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GCSE Geography AQA Revision Notes

1. The Challenge of Natural Hazards 1.2 Tectonic Hazards
1.2.1 Tectonic Hazards

Tectonic Hazards (AQA

GCSE Geography)
Revision Note
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Author Expertise
Bridgette Geography Lead

Plate Tectonics Theory

The structure of the Earth

The Earth is composed of four main layers:
Inner core: About 1400km in diameter, a solid and
dense layer composed of iron and nickel with
temperatures of about 5500°C
Outer core: About 2100km thick, a semi-molten
metal layer with temperatures between about 5000-
Mantle: About 2900km thick, a semi-molten layer
which is less dense than the outer core
Crust: The thickness varies, and is made up of two
types of crust
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Structure of the Earth

There are two types of crust:
The oceanic crust is thinner (5-10km) but heavier and
The continental crust is thicker (25-90km) but is
older and lighter
Oceanic crust is continually being created and destroyed
as a result of plate movement, where it is denser and so
subducts under the continental crust
This is why continental crust is much older than oceanic
crust, as it isn't destroyed

Plate tectonics
The crust is broken into a number of tectonic plates
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Distribution of the major tectonic plates

These plates move on top of the semi-molten mantle
Tectonic theory once stated the movement of the plates
was the result of convection currents in the mantle
Current theory is called slab pull theory which
suggests that the movement is the result of the
weight of the denser oceanic plates subducting and
dragging the rest of the plate along
A plate boundary or margin is where two plates meet

Distribution of Earthquakes & Volcanoes

Earthquake distribution
Earthquakes occur at all types of plate boundaries
Most occur along the Pacific 'Ring of Fire'
(approximately 90%)
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Global earthquake distribution

Volcano distribution
Most volcanoes occur at constructive and destructive
plate boundaries
The majority of active volcanoes (approximately 75%) are
located around the rim of the Pacific Ocean called the
'Ring of Fire'
Hotspots occur away from plate boundaries and are
plumes/columns of magma which escape through the
Earth's crust

Active volcano distribution

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Worked example
Study Figure 1, a world map showing plate
margins and active volcanoes.

Using Figure 1, which one of the following

statements is true?
[1 mark]
A. All active volcanoes occur in lines along plate margins
B. There are more active volcanoes along constructive
margins than destructive margins
C. There are many active volcanoes around the edge of
the Pacific Ocean
D. Active volcanoes are found along the eastern side of
North and South America

C. There are many active volcanoes around the edge
of the Pacific Ocean [1]
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Exam Tip
When describing the distribution of hazards from a map ask
yourself the following questions:
What is the general pattern?
Does the pattern relate to anything else for example the
location of plate boundaries?
Are they close to the equator or further away?
Are they inland or coastal?
Use map features to help with your description - place names,
compass rose, latitude and longitude.

Plate Boundaries

Types of plate boundary

Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes most commonly
occur at or near plate boundaries
There are three main types of plate boundaries:
Conservative (transform)

Constructive plate boundary

At a constructive boundary the plates are moving apart
The Mid Atlantic Ridge is an example of a constructive
plate boundary
Both volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can occur at this
type of plate boundary
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Constructive plate boundary

Destructive plate boundary

At a destructive plate boundary the plates are moving
The denser, heavier oceanic plate subducts under the
lighter, less dense continental plate
The boundary between the Nazca plate and the South
American plate is one example
Both volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur at this
type of plate boundary

Destructive plate boundary

Conservative (transform) boundary Try 7 days free
At a conservative (transform)boundary the plates move
passed each other in opposite directions or in the same
direction at different speeds
Earthquakes are the only hazard at this type of boundary

Conservative (transform) boundary

Worked example
Study Figure 1, a map showing the
tectonic plates in and around North and
South America
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Using Figure 1, name the type of plate

margin at X
[1 mark]
Conservative (transform) - at X the plates are moving
past each other in opposite directions [1]

Exam Tip
When describing the processes which lead to an earthquake
or volcanic eruption, it is helpful to write the formation down
as a sequence of steps. This will make the process easier to
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Primary and secondary hazards

When earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur, there are
primary and secondary hazards
The Primary and Secondary Hazards of Tectonic Activity

Primary Hazards Secondary Hazards

Ash Lahars
Pyroclastic Acidification
Volcanic Lava flow
Eruption Climate change
Gas emissions
bombs Floods

Building collapse
Gas leaks
Earthquake Soil liquefaction
Gas emissions

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1. The Challenge of Natural Hazards Try 7 days free

1.1 Natural Hazards

1.2 Tectonic Hazards

1.2.1 Tectonic Hazards

1.2.2 Responses to Tectonic Hazards

1.2.3 Management of Tectonic Hazards

1.3 Weather Hazards

1.4 Climate Change

2. The Living World

3. Physical Landscapes in the UK

4. Urban Issues & Challenges

5. The Changing Economic World

6. The Challenge of Resource Management

7. Issues Evaluation Try 7 days free

8. Fieldwork

9. Geographical Skills

Author: Bridgette
After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a
PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning,
Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham
focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography
has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about
creating content which supports students in achieving their potential
in geography and builds their confidence.

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