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PHRad Documentation

Chapter 9: Publishing Application

9.1 Preview Application

Before publishing your application to a live environment, it's essential to

preview it to ensure that everything works as expected. PHRad provides a built-in
feature for previewing your application.

Steps to Preview Your Application:

1.Navigate to the Preview Option:
 In the PHRad interface, locate the toolbar at the top of the screen.
 Click on the "Preview" button.
2.Review Application Functionality:
 The preview will open in a new browser tab.
 Interact with the application as an end-user would to ensure all features are
functioning correctly.
 Test all forms, buttons, and navigation elements.

3. Check for Errors:

 Monitor the console in your browser’s developer tools for any JavaScript
 Review any backend logs for errors or warnings.
4. Adjust as Needed:
 If you encounter any issues, return to the PHRad editor to make necessary
 Repeat the preview process until you are satisfied with the application's
performance and appearance.
9.2 Publish to Production

Once you are confident that your application is functioning correctly, it is

time to publish it to a production environment.

Steps to Publish Your Application:

1. Prepare for Publishing:
 Ensure that all code is committed and pushed to your version - control
 Verify that you have completed all necessary testing.
2. Open the Publish Wizard:
 In the PHRad interface, navigate to the "Deploy" menu.
 Select the "Publish to Production" option.
3. Configure Deployment Settings:
 Enter the required information such as production server URL, database
credentials, and any environment-specific settings.
 Select the deployment method (e.g., FTP, SFTP, direct server upload).
4. Deploy the Application:
 Click the "Publish" button to start the deployment process.
 Monitor the deployment logs for any issues or errors.
 Once the deployment is complete, verify that the application is accessible
and functional in the production environment.
5. Post-Deployment Checks:
 Perform a quick sanity check to ensure all critical functionalities are
 Inform relevant stakeholders that the new version is live.

Chapter 10: Project Explorer

10.1 Editing Project File Manually

The Project Explorer in PHRad allows you to navigate through your project
files and make manual edits when necessary.

Steps to Edit Project Files Manually:

1. Open the Project Explorer:
 In the PHRad interface, locate the sidebar on the left side of the screen.
 Click on "Project Explorer" to expand it.
2. Navigate to the Desired File:
 Browse through the directory structure to find the file you want to edit.
 Double-click on the file to open it in the editor.
3. Make Edits:
 Use the built-in code editor to make your changes.
 PHRad provides syntax highlighting and code suggestions to assist you.
 Save your changes frequently by clicking the "Save" button or using the
appropriate keyboard shortcut.
4. Commit Changes:
 After making edits, commit the changes to your version control system.
 Provide a meaningful commit message to describe the changes.

10.2 Editing App Custom CSS

Customizing the CSS of your application allows you to tailor the look and
feel to match your branding requirements.
Steps to Edit Custom CSS:
1. Access the Custom CSS File:
 In the Project Explorer, navigate to the assets/css directory or the specific
directory where your custom CSS file is located.
 Open the custom CSS file (e.g., custom.css) by double-clicking on it.
2. Edit the CSS:
 Use the CSS editor to add or modify styles.
 Ensure that your CSS follows best practices and is well-organized for future
 Save your changes frequently.
3. Preview Changes:
 Use the preview feature to see how your changes affect the application's
 Adjust the styles as necessary based on the preview.
4. Testing:
 Test the application on different browsers and devices to ensure the CSS
changes are consistent and responsive.
 Check for any CSS conflicts or issues that might arise.
5. Finalize and Deploy:
 Once you are satisfied with the custom CSS, save all changes.
 Commit the changes to your version control system.
 Follow the deployment steps outlined in Chapter 9 to publish the updated
application with the new styles.

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