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Act 1, Scene 5
At the beginning of this scene Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband in which he tells her about his
recent experiences. Read the letter on lines 1-12 and then decide whether the statements below are true or
false. Find quotes to support your answers.

Statement T F Quotation
1. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth about his
encounter with the witches.

2. Macbeth writes that the witches are

just ordinary human beings.

3. Macbeth explains that he couldn’t

escape from the witches.

4. Macbeth decided to tell Lady Macbeth

about the witches so that she can
rejoice in the knowledge of their future
After reading her husband’s letter Lady Macbeth considers his character and starts to make plans. She is told
that Duncan intends to stay with her that night and when Macbeth returns home she informs him of her plan
to kill Duncan. Continue to decide whether the statements below are true or false and remember to select
quotes to support your answers.
Statement T F Quotation
5. Lady Macbeth doesn’t think that
Macbeth will ever be king.

6. Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth is

too ‘nice’ to kill Duncan.

7. Lady Macbeth wants her husband to

hurry to her so she can encourage him
to overcome everything in the way of
the crown.

8. Lady Macbeth thinks that fate and

supernatural forces have already
determined that Macbeth will be king.

9. Lady Macbeth decides to make Duncan

welcome when he comes to stay.

10. Lady Macbeth calls on angels to help

her with her murderous plans.

11. Lady Macbeth advises Macbeth to

show his true feelings.

12. Lady Macbeth expects to leave all of

the planning to her husband.

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