deliver real energy efficiency renewable, and cheaper energy in the
accordingly. The O figures perhaps and long-term sustainability gains. home and power up their electric vehicles
underline that a rooftop revolution is eeting sustainability ob ectives will at the same time.
already underway. be an area of growing focus for the Integrated solar V as part of a full
In addition (according to ap- ap), housebuilding sector through and roofing system to aesthetically pleasing
there are now around 5 , full electric in the lead up to 5 industry responses and high performing EV home charging
and a further 53 , plug-in hybrid that include single source pac ages of capability, are ust two of the sustainable
vehicles on UK roads, and the adoption renewable technology system support will product solutions that can support the
of electric powered transportation is be valuable. housebuilding sector as it transitions to
well underway. or such drivers, the This means one stop shop solution a low carbon future.
convenience and cost saving benefits of availability to help housebuilders, many ccessing such answers via a single
home charging facilities are important. of whom will not have the time available source strategy based on a partnership
V charger solutions can also be the to source from a multitude of suppliers with proven experts can be a smart
answer for housebuilders loo ing to for the varied components that ma e up a business move as sustainable specification
comply with the re uirement of art of high performing and sustainable roof and pressures and regulatory obligations
the uilding Regulations, which re uires other associated renewable technologies. mount for the housebuilder sector.
all new homes with par ing to have V pecifying products li e solar roof tiles
charging capability. means housebuilders can select the entire Stuart Nicholson is roof systems director
s housebuilders ta e strategic pitched roof system, with integrated solar, at Marley


Building Fabric_ Roofing

HBD_1201_2024 _ Cladding
43-62.indd 60 - Marley.indd 2 04/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 09:15
09:15 HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 61 11/12/2023 14:03


HBD_1201_2024 43-62.indd 62 11/12/2023 14:03



Daniel Sunley at Clear Insurance Management discusses insurance best practices
when engaging subcontractors, and addresses common misconceptions around
liability to help developers ensure that their agreements protect their interests.

t’s no secret that UK housebuilders are injury or damage to third parties or that is carried out, in all respects of a
battling a shortage of skilled workers, their property particular project.
and that the use of subcontractors • Professional indemnity insurance to
is mitigating this to some extent, as cover financial loss to third parties THE GOLDEN RULE
main contractors turn to this e ible because of an error or omission On the face of it, this may seem like a
labour pool to boost their resources on in executing the subcontractor’s duplication of costs and effort, but it
construction projects. However, while professional activities. makes sense. Should a relevant event
this approach has gone some way to occur concerning the subcontracted
bridging the wor force deficit, it has Legally, the main contractor is works, the claim will likely be brought
also given rise to some confusion about responsible to their client for completing against the main contractor in the
insurance liabilities and with whom they the housebuilding project. To guarantee first instance since they have a legal
ultimately rest. that this happens, all subcontractors agreement with the client to carry out
The primary liabilities that insurance must ensure that they have suitable the work.
covers in this context are: liability insurance to undertake work This point is critical, because if the
• Employer’s liability for employees on the latter’s behalf. Additionally, the main contractor fails to take out cover
and for any persons for whom main contractor must ensure they have for the subcontracted activities, there
the subcontractor may act as cover in place for any work done by the is, effectively, no insurance cover. And
‘labour master’ subcontractor. Both parties’ policies must without adequate cover, there can be
• Public and product liability for provide adequate cover for any work no provision for legal defence costs or


Finance _ Insurance
HBD_1201_2024 - MPW.indd
63-82.indd 63 1 06/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 17:10

for the costs of passing on the claim any claim. Bear in mind, too, that at the
(subrogating) to the subcontractor and start of a housebuilding project, the main
their insurer. So, the main contractor’s and contractor will set parameters and provide
the subcontractor’s insurance policies must direction to subcontractors regarding
be checked to ensure parity of insurance the allocation of work. They will
coverage before any work begins. communicate specifications, provide input
Too often, the main contractor only and feedback to the client, and, in some
checks the subcontractor’s insurance to circumstances, be charged with overall
confirm that it provides a public liability site safety and other responsibilities.
limit that corresponds with the main In these circumstances, it is unlikely
contractor’s requirements. However, the that total liability for a given incident can
subcontractor’s policy must also cover be passed on to the subcontractor when it
all types of work and activity they carry comes to the settlement of a claim – even
out on behalf of the main contractor. if, at first sight, they should bear sole
The cover must also be in place for responsibility. In short, subcontracting
the duration of the work, and the work does not absolve the main
insurance premium must be paid in full. such a waiver would prevent the main contractor of liability should a relevant
Implementing a robust vetting process contractor from passing on a claim to event occur.
for subcontractor insurance is, therefore, a subcontractor presumed solely or
of the utmost importance. Failure to do partly responsible for a loss. Worse still, CONSTRUCTION INSURANCE SPECIALISTS
so could invalidate the main contractor’s unwittingly agreeing to such a waiver CAN OFFER ADVICE
insurance policy and result in the could breach the main contractor’s Given the complexities, misunderstandings
non-payment of a claim. policy conditions. and potential pitfalls involved in insuring
In principle, the contractual terms subcontractors, the main contractor
under which the main contractor A COMMON MISCONCEPTION should seek guidance from a construction
engages with their client should be There is also a common misconception insurance specialist from the outset. The
replicated in the legal agreement with that liability ultimately lies with the main contractor’s insurance requirements
any subcontractors. Observing this subcontractor responsible for any work will, after all, depend on the specific
golden rule can ush out detrimental they undertake and not with the main circumstances of a housebuilding project
clauses and waivers. To give an example, contractor. However, If the subcontractor and the workforce mix that it entails.
this preparatory due diligence could is not liable under the terms of an
determine whether an agreement contains agreement, then the main contractor Daniel Sunley is account executive at
a waiver of subrogation. In practice, may have to shoulder the full cost of Clear Insurance Management

The rise of property finance specialist MSP Capital

Established over 40 years ago, specialist lender
MSP Capital, is recognised for its stability in
the industry and ability to tailor bridging and
development loans to fit the developer. In 2023
it expanded its team to meet rising demand
and maintain the personalised, relationship-led service it’s known for –
increasing their workforce by 26%. The firm’s success, including winning
Non-Bank Lender of the Year two years in a row, stems from its ability to
provide certainty and support to developers directly. Associate Director of
Underwriting, Chris Sheppard states: “At our core we are a relationship-led
business. That’s why we have so much repeat and referral business. That’s
what makes the good specialist lender stand out from the regular lender.”

Coloured Precast Concrete Headwalls

T-T’s extended Pluto range
Althon are now able to offer coloured headwalls for aesthetically
HBD12_MSP Capital_PR.indd 1 07/12/2023 14:13
sensitive areas. Our coloured concrete headwalls can help the T-T’s Pluto Maxi and Pluto Maxi Plus are
installation blend into the surrounding landscape. extensions of the popular Pluto package
pumping station from our BBA approved
Althon use a colouring additive for cementitious materials.
Planet Range®. Designed for final effluent
It provides a uniform streak free colour.
treatment and domestic foul and surface water
Colours shown are approximations of our colour mix in a typical applications, both stations are supplied as
concrete using mid grey Portland cement and having an as-cast complete single pump systems supplied with
surface. The final colour is affected by many influences. internal pipework, non-return valve, float switch
and heavy-duty hose. The Pluto Maxi is 1.3m
deep as standard, with an optional extension
turret to adjust chamber depth to suit your application; with the Pluto Maxi
Plus supplied as 2m deep.
01630 647200

HBD08_Althon_QP.indd 1 HBD12_TT
19/07/2023 Pumps_PR [RPT].indd 1
10:14 04/12/2023 09:02

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Finance _ Insurance 64 2
- MPW.indd 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03

Ultra high pressure jetting a concrete

removal ‘gamechanger’
specialist team from drainage and concrete is particularly hard and, in this case,
wastewater specialist Lanes Group plc had time to set solid, completely filling the pipe
has prevented the need to partially for 11 metres.
demolish three houses by using a water jet to “We didn’t make very fast headway
remove concrete from a sewer pipe. with a robotic cutter, which works by grinding
The ultra-high pressure (UHP) jetting system, down the concrete, so we needed a different
which powers the water jet to over the speed approach.
of sound, was deployed after the foundation “UHP jetting turned out to be a gamechanger.
concrete in the pipe proved too tough for It was over 20 times as fast as using robotic
conventional robotic cutting. cutting and prevented the need for an
The only practical alternative would have alternative solution that would’ve been much operate the system.
been to excavate and replace the pipe, buried more costly and disruptive.” The UHP jetting system has a jetting nozzle
three metres beneath extensions built behind It meant the concrete could be removed in 15 on the end of a hose encased in a flexible steel
the row of nine terraces homes in Ilford, north shifts, equivalent to three weeks’ work. coil sheath. Once guided into the pipe, a packer
east London. Lanes, Thames Water’s wastewater network is inflated with compressed air to hold the
That would have involved the extensions for services maintenance partner, developed a nozzle firmly in place inside the pipe.
three of the homes being all but demolished, business case for using UHP jetting to ensure it A mini camera and powerful LED lights
then reinstated, with the occupants placed in would work and be cost-effective. allowed the Lanes operative to then view the
temporary accommodation while the work This led to the initial hiring of a UHP jetting jetting operation, while controlling the nozzle
was done. system to ensure the concrete removal process with a joystick to direct it most effectively at
Lanes carried out the UHP jetting project was effective - not least because a tanker was the concrete.
on behalf of Thames Water and has now used having to visit the site every day to remove The concrete was removed in one-metre
the technique to complete other challenging sewage building up behind the blockage. sections, with the exposed pipe strengthened
concrete removal projects for the water Lanes selected a Falch UHP pump combined by installing a cured in place pipe (CIPP)
company. with an IMS Robotics jetting system, capable of point liner made from fiberglass matting,
Lanes Operations Manager Calvin May said: delivering a water jet at 2,500 bar (over 36,000 impregnated with resin.
“This was one of the toughest concrete removal pounds per square inch). Once the resin had cured, the liner created a
projects we’ve ever tackled, and involved Six Lanes wastewater operatives underwent durable new concrete-free pipe within a pipe,
contamination of a 150mm-diameter sewer. Water Jetting Association hydrodemolition with a design life of at least 50 years.
“We believe the concrete may have been training and equipment supplier instruction to
linked to a nearby building project. Foundation give them the knowledge and skills needed to 0800 526 488

HBD12_Lanes Group_Groundworks - Drainage_HPAdv.indd 1 16/11/2023 11:53


17:10 HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 65 11/12/2023 14:03


Nuaire tackles residential overheating A single source supplier, for maximum efficiency
Nuaire’s Hybrid Cooling System is a cooling extension for Domus Ventilation is in the enviable
its boxed-ventilation range designed to tackle residential position of providing customers with
overheating and provide a solution that meets Building a single source for all their residential
Regulations. The system is an ancillary cooling module that ventilation requirements. A new short video
works with the existing Nuaire MRXBOX MVHR products to has been uploaded to its website that clearly
provide a hybrid MVHR and cooling system – delivering clean explains the benefits of this approach for
indoor air, while combatting overheating – a modern day issue in many high- customers. Domus Ventilation manufactures
rise new builds. The new system is an energy efficient, space-saving solution high quality and solutions-based ventilation products that save energy
that can be effortlessly integrated to newbuilds that face overheating and improve indoor air quality from its state-of-the-art production facilities
problems; such as floor to ceiling glazed apartments where natural in South Wales. A ventilation system designed and installed entirely from
ventilation is impossible due to environmental and noise pollution outside, Domus Ventilation components makes for a highly efficient one, with
and dwellings which are without shade to protect them from the sun’s heat. smooth air flow and minimum energy usage.
02920 858500 03443 715523

Panasonic leads the future of heat pumps Vent-Axia launches Lo-Carbon Sentinel Econiq
HBD12_Nuarire_Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023
12:04 Ventilation & Services_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:34
Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions is Vent-Axia has launched its latest flagship Mechanical
introducing its latest generation of Aquarea air-to- Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system, the
water heat pumps with the new M Series. Thanks Lo-Carbon Sentinel Econiq. With the new Future
to its new, modular concept, the M Series allows for Homes Standard on the horizon, which looks set to
more application choices offering different indoor reduce carbon emissions for new build residential
units, available in All-in-One and Bi-Bloc, as well as full Control Box or properties by a further 75-80% than current Building
Remote controller-only essential functionality options. The advanced new Regulations, the Sentinel Econiq is designed to
system utilises the natural refrigerant R290 for a more sustainable solution provide low carbon heat recovery ventilation for air-
and includes Panasonic’s first T-CAP R290 outdoor unit that features a tight thermally efficient new build homes. Helping housebuilders on their
new injection compressor. The M Series also has a hydraulic connection route to decarbonisation, the Sentinel Econiq offers exceptional efficiency,
between indoor and outdoor units for simple and straightforward near silent operation and complete controllability, providing excellent
installation without the need for relevant refrigeration certification. indoor air quality (IAQ) and comfort for occupants.
01707 378670 0344 856 0590

HBD12_Panasonic_Heating Ventilation & Services_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023

12:12 Ventilation & Services_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023 12:18


HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 66 11/12/2023 14:03 Heati


Gary Perry of Altecnic explores the advantages of using hydronic-based systems
for heating future homes that are targeted to achieve much lower energy use

here are many ways to provide either outside the building or it can be
space heating, cooling and domestic acoustically isolated within a designated
water heating in all-electric net plant room.
zero buildings. They range from separate
systems for each load, to integrated DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY
approaches that leverage energy recovery Professionals who design low energy
and energy management to minimise and net zero buildings apply scrutiny
consumption and coordinate the needs when selecting the source equipment
of building occupants with the real time that supplies space heating, cooling and
demand on the systems. domestic hot water. They often limit
selections to state-of-the-art devices with
COMFORT FOR THE END USER the highest available thermal efficiencies.
Firstly, looking at thermal comfort, While this approach is certainly relevant
history has shown that approaches to and logical, it is also incomplete. The
space heating and cooling that require energy used by the source equipment,
sacrifices in comfort to achieve high be it a boiler, heat pump or chiller, is
energy-efficiency targets or absolute only part of the total energy used by the
minimum energy use, usually fail to gain system. Regardless of how heating energy
significant mar et share. The lesson is that or cooling effect is generated, additional
end-user comfort continues to be one of Traditional hydronic heating system energy is needed to distribute that
the most important underlying factors in thermal energy within a building. Treating
establishing and maintaining a market for this distribution energy as insignificant
building energy systems. using radiant panels or panel radiators or inconsequential is a serious oversight
Comfort is established when the can operate with virtually no detectable in the design process, especially when
conditions surrounding the body allow sound within occupied spaces. The sound the objective is to create buildings that
metabolic heat production to be dissipated produced by the source equipment, such minimise energy use.
at the same rate it is generated. Some as the compressor in a heat pump, is The energy required to distribute heat
degree of discomfort is experienced when produced by any heat source, or the
these two rates of heat transfer are cooling effect generated by any cooling
not balanced. source, should always be considered when
Several types of hydronic distribution designing a heating or cooling system for
systems simultaneously in uence air a low energy or net zero building. Systems
temperature, temperature stratification that use a significant amount of energy
and surface temperatures of rooms in to move heat from where it is produced
ways that enhance human physiological to where it is needed in the building are
comfort. Air-based delivery systems undesirable, even if the thermal energy
have less in uence on interior surface is produced at high efficiency by the
temperatures and can create undesirable source equipment.
drafts or air temperature stratification. Distribution energy is an even more
As such, they are not as well matched to important consideration for cooling
human comfort needs. systems. Every watt of electrical energy
Acoustic comfort is also increasingly used to move the cooling effect through a
important – people want their home building is a watt added to the building’s
to be a quiet refuge from the pace and sensible cooling load.
noise of modern life. They don’t want Designers should also consider that
to hear sounds emanating from their air-to-air heat pumps typically require
heating and cooling systems. Properly higher air ow rates per unit of heat
designed and installed hydronic systems delivery compared to fossil-fuel furnaces,
A ‘homerun’ hydronic distribution system


Heating, Ventilation
HBD_1201_2024 _ Air Conditioning
63-82.indd 67 - Altecnic.indd 1 06/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 17:16

and thus their distribution power when necessary.

The author, Gary Perry of Altecnic
requirement is higher, assuming the same For example, most of the components
blower motor technology in each device. used in a properly designed, installed
The higher the distribution efficiency, and maintained hydronic distribution
the lower the operating cost of the system will last for many decades.
distribution system per unit of heat They will outlast the system’s initial
delivered. For example, consider a heat source or cooling source, and
‘traditional’ hydronic heating system perhaps even its second or third heat
that uses four small circulators, each source or cooling source. Put simply,
operating on 75 watts input power, and properly executed hydronic systems are
collectively delivering 100,000 Btu/ long-term investments rather than ‘throw
hr to the building. Assuming that all away’ technology. Contrast this with
circulators are operating under design the typical service life of many modern
load conditions, the distribution efficiency appliances, such as refrigerators, washing
would be 333.3 (Btu/hr)/watts. machines and microwaves, some of
A contemporary ‘homerun’ hydronic which will not even last 10 years
distribution system is well-suited for under normal service. Portions of those
use in low energy homes, as it uses a discarded appliances will inevitably end
high-efficiency variable-speed pressure- up in landfills.
regulated circulator to create ow Professionals who plan low-energy and
between the buffer tank and eight net-zero buildings, or place emphasis
individually regulated panel radiators. A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO LAST on decarbonisation, environmentally
Under design load conditions, the water Many professionals who plan buildings conscious design, and resiliency,
leaving the buffer tank is maintained at or HVAC systems are being asked to should carefully consider these benefits
120°F, well within the operating range incorporate ‘resilience’ into their associated with hydronic heating and
of an air-to-water or water-to-water heat designs. The objective is to create cooling systems.
pump, giving e ibility for designers as buildings and systems that are reliable,
well as ensuring efficiency is maintained. long-lasting, adaptable and easy to repair Gary Perry is managing director at Altecnic




Heating, Ventilation
HBD_1201_2024 _ Air Conditioning
63-82.indd 68 - Altecnic.indd 2 06/12/2023 14:03
11/12/2023 17:16

Introducing Designer Contracts

Designer Contracts are one of the
UK’s largest flooring contractors,
their unrivalled national supply
and installation service is
delivered via their 14 regions and
supported by their own national
distribution centre that holds in
excess of £3m worth of stock.
No other flooring contractor
can offer this capability on a such a scale. Since they started serving the
new build market back in 1992 they have become a trusted partner to the
construction industry.
01246 854577

DF2E downflow fan heater launched

HBD12_DesignerContracts_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:29
Consort Claudgen’s new DF2E downflow fan
heater offers many features including a 7-day timer
with six temperature settings daily, open window
detection, a digital lock, a large LCD screen, a digital
variable thermostat, and a reliable battery backup
to keep the clock running, during power outages.
The heater continues its heating programme after
power is restored. The heater offers quick warmth and allows you to choose
between 1kW or 2kW heat output during the installation. For safety, the
DF2E has an automatic safety cut-out and will stop operating if the fan
or temperature sensor malfunctions. The DF2E heater makes an excellent
choice for bathrooms and kitchens.
01646 692172

HBD12_Consort_PR.indd 1 08/12/2023 12:44

Get Closer to an Open Fire Experience with a Panoramic Series Wood Burner
• Professional Nationwide Installation Service • Freestanding or Fireplace Installation
• Choice of Contemporary Finishes • Top or Rear Flue Vented
• Efficient eco Design Wood Burning • ISO 9001:15 Accredited
• 5 Year Guarantee & Parts Service • Hetas Approved Installations

01709 581168

HBD10_Future Fires_HP.indd 1 13/09/2023 10:29


17:16 HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 69 11/12/2023 14:03


Kinedo launches new Ekinox range F. Ball smoothing compound raises the level
Kinedo has added another stunning range of walk-in F. Ball’s new Stopgap 1600 smoothing compound
shower enclosures to its shower portfolio in the shape of has provided a fast-track solution as part of
the stylish Ekinox+ range. The stand-out feature of the the ground-floor refurbishment of a residential
Ekinox+ range is the option of striking, coloured profiles property. The surface was first primed with
such as the beautiful and unusual brushed cobalt blue Stopgap P131, diluted with four parts water, before
aluminium profile and the vibrant copper or brushed F. Ball’s Stopgap 400 Repair was used to make
stainless steel option. The Ekinox Solo is a simple glass panel option for an minor repairs to the subfloor and raise the floor level. F. Ball’s Stopgap 1600
open showering area. It can be installed in a corner, in a recess or against the fast-drying, fibre-reinforced smoothing compound was then applied. The
wall; the latter option requires 2 reinforcement bars. Ekinox Duo features a product is formulated especially for use over underfloor heating systems
180° pivot section to eliminate splash and can be installed with a choice of a and can be applied between 3 - 40mm thick to encapsulate electrical wired
chrome straight reinforcement bar or a floor-to-ceiling bar. The Ekinox Corner or water-fed systems installed over internal subfloors as part of new build
features a fixed panel for corner installations with the Ekinox Solo and Duo. or refurbishment projects in both domestic and commercial environments.
020 8842 0033 01538 361 633

Space saving insulation for 1970s building

HBD12_Saniflo_Interiors - Bathrooms & Wetrooms_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023
Ball_Interiors - Flooring_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:36
Spacetherm® WL (Wall Liner) insulation from the A. Proctor Group is addressing the need for improving the thermal
performance, and helping to reduce heating costs of a 1970s building with limited internal space. The original
building, created by Benson and Forsyth, is a modestly sized one-bedroom flat. To make the space feel bigger, the
architects created a split level, giving the majority of the space to the living areas and compromising on the size
of the bedroom. The bedroom, essentially a little cube, juts out from the rest of the flat, meaning there are three
external walls; it’s also partially sunk into the ground. Additionally, above the ceiling is the pedestrian deck, so again,
no insulation. All this amounts to a very cold room. Spacetherm WL is a high-performance laminate specifically
designed to be fixed to the internal surfaces of existing walls without the need for mechanical fixings. Spacetherm
WL consists of a Spacetherm aerogel insulation blanket bonded to a 3 mm Magnesium Board (MgO) for use in
applications where improved thermal performance is required with limited space. At just 13 mm thick, Spacetherm
WL has virtually no negative impact on floor space, there is no need to remove skirting boards and cornices, saving
time and cost, and making it ideal for refurbishment projects where space is at a premium.
01250 872261

HBD12_A Proctor_Insulation_DPR.indd 1 07/12/2023 09:22

HiB introduces the Rubin Mirror:

The latest in mirror technology
iB, a leading innovator in bathroom Setting itself apart with a distinctive design,
products, has unveiled the Rubin Mirror, Rubin blends style and practicality seamlessly.
a stunning combination of contemporary Equipped with state-of-the-art features, the
design and cutting-edge technology. mirror boasts the latest heat pad technology
covering over 75% of the surface, reducing
condensation for enhanced visibility.
The illuminated rectangular frame features
colour-changing technology and three
brightness levels, all controllable via touch-
sensitive operations. This ensures the perfect
ambiance for any task, making Rubin a versatile
addition to modern bathrooms.
Available in two sizes (80cm x 50cm
and 90cm x 60cm) and two finishes (black
and brushed brass), Rubin can be hung in
landscape or portrait, offering flexibility
in bathroom design The mixture of curves
and straight edges gives Rubin a distinctive,
trendsetting pill shape.
Talking about the Rubin mirror, HiB Contracts
Coordinator Sophie Watts said: “The Rubin
mirror is ideal for a variety of bathrooms thanks
to its size and finish options, but what really
makes Rubin a showstopping mirror is its
design. The use of negative space to create a
layered design is really eye-catching and we
hope our customers love it.”

020 8441 0352

HBD12_HiB_Interiors - Bathrooms_HPAdv.indd 1 06/12/2023 14:22


HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 70 11/12/2023 14:03




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Uform offers you the support and expertise of a dedicated Contracts Team,
making it easier for you to find the perfect solution for your next building project.

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5 year product warranty (T’s & C’s apply)
Accredited Contract Kitchen Partners available nationwide
Partnered with leading KBB software providers, making designing & quoting easy

SCAN HERE For full details on Uform’s Contracts Products & Services
and to request the NEW Contracts Kitchen & Bedroom Brochure

HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 71 11/12/2023 14:03


Fibo wall panels in modular housing Keller embraces the rustic look
DMDmodular has recently achieved The New Country kitchen portfolio from
a significant milestone, successfully Keller has been launched to reflect the
completing a fully energy-efficient ever-popular charm of the countryside in the
housing project that tackles the home; natural textures, fresh green hues, and
industry’s most pressing challenges, wooden elements, create a sense of comfort
with Fibo’s waterproof wall panels used and calm. It’s a style that blends traditional
throughout. Manufactured from layers aesthetics with contemporary design and, as
of PEFC certified plywood and high- one of Europe’s leading kitchen specialists,
pressure laminate, Fibo’s wall panels offer a sustainable alternative to tiles, Keller provides the very best in terms of technical performance and
with a carbon saving of 40%. The panels have been installed in a classic durability. Keller is well known for offering the widest range of colours and
Denver White tile effect design, across areas where high-strength, durability finishes in the kitchen furniture market – along with a vast range of cabinet
and quick assembly were required, such as bathrooms and kitchens. options, all produced by the most sustainable means possible.

A promise of conscious efforts from Riviera Home

HBD12_Fibo_Interiors - Walls_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023
11:38 - Kitchens_Edit.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:44
For nearly four decades, Riviera Home has been making carpets in India’s historic city of Panipat, known as ‘the city
of handcrafted weavers’. Using traditional techniques, its carpets are still made by hand using high quality natural
yarns, including undyed wools, bamboo and Tencel, which is made with wood pulp from sustainable forests. Riviera
Home produces every carpet ethically with a conscious effort to be responsible and is a GoodWeave® certified
business. GoodWeave International is a non-profit organisation and the leading institution working to stop child
labour in global supply chains. As a GoodWeave® business, every handmade carpet from Riviera Home is without
child labour and supports education and decent work for communities. Riviera Home’s by hand approach to making
carpets is the anti-thesis of mass production, but the company still draws on modern environmental practices
used to lower impact by large manufacturers. Using only non-toxic and safe chemicals approved by Oeko-Tex®,
generating 20% of its electricity from its own solar field and conserving water through its own treatment and
recycling plant; Riviera Home is leading ethical and sustainable handmade carpet production in its region. The
Riviera Home collection is widely available through its Authorised Dealership network.
01299 871446

HBD12_Riviera Home_Interiors - Floors & Floor Coverings_DPR.indd 1 28/11/2023 12:14

Glidevale Protect publishes Environmental Product

Declarations for key ranges
eading UK building products manufacturer
Glidevale Protect has published third party,
independently verified Environmental
Product Declarations (EPDs) for three of its
construction wall membranes to assist specifiers
by providing clear sustainability and life cycle
assessment data.
Created by One Click LCA and verified by
the EPD Hub in accordance with EN 15804+A2
& ISO 14025 / ISO 21930, the product and
factory specific EPDs do not contain average
calculations and have been assessed cradle
to gate with modules A1-A3, C1-C4 and D,
with the life cycle analysis (LCA) published in
accordance with the reference standards ISO
14040/14044. Detailing key environment impact
data including global warming potential (GWP)
calculations as well as total energy and water
use, the EPDs form a transparent analysis of
each product’s carbon footprint to give full
reassurance in specification. and floors. Both can be used together as a building environmental assessment standards
The development of EPDs for Protect TF200 system to help maximise the energy efficiency like BREEAM. EPDs quantifiably demonstrate
Thermo, Protect VC Foil Ultra and Protect TF200 rating of a building and control condensation the environmental impact of a product and
demonstrates Glidevale Protect’s continued risk. Protect TF200 is a high performance data is independently verified and certified in
commitment to and investment in sustainability. breather membrane, offering protection line with internationally recognised standards,
Protect TF200 Thermo is a reflective breather to external walls and minimising the risk of focused on the product’s whole life cycle.
membrane for external walls which can enhance interstitial condensation. For more information, please email
thermal performance and Protect VC Foil Detailed EPDs help specifiers to understand or follow Glidevale Protect
Ultra, a reflective air and vapour control layer a product’s sustainability credentials when on LinkedIn.
(AVCL), offers low emissivity to enhance the working to more stringent regulations such as
thermal performance of internal walls, ceilings Building Regulations Part L as well as whole 0161 905 5700

HBD12_Glidevale_MMC Feature_HPAdv.indd 1 04/12/2023 08:35


HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 72 11/12/2023 14:03 MMC

MMC 73


Richard Smith of NHBC looks at lessons from the history of Modern Methods of
Construction, and how the growth of offsite is being driven by the combined
forces of housing shortages, the need for quality, and climate change

odern Methods of Construction
(MMC) have been considered
the future of house building for
some time. Yet, excluding Scotland,
most new homes in the UK are still brick
and block and factory-built housing
remains uncommon.
The promised benefits of
non-traditional and offsite construction
are well documented: speed of onsite
operations, fabrication quality, safer
wor ing conditions, material efficiency
and reduced waste, and less noise
and disruption for residents. However,
enthusiasm for non-traditional
construction methods has been anything
but consistent. factory-built housing delivered in party are therefore key. Checks must take
Today, at a time of increased housing quantity, providing numerous homes. place throughout before products leave
need and a country-wide skills shortage, Unfortunately, much less emphasis was the factory, once they are installed on site
the case for non-traditional housing is placed on quality and how housing at and on the remaining site operations.
being made again. By looking back at scale would integrate into the wider area
the development of MMC we can learn and infrastructure, leading to a lasting CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT
lessons, make continuous improvement, negative perception. Anyone designing or commissioning
and harness technological advances, off-site construction can work towards
such as digitally enabled design, to LOOKING AHEAD continuous improvement in MMC and
deliver high-quality, economical factory- That is why, regardless of how homes should consider the implications of the
made homes. are built, good practice principles of need for investment in design, the choice
neighbourhood planning, housing and design of systems and site operations.
LOOKING BACK design and construction detailing should And, of course, standards need to
There have been three previous periods be followed. continue to adapt to meet the demand
of advancement in non-traditional house Promising systems made from various from industry. These areas are explored in
building techniques: after the First World materials have been developed out of the the below paragraphs.
War when there was a serious shortage early experiments, wider applications and
of skilled labour, essential materials and specific innovations of the last century. INVESTMENT IN DESIGN
industrial capacity the large-scale building But MMC alone does not guarantee Design should be based on established
campaigns seeking to provide homes after fabrication quality. good practice principles regardless of how
the Second World War combined with the Again, design underpins everything homes are constructed. Rigorous detailed
Government programme to replace slum and investment at the early stages design, resolving construction details and
housing the shift towards industrialised of a project can mitigate the risks of specifying all components is essential
building and high-rise construction during off-site construction. Detailed drawings before manufacture can commence
the house building boom of the 1960s and specification of all components, Lastly, a Quality Management System for
and 1970s. beyond that required in conventional MMC which is audited by a third party is
Interestingly each of these periods of construction, are also essential before essential to ensure good design.
development and Government-stimulated manufacture begins.
investment have been followed by a Although prefabrication reduces time CHOICE OF SYSTEM
return to traditional techniques. There on site, care is still required for site hen it comes to the difficult choice of
is no single reason for this, except the operations that cannot be transferred which system to opt for, the first
problem of mass production always to a factory. Indeed, where traditional priority is to choose the most appropriate
applies – make a mistake once and you construction interfaces with precise construction solution for site constraints
make it many times rapidly, so it becomes factory-assembled components, such and planning requirements. You also
expensive to remedy. as at the junction of the external walls need to understand and work with the
However, there was extensive and ground oor, it must be built to characteristics and the limitations of
non-traditional housing output in the tighter tolerances. different materials and technologies.
1960s when government-promoted Quality assurance checks by a third It’s important to test material


MMC - NHBC.indd63-82.indd
1 73 11/12/2023
04/12/2023 14:03
74 MMC

assemblies as a complete system (for

performance and durability as well
RIGOROUS DETAILED If the lessons of the past are learned –
basic good practice construction detailing
as manufacturing operations). Also,
prototype and test to investigate
DESIGN, RESOLVING is followed, a standard template is
used but homes are responsive to their
performance over wide ranging and
seasonal variations (including extreme
CONSTRUCTION environment, and systems build upon and
employ existing prefabricated building
weather effects of climate change) and for DETAILS AND SPECIFYING components – factory-built homes can
the expected lifespan of products. Lastly, benefit the industry, help address the
it’s key to build in realistic tolerances ALL COMPONENTS, housing crisis and contribute to tackling
to allow systems to be effectively and the climate emergency.
efficiently assembled. IS ESSENTIAL BEFORE To find out more download the free

MANUFACTURE CAN NHBC Foundation report on ‘Modern
methods of construction: Building on
It’s important to be aware here
that manufacturer assurances and
COMMENCE experience’ by scanning the QR Code.

warranties do not remove the need for both the general benefits of offsite
site supervision and checks. Consider construction and inherent characteristics
sequence of assembly and allow for visual depending on the material used. The
inspection of key construction details. suitability of different construction
Other site-based factors that need approaches or the combination of diverse
bearing in mind are protecting the technologies will depend on many factors.
structure from changing weather However, there are some recognisable
conditions during assembly, and the need affinities between the approaches and
to build groundworks to tighter tolerances common site constraints as well as project
which will readily accept precisely types or tenures.
engineered modules or panels. With this in mind, there is no
shortcut when commissioning and
CONSIDERING DIFFERENT APPROACHES designing off-site construction systems.
Sadly, there is no MMC method or Early investment in design, appropriate
material that is suitable for all sites and choice of system and oversight of
all building types. onsite operations is critical to deliver
Careful choices must be made between high-quality, long-lasting and stylish
tried and tested traditional techniques and homes that meet the needs of their Richard Smith is head of standards, innovation
numerous innovative systems, considering occupants. & research at NHBC


MMC - NHBC.indd63-82.indd
2 74 11/12/2023
04/12/2023 14:03

Introducing the new RJ007 slimline letterplate for FD30 & FD60
Lorient is delighted to offer a new slimline fire & security rated letterplate into its door hardware protection range.
When letterplates are added to fire doors; elements of the fire-resistant door core are removed and replaced with
ironmongery which has a higher thermal conductivity. This can create a weak point in the door, where fire can take
hold and affect the integrity of the doorset. That’s why fire-rated ironmongery must be used on timber doorsets
and be tested to a relevant standard – often accompanied by an intumescent kit. The new slimline RJ007 letterplate
from Lorient combines fire and security performance with functionality and aesthetics. Designed to meet the
exacting security standards of TS008:2015, it is tested to withstand a series of physical tests based on the common
methods of burglary. It features an innovative pivoting stay mechanism that reduces the opening to 37 degrees for
protection against key ‘fishing’ and lock manipulation. The RJ007 can provide up to 30 and 60 minutes fire resistance
and is tested in accordance BS 476-22:1987; and smoke tested in accordance with BS EN 1634-3:2004. It is CERTIFIRE
(CF5688) approved from Warringtonfire Testing & Certification Limited; and is TS008: 2015 accredited and Document
Q and PAS 24:2016 compliant.
01626 834252

HBD12_Lorient_Safety & Security - Fire Doors_DPR.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:47

Class 1 Magply boards withstand real life fire test
A potentially catastrophic blaze, which consumed the garage containing a parked vehicle adjoining a £1M house in
rural Surrey, was stopped in its tracks thanks to the use of 12 mm A1 non combustible Magply being chosen as the
render substrate board on the contract. The property was constructed using a Structurally Insulated Panel system
construction (SIP) with A1 non-combustible Magply being used on the exterior of the building as the substrate
panel for the proprietary render system. Magply is a multi-use A1 non-combustible board with an impressive library
of testing for fire applications, in the offsite and timber frame sector the board is designed and specified to contain
fire and support the emergency service with added crucial time!
The Contracts Manager for Fullers Plastering, James Corlett, commented: “The fire-resistant qualities of the Magply
boards saved the day. We had utilised Magply as a render-backer on a number of projects before being awarded the
contract to apply K-Rend to the half dozen homes here and have always been very pleased with the performance.
It is an easy board to cut and fix, while we can now definitely confirm to clients that it fully complies with the fire
requirements for domestic and commercial buildings.”
01621 776252

HBD12_Magply_Safety & Security - Smoke & Fire Protection_DPR.indd 1 28/11/2023 11:48

New Marmox Fireboard offers ideal EWI and IWI substrate
Marmox has introduced the highly versatile Fireboard into its range for both internal and external wall insulation (IWI/
EWI) applications. The Marmox Stone Wool based product shares the unique Marmox honeycomb surface structure
with its XPS forerunner, Multiboard, to create an A1 non-combustible certified render-backer which is fully waterproof.
It can further be used internally across walls or ceilings to take a plaster finish, while providing sound decoupling
and acoustic absorption properties, as well as thermal insulation. The 600 x 1,200 mm Fireboards are available in
thicknesses from 20 mm up to 200 mm and with the polymer modified mortar honeycomb coating on one or both
faces. With a nominal density of 150 kg/m3 the boards’ core material offers a compressive strength of 90 kNm2, making
it three times stronger than standard mineral wool. The Marketing Manager for Marmox, Grant Terry, commented:
“The introduction of Fireboard into our range significantly enhances our offer to the construction industry, meaning
we have an A1 non-combustible ate
backer board for internal or external use, which can safely be used across masonry as
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nt rf.
Approved Training for Fire Door
Installers in the Housebuilding sector
Fire Doors Complete are the premier provider of specialist training about Fire Doors.
We are the only training provider to have designed training specifically for Fire Door Installers
working in the Housebuilding sector.

Our recognised and regulated training courses are approved

by ‘FireQual’ and successful learners receive qualifications valid
for five years.

Our trainers are experienced and well-established senior

members of the fire door industry with experience of
manufacturing, on-site installation, on-site inspection, quality
management and third-party certification schemes.

Our courses are designed so that Installers have ample time

to ask questions about all aspects of fire doors and how they
should be installed and maintained.
Call us on 07599 425388 or email

HBD12_Fire Doors63-82.indd 76
Complete_FP.indd 1 11/12/2023 16:43
11/12/2023 16:45 Safet


Helen Hewitt of the British Woodworking Federation’s Fire Door Alliance warns
that third-party certification of fire doors is lagging, despite the emergence of
the Building Safety Act and greater awareness of the importance of specifing
third-party certified fire doors.

ince the introduction of the Building
Safety Act in 2022, those with
responsibility for fire doors and other
fire safety systems in a building are held
to a far greater level of accountability.
igher standards are now demanded
over the way buildings are designed,
constructed, and maintained.
hen it comes to fire doors, third-party
certification the process of testing
and verifying a fire door s design,
performance, manufacturing process and
assurance of procedures is a ready-made
solution to ensuring compliance with
the new legislation. It is the only way to
be certain over a fire door or doorsets
performance in the event of a fire.
o, what are the advantages of fire
door third-party certification for
housebuilders and developers, and
how well are these advantages currently

ot only does third-party certification
provide crucial evidence that a fire door
is fit for purpose, it helps organisations AUDITING TRAINING
in complying with regulations. The ey ll members involved in the manufacture ll staff involved in the manufacture
advantages of third-party certification are and conversion of fire doors, or their and sale of fire doors or components are
associated components are audited re uired to underta e regular training to
TRACEABILITY annually by their certification provider. ensure they understand the latest Building
Third-party certified door display labels The aim is to ensure that fire doors or Regulations and can offer correct advice
or plugs offer traceability throughout components use the same materials to their customers.
the construction supply chain, including identified in the original test for that
important information about the door s specific design. AWARENESS OF THIRD-PARTY
component parts. CERTIFICATION
QUALITY MANAGEMENT Recent research from the ire
TESTING The order management, design and Door Alliance found that awareness of
ll fire door designs should be tested manufacturing processes are assessed. third-party certification among those with
to BS 476 Part 22 or the European uality management system following responsibility for fire doors has increased
equivalent BS EN 1634 Part 1 by a the principles of I O 1 15 and since 2022, when the new legislation was
-approved test facility. ach fire a actory roduction ontrol ystem first introduced. The primary reason that
door design must be tested as a complete ( ) are re uirements of the ire third-party certified doors are specified is
assembly at least every five years, and Door Alliance to ensure that standards are to provide robust proof of performance.
annually for high-volume products. consistently maintained. This was only the third priority when


14:00 HBD_1201_2024
Safety _ Security_63-82.indd
Fire Doors -77
BWF.indd 1 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03

we last carried out research in 2022,

highlighting a wider understanding of the
THE PRIMARY REASON when installing a fire door, including
• hec ing compatibility The
role third party certification can play in
achieving compliance.
THAT THIRD-PARTY certification information needs
to be chec ed to ensure that only
espite improved understanding CERTIFIED DOORS compatible ironmongery and
over third certification and its benefits, intumescent seals are used which are
other approaches which don t offer ARE SPECIFIED IS TO conformity mar ed when re uired.
the same traceability and reassurance • la ing apertures nsure they
over performance are still being PROVIDE ROBUST PROOF are never cut on-site as this will
adopted. n increasing number of those
with responsibility with fire doors also
OF PERFORMANCE invalidate the fire door s certified
status, and to always ensure the gap
loo to fire test certificates as proof of between the edge of the door and the
performance, but these are simply frame is not too large.
one-off test results. They don t offer • rame specification It is important
the guarantee over repeatability or has fulfilled their duties under the new to ensure that the frame specification
manufacturing consistency that third regulations. The cost of failing to ensure is correct for the door s fire rating
party certification does. these safeguards are in place can be and that the Building Regulations are
significant for those responsible for a strictly adhered to.
CHOOSING THIRD-PARTY CERTIFIED building s safety, and those involved in • uality assured training sessions
FIRE DOORS their design and construction. or those new to fire door
Concerningly, growing awareness installation, it s vital to see such
of third-party certification and greater THE IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT quality assured training in order to
intention to specify third-party certified INSTALLATION be able to demonstrate competence.
doors hasn t yet translated into hile third-party certified fire doors
greater upta e. can offer many benefits, they will The only way to be certain that fire
o, what are the main reasons for not perform as they are designed to doors and door sets will perform as
this ith pressure on budgets, it s in the event of a fire if they haven t they are intended is through third party
unsurprising that cost is the barrier cited been installed correctly. Installation of certification, and we believe it should be
by most. Rising in ation rates and other a fire door is as critical as the product a minimum re uirement for all fire doors
spending pressures are undoubtedly specification and should only be and doorsets. We would urge developers
creating a challenging environment for carried out by a competent individual to fully e plore its benefits in order to
the construction industry to wor within. who s trained to install fire doors. create a new benchmar for building
It s important however not to solely fire door should always be supplied safety in the UK.
consider cost, and instead assess overall with installation instructions from the
value of building products. manufacturer that are specific to the Helen Hewitt is chief executive officer
Third-party certified doors provide particular product. of the Fire Door Alliance (FDA) – part of the
evidence that the responsible person There are several factors to consider British Woodworking Federation


Safety _ Security_63-82.indd
Fire Doors -78
BWF.indd 2 11/12/2023
06/12/2023 14:03
17:24 HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 79 11/12/2023 14:03

CCF ASFP passive fire experience West Fraser’s new guide for builders
CCF is providing a series of ASFP passive fire West Fraser UK has produced a guide which makes the
protection product training sessions for its selection process simple and speedy. With imports from
customers at CCF branches across the UK. The Eastern Europe, China and South America muddying
Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) the water somewhat, the builder can be sure that
mobile classroom is scheduled to visit five CCF West Fraser’s products carry the necessary standards
branches in Harmondsworth, South Ruislip, Cardiff, and quality marks for the UK and so comply with UK
Exeter and Southampton this autumn. With three sessions planned at building specifications. In addition, the transport
each branch, CCF is aiming to bring this training opportunity to as many and environmental costs are minimised. The product
as 150 customers. ASFP is a leading trade association for the passive fire portfolios comprise SterlingOSB Zero OSB3, SterlingOSB Zero T&G,
protection sector and its aim is to bring together passive fire protection CaberFloor P5, CaberDek, CaberShieldPlus, CaberMDF and the newest
manufacturers, contractors and certification bodies to encourage, develop addition to the range, SterlingOSB Zero PrimedPlus, and all are net carbon
and give guidance on essential standards in passive fire protection. negative while the SterlingOSB Zero range contains no formaldehyde.

Triton Systems tank waterproof behemoth basement

HBD12_CCF_Safety & Security - Fire Protection_PR.indd 1 28/11/2023
11:11 Fraser_Structural Elements - Structural Timber_Edit.indd 1 28/11/2023 12:25
The creation of an extensive basement complex that has taken a year to construct and which extends beneath an
access road to link the main property with a separate building, is making use of multiple waterproofing products
from the range of Triton Systems. The 900 m2 across main house tunnel and adjacent house reinforced concrete
sub-structure to what will be a six-bedroom private residence, with amenities including a swimming pool and gym,
has been excavated and formed by Beautiful Basements, in a contract valued at £800K. The contractor has had to
deal with some difficult ground conditions and the sloping topography of the land which was once stables, and
offers views towards the outskirts of Birmingham. As well as using Triton’s formable rubber Adcor and CEMflex steel
waterbar products to provide continuity between the multiple sections, all of the ready mixed concrete supplied
to the site by Flomix Concrete also incorporates Triton’s TT waterproofing admixture. The Managing Director of
Beautiful Basements, Andy Parkes, commented: “This has been a long and complex contract but it is progressing
well. We always use the Triton membranes and perimeter channels as our go-to solution for these sorts of contracts,
as we have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the company going back more than a decade.”

HBD12_Triton_Structural Elements - Waterproofing / Basements_DPR.indd 1 28/11/2023 12:17


HBD_1201_2024 63-82.indd 80 11/12/2023 14:04 Utilitie



As the UK prepares for a net zero future, and Part S of the Building Regulations
homes in on electric vehicles (EVs), housebuilders are grappling with the various
practical issues around providing charging for residents of all new homes.
Electrical wholesaler Rolec EV discusses the finer points of EV charging.

lectric vehicles (EVs) are becoming
more affordable and practical,
and the UK Government has set
ambitious targets to phase out the sale of
new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. With
increasing interest from consumers and
businesses, the future of the EV industry is
looking bright.
This shift towards electric
transportation is expected to have a
significant impact on the electrical
installation industry in the UK however, as
the demand for EV charging infrastructure this via an online app, which also gives cost of the unit compared to site traffic.
increases. How can you take advantage of the user full control of their charger. Additionally, during the current cost of
this increased public interest in installing Furthermore, in line with the December living crisis, solar panels have been crucial
EV charging points, and what do you need updates to these regulations, EV charge in empowering people to pursue energy
to know that can help you provide the points now must have upgraded security independence. For this reason, solar
best experience for your customers? measures, such as built-in tamper alerts. compatible units are gaining popularity.
Familiarising yourself with this type of
CHANGES TO REGULATIONS EV CHARGING IN A COST OF LIVING CRISIS install would be of benefit as the mar et
It is not new to suggest that more Price is often the deciding factor between shifts towards green energy sources and
needs to be done to tackle the current whether someone chooses to switch to an people seek further independence from
climate emergency. The push for rapid EV or not. It’ll be no surprise then that the grid.
decarbonisation can be felt throughout the number one best thing about the EV
the UK and expands even further into the experience for personal lease drivers was INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS
world. It’s something that many national low running costs. If we relate this cost As the demand for EV charging
leaders are tackling through legislative back to EV charging, we can see people infrastructure increases, it is essential
and regulatory changes. are opting for more affordable units that that installation is made as simple and
One of the newest developments in the offer them cost-saving potential. easy as possible. In the past, installing
UK Government’s road to net zero is the This is not lost on the commercial EV charging points was a complex and
new Part S of the Building Regulations. side of the industry, where many have time-consuming process, requiring
This is a requirement for all new build adopted public-facing EV charging as significant planning and co-ordination.
commercial and residential properties an additional revenue stream. Helped However, more and more EV charging
to have access to an EV charge point, along by sophisticated chargepoint units have been designed with the
an ambitious plan that accompanies the design and bac -office management installer in mind.
Government’s transition to ‘full-EV’ by systems, generating passive income from Convenience is the key. By
2030. Alongside these regulations, they EV has seen an increase. Tariffs can be incorporating PME fault detection
outlined certain expectations for new EV personalised for public or staff charging. technology, the installation process can
technology, to maintain a level of quality. Opportunities for revenue have be streamlined, the risk of faults can be
Along with the recognised standard only been amplified by the increased reduced, and the overall reliability can be
features of a charge point (a minimum introduction of DC rapid chargers, at a improved. In-built PME fault detection has
output of 7 kW and a universal time when electric car drivers have been been invaluable in achieving this, since it
power socket) the Government has showing increased interest in dedicated means the unit won’t need an earth rod
also introduced ‘Smart Chargepoint charging hubs with amenities like coffee to be installed, which means less hassle
Regulations’. Scheduled charging is shops and free Wi-Fi. These two factors for the installer and less disruption to
one of the key things to look out for; combined have opened potential for the customer.
introduced to reduce strain on the grid massive infrastructure growth. Another consideration is the use of
by encouraging users to charge during Making the decision to install a rapid smart charging technology, which allows
off-peak hours. Compliant units manage charging unit is dependent also on the for remote monitoring and control of


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06/12/2023 14:04

your charge point. This technology can be

integrated with other smart devices, such
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGE There are many bac -office
management solutions offering
as your phone, so that you can receive live
updates and alerts. Smart Charging units
POINTS MUST ALSO HAVE increased functionality to their users
and these features can also be beneficial
also allow for dynamic load balancing, SECURITY MEASURES SUCH to contractors. By providing remote
monitoring the property’s overall monitoring and management for example,
electrical usage and adjusting the power AS ANTI-TAMPER ALERTS you can receive live updates if a unit
to the EV charger accordingly, protecting experiences a fault.
the property’s main fuse. Increased use of ac -office partners provide real-time
modular units that can be easily installed however, will become less relevant as status and analytics. This can be used
and expanded is likely as demand for older connections are phased out, as it to optimise the charge point, identify
charging infrastructure grows. is only certain models that still use the trends and patterns, and provide insight
CHAdeMO connection. into user behaviour. It helps you to make
LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE s long as you have confirmation of data-driven decisions on how to improve
Making EV charging available to which BEV or PHEV will be used at a infrastructure and meet the needs
everyone, although necessary, has its property, tethered may be the right choice of customers.
own unique challenges. Houses were for that site. It’s all about making an Installers also get access to a lead
not built with EV charging in mind informed decision for your client based on generator with up-to-date information
and don’t always have a standardised the information you have. on charge point projects opening in your
energy supply. However, there are ways area, and the opportunity to bid for them
to manage this challenge. For instance, GETTING THE BACK-OFFICE MANAGEMENT with a trusted bac -office system.
opting for a unit with an internal Amp SOLUTION RIGHT Avoid late night call outs by offering
selector will give you the option to When it comes to EV charging, it your customers access to the bac -office
down-rate the charger to match the doesn’t just end with hardware. Apps partner’s 24/7 support network. This will
available supply. have been created to specifically aid manage customer queries and concerns
In terms of longevity, universal socketed in the set-up of new charge points, should something come up following
tends to be the unit of choice, as tethered giving you a step-by-step guide with your installation. This feature helps to
cables, although convenient, may not be easy-to-follow instructions. During the manage charge point infrastructure more
compatible with all EV s on the market. configuration, you will be prompted efficiently, resulting in improved customer
Meaning users would potentially have to input which bac -office solution the satisfaction, increased revenue, and
to replace their charger if they got a customer has chosen for their charge reduced maintenance costs.
new car or if a new person moved in point management, from a range of App
with an incompatible connection. This, suppliers with proven compatibility. Article supplied by Rolec EV




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