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Vectorcardiogram Synthesized From a la-lead ECG:

Superiority of the Inverse Dower Matrix

Vectorcardiographic (VCG) criteria for the diagnosis of, for example, myocar-
dial infarction and right ventricular hypertrophy, are superior to the corre-
sponding la-lead ECG criteria. Contour and rotation of the QRS loops are im-
portant parts of these VCG criteria that have no direct counterpart in the la-lead
ECG. Therefore, attempts have been made to synthesize VCGs from la-lead ECGs
for diagnostic purposes. Visual comparison of QRS loops from the Frank VCG
and three different synthesized VCGs was made by three independent observers
to determine which method produces the most Frank-like QRS loops. The inverse
transformation matrix of Dower proved to be the best method of synthesis. Nor-
mal limits for some clinically important measurements in VCG interpretation
were calculated for this synthesis method and the Frank VCG.

Vectorcardiography (VCG) is superior to elec- plemented in the ECG management systems of

trocardiography (ECG) for the diagnosis of, for ex- Marquette Electronics Inc. (Milwaukee, W1j.l’
ample, myocardial infarction and right ventric- Our goal was to determine which method of syn-
ular hypertrophy.1-5 VCG criteria account for thesis yields QRS loops with the greatest simi-
configuration of the loops as well as measure- larity to the QRS loops of the Frank VCG and then
ments of amplitude and duration, whereas con- to present normal limits for the best method of
tour and rotation of the loops have no direct coun- synthesis.
terpart in la-lead ECG.
Although the diagnostic superiority of the VCG
has been established for many years, the 12-lead
ECG is still most widely used. Attempts have been MATERIALS AND METHODS
made to incorporate the concepts of VCG into ECG
interpretation.6,7 One approach is to synthesize a RecordingTechniqueand SynthesisMethods
VCG from the 124ead ECG,* which enables loop
On each subject, a 12-lead ECG and a VCG, per-
configuration to be used in the interpretation of formed according to the method of Frank,” were
the ECG as it is used in VCG interpretation. recorded in rapid succession, with the subject in supine
In this study, we compared three methods of position. The VCGs were recorded with the chest elec-
synthesizing VCG, using the Frank VCG as a ref- trodes in the fourth intercostal space.” Our recording
erence. The first method is based on the Dower technique for VCG has been described elsewhere.13 All
transformation matrix,g the second is that de- ECG leads were recorded and A/D converted simul-
scribed by Bjerle et al.,* and the third is that im- taneously. The synthesized VCG leads were then cal-
culated from the ECG leads, on a computer. After a
change of the coefficients in the equations, the synthe-
sized leads could be recalculated using the same ECG
From the Departmentof Clinical Physiology,Universityof
recording. All VCGs and synthesized VCGs were plot-
Lund, Lund, Sweden.
Supportedby the National AssociationAgainst Chest and ted on a Hewlett-Packard 7550A Graphics Plotter.
Heart Diseases and the Swedish Medical ResearchCouncil, Three different synthesized VCGs (SVCG) were stud-
Grant 02872. ied. The first SVCG, SVCG A, results from the inver-
Reprint,requests to: Lars Edenbrandt,M.D., Department sion of the equations proposed by Dower et al.’ for cal-
of Clinical Physiology, University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund, culating la-lead ECGs from Frank VCGs (for details,
Sweden. see appendix). The resulting relationships are:


Xa = -0.172.V1 - 0.074.Vo + 0.122.Vo + 0.231.V4 + 0.239.V5 + 0.194.Vo + 0.156.1 - 0.010.11

Ya = 0.057.V1 - 0.019.Vz - 0.106.Vo - 0.022.V4 + 0.041.Vs + 0.043Vo - 0.227.1 + 0.887.11
ZA = -0.229.Vi - 0.31O.Va - 0.246,Vo - 0.063.V4 + 0.055.V5 + O.lOf+Vo + 0.022.1 + 0.102.11

The second SVCG, SVCG B, is based on the

in the normal material. Normal limits for some clini-
equations proposed by Bjerle et al.‘: cally important measurements in VCG interpretation
Xn = 1.06.Va were calculated for the best synthesis method and the
Frank VCG. The normal limits are defined as the 2.5
Yn = 1.88*VF = 1.25aVF
and 97.5 percentiles and are given separately for men
Zs = 0.043*Vs - 0.532.Vz and women.
The third SVCG, SVCG C, is the one that is
implemented in the ECG management systems of
Marquette Electronics Inc. (Milwaukee, WI)lO:
xc = I
Ye = aVF Figures 1 and 2 are examples of characteristic
Zc = -0.80’1 + VJ2) differences between the Frank VCG and the
SVCGs. In a woman in the normal material (Fig.
l), the greatest differences in the scalar leads are
Study Group
the lower amplitudes in lead Xc and the higher
The comparison between the three SVCGs and the amplitudes in Zc, compared with Frank leads X
Frank VCG was made on recordings from 80 subjects. and Z, respectively. These differences become
Fifty of the subjects were patients referred to the Clin- even more marked in the QRS loops. Differences
ical Physiology Department for vectorcardiography and
in the scalar leads between Frank VCG, SVCG A,
30 subjects were selected at random from the normal
and SVCG B are not so obvious. The QRS loops
material, described below. Interpretation of the 80
Frank VCGs, considering established VCG criteria,2,4s5,
of SVCG A are, however, more Frank-like than
14,15yielded the following diagnoses: anterior myocar- those of SVCG B.
dial infarction, 9; inferior myocardial infarction, 16; Figure 2 shows QRS loops in the horizontal
posterior myocardial infarction, 5; right ventricular hy- plane of Frank VCG and SVCG A, B, and C. In
pertrophy, 11; and normal findings, 39. Frank VCG most of the QRS loop area is in the
right posterior quadrant. This is one of the mea-
Normal Material
surements used in the criteria for the diagnosis
The subjects included in the normal material were of right ventricular hypertrophy.15 The Frank
selected at random from a defined urban population. VCG and SVCG A have similar configurations,
Altogether, 472 subjects were examined and inter- and in SVCG C, also, most of the QRS loop area
viewed. Those with known or suspected heart disease,
is in the right posterior quadrant. The greatest
lung disease, or any other pathologic condition that
difference is seen between the Frank VCG and
may influence the ECG or VCG were excluded, as were
six subjects with technically deficient ECG or VCG. A
SVCG B, which has only a small S wave in lead
total of 351 subjects (158 men and 193 women) aged
21-60 years were finally accepted for the study. The
material has been described in detail elsewhere.17
Visual Comparison of Methods Ability of Methods A, B, and C to Synthesize a
Frank-like VCG, in 80 Subjects
Visual comparison of the QRS loops from the Frank
VCG and the three SVCGs was made by two physicians SVCG
experienced in VCG interpretation and one technician No SVCG
familiar with Frank VCGs. For each of the 80 Frank Observer A B C Selected Total
VCGs, the three SVCGs were presented to the observ-
1 47 4 5 24 80
ers in random order with no indication of which method
2 62 4 5 9 80
of synthesis had been used. The observers decided, in-
3 55 8 4 13 80
dependent of each other, whether or not one of the
SVCGs showed greater agreement with the Frank VCG Total 164 16 14 46 240
than the other two.
Selection by three observers of the synthesized VCG
that agreed best with the Frank VCG. No SVCG was
Numerical Comparison and Normal Limits
selected when two of the SVCGs were equivalent and
Differences in measurements of the QRS and T loops agreed better with the Frank VCG than the third SVCG
between the Frank VCG and the SVCGs were studied or when all three SVCGs were equivalent.


XL XA--h- xBL XC-+-

YL- y*,h^_ ,L &-

Z--L ZA-L ‘B-k- zC -L

I, 0.5

Fig. 1. Frank VCG and synthesizedVCGs A, B, and C in a normal subject. Scalar leads and QRS loops of the
horizontal, frontal, and left sagittal plane. Each loop has an indication at 25 msec and 50 msec after QRS onset.
Marks on the axes indicate 1 mV.

Xn and consequently does not produce a Frank- terial are shown in Table II. The differences in R
like QRS loop in the horizontal plane. wave amplitudes in the scalar leads were smallest
for SVCG B and greatest for SVCG C. The R wave
Comparison of Methods for Synthesis amplitudes were 40% smaller in lead Xc and 50%
larger in lead Zc than in Frank leads X and Z,
The results of visual comparison of the SVCGs respectively. Therefore, the maximal QRS vector
and the Frank VCG are shown in Table I. The in the horizontal plane was on average 35” more
three observers selected SVCG A in about two posteriorly directed in SVCG C than in Frank
thirds of the cases. SVCG B and C were each se- VCG. In SVCG A and SVCG B, this vector was
lected in less than one tenth of the cases. on average only slightly more anteriorly directed
The differences in measurements between the than in the Frank VCG. However, the maximal
SVCGs and the Frank VCG in the normal ma- T vector in the same plane was on average slightly


x- xA-+---- XB- xC----+--

zh ZA--h- ZBJ- z,-_,

I,0.5 s

Fig. 2. Horizontal QRS loops of Frank VCG and synthesizedVCGs A, B, and C in a patient with a Frank VCG
indicating right ventricular hypertrophy.Each loop has an indication at 25 msec and 50 msec after QRS onset.
Marks on the axes indicate 1 &V. - _

more anteriorly directed for all synthesis meth- tablish ECG criteria with new limits for ampli-
ods. Even though there are great differences be- tudes and durations.7 The ECG is then inter-
tween the SVCGs with regard to scalar ampli- preted by measuring amplitudes and durations for
tudes, the maximal spatial amplitudes were about 1 of the 12 ECG leads at a time and comparing
0.1 mV larger in all SVCGs than in the Frank them with thresholds. Another approach is to pre-
VCG. dict the configuration of the VCG loops from the
12-lead ECG.’ The contour and rotation of the
Normal Limits QRS loops are important elements of VCG criteria
that have no direct counterparts in 12-lead ECG.
The normal limits for measurements used in
Warner et a1.6studied temporal relationships be-
the criteria for diagnosis of myocardial
tween portions of the QRS recorded in lead II and
infarction4s5*14and ventricular hypertrophy2,15,16
those recorded in lead III to predict the contour
are presented in Table III. Most of the differences
of the frontal plane loop of the VCG. They pro-
between the limits in the Frank VCG and SVCG
posed new ECG criteria for inferior myocardial
A are small, but some may be of diagnostic im-
infarction with performance similar to that of the
corresponding VCG criteria. These new ECG cri-
In women, more anteriorly directed vectors are
teria were more sensitive than conventional ECG
seen in SVCG A than in Frank VCG; this results
in a more anteriorly directed half-area vector in
The aim of this study was to find a method for
the horizontal plane and a higher upper limit for
synthesizing a complete Frank-like VCG for di-
anterior duration. The upper limits of the maxi-
agnostic purposes. Therefore, the most important
mal QRS vector in the horizontal plane are
part of the study was the visual comparison of the
greater in SVCG A for both men and women. Late
SVCGs with the Frank VCG as a reference. In the
vectors directed to the right are less pronounced
majority of cases, SVCG A proved to synthesize
in SVCG A than in the Frank VCG (Fig. 1). This
the most Frank-like VCG. For some measure-
also influences the upper limits of the QRS loop
ments, such as R wave amplitudes in the scalar
areas in the right posterior and right inferior
leads, SVCG B showed greater similarities with
quadrants in the horizontal and frontal plane,
the Frank VCG than did SVCG A, but these dif-
ferences were usually small.
The fact that method A produces a more Frank-
DISCUSSION like VCG than the other two methods does not
necessarily imply that the diagnostic information
One approach to incorporating the concepts of content is greater in SVCG A than in the SVCG
VCG into the analysis of 12-lead EGC is to es- B and SVCG C. However, one can apply experi-

Amplitudes and Directions in 351 Normal Subjects


Frank SVCG A-Frank SVCG B-Frank SVCG C-Frank

R, amplitude (mV) 1.02 f 0.34 0.20 k 0.22 0.12 r 0.27 -0.41 ? 0.19
R, amplitude (mV) 0.98 +- 0.35 -0.15 k 0.14 0.04 % 0.20 -0.17 t 0.14
R, amplitude (mV) 0.84 f 0.29 0.13 * 0.19 0.01 k 0.19 0.54 k 0.31
Max spatial QRS vector amplitude (mV) 1.57 2 0.38 0.12 k 0.24 0.14 t 0.29 0.09 * 0.36
Max horizontal QRS vector direction (“) 37 k 32 -6 t 25 -6 c 25 35 t 30
Max horizontal T vector direction (“) -31 k 18 -11 2 10 -14 * 11 -16 k 15

Values given are mean 4 SD.

ence from Frank VCGs in interpreting SVCGs if the Frank VCG fulfills criteria for inferior myo-
the differences between them are small. cardial infarction.4 The configuration of the fron-
Figure 3 illustrates a situation in which SVCG tal loop in SVCG A is very similar to that of the
A can improve the diagnostic performance of Frank VCG. Interpreting SVCG A using Frank
ECG. ECG, Frank VCG, and SVCG A are re- VCG criteria would also yield the diagnosis of in-
corded for a patient with myocardial infarction ferior myocardial infarction.
verified by myocardial scintigraphy. There are no The slightly more complex calculations used for
pathologic Q waves in the inferior ECG leads, but SVCG A than for SVCG B and SVCG C are not

Normal Limits for SVCG A and Frank VCG

SVCG A Frank

Men Women Men Women

Anterior Ml
Q, duration (msec) LL 22 21 25 22
Q, amplitude (mV) LL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Inferior Ml
Q, duration (msec) UL 33 28 30 26
Q, amplitude (mV) UL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
C&,/R, amplitude ratio UL 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Max frontal QRS vector direction (“) LL 5 11 13 23
Posterior Ml
Q, duration (msec) UL 52 52 51 42
Q, amplitude (mV) UL 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.6
Anterior accession time (msec) UL 38 37 38 32
Direction of half-area vector in the horizontal plane (“) LL -13 -14 -14 0
Left VH
Max horizontal QRS vector amplitude (mV) UL 2.6 2.1 2.1 1.7
Max horizontal T vector direction (“1 LL -78 -75 -67 -60
Right VH
Left posterior diagonal amplitude (LPD) (mV) LL 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3
Q, + S, - LPD amplitude (mV) UL 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.1
Percent of the total QRS loop area in the:
Right inferior quadrant in the frontal plane UL 38 20 40 28
Right posterior quadrant in the horizontal plane UL 26 18 36 25
Right posterior and the two anterior quadrants in the UL 78 63 75 55
horizontal plane

LL, lower normal limit; UL, upper normal limit; MI, myocardial infarction; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy;
RVH, right ventricular hypertrophy.


25 4

aVF _

Ill --y- t

1mV 0.5 s
I, I

Fig. 3. Inferior leads II, aVF, and III and the frontal QRS loops of Frank VCG and SVCG A in a patient with
myocardial infarction, Each loop has an indication at 25 msec and 50 msec after QRS onset. Marks on the axes
indicate 1 mV.

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SVCG A is constructed with an inverse Dower Let x denote the vector of the three Frank VCG
transformation matrix. Dower et al.’ derived a 12- leads and v the vector of the eight independent
lead ECG from Frank leads X, Y, and Z. For ex- ECG leads. Then
ample, they found that:
Ax = v
V1 = -0.515.x + 0.157.Y - 0.917.2 Let
M = A’A
The 24 coefficients of leads X, Y, and Z that they
used to derive the eight independent leads (VI-
Vc, I and II) of a 12-lead ECG are given in the M-‘M = I
transformation matrix A: where I is the identity matrix.

- 0.515 0.157 -0.917 Then

0.044 0.164 - 1.387 x = Ix = M-lMx = M-lATAX = M-IA’+
0.882 0.098 - 1.277
1.213 0.127 - 0.601 where M -IAT is the inverse Dower transforma-
A= tion matrix presented in the text. Numerically, it
1.125 0.127 - 0.086
0.831 0.076 0.230 was found that:
0.632 - 0.235 0.059 -0.172-0.074 0.122 0.2310.2390.194 0.156 -0.010
M-'AT = 0.057 -0.019 -0.106 -0.022 0.0410.048 -0.227 0.667
0.235 1.066 - 0.132 -0.229 -0.310 -0.246 -0.063 0.0550.108 0.022 0.102

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