The Environmental Impacts of Thermal Insulation of Buildings

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Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887

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The environmental impacts of thermal insulation of buildings

including the categories of damage: A Polish case study
Robert Dylewski a, *, Janusz Adamczyk b
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics, University of Zielona Gora, ul. Licealna 9, 65-417, Zielona Go
ra, Poland
b ra, ul. Licealna 9, 65-417, Zielona Go
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Zielona Go ra, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Households have a big impact on energy efficiency in Poland. About 80% of final energy in the con-
Received 18 September 2015 struction sector is used for heating buildings. Due to the significant role which is assigned to the thermal
Received in revised form modernization in European documents, the paper attempts to assess the environmental benefits of the
12 July 2016
investment consisting of thermal insulation of the building external vertical walls, with the use of LCA
Accepted 25 July 2016
Available online 27 July 2016
analysis and divided into three categories of damage. A methodology for assessing the benefits has been
proposed and the analyses for different variants have been performed, including the condition of the
building before thermal insulation, the used heat source, the type of thermal insulation and the climatic
Thermal insulation
zone in which the building is located. It has been shown that the investment, for all examined variants, is
Energy savings beneficial for environmental reasons. In the worst case, the reduction of the burden on the environment
Environmental benefits as a result of the investment occurs after 5 years, while in most cases only after one year. The obtained
Life cycle assessment environmental benefits depend primarily on the condition of the building before thermal insulation and
Damage categories the used heat source. The greater are the advantages, the bigger is the demand for thermal energy of the
Eco-indicator 99 building that also depends on the climate zone. Because of the thermal insulation material the greatest
environmental benefits are found in the case of ecofibre. Taking into account three categories of damage,
the greatest benefits were achieved in the Resources category.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction important role in the reduction of the energy demand. However,

due to the essential role of reducing the greenhouse gases through
Economic development around the world depends on energy thermal modernization, which was assigned in the literature of the
supplies, whether in the form of electricity or in the form of ther- subject (see McKinsey curve (McKinsey & Company, 2009)), this
mal energy, which is most often produced in Poland with the use of aspect was marked as leading in the article.
the fossil fuels. By all means, nowadays the ways of generating the Of course, any method to save energy in households is impor-
so-called renewable energy are well-known, however the acquisi- tant and contributes measurably to the environmental protection
tion of the aforementioned energy requires investments, which (Carpio et al., 2014). In Europe, the construction and services sec-
consume additional mineral resources. There is no method of tors are responsible for the biggest final energy consumption in
generating energy which has no impact on the environment, since 2010 (41%), followed by transport (32%), industry (25%) and agri-
every method of obtaining energy has certain environmental con- culture (2%). Consumption of primary energy in Europe in the
ditions. Therefore, it is assumed that the best method, among the construction sector increased within 20 years by 5% (years
others, to reduce the impact of energy on the environment will be 1990e2010). In Poland, similarly as in Europe, the highest final
the improvement of energy efficiency. It is also believed that the energy consumption occurs in the building and services sectors,
saved energy is the cheapest energy. Naturally, the changes in the however, the value of share is higher than the European average
behaviour patterns of the users of the building may play an and amounts to 44.6%. Households may also be an important link in
improving energy efficiency in Poland because of their prevalence.
It should be noted that the final energy in the construction sector is
* Corresponding author. largely absorbed for heating buildings (about 80% of the energy is
E-mail addresses: (R. Dylewski), J.Adamczyk@ consumed by households) (Adamczyk, 2014). Due to such structure (J. Adamczyk).
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887 879

of energy consumption in the construction sector, the literature 2. Legislation norms

emphasizes that thermal modernization of buildings is an impor-
tant aspect of improving energy efficiency (Al-Homoud, 2005; Global climate changes, which are a fact, and the preoccupation
Giama and Papadopoulos, 2007; Dylewski and Adamczyk, 2011, with the sustainable development formed the basis of the estab-
2014a, 2014b). Unfortunately, due to the fact that there is no lishment of the Kyoto Protocol (December 1997) (Molinos-Senante
direct influence of state decision-making on individuals (land- et al., 2015). This protocol is an international treaty supplementing
lords), there is an existing dilemma about a univocal articulation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
the need to undertake thermal modernization investments. How- (Berre et al., 2013). The Treaty entered into force on February 16,
ever, it cannot be doubted that the largest and most cost-effective 2005, three months after it was ratified by Russia on November 4,
potential for improving energy efficiency is found in the housing 2004 and then expired on December 31, 2012. It sets standards for
sector (Zmijewski and Sokołowski, 2010). In the National Action reducing greenhouse gas emissions (average emissions reduced by
Plan (NAP) on energy efficiency for Poland the following measures 6% from 1990 during the years 2008e2012; for Poland, 1988 was
were identified (NAP, 2014): chosen as the base year) (Szymczyk, 2006).
In Europe, the European Union member states faced even higher
I Horizontal measures: requirements for the reduction of greenhouse gases. On January 10,
1) The energy efficiency obligation system (white 2007 the European Commission published a package of documents
certificates); which was called the Energy Package. This package is also known
2) Priority Programme: Smart Energy Networks; under the slogan 3  20, as it alludes to three main objectives,
3) Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment which are necessary to be achieved by 2020: the first one is to
2014e2020 (Investment Priority 4.iv.) e Development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, the second one is to in-
implementation of smart distribution systems for medium crease the production from renewable energy sources to 20% and
and low voltage levels; the third one is the discussed improvement of energy efficiency by
4) Information and education campaigns. 20%.
II Measures concerning the energy efficiency of buildings and Notwithstanding the fact that there are still a few years to come
public institutions: before those aims can be achieved, another amendment to the
1) Thermal modernization and Renovation Fund; package was proposed in the European Union. During the meeting
2) Green Investment Scheme. Part 1 e Energy management of the European Council on October 23e24, 2014 the frameworks
in public buildings; for climate and energy policy until 2030 were established on the
3) Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment basis of the principles contained in the conclusions of March 2014.
2014e2020 (Investment Priority 4.iii.) e Promoting energy The goals binding at EU level and set out in the conclusions from
efficiency, intelligent power management and the use of October concern (Gawlikowska-Fyk, 2014):
renewable energy sources in public infrastructures, including
public buildings and the housing sector;  limitation of the internal greenhouse gas emissions until 2030
4) Energy efficiency improvement, Part 3 e Subsidies for by at least 40% in comparison with 1990 level,
loans for the construction of energy-efficient houses;  increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in energy
5) Operational Programme PL04 e “Saving energy and pro- consumption in the EU by at least 27%,
moting renewable energy sources” within the EEA Financial  improving energy efficiency in 2030 in comparison with the
Mechanism 2009e2014 (area no. 5-energy efficiency and forecasts - an indicative target of at least 27%.
area no. 6 e renewable energy);
6) The Green Investment Scheme. Part 5 e Energy manage- Each of these legal acts is reflected in the national legislation of
ment in buildings of selected public finance sector entities; the European Union member states. A number of regulations was
7) Energy efficiency improvement. Part 2 e LEMUR e developed on the basis of these documents, including the so-called
Energy-efficient Buildings for Public Services; documents of third energy package (see Table 1).
8) Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment According to the Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency,
(OPIE) 2007e2013 (Measure 9.3) e Thermal modernization Member States should establish a long-term strategy for the period
of public buildings; after 2020, mobilizing owners and managers to invest in the
9) Efficient use of energy. Part 6 e OWL e Energy-efficient renovation of residential and commercial buildings in order to
street lighting; improve the energy performance of the building stock. In addition,
10) Regional Operational Programmes for 2014e2020. it is noted that the strategy for improving the efficiency of building
substance should apply to cost-effective deep renovations that lead
Two activities: Energy efficiency improvement and PL04 Oper- to modernization thanks to which both power consumption
ational Programme are addressed to individuals (landlords) to delivered and final energy consumption are reduced in buildings
encourage erecting new, energy efficient buildings in Poland which particularly when compared to pre-renovation levels, and thus
will “distance” the standard requirements. The literature (Dylewski resulting in a very good energy performance (Directive 2012/27/EU,
and Adamczyk, 2011, 2012) has shown that at the current prices of 2012).
energy and thermal insulation materials, it is profitable, economi- Because of the significant role assigned to thermal moderniza-
cally and ecologically, to perform thermal insulation of building tion in European documents, the paper attempts to assess the
walls with lower values of heat transfer coefficient than it is ecological impact of the investment consisting of thermal insu-
imposed in the national standards. Some of these activities, as for lation of external vertical walls of the building while using LCA
instance, the Thermal modernization and Renovation Fund, analysis and divided into three categories of damage.
encourage to invest in the so-called thermal modernization of the
already existing buildings. The next section will be devoted to the 3. LCA methodology
most important legal regulations connected to the so-called Energy
Package. The methodology of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA)
is a relatively “new” technique that developed rapidly in the 90s
880 R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887

Table 1
Documents of third energy package.

Directive of the European Parliament and the European Council 2009/73 EC of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing
Directive 2003/55/EC, Acts. EU Office L 211, p. 94;
Directive of the European Parliament and the European Council 2009/72/EC of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing
Directive 2003/54/EC, Acts. Office. EU 2009 L 211, p. 55;
Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU
and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC;
Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council (EC) No. 715/2009 of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and
repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1775/2005, Acts. Office. 2009 L 211, p. 36;
Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council (EC) No. 714/2009 of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in
electricity and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1228/2003, Acts. Office. EU 2009 L 211, p. 15;
Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council (EC) No. 713/2009 of 13 July 2009 establishing the Agency on Cooperation of Energy Regulators, Acts.
Office. 2009 L 211, p. 1.

(Guidelines for Life-Cycle Assessment, 1993; Buyle et al., 2013). The relation to the functional unit within the predefined unit processes
analysis is more and more often implemented in the building sector and the adopted system boundaries.
as it is used to the assessment and choice of building materials in
accordance to their impact on the environment (Audenaert et al.,
3.3. Life cycle impact assessment
2012). The analysis had its formal character since the release of
the ISO 14040-43 standards in 1998. The amendment of the stan-
This phase is focused on understanding and assessing the size
dards was conducted in 2006 when previous four standards were
and significance of potential impacts of production processes of
replaced by two: ISO 14040 (2006) and ISO 14044 (2006), under
building materials on the environment. At this stage, modelling of
which a properly conducted LCA analysis consists of four consec-
the environmental issues, which are known as the categories of
utive steps described in the foregoing standards: Goal and Scope
impact, and the use of indicators of environmental categories are
Definition, LCI e Life Cycle Inventory, and LCIA e Life Cycle Impact
involved. Life cycle impact assessment in accordance with ISO
Assessment and Interpretation.
14040 includes compulsory elements:

3.1. Goal and scope definition  choosing and specifying the categories of impact, category in-
dicators and characterization models,
The aim of the study is to determine the environmental impact  classification, i.e., the assignment of a data collection to impact
of the production phase of building materials (thermal insulating) categories,
used to thermally insulate vertical walls of a single-family building.  characterization and modelling of a data collection within the
In addition, the phase of the use of a single-family building will be categories of impact in the form of the indicator categories, that
subjected to an environmental impact assessment carried out in result in the values of indicators category e calculation of the
the context of thermal modernization and the change in the de- value of the indicator, which includes selecting and applying the
mand for thermal energy. Understanding the purpose and the use characterization parameters to convert the assigned LCI results
of the research provides the basis to identify and define: the system into the general units and the aggregation of converted LCI re-
of the product, with its boundaries and also the functional unit. sults into a numerical value of the indicator.
Determining the system of the product means identifying all
the operations relating to the product and/or activity. The system is In addition to the mandatory elements of the LCIA the optional
understood as a collection of material- and energy-linked unit elements such as (ISO 14040, 2006): normalization; grouping;
processes that fulfil one or more specific functions. Boundaries of weighing; data quality analysis can also be taken into account.
the system determine which unit processes should be integrated in
the life-cycle assessment. In the studies, the system of the product
3.4. Interpretation
will include a phase of creation of the material and/or construction
products alongside with the phase of acquisition of raw materials
The interpretation of the life cycle assessment is a systematic
and energy for their generation and the phase of use (i.e., energy
procedure of identification, quantification, verification and final
phase). The functional unit should match the purpose and the
assessment of the information derived from the inventory analysis
scope of the research, and its main task is to provide reference for
LCI and/or LCIA. At this stage, the final conclusions are formulated
the standardization of input and output data system, and it should
in accordance with the purpose and the scope of the research
also be clearly defined and measurable. It is also necessary to
established at the beginning. The assessment aims to achieve and
specify the amount of product required to fulfil the function e i.e.
strengthen confidence in the study and the reliability of the results
the reference flow. The functional unit for building materials was
of the research of LCA or LCI and to present a clear and an under-
adopted as 1 m3 of the building material, and the functional unit for
standable view on the results of the research. The conclusions of
the energy phase is thermal energy consumption in the size of
the research of LCA or LCI should be formulated while taking into
1 kWh.
account the interdependencies among other elements of the
interpretation phase. The last element of the interpretation phase is
3.2. Analysis of inputs and outputs e inventory data a report, containing the report of the study.
To evaluate the life cycle of the product a range of computer
The assumptions of this stage are based on the balance sheets of programs that support the performance of the analysis is used.
material and energy. Input data e the statement of the amount of SimaPro 7.1 and Eco-indicator 99 method implemented in it were
materials and energy entering the system, and output data e the used to analyse the impact of product life cycle (SimaPro, 2009).
amount of emissions that leave the system as a release material and The Eco-indicator 99 method enables the assessment with regard
non-material to the environment, are collected and analysed in to the eleven categories of impact and the grouping of these
R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887 881

categories into three categories of damage (see Table 2). environmental terms (it generates the reduction of the burden on
The categories of impact in the Eco-indicator 99 method in the the environment) if the value NPVE is non-negative. Comparing
procedure of characterization have a variety of units. In the cate- several investments (due to this indicator), the one that has a
gory of human health there are: a number and duration of illnesses greater value NPVE is considered to be better.
and years of life lost due to premature death caused by the envi- It is also possible to introduce the ecological indicator, expressed
ronmental contamination. A unit [DALY - Disability Adjusted Life in units of time. The shortest possible period is defined as an
Years] is the unit of harmfulness to health, which indicates the flow ecological payback period [0, TE], for which the ecological value of
of harmful substances in tonnes per year. investment of all Ej flows from this period is non-negative:
In the category of ecosystem quality the phenomena affecting 8 9
the diversity of species, in particular vascular tissue of plants and < X
k =
lower organisms, are recognised. The unit [PDF*m2*yr; PDF e TE ¼ min tk : Ej  0 ½years (2)
: ;
Potentially Disappeared Fraction of plant species] and [PAF m2*yr j¼0
e Potentially Affected Fraction] is a term of ecotoxicity expressed as
If NPVE < 0, the ecological payback period TE does not exist (the
a percentage as it refers to all species living in the environment
investment will cause the increase of the burden on the environ-
under the conditions of toxic influence e “toxic stress.”
ment). Comparing several investments (due to this indicator) the
In the category of natural resources the additional energy that
investment, which has a lower value TE is considered to be better.
will be needed in the future to extract the lower quality mineral and
For ecological reasons, expenditures (increasing the burden on
fossil raw materials is included. The violation of agricultural and
the environment) are associated with the production of thermal
bulk raw materials (e.g., sand, gravel) is taken into account in land
insulation material. They depend on the type of thermal insulation
use. The unit is [MJ surplus energy].
material and the thickness of the insulation layer:
In the Eco-indicator 99 method in the weighing process, the
categories of impact and damage are expressed in points (Pt). One h . i
mPt represents the annual damage to the environment that is E0 ¼ Kl $d Pt m2 ; (3)
caused by one citizen of Europe. The LCA methodology was used for
the assessment of the environmental benefits of thermal insulation where:Kl e result of LCA analysis for 1 m3 of thermal insulation
investments. material [Pt/m3],d e thickness of thermal insulation layer [m].
The income (the reduction of environmental load) occurs during
4. The method of assessment of environmental benefits the use phase of the building because of a reduction in energy
consumption needed to heat the building. The impact on the
Examination of the impact on the environment is justified for ecological income is primarily caused by: a used heat source and
many investments. We propose to define environmental indicators the properties of walls with and without thermal insulation:
on the model of economic indicators, however, the expenditures h . i
are associated with an additional increase in burden on the envi- Ej ¼ ðEUo  EU Þ=p; j ¼ 1; 2; …; n Pt m2 ; (4)
ronment, and the income are bound with the reduction of envi-
ronmental load as a result of realization of thermal insulation
where:EUo e result of LCA analysis of one year of thermal use phase
investment. It is assumed that the values of the environment load
of the building, with the heat transfer coefficient Uo (for external
(Pt) do not change while discounting in time.
building walls without thermal insulation) [Pt],EU e result of LCA
The environmental benefits can be assessed with the help of the
analysis of one year of thermal use phase of the building, with the
ecological value of the investment NPVE, per 1 m2 of the wall:
heat transfer coefficient U (for external building walls with thermal
n h . i insulation) [Pt],p e surface of the external vertical building walls
NPVE ¼ Ej Pt m2 (1) [m2].
j¼0 The value EU (similarly EUo) can be determined in the following
where:E0 < 0 e size of the increase of environmental load con-
nected with the performance of the thermal insulation (see equa- EU ¼ DU $ pu $ Ke ½Pt=year; (5)
tion (3)),Ej > 0 e size of the reduction of environmental load due to
thermal insulation investment in the year (tj-1, tj], j ¼ 1, 2, …, n (see where:DU e annual demand for building thermal power attribut-
equation (4)),n e number of years of the use of thermal insulation. able to 1 m2 of usable area with a heat transfer coefficient of
The investment is considered to be profitable in the external vertical walls U [kWh/m2year],pu e usable area of the

Table 2
Categories of impact and categories of damage used in the assessment method of Eco-indicator 99.

Impact categories Damages categories

Carcinogens Human health [disability adjusted life years (DALY)]

Respiratory organics
Respiratory inorganics
Climate change
Ozone layer
Ecotoxicity Ecosystem quality [PDF m2yr] [PAF m2yr]
Land use
Minerals Resources [MJ surplus energy]
Fossil fuels

Source: Own study based on (Eco-indicator 99, 2000).

882 R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887

building [m2],Ke e LCA result of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy heating in the building, the regulation performance and the use
for a given heat source [Pt/kWh]. was assumed to be 98%. The computational averaged internal air
The studies include the factors affecting the demand for thermal temperature is 20  C. The building volume is 376.14 m3. The
energy of the building and in consequence, the ecological benefits. building has a partly basement. The internal power of gains is
The assignment of indicators was carried out for different variants: assumed to be 3.5 W/m2. The construction consists of traditional
the external vertical walls, the applied heat sources and thermal masonry, reinforced concrete thick-ribbed ceilings, wooden stairs,
insulation materials. Finally, the climate zone in which the building the roof of a wooden construction, metal roofing cover, with min-
is situated was also taken into consideration. The calculations were eral plaster on walls to be provided. There are also window frames
made separately for each of three categories of damage with the with diffusers, with heat transfer coefficient for window frames
assessment Eco-indicator 99 method: D1 e Human health, D2 e U ¼ 1.3 W/m2K, external doors with heat transfer coefficient
Ecosystem quality and D3 e Resources. The next section presents U ¼ 1.8 W/m2K. In order to eliminate thermal bridges on the rafters
the analysed building. a wooden roof with a collar beam structure is insulated with rock
wool with a thickness of 16 cm plus 5 cm.
The studies included options for: the external walls of the
5. The building in study building, the heating system used in the building and the type of
used thermal insulation. The climate zone in which the building is
The studies involved a residential building with an attic, suitable situated was also included.
for a 4 to 6-person-family with a usable area pu ¼ 140.20 m2 and the Three types of external wall structural materials were taken into
surface of the external vertical walls p ¼ 206.61 m2 Fig. 1 presents account: cellular concrete class 500, ceramic blocks MAX and sand-
the plan of the analysed building. lime blocks (silicate) SILKA E. Table 3 shows the parameters of the
The building provides water heating pumps, thermal insulated walls.
pipes conducted in wall furrows, the floor and on the top of the The studies included 4 types of heat sources, with production
walls. The living areas are designed with the plate radiators and in efficiencies: (S1) coal boiler - 82%, (S2) condensing gas boiler - 94%,
the bathroom-towel rail radiators. Natural ventilation system en- (S3) electricity boiler - 99%, (S4) heat pump - 350% (seasonal pump
sures the exchange of indoor air. The efficiency heat accumulation efficiency coefficient SCOP ¼ 3.5).
of 97% was assumed here due to the location of the cache in the Four types of thermal insulation materials, with different co-
heating system inside the thermal shield of the building. Transport efficients of thermal conductivity l were taken into consideration:
efficiency of the heating medium is 97% due to the central heating (I1) EPS polystyrene - 0.040 W/mK, (I2) mineral wool - 0.039 W/mK,
from the local heat source located in a heated building, with (I3) polyurethane foam PUR - 0.028 W/mK and (I4) ecofiber (pro-
insulated wires, fittings and devices that are installed in heated duced from recycled newspapers) - 0.041 W/mK.
rooms. Due to the use of central and local regulations of the water

Fig. 1. The plan of the analysed building. Source: (Plan, 2016).

Table 3
External vertical walls of the building.

Type of construction material Cellular concrete 500 (C1) MAX (C2) SILKA E (C3)

Wall thickness [m] 0.36 0.29 0.24

Thermal resistance R [m2K/W] 2.118 0.659 0.453
Heat transfer coefficient of the wall without thermal insulation Uo [W/m2K] 0.430 1.154 1.514
R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887 883

Table 7
The thickness of thermal insulation d [m] depending on the type of thermal insu-
lation material and construction material of the wall.

Thermal insulat. material I1 I2 I3 I4

Construction material

C1 0.067 0.065 0.047 0.069

C2 0.125 0.122 0.088 0.128
C3 0.134 0.130 0.094 0.137

The environmental benefits resulting from the thermal insu-

lation for the presented building were set in accordance with the
methodology proposed in section 4.

6. Environmental benefits resulting from thermal insulation

of the building

Data for the LCA model were gathered from different sources.
The system of the production for the analysed thermal insulation
materials (mineral wool, polystyrene and polyurethane foam) was
modelled out of the library of the ETH-ESU data included in
SimaPro software package. The production system of the ecofibre e
Fig. 2. Map of the Polish climate zones. Source: (PN-EN 12831, 2006).
the cellulosic fibre e was modelled with the use of the data from
the previous LCA analysis conducted by the authors. The data of the
The studies included the division of Poland into 5 climate zones material-energetic flows are based on the data from Polish com-
(see Fig. 2). panies producing this particular insulation material. The produc-
The demand for thermal power of the building depends signif- tion system for all the sources of heat energy in the building was
icantly on the zone, in which it is situated. Table 4 shows design modelled out of Buwal 250 database.
outdoor temperature according to PN-EN 12831 (2006) corre- Table 5 presents the results of LCA analysis Kl for 1 m3 of the
sponding to the calculation temperature of the outside air and the analysed thermal insulation materials in the various categories of
average annual outdoor temperature in each of the five climatic damage and in total. For ecofibre (I4) negative values were ob-
zones in Poland. tained, which means reducing the burden on the environment. The
greatest damages are generated in cat. D1 from the production of

Table 4
Design outside temperature and average annual outdoor temperature.

Climatic zone Design outside temperature [ C] Average annual outdoor temperature [ C]

I 16 7,7
II 18 7,9
III 20 7,6
IV 22 6,9
V 24 5,5

Source: (PN-EN 12831, 2006).

Table 5
The results of LCA analysis in Pt/m3 for thermal insulation materials.

Thermal insulat. material Expanded polystyrene EPS (I1) Mineral wool (I2) Polyurethane PUR (I3) Ecofibre (I4)

Category of damage

(D1) Human health 0.815 2.594 5.001 0.292

(D2) Ecosystem quality 0.117 0.782 0.625 0.078
(D3) Resources 3.273 4.733 10.436 0.461
Total: 4.205 8.108 16.062 ¡0.832

Table 6
The results of LCA analysis in Pt/kWh for heat sources.

Heat source Coal boiler (S1) Condensing gas boiler (S2) Electricity boiler (S3) Heat pump (S4)

Category of damage

D1 0.007413 0.001414 0.016374 0.007113

D2 0.002900 0.000147 0.002475 0.002033
D3 0.008994 0.010714 0.029657 0.012037
Total: 0.019307 0.012275 0.048506 0.021183
884 R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887

Table 8 polyurethane foam PUR (I3), in cat. D2 for mineral wool (I2) and in
Demand for thermal power of the building in [kWh/m2year]. cat. D3 again for polyurethane foam PUR. The overall result of LCA is
Climatic zone DUo DU also the worst for polyurethane foam PUR. For all examined ther-
Construction material
mal insulation materials (except ecofibre) the highest load was
obtained in category D3, which is associated with the utilization of
C1 C2 C3
large amounts of mineral resources and energy fuels for their
I 101.93 185.09 227.60 82.28 production.
II 110.72 198.46 243.58 89.93
The results of LCA Ke of obtaining 1 kWh of thermal energy for
III 115.50 207.70 253.86 93.64
IV 128.11 224.84 273.32 104.73 the considered sources of heat were also determined (see Table 6).
V 137.99 239.03 289.55 113.62 The biggest environmental burden in the production of energy for

Table 9
Ecological value of thermal insulation investment NPVE [Pt/m2].

Climatic zone / I III V

Thermal insulation material Thermal insulation material Thermal insulation material

Constr. mater. Heat source I1 I2 I3 I4 I1 I2 I3 I4 I1 I2 I3 I4

C1 S1 6.15 5.91 5.68 6.49 6.88 6.63 6.41 7.22 7.70 7.46 7.23 8.04
S2 3.81 3.57 3.34 4.15 4.27 4.03 3.80 4.61 4.79 4.55 4.32 5.13
S3 15.89 15.64 15.41 16.23 17.71 17.46 17.23 18.05 19.77 19.53 19.30 20.11
S4 6.78 6.53 6.31 7.12 7.57 7.33 7.10 7.91 8.48 8.23 8.00 8.81
C2 S1 33.15 32.68 32.26 33.78 36.83 36.37 35.95 37.46 40.55 40.09 39.66 41.18
S2 20.88 20.42 20.00 21.52 23.23 22.76 22.34 23.86 25.59 25.13 24.70 26.22
S3 84.07 83.61 83.19 84.71 93.33 92.87 92.44 93.96 102.67 102.21 101.78 103.30
S4 36.42 35.96 35.53 37.05 40.46 40.00 39.58 41.09 44.54 44.08 43.65 45.17
C3 S1 47.03 46.54 46.09 47.71 51.91 51.42 50.97 52.59 57.06 56.57 56.11 57.74
S2 29.70 29.21 28.75 30.38 32.80 32.31 31.85 33.48 36.07 35.58 35.13 36.75
S3 119.02 118.53 118.07 119.69 131.28 130.79 130.33 131.96 144.21 143.71 143.26 144.88
S4 51.66 51.17 50.71 52.34 57.01 56.52 56.07 57.69 62.66 62.17 61.71 63.34

Fig. 3. Ecological values of thermal insulation investment NPVE [Pt/m2] divided into categories of damage for the variant with a wall C1 in zone I.
R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887 885

heating the building was achieved for electricity boiler (S3), and the the external wall properties without thermal insulation and heat
smallest was for condensing gas boiler (S2). LCA analysis is made in source used in the building and e to a much lesser extent e on the
line with the Polish conditions, in respect to the production of type of thermal insulation material. Obviously, the colder the
electricity, due to the nature of the production of this energy in the climate zone (higher heat demand), the larger environmental
vast majority of fossil fuels. For all heat sources concerned, the benefits resulting from thermal insulation. The smallest benefits
greatest damage is in category D3, and the smallest one is in cate- are for variant C1-S2 due to the fact that the wall C1 without thermal
gory D2. insulation has the best (lowest) heat transfer coefficient (see
For further analysis, thermal insulation thickness d (see Table 7) Table 3), and the best results of LCA were obtained for the heat
was chosen in this way since external walls with thermal insulation source S2. The production of thermal energy using S2 generates the
had heat transfer coefficient U ¼ UN ¼ 0.25 W/m2K, according to the lowest environmental load. In contrast, the greatest environmental
guidelines in force in Poland (RMTCME, 2013). benefits were obtained for variant C3-S3 because the wall C3
With the help of CERTO program (CERTO, 2015) the demand for without thermal insulation has the worst (largest) heat transfer
thermal power of the building DUo was determined (with heat coefficient and the worst result of LCA was received for the heat
transfer coefficient Uo) and DU (with heat transfer coefficient U ¼ source S3.
UN). The results are shown in Table 8. They depend considerably on For selected variants the ecological values of investment divided
both the construction material of the wall and the climatic zone. into categories of damage are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Fig. 3 shows
In the further part the environmental benefits were determined the results for the variant with a wall C1 and climatic zone I, Fig. 4 e
with help of the ecological value of investment NPVE, while using for the variant with a wall C3 and also for the climatic zone I.
the methodology set forth in section 4. The number of years of Because of the thermal insulation material, environmental benefits
thermal insulation performance was assumed to be n ¼ 25. The are the greatest for ecofibre (I4).
calculations were made depending on the construction material of A much greater impact on the environmental benefits is caused
the wall, thermal insulation material, heat source used in the by the type of heat source than by thermal insulation material. The
building and the climate zone. Table 9 summarizes the results for biggest benefits in each case are obtained in category D3, and the
three selected (two extreme (I and V) and the “average” - moderate smallest ones in category D2. Only for one variant C1-S2-I2 in zone I,
(III)) climatic zones in Poland, without the division into categories in category D2 a negative value was obtained as in this case the
of damage. Positive values were obtained everywhere, which payback period occurs after 26 years.
means that in each examined scenario the investment is profitable Table 10 presents the designated ecological payback periods TE,
for environmental reasons, i.e., there is a reduction in the envi- taking into account (in a separate column) the total result of LCA
ronmental load. The environmental benefits depend primarily on (grey column), and all three categories of damage separately for

Fig. 4. Ecological values of thermal insulation investment NPVE [Pt/m2] divided into categories of damage for the variant with a wall C3 in zone I.
886 R. Dylewski, J. Adamczyk / Journal of Cleaner Production 137 (2016) 878e887

Table 10
Ecological payback periods of thermal insulation investment TE [years].

Climatic zone / I III V

Thermal insulation material Thermal insulation material Thermal insulation material

Constr mater. Heat source I1 I2 I3 I1 I2 I3 I1 I2 I3

C1 S1 2 1,1,2 3 2,2,3 3 4,1,5 1 1,1,2 2 2,2,3 3 4,1,4 1 1,1,2 2 2,2,3 3 2,1,4

S2 2 4,5,2 4 9,26,3 5 13,15,4 2 4,5,2 3 9,24,2 5 12,14,4 2 4,5,2 3 8,21,2 4 11,12,3
S3 1 1,1,1 1 1,2,1 2 2,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,2,1 2 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,2,1 1 1,1,1
S4 1 1,1,2 2 2,2,2 3 3,2,4 1 1,1,2 2 2,2,2 3 3,1,3 1 1,1,2 2 2,2,2 3 2,1,3
C2 S1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 2 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,2
S2 1 2,2,1 2 4,10,1 2 5,6,2 1 1,2,1 2 3,9,1 2 5,5,2 1 1,2,1 1 3,8,1 2 4,5,2
S3 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1
S4 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1
C3 S1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,2 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1
S2 1 1,2,1 1 3,8,1 2 4,5,1 1 1,1,1 1 3,7,1 2 4,4,1 1 1,1,1 1 2,6,1 2 3,4,1
S3 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1
S4 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1 1 1,1,1

each category D1, D2 and D3. The variants with ecofibre (I4) as a recycling.
thermal insulation material were omitted, because in this case Taking into the account three particular categories of damage,
everywhere TE ¼ 0. In most cases, the ecological payback period the greatest environmental benefits are achieved in category D3 -
occurs already after one year. In the worst case, it occurs after five Resources, and then D1 - Human health. The smallest benefits are in
years, with variants S2-I2 and S2-I3. At the same time, when taking category D2 - Ecosystem quality. In this category for one variant a
into account the single category of damage, in category D1 it may negative value was obtained, that is, the increase in the load on the
even be 13 years (C1-S2-I3), in category D2 - 26 years (C1-S2-I2), and environment as a result of the investment.
in category D3, at most five years. So, having in mind the environ- On the basis of the method proposed in the paper to assess
mental benefits, the worst combination is the use of mineral wool environmental benefits of thermal insulation investments and the
thermal insulation (I2) or polyurethane foam PUR (I3), when used as conducted analyses, it can be recommended which variant of
a heat source of condensing gas boiler (S2). thermal insulation will be optimal ecologically, bearing in mind not
When analysing the results of payback periods (Table 10) it can only the combined benefits or costs (total score of LCA analysis), but
be noted that the payback period for total result of LCA for a ther- also different categories of damage. The proposed method, which
mal insulation investment (grey column) is not an average value of includes a thorough ecological assessment of thermal moderniza-
each category of damage (D1, D2, D3). In some cases it significantly tion investments, may significantly contribute to the realization of
differs from the values of payback periods for different categories of the established pro-effective goals both in present and in future
damage (e.g. variant C1-S2-I2) in each of the three considered since it provides a complex set of information dedicated to the
climate zones. The last section presents the most important con- people interested in the influence on the whole lifecycle of the
clusions resulting from the conducted research. building. This method could become the new element of the con-
struction law, particularly within the aspect of the development of
7. Conclusions the sustainable construction.

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