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Business Analytics Exploration Project

Final Project Total weight 20%

As part of our course, we will conduct a comprehensive group project that will cover the full spectrum of
business analytics, from sourcing data to extracting meaningful insights. This project will be completed
in groups of five and will present an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to a real-world-like
scenario in a collaborative setting.

Project Objective:
The aim is to develop your abilities to work as part of a business analytics team, where you will
collectively choose a topic, source relevant data, and utilize analytical and visualization tools to derive
and present insights.

Project Scope:
Your group will be responsible for selecting a topic that intrigues all members. You will need to source
relevant data, cleanse it, conduct exploratory analysis, and then present your findings through
visualizations and a final presentation.

Important dates:
 Group sign-up: February 3, 2024
 Final submission: April 18, 2024. Late projects until April 20, 2024 will be marked out of 15%.
Overdue projects will be rejected.
 Presentations: April 21 to May 11, 2024

1- Data Sourcing and Cleansing Report: Detail your strategy for sourcing and cleansing the data,
including the roles and contributions of each group member.
2- Tableau Dashboard: Present a collection of visualizations from your group's analysis.
3- Group Analytical Report and Presentation: Submit a final report that synthesizes the group's
analytical findings, accompanied by a presentation that showcases your collective understanding
and insights.

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Project Breakdown:
Part 1: Team Formation and Topic Selection

Form a group of four and select a topic for your business analytics project. Consider topics that are both
of interest to the group and feasible in terms of data availability.

Justify your topic choice and the data sources you plan to use. You may use the provided list of data
sources or identify your own. Ensure that your sources are credible.

Part 2: Data Collection and Cleansing (Chapter 2 & 3)

Divide the data collection and cleansing responsibilities among group members. Each member should
ensure that their part of the data is accurate and ready for analysis.

Create a data dictionary that catalogues the details of your dataset. This will serve as a reference for
your data's structure and will be useful for your final report.

Part 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (Chapter 4 & 5)

Assign different aspects of the EDA to each group member. This collaborative effort should provide a
multi-dimensional view of the dataset.

Apply appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data. Document your findings and any interesting
patterns or anomalies you uncover.

Part 4: Data Visualization

As a group, use Tableau to create visualizations that best represent your data analysis. Each member
should contribute to this process, ensuring a diverse yet coherent set of visualizations.

Part 5: Synthesis and Presentation

Combine your individual analyses into a single, cohesive report. This should include all group members'
contributions and a unified conclusion of your findings.

Prepare a group presentation that effectively communicates your data story, analysis, and visualizations.

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External Data Sources
Source Specific Website/Link Description
Category Source
Government General Offers a range of
and Public Authority for statistical data
Sector Data Statistics about Saudi
Government Saudi Open A platform
and Public Data Portal offering access to
Sector Data a variety of public
sector data in
Saudi Arabia.
International World Bank Economic and
Databases Data arabia development
data about Saudi
Private Sector Statista Market and
and Market industry statistics.
Research Data
Private Sector Bloomberg,, Economic and
and Market Reuters business news
Research Data and data
Open Data Kaggle A variety of
Platforms datasets available
for use.

Best of Luck!

Dr. Rabaa Alabdulrahman

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