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Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.


XI CHEMISTRY-3 JEE 04.07.2023 Solutions

Subjects Total Marks Duration No. of Questions

Chemistry 100 Marks 1 Hr 25 Questions


1. Total duration of test is 60 minutes.

2. Total number of questions in the test is 25.
3. Total number of sections in the test is 1.
4. Section 1 is SECTION A consisting of 25 questions.


SECTION A 25 Questions : 100 Marks

Q.1 Who determined the absolute value of the charge on an electron? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) J.J. Thomson

B) R.A. Millikan

C) Rutherford

D) Chadwick


Millikan determined the absolute value of the charge on an electron by his famous oil drop experiment.

Q.2 What is the origin of the anode rays? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Atoms forming positive ions start moving towards cathode rays

B) Ratio is always the same irrespective of the gas taken in the discharge tube

C) Atoms of different elements having different atomic number

D) Electrons presents in the duplet of the atom


Anode rays are produced in the space between cathode and anode electrode. They are positive ions which are
formed by knocking of electrons they start moving towards the cathode.

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Q.3 Which one of the following has unit positive charge and mass ? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Electron

B) Neutron

C) Proton

D) None of these


Fundamental sub-atomic particles are electrons, protons and neutrons.

Electrons are the negatively charged.

Protrons are positively charged.
Neutrons have no charge.

Relative charges:


Relative mass:


the proton has unit positive charge. and its mass is

so the correct option is "c"

Q.4 Which of the following substances, shows the properties of phosphorescent? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Zinc sulphide

B) Zinc sulphate

C) Zinc nitrate

D) Zinc chloride


To confirm the presence of cathode rays tiny holes were made in anode and wall of the tube behind anode was
coated with phosphorescent material which is zinc sulphide. When these rays pass through holes of anode and strike
the zinc sulphide coating a bright spot is developed, which confirmed the presence of rays.

Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.School

Q.5 Among the following, the correct statement about cathode ray discharge tube is +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) the electrical discharge can only be observed at high pressure and at low voltage.

in the absence of external electrical or magnetic field, cathode rays travel in straight lines.

the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the material of electrodes.


D) the characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the gas present in the cathode ray tube.


Cathode ray is observed only at low pressure and high voltage, which travel in straight line in the absence of electrical and
magnetic fields. Characteristics of cathode rays are independent of the material of electrode or the gas present in the tube.

Q.6 Which of the following is correct about cathode rays? +4 Marks / -1 Mark
(i) They are deflected towards the positive plate of the electric field.
(ii) The nature of cathode rays does not depend upon the nature of the material of the cathode.
(iii) The nature of cathode rays depends upon the nature of the gas taken in the discharge tube.
(iv) Cathode rays are made up of electrons.





Properties of cathode rays are-

Cathode rays consist of negatively charged particles. When cathode rays are subjected to an electrical field,
these get deflected towards the positively charged plate i.e. anode. The electrons in the cathode
rays would deflect towards the positively charged plates, and away from the negatively charged plates.
Cathode rays do not depend on the nature of gas or the anodes whereas the canal rays do. Since the cathode
rays in the discharge tube are the electrons produced due to ionization of gas and that emitted by cathode due
to collision of positive ions and are hence independent of the nature of the gas.
Cathode rays are so named because they are emitted by the negative electrode, or cathode, in a vacuum tube.
Since the electrons have a negative charge, they are repelled by the cathode and attracted to the anode.

Q.7 Which of the following is/are affected by the electric field? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) anode rays

B) cathode rays

C) both and

D) None of these


In the presence of an electric field, charged particles are deflected towards the oppositely charged electrodes.

Cathode rays are negatively charged particles, so, they are attracted towards positively charged electrode.

Anode rays are positively charged particles, hence, they deviate towards negatively charged electrodes.

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Q.8 If radius of nucleus is taken to be then the radius of nucleus will be : +4 Marks / -1 Mark






The diameter of a nucleus is about . The radius of the nucleus can be related to mass number as follows,

Q.9 If the ratio of radius of two different nuclei are in the ratio of , then ratio of their mass +4 Marks / -1 Mark
numbers will be






From Rutherford's formula of Radius of nuclei and mass number:

where is the radius of the nucleus and is the mass number.

So, according to the question,

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Q.10 "All matter is made up of very small particles which cannot be further broken down. These +4 Marks / -1 Mark
particles are called atoms". This statement is one of the assumptions of :
A) Rutherford's nuclear model atom

B) Bohr's theory

C) Dalton's atomic theory

D) Kinetic theory of gases


“All matter is made up of very small particles which cannot be further broken down. These particles are called
atoms”. This statement is one of the assumptions (or we can call postulates) of Dalton’s atomic theory.
According to John Dalton’s theory, everything is made up of atoms, which are the indivisible building blocks of matter
and cannot be destroyed. All atoms of an element are identical. The atoms of different elements vary in size and
mass. Compounds are produced through different whole-number combinations of atoms.

Q.11 An ion with mass number 56 contains 3 units of positive charge and 30.4% more neutrons than +4 Marks / -1 Mark
electrons. The ion is






Let no. of electrons in the ion

No. of neutrons

No. of electrons in the neutral atom

No. of protons

Mass no. = No. of protons + No. of neutrons



No. of protons

Hence the ion is .

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Q.12 The concept of atom based on experimental observation first came from: +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Law of conversation of mass

B) Law of mass theory

C) Dalton's atomic theory

D) Law of chemical combination


Atomic theory is a scientific theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of discrete units
called atoms. Although philosophers like Democritus had earlier put forward this idea, Dalton was the first to base
the theory on experimental observations.

Q.13 The effective neutron capture radius of nucleus having a cross-section of 1.0 barr is +4 Marks / -1 Mark

[Given, 1 barr ]






1.0 barr

The area of circle is given by


Q.14 The molarity of by weght is +4 Marks / -1 Mark






Weight percentage of sulphuric acid

The density of the solution

Molarity ( ) indicates the number of moles of solute per litre of solution (moles/Litre) and is one of the most
common units used to measure the concentration of a solution.

Molarity and weight percentage can be related as follows,

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Q.15 6 mol of a mixture of Mohr's salt and requires 500 ml of 1 M of for +4 Marks / -1 Mark
complete oxidation in acidic medium. The mole % of the Mohr's salt in the mixture is
A) 75

B) 50

C) 60

D) 25


(Mohr's salt)
Equivalent of moles of Mohr's salt
equivalent of

Hence mole percent of Mohr's salt

Q.16 Commercially available concentrated hydrofluoric acid contains by volume . +4 Marks / -1 Mark

The density of is and density of solution is . What is the

molality of this solution?






of is present in of solution
Mass of solute =
density of =

Mass 0f solution

Mass of solvent = mass of solution - mass of solute

Molality of solution,

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Q.17 The amount of metallic (Atomic weight ) required to react with aqueous sodium +4 Marks / -1 Mark
hydroxide to produce of is






For Hydrogen, Zinc required

For Hydrogen, Zinc required

Q.18 An impure sample of silver is heated with to form of . What was the +4 Marks / -1 Mark
percent yield of ?










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Q.19 A non stoichiometric compound is formed due to incorporation of ions in the lattice +4 Marks / -1 Mark
of cuprous sulphide. What percentage of ion in the total copper content is present in the
A) 88.88

B) 11.11

C) 99.8

D) 89.8


Let and ions are present in the compound Compound is electrically neutral.

Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.School

Q.20 A gaseous compound of nitrogen and hydrogen contains (by mass) of hydrogen. The +4 Marks / -1 Mark
density of the compound relative to hydrogen is 16. The molecular formula of the compound is :

A) NH3

B) NH2

C) N2H4

D) N3H


Molar Mass V.D

Writing the decomposition equation

Na Hb aN bH

12.5 g

Apply POAC to H



Apply POAC to N


87.5 3.5

Formula is N2H4

Method : 2

Elements N H

Mass % 87.5 12.5

Mole ⇒ 87.5/14=6.25 12.5/1=12.5

Whole No. Ratio: 1 : 2

Empirical Formula ⇒ NH2

Empirical Formula Mass ⇒ 16

∴ V.D. = 16; Mol. wt = 2 × V.D = 32

Molecular Formula = n

Molecular Formula = N2H4

Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.School

Q.21 Dieldrin, an insecticide, contains C, H, Cl and O. Combustion of 29.72 mg of Dieldrin gave 41.21 +4 Marks / -1 Mark
mg and 5.63 mg of . In a separate analysis 25.31 mg of Dieldrin was converted into
57.13 mg AgCl. What is the empirical formula of Dieldrin?





44 g of contain 12 g of carbon

So, will contain

So, % of carbon in the compound will be

Similarly % of H can be calculated as

And % of Cl will be

Sum of % of all the components should be 100%

So, % of O gas will be

% Number of Ratio of Simple

composition moles moles ratio
C 37.8 11.7 12
H 2.1 2.1 7.81 8
Cl 55.8 5.84 6

O 4.3 1 1

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Q.22 Which of the following samples will have the same volume under similar conditions of +4 Marks / -1 Mark
temperature and pressure?

molecules of .
A) Both .

B) but not .

C) but not .

D) .


According to Avogadro's law, equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same
number of molecules .

So, if the given gases have the same number of molecules/number of moles, they will have the same volume.

Let's calculate the number of moles one by one,

Molar mass of .

Thus, the number of moles of

Molar mass of .

Thus, the number of moles of

Molar mass of

Thus, the number of moles of moles.

molecules of

Thus, the number of moles of .

Clearly, and options represent the same number of moles. Thus, they will have the same volume.

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Q.23 At a concentration of M, a detergent C H SO Na solution becomes a colloidal +4 Marks / -1 Mark

solution. On an average colloidal particles are present in mm . Calculate the average

number of ions contained in one colloidal particle (micelle)? [Given NA ]




D) None of these


No. of sodium lauryl sulphate CH CH SO Na in litre solution

No. of sodium lauryl sulphate per mm

No. of colloidal particles per mm

No. of molecules per colloidal particle

Q.24 Which one of the following contains a maximum percentage of nitrogen by mass? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Urea

B) Ammonium cyanide

C) Ammonium carbonate

D) Ammonium nitrate


In urea , % of nitrogen

In ammonium cyanide , % of nitrogen

In ammonium carbonate , % of nitrogen

In ammonium nitrate , % of nitrogen

Hence, ammonium cyanide contains maximum percentage of nitrogen by mass.

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Q.25 A tablet containing gives effervescence of having volume +4 Marks / -1 Mark
at bar pressure. Under these condition molar volume of is
Determine % of in the tablet.






Let mass of be x mg

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