Teens Upper Intermediate Review 4 British English Student

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1 Vocabulary

Part A: Match the two halves of the vocabulary.

1. lim a. ation

2. hi b. dings

3. cess c. inal

4. rehab d. ilitation

5. pings and e. jacking

Part B: Now put the vocabulary from above into the appropriate definition below.

1. Drug is the process of helping someone with a drug addiction recover.

2. are both names for short electronic sounds typically used to notify
the user of a message.

3. is the act of taking control of something.

4. is an adjective used to describe a transitional process or space.

5. The of something is another way to say the stopping of something.

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2 Language point: informal language

Choose the correct meaning for the word or phrase in bold in each sentence below.

Group 1:

1. I dunno what to have for lunch.

a. do know b. don’t know c. didn’t know

2. He’s my mate. I’ve known him since primary school.

a. friend b. acquaintance c. enemy

3. That guy over there looks a bit sus.

a. successful b. susceptible c. suspicious

4. My mum told me to clean up my room. I just said ‘whatevs’ and walked away.

a. I don’t care. b. get lost c. of course

5. It’s a hot day, innit?

a. wasn’t it b. isn’t it c. I know it

Group 2:

1. Don’t worry, I’m pulling your leg.

a. joking b. lying c. being honest

2. I had to get the bus to work today because my car’s stuffed.

a. it was stolen b. it has been borrowed c. not working

3. I’m gonna ask my boss for a raise.

a. not going to b. going to c. would like to

4. I have to go. You know I have big-time FOMO.

a. Fear of Missing Out b. Fear of Meeting Others c. Fear of Meeting Otters

5. I kept zoning out during the presentation.

a. falling asleep b. paying extra attention c. not paying attention

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3 Vocabulary: nouns

Part A: Match the pictures with the words.

Group 1:

cape / hood / wand / horns / armour

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Group 2:

warrior / monster / pirate / fairy / knight

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part B: Put the vocabulary from Part A into the gaps in the text below.

Wally the Wizard looked at the before him. There were four of them, all
with large sharp devil-like on their heads that were pointed in Wally’s
direction. Wally took his and pointed it at them as he shouted the words
of his spell. Suddenly the monsters transformed. One became a , wearing
5 6
a light blue on her head, another was a
who was wearing a green which flowed out behind him in the wind.
Then there was a strong who was wielding a weapon and looked ready
9 10
to go into battle. Finally, a in stood
silently. Wally was flabbergasted. He didn’t know yet if these were friends or enemies, so he did the
only thing that seemed sensible; he immediately ran away.

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4 Language point: gerund as subject complement

Part A: Look at the following sentences and identify if the gerund or a continuous form of the verb
has been used. Circle the right answer.

1. I enjoy running in the mornings. gerund / continuous

2. They are washing the car right now. gerund / continuous

3. I love sleeping in on weekends. gerund / continuous

4. She was studying for the exam the whole day. gerund / continuous

5. The thing I most love on days off is sleeping in. gerund / continuous

Part B: Create an appropriate ending using a gerund for the following sentence beginnings.

1. One of life’s pleasures is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Something that I hate is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. My favourite thing to do is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. The hardest part of school is.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. One activity that costs a lot of money is... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 Vocabulary
Match the vocabulary to the definitions.

Group 1:

articulate emergence flagged grumpy inevitable

1. (adj.): something that will happen and cannot be avoided

2. (adj.): in a bad mood and irritable

3. (adj.): express clearly in words, especially when speaking

4. (n): appearance of something

5. (adj.): marked for attention

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Group 2:

determinant insinuating quirk vernacular violation

1. (n): an action against a rule or agreement

2. (n): the everyday style of a language spoken by people

3. (n): an aspect of something which is a little bit strange or unusual

4. (v): indirectly suggest something negative about someone or something

5. (n): a factor which decides how something happens.

6 Language point: subordinating conjunctions

Choose the correct option from the following.

1. He quit his job ____________ he got a better offer.

a. because b. but c. before

2. I haven’t seen him ____________ high school.

a. since b. when c. before

3. ____________ it was cold, we put an extra blanket on the bed.

a. Until b. If c. As

4. I won’t have the picnic ____________ the sun comes out.

a. where b. unless c. in case

5. I prefer milk in tea, ____________ my sister prefers it black.

a. where b. because c. whereas

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7 Vocabulary

Choose the correct options in the paragraph.

Recently the media uncovered a bullying scandal at the city’s most prestigious private secondary
school. Ironically, it was someone who was supposed to look after the in her
care. The school job was to listen to her students and to give them advice.
Ironically, she instead them by forcing them to walk around school with their
poor exam results written on their foreheads. She also told them they were stupid and encouraged
many of them to drop out of school. But the teens proved to be .
Not only did they do well in their exams in a new school but they also decided to contact the media
about the situation. The leader of the group, Tim Freed, said: ‘’When she told me to leave school I was
, I cried every day for a week. I didn’t want anyone to know. But then
I realised it was unfair. I decided to change my . I wanted everyone to
know. That’s when I called the others and called the media. It was only then that they fired the bully
and the issue was finally .” Many critics argued that the school effectively
the bullying and it was only when the media became involved that
they did something about it. Tim said: "That should never have been
working with young people. I’m glad that I was strong enough to get through that experience.

1. a. adolescents b. adults c. infants

2. a. counsellor’s b. council c. console
3. a. embarrassed b. refused c. ashamed
4. a. resolution b. resilient c. rabid
5. a. devastation b. devastated c. denied
6. a. tactical b. tactics c. turn
7. a. resolved b. resolute c. resolution
8. a. underscored b. endorsed c. dorsed
9. a. council b. console c. counsellor

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8 Language point: talking about statistics

Match the following with their synonyms.

Group 1:

1. 51% of the group a. fell by

2. increased by b. grew by

3. decreased by c. under

4. less than d. more than half of the group

5. by a tenth e. by 10%

Group 2:

1. a quarter of a. half of all men

2. 1 in 2 men b. 75 per cent of teenagers

3. most teenagers c. almost 60 per cent

4. less than half d. 25% of

5. 58 per cent e. 44%

9 Vocabulary

Complete the gaps in the sentences by unscrambling the words in brackets.

1. The of the witness’s account was called into question. (TYREVIAC)

2. Although the criticism from her boss hurt, she realised that he had no .

3. The on the document helped them identify that it had been copied
illegally. (RATWRKAME)

4. The jeweller checked the piece and confirmed it really was an diamond.

5. The news about a UFO sighting turned out to be a . (OXHA)

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10 Language point: dummy subjects ‘’it” and ‘’there”

Circle the numbers of the sentences which use ‘’it” and ‘’there” as dummy subjects.

1. It is often said that money makes the world go round.

2. I just thought it would be better to take a taxi.

3. There were so many people at the festival.

4. As soon as you start earning money, make sure to save some of it for a rainy day.

5. Don’t worry about packing lunch. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants in the area.

6. The girls are sitting over there on the green picnic blanket.

7. There are many online news websites.

8. The dog belongs to Kathy. It is very intelligent.

9. There are many reasons to take this job.

10. It is hard to believe that space is infinite.

Final score /100

91 - 100 → Excellent work! You are ready for the next unit.

81 - 90 → Very good! Just a few things to check.

71 - 80 → Good. Are there a few things you can check with your teacher or a classmate?

61- 70 → OK. Go back and look at the lessons in this unit again before moving on.

Less than 60 → Talk to your teacher and make an action plan together.

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11 Optional extension: speaking

Discuss the questions in boxes.


1. What are the biggest distractions in life these days?

2. What kind of problems do distractions cause?
3. How can people deal with distractions?
4. Have you ever given up social media and the Internet to deal with distractions?

Informal language

1. When is it appropriate or inappropriate to use informal language?

2. What informal language in English do you know?
3. What are some informal terms used in your native language?


1. What items would you need to do a Harry Potter cosplay?

2. What would you do with a pair of wings if you had them?
3. Look at the photos of these cosplay outfits. Which one do you like the most and why?

picture A picture B picture C

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Internet slang and algospeak

1. What internet terms do you use most frequently online or in messages?

2. What is algospeak? Do you know any examples?


1. What is bullying in general?

2. What is cyberbullying? How is it the same/different?
3. What are some examples of cyberbullying?
4. How could someone deal with cyberbullying?

Fake photos

Argue for or against this statement:

• AI-generated photos are dangerous and should be banned.

Finish the following sentences and discuss your answers.

1. One of life’s pleasures is...

2. Something that I hate is...
3. My favourite thing to do is...

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