Enos Neveah - Block 3 Final Project

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My Culture

By: neveah enos

My 1st culture is Apache.
In this culture is Apache. This means alot to me I am a tiny bit of apache. I
get it from my dad from his moms side aka my grandma. In this culture they
have sunrise dances. Sunrise dances is like a girl turning into a woman i'm not
going to explain how. And during the Sunrise dance they have people dressed
in like a white mask and like wooden things on top of there head those are
called crown dancers/mountain spirits the things on top of there head those
are crowns. That's all I know about being Apache.
My 2nd Culture is hopie.

My second Culture is hopie. I don't really know about this one. No one
really told me anything about this culture I only know about the basket
My 3rd is Native American
Native American I have a lot in my system it is from my grandmas side.
On this side we have powwows, basket dancing,ect. Powwows have like
all likes of different feathers. Basket dancing have different kinds of
basket designs.
My 4th is Mexican
I get this from my mom same with the 2nd one my mom really never told me
about this and all I do is go to dances and this has really good food like this one
food it is like corn,mayo, crushed up chips/bread crumbs, and nacho cheese its so
good. And there's this other one it's like bread but it has this sweet crummy this
they put on top of it, it makes like lines of it.
Where I got my information from is my head. I know it all by memory
because I go to everything and I was told I am this my my parents.

Ms.carpenter is the best

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