S 10 Training

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Useful Sites ============ http://www.softpanorama.org/Solaris/certification.shtml http://www.oracle.com/partners/en/knowledge-zone/server-storage/s10-soladmin-exa m-190529.html http://www.itcertkeys.com/shop/product_info.

php/products_id/505 Useful info =========== Duration:140 minutes # of questions: 63 Passing: 66% (informative) Price: ~300$ (informative) Sections (both x86 & SPARC) =========================== Section 1: Install Software --------------------------Explain the Solaris 10 OS installation and upgrade options for CD / DVD, including how to provide Minimal Installations for SPARC, x64, and x86-based sy stems. Perform an OS installation from CD / DVD for SPARC, x64, and x86- based systems. Section 2: Manage File Systems -----------------------------Explain the Solaris 10 OS directory hierarchy, including root subdirecto ries, file components, and file types, and create and remove hard and symbolic l inks. Explain disk architecture including the UFS file system capabilities and naming conventions for devices for SPARC, x64, and x86-based systems. Use the prtconf and format commands to list devices, explain critical is sues of the /etc/path_to_inst file and reconfigure devices by performing a recon figuration boot or using the devfsadm command for SPARC, x64, and x86-based syst ems. Given a scenario, partition a disk correctly using the appropriate files , commands, and options, and manage disk labels using SMI and EFI labels as they relate to disk sets. Explain the Solaris 10 OS file system, including disk-based, distributed , devfs, and memory file systems related to SMF, and create a new UFS file syste m using options for <1Tbyte and > 1Tbyte file systems. Given a scenario, check and resolve Solaris 10 OS file system inconsiste ncies using fsck, and monitor file system usage using the command line (df, du, and quot commands). Perform mounts and unmounts on a Solaris 10 OS file system, and use volu me management to access mounted diskettes and CD-ROMs, restrict access, troubles hoot volume management problems, and explain access methods without volume manag ement. Perform Solaris 10 OS package administration using command-line interfac e commands and manage software patches for the Solaris OS, including preparing f or patch administration, and installing and removing patches using the patchadd and patchrm commands. Section 3: Perform System Boot and Shutdown Procedures for SPARC, x64, and x86-b ased systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Given a scenario, explain boot PROM fundamentals, including OpenBoot Arc

hitecture Standard, boot PROM, NVRAM, POST, Abort Sequence, and displaying POST to serial port for SPARC. Given a scenario, explain the BIOS settings for booting, abort sequence, and displaying POST, including BIOS configuration for x64 and x86-based system. Execute basic boot PROM commands for a SPARC system. Perform system boot and shutdown procedures, including identifying the s ystem's boot device, creating and removing custom device aliases, viewing and ch anging NVRAM parameters, and interrupting an unresponsive system. Explain the Service Management Facility and the phases of the boot proce ss. Describe the purpose, functions and features of the Grand Unified Bootlo ader (GRUB), including how to modify x86 system boot behavior, manage GRUB boot archives, boot a system in the GRUB-based boot environment and interrupt an unre sponsive system. Section 4: Perform User and Security Administration --------------------------------------------------Explain and perform Solaris 10 OS user administration, and manage user a ccounts and initialization files. Section 5: Manage Network Printers and System Processes ------------------------------------------------------Control system processes by viewing the processes, clearing frozen proce sses, and scheduling automatic one-time and recurring execution of commands usin g the command line. Section 6: Perform System Backups and Restores ---------------------------------------------Given a scenario, develop a strategy for scheduled backups, and backup a n unmounted file system using the appropriate commands. Perform Solaris 10 OS file system restores using the appropriate command s, including restoring a regular file system, the /usr file system, the /(root) file system, and performing interactive and incremental restores for SPARC, x64, and x86 based systems. Backup a mounted file system by creating a UFS snapshot and performing a backup of the snapshot file. Restore data from a UFS snapshot and delete the UFS snapshot. Section 7: Describe Network Basics ---------------------------------Describe how install, configure, and patch Solaris systems using jumpsta rt, Live Upgrade, and iSCSI. Section 8: Describe Network Basics ---------------------------------Control and monitor network interfaces including MAC addresses, IP addre sses, network packets, and configure the IPv4 interfaces at boot time. Explain the client-server model and enable/ disable server processes. Section 9: Manage Virtual File Systems and Core Dumps ----------------------------------------------------Implement patch management using Sun Connection Services including the U pdate Manager client, the smpatch command line, and Sun Connection hosted Web ap plication. Section 10: Manage Storage Volumes ---------------------------------Describe the Solaris ZFS file system, create new ZFS pools and file syst ems, modify ZFS file system properties, mount and unmount ZFS file systems, dest roy ZFS pools and file systems, work with ZFS snapshots and Clones, and use ZFS

datasets with Solaris Zones.

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