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Proverbs 9 v 10 The reverent and field; and afterward build your

worshipful fear of the Lord is the house and establish a home.

beginning (the chief and choice part)
of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Prov 28 v 26 .he who walks in skilful
Holy One is insight and understanding. and godly Wisdom shall be delivered.
Psalm 34 v 11 Come you children, Proverbs 1 v 33 But whoso hearkens
listen to Me; I will teach you to to Me (Wisdom) shall dwell securely
revere and worshipfully fear the and in confident trust and shall be
Lord quiet, without fear or dread of evil.
John 16 v 13 But when He the Spirit Psalm 91 v 1 HE WHO dwells in the
of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit)
secret place of the Most High; shall
comes, He will guide you into all the remain stable and fixed under the
Truth (the whole full Truth). For He shadow of the Almighty (Whose
will not speak His own message (on power no foe can withstand)
His own authority); but He will tell
whatever He hears (from the Father; .Luke 6 v 47 For everyone who
He will give the message that has
comes to Me and listens to My
been given to Him), and He will
announce and declare to you the words (in order to heed there
things that are to come (that will teaching) and does them, I will show
happen in the future). you what he is like; He is like a man
building a house, who dug and went
Prov 9 v 1 WISDOM HAS built her down deep and laid a foundation
house; she has hewn out and set up her upon the rock; and when a flood
arose, the torrent broke against that
seven (perfect number of) pillars.
house and could not shake or move
She has killed her beasts, she has
it, because it had been securely built
mixed her (spiritual) wine; she has
or founded on a rock
also set her table.
Jeremiah 31 v 16 Thus says the Lord;
Psalm 81 v 13 Oh, that My people Restrain your voice from weeping and
would listen to Me, that Israel your eyes from tears, for your work
would walk in My ways! shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and
Speedily then I would subdue (your children) shall return from the
their enemies and turn My enemy’s land
hand against their adversaries.
Song of Solomon 2 v 3 Under his
(Had Israel listened to Me in shadow I delighted to sit, and his fruit
Egypt, then) those who hated was sweet to my taste. He brought me
the Lord would have come to the banqueting house, and his
cringingly before Him, and banner over me was love (for love
their defeat would have lasted waved as a protecting and comforting
banner over my head when I was near

Prov 24 v 27 (Put first things first) Matt 7 v 24 So everyone who hears

prepare your work outside and these words of Mine and acts upon
get it ready for yourself in the them (obeying them) will be like a
sensible (prudent, practical, wise) upon the rock; and when a flood
man who built his house upon the arose, the torrent broke against that
rock. And the rain fell and the flood house and could not shake or move
came and the winds blew and beat it, because it had been securely built
against that house; yet it did not fall, or founded on a rock
because it had been founded on the
rock. Psalm 81 v 10 I am the Lord your
God, who brought you up out of the
Submit to God, resist the devil and land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide
he will flee from you that I might fill it.

Prov16 v 7 When a man’s ways Psalm 23 v 5 You prepare a table

please the Lord He makes even his before me in the presence of my
enemies to be at peace with him. enemies. You anoint my head with oil;
my (brimming) cup runs over.
Psalm 6 v 11 But let all those who take
refuge and put their trust in You Psalm 27 v 1 The Lord is the Refuge
rejoice; let them ever sing and shout and Stronghold of my life-of whom
for joy, because You make a covering shall I be afraid.
over them and defend them; let those
also who love Your name be joyful in Prov 25 v 15 By long forbearance
You and be in high spirits. and calmness of spirit a judge or ruler
is persuaded, and soft speech breaks
Psalm 8 v 2 Out of the mouths of down the most bonelike resistance.
babes and unweaned infantsYou have
established strength because of Your John 7 v 17 If anyone desires to do
foes, that You might silence the enemy His will (God’s pleasure) he will
and the avenger. know (have the needed
illumination to recognize, and can
Do not call anything unclean that I
tell for himself) whether the teaching
have made clean.
is from God or whether I am speaking
from Myself and of My own authority.
Psalm 34 v 22 The Lord redeems the
He who speaks on his own authority
lives of His servants, and none of those
seeks to win honor for himself. (He
who take refuge and trust in Him
whose teaching originates with
shall be condemned of held guilty.
himself seeks his own glory.) But He
Who seeks the glory and is eager for
Psalm 31 v 20 In the secret place of
the honor of Him Who sent Him, He
Your presence You hide them from the
is true; and there is no
plots of men; You keep them secretly
unrighteousness or falsehood or
in Your pavilion from the strife of
deception in Him.
Proverbs 2 v 2 Making your ear
Luke 6 v 47 For everyone who
attentive to skilful and godly Wisdom
comes to Me and listens to My and inclining and directing your heart
words (in order to heed there and mind to understanding (applying
teaching) and does them, I will show all your powers to the quest for it. Yes,
you what he is like; He is like a man if you cry out for insight and raise your
building a house, who dug and went voice for understanding. If you seek
down deep and laid a foundation (Wisdom) as for silver and search for
skilful and godly Wisdom as for Prov 18 v 6 A mans gift makes way
hidden treasure. Then you will for him and brings him before great
understand the reverent and men.
worshipful fear of the Lord and find
the knowledge of (our omniscient) Psalm 32 v 7 You are a hiding place
God. for me; You, Lord, preserve me from
trouble. You surround me with songs
Prov 16 v 16 To get understanding is and shouts of deliverance, Selah
to be chosen rather than silver (pause, and calmly think of that)!

Prov 13 v 22 a good man leaves an Choose you this day who you will
inheritance (of moral stability and serve
Psalm 22 v 30 Posterity shall serve
Psalm 34 v 7 The Angel of the Lord Him; they shall tell of the Lord to the
encamps around those who fear Him next generation. They shall come and
(who revere and worship Him with shall declare His righteousness to a
awe) and each of them He delivers. people yet to be born-that He has done
O taste and see that the Lord (our God) it (that it is finished)!
is good! Blessed (happy fortunate, and
to be envied) is the man who trusts Matt 11 v 28 Come to Me, all you who
and takes refuge in Him. labor and are heavy-laden and
overburdened, and I will cause you
Psalm 27 v 5 In the day of trouble He to rest. (I will ease and relieve and
will hide me in His shelter; in the refresh your souls.)
secret place of His tent will He hide Take My yoke upon you and learn of
me, He will set me high upon a rock Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble
And now shall my head be lifted up (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest
above my enemies round about me; (relief and ease and refreshment and
in His tent I will offer sacrifices and recreation and blessed quiet) for
shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I your souls.
will sing praises to the Lord For My yoke is wholesome (useful,
good-not harsh, hard, sharp or
Psalm 81 v 8 Hear, O My people, and pressing, but comfortable, gracious,
I will admonish you-O Israel, if you and pleasant), and My burden is light
would listen to Me! There shall no and easy to be borne.
strange god be among you, neither
shall you worship any alien god Revelation 3 v 7 And to the Angel
(messenger) of the assembly
I will protect all that I have given you (church) in Philadelphia write: These
are the words of the Holy One, the
The wealth of the wicked is stored up True One, He Who has the key of
and finds its way eventually into the David. Who opens and no one shall
hands of the righteous, for whom it shut. Who shuts and no one shall open;
was laid up I know the (record of) your works and
what you are doing. See! I have set
Prov 15 v 6 In the house of the before you a door wide open which no
(uncompromisingly) righteous is one is able to shut; I know that you
great (priceless) treasure have but little power, and yet you have
kept My Word and guarded My and be wise, and do not refuse or
message and have not renounced or neglect it. Blessed (happy, fortunate,
denied My name. to be envied) is the man who listens to
Take note! I will make those of the me, watching daily at my gates,
synagogue of Satan who say they are waiting at the posts of my doors.
Jews and are not, but lie-behold, I
will make them come and bow down Prov 9 v 5 Come, eat of my bread
before your feet and learn and and drink of the (spiritual) wine
acknowledge that I have loved you. which I have mixed.
Because you have kept My word of
patient endurance (have held fast John 6 v 33 For the Bread of God is
the lesson of My patience with the He Who comes down out of heaven
expectant endurance that I give and gives life to the world.
you). I will also keep you (safe) from
the hour of trial (testing) which is Prov 1 v 2 That people may know
coming on the whole world to try skilful and godly Wisdom and
those who dwell upon the earth. I instruction,
am coming quickly; hold fast
what you have, so that no one may Prov 28 v 14 Blessed (happy,
rob you and deprive you of your fortunate, and to be envied) is the man
crown. who reverently and worshipfully
He who overcomes (is fears (the Lord) at all times
victorious), I will make him a (regardless of circumstances)
pillar in the sanctuary of My God;
Matt 22 v 2 The kingdom of heaven is
he shall never be put out of it or go
like a king who gave a wedding
out of it, and I will write on him the
banquet for his son. And sent his
name of My God and the name of
servants to summon those who has
the city of My God, the new
been invited to the wedding banquet
Jerusalem which descends from My
God out of heaven, and My own new
name. Song of Solomon 2 v 14 (while you
He who can hear let him listen to are here) in the seclusion of the
and heed what the Spirit says to the clefts in the solid rock, in the
assemblies (churches). sheltered and secret place of
the cliff, let me see your face,
Prov 14 v 1 EVERY WISE woman
let me hear your voice; for your
builds her house
voice is sweet and your face is lovely.
Proverbs 24 v 3 Through skillful and
godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a Jeremiah 7 v 23 But this thing I did
home, a family) built, and by command them; Listen to and
understanding it is established (on a obey My voice; and I will be
sound and good foundation). your God and you will be My
people; and walk in the whole
Prov 8 v 32 Now therefore listen to
way that I command you; that
Me, O you sons; for blessed (happy,
fortunate, to be envied) are those who it may be well with you.
keep My ways. Hear instruction
Isiah 55 v 1 WAIT and listen, everyone Revelation 22 v 14 Blessed (happy and
who is thirsty! Come to the waters; to be envied) are those who cleanse
and he who has no money, come; buy their garments, that they may
(priceless, spiritual) wine and milk have the authority and right to
without money and without price (approach) the tree of life and to enter
(simply for the self-surrender that through the gates into the city
accepts the blessing).
Why do you spend your money for that Revelation 3 v 3 So call to mind the
which is not bread, and your earnings lessons you received and heard;
for what does not satisfy? Hearken continually lay them to heart and
diligently to Me, and eat what is good, obey them, and repent. In case you
and let your soul delight itself in will not rouse yourselves and keep
fatness (the profuseness of spiritual awake and watch; I will come upon
joy). you like a thief, and you will not know
Incline your ear (submit and consent or suspect at what hour I will come.
to the divine will) and come to Me; Yet you still have a few (persons)
hear, and your soul will revive; and I names in Sardis who have not soiled
will make an everlasting covenant their clothes, and they shall walk
or league with you, even the sure with Me in white, because they are
mercy (kindness, goodwill, and worthy and deserving. Thus shall
compassion) promised to David. he who conquers (is victorious)
be clad in white garments, and
Psalm 89 v 36 I will not lie to David; I will not erase or blot out his
His Offspring shall endure name from the Book of Life; I
forever, and his throne (shall will acknowledge him (as Mine)
continue) as the sun before Me. and I will confess his name
openly before My Father and
Revelation 22 v 16 I am the Root (the
Source) and the Offspring of David,
before His Angels.
the radiant and brilliant Morning Star.
The (Holy) Spirit and the bride (the Psalm 25 v 14 The secret (of the
church, the true Christians) say, sweet, satisfying, companionship) of
Come! And let him who is listening the Lord have they who fear (revere
say, Come! And let everyone come and worship) Him, and He will show
who is thirsty (who is painfully them His covenant and reveal to
conscious of his need of those things them its (deep, inner) meaning.
by which the soul is refreshed,
supported, and strengthened); and Revelation 22 v 20 I am coming
whoever (earnestly) desires to do it, quickly (swiftly, speedily). Amen (so
let him come, take, appropriate, and let it be)! Yes, come, Lord
drink the water of Life without cost.
Revelation 21 v 5 To the thirsty I
(Myself) will give water without price Romans 12 v 1 I APPEAL to you,
from the fountain (springs) of the therefore, brethren, and beg of you
water of Life. in view of (all) the mercies of God,
to make a decisive dedication of your
bodies (presenting all your members
and faculties) as a living sacrifice,
holy (devoted, consecrated) and well Prov Pleasure and relaxation to the
pleasing to God, which is your man of understanding
reasonable (rational, intelligent)
service and spiritual worship. Prov 10 v 31 The mouths of the
righteous (those harmonious with God)
Exekiel 48 v 35 THE LORD IS bring forth skilful and godly
THERE Wisdom

Psalm 89 v 14 Righteousness and James 5 v 20 (procure the pardon of

justice are the foundation of Your the many sins committed by the
throne; mercy and loving-kindness convert).
and truth go before Your face.
Prov The hand of the diligent will rule
Song of Solomon 2 v 15 Take for us
the foxes, the little foxes that Prov 11 v 30 The fruit of the
spoil the vineyards (of our (uncompromisingly) righteous is a tree
love), for our vineyards are in of life, and he who is wise
blossom. captures human lives (for God,
as a fisher of men-he gathers and
Prov 8 v 6 Hear, for I will speak receives them for eternity).
excellent and princely things; and the
opening of My lips shall be for right Matt 4 v 19 And He said to them,
things Come after Me (as disciples-letting
Me be your Guide); follow Me, and I
Prov 10 v 25 but the will make you fishers of men.
(uncompromisingly) righteous have an
everlasting foundation. Prov 15 v 3 Roll your works

Proverbs 6 v 21 bind them continually Prov 3 v 21 My son, let them not

upon your heart and tie them about escape from your sight, but keep
your neck. When you go they (the sound and godly Wisdom and
words of your parent’s God) shall discretion.
lead you; when you sleep; they shall
keep you; and when you waken, they Prov 15 v 4 A gentle tongue (with its
shall talk with you. healing power) is a tree of life

John 6 v 27 Stop toiling and doing and Proverbs 16 v 24 Pleasant words are
producing for the food that perishes as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and
and decomposes (in the using), but healing to the body.
strive and work and produce rather
for the (lasting) food which endures Prov 16 v 21 winsome speech
(continually) unto life eternal); the increases learning (in both speaker
Son of Man will give (furnish) and listener)
you that, for God the Father has
authorized and certified Him and put Faith comes by hearing, hearing
His seal of endorsement upon Him. every word that proceeds from the
mouth of God.
Proverbs 7 v 2 write them on the
tablet of your heart
Prov 14 v 23 but idle talk leads only to melody with all your heart to the
poverty Lord.

Revelation 3 v 22 He who is able to Psalm 82 v 6 I said, You are gods

hear, let him listen to and heed what (since you judge on My behalf, as
the (Holy) Spirit says to the assemblies My representatives); indeed, all of
(churches). you are children of the Most High.

1 John 5 v 2 By this we come to know Prov 29 v 26 Many crave and seek the
(recognise and understand) that we ruler’s favour, but the wise man
love the children of God; when we (waits) for justice from the Lord
love God and obey His commands.
Prov 29 v 17 Correct your son; and
1 John 4 v 6 We are (children) of God, he will give you rest; yes, he will give
Whoever is learning to know God delight to your heart.
(progressively to perceive, recognize,
and understand God by observation Song of Solomon 2 v 10 My
and experience, and to get an ever- beloved speaks and says to me,
clearer knowledge of Him) listens to Rise up, my love, my fair one, and
us; and he who is not of God does not come away.
listen or pay attention to us. By this we
know (recognize) the Spirit of Truth Proverbs 19 v 20 Hear council,
and the spirit of error. receive instruction, and accept
Jeremiah 6 v 16 Thus says the Lord;
Stand by the roads and look; and ask Revelation 3 v 20 Behold, I stand at
for the eternal paths, where the our the door and knock; if anyone hears
good, old way is; then walk in it, and Psalm 32 v 7 You are a hiding place
you will find rest for your souls. But for me; You, Lord, preserve me from
they said, We will not walk in it! trouble. You surround me with songs
and shouts of deliverance, Selah
Psalm 16 v 11 You will show me (pause, and calmly think of that)!
the path of life
Psalm 27 v 5 In the day of trouble He
John 15 v 5 I am the Vine; you are the will hide me in His shelter; in the
branches. Whoever lives in Me and I secret place of His tent will He hide
in him bears much (abundant) fruit me, He will set me high upon a rock
And the two will become one. And now shall my head be lifted up
above my enemies round about me;
Psalm 68 v 11 The Lord gives the in His tent I will offer sacrifices and
word (of power); the women who bear shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I
and publish (the news) are a great host. will sing praises to the Lord
Isiah 41 v 1 LISTEN IN silence Jeremiah 31 v 16 Thus says the Lord;
before Me Restrain your voice from weeping and
your eyes from tears, for your work
Ephesians 5 v 19 Speak out to one shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and
another in Psalms and hymns and (your children) shall return from the
spiritual songs, offering praise with enemy’s land
voices (and instruments) and making
and listens to and heeds My voice Psalm 65 v 1 TO YOU belongs silence
and opens the door, I will come in to (the submissive wonder of
him and will eat with him, and he reverence which bursts forth into
(will eat) with Me. praise) and praise is due and fitting
to You, O God, in Zion; and toYou
Psalm 31 v 24 Be strong and let your shall the vow be performed
heart take courage, all you who wait
for and hope for and expect the Do not be hearers of the word
only but doers
Psalm 32 v 5 I acknowledged my sin to
Psalm 36 v 7 How precious is Your
steadfast love, O God! The children of
men take refuge and put their trust
Psalm 32 v 8 I (the Lord) will
under the shadow of Your wings.
instruct you and teach you in the
way you should go; I will counsel
Psalm 40 v 1 I WAITED patiently
you with My eye upon you.
and expectantly
Prov 10 v 8 The wise in heart will
Prov 16 v 6 By mercy and love, truth
accept and obey commandments
and fidelity (to God and man-not by
sacrificial offerings), iniquity is
Prov 10 v 11 The mouth of the
purged out of the heart, and by the
(uncompromisingly) righteous man is a
reverent, worshipful fear of the Lord
well of life
men depart from and avoid evil.
Proverbs 12 v 26 The (consistently)
Psalm 37 v 4 Delight yourself also in
righteous man is a guide to his
the Lord, and He will give you the
desires and secret petitions of your
heart. Commit your way to the
Prov 10 v 17 He who heeds
Lord (roll and repose each care of
instruction and correction is (not
your load on Him); trust (lean on,
only himself) in the way of life (but
rely on, and be confident) also in
also) is a way of life for others
Him and He will bring it to pass.
Psalm 33 v
Psalm 37 v 7 Be still and rest in the
Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean
Psalm 34 v 5 They looked to Him and
yourself upon Him;
were radiant; their faces shall never
blush for shame or be confused.
Psalm 37 v 9 but those who wait and
hope and look for the Lord (in the
Psalm 34 v 9 O fear the Lord, you
end) shall inherit the earth. His saints (revere and worship Him)!
For there is no want to those who
Psalm 82 v 1 GOD STANDS in truly revere and worship Him with
the assembly (of the godly fear.
representatives) of God; in the Psalm 45 He has made my tongue
midst of the magistrates or like the pen of a ready writer.
judges. He gives judgment (as)
Psalm 27 v 4 One thing have I asked
among the gods. of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire
for, and (insistently) require; that I His victory, His favour, His love, His
may dwell in the house of the Lord peace, His joy, and His matchless,
(in His presence) all the days of my unbroken companionship.
life; to behold and gaze upon the
beauty (the sweet attractiveness and Psalm 40 v 4 Blessed (happy,
the delightful loveliness) of the Lord fortunate, to be envied) is the man who
and to meditate, consider, and inquire makes the Lord his refuge and trust,
in His temple. and turns not to the proud or to
followers of false gods.
Psalm 27 v 7 You have said, Seek My
face (inquire for and require My John 14 v 4 And (to the place) where I
presence as your vital need). am going, you know the way.

Psalm 36 v 7 How precious is Your 1 John 5 v 2 By this we come to know

steadfast love, O God! The children of (recognise and understand) that we
men take refuge and put their trust love the children of God; when we
under the shadow of Your wings. love God and obey His commands
They relish and feast on the (orders charges) – (when we keep
abundance of Your house; and You His ordinances and are mindful of
cause them to drink of the stream of His precepts and His teaching).
Your pleasures. For with You is the
fountain of life; in Your light do we Ecclesiastes 12 v 10 The Preacher
see light. sought acceptable words, even to write
down rightly words of truth or correct
John 4 v 11 How then can You provide sentiment. The words of the wise are
this living water? (Where do You get like prodding goads, and firmly fixed
this living water?) (in the mind) like nails are the
collected sayings which are given (as
John 4 v 14 But whoever takes a drink proceeding) from one Shepherd. But
of the water that I will give him shall about going further (than the words
never, no never, be thirsty any more. given by one Shepherd), My son, be
But the water that I will give him shall warned. Of making books there is no
become a spring of water welling up end (so do not believe everything you
(flowing, bubbling) (continually) read), and much study is a weariness of
within him unto (into, for) eternal the flesh.
James 3 v 14 But if you have bitter
John 4 v 16 Go, call your husband and jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry,
come back here. selfish ambition) in your hearts, do not
pride yourselves on it and thus be in
Isiah 39 v 18 And therefore the Lord defiance of and false to the Truth. This
(earnestly) waits (expecting, looking, (superficial) wisdom is not such that
and longing) to be gracious to you; comes down from above, but is earthly,
and therefore He lifts Himself up, that unspiritual, (animal), even devilish
He may have mercy on you and show (demonical). For wherever there is
loving- kindness to you. For the Lord jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry
is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, and selfish ambition), there will also
fortunate, to be envied) are all those be confusion (unrest, disharmony,
who (earnestly) wait for Him, who rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile
expect and look and long for Him (for practices
Ecclesiastes 12 v 13 All has been
heard; the end of the matter is; Fear
God (revere and worship Him,
knowing that He is) and keep His
commandments, for this is the whole
of man (the full, original purpose of his
creation, the object of God’s
providence, the root of character, the
foundation of all happiness, the
adjustment to all inharmonious
circumstances and conditions under the
sun) and the whole duty for every

Psalm 27 wait for and expect the Lord

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