Problem Set - Diff Eq

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Problem Set

0 −4
I. Let A = .
1 α

1. (2 pts) Find the critical value of α so that the matrix has real and repeated eigenvalues.
2. (4 pts) Solve Y ′ = AY when α = 0.

II. Solve the following differential equations.

√ ! !
−3 2 4
1. (5 pts) Y ′ = √ Y, given that Y (0) =
2 −2 0
! !
2 −1 2t
2. (9 pts) Y ′ = Y + (Use Method of Undetermined Coefficients)
3 −2 et
! !
4 −2 t
3. (9 pts) Y ′ = Y + (Use Variation of Parameters)
8 −4 −t−2

III. (6 pts) Use the Method of Elimination to solve the system

x′′ (t) + 5x(t) − 2y(t) = 0
−2x(t) + y ′′ (t) + 2y(t) = 0.

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