Arab in Sindh - Prof. Mohd Asif

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Welcome to the Class

Islam in India
Unit I- The Early Period
Arabs in Sindh
M.A( Islamic Studies) I semester (2023-24)

Lecture by Mr. Mohd Asif

Centre for Distance and Online Education(CDOE)
Hamdard University(JH)
New Delhi-110019

Muhammad bin Qasim Al-Thaqafi (695–715)

Umayyad General (Ummayyad Dynasty)

Cousin and son in law of Iraq Governor, Hijaj bin Yousaf

Foundation of Islamic Rule in Subcontinent

Causes of Sindh Invasion
Attacked by Raja Dahir’s forces on Muslim’s ship
The Arab were imprisoned later on by the Debal
Hajjaj as a strict administrator ordered to let them free but
Dahir refused.
Hajjaj sent many troops to punish Raja Dahir but all failed.
At last Muhammad Bin Qasim was sent to fight against
Muhammad bin Qasim was well equipped and was
containing brave soldiers.
He marched towards Deabul Via Makran.
 Muhammad Bin Qasim Challenged Raja Dahir for a
battle in 712 A.D
Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir in battles of
Debal and Rawar.
Reason for Success
 Superior military equipment
 Troop discipline and leadership.
 The concept of Jihad as a morale booster.
 Religion; the widespread belief in the prediction of
Muslim success.
 The majority of the population was
Buddhist who were dissatisfied with their rulers, who
were Hindu.
Muhammad Bin Qasim - The Successor
He ruled Sindh for about 3 years.
It was said that he gave religious rights to all peoples.
The civil security and religious rights were guaranteed, as he
said that your temples will be safe and secure as all others
religious groups.
Separate courts for Muslim and Hindus.
 It was said that his humble behavior was the reason locals
converted to Islam even though they were free to spent their
life according to their religion.
Death of Muhammad bin Qasim
Revolt in Umayyad

 Death of Hijaj bin Yousaf

 Mohammad bin Qasim Return

Murdered on way / in Iraq

Sebuktigin, founder of the Ghaznavids Dynasty
(977-1186 AD.)
The founder of the Ghaznavids dynasty was Sebuktigin
(ruled 977–997)AD a former Turkic slave who was
recognized by the Samanids (an Iranian Muslim dynasty)
as governor of Ghazna (modern Ghazni, Afghanistan)

As the Samanid dynasty weakened, Sebuktigin

consolidated his position and expanded his domains as
far as the Indian border.
 Jayapala or Jaipal was a ruler of the Hindu
Shahi dynasty.
His son Maḥmud (ruled 998–1030)
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi
Son of Sabuktagin
Ruled from 998 to 1030AD.
Dynasty (Afghanistan, Eastern Iran, Pakistan, North Eest
 17 expeditions on India
Started from (Khorsan, Balkh, Herat, Merv) Afghanistan,
from Samanids in 999
Seistan "Sijistan"(Iran) 1000AD.
defeats Jaypal (Peshawar) 1001 AD.
Jaypal, ruler of Punjab, Kabul, and Peshawar initiated the
war with his father but Sabuktagin made a peace
agreement to save women and children.
Multan, Ismail shah & Raja Jaypal, Anandapala.
Expeditions in India against Rajput
(Ujjain, Gwalior, Kalinjar, Kannauj, Ajmer, )
Takes Lahore on his return
Kathiawar, Somnath this raid was his last major
Somnath 1025 AD that time the ruler of Gujrat was
Bhima I (Chaulukya King): who killed over 50,000 people
who tried to defend it.
 Sultan Mahmud died on April 30, 1030 at Ghazni.

His Son Sultan Masuood

Sultan Ibrahim
Ghurid dynasty

Time : 1150 to 1206

Founder : Alauddin Husayn.

Sultan Muhammad Shahabu-ddin Ghori

 Mu'izzuddīn Muḥammad Bin Sam

 Born in Ghor, Afghanistan
 Brother Ghayassuddin
 Ghorid’s Dynasty (Afghanistan, Pakistan, North East
Multan & Uch 1175 AD.
Attacked Gujrat 1178AD, defeated by Rajput Bhimdev
Solanki II
Capture Lahore 1181AD.
Conquered Sialkot 1181AD.
 Attacked Battle of Terrain 1191AD against Prithvi Raj
Chohan (Rajput)., Loss
 Attacked Battle of Terrain 1192 AD. again, become
Battle of Chandawar 1194AD. defeated the ruler of
Kannauj Jayachandra (Gahadavala dynasty )
He laid the foundation of the Empire in Northern India
Moved to Ajmer + North Rajasthan
Attacked Ayodhya temple, capture Delhi 1193
Ghori appointed Aibak as the viceroy of his Indian
Conquered Bengal 1204
After the death of Mohd Ghori in 1206AD. His successor
(slave) Qutubuddin Aibak established a new dynasty
Slave Dynasty in India.
 The Coins of Ghori bore the verses of Quran on the
front side and the figure of Goddess Lakshmi on the
reverse side.
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti came to india with Mohammad
Ghori in 1192AD.
Establishment of Delhi Sultanate( 1206-1526) A.D
Thank You

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