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Grade 10-Level L

T2 Chemistry Level L Revision Plan:

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Revision:

[G]Q1, 10-15, 19- [G]Q15, 17, 22-24 Chapter 5:
20 [T]Q26 p. 167 # 29 and 33
p. 170 # 12
12 Chapter 6:
Feb 25 – 29 p. 52 # 5
p. 54 # 16
p. 55 # 22
p. 56 # 32 and 38

Term 2
Grade 10 – Level L
Chemistry Final Revision Sheet

Material: Chapters 5 - 6

| Level L | 1
Chemistry Revision Sheet
1. Consider the following solids: Diamond - NaCl - Gold.
a. Which of these is a solid that conducts electricity? _________

b. Which of these is a metallic solid? ________

c. Which of these is a network solid? _________

2. On a dry day, if you are running, you feel cold. Explain.


3. Charcoal and silica gel are both adsorbing agents. Which of these two can be
used to adsorb impurities in brewed tea and coffee. Explain.

4. A sample of 0.6 mol of oxygen gas and 0.1 mol of nitrogen gas are placed in an
empty container of volume 3L. The total pressure in the container is 5 atm. Find
the volume of the oxygen gas.

5. In which of the following places will ethanol have the lowest boiling point? At
(0/800/400) meters above sea level.

6. When a liquid is heated at its boiling point, the temperature stays constant and
the (kinetic/potential) energy of the molecules increases.

7. When a solute is added to a pure liquid, what happens to the following physical
a. vapour pressure: _______
b. boiling point: _______
c. freezing point: _______
d. density: _______

8. Name the following compounds:

a. CaCl2: ______________ b. Na2Cr2O7: ______________
c. AgBr: ______________ d. MgSO4: ______________

| Level L | 2
9. a.Find the pressure of the gas in the manometer if Patm = 660 mmHg.


b. Calculate the pressure of the gas in the manometer if the atmospheric pressure
is 740 mmHg.


10. Define the following terms

a. Effusion of gases

b. Diffusion of gases

11. What happens to the kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas if the temperature
is dropped from 200°C to 100°C?

| Level L | 3
12. When Mg reacted with HCl, H2 gas was produced and collected in a gas
measuring tube. In order to read the volume of the gas, we should
a. close the bottom of the tube with a thumb, take the tube out of water, then take
the reading.
b. put a piece of white paper behind the level of the meniscus in the tube then take
the reading.
c. move the tube up or down until the level of the water inside and outside the tube
is the same, then take the reading.
d. transfer the gas gently to a burette then take the reading.
e. transfer the gas gently to a pipette then take the reading.

13. When Mg reacted with HCl, H2 gas was produced and collected in a gas
measuring tube. In order to determine the pressure of the hydrogen gas, we should
a. add the vapor pressure of water to the atmospheric pressure
b. subtract the vapor pressure of water from the atmospheric pressure
c. just read the atmospheric pressure
d. first dry the hydrogen gas by passing it through a cotton towel
e. "pop" the hydrogen gas with pure oxygen and determine the mass of water

14. If 40.0 dm3 of nitrogen gas were collected over water at 22°C when the
atmospheric pressure is 0.956 atm, what is the volume of the dry nitrogen at STP
assuming ideal behaviour? (Vapor pressure of water at 22°C is 0.026 atm).

| Level L | 4
15. Suppose you have collected 300 cm3 of oxygen gas over water at 25°C. The
atmospheric pressure is 0.950 atm, and the vapor pressure is 0.031 atm at 25°C.
How many grams of oxygen have you collected?

16. Equal number of moles of methane gas, CH4, and helium gas, He, were
allowed to effuse out of a container at the same temperature. [C=12; H=1; He=4]
Compare the rate of effusion of these gases.

17. Which of the following is true?

a The vapour pressure of a substance depends only on temperature.
b. The vapour pressure of ethanol (boiling point: 78°C) is higher than that of water
in an ethanol-water mixture.
c. The vapour pressure increases when the surface area of liquid exposed to air
d. The vapour pressure of a liquid decreases when a solute is added.

18. a. Which of the following has more kinetic energy at 100°C: water, steam, or

b. Which would cause the most severe burns: Putting your hand in liquid water at
100°C or steam at 100°C?

19. a. Name all apparatus needed to perform a distillation.


| Level L | 5
b. Name the liquid collected at the end of distillation.

c. When do we use a fractional distillation?


d. What is a fractionating column?


20. Provide examples of mixtures that can be separated using fractional


21. a) How would you obtain dry sand and dry salt from a mixture of sand and
salt? Describe clearly all the steps you follow.

b) Sugar dissolves in water and alcohol, and salt dissolves in water but not in
alcohol. How do you separate a mixture of salt and sugar?

22. It is required to heat a beaker containing some alcohol. How should this be
done SAFELY?

23. What does it mean to say that a substance sublimes?


24. When do we use a separating funnel?

| Level L | 6
25. Explain how you would prepare a 1.00 L of 1.00 M NaCl solution.

26. a) How many moles of a salt should be dissolved in 0.50 dm3 of water to make
a 0.25 M solution of that salt?

b) What volume of water should be used to dissolve 0.20 mol of a salt, knowing
that the concentration of the resulting solution is 0.10 M?

27. Describe the structure of the solid ionic compound NaCl.


28. Deduce the empirical formula of the compound made of the following ions:
a. B3+ and S2-
b. NH4+ and SO32-
c. Al3+ and CO32-

29. Magnesium metal reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and hydrgen
gas according to the following: Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
500 cm3 of a 1.4M solution of HCl were introduced into a 5dm3 sealed vessel that
contains a magnesium strip of mass 7.2g. The temperature of the vessel being
127°C, find the pressure exerted by the gas produced. [Mg=24, H=1, Cl=35.5,
R=0.08 atm.dm3.K-1.mol-1]

| Level L | 7
30. 40 cm3 of 0.20M of KCl were added to 60 cm3 of 0.40 M of CaCl2.
a. Find the number of moles of each chemical added.

b. Calculate the total concentration of the chloride ions present in the solution,
given that no reaction takes place when the solutions are mixed.

31. Differentiate between solutions and pure substances, with respect to melting
and boiling points.

32. Some CO2 and 32 g of SO2 gas were placed in a 2400 cm3 cylinder at 27°C.
The total pressure was 15 atm. [R=0.08] Calculate the mass of CO2 present.

33. 7.1 g of Na2SO4 were dissolved in enough water to make a 400 cm3 solution.
What is the concentration of this solution? [S=32, O=16, Na=23]

34. 246kJ are required to melt 2 moles of NaCl. Write an equation representing the
fusion of a mole NaCl.

35. At what temperature will 10 mol of CO occupy 1 L at 1.6 atm? [R=0.08]


| Level L | 8
36. Give the formula of
a. Rubidium nitride:
b. Barium phosphide:
c. Lithium sulfide:
d. Calcium fluoride:

37. An ideal gas is contained in a 1 dm3 cylinder with a moveable piston at a

temperature of 27°C and a pressure of 180 mmHg. The gas is then compressed to a
volume of 200 cm3 and the temperature is raised to 127°C. What is the new
pressure, in mmHg, of the gas?

38. A precipitate of beryllium hydroxide can be obtained by adding dilute lithium

hydroxide to a solution of beryllium sulfate. Write a complete ionic equation (with
state symbols) for the reaction.

39. 600 cm3 of 0.5 M CaCl2 solution was mixed with 400 cm3 of 1M Na2CO3
solution. A white CaCO3 precipitate was formed according to the following
equation: Ca2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) → CaCO3 (s) [CaCO3=100]
a. Calculate the mass of precipitate formed.

b. Find the final concentration of each ion in the mixture.


| Level L | 9
40. Matter is classified into elements, compounds and mixtures.
a. Explain the difference between an element and a compound.

b. A student wants to separate water from a mixture of sand and sugar. Name the
processes used to separate water from the mixture, in the correct order.

c. Fractional distillation is used to separate two miscible liquids having close

boiling points. A student uses the apparatus below to separate a mixture of two
alcohols of boiling points 138°C and 157°C, respectively.

i. Name apparatus X.

ii. R and W are two opening in the condenser. Which of the two openings is the
cold water inlet?

iii. Why is it not recommended to use the above apparatus to separate the two

iv. Another student suggests that if he replaces the water bath with a Bunsen
burner the above apparatus would be suitable to separate the two alcohols. Do you
agree with him? Explain your reasoning.

| Level L | 10
v. What apparatus can be fitted into the fractionating column to ensure purity of
the alcohol extracted?

vi. Which alcohol is collected first in beaker A?


| Level L | 11

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