07 生存游戏

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⽣存游戏/(英)布鲁克(Brooke, H.)著.—北京:外语教学与
ISBN 978-7-5600-5454-4

Ⅰ.⽣… Ⅱ.布… Ⅲ.①英语—语⾔读物②短篇⼩说—英国—

现代 Ⅳ.H319.4: I


出版⼈: 蔡剑峰
责任编辑: 余 军
封⾯设计: 孙莉明
出版发⾏: 外语教学与研究出版社
社 址: 北京市西三环北路19号(100089)
⽹ 址: http://www.fltrp.com
书 号: ISBN 978-7-5600-5454-4
* * *
制售盗版必究 举报查实奖励
⽬ 录
ACTIVITIES Before Reading
ACTIVITIES While Reading
ACTIVITIES After Reading


1 Your name is Chris, and you are in a small plane, going across the
Rocky Mountains. Suddenly the engine starts to make strange noises and
the plane begins to go down into one of the mountains. Your radio does not
work, and nobody knows where you are.
■ Go to 20 .
2 You walk for about twenty minutes, wearing the coat and carrying
the whisky and the map. The snow is deep and you are very cold.
■ You go back to the plane and get some different things. Go to 29 .
■ You want to get warm and you drink the whisky. Go to 34 .

3 You go back to sleep. You don't hear the helicopter again. The
next day you walk down the river again.
■ Go to 21 .
4 You walk back out of the tunnel and into the rocky valley.
■ Go to 16 .
5 You eat the fruit. It isn't very good, but you're very hungry so you
eat a lot. You take some with you. You can eat it later.
■ Go to 10 .
6 You walk for about twenty minutes, wearing the coat and carrying
the bananas and the cigarette lighter. The snow is deep and you are very
cold. You go into the trees and light a fire.
■ Go to 36 .
7 It's evening again, but because of the fish you are not hungry. You
make a small house under the trees. You wake up early in the morning.
There's a lot of noise. You run out and look up. There's a helicopter in the
sky. You can see it, but it can't see you because of the trees, and it is going
■ You run after the helicopter. Go to 31 .
■ You go back to sleep. Go to 3 .
■ You build a big fire. Go to 35 .
■ You shout at the helicopter and wave your arms. Go to 37 .
8 You are a long way down the valley, and it is nearly night again.
You make a fire in the trees and eat the bananas. The next morning you are
very hungry. You must find something to eat. In the snow you see the tracks
of an animal. Perhaps you can kill and eat this animal.
■ You walk after the tracks. Go to 39 .
■ You are afraid of big animals. Perhaps the animal is dangerous. You
walk down the mountain. Go to 17 .
9 You walk for a few minutes, carrying the bananas, the cigarette
lighter and the map. But it is very cold.
■ You light a fire. Go to 36 .
■ You go back to the plane and get the whisky. Go to 34 .
10 It is now afternoon. You begin to feel very ill. Perhaps the fruit is
poisonous. You sit down in the snow. You cannot walk. You sit in the snow
and get colder and colder.
■ Go back to1 .
11 You turn to the right and the plane hits the trees.
■ Go back to1 .
12 You walk across the lake. After a few minutes, you go through
the ice, and you fall into the icy water.
■ Go back to1 .
13 You walk for a few minutes, carrying the whisky, the cigarette
lighter and the bananas. You are very cold.
■ You drink the whisky. Go to 34 .
■ You go back to the plane, leave the whisky and take the coat. Go to 6
14 There is ice over the river, but there are holes in it. You see that
there are fish in the river. Perhaps you can catch a fish and eat it.
■ You try and catch a fish through the ice. Go to 26 .
■ Fishing in the river is very dangerous. You walk on. Go to 21 .
15 You turn to the left because you want to land on the snow. The
plane goes into the snow and stops. You are safe, but you are at the top of a
mountain and it is very cold. And it is evening.
■ You stay in the plane. Go to 24 .
■ You go down the mountain. Go to 29 .

16 It is very difficult to go past the rocks in the valley. After a few

minutes you are very tired.
■ You go on down the valley. Go to 8 .
■ You go back up the valley and into the tunnel. Go to 33 .

17 You walk through the trees down the mountain. You are very
hungry. You see some strange fruit on one of the trees.
■ You eat the fruit. Go to 5 .
■ You don't eat the fruit. Go to 23 .
18 You walk carefully onto the lake. After a few hundred metres, the
ice begins to move under your feet.
■ You go on across the lake. Go to 12 .
■ You go back and walk around the lake. Go to 28 .
19 You make another fire. After about two hours you hear the
helicopter again. This time it sees the smoke and lands on the snow near
you. You are safe. You fly to hospital where you can rest and eat.

20 You are going down very fast into the mountain but you can turn
the plane to the left or the right. To the right there are some trees. To the left
there is deep snow.
■ You turn to the right. Go to 11 .
■ You turn to the left. Go to 15 .
21 You walk on down the river. You are now very hungry. You must
eat something. There is fruit on the trees, or fish in the river.
■ You try and catch a fish. Go to 26 .
■ You eat some fruit. Go to 5 .
22 The rope breaks.
■ Go back to1 .
23 You continue through the snow. There is nothing to eat, but you
can make fires, and there is snow to drink. Suddenly you come to an icy
■ You walk across the lake. It's quicker, and you must find something to
eat. Go to 18 .
■ You walk around the lake. You can look for a river. Go to 28 .
24 You stay in the plane. But it is very cold. Do you really want to
■ Go to 29 .
25 You stay in the plane for four days. You see and hear nothing.
You must go down the mountain.
■ Go to 27 .
26 You fish for about twenty minutes. Finally you catch one. You
catch more. You are now very cold, so you make a fire and cook and eat a
fish. It's very good.
■ Go to 7 .
27 You go down the mountain. After a few minutes you see a tunnel
in front of you. There is a small valley to your left with a lot of rocks in it.
■ You go down the valley. Go to 16 .
■ You go into the tunnel. Go to 33 .

28 You walk around the lake. After about five kilometres you find a
river. The water is going out of the lake and down a valley.
■ You go on around the lake. Go to 38
■ You walk down the river. Go to 14 .
29 You want to go down the mountain. There are some things in the
plane. You can take some of them with you. What do you take?
■ The coat, the whisky, and the map. Go to 2 .
■ The coat, the bananas, and the cigarette lighter. Go to 6 .
■ The bananas, the cigarette lighter, and the map. Go to 9 .
■ The whisky, the cigarette lighter, and the bananas. Go to 13 .

30 The smoke goes up into the sky all day. But you don't see the
helicopter. You wait all day. The next morning you wake up early again.
■ You build another fire. Go to 19 .
■ You walk down the river. Go to 21 .

31 You run after the helicopter but it is going very fast. You have to
go up the mountain, and you walk all day in the deep snow, but you don't
see the helicopter again.
■ Go to 23 .
32 You stay near the plane. You sit by the fire and watch the sky for
two days. Nothing happens.
■ You stay near the plane. Go to 25 .
■ You try and go down the mountain. Go to 27 .
33 You walk into the tunnel. It's very dark. You see a lamp and you
light it.
■ Go to 40 .
34 You want to get warm, so you drink the whisky. But you don't get
warm, you just feel tired, very tired.
■ Go back to1 .
35 You build a big fire. There is a lot of smoke. You watch it go up
into the sky.
■ Go to 30 .
36 You sit all night in the trees in front of your fire. It is cold, but
you have a good fire. You can sleep a little. You need to think about what
you can do in the morning.
■ You stay near the plane with a fire. Go to 32 .
■ You go down the mountain. Go to 27 .
37 You shout at the helicopter and wave your arms. The helicopter
turns and comes back for a minute. Then it starts to go up the mountain.
■ You run after the helicopter. Go to 31 .
■ You go back to sleep. Go to 3 .
■ You build a big fire. Go to 35 .

38 You walk all round the lake. You are very tired and you don't find
anything to eat. You must go down the river.
■ Go to 14 .
39 You walk in the tracks for a long way through the trees. They go
behind a big tree. You look behind the tree and you see a very big bear. You
don't think you can eat this. You walk quietly away.
■ Go to 17 .
40 You walk down into the mountain for about ten minutes. You
come to a big hole in the ground. There is an old rope in the hole.
■ You go down the rope. Go to 22 .
■ You go back up the tunnel. Go to 4 .
Before Reading
1. Look at the front and back covers of the book and choose the correct
ending for these sentences.
1) This book is _____
a a love story.
b a detective story.
c an adventure story.
d a science fiction story.

2) The story happens in _____

a Australia.
b North America.
c England.
d Africa.

3) Which of these things are in the story, do you think?

a a bicycle
b a car
c a cat
d a coat
e a dog
f a plane
g a telephone
h a tree
While Reading
1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1) Chris has a big plane.
2) There are two people in the plane.
3) The radio works.
4) The engine is making strange noises.
5) Chris can turn the plane to the left.
6) There are some trees to the left.
7) There are some trees to the right.

2. Which way does Chris turn the plane, do you think?

1) To the right.
2) To the left.


1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1) It is very cold.
2) Chris can light a fire.
3) There is no snow on the mountain.
4) There are a lot of rocks.
5) Chris has a cigarette lighter.

2. What next?
Chris _____
1) finds a person in the tunnel.
2) finds an animal in the tunnel.
3) doesn't go into the tunnel.
4) finds nothing in the tunnel.


1. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1) There is nothing to eat in the mountains.
2) There can be dangerous animals in the mountains.
3) The cigarette lighter is very useful for Chris.
4) The whisky is very useful for Chris.
5) Chris can be warm.
6) There are a lot of people in the mountains.

2. What next?
1) Chris ______
a sees the helicopter again.
b sees a plane.
c walks down the valley again.
2) The helicopter
a hits the mountain and explodes.
b sees Chris.
c goes away and doesn't come back.
After Reading
1. Answer these questions.
1) Which dangerous animal lives on the mountain?
2) What is white, deep and very cold?
3) What animal lives in rivers?
4) What does Chris use to light a fire?
5) Does Chris walk up or down the mountain?
6) How many nights is Chris on the mountain?

2. Choose the correct ending to these sentences.

1) The plane hits the mountain______
a because the radio doesn't work.
b because the engine stops.
c because it is snowing.
2) The lake is dangerous______
a because there are fish in it.
b because it is on fire.
c because there are holes in the ice.
3) When Chris sees the helicopter, she lights the fire______
a because it is cold.
b because she wants to burn the helicopter.
c because she wants to make smoke.

3. Can you remember what these things are?

4. Complete these sentences using the following words:
cold, deep, fires, helicopter, houses, Mountains, plane, river, safe,
snow, valley, walks.
Chris is in a small ______ going across the Rocky ______. The engine
stops and the plane comes down in the ______. There are no ______ or
roads near. Chris takes some things from the plane and ______ down the
mountain through the ______ snow. It is very ______, and Chris lights
______. Chris goes down a long ______, near a ______. Finally Chris sees
a ______. Chris is ______.

1 你名叫克丽丝,正驾驶⼀架⼩型飞机飞越落基⼭脉。突然,发动机
■见第20 节。

2 你穿着外套,拿着威⼠忌和地图,⾛了⼤约⼆⼗分钟。积雪很厚,
■你回到飞机上,拿了⼀些其他物品。见第29 节。
■为了暖和⼀点⼉,你喝了威⼠忌。见第34 节。

3 你回去睡觉,再也没听到直升机的声⾳。第⼆天,你继续沿着河边
■见第21 节。

4 你原路返回,出了隧道,⾛进乱⽯丛⽣的⼭⾕。
■见第16 节。

5 你吃了果⼦。虽然味道不好,但是你太饿了,还是吃了不少。你带
■见第10 节。

6 你穿着外套,拿着⾹蕉和打⽕机,⾛了⼤约⼆⼗分钟。积雪很厚,
■见第36 节。

7 又到了晚上,但因为之前吃了鱼,你并没有觉得饿。你在树下搭了
■你追着直升机跑。见第31 节。
■你回棚⼦睡觉。见第3 节。
■你⽣起⼀⼤堆⽕。见第35 节。
■你冲着直升机⼀边⼤声呼喊,⼀边挥动双臂。见第37 节。

8 你顺着⼭⾕⾛出很远,夜晚又要来临了。你在树林⾥⽣起了⽕,吃
■你沿着脚印追踪⽽去。见第39 节。
■你很害怕⼤型动物。或许这只动物很危险,于是你向⼭下⾛去。见第17 节。

9 你带着⾹蕉、打⽕机和地图⾛了⼏分钟,感到⾮常寒冷。
■你⽣起⼀堆⽕。见第36 节。
■你回到飞机上去取威⼠忌。见第34 节。

10 时间到了下午。你开始觉得很不舒服。也许那些果⼦有毒。你⾛
■回到第1 节。

11 你向右转,飞机撞到了树上。
■回到第1 节。

12 你横穿湖⾯,在冰上⾛。⼏分钟后,冰裂开了,你掉进了冰⽔
■回到第1 节。

13 你带着威⼠忌、打⽕机和⾹蕉⾛了⼏分钟,感到⾮常寒冷。
■你喝了威⼠忌。见第34 节。
■你回到飞机上,放下了威⼠忌,带上了外套。见第6 节。

14 河⾯上结了冰,但中间有洞隙。你看到河⾥有鱼。也许你可以抓
■你试着从冰隙间捉⼀条鱼。见第26 节。
■在河⾥捉鱼很危险。你继续往前⾛。见第21 节。

15 你向左转,想在雪地上着陆。飞机落⼊雪中,停了下来。你虽然
■你待在飞机上。见第24 节。
■你向⼭下⾛去。见第29 节。

16 ⼭⾕中的岩⽯很难攀爬,⼏分钟之后你就疲惫不堪了。
■你继续沿着⼭⾕⾛。见第8 节。
■你往回⾛,出了⼭⾕,进了隧道。见第33 节。

17 你穿过树林向⼭下⾛,感觉饥肠辘辘。你看到有⼀棵树上结着没
■你吃了果⼦。见第5 节。
■你不吃果⼦。见第23 节。

18 你⼩⼼地⾛上湖⾯。⾛了⼏百⽶后,脚下的冰开始晃动。
■你继续在湖⾯上穿⾏。见第12 节。
■你退了回去,然后绕着湖⾛。见第28 节。

19 你重新⽣起⼀堆⽕。⼤概两个⼩时后,你又听到了直升机的声

20 你极快地向⼭中坠去,但你可以让飞机向左转弯或向右转弯。右
■你向右转。见第11 节。
■你向左转。见第15 节。

21 你继续沿着河⾛,感觉⾮常饥饿,必须找东西吃。树上有果⼦,
■你尝试着抓⼀条鱼。见第26 节。
■你吃了⼀些果⼦。见第5 节。
22 绳⼦断了。
■回到第1 节。

23 你继续在雪中跋涉。没有吃的东西,但你可以⽣⽕,还可以喝雪
■你横穿湖⾯。这样会快⼀些,你必须找点吃的东西。见第18 节。
■你绕着湖⾛。你去寻找⼀条河。见第28 节。

24 你待在飞机上,但感到⾮常寒冷。你真的不想活了吗?
■见第29 节。

25 你在飞机上待了四天,什么也看不到,什么也听不到。你必须下
■见第27 节。

26 经过⼆⼗分钟的努⼒,你终于捉到了⼀条鱼。你又多捉了⼏条。
■见第7 节。

27 你朝⼭下⾛去。⼏分钟后看到前⾯有⼀条隧道。你的左侧还有⼀
■你沿着⼭⾕⾛去。见第16 节。
■你⾛进隧道。见第33 节。

28 你绕着湖⾛。⼤约⾛了五公⾥,你发现了⼀条河。河⽔从湖中流
■你继续绕着湖⾛。见第38 节。
■你沿着河⾛去。见第14 节。

29 你想下⼭。飞机上有⼀些东西,你可以随⾝带上⼏样。你会带哪
■外套、威⼠忌和地图。见第2 节。
■外套、⾹蕉和打⽕机。见第6 节。
■⾹蕉、打⽕机和地图。见第9 节。
■威⼠忌、打⽕机和⾹蕉。见第13 节。

30 ⼀整天,烟不停地升上天空,但是直升机没有出现。你等了⼀整
■你重新⽣起⼀堆⽕。见第19 节。
■你沿着河⾛去。见第21 节。

31 你追着直升机跑,但它飞得很快。你不得不往⼭上爬,在厚厚的
■见第23 节。

32 你待在飞机附近。坐在⽕边,看着天,就这样过了两天。什么也
■你待在飞机附近。见第25 节。
■你试着向⼭下⾛去。见第27 节。

33 你⾛进隧道。⾥⾯漆⿊⼀⽚。你看到有⼀盏灯,便点上了。
■见第40 节。

34 为了暖和⼀点⼉,你喝了威⼠忌,但并没有觉得暖和起来。你只
■回到第1 节。

35 你⽣起⼀⼤堆⽕,⽕堆冒出很多烟。你看着冲天的烟柱。
■见第30 节。

36 你整晚都坐在树林⾥的⽕堆前。虽然天很冷,但⽕烧得很旺,你
■你燃着⽕堆,待在飞机附近。见第32 节。
■你向⼭下⾛去。见第27 节。

37 你冲着直升机⼀边⼤声呼喊,⼀边挥动双臂。直升机掉头往回飞
■你追着直升机跑。见第31 节。
■你回去睡觉。见第3 节。
■你⽣起⼀⼤堆⽕。见第35 节。

38 你绕着湖⾛了⼀整圈,筋疲⼒尽,没有找到任何⾷物。你只能沿
■见第14 节。

39 你沿着脚印在树林中⾛了很远。脚印延伸到⼀棵⼤树的后⾯。你
■见第17 节。

40 你向⼭的深处⾛,⼤约⾛了⼗分钟,发现地上有⼀个很⼤的洞。
■你顺着绳⼦下到洞中。见第22 节。
■你退回到隧道⼜。见第4 节。

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